12 JANUARY 14, 2016













MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016


2 Mr. Hugo Chaviano, Director

3 Ms. Patty Sullivan, Chairwoman

4 Mr. Bill Sparks, Member

5 Ms. Linda Givand Rhodes, Member

6 Mr. Joe Redshaw, Member

7 Mr. Marvin Perzee, Member

8 Mr. Angelo Mazzenga, Member (by phone)



11 Ms. Helen J. Kim, General Counsel














MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 3 1 (Meeting began at 3:56 P.M.)


3 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: Good afternoon,

4 everyone. Wonderful, wonderful turnout. I guess

5 we're blessed with a beautiful day today. I

6 think it was about six degrees when I woke up in

7 Chicago yesterday. So this is quite a change of

8 weather. So I guess it kind of inspires me to

9 maybe move down to Springfield full time.

10 But this is my first board meeting in

11 Springfield. I attended the first meeting in

12 Chicago last July, I believe, we did it.

13 In any event, my name is Hugo

14 Chaviano. I'm the new director of the Department

15 of Labor. I actually just commemorated my first

16 anniversary since being named by the governor to

17 serve in this capacity, and this is one of the

18 boards that by statute I am charged with, you

19 know, being a part of, and it's really one of the

20 boards that I enjoy the most because your

21 industry really represents fun not only for our

22 children but also for adults.

23 And I have had a little bit of a

24 taste of that, having gone to one of the

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 4 1 inspections with one of my team members to Great

2 America and being treated to some of the rides

3 there. So I'm very open to being invited to one

4 of your carnivals, certainly when the weather

5 obviously gets better.

6 But in any event, I know that all of

7 you have great concerns for safety in your

8 industry, and that speaks very highly of you not

9 only by making the statements and support that

10 you give it but actually by being here in person.

11 So without further ado, I would like

12 to introduce our new chairman. Thank you.


14 everyone. I'm Patty Sullivan with Eli Bridge

15 Company, and I'm your chair this year.

16 I'd like to send this all the way

17 down the line so everybody gets a chance to

18 introduce themselves to you. We are your board

19 members, and we're here to work for the safety of

20 your businesses and for the safety of your

21 customers so that we can all work together and

22 make Illinois a safer place to live and work.

23 So, Bill, would you --

24 MR. SPARKS: Bill Sparks, American

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 5 1 Banner Amusements.

2 MR. REDSHAW: I'm Joe Redshaw,

3 Redshaw Insurance Agency in Rushville -- big city

4 of Rushville, Illinois

5 MR. PERZEE: I'm Marvin Perzee from

6 Iroquois County, and I'm with the county .


8 I'll call the meeting to order, and let me say

9 that it is nice to see everybody out here, and we

10 appreciate the director being here with us and

11 showing such an interest in our particular board.

12 Without further ado, we have an

13 agenda in front of all the board members, and if

14 anybody has any additions that they would like to

15 make to the agenda, now is the time. Otherwise,

16 I would entertain a motion to approve the agenda

17 as presented.

18 MR. SPARKS: I make a motion.


20 made by Bill.

21 Do I have a second?

22 MR. REDSHAW: Second.


24 Redshaw.

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 6 1 Those in favor?

2 (Voice vote was taken.)


4 (No response.)


6 (No response.)


8 we will move forward with this agenda.

9 The next thing we have is approval of

10 minutes and -- which is going to be kind of a

11 tough thing because we just received the minutes,

12 and I don't know if everybody has had a chance to

13 look through them yet.

14 Would it be okay if I tabled this

15 till maybe the next meeting so we'll have a

16 chance to read through them first?

17 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: You're the chair.



20 wondering: Should we introduce whomever's on the

21 phone?


23 It's Angelo on the phone, isn't it?

24 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: I don't know.

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 7 1 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Angelo, would

2 you like to introduce yourself?

3 MR. MAZZENGA: Yes. I'm Angelo

4 Mazzenga, and I'm the engineer member, and I'm

5 calling in from work in Alexandria, Virginia.

6 COURT REPORTER: I can't hear him.

7 Calling in from where?

8 MR. MAZZENGA: Thank you, Patty.


10 you.

11 That was Angelo Mazzenga, and he is

12 at work in Alexandria, Virginia, calling in, and

13 he is our engineering member of the board or

14 engineer member of the board.


16 would just add that, you know, for purposes of

17 record keeping, that we do have a quorum at this

18 time for the meeting.


20 So unless -- has anybody had a chance

21 to go through the minutes that you would feel

22 comfortable making a motion?

23 (No response.)


MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 8 1 would like to table approving the minutes till

2 perhaps the next meeting so that everybody has a

3 chance to read them first.

4 We have some old business, and that

5 is rider safety/responsibility language, and I

6 need to pass out the re-revised version of them.

7 It's two pages.

8 So what we have done at this point is

9 we have revised the -- what was submitted last

10 year, and I would like for us to read them very

11 carefully here and then either vote to approve to

12 go forward with these or discuss what we would

13 want to change to be able to go forward with them

14 and have them added in to our regulations.

15 If you'd like, I'll just read through

16 them so the audience can all hear what -- what is

17 involved in them. I've got a few extra copies if

18 somebody would like to come up and pass a few

19 out. Anybody? There's two pages.

20 The first thing is just an addition

21 to definitions, and it's a definition of

22 "intoxicated" which "means a person is under the

23 influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or

24 any substance having the property of releasing

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 9 1 toxic vapors to a degree that a person may

2 endanger himself or another in a public place or

3 in a private place where he unreasonably disturbs

4 other persons."

5 And then the next section is the

6 Rider Safety Section. "An ,

7 carnival, and family entertainment center shall

8 inform riders in writing, where appropriate, of

9 the nature of the ride, including factors which

10 would assist riders in determining whether they

11 should participate in the ride activity and the

12 rules concerning conduct on each ride.

13 Information concerning the rules of conduct may

14 be given verbally at the beginning of each ride

15 segment or posted in writing conspicuously at the

16 entrance to each ride.

17 "Riders are responsible for obeying

18 the posted rules and verbal instructions of the

19 amusement ride operator.

20 "A rider may not board or dismount

21 from an amusement ride except at a designated

22 area; board an amusement ride if he or she has a

23 physical condition that maybe aggravated by

24 participation on the ride; disconnect, disable,

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 10 1 or attempt to disconnect or disable any safety

2 device, seat belt, harness, or other restraining

3 device before, during, or after movement of the

4 amusement ride has started except at the express

5 instruction of the operator; throw or expel any

6 object from an amusement ride; act in my manner

7 contrary to the posted or oral rules while

8 boarding, riding, or dismounting from an

9 amusement ride; or engage in any reckless act or

10 activity which may injure himself or others.

11 "A rider may not board or attempt to

12 board any amusement ride if he is intoxicated.

13 "An operator of an amusement park,

14 carnival, or FEC ride may prevent a rider who is

15 perceptibly or apparently intoxicated from

16 boarding an amusement ride.

17 "An operator who prevents a rider

18 from boarding an amusement ride under this

19 section is not criminally or civilly liable if

20 the operator reasonably believes that the rider

21 is intoxicated.

22 "An amusement park, carnival, or

23 family entertainment center shall post signs and

24 notices in conspicuous locations throughout the

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 11 1 venue, informing riders of the importance of

2 reporting all injuries sustained on amusement

3 park, carnival, and FEC premises. The signs

4 shall contain the location where any injuries may

5 be reported.

6 "A rider or the parent or guardian of

7 a minor rider on the minor's behalf may report in

8 writing to the amusement facility or its

9 designated agent any injury sustained on an

10 amusement ride before leaving the amusement

11 facility premises unless the rider or parent or

12 guardian of a minor rider is unable to file a

13 report because of the severity of the injuries to

14 the rider.

15 "The report shall be filed as soon as

16 reasonably possible and include the name,

17 address, and phone number of the injured person;

18 if the injured person is a minor, the name,

19 address, and phone number of the parent or

20 guardian filing the report; a brief description

21 of the incident causing the injury, including the

22 location, date, and time of the injury; a

23 description of the injury, including the cause if

24 known; and the name, address, and phone number of

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 12 1 any known witnesses to the incident.

2 "The actions of any rider of

3 sufficient age and knowledge to assume the

4 inherent risks of an amusement ride who violates

5 the provisions of Subsections 3, 4, or 5 may be

6 considered by the court in a civil action brought

7 by a rider against the amusement park, carnival,

8 and FEC's operator for injuries sustained while

9 at the amusement park, carnival, and FECs for the

10 purpose of allocating fault between the parties."

11 The end.

12 So I know that's a lot to take in.

13 Does anybody on the board have comments or

14 questions or -- this was passed out in basically

15 this form last year. A few things have been

16 deleted and changed, and I would certainly

17 entertain questions and comments.

18 MS. KIM: I guess what is the -- do

19 you intend on -- is this a recommendation that

20 the board is making -- that the department adopt

21 these rules?


23 MS. KIM: Okay. So it's just a

24 recommendation.

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016


2 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: And that was our

3 general counsel, Helen Kim.



6 MR. SPARKS: I'm good with it.

7 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: Is anybody going

8 to --

9 In a prior life I was a lawyer --

10 defense lawyer, actually -- representing large

11 companies and manufacturers in personal injury

12 litigation.

13 I think that something like this may

14 have some issues from a legal standpoint in terms

15 of enforceability because, you know, there would

16 already be law in Illinois that would address,

17 you know, comparative negligence, assumption of

18 the risk, and those types of issues.

19 But I'm not here to delve from that

20 standpoint. I'm just kind of raising that as a

21 potential issue with something like this.


23 And I know that this still has to go

24 through the JCAR and quite a few more steps

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 14 1 before it would become part of our regulations,

2 and we would be happy to have a legal opinion on

3 if -- especially if the last -- if 8 -- No. 8 in

4 here is not something that you think would --

5 would be able to be acceptable in Illinois

6 because of other laws already on the books, then

7 I'd be happy to talk about it. We can -- we can

8 mark it out, change it, do whatever we need to

9 do.

10 This is -- this is mostly to have

11 the -- have operators try to give the heads-up to

12 all riders and their parents where that is a

13 factor of what -- you know, what does the ride

14 do. Of course, we always encourage riders to

15 watch a ride before they get on, but also that,

16 just like there are rules of the road, there are

17 rules of the ride. There are rules on planes for

18 what you can -- may and may not do, and the rules

19 of the rides are important. This isn't a, if I

20 may use the term, "magical kingdom" where nothing

21 bad can happen to you. The laws of physics still

22 apply when you're on a carnival or park ride, and

23 this is to help the parents and riders -- parents

24 of minor children and other riders understand

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 15 1 what will help them have a -- have a happy

2 experience and to avoid things that won't.


4 just say -- and, again, I'm not, you know,

5 weighing on the merits of something like this. I

6 mean, you know, people like me who have raised

7 three boys get it. So it's not that the issue --

8 but I think, just from a -- from an industry

9 standpoint, it may be helpful -- especially if

10 this is something important, you know, for the

11 industry that's present, you know, the

12 manufacturers or whatever -- that rather than

13 just be a proposal in this kind of written form,

14 if you would have, you know, a legal opinion

15 supporting why something like this, you know,

16 would not, you know, be an issue or should not be

17 an issue, that would probably, you know, go a

18 long way towards helping those that need to

19 analyze this in another light for, you know,

20 adopting it or whatever.


22 thank you. We're always looking for experts to

23 help us out.

24 Well, so that we can go forward

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 16 1 starting with this document, I would -- I guess

2 we really need a motion to accept the concept of

3 moving forward with this and making whatever

4 changes we need to make to keep the -- keep it

5 within the legal requirements of our -- yeah, the

6 legal requirements of our state and that will be

7 within the acceptance of our boards like the JCAR

8 committee and have everyone happy with the way it

9 reads.

10 So we're not -- we're not making a

11 motion to approve this exactly the way it is but

12 to approve moving forward with it to, as the

13 Director recommended, getting a legal opinion and

14 providing that with it and perhaps having another

15 meeting sometime during the summer to move on

16 forward with this and other things that will

17 probably come up later in this meeting.

18 MR. SPARKS: I'll make that motion.

19 COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry. I need

20 to hear you.

21 MR. SPARKS: I said I'll make a

22 motion.


24 second?

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 17 1 MR. PERZEE: I'll second it.


3 Marvin Perzee.

4 Any discussion?

5 (No response.)

6 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Those in favor?

7 (Voice vote taken.)



10 Those opposed?

11 (No response.)


13 abstention.

14 Okay. Thank you.

15 Then we will move forward with making

16 that into a document that we feel comfortable in

17 presenting to the state to become part of our

18 regulations.

19 The next thing is the anti-waiver

20 clause, and I believe that was submitted at the

21 last meeting, and I don't know -- is there a copy

22 of that in here? Let's look at the minutes and

23 see if maybe it was put in at the end. I don't

24 see it there. Okay. No, I don't -- I don't see

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 18 1 anything in here that we can refer to.

2 But I know it was a comment that

3 wanted -- that Dan wanted to be added in to our

4 regulations to prevent anyone from -- or any

5 entity from having a customer sign a waiver

6 clause, and I think we need to go ahead and act

7 on whether we go forward with that too.

8 I guess the one thing that I see as a

9 problem with that is the ski industry is already

10 part of what our board is responsible for, and

11 the ski industry already has the ability to have

12 their skiers sign waivers. If they as much as go

13 on -- out on the mountain, they have appreciably

14 waived their rights because they're responsible

15 to ski in a safe manner and within their

16 capabilities.

17 So as far as adding an anti-waiver

18 clause to our particular regulations, I would

19 think that would be something that couldn't fly

20 because we already have laws to the contrary.

21 Are there any other comments or

22 questions on that?

23 (No response.)

24 MS. KIM: I'm sorry. Could you

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 19 1 repeat that? Not the -- just the last of the --


3 would like us to go ahead and move forward

4 whether we want to follow through looking into

5 this further or not because my concern is that

6 the ski industry, who is part of our purview on

7 this board --

8 MS. KIM: So you want to see if you

9 can -- you want to take a vote on whether or not

10 you want to move forward to look into the

11 discussion.


13 MS. KIM: Okay.


15 Would anybody be willing to make a

16 motion to -- to say, "Yes, we would like to

17 pursue this;" or, "No, we would not like to

18 pursue this for our board to consider"?

19 (No response.)

20 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Nobody's saying

21 anything.

22 Well, I don't know, then, Robert's

23 Rules-wise. Can -- can a chair make a motion?

24 MS. KIM: No.

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 20 1 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Okay. I didn't

2 think so. Okay.

3 Well, then, I --

4 MR. PERZEE: Is what you're wanting

5 to do is to look into this a little further?


7 want to do is have us decide, (a), do we want to

8 look into it; or, (b), do we want to basically

9 throw it out because it is contrary to laws that

10 are already in place.

11 So I'm looking for a motion for one

12 of those.

13 (Ms. Rhodes arrived.)


15 another board member with us.

16 MS. RHODES: Hello. I'm sorry that

17 I'm late.


19 MS. RHODES: Coming from another

20 meeting.


22 Rhodes.

23 So, Marvin, were you getting ready to

24 make a motion?

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 21 1 MR. PERZEE: I don't know if I'm

2 getting ready to make a motion but --


4 microphone, please.

5 MR. PERZEE: If the laws are already

6 on the books that says that this isn't

7 applicable, then shouldn't we stop here with it?

8 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Well, that's my

9 thought, but this was brought up to the board,

10 and I think we need to make a decision to not --

11 not pursue it further if -- for that reason

12 unless someone wants to.

13 MR. PERZEE: I would make that

14 motion.


16 pursue this particular -- an anti-waiver clause?

17 Right? Okay.

18 COURT REPORTER: I need a verbal

19 answer, please.

20 MR. PERZEE: Yes.

21 COURT REPORTER: Thank you.


23 second?

24 MR. SPARKS: I'll second it.

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 22 1 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Seconded by

2 Bill.

3 Now, is there any other discussion?

4 (No response.)


6 call for a vote.

7 Those in favor say "Aye."

8 (Voice vote taken.)


10 No?

11 (No response.)


13 MS. RHODES: I abstain.


15 abstaining.

16 MS. RHODES: Just got here.


18 Two abstentions. Okay.

19 Then there were five ayes, two

20 abstentions.

21 Then the motion passes, and we will

22 not pursue the anti-waiver clause.

23 For new business, we are ready to

24 have our division manager report, and Bill

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 23 1 Szerletich is going to give that report because

2 Ryan is no longer with our agency.

3 COURT REPORTER: Bill, I need you to

4 spell your last name for me, please.

5 MR. SZERLETICH: S-z-e-r-l-e-t-i-c-h.

6 Okay. Thank you very much. For you

7 people that don't know who I am, I'm Bill

8 Szerletich, and I'm the central Illinois

9 inspector, and I'm going to call out our other

10 inspectors. Since I'm up here, they're going to

11 stand up too.

12 Margaret Royer from Chicago is our

13 senior inspector back there. They're all back

14 there.

15 (Applause.)

16 MR. SZERLETICH: Matt Rohman is the

17 northwest territory inspector.

18 (Applause.)

19 MR. SZERLETICH: Brian Brown is our

20 south -- southern Illinois inspector.

21 (Applause.)

22 MR. SZERLETICH: And Pete Tomczuk is

23 our Chicago inspector, our newest inspector.

24 (Applause.)

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 24 1 MR. SZERLETICH: Pete actually had

2 his first full year on his own and did very well.

3 So what I want to do is go over some

4 stats for the amusement ride division, and we

5 actually had -- well, first, we'll go over the

6 statistics. We'll go over accident report,

7 safety bulletins, and department updates.

8 We had an uptick in inspections, for

9 sure, with Pete coming on.

10 The show dates, a little less. As

11 you can see, in 2015 we did 1,430 show dates.

12 1,183 follow-up inspections. That's

13 up about 120 inspections from last year.

14 4,230 inspections issued total, and

15 that's up about 440.

16 672 total locations, and 398 total

17 companies. 50 more locations, and about 50 more

18 companies than last year.

19 Our accident report this year, we

20 had -- or I'm sorry -- last year. In 2015 we had

21 21 accidents. That's down from 2014 but still

22 kind of up where we don't really want to see

23 them.

24 Out of those 21 accidents, 17 of them

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 25 1 were non-mechanical, 4 of them were mechanical.

2 And I think what I'll do is just

3 summarize this a little bit.

4 8 of these non-mechanical incidents

5 were actually, as you can see, simulators from

6 two different companies. You take that away,

7 that significantly reduces it.

8 We had a non-mechanical incident on a

9 train that ran into an elevator at the mall.

10 We had a mechanical injury cause some

11 back pain.

12 A non-mechanical where someone had a

13 seizure.

14 Another non-mechanical, laceration on

15 forehead.

16 Mechanical on a coaster that caused

17 two people to get injured. One was a pain in

18 their thigh, and the other one was a pain in

19 their rib.

20 We did have one fatality this year --

21 last year. I'm sorry. It was a non-mechanical

22 on Pharoah's Fury. As you can see, the

23 individual entered underneath the ride while the

24 ride was in motion and was struck.

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 26 1 We had another non-mechanical where a

2 patron fell, hit the side of the platform, and

3 cut their lip.

4 Another that was a laceration on the

5 head.

6 Another non-mechanical that was a

7 fracture and dislocation of their -- a bone in

8 their neck.

9 And then a mechanical, laceration on

10 the forehead.

11 A haunted house that had a wall

12 partition tip over. We're not sure where the

13 injury was.

14 And, finally, another non-mechanical

15 that was an inflatable, elbow fracture.

16 And that takes care of the accidents.

17 Like I said, 17 were non-mechanical, 4 of them

18 were mechanical. And that's the breakdown of the

19 accident reports by year.

20 MS. RHODES: Quick question for the

21 chair. If there are questions from the board

22 about the accident report, did you want that to

23 be after he's finished?

24 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: I would ask --

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Page 27 1 as far as the accidents go, I would ask about

2 them now while we're -- I would ask them about

3 them now while we've just gone through them so

4 you don't forget.

5 MS. RHODES: Thank you, Patty.

6 The question I just have is if

7 there's any additional information you're able to

8 share on the fatality.

9 MR. SZERLETICH: Actually, one of our

10 inspectors that was the first one on the scene

11 may be able to speak to that.

12 Pete, could you help her out?

13 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Would you stand

14 up, please.

15 COURT REPORTER: And maybe get the

16 microphone.

17 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: Yeah, there's a

18 microphone coming.

19 COURT REPORTER: And your name?

20 MR. TOMCZUK: My name is Peter

21 Tomczuk.

22 What I can tell you is that we were

23 advised it's under legal matters. There hasn't

24 be been anything set forth yet. I can tell you

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Page 28 1 what I did, how the company responded, but I

2 can't go into any further.

3 We were advised that a ride was

4 called. Margaret, the senior inspector, was

5 called. We both showed up at the scene.

6 The company advised us that there was

7 a fatality within seconds of it happening. I

8 returned back to the scene itself, did an

9 investigation, worked with Naperville police,

10 DuPage County coroner's office. And then we were

11 advised -- Ryan advised us to not speak to

12 anybody, and then legal -- you know, legal office

13 took over, and that's as far as we can go.

14 MS. RHODES: Thank you.

15 MR. TOMCZUK: Thank you.

16 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: In other words,

17 we --

18 COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry?


20 other words, I guess at this time there isn't

21 other information that we can get.

22 The customer ran under it then or --

23 but I didn't understand --

24 MR. SZERLETICH: We may have

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Page 29 1 something that I might be able to find. I would

2 have to --


4 MR.SZERLETICH: -- look and see.

5 Yeah. I'm not sure where it was left off.


7 MR. SZERLETICH: Because I think Ryan

8 and Pete, I'm assuming, did the report on it?


10 MR. SZERLETICH: But it was my

11 understanding that he went into an area of the

12 ride where he shouldn't have been while the ride

13 was in motion, was struck, and outside of that, I

14 don't know. I'll have to look and see what I can

15 get for you.

16 MS. RHODES: Patty, thanks for

17 letting me ask.


19 MS. RHODES: And I appreciate the

20 addit -- any additional information you're able

21 to share with us in case there are some learnings

22 we can take into account based on why we're here.

23 We can't control everything, but if there's

24 something that we can influence, that we can

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Page 30 1 capture those learnings and see what we can do,

2 if anything.


4 the next one.

5 MS. RHODES: Correct.

6 MR. SZERLETICH: Well, I'll certainly

7 look for it and see where we're at with it.


9 MR. SZERLETICH: So moving on to the

10 safety bulletins for 2015, we have, I think,

11 about six of them.

12 Mainly, the Wisdom ,

13 Starship, Alien Abduction, Centrifuge. You guys

14 have probably all seen the bulletin on the trap

15 door where the manufacturer's requiring it to be

16 locked, bolted, or welded shut. And then they

17 came out in April with another alternative, and

18 that's installing a microswitch to the trap door.

19 And nothing has changed from that point. I had

20 heard some, you know, talkings about maybe the

21 manufacturer changing their mind again, but we

22 haven't seen nothing.

23 The next thing is the Family

24 Coaster. They had cracking on the T-bars for the

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Page 31 1 rides that have been in service for little over

2 15 years. They want those to be NDT'd. I think

3 it's mag particle that they're requesting. It's

4 an inspection -- mag particle inspection.

5 Fabbri has the Sky Tower. I don't

6 know of anybody that has a Fabbri Sky Tower, but

7 the Sky Tower installation -- they want to have a

8 catching device installed on it as a safety

9 backup for a cable failure, and then an

10 engineering study to be done on it every year.

11 And Fabbri, from what I understand,

12 is out of business.


14 MR. SPARKS: I didn't know that.

15 MR. SZERLETICH: Couple --


17 when they supposedly went out of business?

18 MR. SZERLETICH: No. This particular

19 bulletin talked about that.


21 MR. SZERLETICH: And it didn't really

22 say when. It just said that they are currently

23 out of business, and the owners of the ride

24 basically are taking responsibility as a

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Page 32 1 manufacturer for the ride.


3 you.


5 by way of adding on to the question regarding

6 this unfortunate incident, I was just provided

7 with a Chicago Tribune article where it talks

8 about the death being ruled a suicide, and this

9 is what the newsflash dated August 18, 2015,

10 says: "The death of a man on the opening day of

11 Naperville's annual Ribfest celebration over the

12 4th of July weekend has been ruled a suicide by

13 the DuPage County coroner's office," and then it

14 goes on to, you know, talk about the incident in

15 more detail.

16 Thank you.

17 MS. RHODES: Thank you.

18 MR. SZERLETICH: So getting back to

19 the bulletins here, it looks like there's a

20 couple ski lift bulletins -- and a couple of our

21 ski lift facilities actually have lifts --

22 talking about the underspeed switch for the

23 emergency brake system. Some of the underspeed

24 switches were not sensing properly and needed to

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Page 33 1 be replaced. It has to sense so many feet per

2 minute, and if it doesn't do that, the brakes

3 will kick in. So Partek and Borgiv were two of

4 the lifts that has that underspeed switch.

5 And also a Doppelmayr bulletin came

6 out for the detachable type A spring guide slide

7 grips that was getting -- they were finding

8 hairline cracks during NDTs on the shaft where

9 the thread meets the shaft, and there is a

10 criteria. If it's less than .03 millimeters, you

11 can grind that out, and as long as it isn't so

12 long or so deep, you can reuse those grips. If

13 it does -- if it's any deeper than that, you do

14 have to replace it.

15 And that bulletin -- I have all these

16 bulletins. They will be posted on the website.

17 They aren't right now, but they will be soon. So

18 if anybody needs to see these, you can get them

19 off our website.

20 And, then, finally, NAFLIC sent a few

21 bulletins on -- one was the Tea Cup that had

22 cracking around the radial arm pinholes right

23 where they attach in the center. A lot of

24 these -- like, the A.R.M. Rides, you know, your

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Page 34 1 Rock Star, Ali-baba, 1001 Nights -- have pinion

2 gears and slew rings. Those have been -- they've

3 been seeing some cracking in those.

4 And even the -- I'm not sure I've got

5 that on here, but the shoulder harness lock

6 assembly -- those bars that have the ratchets on

7 them -- they've been finding some cracks on

8 those. So some things to be looking out for when

9 you're doing your daily inspections and your

10 maintenance inspections.

11 And our non-destructive testing. If

12 there's ever any question about what rides

13 require an NDT, you can go to our website,

14, and our NDT list which

15 we update yearly is on there, and it has not been

16 updated yet, but it will be updated before season

17 starts for sure. Probably within the month.

18 So any ride that you're -- most you

19 guys know what ride requires an NDT, and any new

20 bulletins you can find on the website. Any NDT

21 you can find on the website.

22 And, then, finally, just a few notes

23 for department policies. Applications must be

24 received 30 days prior to playing the first spot

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Page 35 1 of the year. We have an expedited inspection fee

2 that we charge if it's under 30 days.

3 There are some instances where you --

4 you know, there's no way that you could have --

5 you may have been asked to play a spot that

6 wasn't on your regular route. In situations like

7 that, we take that all into consideration, and if

8 that's the case, a lot of times that fee may be

9 waived. It's on a case-by-case basis, though.

10 Finally, owners and operators that

11 have Chance rides, if you remember the

12 K-bar bulletin from last year -- and I'm looking

13 around. I'm not sure there's anybody in here

14 that has a Zipper. Maybe Kent. Do you have a

15 Zipper? No. Okay.

16 Well, anyway, this bulletin talks

17 about the K-bars having a little bit of wear

18 where the pinholes are that hold the tubs on.

19 Well, they have to be looked at every year.

20 We have a compliance statement since it isn't

21 feasible to have the ride apart when we show up

22 to do the inspection. So if you do the

23 inspection, you should do it yearly, fill out

24 this compliance statement, and send it in with

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Page 36 1 your paperwork. I have copies. We can also put

2 a copy on the website. I've got them here

3 tonight if you need it and also got a copy of the

4 bulletin.

5 So, you know, we got a handful of

6 owners that have Zippers, and they went through

7 the process last year with no problem. So if

8 anybody needs it, I have.

9 And that is it.


11 Bill.

12 Are there any questions from the

13 board for Bill?

14 (No response.)


16 that you didn't have a whole lot of advance

17 notice that you were going to be doing this. So

18 we do appreciate your putting all this together

19 and presenting it tonight and please, everybody,

20 be patient as you're trying to --

21 (Applause.)

22 MR. SZERLETICH: Thank you.

23 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: -- trying to

24 get all our rides in there because he's kind of a

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Page 37 1 one-man band right now, and so any help that you

2 can give him in getting things in early, I'm sure

3 would be appreciated. It's a big job for him,

4 and I think, actually, all the inspectors deserve

5 a little accolade from all of us for helping keep

6 things inspected and keep our rides as safe as we

7 can make them. So I'd like to thank all of them

8 at this time.

9 (Applause.)

10 MR. SZERLETICH: I'd also like to say

11 that 17 non-mechanical incidents and 4 mechanical

12 incidents, I feel, is pretty good, and that's a

13 testament to you people that take care of your

14 rides and the inspectors that look at them.

15 We're all in this for the same reason, and I

16 think that's just a testament to everybody and

17 how much they care.

18 (Applause.)


20 Bill.

21 Yes, it does take everybody. Nobody

22 can do it on their own.

23 The next meeting locations and times

24 for 2016 is -- and I'm hoping that our director

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Page 38 1 brought those dates.



4 There's Rosie. She's coming up to the

5 microphone.

6 July 19th is the next board meeting,

7 and it will be in Chicago in what? Afternoon

8 or -- okay.


10 shy executive assistant.

11 So it will be July 19th. It will be

12 at noon -- that's what she said; right?


14 sometime.

15 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: The afternoon

16 sometime, time to be determined, and it will be

17 in Chicago.


19 And thank you, Rosie. We really

20 appreciate all that you do to keep us informed

21 and get the word out for all of us, and I know

22 that's a lot. I'm sure the director keeps you

23 very busy with things. So we appreciate what you

24 do for our board.

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Page 39 1 So July 19th in Chicago in the

2 afternoon. Did everybody get a chance to write

3 that down?

4 The next thing we'd like to do is do

5 a little discussion of indoor trampolines. I

6 noticed that one of the accidents was on a

7 trampoline, and nationwide these trampoline

8 courts have become very -- a very big deal.

9 They're just going up as fast as you can count

10 them, and the accident reports from them have

11 become a little bit overwhelming in many areas.

12 And I know we like to try to keep up

13 on this board so that our regulations keep up

14 with what's going on out there and to hopefully

15 prevent as many accidents as possible.

16 And I would -- I would like to

17 suggest -- ASTM, the F-24 Committee, actually did

18 do a new standard for trampolines -- the Standard

19 Practice for Design, Manufacture, Installation,

20 Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, and Major

21 Modification of Trampoline Courts -- because

22 there have been -- I don't know -- those of you

23 who are old enough may recall in the '60s

24 trampolines became a big thing, and there were a

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Page 40 1 lot of accidents, and trampolines kind of went by

2 the wayside, and now they're coming in to

3 popularity again.

4 So those in the F24 Committee thought

5 it would behoove everyone to help the trampoline

6 industry to be able to operate as safely as

7 possible. And so there is a new standard which

8 is F2970-15, and it is somewhat lengthy. It goes

9 into almost everything that you can imagine,

10 including padding around any kind of building,

11 structural members, lights, all that kind of

12 thing.

13 And I think I would like to see us

14 not only have Bill, perhaps, become a member of

15 ASTM but for the standard to be sent to all the

16 board members to read through and so we can

17 perhaps decide at our next meeting if we would

18 like to incorporate that into our regulations.

19 It's quite extensive, and we will --

20 I would like to say -- I think a lot of you may

21 be ASTM members who are out there. So you

22 probably receive the new -- this is the 2015 book

23 with all the regulations for our industry. And

24 so I invite all of you to read those over because

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Page 41 1 I think this will be a coming thing. Hopefully,

2 we can get it at least passed from our board

3 to -- and sent to -- does it go straight to JCAR

4 and then to our -- and then for a public meeting,

5 or does it go to public meeting -- public hearing

6 first?

7 MS. KIM: For the adoption of the

8 rules?


10 MS. KIM: Any proposed rulemaking

11 that the department undertakes has to go through

12 a public hearing process.


14 MS. KIM: And that's after whether

15 the board -- the department, after consultation

16 with this board, decides to proceed with any

17 rulemaking.

18 Just to be clear, because you

19 recommend those rulemaking doesn't necessarily

20 mean the department will go forward with any

21 proposed rule.


23 guess we will try to get those out before the

24 next meeting. Hopefully, relatively soon,

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Page 42 1 because it's a lot to read and just -- you can't

2 just thumb through it in ten minutes and know

3 what it says. But okay.

4 We're about to -- so is there any

5 other new business to bring up?

6 MS. RHODES: I have a comment. I

7 don't know if that is new business.


9 always good.

10 MS. RHODES: Thank you.


12 microphone down there.

13 MS. RHODES: Thank you.

14 Now that we have the date for the

15 next meeting, though, I understand when the next

16 meeting is, but I did want to mention something,

17 for the benefit of those assembled, that Bill and

18 I already talked about and he's following up on

19 for me, and that is there was some kind of

20 communication glitch where I only found out about

21 this meeting yesterday.

22 And so my request is that that be

23 investigated, even if it turns out it was my

24 fault -- my understanding, it was an e-mail

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Page 43 1 glitch, though -- so that I can get proper

2 notification along with the rest of the board

3 going forward and be able to have full

4 participation in the meeting.

5 I will say, though, that I do

6 appreciate everyone's patience with me coming in

7 when I did. Hopefully, though, the issue with

8 whatever happened won't happen going forward.

9 I also wanted to make a request, if

10 it's allowed, to -- and I appreciate the

11 additional information on the fatality that

12 occurred in July. But if there is a way that

13 this body can receive more information on all of

14 the events that occurred last year so that we

15 can, for the same reason that I stated earlier,

16 see if there are some additional lessons learned

17 that we otherwise wouldn't be talking about in

18 here with the experts that might allow us to look

19 for mitigators going forward. That's a request I

20 would like to make.


22 MS. RHODES: And if that's a

23 subcommittee, I'd be happy to lead it, but that's

24 a request that I have.

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Page 44 1 Thanks.


3 we're more than happy to be patient with you.

4 It's nice to have you here. I'm glad you could

5 get here this quickly.

6 As far as those -- all the accidents

7 went, I noticed quite a few of them were on

8 simulators.

9 And, Bill, maybe you can come back up

10 and let us know or give us an idea. When people

11 get hurt on simulators, are they -- what kind of

12 restraints do they have on? How -- what --

13 Come on, Margaret. Margaret is

14 evidently the expert on this or at least the

15 person who's had to deal with it more than anyone

16 else.

17 -- so that we can kind of understand

18 where shoulder injuries and hip injuries and

19 things like that come from on simulators because

20 it seems like that's kind of a high -- high

21 number.

22 COURT REPORTER: I need your name,

23 please.

24 MS. ROYER: My name is Margaret

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Page 45 1 Royer.


3 MS. ROYER: Royer, R-o-y-e-r.

4 COURT REPORTER: Thank you.

5 MS. ROYER: The accidents were on sky

6 diving simulators, and it was something that,

7 when they came to us and we were going to

8 regulate them, asking them what kind of

9 incidences they do have, they were very up front

10 with the biggest problem they have are people

11 hurting their shoulders, dislocating their

12 shoulders.

13 They -- and when we got the first

14 reports, Ryan actually went out and did the

15 initial investigations and everything -- and I

16 have also been out myself -- to see that they

17 have quite a bit of signage. Very much they make

18 people aware of the situation and that they

19 absolutely should not do this activity if they

20 have shoulder issues and why they shouldn't.

21 The nature of when you do the

22 simulator is your body blocks most of the air,

23 and that's how you float. Your arms and legs

24 actually go quite far behind you; and, literally,

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Page 46 1 if you have a shoulder problem or have had

2 previous dislocation, things like that, you can

3 hurt your shoulder, and they are -- like I said,

4 we went out, and we made sure that they had the

5 signage and letting people know.

6 It comes down to a situation of that

7 you can only educate them so much, and then

8 they're going to do what they want to do, and

9 that's literally what all of these have been --

10 is a shoulder problem from -- from the way that

11 the ride actually works.


13 explain a little bit more. It's upward-flowing

14 air holding someone up there?

15 MS. ROYER: Yes. So it's -- they

16 actually have fans that are on top of the

17 building that actually suck the air in and blow

18 it down and back up through a tube that has a

19 mesh floor, and depending on your size and weight

20 and things, it's actually geared towards the

21 person to how much air flow there has to be. And

22 so, if you're a bigger person, there's more air

23 flow.

24 And so you have to think about the

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Page 47 1 fact that your arms and legs don't weigh nearly

2 as much as the trunk of your body does. So

3 they're really out there flailing and back; and,

4 you know, you can pretty much Google, you know,

5 a video of it or whatever and see the position

6 that your body gets in. And when you go into

7 these facilities, you see -- you know, they show

8 you on the screens and everything videos of what

9 it's like, what's going to happen, and

10 everything. So they do a good job of making

11 people aware of the situation; so --


13 you.

14 MS. ROYER: Yep.


16 we're all about prevention; so I don't know how

17 much farther we can go if the people are being

18 warned.

19 Are there any other comments by the

20 board? Questions?

21 (No response.)


23 let's open it up for public comments and

24 questions. Please come up. I think Rosie's got

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Page 48 1 a microphone, and if you'd like to come up to

2 this podium up here, Rosie can get the microphone

3 to you.

4 And please give your name so our kind

5 note-taker can keep track of what's going on.

6 No questions or comments?

7 MS. VAUGHN: Margaret Vaughn with the

8 OABA as well as the Illinois Association of

9 Agricultural .

10 The language for the rider

11 responsibility -- did you get it from another of

12 state or what was the genesis?

13 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: Well, it began

14 from another state. It was already state law

15 there. This is, in fact, state law in this or

16 verbiage very much like it in a number of other

17 states.

18 MS. VAUGHN: Okay. Thank you.

19 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: We have a quiet

20 group tonight.

21 MS. SALERNO: Hello. Juanita Salerno

22 from All Around Amusement.

23 CHAIRWOMAN SULLIVAN: You need to say

24 that a little slower.

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Page 49 1 MS. SALERNO: Juanita,

2 J-u-a-n-i-t-a, Salerno, S-a-l-e-r-n-o. All

3 Around Amusement.

4 Just in regards to the Riders

5 Responsibility Act where you say the language

6 needs -- or it needs to be posted in a language,

7 are we just speaking English? I think that

8 should be spelled out in there -- what language

9 we're referring to. I know we're an

10 English-speaking country, but there are others;

11 so -- so we're in compliance if this comes

12 aboard.

13 And then the other item I think

14 should be addressed in that is persons reaching

15 over and out of the car of the ride, the top of a

16 ride -- telling them not to reach out or persons

17 standing on the outside reaching in with any

18 object or grabbing anything, a stationary object.

19 I had an incident last year where,

20 you know, we're always telling our operators keep

21 your -- you know, tell the parents to keep their

22 hands on their side of the fence and the

23 children's hands inside their ride, and parents

24 are constantly reaching over with inflates or

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Page 50 1 their hands, and one person told me that he would

2 sit in a car -- a moving vehicle and reach out

3 and grab a stationary object. And, you know, I

4 don't know why we need to tell people that, but I

5 think that should be addressed as well.


7 MS. SALERNO: Thank you.


9 Anybody else?

10 I think that's a good idea. You're

11 the ones who know what bad things have happened

12 and especially if they've caused accidents, and

13 so if we can address those, I think this is the

14 place, certainly, that we want to do it.

15 MR. KNIGHT: My name is Doug Knight

16 with Knight's Action Park, Springfield.

17 I just want to thank the inspectors

18 because, you know, we're all seeking the same

19 goal, to be save. That is my company's number

20 one goal as well as, I'm sure, everybody in this

21 room, and I'm glad to see that we're doing

22 something about rider responsibility because

23 it -- you know, let's face it. We have go-carts

24 at our facility, and I'm turning control of the

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Page 51 1 ride --

2 COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry. You're

3 turning what?

4 MR. KNIGHT: -- turning the control

5 of the ride over to our guests; and, you know --

6 or somebody can rock the seat in the

7 or, you know, undo a safety device or something

8 like that. I mean, you know, we try to get on

9 top of that stuff and correct them as quickly as

10 you can, but a lot of times people are out, you

11 know, wanting to show off with their friends or

12 let their ego get in the way of things and not

13 aware of the harm they can cause other people.

14 And as a person who is in the

15 business of building memories, creating memories

16 for families in the State of Illinois and

17 visitors to the State of Illinois, it's important

18 for me to be a hundred percent safe, and I think

19 by adding something like this to the code will

20 benefit everybody.


22 (Applause.)

23 MR. SCHOENDIEST: Hi. My name is

24 Andy Schoendienst with Luehrs Ideal Rides.

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Page 52 1 COURT REPORTER: Andy -- last name?

2 MR. SCHOENDIENST: Want me to spell

3 it? A-n-d-y. Schoendienst,

4 S-c-h-o-e-n-d-i-e-n-s-t. The company is Luehrs,

5 L-u-e-h-r-s, Ideal Rides.

6 COURT REPORTER: Thank you.

7 MR. SCHOENDIENST: Just wanted to

8 bring up a point about the Rider Responsibility

9 Act.

10 I think the reasoning here -- and

11 most people look at it as it's going to be an

12 advantage possibly for the ride operator and so

13 forth from a legal standpoint. And I think, more

14 than anything, that's not really what we're

15 looking for. I understand that that's where it

16 comes down to, but more than anything, we want to

17 be able to tell the patron -- we want them to be

18 aware that it is also their responsibility, that

19 we want them to strive more for safety. You

20 understand what I'm saying? Not just -- not just

21 from a legal standpoint because we all know, when

22 it comes down, you know, to brass tacks, in court

23 it's another ball game. But we want the patrons

24 to know that it also is part of their job. They

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Page 53 1 can't feel that they're in a plastic -- or in a

2 bubble, they cannot get hurt. We want them to be

3 there; so --

4 That's all I want to say. Thank you

5 very much.


7 Andy.

8 Anybody else?

9 (No response.)


11 here tonight.

12 Okay. I would -- I would like to

13 thank everybody for coming.

14 Director, do you have anything else

15 that you wanted to add?

16 DIRECTOR CHAVIANO: No. Thank you.


18 would entertain a motion to adjourn.

19 MR. SPARKS: I make that motion.

20 I'll make the motion.


22 second?

23 MR. PERZEE: I would second.


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Page 54 1 favor?

2 (Voice vote taken.)


4 (No response.)


6 (No response.)

7 CHAIRWOMAN: We are adjourned.

8 Thank you very much, everyone.

9 (Meeting adjourned at 5:16 P.M.)
















MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016




) ss.


5 I, ROBIN A. ENSTROM, a Registered

6 Professional Reporter and Certified Shorthand

7 Reporter within and for the State of Illinois, do

8 hereby certify that the foregoing proceedings

9 were taken by me to the best of my ability and

10 thereafter reduced to typewriting under my

11 direction; that I am neither counsel for, related

12 to, nor employed by any of the parties to the

13 action in which these proceedings were taken; and

14 further that I am not a relative or employee of

15 any attorney or counsel employed by the parties

16 thereto, nor financially or otherwise interested

17 in the outcome of the action.



20 ______


Illinois CSR No. 084-002046




MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

A additional 27:7 American 4:24 38:20,23 43:6 B A-n-d-y 52:3 29:20 43:11,16 amusement 1:2 43:10 b 20:8 A.R.M 33:24 additions 5:14 9:6,19,21,22 appreciated back 23:13,13 Abduction address 11:17 10:4,6,9,12,13 37:3 25:11 28:8 30:13 11:19,24 13:16 10:16,18,22 appropriate 9:8 32:18 44:9 ability 18:11 50:13 11:2,8,10,10 approval 6:9 46:18 47:3 55:9 addressed 49:14 12:4,7,9 24:4 approve 5:16 backup 31:9 able 8:13 14:5 50:5 48:22 49:3 8:11 16:11,12 bad 14:21 50:11 27:7,11 29:1 adjourn 53:18 Amusements approving 8:1 ball 52:23 29:20 40:6 adjourned 54:7 5:1 April 30:17 band 37:1 43:3 52:17 54:9 analyze 15:19 area 9:22 29:11 Banner 5:1 aboard 49:12 ado 4:11 5:12 Andy 51:24 52:1 areas 39:11 bars 34:6 absolutely 45:19 adopt 12:20 53:7 arm 33:22 based 29:22 abstain 17:8 adopting 15:20 Angelo 2:8 6:23 arms 45:23 47:1 basically 12:14 22:12,13,17 adoption 41:7 7:1,3,11 arrived 20:13 20:8 31:24 abstaining adults 3:22 anniversary article 32:7 basis 35:9 22:15 advance 36:16 3:16 asked 35:5 beautiful 3:5 abstention advantage annual 32:11 asking 45:8 began 3:1 48:13 17:13 52:12 answer 21:19 assembled 42:17 beginning 9:14 abstentions 6:5 advised 27:23 anti-waiver assembly 34:6 behalf 11:7 22:18,20 54:5 28:3,6,11,11 17:19 18:17 assist 9:10 behoove 40:5 accept 16:2 afternoon 3:3 21:16 22:22 assistant 38:10 believe 3:12 acceptable 14:5 38:7,13,15 anybody 5:14 Association 48:8 17:20 acceptance 16:7 39:2 7:20 8:19 assume 12:3 believes 10:20 accident 24:6,19 age 12:3 12:13 13:7 assuming 29:8 belt 10:2 26:19,22 39:10 agency 5:3 23:2 19:15 28:12 assumption benefit 42:17 accidents 24:21 agenda 5:13,15 31:6 33:18 13:17 51:20 24:24 26:16 5:16 6:8 35:13 36:8 ASTM 39:17 best 55:9 27:1 39:6,15 agent 11:9 50:9 53:8 40:15,21 better 4:5 40:1 44:6 45:5 aggravated 9:23 anyway 35:16 attach 33:23 big 5:3 37:3 50:12 Agricultural 41:22 attempt 10:1,11 39:8,24 accolade 37:5 48:9 apart 35:21 attended 3:11 bigger 46:22 account 29:22 ahead 18:6 19:3 apparently attorney 55:15 biggest 45:10 act 10:6,9 18:6 air 45:22 46:14 10:15 ATTRACTION Bill 2:4 4:23,24 49:5 52:9 46:17,21,22 Applause 23:15 1:2 5:20 22:2,24 action 12:6 alcohol 8:23 23:18,21,24 audience 8:16 23:3,7 32:4 50:16 55:13,17 Alexandria 7:5 36:21 37:9,18 AUDITORIUM 36:11,13 37:20 actions 12:2 7:12 51:22 1:17 40:14 42:17 activity 9:11 Ali-baba 34:1 applicable 21:7 August 32:9 44:9 10:10 45:19 Alien 30:13 Applications avoid 15:2 bit 3:23 25:3 add 7:16 53:15 allocating 12:10 34:23 aware 45:18 35:17 39:11 added 8:14 18:3 allow 43:18 apply 14:22 47:11 51:13 45:17 46:13 adding 18:17 allowed 43:10 appreciably 52:18 blessed 3:5 32:5 51:19 alternative 18:13 Aye 22:7 blocks 45:22 addit 29:20 30:17 appreciate 5:10 ayes 22:19 blow 46:17 addition 8:20 America 4:2 29:19 36:18 board 1:2,6 2:1

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

3:10 4:18 5:11 31:23 42:5,7 chair 4:15 6:17 21:3 22:12 company 4:15 5:13 7:13,14 51:15 19:23 26:21 27:17 32:4 28:1,6 52:4 9:20,22 10:11 businesses 4:20 chairman 4:12 38:2,9,15 company's 10:12 12:13,20 busy 38:23 Chairwoman 42:11 53:16 50:19 18:10 19:7,18 2:3 4:13 5:7 Chicago 3:7,12 comparative 20:15 21:9 C 5:19,23 6:3,5,7 23:12,23 32:7 13:17 26:21 36:13 cable 31:9 6:18,22 7:1,9 38:7,17 39:1 compliance 38:6,24 39:13 call 5:8 22:6 7:19,24 12:22 children 3:22 35:20,24 49:11 40:16 41:2,15 23:9 13:1,4,22 14:24 concept 16:2 41:16 43:2 called 28:4,5 15:21 16:23 children's 49:23 concern 19:5 47:20 calling 7:5,7,12 17:2,6,9,12 city 5:3 concerning 9:12 boarding 10:8 capabilities 19:2,12,14,20 civil 12:6 9:13 10:16,18 18:16 20:1,6,14,18 civilly 10:19 concerns 4:7 boards 3:18,20 capacity 3:17 20:21 21:8,15 clause 17:20 condition 9:23 16:7 capture 30:1 21:22 22:1,5,9 18:6,18 21:16 conduct 9:12,13 body 43:13 car 49:15 50:2 22:14,17 26:24 22:22 consider 19:18 45:22 47:2,6 care 26:16 37:13 27:13 28:16,19 clear 41:18 consideration bolted 30:16 37:17 29:3,6,18 30:3 coaster 25:16 35:7 bone 26:7 carefully 8:11 30:8 31:13,16 30:24 considered 12:6 book 40:22 carnival 9:7 31:20 32:2 code 51:19 conspicuous books 14:6 21:6 10:14,22 11:3 36:10,15,23 come 8:18 16:17 10:24 Borgiv 33:3 12:7,9 14:22 37:19 38:3,13 44:9,13,19 conspicuously boys 15:7 carnivals 4:4 38:18 41:9,13 47:24 48:1 9:15 brake 32:23 case 29:21 35:8 41:22 42:8 comes 46:6 constantly 49:24 brakes 33:2 case-by-case 43:21 44:2 49:11 52:16,22 consultation brass 52:22 35:9 46:12 47:12,15 comfortable 41:15 breakdown catching 31:8 47:22 48:13,19 7:22 17:16 contain 11:4 26:18 cause 11:23 48:23 50:6,8 coming 20:19 contrary 10:7 Brian 23:19 25:10 51:13 51:21 53:6,10 24:9 27:18 18:20 20:9 Bridge 4:14 caused 25:16 53:17,21,24 38:4 40:2 41:1 control 29:23 brief 11:20 50:12 54:3,5,7 43:6 53:13 50:24 51:4 bring 42:5 52:8 causing 11:21 chance 4:17 commemorated controlled 8:23 brought 12:6 celebration 6:12,16 7:20 3:15 copies 8:17 36:1 21:9 38:1 32:11 8:3 35:11 39:2 comment 18:2 copy 17:21 36:2 Brown 23:19 center 9:7 10:23 change 3:7 8:13 42:6 36:3 bubble 53:2 33:23 14:8 comments 12:13 coroner's 28:10 building 40:10 central 23:8 changed 12:16 12:17 13:5 32:13 46:17 51:15 Centrifuge 30:19 18:21 42:8 correct 30:5 bulletin 30:14 30:13 changes 16:4 47:19,23 48:6 51:9 31:19 33:5,15 certainly 4:4 changing 30:21 committee 16:8 counsel 2:11 35:12,16 36:4 12:16 30:6 charge 35:2 39:17 40:4 13:3 55:11,15 bulletins 24:7 50:14 charged 3:18 communication count 39:9 30:10 32:19,20 CERTIFICA... Chaviano 2:2 42:20 country 49:10 33:16,21 34:20 55:1 3:3,14 6:17,19 companies county 5:6,6 business 8:4 Certified 55:6 6:24 7:15 13:2 13:11 24:17,18 28:10 32:13 22:23 31:12,17 certify 55:8 13:7 15:3 17:8 25:6 55:4

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016 couple 31:15 deleted 12:16 dislocation 26:7 enjoy 3:20 fact 47:1 48:15 32:20,20 delve 13:19 46:2 Enlighten 29:3 factor 14:13 course 14:14 department 1:1 dismount 9:20 ENSTROM factors 9:9 court 7:6 12:6 1:16 3:14 dismounting 55:5,21 failure 31:9 16:19 21:18,21 12:20 24:7 10:8 entered 25:23 fair 5:6 23:3 27:15,19 34:23 41:11,15 disturbs 9:3 entertain 5:16 Fairs 48:9 28:18 44:22 41:20 diving 45:6 12:17 53:18 families 51:16 45:2,4 51:2 depending division 22:24 entertainment family 9:7 10:23 52:1,6,22 46:19 24:4 9:7 10:23 30:23 courts 39:8,21 description document 16:1 entity 18:5 fans 46:16 cracking 30:24 11:20,23 17:16 entrance 9:16 far 18:17 27:1 33:22 34:3 deserve 37:4 doing 34:9 especially 14:3 28:13 44:6 cracks 33:8 34:7 Design 39:19 36:17 50:21 15:9 50:12 45:24 creating 51:15 designated 9:21 door 30:15,18 event 3:13 4:6 farther 47:17 criminally 10:19 11:9 Doppelmayr events 43:14 fast 39:9 criteria 33:10 detachable 33:6 33:5 everybody 4:17 fatality 25:20 CSR 55:21 detail 32:15 Doug 50:15 5:9 6:12 8:2 27:8 28:7 Cup 33:21 determined DuPage 28:10 36:19 37:16,21 43:11 currently 31:22 38:16 32:13 39:2 50:20 fault 12:10 customer 18:5 determining 51:20 53:13 42:24 28:22 9:10 E everyone's 43:6 favor 6:1 17:6 customers 4:21 device 10:2,3 e-mail 42:24 evidently 44:14 22:7 54:1 cut 26:3 31:8 51:7 earlier 43:15 exactly 16:11 feasible 35:21 different 25:6 early 37:2 executive 38:10 FEC 10:14 11:3 D direction 55:11 educate 46:7 expedited 35:1 FEC's 12:8 daily 34:9 director 2:2 3:3 ego 51:12 expel 10:5 FECs 12:9 Dan 18:3 3:14 5:10 6:17 either 8:11 experience 15:2 fee 35:1,8 date 11:22 42:14 6:19,24 7:15 elbow 26:15 expert 44:14 feel 7:21 17:16 dated 32:9 13:2,7 15:3 elevator 25:9 experts 15:22 37:12 53:1 dates 24:10,11 16:13 17:8 Eli 4:14 43:18 feet 33:1 38:1 21:3 22:12 emergency explain 46:13 fell 26:2 day 3:5 32:10 27:17 32:4 32:23 express 10:4 fence 49:22 days 34:24 35:2 37:24 38:2,9 employed 55:12 extensive 40:19 ferris 51:6 deal 39:8 44:15 38:15,22 42:11 55:15 extra 8:17 file 11:12 death 32:8,10 53:14,16 employee 55:14 filed 11:15 decide 20:7 DIRKSEN 1:18 encourage 14:14 F filing 11:20 40:17 disable 9:24 endanger 9:2 F-24 39:17 fill 35:23 decides 41:16 10:1 enforceability F24 40:4 finally 26:14 decision 21:10 disconnect 9:24 13:15 F2970-15 40:8 33:20 34:22 deep 33:12 10:1 engage 10:9 Fabbri 31:5,6 35:10 deeper 33:13 discuss 8:12 engineer 7:4,14 31:11 financially defense 13:10 discussion 17:4 engineering face 50:23 55:16 definition 8:21 19:11 22:3 7:13 31:10 facilities 32:21 find 29:1 34:20 definitions 8:21 39:5 English 49:7 47:7 34:21 degree 9:1 dislocating English-speak... facility 11:8,11 finding 33:7 degrees 3:6 45:11 49:10 50:24 34:7

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016 finished 26:23 general 2:11 guess 3:4,8 6:7 hit 26:2 influence 8:23 first 3:10,11,15 13:3 12:18 16:1 hold 35:18 29:24 6:16 8:3,20 genesis 48:12 18:8 28:20 holding 46:14 inform 9:8 24:2,5 27:10 getting 16:13 41:23 hopefully 39:14 information 34:24 41:6 20:23 21:2 guests 51:5 41:1,24 43:7 9:13 27:7 45:13 32:18 33:7 guide 33:6 47:15 28:21 29:20 five 22:19 37:2 guys 30:13 hoping 37:24 43:11,13 flailing 47:3 Givand 2:5 34:19 house 26:11 informed 38:20 float 45:23 give 4:10 14:11 Hugo 2:2 3:13 informing 11:1 floor 46:19 23:1 37:2 H hundred 51:18 inherent 12:4 flow 46:21,23 44:10 48:4 hairline 33:8 hurt 44:11 46:3 initial 45:15 fly 18:19 given 9:14 handful 36:5 53:2 injure 10:10 follow 19:4 glad 44:4 50:21 hands 49:22,23 hurting 45:11 injured 11:17 follow-up 24:12 glitch 42:20 50:1 11:18 25:17 following 42:18 43:1 happen 14:21 I injuries 11:2,4 foregoing 55:8 go 7:21 8:12,13 43:8 47:9 idea 44:10 50:10 11:13 12:8 forehead 25:15 13:23 15:17,24 happened 43:8 Ideal 51:24 52:5 44:18,18 26:10 18:6,7,12 19:3 50:11 Illinois 1:1,16 injury 11:9,21 forget 27:4 24:3,5,6 27:1 happening 28:7 1:19 4:22 5:4 11:22,23 13:11 form 12:15 28:2,13 34:13 happy 14:2,7 13:16 14:5 25:10 26:13 15:13 41:3,5,11,20 15:1 16:8 23:8,20 48:8 inside 49:23 forth 27:24 45:24 47:6,17 43:23 44:3 51:16,17 55:3 inspected 37:6 52:13 go-carts 50:23 harm 51:13 55:7,21 inspection 31:4 forward 6:8 goal 50:19,20 harness 10:2 imagine 40:9 31:4 35:1,22 8:12,13 15:24 goes 32:14 40:8 34:5 importance 11:1 35:23 39:20 16:3,12,16 going 6:10 13:7 haunted 26:11 important 14:19 inspections 4:1 17:15 18:7 23:1,9,10 head 26:5 15:10 51:17 24:8,12,13,14 19:3,10 41:20 36:17 39:9,14 heads-up 14:11 incidences 45:9 34:9,10 43:3,8,19 43:3,8,19 45:7 hear 7:6 8:16 incident 11:21 inspector 23:9 found 42:20 46:8 47:9 48:5 16:20,23 21:22 12:1 25:8 32:6 23:13,17,20,23 fracture 26:7,15 52:11 53:21 32:14 49:19 23:23 28:4 friends 51:11 good 3:3 13:6 heard 30:20 incidents 25:4 inspectors 23:10 front 5:13 45:9 37:12 42:9 hearing 41:5,12 37:11,12 27:10 37:4,14 full 3:9 24:2 47:10 50:10 Helen 2:11 13:3 include 11:16 50:17 43:3 Google 47:4 Hello 20:16 including 9:9 inspires 3:8 fun 3:21 governor 3:16 48:21 11:21,23 40:10 installation 31:7 further 4:11 grab 50:3 help 14:23 15:1 incorporate 39:19 5:12 19:5 20:5 grabbing 49:18 15:23 27:12 40:18 installed 31:8 21:11 28:2 Gravitron 30:12 37:1 40:5 individual 25:23 installing 30:18 55:14 great 4:1,7 helpful 15:9 indoor 39:5 instances 35:3 Fury 25:22 grind 33:11 helping 15:18 industry 3:21 instruction 10:5 grips 33:7,12 37:5 4:8 15:8,11 instructions G group 48:20 Hi 51:23 18:9,11 19:6 9:18 game 52:23 53:10 high 44:20,20 40:6,23 Insurance 5:3 geared 46:20 guardian 11:6 highly 4:8 inflatable 26:15 intend 12:19 gears 34:2 11:12,20 hip 44:18 inflates 49:24 interest 5:11

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016 interested 55:16 Kent 35:14 Labor 1:1 3:15 24:10 25:3 39:19 intoxicated 8:22 kick 33:3 laceration 25:14 31:1 35:17 manufacturer 10:12,15,21 Kim 2:11 12:18 26:4,9 37:5 39:5,11 30:21 32:1 introduce 4:12 12:23 13:3 language 8:5 46:13 48:24 manufacturer's 4:18 6:20 7:2 18:24 19:8,13 48:10 49:5,6,8 live 4:22 30:15 investigated 19:24 41:7,10 large 13:10 location 11:4,22 manufacturers 42:23 41:14 late 20:17 locations 10:24 13:11 15:12 investigation kind 3:8 6:10 law 13:16 48:14 24:16,17 37:23 Margaret 23:12 28:9 13:20 15:13 48:15 lock 34:5 28:4 44:13,13 investigations 24:22 36:24 laws 14:6,21 locked 30:16 44:24 48:7 45:15 40:1,10,11 18:20 20:9 long 15:18 33:11 mark 14:8 invite 40:24 42:19 44:11,17 21:5 33:12 Marvin 2:7 5:5 invited 4:3 44:20 45:8 lawyer 13:9,10 longer 23:2 17:3 20:23 involved 8:17 48:4 lead 43:23 look 6:13 17:22 Matt 23:16 Iroquois 5:6 kingdom 14:20 learned 43:16 19:10 20:5,8 matters 27:23 issue 13:21 15:7 Knight 50:15,15 learnings 29:21 29:4,14 30:7 Mazzenga 2:8 15:16,17 43:7 51:4 30:1 37:14 43:18 7:3,4,8,11 issued 24:14 Knight's 50:16 leaving 11:10 52:11 mean 15:6 41:20 issues 13:14,18 know 3:19 4:6 left 29:5 looked 35:19 51:8 45:20 6:12,24 7:16 legal 13:14 14:2 looking 15:22 means 8:22 item 49:13 12:12 13:15,17 15:14 16:5,6 19:4 20:11 mechanical 25:1 13:23 14:13 16:13 27:23 34:8 35:12 25:10,16 26:9 J 15:4,6,10,11 28:12,12 52:13 52:15 26:18 37:11 J 2:11 15:14,15,16,17 52:21 looks 32:19 meeting 1:6 3:1 J-u-a-n-i-t-a 15:19 17:21 legs 45:23 47:1 lot 12:12 33:23 3:10,11 5:8 49:2 18:2 19:22 lengthy 40:8 35:8 36:16 6:15 7:18 8:2 JANUARY 1:12 21:1 23:7 lessons 43:16 38:22 40:1,20 16:15,17 17:21 JCAR 13:24 28:12 29:14 let's 17:22 47:23 42:1 51:10 20:20 37:23 16:7 41:3 30:20 31:6,14 50:23 Luehrs 51:24 38:6 40:17 job 37:3 47:10 31:16 32:14 letting 29:17 52:4 41:4,5,24 52:24 33:24 34:19 46:5 42:15,16,21 Joe 2:6 5:2 35:4 36:5 liable 10:19 M 43:4 54:9 Juanita 48:21 38:21 39:12,22 life 13:9 mag 31:3,4 meets 33:9 49:1 42:2,7 44:10 lift 32:20,21 magical 14:20 member 2:4,5,6 July 3:12 32:12 46:5 47:4,4,7 lifts 32:21 33:4 maintenance 2:7,8 7:4,13,14 38:6,11 39:1 47:16 49:9,20 light 15:19 34:10 39:20 20:15 40:14 43:12 49:21 50:3,4 lights 40:11 Major 39:20 members 2:1 50:11,18,23 Linda 2:5 20:21 making 4:9 7:22 4:1,19 5:13 K 51:5,7,8,11 44:2 12:20 16:3,10 40:11,16,21 K-bar 35:12 52:21,22,24 line 4:17 17:15 47:10 memories 51:15 K-bars 35:17 knowledge 12:3 lip 26:3 mall 25:9 51:15 keep 16:4,4 37:5 known 11:24 list 34:14 man 32:10 mention 42:16 37:6 38:20 12:1 literally 45:24 manager 22:24 merits 15:5 39:12,13 48:5 46:9 manner 10:6 mesh 46:19 49:20,21 L litigation 13:12 18:15 microphone keeping 7:17 L-u-e-h-r-s 52:5 little 3:23 20:5 Manufacture 21:4 27:16,18 keeps 38:22

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

38:5 42:12 Naperville's notices 10:24 17:10 22:9 41:2 48:1,2 32:11 notification 54:3 passes 22:21 microswitch nationwide 39:7 43:2 oral 10:7 patience 43:6 30:18 nature 9:9 45:21 number 11:17 order 5:8 patient 36:20 millimeters NDT 34:13,14 11:19,24 44:21 outcome 55:17 44:3 33:10 34:19,20 48:16 50:19 outside 29:13 patron 26:2 mind 30:21 NDT'd 31:2 49:17 52:17 minor 11:7,12 NDTs 33:8 O overwhelming patrons 52:23 11:18 14:24 nearly 47:1 OABA 48:8 39:11 Patty 2:3 4:14 minor's 11:7 necessarily obeying 9:17 owners 31:23 7:8 27:5 29:16 minute 33:2 41:19 object 10:6 35:10 36:6 people 15:6 23:7 minutes 6:10,11 neck 26:8 49:18,18 50:3 25:17 37:13 7:21 8:1 17:22 need 8:6 14:8 obviously 4:5 P 44:10 45:10,18 42:2 15:18 16:2,4 occurred 43:12 P.M 3:1 54:9 46:5 47:11,17 mitigators 43:19 16:19 18:6 43:14 padding 40:10 50:4 51:10,13 Modification 21:10,18 23:3 office 28:10,12 pages 8:7,19 52:11 39:21 36:3 44:22 32:13 pain 25:11,17 percent 51:18 month 34:17 48:23 50:4 Oh 6:22 25:18 perceptibly motion 5:16,18 needed 32:24 okay 5:7,19 6:7 paperwork 36:1 10:15 5:19 7:22 16:2 needs 33:18 6:14,18 12:23 parent 11:6,11 person 4:10 16:11,18,22 36:8 49:6,6 15:21 17:9,14 11:19 8:22 9:1 11:17 19:16,23 20:11 negligence 17:24 19:2,13 parents 14:12 11:18 44:15 20:24 21:2,14 13:17 19:14 20:1,2 14:23,23 49:21 46:21,22 50:1 22:21 25:24 neither 55:11 20:18 21:15,17 49:23 51:14 29:13 53:18,19 new 3:14 4:12 22:18 23:6 park 9:6 10:13 personal 13:11 53:20 22:23 34:19 29:6 31:20 10:22 11:3 persons 9:4 mountain 18:13 39:18 40:7,22 32:2 35:15 12:7,9 14:22 49:14,16 move 3:9 6:8 42:5,7 38:8,9 41:13 50:16 Perzee 2:7 5:5,5 16:15 17:15 newest 23:23 42:3 43:21 PARKWAY 17:1,3 20:4 19:3,10 newsflash 32:9 47:12 48:18 1:18 21:1,5,13,20 movement 10:3 nice 5:9 44:4 50:6 53:12 part 3:19 14:1 53:23 moving 16:3,12 Nights 34:1 old 8:4 39:23 17:17 18:10 Pete 23:22 24:1 30:9 50:2 Nobody's 19:20 one-man 37:1 19:6 52:24 24:9 27:12 MR.SZERLE... non-destructive ones 50:11 Partek 33:3 29:8 29:4 34:11 open 4:3 47:23 participate 9:11 Peter 27:20 non-mechanical opening 32:10 participation Pharoah's 25:22 N 25:1,4,8,12,14 operate 40:6 9:24 43:4 phone 2:8 6:21 NAFLIC 33:20 25:21 26:1,6 Operation 39:20 particle 31:3,4 6:23 11:17,19 name 3:13 11:16 26:14,17 37:11 operator 9:19 particular 5:11 11:24 11:18,24 23:4 noon 38:12 10:5,13,17,20 18:18 21:16 physical 9:23 27:19,20 44:22 northwest 23:17 12:8 52:12 31:18 physics 14:21 44:24 48:4 note-taker 48:5 operators 14:11 parties 12:10 pinholes 33:22 50:15 51:23 notes 34:22 35:10 49:20 55:12,15 35:18 52:1 notice 36:17 opinion 14:2 partition 26:12 pinion 34:1 named 3:16 noticed 39:6 15:14 16:13 pass 8:6,18 place 4:22 9:2,3 Naperville 28:9 44:7 opposed 6:3 passed 12:14 20:10 50:14

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016 planes 14:17 problem 18:9 45:17,24 reduces 25:7 response 6:4,6 plastic 53:1 36:7 45:10 quorum 7:17 refer 18:1 7:23 17:5,11 platform 26:2 46:1,10 referring 49:9 18:23 19:19 play 35:5 proceed 41:16 R regarding 32:5 22:4,11 36:14 playing 34:24 proceedings R-o-y-e-r 45:3 regards 49:4 47:21 53:9 please 21:4,19 55:8,13 radial 33:22 Registered 55:5 54:4,6 23:4 27:14 process 36:7 raised 15:6 regular 35:6 responsibility 36:19 44:23 41:12 raising 13:20 regulate 45:8 31:24 48:11 47:24 48:4 Professional ran 25:9 28:22 regulations 8:14 49:5 50:22 podium 48:2 55:6 ratchets 34:6 14:1 17:18 52:8,18 point 8:8 30:19 proper 43:1 re-revised 8:6 18:4,18 39:13 responsible 9:17 52:8 properly 32:24 reach 49:16 40:18,23 18:10,14 police 28:9 property 8:24 50:2 related 55:11 rest 43:2 policies 34:23 proposal 15:13 reaching 49:14 relative 55:14 restraining 10:2 popularity 40:3 proposed 41:10 49:17,24 relatively 41:24 restraints 44:12 position 47:5 41:21 read 6:16 8:3,10 releasing 8:24 returned 28:8 possible 11:16 provided 32:6 8:15 40:16,24 remember 35:11 reuse 33:12 39:15 40:7 providing 16:14 42:1 repeat 19:1 revised 8:9 possibly 52:12 provisions 12:5 reads 16:9 replace 33:14 Rhodes 2:5 post 10:23 public 9:2 41:4 ready 20:23 replaced 33:1 20:13,16,19,21 posted 9:15,18 41:5,5,12 21:2 22:23 report 11:7,13 20:22 22:13,16 10:7 33:16 47:23 really 3:19,21 11:15,20 22:24 26:20 27:5 49:6 purpose 12:10 16:2 24:22 23:1 24:6,19 28:14 29:16,19 potential 13:21 purposes 7:16 31:13,21 38:19 26:22 29:8 30:5 32:17 Practice 39:19 pursue 19:17,18 47:3 52:14 reported 11:5 42:6,10,13 premises 11:3 21:11,16 22:22 reason 21:11 Reporter 7:6 43:22 11:11 purview 19:6 37:15 43:15 16:19 21:18,21 rib 25:19 present 2:1,10 put 17:23 36:1 reasonably 23:3 27:15,19 Ribfest 32:11 15:11 putting 36:18 10:20 11:16 28:18 44:22 ride 1:2 9:9,11 presented 5:17 reasoning 52:10 45:2,4 51:2 9:12,14,16,19 presenting Q recall 39:23 52:1,6 55:1,6,7 9:21,22,24 17:17 36:19 question 26:20 receive 40:22 reporting 11:2 10:4,6,9,12,14 pretty 37:12 27:6 32:5 43:13 reports 26:19 10:16,18 11:10 47:4 34:12 received 6:11 39:10 45:14 12:4 14:13,15 prevent 10:14 questions 12:14 34:24 representing 14:17,22 24:4 18:4 30:3 12:17 13:4 reckless 10:9 13:10 25:23,24 28:3 39:15 18:22 26:21 recommend represents 3:21 29:12,12 31:23 prevention 36:12 47:20,24 41:19 request 42:22 32:1 34:18,19 47:16 48:6 recommendat... 43:9,19,24 35:21 46:11 prevents 10:17 Quick 26:20 12:19,24 requesting 31:3 49:15,16,23 previous 46:2 quickly 44:5 recommended require 34:13 51:1,5 52:12 prior 13:9 34:24 51:9 16:13 requirements rider 8:5 9:6,20 private 9:3 quiet 48:19 record 7:17 16:5,6 10:11,14,17,20 probably 15:17 53:10 Redshaw 2:6 requires 34:19 11:6,7,11,12 16:17 30:14 quite 3:7 13:24 5:2,2,3,22,24 requiring 30:15 11:14 12:2,7 34:17 40:22 40:19 44:7 reduced 55:10 responded 28:1 48:10 50:22

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

52:8 S see 5:9 17:23,24 simulator 45:22 standard 39:18 riders 9:8,10,17 S-a-l-e-r-n-o 17:24 18:8 simulators 25:5 39:18 40:7,15 11:1 14:12,14 49:2 19:8 24:11,22 44:8,11,19 standing 49:17 14:23,24 49:4 S-c-h-o-e-n-d-... 25:5,22 29:4 45:6 standpoint rides 4:2 14:19 52:4 29:14 30:1,7 sit 50:2 13:14,20 15:9 31:1 33:24 S-z-e-r-l-e-t-i-... 33:18 40:13 situation 45:18 52:13,21 34:12 35:11 23:5 43:16 45:16 46:6 47:11 Star 34:1 36:24 37:6,14 safe 18:15 37:6 47:5,7 50:21 situations 35:6 Starship 30:13 51:24 52:5 51:18 seeing 34:3 six 3:6 30:11 started 10:4 ridesafety.illi... safely 40:6 seeking 50:18 size 46:19 starting 16:1 34:14 safer 4:22 seen 30:14,22 ski 18:9,11,15 starts 34:17 riding 10:8 safety 1:2 4:7,19 segment 9:15 19:6 32:20,21 state 16:6 17:17 right 7:15 21:17 4:20 9:6 10:1 seizure 25:13 skiers 18:12 48:12,14,14,15 33:17,22 37:1 24:7 30:10 send 4:16 35:24 sky 31:5,6,7 51:16,17 55:3 38:12 31:8 51:7 senior 23:13 45:5 55:7 rights 18:14 52:19 28:4 slew 34:2 stated 43:15 rings 34:2 safety/respons... sense 33:1 slide 33:6 statement 35:20 risk 13:18 8:5 sensing 32:24 slower 48:24 35:24 risks 12:4 Salerno 48:21 sent 33:20 40:15 somebody 8:18 statements 4:9 road 14:16 48:21 49:1,2 41:3 51:6 states 48:17 Robert's 19:22 50:7 serve 3:17 somewhat 40:8 stationary 49:18 ROBIN 55:5,21 SANGAMON service 31:1 soon 11:15 50:3 rock 34:1 51:6 55:4 set 27:24 33:17 41:24 statistics 24:6 Rohman 23:16 save 50:19 severity 11:13 sorry 6:22 16:19 stats 24:4 room 50:21 saying 19:20 shaft 33:8,9 18:24 20:16 statute 3:18 Rosie 38:2,3,4 52:20 share 27:8 29:21 24:20 25:21 steps 13:24 38:19 48:2 says 21:6 32:10 Shorthand 55:6 28:18 51:2 stop 21:7 Rosie's 47:24 42:3 shoulder 34:5 south 1:18 23:20 straight 41:3 route 35:6 scene 27:10 28:5 44:18 45:20 southern 23:20 strive 52:19 Royer 23:12 28:8 46:1,3,10 Sparks 2:4 4:24 struck 25:24 44:24 45:1,2,3 Schoendienst shoulders 45:11 4:24 5:18 13:6 29:13 45:3,5 46:15 51:24 52:2,3,7 45:12 16:18,21 21:24 structural 40:11 47:14 SCHOENDIE... show 24:10,11 31:14 53:19 study 31:10 rule 41:21 51:23 35:21 47:7 speak 27:11 stuff 51:9 ruled 32:8,12 screens 47:8 51:11 28:11 subcommittee rulemaking season 34:16 showed 28:5 speaking 49:7 43:23 41:10,17,19 seat 10:2 51:6 showing 5:11 speaks 4:8 submitted 8:9 rules 9:12,13,18 second 5:21,22 shut 30:16 spell 23:4 52:2 17:20 10:7 12:21 5:23 16:24 shy 38:10 spelled 49:8 Subsections 14:16,17,17,18 17:1 21:23,24 side 26:2 49:22 spot 34:24 35:5 12:5 41:8 53:22,23 sign 18:5,12 spring 33:6 substance 8:23 Rules-wise Seconded 17:2 signage 45:17 Springfield 1:19 8:24 19:23 22:1 46:5 3:9,11 50:16 suck 46:17 Rushville 5:3,4 seconds 28:7 significantly ss 55:3 sufficient 12:3 Ryan 23:2 28:11 section 9:5,6 25:7 stand 23:11 suggest 39:17 29:7 45:14 10:19 signs 10:23 11:3 27:13 suicide 32:8,12

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Sullivan 2:3 23:5,8,16,19 32:2,16,17 28:20 37:8 typewriting 4:13,14 5:7,19 23:22 24:1 36:10,22 37:7 38:16 55:10 5:23 6:3,5,7,18 27:9 28:24 37:19 38:18,19 times 35:8 37:23 6:22 7:1,9,19 29:7,10 30:6,9 42:10,13 45:4 51:10 U 7:24 12:22 31:15,18,21 47:12 48:18 tip 26:12 Uh-huh 7:9 41:9 13:1,4,22 32:18 36:22 50:7,8,17 today 3:5 unable 11:12 15:21 16:23 37:10 51:21 52:6 told 50:1 underneath 17:2,6,9,12 53:4,6,13,16 Tomczuk 23:22 25:23 19:2,12,14,20 T 54:8 27:20,21 28:15 underspeed 20:1,6,14,18 T-bars 30:24 thanks 29:16 29:9 32:22,23 33:4 21:8,15,22 table 8:1 44:1 tonight 36:3,19 understand 22:1,5,9,14,17 tabled 6:14 thereto 55:16 48:20 53:11 14:24 28:23 26:24 27:13 tacks 52:22 thigh 25:18 top 46:16 49:15 31:11 36:15 28:16,19 29:3 take 12:12 19:9 thing 6:9,11 51:9 42:15 44:17 29:6,18 30:3,8 25:6 29:22 8:20 17:19 total 24:14,16 52:15,20 31:13,16,20 35:7 37:13,21 18:8 30:23 24:16 understanding 32:2 36:10,15 taken 6:2 17:7 39:4,24 40:12 tough 6:11 29:11 42:24 36:23 37:19 22:8 54:2 55:9 41:1 Tower 31:5,6,7 undertakes 38:3,13,18 55:13 things 12:15 toxic 9:1 41:11 41:9,13,22 takes 26:16 15:2 16:16 track 48:5 undo 51:7 42:8 43:21 talk 14:7 32:14 34:8 37:2,6 train 25:9 unfortunate 44:2 46:12 talked 31:19 38:23 44:19 trampoline 39:7 32:6 47:12,15,22 42:18 46:2,20 50:11 39:7,21 40:5 unreasonably 48:13,19,23 talking 32:22 51:12 trampolines 9:3 50:6,8 51:21 43:17 think 3:6 13:13 39:5,18,24 update 34:15 53:6,10,17,21 talkings 30:20 14:4 15:8 18:6 40:1 updated 34:16 53:24 54:3,5 talks 32:7 35:16 18:19 20:2 TRANSPOR... 34:16 summarize 25:3 taste 3:24 21:10 25:2 1:16 updates 24:7 summer 16:15 Tea 33:21 29:7 30:10 trap 30:14,18 uptick 24:8 support 4:9 team 4:1 31:2 37:4,16 treated 4:2 upward-flowing supporting tell 27:22,24 40:13,20 41:1 Tribune 32:7 46:13 15:15 49:21 50:4 46:24 47:24 trunk 47:2 use 14:20 21:3 supposedly 52:17 49:7,13 50:5 try 14:11 39:12 V 31:17 telling 49:16,20 50:10,13 51:18 41:23 51:8 sure 24:9 26:12 ten 42:2 52:10,13 trying 36:20,23 vapors 9:1 29:5,18 34:4 term 14:20 thought 21:9 tube 46:18 Vaughn 48:7,7 34:17 35:13 terms 13:14 40:4 tubs 35:18 48:18 37:2 38:22 territory 23:17 thread 33:9 turning 50:24 vehicle 50:2 46:4 50:20 testament 37:13 three 15:7 51:3,4 venue 11:1 sustained 11:2,9 37:16 throw 10:5 20:9 turnout 3:4 verbal 9:18 12:8 testing 34:11 thumb 42:2 turns 42:23 21:18 switch 32:22 thank 4:12 7:8,9 THURSDAY two 8:7,19 22:17 verbally 9:14 33:4 13:22 15:22 1:11 22:18,19 25:6 verbiage 48:16 switches 32:24 17:14 21:21 till 6:15 8:1 25:17 33:3 version 8:6 system 32:23 23:6 27:5 time 3:9 5:15 type 33:6 video 47:5 Szerletich 23:1 28:14,15 30:8 7:18 11:22 types 13:18 videos 47:8 violates 12:4

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334 BOARD MEETING 1/14/2016

Virginia 7:5,12 wear 35:17 43:14 49:19 4 visitors 51:17 weather 3:8 4:4 yearly 34:15 4 12:5 25:1 Voice 6:2 17:7 website 33:16 35:23 26:17 37:11 22:8 54:2 33:19 34:13,20 years 31:2 4,230 24:14 vote 6:2 8:11 34:21 36:2 Yep 47:14 440 24:15 17:7 19:9 22:6 weekend 32:12 yesterday 3:7 4th 32:12 22:8 54:2 weigh 47:1 42:21 weighing 15:5 5 W weight 46:19 Z 5 12:5 waived 18:14 Welcome 4:13 Zamperla 30:23 5:16 54:9 35:9 welded 30:16 Zipper 35:11,14 50 24:17,17 waiver 18:5 went 29:11 35:15 waivers 18:12 31:17 36:6 Zippers 36:6 6 wall 26:11 40:1 44:7 60s 39:23 0 want 8:13 19:4 45:14 46:4 672 24:16 19:8,9,10 20:7 wheel 51:6 03 33:10 7 20:7,8 24:3,22 whomever's 084-002046 26:22 31:2,7 55:21 6:20 8 42:16 46:8 willing 19:15 1 50:14,17 52:2 8 14:3,3 25:4 Wisdom 30:12 1,183 24:12 52:16,17,19,23 witnesses 12:1 53:2,4 1,430 24:11 woke 3:6 1001 34:1 wanted 18:3,3 wonderful 3:4,4 43:9 52:7 120 24:13 wondering 6:20 14 1:12 53:15 word 38:21 wanting 20:4 15 31:2 words 28:16,20 17 24:24 26:17 51:11 work 4:19,21,22 wants 21:12 37:11 7:5,12 18 32:9 warned 47:18 worked 28:9 wasn't 35:6 19th 38:6,11 works 46:11 39:1 watch 14:15 wouldn't 43:17 way 4:16 15:18 write 39:2 2 16:8,11 32:5 writing 9:8,15 2014 24:21 35:4 43:12 11:8 2015 24:11,20 46:10 51:12 written 15:13 30:10 32:9 wayside 40:2 40:22 X we'll 6:15 24:5,6 2016 1:12 37:24 we're 3:5 4:19 Y 21 24:21,24 15:22 16:10,10 2300 1:18 26:12 27:2 yeah 15:3 16:5 29:22 30:7 27:17 29:5 3 37:15 42:4 year 4:15 8:10 3 12:5 44:3 47:16 12:15 24:2,13 3:56 3:1 49:9,9,11,20 24:18,19,20 30 34:24 35:2 50:18,21 52:14 25:20,21 26:19 398 24:16 we've 27:3 31:10 35:1,12 35:19 36:7

MIDWEST LITIGATION SERVICES Phone: 1.800.280.DEPO(3376) Fax: 314.644.1334