Cardiff City Council Committees. Wall, C
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GENERAL INFORMATION. 31 CANTON-W. Grey ................. R 1437 _Watch Committee. Chairman, Councillor J· Bell- Harrison ... C 980 R1ochards; Deputy-chairman, Councillor Smith; R.IVERSTDE-J. Stanfield ........ c 930 the Lord Mayor, Aldermen Cha![>rpell, Mo11gan J. Richards ............ R 663 Thomas, and Courtis; Oouncillom Davis, Stan- fielrl, ::\fande1> Seccombe, Lovat-FI'aser, Forsdike, RoATH-J. A. Lovat-Fra.ser ... C 1007 and S. Jenkms. W. Roberts ............... R 993 'Waterworks Committee. Chairman tne Lord GRANGETOWN-J. Mander ...... C 1054 MayOII'; Deput,y-chairman, Councillor ~Seooomhe; A. Sessions... ....... R 841 Aldermen F. J. Beavan and llltyd Thomas; W. Williams ......... Lab 252 Councillors J. Robinson, Mander, Kirk, Good SPLOTT-J. Chappell ... .. ... ... R 1201 Fol'lsdike, C. Reginald Harrison, Sydney Jenkins: J. H. 1'homas ...... Lab 1097 Ames, and Willett. Health and Port Sanitary and Disea.:;es of 1910. NOVEMBER 1sT. Animals Act Committee. Chairman, Councillor J. Robinson; Deputy-chairman, Alderman CENTRAL Robert Hughes .. C unopposed. Edw.ard Thomrus; the Lord Mayor, Alderman PARK Dr. J. Robinson ... C unopposed. Renwick; Councillors D_avis, Smith, Stall!field, GRANGETOWN Dr R T Smith c tln Roberts, Stone, Veall, B1ggs, Wm. Jones, Gl'PIV, • • oJ • • • • op. ::mdl WiUett. --, SouTH J. J. Ames · · · · · · · · C 578 Parliamenta-ry Committee. Chairman, the Tudor Rees · · · · · · · · L 371 Lord Mayor; Deputy-chairman, Councillor Stan- T. Windsor Jacobs · · C 147 field; Aldermen Trounce, F. J. Beavan Edward CATHAYS A. Good .......... R 1442 Thomas, Illtyd Thomas, Lewis M?"rgan, Cha~pell, F. W. Blower ...... C 815 Morg;m Thomas, and CourtiS; CounCillors Riehlrds, Vivian, Lovat-Fra.ser, Forsdike, and ADAMSDOWN F. G. L. Davis. C 747 0. R. Harri•son. D. Lewis . ......... R 466 Free Libraries Committee. Chairman, Alder- CANTON J. T. Richards. R 1257 man Trom1ce; Deputy-chairman, Mr. W. Ronn W. B. Francis ... C 1180 feldt; the Lord 1Mayor and Alderman E. Thomas; Councillors Davis, '\Villiam Jenkins, Thomp.son, RIVERSIDE C. F. Sanders ... R 915 F. J. Veall ....... C 854 Good, Lovat-Fraser, Sydney Jenkins William JoneiS, Ames, Dash, Pethybridge, and ·Willett. RoATH W. J. Trounce ...... C 1217 Honorary Members, Mr. W. Ronnfeldt, Rev. W. Roberts ........ R 717 W. E. Winks, Mr. R. W. Atkin.son, Pmfess'Or SPLOTT Fredk. Dash. R 976 Littledale, Mr. E. Owen, Professor Powel, G. F. W illett . ..... C 894 Mr. W. T. Symonds, Rev. Father van den He-uvel, Mr. W. P. James, Mr. lsaac Samuel, NovEMBER 22ND BYE-ELECTIONS TO FILL Mr. Arthur Mee, and Mr. ~i\. Sessions. VACANCIES CAUSED BY ELECTION OF Parks, Open Spaces, and Burial Board Corn- ALDERMEN. · mit_tre. Chairman, Alderman Ghappell; Deputy chairman, Councillor Good; the Lord Mayor CENTRAL A. J. Stone .. C unopposed Councillors Mander, Roiberts, IStone, Wall wm: Jones, Biggs, Grey, and ·Willett. ' PARK W. H. Pethybridge. R 1503 J. B. Ferrier . ..... C 1150 Small Holdings nud Allntments Committee.- The same Memlwrs ns the Pm·J,s and Open Spaces RoATH W. Roberts ........ R 883 Committee. Chairman, Alderman Cha:ppell; J. A. Jones ..... Ind. 806 Deputy-ch1rirman, Coundllor Wall. SPLOTT G. F. Willett. C 986 Electrical and Lighting and Tramways Com Tudor Rees . ....... R 850 m~ttee. Cha~rman, Alderman Carey; Depu.ty J. Griffiths . ..... Ind. 189 mittee. Chairman, Alderman Courtis; Depucy A. J. Atwell .... Lab. 28 ch~irman, Councillor Vivian; the ~rd Mayor, Alderman Illtyd Thomas ; Councillors Smith Mander, Stone, William Jenkins, Sec<!ombe' Cardiff City Council Committees. Wall, C. Reginald Harrison, Turnbull, Grey, and na~-h. General Purposes Committee. Chairman, the Visiting Committee (~Jental Hospital). Chair- Lord Mayc-r. Consists of the entire oounoil. man, Counci~lor Morgan Thomas; Deputy-chair- Finance Committee. Chairman, Alderman F. man, Councillor Sanders; the L?rd Mayor, J. Beav.:m; Depurty-chairnfan, Alderman C. H. Alder~en F. J .. Beavan a~d Lewm Mor~an; Bird (the I~ord Mayor), Aldermen llltyd Thomas, C~u~clllors Rohm.son, Smith, Wall, Biggs, Lt?Jwit> Morgan, and W. H. Renwick; Councillors \V~lham Jone3, Grey, Ame.s, D.ash, and Pethy Courtis, Stanfield. Vivian BeccomJbe Sandei'3, hrldge. KiTk, '.rurn~b::ll, ard. Collms'. ' E<;Iuootion Commit.tee.-Chairman, Alderman Property, Markets, &c., Committee. Chair- ILow1s Morgan; Depu~-chairm'<ln, Councillor man, Councillor Kirk; D6jputy Chairman Coun- LGvat-Frasm-; the Lord Mayor, Aldermen cill01; William Jone.s; the Lord Mayor, Aidermen Trounce, F. J. Beavan, Edward ~omas, J. Lewt'! Morgan .and Renwiek; Councillors William \ha.ppell, M;organ Tho~a.s, a~d Courhs; Coun~ Jenkins, Sanders, Good, Biggs, CoUins, Grey, Cillo:rs Robmson, DaviS, R1«?hards,. Stanfield, Ames, Dash, and Pethybridge. Stone, . Thompson,_ Sander~, K1rk, B~ggs, Tum- Publio Works Committee. Chairman, Coun- huJl,. ·~hdney Jenklns, Colhns, aru;I "\Yillett ;_ Mrs. cillor John l\fander; Deputy-chairman, Councillo-r C.anhllon, MTs. ~ster Jones, Prmc1pal Gnffiths, W. Jenkins; tl1e Lord Mayor, Aldermen Edward Mr. T. Hurry Riches, and Mr. J. J. Neale. Thomas and Chwppell; C'Ouncillol"IS Richardls, ~Iuseum Committ-ee. Chairman, Alderman Smith, Robe-rt.s, Soocombe, Sanders, Turn bull, Illtyd Thoma.s; Deputy-chairman, Alderman &en- Wall, Collins, and Willett. wick; the I~ord Mayor, Alderman Trounce, Coun • .