If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at \) H A/CONF.56/10 1.1' I o "0,, II Ii I It \ (/ r;:1 {\ r ; !j FIFTH, I) ~ ~ "UNITED ~ATIONS CQNGUSS ~ ON THE . c . PREVENrrIONOF CRIME G' AND THE" TREATMENT OF OFFENDERS <::1 I ~ : o " UNITED NATIONS o AlCONF.56lI0 FIFTH UNITED NATIONS CONGRESS ON THE PREVENTION OF CRIME AND THE TREATMENT OF OFFENDERS f~ ~ <S~ ~ rl) UNITED NATIONS ·~'··'!a ..- . -------- .'? }l)ep~rtJlllent of Economic and Sodal Affairs o C.;.' ," FJIFTH UNITED NATIONS CONGRESS .. ON THE ,,' . '~ PREVENTION OF CRIME AND THE (I. TREATMENT OF OFIFJENDEIRS o Geneva, 1-12 September 1975 Report prepared by the Secretariat r, UNITED NATIONS New York, 1976 ,/I, II; LiiIlIII!Iu?W'"' -, ~,-.=;:=================""""""''''''''''''''''''''_..... " -.... _---""",,,,,""'"-- --,-,-.......... _--- I~ CONTENTS ',I Chapter Paragraphs Page ,I I. MATTERS CALLING FOR ACTION BY OR BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF LEGISLATIVE BODIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS ................. , ..••.. 1-40 NOTE Matters calling for action by the General Assembly ................. 2-5 Matters calling for action by or brought to the attention of the Committee Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com on Crime Prevention and Control, ................................. 6-25 2 bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Matters calling for action by or brought to the attention of functional com- Nations document. missions of the Economic and Social Council ....................... 26-32 7 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication Matters calling for action by or brought to the attention of other bodies or do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secreta agencies .........
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