Government Gazette No 52 of 6 June 2014
1999 Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 52 Friday, 6 June 2014 Published under the authority of the Government by the Parliamentary Counsel OFFICIAL NOTICES Appointments AUSTRALIAN MUSIC EXAMINATIONS BOARD GOVERNMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT (NSW) 1991 NO. 77 Notifi cation of Appointments to the Board New South Wales Government Telecommunications Authority I, ADRIAN PICCOLI, M.P., Minister for Education, Appointment of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and appoint the following persons as the elected members of the Members Australian Music Examinations Board (NSW) for the terms of offi ce expiring on the dates shown in brackets beside each HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice person’s name: of the Executive Council, has approved, pursuant to section Mrs Victoria CLANCY [30 April 2016]. 32 of the Government Telecommunications Act 1991 No. 77, the appointment of the following persons to the Board Mrs Lynette MORGAN [30 April 2016]. of the New South Wales Government Telecommumications Mr Richard MORPHEW [30 April 2016]. Authority for the term stated below, from the date of the Dr Rita CREWS [30 April 2016]. Lietenant-Governor’s approval: Ms Tzvetelina (Lina) PETKOVA [30 April 2016]. Rod GILMOUR, Chairperson, 3 year term. Mrs Anne HARVEY [30 April 2016]. Peter BARRIE, Deputy Chairperson, 2 year term. Dated this 14th day of April 2014. Shane FITZSIMMONS, Member, 3 year term. Alan LIPMAN, Member, 2 year term. ADRIAN PICCOLI, M.P., Minister for Education David QUILTY, Member, 2 year term. Matt ROBERTS, Member, 2 year term. Liz WARD, Member, 2 year term. His Excellency the Lietenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council gave approval of the appointments on 14 May 2014.
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