New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 110, 3/6/1978." 81, 110 (1978)

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New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 110, 3/6/1978. University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 3-6-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 110, 3/ 6/1978 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 110, 3/6/1978." 81, 110 (1978). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' . ,' /: ·~·i'I•:\:lAl' .. ·, •LU·~<ITIONfil WALl< TO UNM. Two moms, cooking. racilities, PART-TIME JOB. GRADUATE sludents only, CULTURAL AND STUDY Tmu of Spain, all im· bat h. Woman prercrrcd. $110, 265·3927. 03/06 Aflernoons anl.l evening,~. Must be able to work p~m~mt pui111s, $1400. Air trip Alb./Madrid, room .. NPED ROOMMATE TO SHARe 2-Ddrm upt. friday and· Snturc.lay night~. Mu~l be 21 yrs. pld. 20 dayr;j two meals/duy. Guide, tours, l>u~. Coul<\l!t Classlfleds $9,5/mo, Prefer someone in mid·twennes. Call Talya Ar>niY in person, no phone calls please . .Save-Way . Dr. Enciniaf;, U. of Albuq., fl3l·llll. E.l(t,281. 03/04 256-1235. 03/09 l.iquqr Stores at5704 Lomas NE, 5516 Menaul NE, INTERNATIONAL CHARTE~ FLIGHTS 1. PERSONALS FOUND NEAR TACO Villa, Labrador puppy, RM FOR RENT, gu)' only. Sl_20/mon~h, rUrni&hed, 03/10 1.1V!\ilahlef Eur'ailpa!iscs, travel in.roTmation at lTC, . female. 883-1465 after 5:00pm. 03/07 bill'! paid. Share with another gay. Call John at 256· COUnES SUMMER WORK, ·Gallup KOA 255·MI~09am·6pm. · 03/17 CONTACTS?17 POLISHING & SOLUTIONS. LOST: LADIES BLUE wallet. Important pap!!rs. 1841, keep trying. 03/09 Kampground. Housing plus salary. 863-5021. 03/14 SPECIAL ALBUQUERQUE-JUAREZ bu.< trip. Ca~cy Optical Company, 255-8736 tfn Reward offered. Call Susan, 292-3692. 03106 WHAT IS A COLLEGE INN? Tired or and SELF·,MOTI VA TED PEOPLE to <ell display ·nd­ Dcp\lrt.o; March II. $30.00 round trip, $20.00 one Only five more days until veni:iing for N.M, Daily LOBO. Must have car, ' way, Call lTC 255-6830. 03/17 ACCURAT~ INFORMATION ABOUT con­ REWARD- FOR GOLD watch lost 2/28/78, -Sen­ cleaning? Need a place to Jive for spring term? Come Spring Break. Come by Marron Hall, Room 133, tfn traccJ1tion,_ sterilization, abortion. RigiU to Choo~'! 1 timental value. Cal1268·6306. 03/09 to the College Inn. 303 Ash NE, 243-2881. 03/03 CHARTE;RED BUSSES TO Rcgiondls in Temp\:-. 294-0171. 04/.28 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED. Good lnclude!i game ticket and lunch. leaving Friday, ALBUQUI'RQUE JOURNAL !Oc, Am<rican wages, medlum lips, nights and weekends. See Frank MtW..'h 10. For more re.~crvntions and informatlon, 5 .. FOR SALE a! Roy's 5914 Central, 266· 7807. Must be 21. ci,garcues 48c, imported cigarettes fr'olfl 20 nations-. 3. SERVICES Plat;e, cal~ Sport~ Tours. 247·0126. OJ/09 Monday, March 6,1978 t:ustom blended pipe'tobucco's--cigars and Honeyrose 03/13 LSAT·MCAT. REV~EW COURSES. Prepare Now. 1976 FIAT 131_, 5-speed, low mileage, excellent herbal dgar~lles. Wait! There's morc--P_ipe & LET W.E.A.I. PAY your way through school, 8. MISCELLANEOUS Tobacco Rd. h~s jewelry· boxes--rainbows, C<\11 PENM 842-5200, tfn . condition, many ex(ras. Call Barry 877-7881. Ol/09 Interviewing 11;00 am Friday March 3, Room 2116 Mesa Vista. 03/03 paraphcrnalia--celestird st;::asonings teas and lay-away EXPERT TYPING. 266-4567. 03/31 PIMENTAL GRAND CONCERL Made 1972, CHEAP WATER BED~! WATE-R trips $89,95 hliYS plan, Pipe & Tobacco Road, I 078 Cornell SE, Vl QA TYPING SERVICE. A complete typing a·nd excellent condition, $600. Call266-8142. 03113 you I) dark walnut stained frame, 2) ...afcty liner, 3) block UNM. M-F 8:30-6, Sat. 10-5, 03/03 editorial system. Technical, general, legal, medical,·. B_ICYCLES: NEW SHIP~ENT of 150 Bertin foam comfort pad, 4) any !ii7.e with J.ycar DELIVER LUNCH, Cararro's Pizza will delive~ scholastic,CharJs&t~bles,345-212.S. 04/29 b1cycles. Pre-season sale pn~,:es, $189 and up, R,C, 7. TRAVEL gunnmtc~; $89.95.3407 C!!Uiral NE, 255·2289. 04/04 sandwiches. pizza, salads to your desk atluJtch time, KINKO'S TYPING SERVICE (IBM selectric) and Hallcll's, H43-937B. tfn Call268-2300. 03/09 now J·minute Passport Photo~. No appointment. 71 DATSUN PU. New engine $1150,72 Cricket, 32 DORMS, IF YOU'RE HUNGRY at night give 268-HSI5. tfn MPG $500, 64 Ford PU, $300. 281-5157. evenings, 292-1805 this weekend. OJ/03 'Carano's Pizza a call for delivery of its famous pizza, EDITORIAl SERVICE AND writing assistance . ' ~· . .~:mdwlches, and salads. 268·2300. 03/09 265·1164. 03/06 SUPER GARAGE SALE: watertied, carpeting, TDDAY'S_ CRDSSWDKD PUZZLE furniture, appliances, c-lothing, hou~ewares, drafting PMOUNTAIN, PART 2'', "CLO£E EN­ GUITAR LESSONS OffERED by guitar major. COUNTERS", "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER", equipment, toys, 'books. 8219 Pickard Ave11ue NE, ACROSS words Designed to your intcre.~t. Sr. Ojeda. 277·2324, 243- Sat. and Sull. (March 4-5). 03/03 47 Most ' "COMA"p· ll!scounl movie tickets available ~o~;m. 6343. 03/08 UNITED Feature Syndicate Watch for details. 03/03 YAMAHA SPINET PIANO, still w·arrantecd, 1 Ungula ferocious NEED HELP WITH PAPERS? Typing, editing, walnut finl~h 1 like new. 344·0720. 03/08 5 Terra·---· 48 Pronoun . Rrrrring! "LOBO .... No, Woodward and Bernstein revision, research. 281-3001, 03/03 Thursd-ay's Puzzle Solved: aren'l in, can I take a message7., Call the LOBO PRAKTICA LLC 35SLR pentacon/EE 50/1.8 $85; . 1 0 Sodium 49 Carpentry hcw~tlp hot line 277-5656. 03/0J DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS. MEN'S : WA Lens, tele/mic ·adapter, filters. Call 266·8117 chloride joint· clothes. Reasonable. 262..0868, 03/03 eve~. 03/08 GUITAR LESSONS. lntmductory lesson free. Ftl\k 1 1.4 Stone 50 Scintillate 23RD STREET' RUNS Into Hr.aven Books, Book­ claSsical or rock. Experienced teacher. Private 1969 INTERNATIONAL~TKUCK.. Excellent con­ monument 53 Cargo unit lessons. Crill Marc at L& M Music Studio 247-8158. finder. Fine editions for the collector, or the an~aRe dition, Call Will, evenings,298-1480. 03/03 15 Uranus 54 Counterfeit tfn hard-to-rind. Henry Miller, Kenneth Patchen 1 Wm, Burroughs, Kerouac, De Laclos' "Les Uai!lons BERTIN-FRENCH BICYCLE light-weight, new satellite 58 Sloppy ones HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINPA.IIoveyou. Chuck. Dangereuse.s," Black Sun. 175. 843-6396 after 12. $150.00, Call242-3788 after 5;00 pm. 03/03 16 T~olley 61 Taboo joke: '· 03/07 Mon.Snt. 03/07 UNCLAIMED LAY-A-WAY. Sansui Rcccivcr1 4- 1 7 A1r: Prefix Informal SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDY· in South America, AIKIDO LESSONS MARTIAL Art and Meditation. way speakers, cas~clte recorder, turmablc. New 18 Tooth paste 62 Entr' ----: UNM'~ Andean Center, mformation 229 Ortega First leMon free, Sandia Judo Cl\.!_bs. Saturday 9:00 factory warrantief;. Take over small monthlY 20 Don clothes Intermission Hall, 277-2631>. 03/08 am. OJ/08 payment~. 268·4393. 03/08 221ndicating 63 Slackening INSTEAD OF THE mindless sex and violen.:e of TV, HAVE A BEAUTIFUL garden. Start the easy wr~y. RED KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER with at­ maiden bar come ab!iorb tasteful id display in "Acts of Passion", Rototilling by appolntmem, Call Tim 268-6510.03/08 t!,tchmcnts. New factory warranty, Commercial name 64 Emerald Isle 6 one-acts March 5·8, 8 pm in UNM's Experimental motor, $5 monthly or $69 cash. No intere.~t. 2M· Thealrc. Tickets only $1.50 at the Fine Arts Bo~ 23 Burdened 65 To fatigue l871' 03/08 24 City on the 66 Formula of Office, 03/03 4. HOUSING OVER $15,000 DOLLARS in used sewing machines. 1P YOU'VE HAD any problems with library fines Singer, Blna, Viking, Necchi, Phaff, just to name a Seine belief call m. The LOBO news lip hollinc277-5656. 03/07 ONE BLOCK UNM,·deluxe one bedroom furnished few. Ridiculously low prices from $15. All guaran·· 26 Make 67 Puis in posi- apartment. Twin or double beds, $185, Varsity teed. 268-4394. 03/08 leather tion PERRY'S PIZZA (acros:; from UNM), WE Deliver, House, 141 ColumbioSE. 03/10 Call843-9750. Try our fresh salad and slice specials. 10 YEAR GUARANTEE unclaimed Lay-A-Away. 27 E. Ind. herb: 21 Feminine 44 Freshman 03/08 FEMALE WANTED TO SHARE 3-bdrm house. Color television. Drnnd new guarantee, No down Var. Around March I st. Non-smoker! 268·0183 after 5 OOWN name 46 Title of payments, Small monthly payments ti!l balam:e is 30 "TGIF" MOTHER EARTH NEWS back issues discounted 10 rm. 03/03 25 Ceremonies respect percei11. Chamisa Bookshop 266~1229. 03/03 raid orr. 266-5871. 03/08 club's WAlK TO UNM. Clean 1-hdrm, large yard. $120, 1 Covered 26 In-······ : 47 Flew NO DOWN PAYMENTS. One only. Tappan LIVE JAZZ AT NED'S through the Happy utilities paid. Call 262-1751·, Valley Rentals, $30 fee. favorites 2 Sly look On the move 49 Small ro­ Microwave, browning element, adju~rabte shelves, Hour.Evcry Friday from 5:30 to 7:30.
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