Using Games to Understand Intelligence

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Using Games to Understand Intelligence Using Games to Understand Intelligence Franziska Brandle¨ 1, Kelsey Allen2, Joshua B. Tenenbaum2 & Eric Schulz1 1Max Planck Research Group Computational Principles of Intelligence, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics 2Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Over the last decades, games have become one of the most isons between human and machine agents, for example in re- popular recreational activities, not only among children but search of human tool use (Allen et al., 2020). Games also also among adults. Consequently, they have also gained pop- offer complex environments for human-agent collaborations ularity as an avenue for studying cognition. Games offer sev- (Fan, Dinculescu, & Ha, 2019). Games have gained increas- eral advantages, such as the possibility to gather big data sets, ing attention during recent meetings of the Cognitive Science engage participants to play for a long time, and better resem- Society, with presentations on multi-agent collaboration (Wu blance of real world complexities. In this workshop, we will et al., 2020), foraging (Garg & Kello, 2020) and mastery (An- bring together leading researchers from across the cognitive derson, 2020) (all examples taken from the 2020 Conference). sciences to explore how games can be used to study diverse aspects of intelligent behavior, explore their differences com- Goal and scope pared to classical lab experiments, and discuss the future of The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists who game-based cognitive science research. share a joint interest in using games as a tool to research in- Keywords: Games; Cognition; Big Data; Computation telligence. We have invited leading academics from cogni- tive science who apply games in their research. In particular, Introduction our goal is to facilitate discussion about the possibilities and Machine learning researchers frequently focus on human- shortcomings of games as research paradigms. Key questions level performance in particular in games (Mnih et al., 2015). of discussion will include: However, in these applications, human behavior is commonly reduced to a simple dot on a performance graph. Cognitive • How can games help us to understand human cognition? science, in particular theories of learning and decision mak- • In which research areas could games be useful paradigms? ing, could hold the key to unlock what is behind this dot, • What advantages and disadvantages do games have com- thereby gaining further insights into human cognition and pared with classical experiments? the design principles of intelligent algorithms (Lake, Ullman, • What kind of games are useful as research paradigms? Tenenbaum, & Gershman, 2017). However, cognitive exper- • How can we scale model comparison approaches to big iments commonly focus on relatively simple paradigms. We data domains, comparing artificial and biological agents? believe that the time is ripe for researchers from across the cognitive sciences to come together, discuss, and push for- Target audience ward paradigms that use games to research and understand Our target audience is as interdisciplinary and broad as the human cognition (Opheusden et al., 2021; Opheusden & Ma, conference as a whole — we expect this workshop to be of 2019). Our workshop will therefore consist of a diverse set interest to cognitive psychologists, linguists, developmental of speakers to present on their current research on games, psychologists, neuroscientists, computer scientists and ma- including word games (Hartshorne, Tenenbaum, & Pinker, chine learning researchers alike. The workshop’s webpage 2018), physics games (Allen, Smith, & Tenenbaum, 2020), can be found at: social games (Wu et al., 2020), and complex reinforcement learning environments (Kosoy et al., 2020; S¸ims¸ek, Algorta, Organizers and presenters & Kothiyal, 2016), as well as potential future application of Franziska Brandle¨ (Organizer) is a PhD-student at the Max games in their research. Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. Franziska works While traditional in-lab experiments have been the main on exploration in games, in particular how participants expe- source of data to research cognition, the internet offers an rience fun during learning progress. opportunity to gather data sets that are several times bigger Kelsey Allen (Organizer) is a PhD student at MIT. She uses (Griffiths, 2014). Online games, played by thousands of play- computational models and behavioral experiments to study ers across the globe not only provide us with big data sets, the development of human action, in particular the interaction they can additionally give us an insight into human behavior between intuitive physics and planning for physical problem- that has traditionally been hard to collect in the lab - for ex- solving contexts. ample hundreds of hours of interaction with a specific task Joshua B. Tenenbaum (Organizer) is Professor of cognitive (Stafford & Dewar, 2014). science at MIT. Josh’s lab sits at the intersection of cogni- Another interesting aspect of games is their ability to re- tive science and machine learning, with a focus on hallmarks semble the real world more closely. By using physical game of human intelligence; in particular, the ability to learn effi- engines, researchers can make precise, quantifiable compar- ciently and flexibly from limited data. Eric Schulz (Organizer) is Group Leader at the Max Planck Presenter Topic Institute of Biological Cybernetics. The research of his lab Fan Human-AI Collaborative Games focuses on how people learn, generalize and explore and in- Hartshorne, de Leeuw Experiments Subjects Want cludes diverse methods such as interactive games and large Griffiths, Ho Rationally Representing Games datasets. Tenenbaum The Frostbite Challenge Wei Ji Ma is Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at Brandle¨ A Computational Theory of Fun NYU. Broadly, he is interested in decision-making under un- S¸ims¸ek Bounded Rationality and Games certainty, with a recent focus on planning tasks in which Velez´ Multigenerational Collaboration in thinking multiple steps ahead is beneficial. He has used a Online Games tic-tac-toe variant and Rush Hour as experimental paradigms. Gopnik Comparing exploration in children Thomas Pouncy is a PhD-student at the Psychology Depart- and artificial agents in online games ment of Harvard University. His research focuses on model- based reinforcement learning. References Judith Fan is an Assistant Professor at UC San Diego. Her Allen, K. R., Smith, K. A., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2020). Rapid lab focuses on how people use physical representations of trial-and-error learning with simulation supports flexible tool use and physical reasoning. Proceedings of the National thought to learn, communicate, and solve problems. Academy of Sciences, 117(47), 29302–29310. Joshua Hartshorne is an Assistant Professor of psychology Anderson, C. G. (2020). Game on: Mastery orientation through the at Boston College. He is interested in understanding what lens of a challenging video game. In S. Denison, M. Mack, Y. Xu, & B. C. Armstrong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd allows humans, but not current machines, to learn language. annual conference of the cognitive science society (p. 1186- Joshua de Leeuw is an Assistant Professor of cognitive sci- 1192). ence at Vassar College. His research focuses on the develop- Fan, J. E., Dinculescu, M., & Ha, D. (2019). collabdraw: an envi- ronment for collaborative sketching with an artificial agent. ment and application of internet-based tools for the study of In Proceedings of the 2019 on creativity and cognition (pp. human cognition. 556–561). Thomas Griffiths is a Professor of psychology and computer Garg, K., & Kello, C. (2020). Foraging in the virtual himalayas: Intrinsic and extrinsic factors in search. In S. Denison, science at Princeton University. His research focuses on de- M. Mack, Y. Xu, & B. C. Armstrong (Eds.), Proceedings of veloping mathematical models of higher-level cognition that the 42nd annual conference of the cognitive science society underlie our ability to solve everyday problems. (p. 1065-1071). Mark Ho Griffiths, T. (2014, 12). Manifesto for a new (computational) cogni- is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University. tive revolution. Cognition, 135. His research focuses on the role of meta-reasoning in human Hartshorne, J. K., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Pinker, S. (2018). A critical problem solving and social cognition. period for second language acquisition: Evidence from 2/3 Ozg¨ ur¨ S¸ims¸ek million english speakers. Cognition, 177, 263–277. is a Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning at Kosoy, E., Collins, J., Chan, D. M., Hamrick, J. B., Huang, S., Gop- the University of Bath. Her research is on algorithms that can nik, A., et al. (2020). Exploring exploration: Comparing chil- learn from limited experience in complex, real-word environ- dren with rl agents in unified environments. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02880. ments, with a focus on reinforcement learning. Lake, B. M., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Gershman, S. J. Natalia Velez´ is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University. (2017). Building machines that learn and think like people. She studies the cognitive capacities and community dynamics Behavioral and brain sciences, 40. Mnih, V., Kavukcuoglu, K., Silver, D., Rusu, A. A., Veness, J., that make human collaboration possible. Bellemare, M. G., et al. (2015). Human-level control through Alison Gopnik is a Professor of Psychology and Philosophy
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