When Is a Bottom-Up Deterministic Tree Translation Top-Down Deterministic? Sebastian Maneth Universität Bremen, Germany
[email protected] Helmut Seidl TU München, Germany
[email protected] Abstract We consider two natural subclasses of deterministic top-down tree-to-tree transducers, namely, linear and uniform-copying transducers. For both classes we show that it is decidable whether the translation of a transducer with look-ahead can be realized by a transducer without look- ahead. The transducers constructed in this way, may still make use of inspection, i.e., have an additional tree automaton restricting the domain. We provide a second procedure which decides whether inspection can be removed and if so, constructs an equivalent transducer without inspection. The construction relies on a fixpoint algorithm that determines inspection requirements and on dedicated earliest normal forms for linear as well as uniform-copying transducers which can be constructed in polynomial time. As a consequence, equivalence of these transducers can be decided in polynomial time. Applying these results to deterministic bottom-up transducers, we obtain that it is decidable whether or not their translations can be realized by deterministic uniform-copying top-down transducers without look-ahead (but with inspection) – or without both look-ahead and inspection. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Models of computation; Theory of computation → Formal languages and automata theory Keywords and phrases Top-Down Tree Transducers, Earliest Transformation, Linear Transducers, Uniform-copying Transucers, Removal of Look-ahead, Removal of Inspection Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2020.134 Category Track B: Automata, Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming 1 Introduction Even though top-down and bottom-up tree transducers are well-studied formalisms that were introduced already in the 1970’s (by Rounds [13] and Thatcher [14] independently, and by Thatcher [15], respectively), some fundamental questions have remained open until today.