OOP with Java 16. Inheritance and Overriding Thomas Weise · 汤卫思
[email protected] · http://iao.hfuu.edu.cn Hefei University, South Campus 2 合肥学院 南艳湖校区/南2区 Faculty of Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学与技术系 Institute of Applied Optimization 应用优化研究所 230601 Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui, China 中国 安徽省 合肥市 蜀山区 230601 Econ. & Tech. Devel. Zone, Jinxiu Dadao 99 经济技术开发区 锦绣大道99号 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Extending Classes and Class Hierarchy 3 Multi-Level Inheritance 4 The Class Object 5 static vs. instance methods 6 Summary website OOPwithJava ThomasWeise 2/23 Introduction • So far, we have basically treated as objects as data structures and used methods to work on them OOPwithJava ThomasWeise 3/23 Introduction • So far, we have basically treated as objects as data structures and used methods to work on them • But Object-Oriented Programming is much more OOPwithJava ThomasWeise 3/23 Introduction • So far, we have basically treated as objects as data structures and used methods to work on them • But Object-Oriented Programming is much more • The true power of OOP arises from class inheritance and extension (often called specialization) OOPwithJava ThomasWeise 3/23 Extending Classes • A class Student can extend another class Person OOPwithJava ThomasWeise 4/23 Extending Classes • A class Student can extend another class Person • Student inherits all the fields and functionality of the original class Person OOPwithJava ThomasWeise 4/23 Extending Classes • A class Student can extend another class Person • Student inherits all the fields and functionality