High Commission of India

Press Release Visit of Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge for Housing and Urban Affairs, Civil Aviation; Minister of State, Commerce & Industry (9-11 September 2019)

Minister of State (Independent Charge- I/C) for Housing and Urban Affairs, Civil Aviation; Minister of State, Commerce & Industry (MoS) Mr Hardeep Singh Puri visited Singapore from 9 to 11 September 2019 to participate in the “India-Singapore: The Next Phase- Business and Innovation Summit” organised by High Commission of India on 09-10 September 2019 and to meet with Singaporean leadership. This was his first visit to Singapore in ministerial capacity.

2. MoS co-chaired the Ministerial Plenary of the Business and Innovation Summit on 10 September 2019 with Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of Education of Singapore (SMS) Mr. Chee Hong Tat. MoS gave a detailed account of India’s economic achievements for the last five years and the government’s economic agenda for realizing the vision of becoming a USD 5 trillion economy in 2024. SMS Chee also presented Singapore’s priorities and approach in its economic partnership with India.

3. The two ministers visited the “Inspreneur 3:0 The Start Up & Innovation Exhibition” organised at Summit venue, which showcased over 95 start-ups and incubators from India and Singapore including 65 from India. MoS also chaired a luncheon round table comprising more than 40 corporate leaders from India and Singapore.

4. The Business and Innovation Summit organized by the High Commission of India in Singapore provided a platform for government, business and technology sectors on both sides to discuss the roadmap for the next phase of India-Singapore strategic and economic partnership in the second term of Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government. It had two Ministerial plenaries, 25 sessions with 90 speakers and a start-up exhibition with over 95 start-ups and incubators including 65 from India. The four State Governments – Andhra, Odisha, Punjab and Uttarakhand participated in the Summit. The Summit has created a high level of appreciation of India’s economic achievements and its future agenda.

5. MoS accompanied External Affairs minister Dr. S Jaishanakar in his call on Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Mr. . MoS separately met Minister for Trade and Industry Mr where he was accompanied by visiting Finance Minister of the state of Andhra Pradesh Mr. B Rajendranath and MoS of MSME, Industry, Energy, Home Affairs of state of Odisha Capt. Dibya Shankar Mishra.

6. While in Singapore, MoS visited new affordable housing urban development projects in Singapore including Punggol New Town and also saw new developments in aviation infrastructure. He discussed possibilities of cooperation in urban development, urban solutions, affordable housing and civil aviation sector.

7. MoS also gave several interviews to international print and television media.

Singapore 11 September 2019