Provisional Population Totals, Series-2

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Provisional Population Totals, Series-2 CENSUS OF INDIA 1,971 SERIES. 2 ANDHRA PRADESH Paper I of 1971 PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS T. VEDANTAM of the Indian Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS ANDHRA PRADESli Printed at Progressive Press Private Limited, Abids, Hyderabad-l. CONTENTS Note Pages Figures at a Glance 1 Statement showing a comparative picture of the population of States of India 2 Charts and'Maps 3 1. Comparative population size of the districts in Andhra Pradesh 5 2. Comparative Area size of the districts in Andhra Pradesh } 3. Decennial population Growth Rates 1961-1971 7 4. Density of Population 1971 9 5. Sex Ratio 1971 11 6. Literacy 1971 13 Census Operations in Andhra Pradesh 15-21 Analysis of Results 23-30 Provisional Population Tables 31 I. Distribution of Population, Sex Ratio, Growth Rate and Density of Population by districts 33 II. Decadal Variation in Population since 1901 Districtwise 34 III. Rural and Urban composition of population 35 IV. Population of Towns 36-41 V. Literacy 42-43 VI. Distribution of PopUlation by Workers and Non-workers 44-45 VlI. Distribut·ion of working Population by Agricultural and other workers 46-49 Append ix-I 51 NOTE The figures presented in this booklet give some basic particulars of the popUlation as on 1st April, 1971 as recorded by the 1971 Census of India. These figures however are only the crude totals compiled from the abstracts furnished by the Census Enumerators themselves from the Census records. The figures so compiled from the abstracts collect­ ed from thousands of Enumerators are bound to have their own limitations and are thus purely provisional which can be confirmed only after the Census Schedules are fully processed in a series of Regional Tabulation Offices. After the final tabulation, apart from providing the Primary Census data down to every village and Enumerator's Block of a town, a series of Census tabulations of the Census data will be made to present the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the popUlation in a meaningful way such a~ by sex, broad age-groups, educational levels etc. It is our anxiety to make available to the Government and the people the provisional results of the 1971 Census count as quickly as possible after the completion of enumeration which has impelled us to compile and publish this booklet of Provisional Population figures. FIGURES AT! A GLANCE Census of India 1971 - Provisional Population Totals - Andhra Pradesh A. POPULATION Total 43,394,951 Males 21,944,826 Females 21,450,125 B. DECENNIAL POPUlATION 20.60% GROWTH RATE 1961-71 C. DENSITY OF POPULATION 157 Persons per Sq. Km. D. SEX RATIO 977 Females per 1,000 Males E. PROPORTION OF URBAN 19.35 % POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION F. LITERACY RATE Total 24.56% . Males 33.26% Females 15.65% G. WORK PARTICIPATION RATE Total 41.68% (i.e. proportion of economically active Males 57.75% workers to Total Population) Females 25.24% STATEMENT SHOWING A COMPARATIVE PICTURE OF THE POPULATION OF STATES OF INDIA ( 1971 Census Provisional Figures) Decennial Growth Rates Total Population (Percentage) Density of India/States! Population SI. Union Territories Population Population 1951-61 1961-71 1971 No. in 1961 in 1971 (per Sq. Km.) (and rank) (and rank) INDIA 439,072,582 546,955,945 + 21.64 + 24.57 182* STATES 1. ANDHRA PRADESH 35,983,447 (4) 43,394,951 (5) + 15.65 + 20.60 157 2. Assam 11,127,939 (14) 14,857,314 (13) + 35.06 + 33.51 149 3. Bihar 46,455,610 (2) 56,387,296 (2) + 19.77 + 21.38 324 . 4. Gujarat 20,633,350 (9) 26,660,929 (9) + 26.88 + 29.21 136 5. Haryana 7,590,543 (15) 9,971,165 (15) + 33.79 + 31.36 225 6. Himachal Pradesh 2,812,463 (17) 3,424,332 (18) + 17.87 + 21.76 62 7. Jammu and J{ashmir 3,560,976 (16) 4,615,176 (16) + 944 + 29.60 N,A. 8. Kerala 16,903,715 (12) 21,2.80,397 (12) + 24.76 + 25.89 548 9. Madhya Pradesh 32,372,408 (7) 41,449.729 (6) + 24.17 + 28.04 93 10. Maharashtra 39,553,718 (3) 50,295,081 (3) + 23.60 + 27.16 163 11. Mysore 23,586,772 (8) 29,224,046 (8) + 21.57 + 23.90 152 12. Nagaland 369,200 (23) 515,561 (23) + 14.07 + 39.64 31 13. Orissa 17,548,846 (11) 21,934,827 (11) + 1982 + 24.99 141 14. Punjab 11,135,069 (13) 13,472,972 (14) + 21.56 + 21.00 268 15. Rajasthan 20,155,602 (10) 25,724,142 (10) + 26.20 + 27.63 75 16. Tamil Nadu 33,686,953 (6) 41,103,125 (7) + 11.85 + 22.01 316 17. Uttar Pradesh 73,746,401 (1) 88,299,453 (I) + 16.66 + 19.73 300 18. West Bengal 34,926,279 (5) 44,440,095 (4) + 32.80 + 27.24 507 UNION TERRITORIES AND OTHER AREAS 1. Andaman and Nic.obar Islands 63,548 (27) 115,090 (27) + 105.19 + 81.11 11 2. Chandigarh 119,881 (26) 256,979 (26) + 394.13 + 114.36 2,254 3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 57,963 (28) 74,165 (28) + 39.56 + 27.95 151 4. Delhi 2,658,612 (18) 4,044,338 (17) + 52.44 + 52.12 2,723 5. Goa, Daman and Diu 626,667 (22) 857,180 (22) + 5.14 + 36.78 225 (j. Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Islands 24,108 (29) 31,798 (29) + 14.61 + 31.90 994 7. Manipur 780,037 (20) 1,069,555 (20) + 35.04 + 37.12 48 8. Meghalaya 744.833 (21) 983,336 (21) + 25.97 + 32.02 44 9. North East Frontier Ageney 336,558 (25) 444,744 (25) + 32.14 N.A. 10. Pondicherry 369,079 (24) 471,347 (24) + 16.34 + 27.71 982 11. Tripura 1,142,005 (19) 1,556,822 (19) + 78.71 + 36.32 149 N.A. Stands for Not Available * Density worked out after excluding the population and area of N.E.F.A. and Jammu & Kashmir * Excluding lawar &; Sentinal. CHARTS 8 MAPS 5 Chart showing the Comparative Population Size of the Disbicts ID Andhra Pradesh 1911 CENSUS (Provisional) AREA (IN 000 K"'·) (PROVISIONAL) 7 7fl" I. ANDHRA PRADESH N DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATES ::1 CENSUS 1961 - 71 (PROVISIONAL) ST ..... TE BOUr-.OAR)' -··-DISTRICT BOUNDARY ---0'- MAHARASHTRA '1 20 32 I::'i 160 192 ORISSA N OF BENGAL Provisional Popu~ti.n in 1971 3,000 000 2,SOD,OOO 2,000 000 , ,sao,ooa: . ADDIIIO~ OF' ~:::;:I::AL POPULA liON IN 1971 Percentage Gain in Population 1961- 71 lOW Jl J5 MEOIUM )5 18 MOD I1IGH ~ /8 - 11 ~--St~te Average 1"Ot>o, " ,. hiGH III 21 V. HIGH H AND ABOvE - ". " E"5T OF C,"HNWIC~ Ioaae4 "pO" s .. rwy of Iood,a Map w"h I"" p@<m .. ,tOn of rh. .. 5uf~eror Ceneul of Ind,~. 111 .. terrltor .. 1 watfr) of Indl~ u'.ten<l ,MQ (he , .... to a dlltatKe of l"'fl~1t ~alluQj ""Ies frln~ured from the "p~r(,p"~lt' luse U,.., 9 -ANDHRA PRADESH N DENSITY OF POPULATION CENSUS \97\ (PROVISIONAL) STATE BOUNDARY _. _ __ DISTRiCT BOUNPAKY-.'_".-~ MAHA'RASHTRA ORISSA N SA Y OF' BENCAL· 15 N NUMBER OF PERS6_N~ PEP" SQUARE KllOH1TR£ i:r~~~\\ffim SO - 9 ~ 100 - l .. N ~Sta{~Avera3e 151 ~ OJV _ 199 200 ~ 2-49 TAMIL NADU idit AND ASOVE ~cd upon Suner of l",dll I'bp ""th ~he permissIOn 0' the. 'lIPelQr General of In.iI;~. lhe tertltor,al waltn of Ind'i eJCttnd ,!\to th~ sd "' .'cI.!lcanee of «o'elve naonl"' m.IH mallUrU from c.. appt.9IHJaU" base IAi .. 11 ANDI-IRA PRADESI-I N SEX RATIO. 1971 N " (DISTRICTS) (PROVISIONAL) STATE E;0LJ~JfJ .... RY _____ DISTRICT BOUNDARY ___ .. _ MAHARASHTRA "1,tfS32 l2 ,. ls, i- "-r "H-T ORISSA BAY OF BENGAL ff_r'l"l"'-S Pr:1l.. i1"'L~S I P'R-"; VIC " ... N ._ 07' ~~"\Il P.,e'~~~ 971 '89 ••• TAMIL NADU hud U~O" SU"'ty"f Indl. ~J> ... ,Ih the perm',,,ofl of W~ ~~, .~yor C"n",~1 of l"d, •. TIw! ltrrll"'n~l ~ of InOli ~dend- "'D;!Uoe .... to a ~,>"",_ ~fvt " .... uul mIles m ....u • .., t't"", 'Me 'lPftlpr,lltt-." I,M' 13 ANDHRA PRADESH LITERACY, 1971 PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES TO TOTAL POPULATION (DISTRICTS) (PROVISION ALl MAHARASHTRA STATE eOUr~;)AQ,.Y -_ •• -- O'"T-:'-T e:o')"'c.I~'(_. _ ... t1Il~~ J2 0 32 6~ 96 129 -r"-"- : - -=.. =~--=r~.~.;==:~=='_ - --~ II II " " 128 16:) INDEX BAY OF BENGAL llT("'.o.CY tY $&)( PERCENTAGE Of LITERATES TO TOTAL POPULATION INCLUDING AG£-GROUP O· i (PROVISIONAL) [3J 10,00 , .. u ~ I ~ 00 •. 19 99 ~ 200'0 24.99 t::==::::ll::::==:::i------ Stitt ,Ayer~te 21. S6 TAMIL NAbU [ffi[[n 2 S 00 •• 29.99 ~ ] 0 00 ANI) ABOVE No,.,.The vertical white & black s9uare bar 'UIl4. for l11ale literacy rate and tt.., vertlc,llming bar stands for female "teracy CENSUS OPERATIONS IN ANDI-IRA PRADESH CENSUS OPERATIONS IN i~DHRA PRADESH The 1971 Census, which is the 11th decennial, start with, and had to create every thing and build up population count of our country is of great signifi­ the office and the rest of the Census Organisation, I cance in the context of the growing importance of plan­ was fortunate in having succeeded to a continuing Office ning for the econ9mic and social welfare of the coun­ :-vith a fairly adequate nucleus staff who had the try's population and incidentally marks the Centenary experience of conducting the 1961 Census Operations.
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