Publish Ahead of Print, published online October 17, 2008

Association of Parental with Concentrations of Select Systemic Biomarkers in Non-obese Offspring: The Framingham Heart Study

Wolfgang Lieb, MD; Michael J. Pencina, PhD; Katherine J. Lanier, MA; Geoffrey H. Tofler, MD; Daniel Levy, MD; Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH; Thomas J. Wang, MD, MPH; Ralph B. D’Agostino Sr., PhD; Ramachandran S. Vasan, MD

From the Framingham Heart Study, 73 Mount Wayte Avenue, Framingham, MA (WL, MJP, DL, CSF, TJW, RSV); Department of Mathematics (MJP, KJL, RDA Sr.), and Preventive Medicine and Cardiology Sections (RSV), Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia (GHT); The Center for Population Studies of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD (DL, CSF); Endocrinology Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital (CSF) and Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (TJW)

This work was supported through National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Contract N01-HC-25195, 1R01DK080739 and 2K24 HL04334 (RSV).

Correspondence to: Ramachandran S. Vasan, MD, FACC Framingham Heart Study, 73 Mount Wayte Ave, Framingham, MA 01702–5803. E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted 8 July 2008 and accepted 7 October 2008.

Additional information for this article can be found in an online appendix at

This is an uncopyedited electronic version of an article accepted for publication in Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association, publisher of Diabetes, is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it by third parties. The definitive publisher-authenticated version will be available in a future issue of Diabetes in print and online at

Copyright American Diabetes Association, Inc., 2008 Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels


Objective: Parental obesity is a risk factor for offspring obesity. It is unclear whether parental obesity also confers risk for obesity-associated conditions (e.g., a pro-inflammatory or pro- thrombotic state) in the absence of offspring obesity.

Research Design and Methods: We compared concentrations of multiple biomarkers representing distinct biological pathways, (C-reactive protein [CRP], aldosterone, renin, B-type natriuretic peptide, N-terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide, fibrinogen, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) in non-obese Framingham Offspring study participants with none (n=665), one (n=488) or two (n=119) parents with obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m²).

Results: Non-obese offspring with both parents with obesity had higher CRP levels (median: 2.16 mg/L) compared with offspring with one (median: 1.58 mg/L) or no (median: 1.35 mg/L) parents with obesity. After multivariable adjustment, a non-linear relation with parental obesity became evident: compared to people without parental obesity, CRP levels were higher in offspring with two obese parents (p=0.04) but not in offspring with only one obese parent (p=0.76). Renin levels were more linearly related to parental obesity status, being significantly higher in offspring with one (p=0.04) or two parents (p=0.09) with obesity (p=0.02 for trend). The other systemic biomarkers did not vary according to parental obesity status (all p>0.05).

Conclusions: Our findings suggest that offspring with a high risk of developing obesity have an altered biomarker profile, characterized by systemic inflammation and increased neurohormonal activity, even in the absence of obesity. This is consistent with the notion, that parental obesity may confer an increased susceptibility to other adiposity-associated traits.


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

besity is highly prevalent in the disease at examination cycle 6 (1995-1998) United States (1) and predisposes to and who had both parents in the original Ometabolic and cardiovascular diseases cohort were eligible for the present analysis (2). Previous studies have documented that (n=1,272). Offspring who did not have both excess adiposity is associated with parents in the original cohort were older, had concomitant alterations of several biological higher systolic blood pressure and lower total pathways, as reflected by the presence of a levels. prothrombotic state (3,4), neurohormonal Clinical evaluation of the participants. activation (5,6), and systemic inflammation Participants underwent a physical (7,8). examination, anthropometry, laboratory Obesity clusters in families, and parental assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and obesity substantially increases the risk of a medical history at each Heart Study visit obesity in the offspring (9). It is, however, (approximately every 4 years). less clear whether parental obesity also Biomarker Measurements. We analyzed 7 confers a greater risk for developing a pro- biomarkers that have been previously inflammatory or pro-thrombotic state, a associated with adiposity-related traits or with natriuretic handicap, or increased obesity in our cohort. Details of the different neurohormonal activation in the offspring, biomarker assays are provided in the online and whether these conditions may even supplement. antedate the occurrence of obesity in these Statistical analysis. Baseline characteristics individuals. One way to approach this in Table 1 and biomarker concentrations in question is to compare biomarker levels that Table 2 were compared using ordinary linear represent the above mentioned pathways in (normally distributed continuous traits) and non-obese offspring with versus without logistic regression models (binary traits) as obese parents. well as median regression models (for To the best of our knowledge, no previous continuous traits that were not normally study has related circulating levels of a broad distributed), respectively. For the following panel of biomarkers in non-obese offspring to analyses, biomarkers were natural parental obesity status in a community-based logarithmically-transformed for better setting. We hypothesized that non-obese symmetry of their distributions. Biomarker offspring with obese parents will have higher concentrations among offspring of obese levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), renin and parents vs. offspring of non-obese parents aldosterone, plasminogen activator inhibitor were compared using generalized estimating (PAI)-1, and fibrinogen; but lower levels of equation models (accounting for relatedness B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N- among study participants) adjusting for terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide (NT- relevant covariates among offspring (age, sex, ANP) compared to offspring without parental body mass index [BMI], systolic and diastolic obesity. blood pressure (BP), treatment, diabetes, total/HDL cholesterol, and smoking; RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS factors known to influence systemic Study sample. A detailed description of the biomarkers). Parental obesity was defined as study sample is provided in the online BMI≥30 kg/m² at any time over their life- supplement. Participants of the Framingham course as determined by longitudinal Offspring cohort who were non-obese (BMI examinations of the original cohort at the <30 kg/m²), free of prevalent cardiovascular Heart Study. We chose this definition because


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

individuals become obese at different ages, whether paternal or maternal obesity was but once they are obese, the condition is related to those markers. relatively stable (10). Parental obesity was modeled as a categorical variable (0, 1, and 2 RESULTS parents with obesity) with 0 parents serving as The clinical and anthropometric the referent group. characteristics of our sample are shown in In additional analyses, we evaluated Table 1. whether those biomarkers that were related to Association of Parental Obesity with parental obesity in the primary analyses, Offspring Biomarker Levels. might be important mediators of the effect of Table 2 displays offspring biomarker parental obesity on offspring BMI. In a first levels according to the number of parents with step, we developed a multivariable model obesity. CRP demonstrated a non-linear with offspring BMI as dependent variable and association with parental obesity status. with age, sex, smoking status, physical Offspring with two obese parents displayed activity index, and caloric intake as higher CRP levels compared with the referent covariates. Next, we analyzed whether group without parental obesity (Table 2). parental obesity was significantly related to This association remained significant in offspring BMI in the multivariable model, multivariable-adjusted models (Table 3). using parental obesity as the predictor Offspring with a single obese parent did not variable. In a third step, the parental obesity have higher CRP levels compared with the variable was omitted from the model and referent group. those biomarkers that were significantly Offspring with one obese parent had associated with parental obesity in our significantly higher renin levels in primary analyses were added as predictor multivariable-adjusted models (Table 3). variable to the multivariable model with BMI Offspring with two obese parents likewise serving as the dependent variable. Finally, we had higher renin levels than offspring without analyzed whether the regression coefficient parental obesity, although the association was for parental obesity (for predicting offspring borderline statistically significant in a BMI) was attenuated upon adjustment for the multivariable-adjusted model (p=0.091; significant biomarker, by adding both, the Table 3). A trend test was statistically biomarker and the parental obesity variable significant (regression coefficient for increase simultaneously in the multivariable model in log-renin per parent with obesity: ß=0.09; predicting offspring BMI. p=0.02). The significance level of the attenuation In our sample, 335 participants had a of the regression coefficient was tested using history of maternal and 391 of paternal a non-parametric bootstrap with 1999 obesity. In exploratory analyses, neither replications (11). Thus, we evaluated the maternal nor paternal obesity demonstrated following models predicting offspring BMI: statistically significantly relations to offspring a. clinical covariates and parental obesity; b. log-CRP (ß=0.03 [95% CI, -0.06 to +0.11] clinical covariates and biomarker; c. clinical and ß=0.09 [95% CI, -0.001 to +0.18], covariates, parental obesity and any respectively) or offspring log-renin (ß=0.11 biomarker related both to parental obesity in [95% CI, -0.005 to +0.22] and ß=0.07 [95% the primary analysis and to offspring BMI in CI, -0.04 to +0.18], respectively); we cannot model ‘b’. For those offspring biomarkers exclude associations of a magnitude described significantly related to parental obesity, we by the 95% confidence intervals. The other evaluated in secondary exploratory analyses biomarkers tested did not differ by parental


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

obesity status (Tables 2 and 3). inflammatory state and neurohormonal Attenuation of Relation of Parental Obesity activation even in the absence of offspring to Offspring BMI upon Adjustment for obesity. Offspring CRP or Renin. Parental obesity Comparison with the Published Literature. was a highly significant cross-sectional Obesity and CRP levels. Obesity is a correlate of offspring BMI (regression proinflammatory condition (12). Adults and coefficient ß per one parent with obesity children with obesity have higher CRP levels (standard error)=0.86 (0.11), p<0.0001). (7,8). We are not aware of any study that Likewise, offspring CRP was positively analyzed CRP levels in non-obese offspring associated with offspring BMI (ß per one- of parents with obesity. We observed higher standard deviation increase in logCRP=0.63 CRP levels in offspring of obese parents even (0.08), p<0.0001) in a multivariable-adjusted in the absence of offspring obesity. Also, we model. The relation of parental obesity to observed that parental obesity was positively offspring BMI was significantly attenuated associated with offspring BMI and that this upon adjustment for CRP in the model association was attenuated upon adjustment (ß=0.77 (0.11), p<0.0001). The p-value for for offspring CRP. These observations this attenuation was 0.0035 using bootstrap indicate that parental obesity is associated with 1999 replications. In comparison, with a pro-inflammatory state in the offspring offspring renin levels were not significantly even in the absence of offspring obesity. associated with offspring BMI. So, additional Furthermore, the propensity for a analyses were not performed with adjustment proinflammatory state may in part mediate the for log-renin in the models predicting association of parental obesity with offspring offspring BMI. BMI (offspring CRP attenuates the regression coefficient for parental obesity). In this DISCUSSION context, previous studies have demonstrated We analyzed 7 systemic biomarker levels that CRP levels predict adiposity-related in 1272 non-obese Framingham Offspring conditions including diabetes (13) and the study participants according to the obesity MetS (14), indicating that a pro-inflammatory status of their parents. Parental obesity was state is not only a consequence of obesity, but defined as a BMI≥30 kg/m² at any time over could also be a precursor of obesity or their life-course based on biennial adiposity-related conditions. Our observations examinations at the Framingham Heart Study. are consistent with the notion that obesity and Principal findings. CRP levels demonstrated inflammation share a common a nonlinear association with parental obesity pathophysiological basis that might be status, being significantly higher in non-obese transmitted from obese parents to their offspring with two obese parents but not in offspring. Interestingly, a recent genome wide those with one obese parent. Plasma renin association study for CRP identified nine levels were more linearly related to parental genetic variants within the leptin-receptor obesity status; levels were higher in non- gene that reached genome-wide significance obese offspring with one or two parents with for association with CRP levels (15). This obesity in multivariable-adjusted models (p finding supports the concept that obesity and for trend =0.02). Levels of the other offspring inflammation share common genetic biomarkers (aldosterone, BNP, NT-ANP, influences. fibrinogen, PAI-1) did not differ by parental Obesity and the Renin-Angiotensin- obesity status. These findings indicate that Aldosterone System (RAAS). Several lines parental obesity may confer risk of a pro- of evidence indicate an activation of the


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

RAAS in obesity, especially in obesity-related biomarkers might also be related to obesity hypertension (16). Clinical studies reported but were not measured in our sample at this elevated circulating concentrations of examination. Overall, seven different elements of the RAAS in individuals with biomarkers where tested. We did not correct obesity (17). We observed higher renin in for multiple statistical testing because all tests non-obese offspring with one or two obese (and related hypotheses) were specified a parents. Our data indicate that offspring of priori. However, we acknowledge that our obese parents have neurohormonal activation findings need confirmation in other as evidenced by higher renin levels even in investigations. Also, the cross-sectional the absence of offspring obesity. design of our study precludes causal Obesity and Natriuretic Peptides. Obesity interferences. All biomarkers were only and BMI have been inversely related to measured at one point in time. Intraindividual plasma levels of BNP and NT-ANP in variability in biomarker levels over time may independent community-based studies (5,6) have limited our ability to discern and in patients with heart failure (18). associations of biomarkers with parental However, in the present analyses, we did not obesity. About one third of offspring had observe any association between offspring BNP levels below the detection limit. We, BNP/NT-ANP levels and parental obesity therefore, also analyzed Tobit models which status. confirmed the lack of association between Obesity and Hemostasis. Previous studies offspring BNP levels and parental obesity documented positive correlations between status. However, the left truncation of the adiposity traits (e. g. BMI and waist BNP distribution might have resulted in a circumference) and PAI-1 in epidemiological random misclassification that may have (3) and clinical settings (19). In addition, reduced our power to detect an association higher PAI-1 has been shown to predict the between BNP levels and parental obesity development of diabetes (20,21). Likewise, status. The exclusion of offspring with obesity fibrinogen was positively associated with at examination cycle 6 may have resulted in obesity-related measures (3,22). In excluding some very informative participants, euglycemic offspring of individuals with but we chose to do so because presence of diabetes, elevated PAI-1 activity (23) and obesity profoundly affects several of the increased fibrinogen levels have been biomarkers evaluated. Finally, the reported (24). However, we did not observe generalizability of our findings to other age any association between offspring PAI-1 or groups and ethnicities is not clear since our fibrinogen and parental obesity. sample was middle-aged to elderly and almost Strengths and Limitations. The large exclusively white and of European ancestry. community-based design, the standardized assessment of multiple cardiovascular risk CONCLUSIONS factors, the availability of a broad spectrum of Non-obese offspring of parents with biomarkers and the complete ascertainment of obesity have an altered biomarker profile obesity in parents strengthen our characterized by higher renin and CRP levels. investigation. However, some limitations This is consistent with the concept that obese merit consideration. We focused on parents transmit a susceptibility predisposing biomarkers representing key pathways to systemic inflammation and neurohormonal (inflammation, neurohormonal activity, activation to their offspring that is detectable hemostasis) in obesity-associated conditions even in the absence or before the development that were available in our sample. Other of offspring obesity.


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported through National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Contract N01-HC- 25195; and 1R01DK080739, 2K24 HL04334 (RSV).

Disclosures: none


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels


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No parental 1 parent with 2 parents with p-value

obesity (n=665) obesity (n=488) obesity (n=119)

Mean age, years 57.8 (9.4) 57.2 (9.4) 56.5 (10.5) 0.13

Women, % 53.8 52.7 51.3 0.56

Systolic BP, mm Hg 126 (19) 126 (19) 126 (19) 0.66

Diastolic BP, mm Hg 75 (9) 75 (9) 75 (9) 0.81

Antihypertensive treatment, % 21.5 21.3 22.7 0.87

Hypertension, % 34.4 34.2 34.5 0.97

BMI, kg/m² 24.9 (2.8) 25.8 (2.6) 26.6 (2.5) <0.0001

Total cholesterol, mg/dL 213 (48) 205 (39) 206 (37) 0.01

HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 54 (17) 54 (16) 51 (17) 0.11

Current smoker, % 15.6 14.3 21.0 0.45

Diabetes, % 6.5 8.8 3.4 0.95

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

Table 2. Offspring biomarker levels stratified by parental obesity status.

Biomarker Concentration, Median (Q1, Q3)

Biomarker No parental 1 parent with 2 parents with p-value

obesity obesity obesity

C-reactive protein, mg/L 1.35 (0.69,3.51) 1.58 (0.78,3.55) 2.16 (0.94,5.12) 0.001

Aldosterone, ng/dL 10 (7,15) 10 (7,14) 10 (7,14) 1.00

Renin, mU/L 12 (7,20) 13 (7,21) 13 (7,23) 0.10

BNP pg/mL 9.3 (4,19) 9.2 (4,21) 8 (4,17) 0.48

NT-ANP, pmol/L 322 (230,451) 325 (239,463) 311 (193,463) 0.56

Fibrinogen, mg/dL 315 (285,367) 316 (282,368) 322 (283,355) 0.75

PAI-1, ng/mL 18.8 (11.8,28.8) 19.1 (12.9,28.7) 19.8 (11.8,29.4) 0.43

Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; NT-ANP, N-terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Q1 and Q3 refer to quartile cutpoints


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

Table 3. Association of Parental Obesity status with Offspring Biomarkers

Log-Biomarker Mutivariable-adjusted model

Beta (SE) p-value


1 parent with obesity 0.01 (0.04) 0.76

2 parents with obesity 0.16 (0.08) 0.039


1 parent with obesity -0.05 (0.03) 0.14

2 parents with obesity -0.03 (0.06) 0.58


1 parent with obesity 0.11 (0.06) 0.037

2 parents with obesity 0.15 (0.09) 0.091


1 parent with obesity 0.08 (0.05) 0.13

2 parents with obesity -0.007 (0.08) 0.93


1 parent with obesity 0.05 (0.03) 0.10

2 parents with obesity 0.03 (0.05) 0.52


1 parent with obesity 0.001 (0.01) 0.90

2 parents with obesity -0.005 (0.02) 0.81


1 parent with obesity -0.04 (0.03) 0.23


Parental Obesity and Offspring Biomarker Levels

2 parents with obesity -0.09 (0.05) 0.093

The regression coefficient (beta) indicates the increase in log-biomarker per parent with obesity. Thus, having 2 parents with obesity was associated with an eß = e0.16 = 1.17-fold increase in multivariable-adjusted CRP levels relative to those with no parent with obesity. Multivariable adjustment for age, sex, systolic and diastolic BP, antihypertensive treatment, total/HDL cholesterol ratio, smoking, diabetes, and BMI. Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; CRP, C-reactive protein; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; NT-ANP, N-terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; BMI, body mass index; SE, standard error.