The Rocky Mountain Collegian MARCH 21ST
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YE! HEAR HEAR YE! HEY! HEY! HEY! CHI ALPHA ALPHA BIG FARMER CADET EDITION The Rocky Mountain Collegian MARCH 21ST Published by the Associated Students of the C VOLUME mix 24 FORT COLLINS COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19. 1930 NUMBER —W^—W— AGGIE STUDENTS RAISE IS WHAT’S WRONG AND WHERE? BOYAJIAN AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP AVERAGE MEDAL IN ENGINEERING Kapra Alpha Theta Leads Sororities and Alpha Gamma Is Chosen As Outstanding Senior Engineer by Council Rho Tops the Fraternities. Sorority Average Is of Colorado Engineers. Honorable Mention To Higher Than Non-Sorority Average Carl Hoffman and Roscoe Lancaster lan of in the whole Generally higher scholarship aver- - Fraternity men . .97 An Armenian, Bedroa Boyaj t highest grades college. hi* he han the ages were made by most of theb Non-Fraternity men .98 l laryne, Turkey, was awarded the Until senior year kept at Commoner's Club 1.50 medal for the until his constajit efforts groupf of students the Colorado a ........ being outstanding Ag- f. good work, student the crowned with the unusual honor Agricultural College during the first f Valkjrrfp |.|| tie Senior engineering by i were semester of the 1929-30 school year r Sororities: Council of Colorado Engineers at the 1 bestowed upon him by the Colorado In than during the corresponding sem- - Kappa Alpha Theta 1 80 second annual engineers’ day held at 1 Engineers' Association. speaking I>clla the Colorado Sat- before of students ester a year ago. Delia Delta 1.4 3 ! Agricultural College a group college Carl Hoffman of Pete made state- Young women students outranked i Beta iMi i Alpha l.ti urday afternoon. i once this significant students in scholarship again i Gamma Phi Beta 1.30 Cheyenne.. Wyoming and Roscoe Lan- i ment. "The only reason why wo Ar- men .. secure success in our this last semester as they have forr Kappa Della 1.12 caster of Fort Collins, received hon- ; menian students several semesters, according to 3. J. Fraternities: orahle mention. The three outatand- i school work is the fact that when we students be- here know what McCracken, college registrar. Soror- - Alpha Gamma Rho 1.34 ing engineering appeared < come we exactly we Phi Tau fore committee in Denver two weeks and this definite goal ity girls have somewhat higher aver- - Kappa *.. 1.20 a want, having chosen for the strive for ages than their non-sorority sisters, , Sigma Chi a.. 1.05 ago. Boyajian was we it.’’ award. while non-fraternity men just barely / Alpha Tau Omoga 1.00 I Pete's life has been one long eerles Lambda Chi or "Pete'* came to this top fraternity men in scholarship. Alpha .94 Boyajian, of extraordinary experiences. In 11>- Sigma Alpha Epsilon 94 institution four years ago. During <*» the Turks massacred his parents, Kappa Alpha Theta leads the sor- Sigma Phi Epsilon 92 I his freshman year he received the hometown while he mir- orities and, in faet, every student burnt hts was * Sigma Nu .78 and taken into the In aculously saved group on the campus, scholarship, Theta •IPhi Delta - .62 world I < rarman orphanage. During the while the Commoner's Cluf, a group). I “Pop” Concert War he became an orderly to a Ger- of meo ranks second among all »««iv*d Will Be Held man officer and finally as an groups, and Delta Delta Delta third Debators also Aggie interpreter tor the Turkish and the The Delta Delta Delta sorority is j Tomorrow in Mamure, with Night German army Turkey. second In tha list of sororities, Will Face Many Beta Phi Alpha, Gamma Phi Beta and After the war he was sent to the Delta third, fourth and fifth Excellent Program Will Consist Of Kappa Schools On Tour American Mission school In Tarda, Semi-Classical and re Classical, pectively. In 1922 he had to escape to Smyrna to Popular Music - Clark Lane and Earl Balis Will Gee death In the hands of the ber- Alpha Gamma Rho leads the fra- Here he entered the the with On barlous Turks. ternities in scholarship race, i i: Represent Aggies Long The “Pop” Concert, one of the most International another Mis- second and Tour Eastward College, Thi Kappa Tau Sigma popular attractions of the year, will school, and after nine months, The others, In the order sion Chi third- Social Science Students Vote Hilarious Time he presented Thursday night at the with the evacuation of the city by the of their grade are Alpha The “Pop" averages, Clark Lane and Earl Balia will college auditorium. con- Greek Armies, he fled to Salmonlea, Tau lambda Chi Alpha, Slg Frosh Is Assured At cert Is given each to the Omega, represent Aggies in debate* with Association Has To Abandon year prior Greece to escape death once again. I’hi Epsi- of the band and the funds nt Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Missouri. Kansas and lowa schools spring tour Farmer Cadet Soon after his arrival here, he waa lon. Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta. Class to and with Pi Kappa Delta, national Large Meeting Soph Scrap are used help finance the trip. admitted to the American Farm second of last For the semester forensic fraternity members, during An excellent, program has been pro- ( school and within he Delta first class a year graduated year Delta Delta ranked will Favor Convention The ecrap, so long an Aggie Will Be This Friday, March 21. vided this year of classical, a tour which they make from Most Speakers consisting and exceptsd a teaching position In in scholarship average among Colorado tradition. Is a thing of tha past Music Will Be Furnished semi-classical and music with sorori-. March 24 to April fourth. For the ' by popular Revising the Near East Relief at Theta second The voted in the student “The Revelers” Orchestra Orphanage ties with Kappa Alpha Constitution ■ upperclasses the added attraction of several nov- Greece. Here he both the frater- Mr. and Mr. Balls oho 1 held March Syra, was a Alpha Gamma Rho headed Lane were body meeting Monday, elty numbers. The program In full over because of their ■ abolish the annual freshman- "Farmer in the dell, farmer in the teacher and a father to 250 boys Jlst for that semeeter, with Sig- en long experlen- < 17, to | consists of the numbers as are nity About and same one hundred fifty peo- from 12 to 15 in and their ability. They will debate and to substitute ; dell.” This song was all very well ranging years age. ma Phi Epsilon second. sophomore scrap presented on the tour. attended the meeting of the so- Lib- ple Children, but Pete served these boys with the best with William Jewel College at some other form of activity for it. I; when we were now we This concert, to Dr. science met in according Jones, the t( mark- cial association which ; their hearts Under college system March 24. The The freshman class voted the I need torrid dance music that warms In him, and stamped in erty, Missouri on on the manager, is entirely Denver. March 15. These separate scholarship average of 3 is | Saturday, toward the great ing. a following day they will meet Culver- question at their assembly Tuesday the blood. a growing gratitude from the lyceum course and the act- of A i people represented twenty-three col- j equal to an average grade (93- Canton. Mi- However, with rhythmic work of the Near Blast Relief so Stockton college at - along tickets not The band 41 women’s the close ivity are good. of 2 is lieges. organisations, The facts that the supsrvls- the American 100), ensellent; an average • ouri. 1 haunting melodies, we enjoy the re- generously supported by gives another concert, later in the ( 1 chamber of commerce, the Colorado | of the has not done to B (83-92). good, an i ton past years and freedom afforded Public. equal aver-j l taxation by cos- school which the , the and year is concluding C (77-841, the On March 2 6 are scheduled association, Bar association away with casualties; that because age of 1 is equal to j they fumes. number on the course and for which United States to contest with lowa Wesleyan, Mount eight farm organizations. of repeated cutting of the scrap to Pete came to the in lowest satisfactory grade; an average I At the Farmer Cadet. March 21, no charge is made to the holder of lowa and Kansas Aggies make it lees dangerous, it is now 1926. His experiences here constitute of 0 is equal to D (70-76), or | Pleasant. both of these offer- pase-; 1 Most of the speakers were in favor, requirements are tickets. activity another In hla life one-half Manhattan will be their oppon- very short and of little interest; and Interesting chapter ing; an average of minus is;|at convention for ed. Music "The Revelers" can of holding a revising as only Thy concert attended 28. that the in pop is always He relates some of the first E (10-89). condition or ents on March tendency other schools story. equal to a the Colorado constitution. Bramball, play it, with Windy and Cubby going by a large number of townspeople as in New of minus From Manhattan Mr. Laue and Is to do away with class fights, were impressions and experiences incomplete, and an average and in the garb of Rogers, Senator Toll. Ex-governor strong, well the student body, the Mr. Balia to to Wichita. argument# for the sbo- as program York City with a great deal of humor, F (59 and below), or plan go presented as 1 Is equal to Sweet, I,*\arh of the Rocky Mountain farmers and farmerette will be ready Pi always being enjoyed by all.