The Vizsla News Publication of the Vizsla Club of America, Inc. October - December 2018

Photo by GreatDanePhotos ©2015. Used with permission.

Table of Contents Pico The Vizsla News ...... page 2 CH AGCH MACH14 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie RE JH iNformaTioN - subscripTioNs - DeliVery - coVer reserVaTioNs - raTes MXS4 PDS MJG4 PJS MFG TQX T2B6 CGC president’s message ...... page 3 Are there words to describe Pico? Absolutely – talented, incredible, con- by melissa lembke sistent, mind-reading, agile, connected, partner, willing, sweet, loving, registry of merit ...... page 3 amazing, and perfect!! Are these words enough? Absolutely not – no by kareN lake words can describe everything that is Pico. membership report ...... page 4 Pico came fully loaded for multiple venues, although (as usual), I had to by carol keller catch up. As a newbie, we started in field, and she retrieved several birds to hand on her first foray, earning her JH with almost perfect editorial statement ...... page 4 scores. If I only had the time, she’s an awesome field companion and could accomplish so much more. In conformation, she coupled her akc Delegate’s report ...... page 4 beauty and brains to earn her Championship in 2012. And as our work by elise wrighT progressed, she gained both Rally and Obedience titles too. Q & a-possible connection between Diet and canine But agility is the game that she loves and that’s likely because I do too. heart Disease ...... page 7 From the start, Pico (called ‘Sparky’ in her litter), would light up the agility canine health foundation research progress course barking all the way through to make sure I knew she was with me… and to let me know when I messed up. I had to re-learn agility report summary ...... page 9 with her, so it took a bit when she was a young to get our feet under Vca boD Teleconference meeting minutes . . . .page 11 us. But, early in 2014 when she said ‘got it Mom’, everything changed, and we were off to the races. I can’t express how proud I am of her ac- regional round up ...... page 16 complishments: welcome New members ...... page 17 • First Agility Grand Champion (AGCH) Vizsla, March 2018 • 4x Agility Invitational Competitor 2015-2018, placing 3rd in 2015 and general election report ...... page 18 4th in 2016 Vca boD annual meeting minutes ...... page 20 • 3x Top Agility Dog 2015-2017 • First Vizsla to achieve Master Agility Championship 14 (MACH 14) Vca remembers our Vizsla family ...... page 26 • 2017 VCA National High Master Agility Champion, and, wags & brags ...... page 28 • Agility Co-Instructor to her Pack … Theis and Joule.

2019 National specialty & companion events . .page 29 I am incredibly blessed to have Pico as a partner - she has given me so Vca welfare foundation ...... page 30 much joy, laughter, and love that words just aren’t enough. And because Pico is an adventurous sort, I know there is still much in our future and I Vca National field Trial rotation plan proposal ...... can’t wait to find out what is next! ...... page 32 Proudly owned by: Dixie Hambrick and Thomas Cilluffo Top Ten reports ...... page 33 Bred by: Tom & Faustino Cilluffo, and Jamie Walton coNformaTioN - obeDieNce - fielD - rally - agiliTy - JuNiors Photo by: Scott Klar mach and pach Titles earned ...... page 42

New Titles earned ...... page 43 fielD - rally - agiliTy pointing To The past ...... page 52 index of advertisers...... page 54 regional Vizsla clubs ...... page 55

Vizsla club of america ...... page 56 officers, DirecTors aND commiTTee chairs | The Vizsla News - page 1 The Vizsla News The Vizsla News Publication of the Vizsla Club of America, Inc. Publication of the Vizsla Club of America, Inc. Published Quarterly Cover Reservations Editor: April Leonetti Linda Durham* Jan.-March 2019 P O Box 2558, Fallbrook, CA 92088 Martina Bickley* April-June 2019 234 Yucca Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Lindsay Fetters* July-Sept. 2019 (760) 451-8905 Office (714) 924-6836 Cell Linda Durham* Oct.-Dec. 2019 [email protected] *Pending receipt of deposit The Vizsla News Committee: all cover reservations require a $50.00 deposit to hold the Melissa Lembke reservation. back cover, centerfold and inside covers are Jamie Walton also available. contact the editor to make your reserva- Ashley Uffman tions. please watch the cover reservation list closely and Greg Dutson have your cover photos and information ready to send with Jennifer Follett your payment. email the editor at : [email protected] for your cover reservation. Contributors: Advertising Rates AKC Delegate Elise Wright Breed Sustainability Committee Cathy Gallagher Color Members Non-Members Registry of Merit Karen Lake front cover + half-page page bio inside (b/w) $450.00 Na Versatility Marcia Schlesinger back cover $400.00 $450.00 inside front/back cover $300.00 $350.00 centerfold 2 full pages $550.00 $600.00 Reporters: full page $250.00 $275.00 Agility Sheryl Hohle with chic number Field Michel Berner 1st color page $250.00 Obedience Maria Zucconi 2nd color page $225.00 Rally Ginger Sammonds 3rd color page Show Susan Rushing and subsequent pages $200.00 wags & brags $65.00 Na Top Producers Michel Berner Juniors Berkeley Thompson Black and White front cover + half-page Art Contributors: Kit Richards page bio inside $200.00 $250.00 Dee CHUSIANO back cover $125.00 $150.00 inside front/back cover $120.00 $150.00 Subscriptions / Membership centerfold 2 full pages $250.00 $300.00 subscriptions to The Vizsla News are included with a full page $100.00 $125.00 Vizsla club of america, inc. membership. membership half page $50.00 $65.00 options and rates are listed on the membership applica- tion available at Notice of change of Publishing Schedule and Ad Deadlines delivery cannot be guaranteed. please address all orders for renewals and change of address to Carol Keller, Ad Deadline Edition Published 379 Costa Mesa Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or December 15th Jan/Feb/Mar January 15th March 15th April/May/June April 15th [email protected]. bulk mail is not for- June 15th July/Aug/Sept July 15th warded by the post office nor can they be relied upon to September 15th Oct /Nov/Dec October 15th forward address corrections.

The Vizsla News is the official publication of the Vizsla Mailing / Delivery / Additional Copies Club of America. advertising information, general poli- The Vizsla News is mailed first class to all voting mem- cies, advertising submission and payment information, is bers and to associate members who pay the additional postage fee. subscriptions are mailed via bulk mail which located in the back of this issue or on the site. can take three or more weeks for delivery. all foreign The Vizsla News is a quarterly publication. all advertisers magazines must be mailed first class. are welcome. additional copies can be purchased for $8.00 each. con- Please note a 4% convenience fee will be applied tact carol keller for availability of issues prior to when using credit card or PayPal payment. sending payment at [email protected].

page 2 - The Vizsla News | President’s Message No bid has been received for the 2019 NgDc at the time of this writing. The board is open to any and all bids at this time. The NgDc does not rotate and can be in any part of oct 2018 the country. greetings, The 2019 National conformation show and companion i hope this finds all of you preparing for fall and the events will be here before we know it! The Nsce will be in changes that it brings! The changes of the seasons are al- west bend, wi next year. becky smith and her committee ways a time of reflection for me. are working hard to ensure it will be a fun and relaxing time at the washington county fairgrounds. Diane shearer has as we are going into the new year of the Vca, with the been selected as the judge for the classes and best of boD changing october 1st, i would like to take a few min- breed. Julia bonar was selected as the sweepstakes utes to thank our outgoing Vice president Trish burdin for judge. please see further information in this issue. all her work, dedication and commitment to the Vca and the breed in general. she will remain active in the Vca as The 2019 National field Trial will be held in pinckneyville, she is the chair of the field advisory committee. your il with laura miller as the chair. stay tuned for more infor- presence on the board will be missed but know that your mation to come for this event. leadership as the fac chair will continue to be felt as we move through this next year. with that, i would like to wel- The 2020 National conformation show and companion come ashley uffmann as our Vice president and ginger events will be held in estes park, co. corinne miklos has sammonds as our newest Vca boD member. been selected as the judge for the classes and best of breed judging. The sweepstakes judge will be chosen in also, when thinking about the Vca, the boD and the mem- april of next year. bership, i would like to discuss the topic of being a volun- teer. merriam webster defines volunteer as “a person who in closing, i would like to say that the board of directors is expresses a willingness to undertake a service”. when we here to serve you, our membership. if there are concerns think about this in terms of being a volunteer in a dog club that you have, please reach out to a director for a discus- or organization, this means one is willing to offer something sion or send comments/questions/concerns to askthevca- of themselves to the organization. most likely it will be in [email protected]. lending our time or knowledge or expertise. it may be a big contribution or it may be small gesture. it is not obligated warmest wishes, nor is it required. we certainly are not volunteering for melissa lembke monetary gain, but we should be getting something back as president , Vizsla club of america well in the form of personal accomplishment. i hope that when you choose to volunteer it is because you Registry Of Merit understand that you are helping in the greater cause of our breed and that the numerous hours spent is worth it in the congratulations to these rom Vizslas and their owners. long run; it is because you have a passion for our breed and want to see the Vizsla be sustainable for future genera- GCHG CH Bluewaters Fionn Mac Cumhaill tions. of Skipfire RE laurel medley and emily cloudman when one becomes involved, one becomes connected… ..with each other, the Vizsla community, the regional clubs GCHS CH HRQ Guess Who's In Trouble as well as the National club. when you are connected, RN JH OA OAJ NFP you are connected to the problems we face but also the colleen meacham and susan sibley processes and solutions we put into place. There has been a great amount of work that has been completed this year MBIS MBISS GCH CH Artisan Grouse in the Vca; and none of it could have been accomplished Point Pink Panther JH without those many people answering to the call of volun- corinne miklos, robin bernstein, Joan Toepke teerism. Thank you to all who played a part in so many ini- and sue lonabaugh tiatives this year! GCH CH Szizlin's Kiss Me Kate JH The 2018 National field Trial will be held at mingo sports- carol b. and bruce phelps man club beginning october 8, 2018. good luck to all those who entered! a special thank you to laurie fairchild karen lake and her committee for stepping up at the last minute to en- rom reporter sure that the Vca will have a specialty. | The Vizsla News - page 3 Membership Report AKC Delegate’s Report sept 2018 oct 2018 it’s hard to believe it but summer is already over and by the Overview time this magazine hits your doorstep the Vca membership i attended the akc Delegates meeting in Newark NJ on renewal process should be underway!! september 23 - 25, 2018 with two Vca members: carole richards (Delegate, gloucester county kennel club) and you will receive either an email or snail mail reminder to florence Duggan (Delegate, sussex hills kennel club). i renew. in the reminder, you will be able to verify your mem- went to the following committee meetings: breed sustain- bership information, so please take a second to be sure ability, parent club, canine health, field Trial and hunting everything is correct, especially your email address. if you Test, crop and Dock and the legislative caucus. consis- don’t receive a reminder it probably means you chose to tent topics included breed sustainability; work of the akc renew for two years and your membership doesn’t expire reunite Trailers for disaster relief, especially in the wake of until 12/31/2019. if you’re wondering if that’s the case, don’t hurricane florence; concern re: grain-free diets and possi- hesitate to drop me an email and if you have any updates ble connection to taurine-deficient Dcm (dilated cardiomy- to your membership information, send that along to me opathy); update on the akc Detection Dog program, also. including the creation of a retirement fund; improvements to the akc marketplace; national breed club (aka parent club) membership renewals are due by December 31st, after that support of legislative issues; and sound risk management date a late penalty will apply. memberships are considered for dog clubs. also, at the general meeting, the Delegates lapse if not renewed before march 1, 2019 after which you voted to appoint members to various standing committees. would need to reapply for a new Vca membership. if you have any question or issues, please let me know. Breed Sustainability Subcommittee (with assist from mari-beth o’Neill, akc sports services) here are the current membership numbers as of septem- This was the third meeting of the akc breed sustainability ber 2018. committee, co-chaired by alan kalter and florence Dug- gan. florence led a “roundtable” discussion among the regular 317 largest attendance yet, approximately 60 delegates. much regular household discussion revolved around how to get more people in- (divide by 2 for total rh members) 568 volved with clubs, be they parent, regional, all-breed or ac- lifetime 17 tivity-focused (e.g. field trial) clubs. some suggestions: l survey your community to find out how many people own Total Individual Regular Members 902 your breed, who might be breeding and whether they be- long to a club Junior 4 l review parent club membership requirements as a way to associate 59 expand/boost membership associate household l encourage breeders to get all their puppies registered (divide by 2 for total ah members) 46 and join their local club Total Associate Members 109 Next people discussed what parent clubs can do to pro- Total Individual Members 1,011 mote breed sustainability: l encourage breeders of merit to be mentors and educate carol keller new breeders and/or breeders outside the “fancy”; invite Vca membership chair them to join club activities [email protected] l create a presence on social media (e.g. facebook, insta- gram) and put out consistent messaging from the parent Editorial Statement club l use the illustrated standard as an educational tool to The Vca appreciates all articles and content that enhance show the importance of the “purpose-bred” dog the quality of and/or generate interest in The Vizsla News. l grow volunteers to become next-gen leaders of your club The editorial board will accept, with final editorial decision, l maximize presence at “meet the breeds” around the submissions written about the breed in general, including arti- country and make the messaging consistent cles that provide information to improve the breed, describe l find ways to introduce your breed to the public and the running or results of Vca events, or serve as general in- demonstrate what they are bred to do terest to the purebred dog fancy. we require that every arti- l update club’s codes of ethics/codes of conduct and cle written which describes or presents an individual dog or health statements on marketplace to educate the public its accomplishments (other than those receiving Vca awards) about breeding purpose-bred, pure bred be placed in the “wags and brags” section of the newsletter l share puppy buyer questionnaires to teach people how and follow the submission rules of that section. to find responsible breeders page 4 - The Vizsla News | l develop a toolkit of “best practices” for all parent clubs ellen hardin (Delegate, golden club of america) to use. reported on an increase of taurine-deficient Dcm (dilated cardiomyopathy) currently being documented by samples Parent Club Committee sent to Dr. Joshua stern at uc Davis. most affected seem patricia laurens, chair, noted the 5-year anniversary of the to be dogs fed a grain-free food with legumes & potatoes akc reunite pet Disaster Trailer program. since inception, as primary ingredients. all breeds (including mixed breeds) 398 clubs [including the Vca & the Vca wf] have donated and all sizes of dogs, across the country, have been af- $1.798 million to fund 68 trailers in 28 states with 10 new fected. it is not known whether a low-taurine level or ab- trailers in the pipeline. These trailers are important educa- sorption of taurine is the culprit as no clear connection or tional tools and perform significant outreach in local com- genetic component has been identified. Dr. brown advised munities. find a trailer in your area here: feeding a wholesome, well-balanced diet informed by re- search. The canine health committee passed a motion to send an fDa advisory (July 2018) and faQ statement [in- peter piusz (Delegate, american rottweiler club) next cluded in this Vizsla News issue on page 7] to all owners of gave a presentation with akc staff on proposed changes to dogs registered with the akc. the akc marketplace platform to elevate parent clubs and their members within the classified listings. parent clubs Field Trial and Hunting Test Committee (with assist from (pcs) will now be referenced as National breed clubs Florence Duggan, Secretary) (Nbcs). on each breed profile, the Nbc will be given its akc is hard at work developing the “patriotic puppy pro- own tab as will resource articles specific to each breed to gram” to provide dogs for a national detection dog program highlight the Nbcs as breed stewards and keepers of the and to serve our country. This dovetails with the akc’s sup- breed standard. further, Nbc members will now be given port of federal legislation (hr 4577); please see below. at priority over bred with hearT breeders; members of other its core, the program starts with science: 8 genomes have akc clubs and other breeders will be pushed to the bottom been identified as strong predictors for success. Dogs from of the listings. breeders of merit will still be at the top of the established field lines promise a willingness to hunt, a list. Nbc breeders of merit are encouraged to participate in skillset that can easily shift over to law enforcement. The order to occupy the top of the listings. six breed clubs, in- program, still in development, will begin with the dam, dur- cluding the Vizsla, have been invited to test these new fea- ing the gestation period, and go through whelping, training, tures prior to roll-out later in the fall. work and then post-retirement. The akc has set up a 501- c-3 to provide lifetime veterinary care for these working Canine Health Committee dogs. The Tsa has identified the Vizsla as a stakeholder for Dr. Diane brown (ceo, akc chf) reported that the akc its “dual purpose” attributes—"drive, desire and ability to canine health foundation (akc chf) has approved a connect the dots.” Very few breeds can demonstrate multi- record $2.57 million in grant research (32 grants yTD). This ple generations of mhs/chs and Dcs. The akc is currently includes new studies in kidney disease, cancer, imha, ad- developing contracts and “memos of understanding” that dison’s disease, glaucoma and ophthalmology, cardiology, recognize both breeders and dogs. and genetics, theriogenology, re-emerging infectious dis- ease, brucellosis, diabetes, drug sensitivities, tick-borne Doug ljungren (eVp, sports and events) shared some disease and more. Dr. brown also gave a fundraising up- stats (august 2018 yTD), rule changes and recommenda- date for the 2018 hemangiosarcoma research initiative tions specific to pointing breeds: which met the akc 1:1 match challenge of $250k in august l pointing breed (pb) fTs (15,963 entries) —down 673 en- 2018; the foundation and flat-coated tries or – 4% retriever foundation increased the match by another $75k. l pointing breed (pb) hTs (6,547 entries) —down 851 or – further, grant proposals are currently under review for 12% epilepsy, tick-borne disease and ophthalmology. open l all traditional field events are down 1.8% rfps for atopic dermatitis and general canine health are rule changes, effective 12/1/18: due mid-october. l all-age stakes must allow both horseback and walking handlers significantly, the akc canine health foundation earned l walking handlers shall be braced together in horseback the highest 4-star charity Navigator rating this month for stakes the first time ever since 2013. This goes hand-in-hand with the guidestar platinum rating earned in 2017 and 2018. recommendations to be made to the akc boD in Novem- key to these ratings is a fundraising efficiency rate of 6%— ber 2018: fundraising cost = 6 cents on the dollar—compared to oth- l to allow a club to hold up to 8 pb hunting tests annually ers at 22 – 30%. more information re: the metrics used to l to approve the mh lifetime achievement title. owner ap- calculate this rating for programs growth, fiscal responsibil- plies for the title that indicates the number of times a dog ity and transparency can be found at www.charitynaviga- has passed the mh test. (e.g. mh#) minimum number of passes is 12 (double the mh level). | The Vizsla News - page 5 Crop and Dock Committee penses of $46.8 million, which reflects operating income of Discussion was led by peter piusz (american rottweiler $3.2 million, which is below our comparative operating in- club). The assembled agreed to send a letter to the akc come of $4.9 million at the same time last year. boD expressing a preference re: using the words “un- l litter registration (170k) is up 6%; individual registrations docked” and “uncropped” over “natural” when referring to (401k) is up 4%. This generated $1.4m in additional rev- tails and ears in breed standards for new akc clubs. also enue. discussed was the importance of breeders educating vets l revenue from royalties has increased 28%; cgc and on good and cropping practices as this is becom- Trick Dog programs show 41% increased revenue. ing a lost art. as laws in various states change, many l operating expenses have increased, largely due to in- breeders are finding it harder and harder to find vets who creased payroll and benefits. Development of akc.TV and can and will “dock” and “crop”. expanded marketing services also explain increased costs. management is watching closely. Legislative Caucus l investments have a 4% unrealized gain, up from 3.5% in sheila goffe (akc, government relations) and her team the past. almost 75% of our liabilities lie within long-term are currently monitoring 2100+ measures that will impact pension and post-retirement obligations. our net assets of our right to own dogs. $98.8 million have increased by 14% since august of last The akc supports, at the federal level, these pieces of leg- year. islation: 1. hr 2 (farm bill 2018) authorizes federal funding for Next, the Delegates assembled voted on items pertaining the u.s. Department of agriculture, which oversees imple- to “Rules Applying to Dog Shows”: mentation of the federal animal welfare act and other fed- 1. passed: allow clubs to limit their event by the number eral animal-related regulations programs. akc, together of dogs or total entry with Naia, advocated for language in the bills to require the 2. Not adopted: order in which awards are presented at government to track the number of dogs being imported an all-breed Dog show, which includes a requirement into the united states and sourcing of animals being im- that all group winners compete ported into the u.s. for resale as pets. similar language 3. passed: allow a club to offer a three-time win trophy has been incorporated into both versions of the bill. for reserve best in show ** The Vca board of Directors sent a letter of support of the 4. Tabled: Dog show entries, conditions of Dogs affect- farm bill to the akc.** ing eligibility to address inappropriate collars and leads at 2. another measure advocated for by akc — the pet dog show and women safety act (paws – h.r. 909/s. 322), has The meeting concluded with a presentation by insurance also been added to the senate version of the farm bill. industry professionals re: risk management for dog clubs. paws adds federal protections for the pets of victims of do- mestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating vio- The akc gazette is also a source for more information lence. it would also create a program to award grants to about akc operations and includes our quarterly breed eligible entities to aid victims of crimes related to stalking column, expertly written by our columnist beth Nash: and domestic violence. The individual bills have passed their respective chambers, and differences will be ad- gazette/ The september 2018 issue includes an interest- dressed in conference committee. ing article on the “Whelping and Care of Newborns” as part 3. further, the akc supports h.r. 4577, which estab- 4 of the “Best of Breeder” series. lishes a working group to develop a domestic canine breed- ing network to produce high-quality explosives detection as your akc Delegate, i aim to serve the needs of all Vca canines. akc provided assistance with drafting this meas- members and represent the goals of the national breed ure and is working with members of congress to advance club, the Vizsla club of america, to the akc board of Direc- it. The measure has passed the house and has been as- tors and to the akc Delegate body. please feel free to con- signed to the senate commerce, science and Transporta- tact me at [email protected]. tion committee. respectfully submitted, fmi about the akc’s legislative work: elise wright akc Delegate, Vca relations/toolbox/

General Delegates Meeting Delegates voted on members of respective standing com- mittees. Next, we were given a visual tour of the akc’s new Nyc office, 101 park avenue, and the new akc museum of the Dog with a preview of upcoming exhibits. Joseph baffuto (akc cfo) then gave an overview of akc finan- cials, year-to-date: l Total revenue of $50 million has been offset by total ex- page 6 - The Vizsla News | Questions & Answers: FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine’s Investigation into a Possible Connection Between Diet and Canine Heart Disease

On July 12, 2018, FDA issued a public notification (/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/CVMUpdates/ucm613305.htm) about the agency’s investigation into reports of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs eating certain pet foods. While it is early in the investigation, the Center for Veterinary Medicine recognizes that you may have questions. Below we have compiled answers to address some of the frequently asked questions raised by pet owners and veterinarians.

1. What potential connection is the FDA investigating? fDa is investigating a potential dietary link between canine dilated cardiomyopathy (Dcm) and dogs eating certain pet foods containing legumes like peas or lentils, other legume seeds, or potatoes as main ingredients. we began investigat- ing after fDa‘s center for Veterinary medicine (cVm) received a number of reports of Dcm in dogs eating these diets. Dcm itself is not considered rare in dogs, but these reports are unusual because many of the reported cases occurred in breeds of dogs not typically genetically prone to the disease and were reported to have been fed the same type of diet (la- beled as “grain-free”).

2. What is the FDA doing about this possible connection?

The fDa’s center for Veterinary medicine (cVm) and the Veterinary laboratory investigation and response Network, a collaboration of government and veterinary diagnostic laboratories, are investigating this potential association. we are working with board certified veterinary cardiologists and veterinary nutritionists to better understand the clinical presenta- tion of the cases. The agency has also been in contact with pet food manufacturers to discuss these reports and to help further the investigation. in addition, we are analyzing information from case reports submitted by pet owners and veteri- narians. we will continue to work with all of these stakeholders to help advance our ongoing investigation.

3. What is canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)?

Dcm is a disease of a dog’s heart muscle and results in an enlarged heart. as the heart and its chambers become dilated, it becomes harder for the heart to pump, and heart valves may leak, which can lead to a buildup of fluids in the chest and abdomen (congestive heart failure). if caught early, heart function may improve in cases that are not linked to genetics with appropriate veterinary treatment and dietary modification.

4. Why did the FDA notify the public about the possible connection if the agency doesn’t have definitive an- swers? while it is early in the investigation, the fDa’s center for Veterinary medicine (cVm) felt a responsibility to shed light on an early signal that we have been made aware of and to solicit reports from pet owners and vets that may know of related cases. The data provided through reports will help inform the investigation.

5. How many cases have been reported to the FDA? prior to issuing our public notification (/animalVeterinary/Newsevents/cVmupdates/ucm613305.htm) on July 12, 2018, the fDa received sporadic reports involving 30 dogs and seven cats. in the reports we received, some of the dogs showed signs of heart disease, including decreased energy, cough, difficulty breathing, and episodes of collapse. we are aware that the veterinary cardiology community has received more reports (approximately 150 as of 7/12/18). since issuing the public notification, cVm has received many additional reports, but we are still in the process of reviewing them. | The Vizsla News - page 7 6. What brands of food have been included in the reports to the FDA?

There is a range of different brands and formulas included in the reports. rather than brands, the common thread appears to be legumes, pulses (seeds of legumes), and/or potatoes as main ingredients in the food. This also includes protein, starch and fiber derivatives of these ingredients, (e.g., pea protein, pea starch, or pea fiber). some reports we have re- ceived also seem to indicate that the pets were not eating any other foods for several months to years prior to exhibiting signs of Dcm.

7. What are legumes? legumes are part of the fabaceae plant family, and are the fruit or seed of these plants. common legumes include peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts. legumes are used for both human and animal food and have become a common plant-based source of protein.

8. Does the FDA think this possible link includes diets with rice? rice is a grain, not a legume. The current reports do not suggest there is any link between diets with rice and Dcm in dogs.

9. Are sweet potatoes and red potatoes classified as potatoes? yes.

10. What does the FDA consider a “main ingredient”?

There is no hard and fast rule for what qualifies as a “main ingredient.” we generally consider a "main ingredient" to be listed in a food’s ingredient list before the first vitamin or mineral ingredient.

11. Does the FDA know what it is about these foods that may be connected to canine DCM? at this time, it is not clear what it is about these diets that may be connected to Dcm in dogs. Taurine deficiency is well- documented as a potential cause of Dcm, but it is not the only cause of Dcm. Nutritional makeup of the main ingredients or how dogs process them, main ingredient sourcing, processing, amount used, or other factors could be involved.

12. How do I know if my pet’s food is one of the diets discussed in the FDA’s public notification? we suggest reviewing the ingredient list on your pet’s food to see whether legumes and/or potatoes are listed as one of the main ingredients.

13. Should I avoid grain-free diets? high levels of legumes or potatoes appear to be more common in diets labeled as “grain-free,” but it is not yet known how these ingredients are linked to cases of Dcm. additionally, legumes and potatoes may appear as ingredients in foods that are not labeled as “grain-free.” changes in diet, especially for dogs with Dcm, should be made in consultation with a li- censed veterinarian.

14. Do I need to change my dog’s diet? at this time, we are not advising dietary changes based solely on the information we have gathered so far. if you have questions or concerns about your dog’s health or its diet, we suggest that you consult your veterinarian for individualized advice that takes into account your dog’s specific needs and medical history.

15. What’s the safest diet for my dog?

Different dogs have different nutritional needs based on a number of factors, so nutrition advice is not one-size-fits-all. The fDa recommends consulting your veterinarian for personalized advice about what to feed your dog.

16. What should I do if my dog is experiencing symptoms of DCM? if your dog is showing possible signs of Dcm or other heart conditions, including decreased energy, cough, difficulty (Continued on page 10). page 8 - The Vizsla News | RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT SUMMARY

Grant 02217: A Novel Mechanism to Regulate the Growth of Canine Hemangiosarcoma

Principal Investigator: erin Dickerson, phD research Institution: university of minnesota Grant Amount: $86,206.00 Start Date: 1/1/2016 End Date: 6/30/2018 Progress Report: FINAL Report Due: 6/30/2018 Report Received: 7/16/2018

(The content of this report is not confidential and may be used in communications with your organization.)

Original Project Description: hemangiosarcoma is an extremely aggressive cancer that is rapidly fatal in dogs. while the lifetime risk is alarmingly high for some breeds such as golden and german shepherd Dogs, the disease does not discriminate, and it can strike any dog at any time. Despite considerable efforts by veterinarians and scientists to find effective treatments, the out- come for dogs with hemangiosarcoma has changed very little over the past few decades. recent evidence provides es- sential clues into how these tumors grow and progress, generating new ideas for treatment approaches. such new evidence suggests that hemangiosarcoma cells rely on the metabolism of lipids or fatty acids to supply energy for tissue invasion or continued tumor growth. To obtain these lipids, hemangiosarcomas may take over the metabolic ma- chinery of neighboring cells, forcing them to produce nutrients for the tumor cells to help them proliferate and grow. This study will verify that tumor cells rely on lipid metabolism for growth, and determine if tumor cells alter the metabolism of fat cells to obtain cellular nutrients and accelerate tumor cell lipid metabolism. identifying and exploiting a novel mechanism that may disrupt this process by inhibiting the interactions between tumor cells and cells in the tumor environment will speed clinical investigations, and ultimately lead to improved outcomes for dogs with this devastating disease.

Publications: we have not yet published any of our findings. we anticipate that the following data will be part of a paper that is currently in preparation, and we plan to submit this paper in 2018:

1) immunohistochemistry of -ar and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in primary hemangiosarcomas. 2) expression of -ars and the catecholamine enzymes in hemangiosarcoma cell lines. 3) expression norepinephrine and dopamine in hemangiosarcoma cell lines. 4) Treatment of hemangiosarcoma and angiosarcoma cell lines with doxorubicin leads to an increase in Th expression, as well as an increase in the synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine. we also anticipate the publication of a second paper in 2019 describing the majority of the findings described in this re- port.

Presentations: i attended a keystone conference on tumor metabolism in cancer cells in whistler canada in march 2017. a phD student in my lab (Derek korpela, DVm) also attended this meeting, and he presented some of the work described here. Dr. korpela and i also attended the annual Veterinary cancer society meeting, held in portland, or, october 2017. both abstracts were cho- sen for oral presentation. i presented some of this work as a state of the art presentation at the conference; Dr. korpela pre- | The Vizsla News - page 9 sented some of his work showing the metabolic impact of propranolol and its enantiomers on hemangiosarcoma cell metabo- lism. funding support by the akc canine health foundation was acknowledged for all presentations.

Report to Grant Sponsor from Investigator: hemangiosarcoma is an incurable cancer that is almost uniformly fatal. The tumors often grow quickly and spread rapidly, with half of all dogs dying within six months of diagnosis, even with treatment. because the prognosis has not changed over several decades, a better understanding of the disease is needed to develop new treatment approaches. we have found that hemangiosarcoma cells appear to rely on the metabolism of lipids to supply some of the energy and essential building blocks needed for tumor growth. we also found that propranolol, a common drug used to treat heart disease in both dogs and people, limits the uptake of lipids into cells and blocks the cell’s ability to process these compounds. can- cer cells have been shown to impose a self-serving metabolic program on normal cells by forcing normal cells to supply nutrients, such as sugars and lipids, to the tumor. recent studies have shown that cells like adipocytes (fat cells) can be remodeled by tumor cells to help create a niche favoring tumor growth. because propranolol can block the use of lipids by tumor cells, propranolol may be able to reverse the cancer-imposed metabolic reprogramming on adipocytes or other nor- mal cells, limiting tumor growth. for this study, we sought to:

1) characterize the lipid metabolic program(s) in hemangiosarcoma cells and determine if the use of lipids by these cells could be blocked by propranolol;

2) determine if hemangiosarcoma cells alter the metabolic program(s) of adipocytes; and

3) whether these changes in adipocytes enhanced the tumor cell growth programs and the invasive nature of heman- giosarcomas. we found that propranolol inhibited key metabolic processes in hemangiosarcoma cells, including the up- take and processing of lipids. we also found that hemangiosarcoma cells reprogrammed normal adipocytes in a way that may force the adipocytes to produce nutrients for hemangiosarcoma cells to help them proliferate and grow. parallel stud- ies supported this idea by showing that adipocytes accelerated metabolic growth programs in hemangiosarcoma cells and enhanced programs favoring more aggressive disease. future studies will be directed toward further assessing the meta- bolic programs of hemangiosarcomas and determining whether drugs like propranolol can be used to prevent the manipu- lation of adipocytes by tumor cells and reduce tumor growth and invasion.

Questions & Answers: FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine’s Investigation into a Possible Connection Between Diet and Canine Heart Disease (Continued from page 9). breathing and episodes of collapse, you should contact your veterinarian. your veterinarian may ask you for a thorough di- etary history, including all the foods (including treats) the dog has eaten.

17. How do vets and consumers submit reports to the FDA? cVm encourages pet owners and veterinary professionals to report cases of Dcm in dogs suspected of having a link to diet by using the electronic safety reporting portal ( or calling their state’s fDa con- sumer complaint coordinators (/safety/reportaproblem/consumercomplaintcoordinators/default‐ .htm).

18. What information does the FDA need included in the reports? please see “how to report a pet food complaint (/animalVeterinary/safetyhealth/reportaproblem/ucm182403.htm)" for additional instructions and information.

19. How long will the FDA’s investigation take?

There is no way to know how long the investigation will take, but cVm is hopeful that as we gather more data from case reports, we will gain a better understanding of this possible connection. we will continue to convey our observations pub- licly as the investigation progresses. for more information: Animal Health Literacy (/AnimalVeterinary/ResourcesforYou/AnimalHealthLiteracy/default.htm) CVM Kid's Page (/AnimalVeterinary/ResourcesforYou/AnimalHealthLiteracy/ucm136153.htm) page 10 - The Vizsla News | MINUTES OF Vizsla Club of America Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting May 31, 2018 - APPROVED 8/18/2018-

Roll Call was taken and the meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm csT

Present: melissa lembke, president; Trish burdin, Vice president; greg Dutson, Treasurer; Jennifer follett, recording secretary; Jamie walton, corresponding secretary; susan barrow, russ bigus, melissa green, patty hart, rachel romano kelly, Diane shearer, mark spurgeon, ashley uffman. absent: cathy gallaher, elise wright

 Adoption of Standing Rules approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

 Adoption of Agenda approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

 Approval of Minutes approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT a Motion 20180531_01: To Approve the March 11, Board Meeting Minutes. approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT a Motion 20180531_02: To Approve the May 2, Annual Meeting Minutes. approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

 Results of eBallots since 3/11 meeting a To approve the trophy design by Tad walden for the rally Dog of the year trophy. The trophy will be a wooden art piece that includes a screen-printed design, nameplates for all winners, a medallion, and a placeholder for a photo of the winner. for: 13 against: 1 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To approve the calculation for determining the rally Dog of the year, proposed by ginger sammonds, standing obedience chair.

Calculation: To qualify for rally Dog of the year, the dog must be ranked as number one dog for his/her level in the year end rally re- sults and must be owned or co-owned by a current member of the Vca. each dog ranked as number one will have his/her three highest scores used regardless of how many additional scores are accrued. These scores will be added together along with points for placements in each class.

The class placement points will be as follows: first place = 4 points, second place = 3 points, Third place = 2 points, fourth place = 1 point should this result in a tie, the total number of dogs defeated from those three classes will be used to break the tie. for: 12 against: 1 absent: 1 abstain: 1 motion carried a approve barb wedekind selton and louise botko as judges for the 2019 Nsce obedience & rally trials. for: 13 against:0 absent: 1 abstain: 1 motion carried a To approve the nomination of ginger sammonds as the 2018 Vizsla club of america outstanding sportsmanship recipient. for: 13 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 1 motion carried a To amend the decision by a previous Vca board to limit hall of fame votes to two votes per ballot by each voting member. (Date of motion can't be found historically.) for: 12 against: 1 absent: 1 abstain: 1 motion carried | The Vizsla News - page 11 a To amend the decision made by the Vca board in 1977 to limit induction to a maximum of two dogs into the hall of fame per year. The new limit will allow up to 5 dogs to be inducted in a single year. for: 10 against: 4 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To amend the 2010 requirement that a sliding scale comprising a 40%/45%/50% plus one vote depending on nomina- tions of three, four or five dogs are placed on the ballot. The new requirement will be 50% plus one vote of all ballots re- turned. for: 14 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To amend the 2004 requirement for a minimum of three dogs nominated in order to publish a ballot to the Vca membership. The new minimum will be one nomination. for: 13 against: 1 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To adopt the hall of fame nomination requirement that if a dog has been on a ballot for two consecutive years and not inducted there is a requirement to take a hiatus for one voting cycle before being placed on a hof ballot. for: 14 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To approve the bid for the 2018 National field Trial as submitted by chair, laurie fairchild. The event will run october 8-15 after the conclusion of the gwpca event at mingo sportsman's club in eastern ohio. The champion stakes will be run prior to the Derby stakes at this event if the gwpca runs longer than anticipated. for: 15 against: 0 absent: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried a To approve the bid for the 2018 annual board meeting at the hilton garden inn in minneapolis, mN. The meeting will be held august 18, 2018. for: 12 against: 2 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To approve printing of an additional 250 copies of the illustrated standard Quick guides to balance inventory with illustrated standards. for: 14 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To sell copies of the illustrated standard with the Quick guides and postage included for $15 each. for: 14 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried

 Officer Reports President • email has been finicky. only receiving about half of emails and only half are being sent. will be changing email, if you have emailed with no response, please reach out. Vice President Report • No report Recording Secretary • Judges selection survey concluded yesterday. Judges have all been notified and the results will be released as soon as the 2021 National specialty Judge and the 2019 National sweepstakes Judge are under contract. • working on the annual board meeting . • Today was the deadline for petitions from the floor, having received none, the nominating committees slate is elected. ballot will just have nominations for the nominating committee. would like to add an additional amendment to get our an- nual board meeting in compliance with the bylaws. a Motion 20180531_03: To place the following on the general membership ballot: to strike “and preceding the Annual Meeting of the Club.” Section will now read: The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at a place, date, and hour designated by the Board of Directors. move: follett second: walton for: burdin, Dutson, follett, walton, barrow, bigus, hart, romano kelly, shearer, uffman absent: wright, gallagher, green, spurgeon motion carried

Corresponding Secretary • prepared certificates for the Top producers for Nationals • prepared Top producer boards , suggest Top producer chair take over this task. • sent letters to judges selected in the Jsp. prepared judge bios and board for sweepstakes and specialty judges for Nationals. • prepared outstanding sportsman award certificate and notified akc. • 2019 Nationals sweepstake Judge contract and regret letters have gone out (3 letters and one contract) Judge has page 12 - The Vizsla News | accepted and heard back from all but one. • 2021 National specialty Judge contract and regret letters have gone out (8 letters and one contract) we have heard back from 3 so far. • request from Showsight Magazine --Defer to melissa and pat folz

Club Correspondence since march 12, 2018 • 3-12 National Videographer survey results • 3-13 National photo contest results • 3-15 call for National bids in the west • 3-15 2018 Vca general election • 3-16 2017 hof results • 3-16 2017 hof results –revised • 3-19 2018 Nationals reservations • 3-21 Vca board meeting minutes • 3-21 2018 Vca general election candidates report • 3-26 cirD best practices information • 3-31 2018 Nationals clarification on hotel cancel policy • 4-2 2018 annual membership meeting • 4-2 seeking Volunteers for Treasury committee • 4-3 membership applications april • 4-8 obedience help needed • 4-11 rally Dog of the year • 4-13 2018 National hospitability room • 4-22 2018 National limited raffle • 4-25 come to the membership meeting • 4-30 membership applications may • 5-3 parades start at 4 pm • 5-4 2018 attention agility competitors • 5-8 outstanding sportsmanship award winner • 5-17 may board meeting minutes • 5-18 National raffle winners • 5-23 2018 National field Trial announcement • 5-29 illustrated breed standard • 5-30 call for western National specialty bid reminder • 5-31 meeting agenda

Vertical Response since march 12, 2018 • There was a consistent flow of e-mails regarding the National events. several per day which were answered as they came. • several questions about not receiving the illustrated standard or how to get an illustrated standard. These have been forwarded on to Tad and/or now susan. • much fewer questions about not receiving e-mails since Vr corrected their aol issues. • 3-12 Daniel zilka inquired about VccN history –forwarded to mary chelton • 3-15 Daniel zilka inquired about when the Nationals will be in the east again –answered 2021 • 4-4 Treasury committee –shella fuhrman came forward • 4-8 Question about repurposing medallions –forwarded to Debbie sullivan • 4-7 Daniel zilka questioned process of notifying hof recipients. • 4-12 hof committee asked for approval of the revised requirements. • 4-15 Treasury committee –britt Jung came forward • 4-24 complaint from sabrina corliss about announcing akc field event results and not NgDc winners. • 5-9 letter from kathy rust about broken Dezso memorial Trophy and requested plan forward–forwarded to board • 5-17 inquiry from spinone club about how we use the studbooks. currently surveying the distribution list. • 5-21 follow-up from Jody beckley on status of her request about retrieving at field Trials. • 5-23 complaint from sarah barr about specialty photographer lack of response. • 5-25 complaints about reserved seating at Nationals

Treasurer • working on closing out Nsce -- need to allocate the reservations deposit –large item • will send financial reports to Tac for review • want to finish the taxes without an extension | The Vizsla News - page 13 • with the Tac looking at paypal card services (versus scrapping paypal completely,) chart of accounts, review of financial reports

 Committee Reports Treasury Advisory Committee – Dutson on behalf of Dickinson • working on the projects mentioned in Treasuer’s report • Quickbooks singlefile to Quickbooks online transition • welcome to britt Jung and shella fuhrman, thank you to carol keller for your service • Next meeting June 14, will likely be meeting every other month to get through all the action items Field Advisory Committee – Trish burdin • have a new addition to the fac – laurie fairchild as the NfT chair • amy husband has stepped down as a central representative. fac will be looking to backfill her position Hall of Fame – Tad walden • No big updates, good feedback from the implemented changes • requesting a trophy budget in their annual report • would also like one ad-hoc for the 2017 inductee and Tad will send a separate proposal this week a mark spurgeon joined the meeting at 7:47 pm csT

Website – rhoda ezell • committee membership recommendation: not to exceed 4 people • work was done by kelly alford to transition to a new platform, navigation site, and design concept. Navigation portion is pretty well done. • Jennifer does the website updates, she is an independent contractor and is not under contract • e-commerce program for the 2019 Nationals and beyond. There are many that can be merged into wordpress. • we need to have a mobile platform, and we need to rfp for the work that we do going forward, with a note that we will own all content regardless of the webmaster • should we do a broad reach out to membership regarding content they want on the site? • what do we have available to us from kelly? Do we have ownership of the design presented at the meeting last summer? was there coding behind the images? or just artistic renderings? • what would Jennifer’s charges be to design the site? • suggest that we put in writing going forward that Vca owns the content • rhoda to get answers to questions and prepare for the annual board meeting a melissa green joined the meeting at 8:13 pm csT

Illustrated Breed Standard – Tad walden • 98% of comments are that the work is exceptional. 4 or 5 negative comments. • several thank you notes from judges have been received. many have said it’s the best they’ve seen. • other clubs have contacted us for information on how they can duplicate • a few didn’t receive them in the mail, those have been sent • Non-Vizsla judges have asked for some (we only mailed to judges approved to judge Vizslas) • a number of international requests for copies. pricing/shipping and accepting international funds was not anticipated. working through that now. • Documents for the website are ready for board approval. This would allow judges to download onto their ipads • extra inventory has all been sent to susan barrow. order forms have been released and orders are rolling in. costs $0.92 to mail the two documents. • akc reached out and asked for 15 books and has sent them to all the field representatives • rhoda will link it from both breed education and judge education on the website. a Motion 20180531_04: To upload the files with copy write on every page to the website for download. moved: romano kelly second: bigus approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT • with work complete the committee will be disbanded Welfare Foundation Update – lembke on behalf of elise wright • only two reports of gi upset post Nsce – much improved! • have a contract with survey gizmo to initiate health surveys and census • received $850 from the centerpiece sales at National banquet into donor advised fund and will be matched 1:1 by hsa fund 2018 National Specialty & Companion Events – schmidt • Needs to tie off with greg on a few items page 14 - The Vizsla News | • working with the hotel on a couple items • survey results o T-shirt covers were preferred over chair covers (83.5%) o only two people prefer hotel set-up coffee – this is a huge expense and apparently not needed! o crate rental program well received as were play yards o over 90% of respondents liked having the agility trial on-site o mats are the preferred surface o live streamed video via facebook seems to be a good alternative to hired video (only 13% preferred the professional with associated cost) 2018 National Field Trial – bigus on behalf of fairchild • organizing is going well • caterer ordered up • all on the committee are very familiar with the grounds • Derby will run at the end to accommodate the potential timing with the gwpca event. a Motion 20180531_05: To approve Mark Spurgeon as the NFT Liaison. moved: burdin second: bigus **Vote not taken, motion died on the table.** • mark spurgeon suggested raising the budget on trophies • russ suggested getting nicer gifts for judges

National Fundraising Chair for NGDC & NFT - uffman • each committee recreates the wheel, corporate sponsors often need a 6 month – 1 year window for approval • Typically do a first right of refusal to winner of the year prior • Thank you notes • suggest that the formal proposal on the trophy budget be sent to the fac for review, mark will send by Tuesday to Trish for the next fac meeting. • for now, sabrina corliss will serve as a fundraising chair for the NfT and NgDc. if the role works well, we will revisit (with fac review) and have it incorporated into the field event guidelines. a point of order -- Time expiring a Motion to extend to 9:20pm CST approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

2019 National Specialty & Companion Events – lembke • Due to complaints from 2018 host hotel, compliance officer position has been created. Jodi kast will serve in this role and will provide her phone number during the event for people to report bad behavior • kathy rust is looking into flooring for the polished concrete floor • becky smith working on getting the dog limit raised to over 2 dogs per room • committee would like to extend the event to 6 days again. would rather extend a day than hire two judges and have two rings running. • sponsorship levels – Veteran, puppy to include catalog advertisement, ringside seating, raffle tickets, etc. • received a generous donation from the central wisconsin Vizsla club for welcome bags • bad show photo contest and remembrance slide show • suggestion to move futurity/maturity to the end of the week after bob. a Motion 20180531_06: To add an extra day to the 2019 NSCE. move: burdin second: green for: burdin, green, romano kelly, shearer, spurgeon, lembke against: follett, walton, barrow, hart, uffman absent: Dutson, wright, gallagher abstain: bigus motion carried meeting adjourned at 9:36pm csT | The Vizsla News - page 15 Training weekend at ssJ farm in hillard, fl to get us ready for the upcoming season. october 20th and 21st Tampa bay Vizsla club, october hunt Test gmhT hunt club, lake wales, florida. Nov 30th through Dec 2nd 2018 is our De- cember field Trial Tampa bay Vizsla club ssJ farm hillard, fl. hope to see you there.

Daniel Neger TbVc corresponding secretary


South Louisiana Vizsla Club hi y’all, here in louisiana we laissez le bon temps rouler every chance we get and our 10th annual specialties in au- gust were no exception. we were thrilled to once again host 5 point majors for these shows and we thank all of our CALIFORNIA exhibitors for making this such a success. This year we had one of our largest entries. we look forward to even more South Coast Vizsla Club competitors joining us next year. hello fall! south coast Vizsla club members spent the summer splashing with their dogs, learning the basics of The slVc will host our hunt Test on November 10-11, barn hunt, showing their dogs to perfection at conformation 2018. These will be held at Neupoint farm in sunset, la. shows and fine tuning their dogs hunting skills readying come down and share our southern hospitality! please them for the field. additionally, 3 members of our club quali- contact the hT secretary at [email protected] for fied for the agility invitational which is held in orlando, fl. in more information. December. we’d like to congratulate carol keller and fargo, Dixie hambrick and pico and susan barrow with we wish the competitors at the National field Trial the best blue. good luck teams and have fun! of luck and safe travels. Thank you to the committee mem- bers who have worked so hard to put on a great trial. we’re looking forward to our annual fun Day being held at prado Dog Training park on october 6, 2018. we’ll have MICHIGAN short talks and demos, along with fun activities for owners and dogs. There will also be introductions to field, show, Vizsla Club of Michigan trick dog and agility. additionally, we will have games. lots The Vizsla club of michigan is preparing for our fall field of games! Dog 'treasure' hunts! weird food eating contests! Trial coming up september 29th and 30th at ionia, this is Dog bobbing for apples! popsicle eating (both owner and our final event for the season. we are looking forward to dog)! everyone will compete for prizes but also for laughs! the 2019 calendar year and adding a fun hunting event in it’s an awesome day filled with much fun, many friends and conjunction with other local clubs to increase involvement great food! we have three all-breed agility trials to balance in field events. our club has grown this year and we hope out the year. November 2nd-4th at fairplex in pomona, to carry that momentum into next year. December 15th -16th at industry hills expo center, Decem- ber 21st-23rd at industry hills expo center. as you can tell NEW YORK we’ve been very busy loving our dogs while enjoying partic- ipating in various activities with them. our club strives to welcome new owners and support them in the many activi- Vizsla Club of Greater New York ties which are available to us. Thank you to Jamie walton, our summer fun Day was held in June at the home of president, for her strong leadership, encouragement and christine and christopher arnone. all dogs present did constant support. some field work with quail and there was also an agility les- son. Dogs liked swimming in the lake best of all! FLORIDA our fall specialty and supported entries were held in con- junction with westchester kennel club and Tuxedo kennel Tampa Bay Vizsla Club club. both were well attended. The specialty was particu- hello all, larly poignant because it was dedicated to the memory of we are waiting for the temperatures to cool down a bit, it long time club member, Donna Defilipis who passed away has been a hot summer. here is a run down of our upcom- in february. Donna’s sister was present to hear stories ing events - september through December 2018. septem- about Donna and her love of the Vizsla breed. a memory ber 15th and 16th we are having a pointing breeds table showed early pictures of our club’s specialties. Thank page 16 - The Vizsla News | you to the arnones, Janet proetta, and lori smith for set- ting this up. fall events; our fall hunt tests are scheduled for october 6-7th at freeland kennel club in weatherly, penn- sylvania. Nancy anderson is the secretary and our chair is lori smith. premiums are on our web site at; our fall field Trial is scheduled for oc- tober 27-28th at the english club in medford, NJ. chaired by greg ritchings with secretarial assistance from bernadette allison it should be a great event. premiums are also available on our website.

Welcome New Members william and penny buchanan sarah and rob Johnson 6801 autumn hill lane 190 Nantucket circle bartlett, TN 38135 Vacaville, ca 95687 cell - 901 356-4694 cell - 559 817-8854 cell - 901 356-4693 cell - 559 817 8832 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] lisa and brad conrad ariel and frank Jokai 13615 hunters ridge ct 11549 knickerbocker rd prospect, ky 40059 san angleo, TX 76904 cell - 502 797-1159 cell - 985 258-6118 cell - 502 338-6199 cell - 985 258-8024 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] brooke and matthew flavin brenda matsen 49 e cherry lane Drive 19575 mcbride Timber rd englewood, co 80113 prince george, bc V2N6k3 caNaDa cell - 303 886-9018 cell - 250 552-9876 cell - 303 886-9261 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] aurelia reg’d Vizslas alan gunther & Jamie manley 29976 margale lane Vista, ca 92084 cell - 760 586-9108 home - 760 295-2222 [email protected] shadalane goldens | The Vizsla News - page 17 page 18 - The Vizsla News | | The Vizsla News - page 19 MINUTES OF Vizsla Club of America Board of Directors Annual Board Meeting August 18, 2018 Minneapolis, Minnesota - APPROVED 9/23/2018 -

Roll Call was taken and the meeting was called to order at 8:06 am csT

Present: melissa lembke, president; Trish burdin, Vice president; greg Dutson, Treasurer; Jennifer follett, recording secretary; Jamie walton, corresponding secretary; susan barrow, cathy gallaher, melissa green, patty hart, rachel romano kelly, Diane shearer, ashley uffman, elise wright. absent: russ bigus, mark spurgeon guests: Jill hoffbeck, rhoda ezell

 Adoption of Standing Rules approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

 Adoption of Agenda approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

 Approval of Minutes approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT a Motion 20180818_01: To Approve the May 31, Board Meeting Minutes as amended. approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT  Results of eBallots since 5/31 meeting a To place Dot romano on the ballot as a representative of the east region for the nominating committee. for: 14 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried a To add chris goegan (gsps) to the NfT/NgDc approved judges list. for: 15 against: 0 absent: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried a To add richard pristove (pointers & brittanys) to the approved NfT/NgDc judges list. for: 15 against:0 absent: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried a To add Tom mckellar (Vizslas, gordon , pudelpointers) to the approved NfT/NgDc judges list. for: 14 against: 1 absent: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried a To add chris young (gsps) to the approved NfT/NgDc judges list for: 15 against: 0 absent: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried a To approve the following panel for the 2018 NfT: Nafc -- mike aldrich (Nm) & chris goegan (oh) Nfc -- allen welch (ma) & richard pristov (oh) Derby classic -- Tom mckellar (pa) & chris young (pa) for: 14 against: 0 absent: 1 abstain: 0 motion carried

 Officer Reports President • Thank you to the board members for all you do for the Vca. Vice President • No report Recording Secretary election update -- this year, 367 eballots were turned in during the election period, out of a possible 844 electors (43.5% of eligible voters.) 46 hard copy ballots were mailed and 26 were turned in (56.5% of eligible voters.) overall, 393 ballots or 44.2% of voting members participated in the 2018 general election.

• Nominating Committee Results: o west region: gail contreras – 218, ed wanjon – 111, abstain -- 64 o midwest region: kathy engelsman – 265, michelle princer – 78, abstain -- 50 o east region: Dot romano – 212, Val sails – 141, abstain – 40 o congratulations to gail contreras, kathy engelsman, and Dot romano for being selected as the 2019 Nominating committee. • Bylaws Amendment: To strike "and preceding the annual meeting of the club”, so that the section would read as: section 3. board meetings. The annual meeting of the board of Directors shall be held at a place, date, and hour desig- nated by the board of Directors. other meetings of the board of Directors shall be held at such times and places as are page 20 - The Vizsla News | designated by a majority vote of the entire boD. for: 294, against: 46, abstain: 53 motion carried • results of the general membership election have been sent to the membership. • The bylaws have been edited and submitted to the akc to ratify. in 2015, it took until December to receive this ratification. in the meantime, the draft version of the new bylaws is in box. • completed the Judges selection process for 2018. Thank you to Jill hoffbeck for all her administrative assistance. • our 2019 sweepstakes Judge is Julia bonar for the National sweepstakes in west bend, wi. • our 2021 specialty Judge is alessandra folz for our National specialty, location TbD. • worked with the corresponding secretary to craft a response letter for the Nominating committee to send to individuals not selected for the slate. a Motion 20180818_02: To adopt the form letter and add it to the Nominating Committee Guidelines. moved: uffman second: barrow approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

Corresponding Secretary Club Correspondence since may 31, 2018 • 6/8 - update contact information for old Dominion club –forwarded to membership and webpage • 6/11 – kathy williams looking to repurpose medallions –forwarded to Debbie sullivan • 6/12 –Top producer question from stephanie sherwood –forwarded to michel berner • 6/25 –request from pNw clubs for extension on 2020 Nationals bid till after their specialty weekend. • 6/26 –received bid for 2019 National field Trial –forwarded to board • 7/3 –receive 2020 bid from pNw –uploaded to box for review at annual meeting • 7/17 –message from melissa Thomas asking if we had received any NgDc bids?–sent message to membership • 7/18 –letter from mary chelton re: winter article and editorial policy –forwarded to board – sent joint response. editorial policy to be reviewed at the annual meeting. • 7/19 – letter from Diana boggs – forwarded to board – sent joint response. • 7/23 –Joan heimbach looking for information regarding 2018 NfT -- replied it would be coming • 7/24 –breeder check from Jay rothstein –forwarded to florence Duggan • 7/24 –letter from Tad walden about training facility in the pNw –forwarded to the board – sent joint response • 8/7 –letter from karen lake regarding verbiage on webpage –forwarded to board –Discuss at annual meeting • 8/9 –corinne miklos request to approve potential 2019 NgDc dates –sent response that we must wait for bid window to close on september 30th • 8/11–Notification by elise wright akc breeder of merit – not meeting qualifications as Vca or regional club member. –Discuss at annual meeting • 8/12 –received midwest fac position resume from mike heller –uploaded to box for meeting review • 8/12 –received midwest fac position resume from laura miller –uploaded to box for meeting review Vertical Response since march 12, 2018 • 6/4 –June membership applicants • 6/4 –Vca board meeting minutes –march 2018 & membership meeting • 6/20 –call for 2019 NfT bids • 6/26 –2018 general election report • 6/29 –2019 & 2021 National specialty & sweepstakes Judges • 7/1 –July membership applicants • 7/1 –seeking volunteers for the Versatility committee • 7/11 –seeking Dog of the year chair • 7/19 –call for 2019 NgDc bids • 8/2 –call for midwest fac member applications • 8/6 –august membership applications • 8/9 –2018 annual meeting agenda • 8/13 –ed wanjon passing • 8/14 –2018 general election report Treasurer • goal is to do a budget level review mid-year, p&l mid-year is very difficult as we are doing expenses for National events 1-2 years out. • suggest we switch to focusing on the following year’s budget at the National meeting. • have cut the number of accounts down from 15 to 10. • suggest a motion to authorize the Treasurer to consolidate cash accounts. o operations and 3 event accounts (4 checking accounts) o savings account a Motion 20180818_03: To authorize the Treasurer to consolidate event and operation accounts with individual reporting for operations and events. | The Vizsla News - page 21 moved: barrow second: walton for: burdin, Dutson, follett, walton, barrow, gallagher, hart, kelly, green, shearer, ufffman, wright absent: bigus, spurgeon motion carried • Need to share Quickbooks file with multiple users, license will cost ~$360 • National events accounting o currently adding a new account signer every year (and removing old ones.) o huge trust arrangement that puts the Treasurer on the line (Treasurer’s personal ssN is associated with the account) o suggest the creation of the field event finance manager & National specialty event finance manager - required member of event committee - event transaction management including checking account, paypal - event budget adherence - Drafting event p&l statements - can these two people be bonded by our insurance? - potentially draft as an initial 2/3-year commitment - greg will work on a job description and submit at a later date • consolidating will result in a standard budget worksheet for all events • Discussion and Q&a on the p&l statements • elise is going to research when the last annual p&l and balance sheet was sent to the membership a break commenced at 9:58am, reconvened at 10:10am csT

 Committee Reports Website Committee – rhoda ezell • Discussed the goals of the re-build • Discussed the layout and design of the website rebuild

• Need to get copies of the cover and the wags & brags for the website, can also publish stripped down ads for website a Motion 20180818_04: To approve the design of the website with changes discussed by the Board. moved: Dutson second: gallagher approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT • board reviewed one bid to migrate and develop the new website. requested at least 2 more bids with delivery times. rhoda to develop rfp and submit to the board for distribution. a break commenced at 11:42am, reconvened at 11:48am csT

Breed Sustainability Committee – cathy gallagher • 2019 educational seminar will be on Data-driven Decision-making by a panel of recognized reproductive veterinari- ans • core group of breeder Network has launched, if you have topics of interest committee is looking for suggestions • regional group contact sheet is almost complete, how do we want to utilize this group? a break for lunch commenced at 12:15pm, reconvened at 12:36pm.

• akc marketplace is a top hit on most searches • 85% of breedings happen from one-off breeders a Motion 20180818_05: To approve the parent club health statement as crafted by the Breed Sustainability Com- mittee as the official health statement of the Vizsla Club of America for use with the AKC Marketplace. moved: Dutson second: hart approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT

Field Advisory Committee – Trish burdin • presented changes to the field event guidelines to streamline the entry process for both participant and secretary as a completed champion’s title is easier to verify than a single major placement in a dog’s career. fac will redline changes and bring to the board at their next meeting. • The akc field rep was at our NgDc and requested changes to our retrieve explanation in the guidelines. fac is submitting suggested language. a Motion 20180818_06: To add a trophy solicitation letter to the Field Event Guidelines as recommended by the FAC. move: walton second: shearer for: wright, walton, uffman, shearer, kelly, hart, green, gallagher, follett, Dutson, barrow absent: spurgeon, bigus abstain: burdin motion carried a Motion 20180818_07: To update the retrieve language in the Field Events Guidelines to read as follows: “In ac- cordance with AKC procedures, all dogs are expected to honor their brace mates on point if presented with the page 22 - The Vizsla News | opportunity to do so. In the situation where a retrieve is expected, judges may determine how the situation will be handled, within AKC protocol. For example, judges may wish to have the honoring dog maintain the honor through the retrieve OR the judges may determine to blank the bird in this situation and seek another opportunity to achieve a retrieve when there is not an honoring dog involved. Whatever approach the judges decide to use must be consistent throughout the stake and should be communicated to the competitors.” Move: Walton Second: Kelly For: Barrow, Dutson, Follett, Gallagher, Green, Hart, Kelly, Shearer, Uffman, Walton, Wright Absent: Bigus, Spurgeon Abstain: Burdin Motion Carried • FAC requests the VCA cover up to $1000 for the cost of QOL judges. The Board feels strongly that events should cover the costs of their own judges. a At 2:03pm the Puget Sound Vizsla Club phoned in to present their proposal. FAC discussion was tabled.

2020 National Specialty Bid – Lynden, Washington • Scenic location that will accommodate the number of dogs we have within a reasonable budget. It also accommodates RVs. • Can do in conjunction with an All-Breed at the end of the National • Can go sightseeing in a new area of the country, oceanside and a great place to visit • No venue available during the traditional dates so it will require moving the National Specialty and Companion Events a week later • Full RV hookups with water and a dump station onsite a FAC discussion resumed at 2:20pm • Rotation plan is not working in the West region and without a bid from the West, there is a scramble to plan an NFT at the last minute. • FAC is recommending a two-region rotation plan beginning with the 2020 NFT, but allowing for the West to submit a bid (1-year in advance) for any given year. The Board would like to add the caveat that no region may be skipped twice in a 4-year cycle. • The proposed schedule: o East: 2020, 2022, 2024 o Midwest: 2021, 2023 o Process will be reviewed December 31st, 2019 to determine whether or not to renew for another 4 years a Motion 20180818_08: to approve the National Field Trial rotation plan proposed by the FAC with the modifica- tion to prohibit any region from being skipped twice in a four-year cycle. Motion: Kelly Second: Uffman For: Barrow, Dutson, Follett, Gallagher, Green, Hart, Kelly, Shearer, Uffman, Walton, Wright Abstain: Burdin Absent: Bigus, Spurgeon Motion Carried [The VCA National Field Trial Rotation Plan Proposal is included in this issue on page 32.] a Break commenced at 2:50pm, reconvened at 2:54pm

Welfare Foundation • Sample of the health survey has been beta tested by the board • Need to determine how many Vizslas are in the country • Will be able to track what happens with these dogs now and in the future • Very excited for distribution!

Annual Committee Report Action Items • Dog of the Year – Will Tad finish the Rally trophy? Will review resume for new chair under executive session. • Hall of Fame o With the new timeline of the Hall of Fame election during the very busy administrative time of year, we have significantly increased the burden of the Recording Secretary. Adding this separate election doubles the workload and is going to make it very difficult to ever find someone else to take this role. a Motion 20180818_09: To only administer the Hall of Fame ballot via eBalloting. Move: Follett Second: Uffman APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT • Historian o Retention policy – is the Historian using the boxes for new accumulations or does two boxes worth of documents accrue every year? a Motion 20180818_10: To approve the following editorial statement for The Vizsla News: The VCA appreciates all articles and content that enhance the quality of and/or generate interest in The Vizsla News. The editorial board will accept, with final editorial decision, submissions written about the breed in gen- | THE VIZSLA NEWS - page 23 eral, including articles that provide information to improve the breed, describe the running or results of VCA events, or serve as general interest to the purebred dog fancy. We require that every article written that describes or presents an individual dog or its accomplishments (other than those receiving VCA awards) be placed in the “Wags and Brags” section of the newsletter and follow the submission rules of that section. move: follett second: green approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT o will solicit the membership to see if anyone wants to assist the historian with statistic questions and scanning into electronic versions. • Judge’s Education o board suggestion to distribute a survey post education o can pat craft a letter to send to all the breeder mentors asking how they are integrating the new illustrated standard o applications for new breed mentor are on hold until after the 2019 Nsce • Juniors o recognize Top Junior at the annual banquet o small section in The Vizsla News for Juniors • Medallion o suggest she consider adding magnets to the back and selling as magnets o suggest she reach out to the NfT & NgDc chair to see if they will give “made the cut” medallions at their events. • Top Producers o reports should be printed in the Vizsla News quarterly and has not been happening. o melissa will reach out to chair and see if she wants to stay in her role. • VCA Welfare Foundation o Vcawf has the right project for the $5,000 allocated funds for hsa research. we will be donating the funds to the akc chf, which will get a dollar for dollar match for hemangiosarcoma research. National Events 2018 NFT Report – No report submitted by russ bigus 2018 NSCE Event Report – rachel kelly • location very well received • more positive than negative feedback overall • facebook live video streaming was very well received. • lessons learned o committee needs to meet regularly for communication purposes o strong organizational skills and moderate tech skills are needed for the chair position o Deadline management is important o Donors page was missing from the catalog. Need to make sure this isn’t missed. other ways we can thank? facebook? Vr? o bad room behavior needs to be punished. o The hotel had to re-sheet rock a hallway because the wall was so saturated in urine o Need to ensure the show photographer is a show photographer o hotel recommends: - we put mandatory cleaning days into your premium. - use hall monitors - would take us back for a future National if we implemented these changes 2019 NGDC – bid is in the works! 2019 National Specialty & Companion Events – lembke • reservations for camping or motels can now be made • way ahead of all deadlines, all events save conformation have been approved. awaiting The badger & Janesville beloit kennel clubs need to release dates. a Motion 20180818_11: To allow Trick Dog and CGC at the 2019 National Events moved: walton second: wright approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT • Trophies selected, copper impressions • winners welcome party – brats and burger cook-out • 4-h contract will be figured out in November • chair covers will be towels, working out embroidery details • will be room block at a hotel near the agility facility • fundraising efforts well under way • akc TV option for filming the National o $6000 to take on filming o The membership has made it clear they do not want to pay this fee 2020 National Specialty Bid for Estes Park, Colorado • single host hotel for $119/night, one-time dog fee $50 page 24 - The Vizsla News | • annual awards casual and midweek for maximum participation at the event • still have a “fancy” night at the end with all star on friday night • 2-Day all breed agility trial before the Nsce as a fundraiser • regional specialty the saturday after best of breed based on hotel costs, overall fiscal advantage, dates, one host hotel, and the ability of the membership to attend with dogs: a Motion 20180818_12: To approve the bid for Estes Park, Colorado, as the 2020 National Specialty & Compan- ion Events location. move: wright second: barrow for: wright, walton, uffman, shearer, hart, green, gallagher, follett, burdin, barrow against: kelly abstain: Dutson absent: spurgeon, bigus motion approved a point of order to extend to 7:00pm

 Unfinished Business • high master agility Vizsla a Motion 20180818_13: To accept the proposal to update the qualifications for High Master Agility Vizsla at our National Agility Trial. move: barrow second: walton approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT • board meeting attendance at the annual board meeting - bylaws require attendance at the annual board meeting - we understand that life happens, but repeated absences can’t be accepted - of note, russ bigus has not attended the annual membership meeting since april 25, 2015; an annual board meeting since July 23, 2016; did not participate in 7 out of our last 11 eballots (6 months’ worth of board business;) and did not respond to the vast majority of our official correspondence requests. he was removed by the board in 2017 as the NfT liaison, and he did not show up to fill his Qol responsibilities at the same event. he did not submit a report for the 2018 NfT at the annual board meeting in 2018. melissa will send russ a letter letting him know we consider him non- functioning per article iii, section iV of our bylaws. • Non-Vca sponsored events at Nationals o if we have Non-Vca sponsored events at our location we need liability coverage o akc may require us to list items as a “special attraction” • board email listserv – wright o recommend the google group platform a Motion 20180818_14: To shift from yahoo groups to google groups for the email platform for Board communi- cation. move: green second: wright approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT • Thank you to Trish burdin for her years of service on the board. her retirement gift was presented a Motion to enter into Executive Session at 6:46pm approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT executive session ended at 8:31 pm Results of the Executive Session a Motion 20180818_15: To place Michael Blondin, NC, Judge#28628 added to the NFT/NGDC approved judges list for: 11 against: 0 absent: 2 abstain: 1 motion carried a Motion 20180818_16: To ratify the appointment of Mike Heller to serve on the FAC as a representative of the Midwest Region; term to end December 31, 2019. for: 11 against: 0 absent: 2 abstain: 1 motion carried a point of order to extend the meeting to 7:45pm o create a National specialty guidelines document for the Nsce. The recording/corresponding secretaries will take lead with a goal of completion in september 2020. a point of order to extend the meeting to 8:15pm a Motion 20180818_17: All non-VCA events held in conjunction with our National Specialty where profit sharing determines the VCA payout, shall require all income and expenses associated with the event be disclosed, in- cluding but not limited to complete rosters of all nominations and entries. In addition, the events shall provide proof of event liability insurance to the VCA. for: 12 against: 0 absent: 2 abstain: 0 motion carried a point of order to extend the meeting to 8:45pm 2018 budget balancing began at 8:31pm and concluded at 9:15pm a point of order to extend the meeting to 9:00pm a point of order to extend the meeting to 9:20pm a Motion 20180818_18: To adopt the 2018 budget. move: walton second: shearer approVeD by uNaNimous coNseNT meeting adjourned at 9:17pm csT | The Vizsla News - page 25 page 26 - The Vizsla News | | The Vizsla News - page 27 Wags & Brags Congratulations to these fabulous dogs and their owners for their accomplishments and representation of our breed.

Brag: Three (3) Best in Specialty Show wins! Brag: Very proud of our New Champion! BISS GCHS Hilldale CMF Steichen's Studio Leitz JH BCAT. CH Cameo's Bishop's Crown. Call Name: Steichen. Owners: Christina Freitag, Jim Boyd, Janet Call Name: Bishop aka "The Bish". Owners: Bob and Patty Myers. Svaboda.

Brag: Grand Championship. Brag: International Show 2xBIS Bred by Exhibitor & GCH CH Zydeco's Full Sun JH. 2xBIS Puppy - Chino, CA. Call Name: Sy. Owners: Maria Braud and Ashley Uffman. Kizmar Calibre Elite Expressionist CGC TKN Call name: Sloan. Owners: Jamie Walton & Kathy Rust Something to Brag About? To publish your Wags & Brags, submit your dog’s registered name, call name, owners, achievement and 300 dpi resolution photo to [email protected]. Dogs advertised must have a DNA number and owner must be a VCA member in good standing. Cost is $65.00.

page 28 - The Vizsla News | | The Vizsla News - page 29 page 30 - The Vizsla News | what began as a kernel of an idea has grown into a substantial donation from the Vizsla community to support hemangiosarcoma research. This is what happens when people come together and pool resources to fight this devastat- ing disease. we are very proud to announce a collective $35,000 gift to the aKC Canine health Foundation for hemangiosarcoma Re- search initiative which will be matched 1:1 by funds provided by the american Kennel Club, the Golden Retriever Foun- dation and the Flat-Coated Retriever Foundation. in august 2018, the Vizsla Club of america (VCa), with the all star Review (asR) Committee and the Frank lacko Memo- rial Cancer Research Fund, added $15,000 ($5,000 each) to the VCa welfare Foundation’s donation of $20,000 (with $9,425 already funded by asR). $35,000 is the largest gift of its kind ever made to health research and is made pos- sible by the generous and thoughtful support by so many, over the years.

Our donation will help fund three innovative grants at three major universities which mark a multi-faceted approach to un- derstanding this devastating disease across all breeds and aim to accelerate the pathway for treatment:

1. study the tumor micro-environment at the molecular level. Grant #02217: a Novel Mechanism to Regulate the Growth of Canine has Principal investigator: Dr. erin B. Dickerson, PhD; University of Minnesota (concluded 6/30/18—see final report in this Vizsla News issue)

2. examine inflammatory responses and their connection to tick-borne diseases. Grant #02519: Prevalence of Bartonella spp. infection in Dogs with Cardiac and splenic hsa within and between Geographic locations. Principal investigator: Dr. edward B Breitschwerdt, DVM; Matthew Breen, PhD; North Carolina state University.

3. explore the use of human immuno-therapies in the treatment of disease. Grant #02510: identification of Novel synthetic lethal Partners to Optimize Pi3K Targeted Therapies in Canine hsa. Principal investigator: Dr. Cheryl a. london, DVM PhD; Tufts Medical Center. as of this writing, there are still matching funds available. if you too would like to join the assembled group above— and take advantage of an aKC match for new donations to the hemangiosarcoma initiative—please donate to our Donor- advised Fund at the aKC Canine health Foundation. all new donors will receive the same 1: 1 match and can double the impact of their gift.

To make a donation online, please go to and, under “Choose the Type”, please select Donor-advised Funds. Next, under “Choose a Program”, scroll down and select “Vizsla DaF”. You may also opt to me- morialize a dog before adding your payment information. Or mail a check to aKC ChF, POB 900061, Raleigh NC 27675-9061 with “Vizsla DaF” in the memo line. again, we offer our sincere thanks to everyone who has made this gift possible. “everyone” means anyone who partici- pated in the all-star Review and in a VCa national event or who gave to the VCa welfare Foundation in memory of a loved one, human or dog. every donation, regardless the size, will go a long way to protecting and saving dogs from hemangiosarcoma in the future. | The Vizsla News - page 31 VCA National Field Trial Rotation Plan Proposal

The VCA Board of Directors has committed to the principle shall be extended for six months to either of the other two of rotation -- and, through the work of the Rotation Commit- regions first, and then opened to any first-come-first-consid- tee and the FAC, has developed resources and procedures ered bids at that point; that bid would replace the intended to ensure a high-quality event -- but still requires a con- region for that given year, but not alter the rotation cycle. crete, long-term plan to make such a process [principle] sustainable (in human terms). 6) The FAC would review this four-year plan every two years at the conclusion of that year's NFT (or by Dec 31st ‘Sustainability’, in this regard, means that event is easy to of that year) and at that point recommend to the BOD predict and plan for -- for owners, handlers, and especially whether to continue or adapt the existing two-region rota- event committees. As has happened with the 2018 NFT, tion for another two years. this lack of predictability and a resulting, increasing burn- out of experienced, core volunteers, led us to trying to plan December 31st of 2019, the FAC will review and recom- a National Field Trial in less than five months. As grounds mend whether to renew or adapt the two-year rotation cycle become harder to secure, we need to be thinking further for 2022 and 2023; by December 31st of 2021, it will review out. What follows is a proposal that is both structured and and recommend whether to elect to renew or adapt the flexible: two-year rotation cycle for 2024 and 2025.

1) Despite an extension, with the West unable to submit a The intent of this proposal is not to force a two-region rota- bid for the 2018 NFT, this raises concerns about whether tion but to acknowledge two realities: currently, there is a there is a critical mass of field trialers in that region to or- lack of critical mass in the West; and, if we are to minimize ganize a National Field Trial; nevertheless, the West is al- the possibility of last-minute planning scenarios, we need to ways able to submit a bid for the NGDC; and, AFTER steps work with a replacement model of rotation, not a reset 3 and 4 of the following proposal are in place, there would model (as we are currently experiencing). also be a mechanism for the West to prepare and submit a competitive bid to host the NFT in a timely fashion. Proposed Calendar: Year Region Bids Due 2-Yr Process Review 2) In the current absence of a critical mass in the Western 2018 East region, that the Board adopt a four-year plan immediately 2019 Mid-West 9/10/18 for a two-region rotation between the East and the Mid- 2020 East 1/1/19 12/31/19 (for 2022 and 2023) West regions, ie. 2018 East, 2019 Mid-West, 2020 East, 2021 Mid-West 1/1/20 2021 Mid-West; 2022 East 1/1/21 12/31/21 (for 2024 and 2025) 2023 Mid-West 1/1/22 3) That the Board immediately move to the following sched- 2024 East 1/1/23 12/31/23 (for 2026 and 2027) ule for soliciting and submitting bids; namely, that bids for future NFTs would be due by January 1st of the previous year, ie. a bid for the 2020 NFT would be due by January 1st of 2019;

4) That beginning with the 2020 NFT (and therefore requir- ing a bid by January 1st, 2019), the West be encouraged to submit a bid for any future NFT -- their bid being consid- Save The Date! ered on merit against any other existing bids by the FAC for recommendation to the Board and should it be accepted, it would take the place of the intended region for that given 2019 National Field Championship year -- but not alter the rotation cycle, as such. (For exam- November 3-12, 2019 ple, if a Western bid for 2020 was accepted, it would take the place of the Eastern region, and 2021 would return to Pickneyville, IL the Mid-West region.)

5) Should a bid for a given year not be received by the Jan- uary 1st-of-the-previous-year deadline, the bid process page 32 - THE VIZSLA NEWS | 2018 Top Ten Conformation Report Susan Rushing, Reporter source: AKC Top Dogs Covering events from January 1, 2018 through august 31, 2018

BREED COMPETITION Total Rank Dog’s Name Owner(s) Sex BOBs Points 1 GCHG CH Golden Empire's Double Action Remington JH CGC TKI S Johnson/M Daggs/R Johnson/M Coburn M 66 840 2 GChs Ch Firelight Citius altius Fortius at Trublu l Medley/M Porfido/K Beckwith M 24 456 3 GChs Ch Pinewood N Pura Vida's Playing with Fire h Guida/J sykora/a watkins F 30 404 4 GChs Ch Baroque eastwind's Rude Bwoy Rockas G Dutson/D Dutson M 3 390 5 GChs Ch auburn's Dashing Dexter K Morris/l Berg M 24 387 6 GChs Ch Tradewind's ida Bomb Ca M Bickley/F Bickley/l Fetters M 23 368 7 GChB Ch Comynara Tanner is The silver lining Ride Jh M Grant/D hertzell/s Mulley M 14 323 8 GChs Ch hilldale Cmf steichen's studio leitz Jh BCaT C Freitag/J Boyd/J svoboda M 15 250 9 GChB Ch Cora ari Novorro a Novorro F 14 236 10 GChB Ch Derby's Pink Tie affair at Grouse Point Jh C Miklos/R Bernstein M 6 204


Rank Dog’s Name Sex BOB BIS GR 1 GR 2 GR 3 GR 4 Total Owners Name(s) Point 1 GCHG CH Golden Empire's Double Action Remington JH CGC TKI M 66 2 16 10 13 7 7634 s Johnson/M Coburn/ MDaggs/R Johnson 2 GChs Ch Pinewood N Pura Vida's Palying with Fire F 30 0 1 4 3 4 1805 h Guida/J sykora/a watkins 3 GChs Ch Firelight Citius altius Fortius at Trublu M 24 0 1 2 1 2 1393 l Medley/M Porfido/K Beckwith 4 GChs Ch auburn's Dashing Dexter M 24 0 2 1 0 2 1111 K Morris/l Berg 5 GChB Ch Comynara Tanner is The silver lining Ride Jh M 14 0 2 2 0 0 890 M Grant/D hertzell/s Mulley 6 GChs Ch Bayview N Opus One's la Forza Del Destoni F 28 0 3 2 1 3 794 i Kavafian/s Tenedom/l salb/B Jung/l Fetters 7 GChB Ch Cora ari Novorro F 14 0 0 1 2 2 769 a Novorro 8 GCH CH Classical Elgin's The Magic Land Of Allakazam BN RN NAJ M 8 0 0 1 1 1 717 s Cabral/C Cline 9 GChs Ch Baroque eastwinds's Rude Bwoy Rockas M 3 0 0 1 0 0 689 G Dutson/D Dutson 10 GChs Ch hilldale CMF steichen's studio leitz Jh BCaT M 15 0 0 1 2 1 615 C Freitag/J Boyd/J svoboda

OWNER HANDLED SERIES Qualifying Period: October 12, 2017 through August 31, 2018. Source: AKC Top Dogs.

Rank Dog’s Name Owner(s) Sex Total Points 1 GChs Ch Firelight Citius altius Fortius at Trublu l Medley/M Porfido/K Beckwith M 845 2 GCh Ch Rhapsody Dezertfyre write Ur stori BN CGC s wald/M wald/K wald-Torgeson/M Porfido F 435 3 GCh Ch solaris Banker Cold hearted woman CGC TKN B Kirven/ P Murphy/O McGee F 305 4 Gambol Jh CGC TKN T Duvall/J Duvall T Duvall F 205 5 GCH CH Red Ryder's Baker Street Widowmak'R JH RATN CGC TKI L Anderson/A Anderson/S Anderson M 185 6 GCh Ch autumn acres Red Velvet affair RN Jh Ca CGC e Falk M 180 7 GCh Ch Boulder's N solterra's Cruising at light speed l hurst/R hurst/e sparrow/J hetkowski M 175 8 GCh Ch Russet leather Koa scout Ri FDC CGC J McClintock/B wanjon/R Graves M 155 9 GCh Ch solaris Playing like Nobody's Business BN RN Jh s Robbins/J Robbins/B Kirven M 145 10 GCHS CH Fawa-Wr Cantankerous Cmf BN RN RATN CGCU TKN T Haberbush/A Haberbush/ R Haberbush/R Ezell M 135 | The Vizsla News - page 33 2018 Top Ten Field Report Michel Berner, Reporter source: AKC Field Trial Reports Covering events from January 1, 2018 through July 30, 2018

AKC Dogs Defeated Top Ten All AKC field trial stakes and all ages of dogs are included, one point per dog defeated in AKC competition. Points accrued January – December. There is no Dog of the Year awarded for Dogs Defeated.

Rank Dog Owner Dogs Defeated 1 FC aFC Firestorm Pacific Duke Mh CGC Clint e lager 127 2 NFC NaFC DC aFC Touckdown Guy Ron Chenoweth & James Gingrich 111 3 FC Meyer’s Bella Todd Meyer 104 4 Mythic’s linus Jh Jeff Rhine 101 5 high Tides avant Garde amy Moosman & alex Reinecke 97 6 FC aFC Triple G’s CatchMe if You Can Jh eric Gildow 95 7 Poquitos Reinda De Riata Y echo Gayle Moynier & linda azevedo 84 8 Red Oak’s Blue lightning laura Bauman 83 9 FC aFC Crimson’s Double Twenty Gauge Pamela & Mark spurgeon 81 10 Rushcreek’s Rumor has it Jeanne & James Rowell 75

Top Ten Reports Points for all Top Ten lists are calculated by the using the placement times dogs defeated 1st Place: 4 times the number of dogs defeated in the stake 2nd Place: 3 times the number of dogs defeated in the stake 3rd Place: 2 times the number of dogs defeated in the stake 4th Place: 1 times the number of dogs defeated in the stake

For example, if a stake has 10 starters, then the following points are earned: 1st gets 4x9 points (36 points) 2nd gets 3x8 points (24 points) 3rd gets 2x7 points (14 points) 4th gets 1x6 (6 points)

The Top Ten Gun Dog is tabulated monthly using placements as released to the VCA by the AKC. All applicable placements at trials held January 1 through De- cember 31 of each year are used. Each dog starts out at zero on January 1 of each year.

VCA Top Ten Open Gun Dogs Only OLGD, GOLGD, NFC, NGDC, NGDC, NWGDC stakes are used Rank Dog Name Owners Points 1 NFC NaFC DC aFC Ck Touchdown Guy Ron Chenoweth & James Gingrich 381 2 NwGDC GFC FC aFC VK’s Twenty Gauge Gunnar sherwyn & Robyn Van Kooten 325 3 FC aFC Firestorm Pacific Duke Mh CGC Clint e lager 271 4 Mehagian’s Keystone Brother David Julia Bonar & Marge Mehagian 202 5 FC Meyer’s Bella Todd Meyer 192 6 NwGDC GFC FC aFC VK’s Twenty Gauge Gunner Robyn & sherwin Van Kooten 177 7 FC aFC Triple G’s Catch Me if You Can Jh eric Gildow 172 8 FC Bangert’s Red Baron Richard Bangert & Patricia Bangert 168 9 FC CK Post Route scout James Gingrich 152 10 DC aFC southwind’s Flatirons Cruise Janice l Branam 142

VCA Top Ten Amateur Gun Dogs Only ALGD, GALGD, NAFC stakes are used Rank Dog Name Owners Points 1 FC aFC sawmills already Gone Gregg Ritchings 138 2 Rushcreek Rumor has it Jeanne & James Rowell 71 3 DC aFC southwind’s Flatirons Cruise Janice l Branam 60 FC aFC Firestorm Pacific Duke Mh CGC Clint e lager 60 4 DC aFC soco’s enchanted One Mha Jennifier & Paul hermes 52 5 southwind’s Miss Molly sh Mark Miller 48 6 DC aFC Bitteroot’s Mythical Phoenix Mh Bryan adams 42 7 FC aFC Crimson’s Double Twenty Gauge Pamela & Mark spurgeon 40 7 southwind’s silent stalker Joanne & Chet Beckley 40 8 FC CK Too hot To handle – Cayenne Bryan adams 33 8 FC lindens Tikka Jh Kevin Clark 33 9 GCh DC Poquito’s la Maracas De Riata K. Concilio, M zucconi, R Renteria 27 10 FC aFC Pinnacle’s Cut-N-Run Mike & Jamie Menasco 26

page 34 - The Vizsla News | 2018 Top Ten Field Report Michel Berner, Reporter source: AKC Field Trial Reports Covering events from January 1, 2018 through July 30, 2018

Top Ten Puppy Derby Dogs – July 2018 The Puppy/Derby rankings accrue for all placements earned in Open Puppy or Open Derby only. There is no award for top Puppy/Derby Dogs. Each Puppy/Derby will remain on the list and be eligible to accrue points until their second birthday. Rank Dog Name Owners Points 1 hatszel’s z Bullett Redhawk Jh Mark Coppola 200 2 Mythic’s linus Jeff Rhine 193 3 shiloh’s Rusty Daniel C Junderjahn 171 4 southwind’s Things happen For a Reason Daniel & laura Bowen 162 5 CV’s Kentucky Boy Paul & Jill howard 151 6 Mythic’s Gersemi Tania Campbell 138 7 Firestorm’s Bullett Dr. irvine Oliver 137 8 BGK’s Franchi Upland Jarrett Bell 116 9 Valley hunter Princess leia Janet starnes 113 10 lit’l Red Petec hans Koch 110

2018 Top Ten Junior Handlers Report source: Canine Chronicle Covering events from January 1, 2018 through august 31, 2018

Juniors Breed Competition Rank Junior Name Best/Top Junior Reserve Class Total Wins Wins Wins Defeated 1 alec Clark 12 7 14 294 2 O’Malley McGee 3 2 5 106 3 annaliese North 2 1 4 99 4 sidney hearn 4 2 7 97 5 Kathryn Markey 0 4 3 62 6 Ryan Markey 1 2 3 54 7 erin Bernecker 0 3 5 50 8 Conner Maher 1 1 3 43 9 alexandra lorenti 1 2 5 35 10 sachiko anderson 2 0 2 33

Congratulations to our 2018 NaFC Champion, NFC FC AFC Penny’s Wiki Wiki Another Mai Tai Please, “Ty”, handler: Chad Chadwell 2nd place: Ck Guy’s Hot N Spicey, handler: Chenoweth 3rd place: NFC NAFC DC AFC Ck Touchdown Guy, handler: Chenoweth/Gingrich 4th place: NGDC FC AFC Doc Holiday’s Side By Side, handler: Van Kooten AOM: FC Burr Oak’s Bambam, handler: Gingrich

*** These results came in as we were going to print, look for more details and photos on the full event in our next issue *** | The Vizsla News - page 35 2018 Top Ten Obedience Report Maria F. Zucconi, Obedience Reporter

Source: American Kennel Club Event and Awards Search. Report covering events from January 1 to June 30, 2018 (Scores are published as they appear in the AKC Events and Awards Event Calendar). The Top Ten Obedience is ranked beginning each year on January 1st using average scores without regard to a minimum number of scores. When there are six (6) dogs with four (4) scores within a division (Novice, Open, Utility), then a minimum of four (4) scores will be required to average and rank. After a dog has accumulated 10 scores within a division, 80% of those scores will be used for averaging, using the highest scores. To be ranked in the Final Top Ten Obedience, a minimum of four (4) scores within a division are re- quired. Ranking system since 1/1/90, updated 1/1/05.

NOVICE (42 dogs competing) Rank Dogs Name Owner(s) Number High No. of Class Average of Scores Score Placements Score 1. Everedi's Southern Belle CD N Ripperger 5 198.50 5 197.30 2. Dorratz Koppertone Circle Of Smiles SH L Weidman/D Defilippis 2 197.00 1 196.25 3. Menny's Sweet Fruit Of The Vine CD RN OA OAJ OF CGC TKA A Daddario/M Daddario 8 198.50 8 194.88 4. Kizmar Doran Pm True From The Start CD PCDX BN RAE MX MXJ NF CGCA Standen 6 196.50 6 194.58 5. GCH CH Firelight's First Lady Liesl RA NAP OJP CGC A Mitts 2 194.50 2 193.00 6. CH Starstone Red Oak Boy Howdy CD RN JH CGC P Marshall 3 193.50 1 191.17 7. Everedi's Golden Nugget RE JH CA CGC M Chelton/D M Broderick/ L Kozlowski 1 190.00 1 190.00 8. GCH CH Pursuit Of The Crown At Regal Point CD BN RN MH CGC TKN S & D Sullivan/G A Fleming 1 189.00 1 189.00 9. GCH CH Dezertfyre's Wild Blue Yonder RN M Wald/S Wald/K Wald-Torgeson 1 188.50 1 188.50 10. GCH CH Titan's Eye Candy CD BN MH AX AXJ MXP MJP E Sweeney/P S Schmidt-Edwards4 194.00 1 187.75

OPEN (11 dogs competing) 1. OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn 12 197.50 7 197.30 2. Menny's Sweet Fruit Of The Vine CDX RA OA OAJ OF CGC TKA A Daddario/M Daddario 7 196.50 7 194.71 3. Poquito's Savina Chile De Mi Mesa UD RA AX AXJ M Zucconi/H Zucconi 4 198.00 2 194.63 4. CH Poquito's El Payaso De Mi Mesa CDX RN M Zucconi/H Zucconi 1 193.50 0 193.50 5. GCH CH Jackpot's Copper River UD BN VER RA JH MX MXJ MJB XF P Martin/V McGregor 6 195.50 2 187.75 6. CH Regal Point Dancing Embers Of Kohala CD PCDX BN GN CA CGC W Krauss/D Krauss 2 187.50 2 187.50 7. CH Classical Rumor Has It CDX RA OA OAJ NF C Cline/S Cabral/L Cabral 1 186.50 1 186.50 CH Starstone Red Oak Boy Howdy CD RN JH CGC P Marshall 2 187.00 1 186.50 8. Quillen's Twentyeight Gauge Gunner CD RE JH CGC M Quillen/P E Quillen 2 187.50 2 182.50 9. Lone Ridge's Ginger Mae CDX BN RAE D Langendorf 1 182.00 0 182.00

UTILITY (4 dogs competing) 1. OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn 8 197.00 6 195.50 2. GCH CH Jackpot's Fcr Never In Pink UD MXP2 MJP2 K Shaw 3 196.00 2 192.67 3. Poquito's Savina Chile De Mi Mesa UD RA AX AXJ M Zucconi/H Zucconi 2 193.00 1 190.50 4. GCH CH Jackpot's Copper River UD BN VER RA JH MX MXJ MJB XF P Martin/V McGregor 5 196.50 0 189.93

Highest Scoring Vizsla - 199.0 OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 - K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn Baltimore County Kennel Club, Inc., 04/22/18, OB — 199.0

High In Trial Vizslas & High Combined Score Kizmar Doran Pm True From The Start CD PCDX BN RAE MX MXJ NF CGC- A Standen Vizsla Club of America, Inc., 05/01/18, NB — 194.5 Menny's Sweet Fruit Of The Vine CDX RA OA OAJ OF CGC TKA — A Daddario/M Daddario Twin Cities Vizsla Club, 05/25/18, OA — HIT - 195.0 OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 - K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn Old Dominion Kennel Club of Northern Virginia, Inc., 04/21/18 — HC — 197.5/193.5 OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 - K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn Catoctin Kennel Club,05/05/18 — HIT/HC — 198/196 OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 - K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn Catactin Kennel Club, 05/06/18 — HC -195.5/194 OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 - K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn Wilmington Kennel Club, 06/10/18 — HIT/HC - 198/196.5 OTCH Encounter The Mystery Of Magic UDX OM3 - K Coulbourn/V Coulbourn Dauphin Dog Training Club, Inc. — HC — 197.5/197.5

The top gun dog, amateur gun dog, show dog, obedience dog and agility dog for the year are eligible for the VCA traveling trophy presented at the annual awards banquet at our National Events. The criteria are that one of the listed owners of these dogs is a current VCA member, effective April 1 of the ranking year. The top show dog is determined by the Vizslas defeated standing. Respectfully submitted by Maria F. Zucconi. Please send corrections or additions to [email protected]. page 36 - The Vizsla News | 2018 Top Ten Rally Report Ginger Sammonds, Reporter source: AKC Reports - January 1, 2018 through June, 2018 - Q2 Questions contact Ginger sammonds [email protected]

The Top Ten Rally begins each year on January 1, using average scores with no regard to a minimum number of scores. When there are 6 dogs with 3 scores within a division (Novice, Advanced, Excellent), a minimum of 3 scores are required to average and rank. After a dog has accumulated 10 scores in a division, 80% of those scores are used for averaging, using the highest scores. To be ranked in the Final Top Ten Rally, a minimum of 3 scores in a division is required.

NOVICE Rank Dogs Name Owner(s) Number High No. of Class Average of Scores Score Placements Score 1 zydeco Divine Danny Girl BN RN lisa a Durham 3 100 3 100 2 GChB Ch Kizmar Pagliacci Really it wasn'T Me BN RN Kathy a Rust 4 100 4 97.5 3 Ch Penlee achaka ai itilaui Bluewater RN Jh RaTO CGC Ms Kathleen s Doyle 3 98 3 97 4 Verity Quillen Patapsco Tawny lion CD BN RN Barbara Glass 3 98 3 96.67 5 Firelight's Cariad elgin etiwan BN Ri Ca CGCa CGCU Theresa Robards 3 99 3 95.67 6 Panacea's Crazy Not To have an alibi RN Jh aCT2 TKP Debby wheeler 3 97 3 95.33 7 Ch Regal Point-N-Pinnacle River Of Fire BN Jh CGC leisa Freeman 3 99 1 95 8 Kizmar Pagliacci if You'Ve Got The Time BN RN Kathy a Rust 3 97 3 93.33 9 Pursuit's Tribute To Tiara at Regal Point BN Jh leisa Marie Freeman 3 97 1 93 10 shramko lightning zsolt Jh Ca BCaT CGC Daniel Neger 3 94 1 92 10 Derby's New Girl in Town at windswept acre's RN Na NaJ CGC Janice Crall 3 100 2 92

INTERMEDIATE 1 Verity Quillen Patapsco Tawny lion CD BN RN Barbara Glass 3 98 3 97.67 2 Ch Penlee achaka ai itilaui Bluewater RN Jh RaTO CGC Ms Kathleen s Doyle 3 97 1 93 3 River Run's Unchained harmon-e PCD BN Ri CGC Cheryl Pratt 3 97 3 92.75 4 Boulder's N solterra's light em Up lincoln Ri Jh Katherine R Philpott 3 96 1 92 5 GCh Ch Russet leather Koa scout Ri FDC CGC Jim McClintock 3 98 3 91.67 6 GCh Ch Tsavo's Perfect Pitch Of Jazzberry CD BN Ri Jh Ms Debbie ann Baker 3 99 3 91 7 srk Peka seka's Crimson Kesa Ri NaP NJP aCT2 TKa Michelle atkins 3 94 3 90.67 8 Ch Penlee Pekogait here Comes The sun BN Ri Jh aXP MJP Caa BCaT aCT2 RaTN Kim himelfarb 3 99 0 90.33 9 GCh Ch PaCh standing-O For Pekogait One Man Band CD BN Ri Jha MXP6 MXPs MJP5 MJPs PaX2 Caa BCaT RaTN CGC TKN Kim himelfarb 3 95 1 88.67 Goldstar Cian R helen eagleston 3 92 3 88.67

ADVANCED 1 Kizmar Doran Pm True From The start CD PCDX BN Rae MX MXJ NF CGC anne standen 3 100 3 99.33 2 Ch Poquito's el Payaso De Mi Mesa CDX Ra Maria F zucconi 3 100 3 98.67 3 Menny's sweet Fruit Of The Vine CDX Ra Oa OaJ OF CGC TKa alice Daddario 4 99 3 97.75 4 Ch Remek's Dark side Of The Moon CD Re, skip wonell 6 98 5 96.33 5 lone Ridge's Ginger Mae CDX BN Rae, Denise lagendorf 7 98 3 96.143 6 Krown's Royal airforce CD BN Re CGC, Karen e Brown 5 97 1 93 6 Dp's Orult Raketa Kozett VCD1 BN Re TDU Jh FDC Oa OaJ OF CaX DCaT swa sCe shDa ThDX RaTChX2 CGCa CGCU TKP Joseph Duffek iii 3 100 2 93 8 GCh Ch Kizmar irish Car Bomb BN Ra OaP OJP, sarah Ford 3 96 3 91 9 Ch Jazzberry's On The eighth Day BN Re Jh CGCa, Corinne Russo 6 98 3 90 Ky's wynn'N Violet Valentine Ri Jh, Thecla Tyner 3 97 3 90

EXCELLENT 1 Kizmar Doran Pm True From The start CD PCDX BN Rae MX MXJ NF CGC anne standen 3 100 3 99 2 lone Ridge's Ginger Mae CDX BN Rae Denise langendorf 7 97 2 94.86 3 Krown's Royal airforce CD BN Re CGC Karen e Brown 5 97 3 92.7 4 Ch Remek's Dark side Of The Moon CD Re skip wonnell 6 96 4 92.17 5 Ch Regal Point wind On wailea BN Re Jh TKi Deborah Duty 5 90 1 85.4 6 Dp's Orult Raketa Kozett VCD1 BN Re TDU Jh FDC Oa OaJ OF CaX DCaT swa sCe shDa ThDX RaTChX2 CGCa CGCU TKP Joseph Duffek iii 3 92 1 84 7 Ch Jazzberry's On The eighth Day BN Re Jh CGCa Corinne Russo 6 90 3 83.17 8 Onlina-sokoldalu's Captain's Dauntless spirit BN Re RaTN CGC Gaylan warnock 3 87 0 80.33

MASTERS 1 Kizmar Doran Pm True From The start CD PCDX BN Rae MX MXJ NF CGCanne standen 3 100 1 93 2 GCh Ch Redwind sheza Chocolate Diva CD BN RM Kathy Jacobsen 6 99 4 92.83 3 GCh Ch Calibre's Right To Bear arms CD PCD BN Rae Jh Oa MXJ XF CGC heather Jackson 1 92 1 92 4 willorunn's leave it To Fate CD BN Re Oa OaJ Marla hansen 1 88 1 88 5 Patapsco leaping Blaze CDX Re Jh Oa MXJ MXF Barbara Forrest Glass 6 97 3 85.56 6 River Run em's honky Tonk Man UD GN Rae Cheryl Pratt 2 97 2 83.2 | The Vizsla News - page 37 2018 Top Ten Agility Report Sheryl Hohle, Reporter source: AKC Quarterly Companion Events Report Events from January 1, 2018 through March, 2018 - Q1 Calculations: Dog’s score plus 1 point for each second under SCT. No points are awarded for placements, however, the number of placement the dog receives is noted.

NOVICE # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 Derby's New Girl in Town at windswept acre's Na NaJ J Crall / K Fischesser 8 8 792 2 GCh Ch Rheingold loge Once in a Blue Moon Na NaJ aCT2 CGC Kamila Kolb 6 6 666 3 skipfire's One and Only Gibbs Na NaJ Geraldine Muncie 5 5 560 4 Ch Mtnpride Mazey's stars lined Up Bright as sunshine CD RN TDX sh Na a Moosman / a Reinecke 4 4 461 5 Xtra Point Benelli Black eagle Na Michelle Peterson 4 4 423 6 Ch linmar N Brazenrock's Kalifornia Dreamin' RN NaJ CGC l & C Russo / l & F hachtel 4 4 416 7 Fawa windrunner halley's Comet Na NaJ F & J Dacek / P williams 3 3 283 8 whimzi's Mountain Pride Crimson Glory Na CGCa TKN P McGowan / C Richards 2 2 231 9 Ch Panacea's legend Of Orion Jh Na NaJ NF BCaT T Pactwa / M lembke 2 2 224 10 Moramore'N Mm's halley's Comet D Burnett / J Diaz 2 2 220

NOVICE PREFERRED # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 GCh Ch Firelight's First lady liesl Ra NJP CGC amanda Mitts 5 5 586 2 Mudbone Firestorm high surf advisory Jh NJP TKN C Currie / w eizman 2 2 206 3 Ch Remark's Catch The wind RN Jh Oa OaJ OF CGC Cheryl & Kerry Brimmer 1 1 120 4 GChP Ch szizlin Rhapsody Never say Never Jh Ca M Porfido / C Phelps 1 1 109

OPEN # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 soco's Keep The Faith Jh Oa OaJ RaTCh CGC TKP Donna Nisleit 3 3 345 2 elgin Cariad Kedves Dallam Oa OaJ NF s lancaster / e Foster Jr 3 3 327 3 GCh Ch Fawa windrunner high Jinks Jh Na NaJ P williams / R ezell 3 3 318 4 Ch Classical Rumor has it CDX Ra Oa OaJ NF C Cline / s & l Cabral 3 3 287 5 zydeco's Pimm's 1 Dandy Of a Roux Jh Oa OaJ C Keller / a Uffman 2 2 224 6 Menny azonnali Medal Na OaJ OF DN TKN Jessica Vetter 2 2 217 7 Ch Panacea's legend Of Orion Jh Na NaJ NF BCaT T Pactwa / M lembke 2 2 211 8 Chip's Bloom On The sage Jh Oa OaJ NF P Barker 2 2 194 9 willorunn's leave it To Fate BN Re Na NaJ M hansen / R & a Kelly 2 2 174 10 Fawa windrunner halley's Comet Na NaJ F & J Dacek / P williams 1 1 163

OPEN PREFERRED # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 GCh Ch Cruiser's willow Of Tok CD RN NaJ OJP Ca R & Y halpaus 3 3 325

Corrections: Please send corrections to Sheryl Hohle at [email protected] and include your dog’s name (including title updates), name of trial, date, class, SCT, your score, time and any placements.

page 38 - The Vizsla News | 2018 Top Ten Agility Report Sheryl Hohle, Reporter source: AKC Quarterly Companion Events Report Events from January 1, 2018 through March, 2018 - Q1 Calculations: Dog’s score plus 1 point for each second under SCT. No points are awarded for placements, however, the number of placement the dog receives is noted.

EXCELLENT # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 Bandie Oa OaJ Courtney Bruso 3 3 333 2 sokoldalu-N-Jaybren's Celestial Fyre CD BN Re Oa OaJ XF Ca RaTN CGC s Chew / G Krauser / C slabaugh 2 2 235 3 avalon's heart Of Gold Ra Jh Oa MXJ OF CGC TKN Joyce & Gary Tischler 2 2 230 4 GCh Ch Kizmar hit and Run RN Jh Na OaJ OF CGC TKa Jamie walton / Kathy Rust 2 2 212 5T GCh Ch Menny Csillan ekko CD BN Ra Mh aX aXJ XF DN CGC TKi J Vetter / s & a anderson 1 1 119 5T zydeco's Pimm's 1 Dandy Of a Roux Jh Oa OaJ C Keller / a Uffman 1 1 119 7 Ch Brandiwine's O M'anam RN Oa aXJ OF T2B TKa Bruce & andrea Bryant 1 1 117 8 soco's Keep The Faith Jh Oa OaJ RaTCh CGC TKP Donna Nizleit 1 1 111 9 elgin Cariad Kedves Dallam Oa OaJ NF s lancaster / e Foster Jr 1 1 110 10 Onpoint's indominable spirit Oa aXJ XF CGC Jennifer Peterson 1 1 106

EXCELLENT PREFERRED 1 Venture's Beau Geste OaP OJP OFP R hanes / K Jech 1 1 126 2 sleepy hollow Just in The Nick Of Time OaP OJP D wilkinson / D loomis 1 1 115

Source AKC TopDogs in Agility MACH/PACH Competition. Covering events held between January 1, 2018 thru June, 2018 - Q2 But Limited To Events Processed Through Saturday, June 30, 2018 Scores are published as they appear in the AKC TopDogs Report. Sorted by the Score (Double Q’s x 10) + MACH Points

MASTER Rank Dog Owner Points QQs Score 1 GCH CH MACH3 Boulder's N Salti's Once In A Blue Moon RE JH MXS MJB2 MFB T2B4 S & C Barrow/S Hohle/J Hetkowski 518 13 648 2 MACH Big Gun Autie On Last Stand Hill MXS MJS XF T2B John Rabun 515 8 595 3 CH MACH Kizmar Shredding The Gnar RN JH MXB MJB XF T2B C Keller/K Rust 485 8 565 4 CH AGCH MACH14 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie RE JH MXB4 PDS MJS4 PJS MFG TQX T2B6 Dixie Hambrick/Thomas Ciluffo 410 9 500 5 GCH CH MACH2 Boulder’s N Salti’s El Duque Dulce JH MXS MJG MXF T2B CGC L Laudicina/L Aguirre/ S Hohle/ J Hetkowski 371 7 441 6 CH MACH Panacea’s Red Storm Rising BN MXS MJS OF T2B D & K Hokens 355 7 425 7 GCH CH MACH6 Calibre's Chance To Bear It All CD RE SH MXB3 MJB3 MFS TQX T2B2 CGC TKP Jamie Walton 254 8 334 8 MACH2 Zydeco's Sunset Over The Bayou JH MXG MJB2 MFS TQX T2B5 S Larrison/A Uffman 275 4 315 9 Skipfire’s Oorah Von Bautem MX MXB MXJ MJG G & J Muncie 272 4 312 10 Panacea’s Legendary Trappist Brew AX MXJ D & K Hokens 266 3 296

MASTER PREFERRED 1 MACH Shiloh’s Rowdy Von Bautem MXB MJG MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB G Muncie/A Hines 354 6 414 2 MACH PACH3 Mehagian's Winner Take All CD RA MXS MJS MXP9 MXPG MJP9 MJPG PAX3 Cheryl Peterson 236 7 306 3 MACH4 PACH4 Windrunner's Pegasus MXS2 MJS2 MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PAX4 XF Jean & Pam Bonness 254 5 304 4 MACH4 PACH Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD RA JH MXC MJS2 MXP4 MXPB MJP5 MJPS PAX XF T2B2 Donna Nisleit 262 4 302 5 GCH CH MACH13 Russet Leather Wild Aszu CDX RE JH MXC3 PAD MJC4 PJD MXPB PADP MJP3 MJPB PJDP PAX MFB TQX MFPB T2B5 CGC Jamie Walton/Bev Wanjon 263 3 293 6 GCH CH MACH3 Hilldale’s Blue I Bet You Will RA JH MXG MJC MJP XF M & S Anderson 250 4 290 7 GCH CH PACH Standing-O For Pekogait One Man Band BN RN JHA MXP5 MXPS MJP5 MJPS PAX2 CAA BCAT RATN CGC Kim Himmelfarb 175 5 225 8 MACH9 Comynara An Island Unto Himself CDX RA JH MXB3 MJC3 OF C Dostal Keller/A Keller 154 3 184 9 GCH CH Jackpot’s Fcr Never in Pink CDX MXP MJP2 Kristina Lynn Shaw 142 3 172 10 CH MACH4 PACH2 Panacea's Mad About You CD RE JH MXC MJS2 MXP6 MXPS MJP10 MJPC PAX2 MXF T2B Katherine & Dale Hokens 132 3 162

Corrections: Please send corrections to Sheryl Hohle at [email protected] and include your dog’s name (including title updates), name of trial, date, class, SCT, your score, time and any placements. | The Vizsla News - page 39 2018 Top Ten Agility Report Sheryl Hohle, Reporter source: AKC Quarterly Companion Events Report Events from January 1, 2018 through June, 2018 - Q2 Calculations: Dog’s score plus 1 point for each second under SCT. No points are awarded for placements, however, the number of placement the dog receives is noted.

NOVICE # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 Derby's New Girl in Town at windswept acre's Na NaJ J Crall / K Fischesser 8 8 792 2 Venari’s Crimson Gem Na NaJ OF Ca Mike Miller 6 6 673 3 GCh Ch Rheingold loge Once in a Blue Moon Na NaJ aCT2 CGC Kamila Kolb 6 6 666 4 zola hathor Na NaJ NF Conrad Jordaan 6 6 655 5 Ch linmar N Brazenrock's Kalifornia Dreamin' RN NaJ CGC l & C Russo / l & F hachtel 6 6 641 6 Ch szikra Bit O honey at Firestorm Na NF CGC J. Manser/M. Remer/a. Folz 5 5 593 7 skipfire's One and Only Gibbs Na NaJ Geraldine Muncie 5 5 560 8 Barben’s Boom Boom syrah aCT2 B acker-Mills / D Mills 5 5 498 9 Ch Mtnpride Mazey's stars lined Up Bright as sunshine CD RN TDX sh Na a Moosman / a Reinecke 4 4 461 10 Moramore'N Mm's halley's Comet Na D Burnett / J Diaz 4 4 455

NOVICE PREFERRED # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 GCh Ch Firelight's First lady liesl Ra NaP OJP CGC amanda Mitts 6 6 704 2 GChs Ch aislinn’s Rr elite edition Jh NaP NJP Ca CGCa CGCU TKa l Fetters / B Rozanek 5 5 572 3 GCh Ch Priden Joy Mighty Joe PCD BN Re NJP R & B Kunze / J sonsalla 4 4 442 4 Ch sommer’s Captain Morgan CD BN Rae Jh Caa BCaT RaTN CGC B & J sommerfelt 4 4 435 5 GChP Ch szizlin Rhapsody Never say Never RN Jh NaP NJP Ca M Porfido / C Phelps 3 3 342 6 Ch Remark's Catch The wind RN Jh Oa OaJ OF CGC Cheryl & Kerry Brimmer 2 2 229 7 Mudbone Firestorm high surf advisory Jh NJP TKN C Currie / w eizman 2 2 206 8 Ch Bayview’s One For the Money Ca TKN a Macaulay / B Jung 1 1 121 9 GCh Ch Opus One Featuring indie Jh Na OaJ CGCa B Jung / i Kavafian / s Tenenbom / l Fetters 1 1 98 10 GCh Ch Captivatin’s Just One Of The Boys Jh M Meharg 1 1 94

OPEN # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 Venari’s home again Finnegan Oa OaJ OF h Chambers / s lamb 6 6 654 2 skipfire’s One and Only Gibbs Oa NaJ Geraldine Muncie 4 4 429 3 GCh Ch autumn acres Chianti Classico BN RN Jh Oa OaJ Ca Tamara & weston Brown 4 4 412 4 Fawa windrunner halley's Comet Oa NaJ F & J Dacek / P williams 4 4 392 5 Cedar On The River Oa OaJ aCT2 CGC suzanne wagnitz 4 4 390 6 willorunn's leave it To Fate CD BN Re Oa OaJ M hansen / R & a Kelly 4 4 379 7 soco's Keep The Faith Jh Oa OaJ RaTCh CGC TKP Donna Nisleit 3 3 345 8 elgin Cariad Kedves Dallam Oa OaJ NF s lancaster / e Foster Jr 3 3 327 9 GCh Ch Fawa windrunner high Jinks Jh Na NaJ P williams / R ezell 3 3 318 10 Ch Panacea's legend Of Orion Jh Na NaJ OF BCaT T Pactwa / M lembke 3 3 314

OPEN PREFERRED # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 GCh Ch Cruiser's willow Of Tok CD RN NaJ OJP Ca R & Y halpaus 3 3 325 2 GCh Ch Firelight’s First lady liesl Ra NaP OJP CGC amanda Mitts 3 3 323 3 GChs Ch aislinn’s Rr elite edition Jh NaP NJP Ca CGCa CGCU TKa l Fetters / B Rozanek 1 1 105 4 GChP Ch szizlin Rhapsody Never say Never RN Jh NaP NJP Ca M Porfido / C Phelps 1 1 97 5 GCh Ch Opus One Featuring indie Jh NaP OaJ CGCa B Jung / i Kavafian / s Tenenbom / l Fetters 1 1 96 6 srk Peka seka’s Crimson Kesa Ri NaP NJP aCT2 TKa M atkins 1 1 87

Corrections: Please send corrections to Sheryl Hohle at [email protected] and include your dog’s name (including title updates), name of trial, date, class, SCT, your score, time and any placements.

page 40 - The Vizsla News | 2018 Top Ten Agility Report Sheryl Hohle, Reporter source: AKC Quarterly Companion Events Report Events from January 1, 2018 through June, 2018 - Q2 Calculations: Dog’s score plus 1 point for each second under SCT. No points are awarded for placements, however, the number of placement the dog receives is noted.

EXCELLENT # of # of Total Rank Dog Owner Scores Placement Point 1 zydeco's Pimm's 1 Dandy Of a Roux Jh aX aXJ C Keller / a Uffman 6 6 640 2 sokoldalu-N-Jaybren's Celestial Fyre CD BN Re aX aXJ XF Ca RaTN CGC s Chew / G Krauser / C slabaugh 5 5 596 3 Bandie Oa OaJ Courtney Bruso 5 5 548 4 avalon's heart Of Gold Ra Jh aX MXJ OF T2B CGC TKN Joyce & Gary Tischler 3 3 349 5 soco's Keep The Faith Jh Oa OaJ RaTCh CGC TKP Donna Nizleit 3 3 333 6 GCh Ch Kizmar hit and Run RN Jh Na aXJ OF RaTN CGC TKa Jamie walton / Kathy Rust 3 3 317 7 Dakota ann Jh Oa aXJ CGC TKN Phyllis alvarez 3 2 282 8 Ch Brandiwine's O M'anam RN aX aXJ OF T2B TKa Bruce & andrea Bryant 2 2 237 9 Russet leather Tiger’s Comet Ride RN Oa OaJ CGC TKi shana Bereznay 2 2 223 10 Keystone’s holly Berry aX OaJ linda Ross 2 2 216

EXCELLENT PREFERRED 1 sleepy hollow Just in The Nick Of Time OaP aJP D wilkinson / D loomis 3 3 330 2 Venture's Beau Geste OaP OJP XFP R hanes / K Jech 2 2 245 3 Patapsco sundance’s Flaming Torch CD Re Oa NaJ Jim & suzanne Rymer 1 1 103

Source AKC TopDogs in Agility MACH/PACH Competition. Covering events held between January 1, 2018 thru June, 2018 - Q2 But Limited To Events Processed Through Saturday, June 30, 2018 Scores are published as they appear in the AKC TopDogs Report. Sorted by the Score (Double Q’s x 10) + MACH Points

MASTER Rank Dog Owner Points QQs Score 1 MACH Big Gun Autie On Last Stand Hill MXG MJG XF T2B John Rabun 1040 16 1200 2 CH AGCH MACH14 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie RE JH MXS4 PDS MJG4 PJS MFG TQX T2B6 Dixie Hambrick /Thomas Ciluffo 977 22 1197 3 CH MACH Kizmar Shredding The Gnar RN JH MXS MJS XF T2B2 C Keller / K Rust 1014 16 1174 4 GCH CH MACH3 Boulder's N Salti's Once In A Blue Moon RE JH MXG MJS2 PJD MFB T2B4 S & C Barrow /S Hohle / J Hetkowski 933 23 1163 5 Panacea’s Legendary Trappist Brew MX MXJ MJB T2B 644 11 754 6 CH MACH2 Panacea’s Red Storm Rising BN MXS MJG OF T2B D & K Hokens 599 11 709 7 MACH Jakra’s Red Hots Mountain Chazm MSG MJG XF T2B CA CGC Mary Rios 565 8 645 8 MACH Egan MXG MJG XF T2B Ellen Biau 531 11 641 9 CH Stardust’s Blowin’ In The Wind MX MXB MXJ MJS XF T2B J Bonness / J Miller 567 7 637 10 Szizlin Fenwick’s Shooting Star MX MXB MXJ MJB CGC Denise Cormier 490 13 620

MASTER PREFERRED 1 MACH4 PACH4 Windrunner's Pegasus MXS2 MJS2 MXP11 MXPC MJP11 MJPC PAX4 XF Jean & Pam Bonness 611 12 731 2 MACH4 PACH Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD RA JH MXC MJS2 MXP5 MXPS MJP5 MJPS PAX XF T2B2 Donna Nisleit 544 9 634 3 MACH Shiloh’s Rowdy Von Bautem MXB MJG MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB G Muncie/A Hines 474 7 544 4 GCH CH MACH3 Hilldale’s Blue I Bet You Will RA JH MXG MJC MXP MJP XF M & S Anderson 440 6 500 5 MACH PACH3 Mehagian's Winner Take All CD RA MXS MJS MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PAX3 Cheryl Peterson 370 12 490 6 GCH CH PACH Standing-O For Pekogait One Man Band CD BN RI JHA MXP6 MXPS MJP5 MJPS PAX2 CAA BCAT RATN CGC TKN Kim Himmelfarb 298 10 398 7 MACH9 Comynara An Island Unto Himself CDX RA JH MXB3 MJC3 OF C Dostal Keller / A Keller 282 5 332 8 GCH CH MACH13 PACH Russet Leather Wild Aszu CDX RE JH MXC3 PAD MJC4 PJD MXPB PADP MJP3 MJPB PJDP PAX MFB TQX MFPB T2B5 RATN CGC TKI Jamie Walton /Bev Wanjon 263 3 293 9 GCH CH MACH2 Boulder’s N Salti’s El Duque Dulce JH MXS MJG MXF T2B CGC L Laudicina / L Aguirre / S Hohle / J Hetkowski 218 3 248 10 CH PACH Poquito’s La Fiesta De Riata UD RE MH MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX NFP T2BPSheila & Steven O’Neill 166 4 206

Corrections: Please send corrections to Sheryl Hohle at [email protected] and include your dog’s name (including title updates), name of trial, date, class, SCT, your score, time and any placements. | The Vizsla News - page 41 MACH Titles Earned March 2018- June 2018 Reported by Sheryl Hohle AGCH No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 1 Ch aGCh MaCh13 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie Re Jh MXB4 PDs MJs4 PJs MFG TQX T2B6* 2/10/10 F 3/11/18 8 years, 1 month Dixie hambrick / T Ciluffo 2 GCh Ch aGCh MaCh13 PaCh Russet leather wild aszu CDX Re Jh MXC3 PaD MJC4 PJD MXPB PaDP MJP3 MJPB PJDP PaX MFB TQX MFPB T2B5 RaTN CGC 7/5/2005 F 6/3/2018 12 years, 10 months Jamie walton/Beverley wanjon *First Vizsla to earn this title.

MACH No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 87 MaCh hellion's Glass Of ale Jh MXB MJs OF CGC TKN 12/14/2011 F 5/5/2018 6 years, 4 months anne & Rodney albin 88 GChB Ch MaCh Rustic Road's Rowdy Redhead CD BN RN MXB MJs NF T2B Ca CGCa 8/16/2012 F 6/1/2018 5 years, 9 months weston & Tamara Brown

MACH2 No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 42 GCh Ch MaCh2 Boulder's N salti's el Duque Dulce Jh MXs MJG MXF T2B CGC 11/1/2009 M 4/7/2018 8 years, 5 months l laudicina / J hetkowski / l aguirre / s hohle 43 Ch MaCh2 Panacea's Red storm Rising BN MXs MJG OF T2B 8/24/2012 M 6/16/2018 5 years, 9 months Dale & Katherine hokens

MACH3 No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 28 MaCh3 avalon's Defying Gravity MXG MJG XF T2B3 4/2/2013 M 4/21/2018 5 years susan Verbocy

MACH14 No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 1 Ch aGCh MaCh14 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie Re Jh MXB4 PDs MJs4 PJs MFG TQX T2B6 2/10/10 F 4/15/2018 8 years, 2 months Dixie hambric /Thomas Ciluffo

PACH Titles Earned March 2018 - June 2018 Reported by Sheryl Hohle PACH No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 18 Ch PaCh Poquito's la Fiesta De Riata UD Re Mh MXPB MJP3 MJPB PaX 3/8/11 F 2/24/18 6 years, 11 months sheila O'Neil & steven O'Neil PACH3 No. Dogs Name DOB Sex Date Age Owner(s) Earned Earned 2 MaCh PaCh3 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP9 MXPG MJP9 MJPG PaX3 6/7/2008 M 3/17/2018 9 years, 9 months Cheryl Peterson

page 42 - The Vizsla News | Agility Titles Earned through Q2 2018 Reported by sheryl hohle Dog Name Date Title Earned Owner Agility Excellent GCh Ch Menny Csillan ekko CD BN Ra Mh aX aXJ XF CGC 2-Feb-18 Jessica Vetter & sachiko anderson & akemi anderson

Agility Course Test 1 Rheingold Froh Guinness For strength aCT1 19-May-18 linda Rooney & Michael Rooney sincerus Je's everglow what a wonderful world aCT1 31-Mar-18 linda M. Furey & Kelly Park Panacea's Crazy Not To have an alibi RN Jh aCT2 TKP 26-Jun-18 Debby wheeler

Agility Course Test 2 Barben's Boom Boom syrah aCT2 4-apr-18 Barbara acker-Mills & David R Mills Pinewoods Perfect whiskey Manhattan CD PCD BN RN aCT2 CGCa CGCU TKi 12-May-18 Judy Nelson & helene Guida legacy's scarlet Begonia aCT2 10-Mar-18 Rebecca Teich Ch River Run's it's a sweet sweet life Jh aCT2 CGCa 7-apr-18 Gail Contreras & Glen Contreras Panacea's Crazy Not To have an alibi RN Jh aCT2 TKP 26-Jun-18 Debby wheeler

Agility Excellent GCh Ch Menny Csillan ekko CD BN Ra Mh aX aXJ XF CGC 2-Feb-18 Jessica Vetter & sachiko anderson & akemi anderson avalon's heart Of Gold Ra Jh aX MXJ OF CGC TKN 7-apr-18 Joyce Tischler & Gary Tischler Bandie aX OaJ 21-apr-18 Courtney K Bruso Ch Brandiwine's O M'anam RN aX aXJ OF T2B TKa 27-apr-18 Bruce Bryant & andrea Bryant Poquito's savina Chile De Mi Mesa UD Ra aX aXJ 29-apr-18 Maria F zucconi & harold zucconi Keystone's holly Berry aX OaJ 19-May-18 linda Ross zydeco's Pimm's 1 Dandy Of a Roux Jh aX aXJ 26-May-18 Carol Keller & ashley Uffman sokoldalu-N-Jaybren's Celestial Fyre CD BN Re aX aXJ XF Ca RaTN CGC 8-Jun-18 sam Chew & Carla slabaugh & Gaelyn Krauser

Agility FAST Excellent Onpoint's indominable spirit Oa aXJ XF 30-Mar-18 Jennifer Peterson GCh Ch Jackpot's Copper River UD BN VeR Ra Jh MX MXJ XF 25-May-18 Patricia J Martin & Vicki McGregor

Agility FAST Excellent Preferred Varazs Kedves Quickstep RN Jh Oa OaJ OF XFP 13-Jan-18 sylvia Dorosh Venture's Beau Geste OaP OJP XFP 10-Jun-18 Rosemary hanes & Kevin Jech

Agility FAST Novice Bayview's The last Time NF BCaT TKP 24-Feb-18 Patricia Ray Venari's Crimson Gem Na NF 7-apr-18 Mike Miller GCh Ch Rheingold loge Once in a Blue Moon Na NaJ NF aCT2 CGC 28-May-18 Kamila Kolb | The Vizsla News - page 43 Ch szikra Bit O honey at Firestorm Na NF 27-May-18 Jeanne Manser & alessandra R Folz & Mary Remer zola hathor Na NaJ NF 20-May-18 Conrad Jordaan

Agility FAST Novice Preferred Ch PaCh Poquito's la Fiesta De Riata UD Re Mh MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PaX NFP T2BP 29-Jun-18 sheila & steven O'Neil

Agility FAST Open Reilloc's Phoenix Jh Oa NaJ OF 18-Feb-18 Barbara Rowdon & Chad Johnson avalon's heart Of Gold Ra Jh Oa MXJ OF CGC 24-Feb-18 Joyce Tischler & Gary Tischler Ch Brandiwine's O M'anam RN Oa aXJ OF T2B TKa 25-Feb-18 Bruce Bryant & andrea Bryant Menny's sweet Fruit Of The Vine CD RN Oa OaJ OF CGC TKa 3-Mar-18 alice Daddario & Michael Daddario GChs Ch Boulder's N salti's Perpetual Motion BN Ra TD aX MXJ NJP OF Caa 17-Mar-18 sheryl G hohle Bayview's The last Time OF Ca BCaT TKP 29-Mar-18 Patricia Ray Dp's Orult Raketa Kozett VCD1 BN Re TDU Jh FDC Oa OaJ OF CaX DCaT swN sCa sia sea shDa ThDX RaTChX2 CGCa CGCU TKP 27-May-18 Joseph Duffek iii & stevie Marie Duffek Ch Remark's i will Follow RN Jh aX MXJ OF CGC 12-May-18 hillary hunter Venari's home again Finnegan Oa NaJ OF 12-May-18 hilarie Chambers & samantha lamb Chip's Bloom On The sage Jh Oa OaJ OF 2-Jun-18 Peggy Barker Ch Panacea's legend Of Orion Jh Na NaJ OF BCaT 15-Jun-18 Therese Pactwa & Melissa lembke Venari's Crimson Gem Na NaJ OF Ca 10-Jun-18 Mike Miller

Excellent Agility Jumper Dakota ann Jh Oa aXJ CGC TKN 22-apr-18 Phyllis ann alvarez sokoldalu-N-Jaybren's Celestial Fyre CD BN Re Oa aXJ XF Ca RaTN CGC 22-apr-18 sam Chew & Carla slabaugh & Gaelyn Krauser zydeco's Pimm's 1 Dandy Of a Roux Jh aX aXJ 26-May-18 Carol Keller & ashley Uffman GCh Ch Kizmar hit and Run RN Jh Na aXJ OF RaTN CGC TKa 3-Jun-18 Jamie walton & Kathy a Rust

Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred sleepy hollow Just in The Nick Of Time OaP aJP 20-May-18 Diane G wilkinson & Debra G. loomis

Master Agility Excellent szizlin Fenwick's shooting star MX MXJ CGC 20-Jan-18 Denise T Cormier Mira's Peaceful light Jha MX aXJ OF CGCa 24-Feb-18 Roy Kupkowski & leslie Kupkowski Ch Russet leather Fire in The sky RN MX MXJ MJB 24-Feb-18 Mary Grant & Beverley a wanjon & Jamie walton Chip's hazelnut Twix RN Jh MX MXJ MJB NJP MXF T2B TKa 11-Mar-18 Cristine Currie & Michelle artis Kizmar Doran Pm True From The start PCDX BN Rae MX MXJ NF CGC 6-apr-18 anne standen Panacea's legendary Trappist Brew MX MXJ 15-apr-18 Dale hokens & Katherine hokens sassafras sweet Ruby Red MX aXJ XF T2B 8-apr-18 Kevin Mole

page 44 - The Vizsla News | Totems sensational sage MX MXJ 7-apr-18 Valerie spytek & David spytek Jnek Veni Vidi Vici MX aXJ NJP 5-May-18 Jeanine angeli & Paul angeli

Master Agility Excellent Preferred GCh Ch MaCh3 hilldale's Blue i Bet You will Ra Jh MXG MJC MXP MJP XF 10-Jun-18 Mark anderson & sherrie anderson GCh Ch Titan's eye Candy CD BN Mh aX aXJ MXP MJP 16-Jun-18 elizabeth sweeney & Peggy s schmidt-edwards & Joseph sweeney

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 2 GCh Ch Jackpot's Fcr Never in Pink CDX MXP2 MJP2 14-apr-18 Ms. Kristina lynn shaw Ch autumn acres eye Opener CD BN Ra MX MXJ MXP2 MJP OF T2B CGCa 15-Jun-18 . weston K Brown & Ms. Tamara J Brown

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 3 Ch PaCh Poquito's la Fiesta De Riata UD Re Mh MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PaX 25-Feb-18 sheila O'Neil & steven O'Neil MaCh shiloh's Rowdy Von Bautem MXB MJG MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB 16-Mar-18 Geraldine Muncie & amye hines

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 4 MaCh4 PaCh Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD Ra Jh MXC MJs2 MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PaX XF T2B2 14-Jan-18 Donna Nisleit GCH CH Cruiser's Star Over Del Boca Vista Phase 2 CD BN RA MX MXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX OF OFP CAA TKA 5-Feb-18 Teresa R Rizzo & Frank Rizzo

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 5 MACH4 PACH Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD RA JH MXC MJS2 MXP5 MXPS MJP5 MJPS PAX XF T2B2 9-Jun-18 Donna Nisleit

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 6 GCh Ch PaCh standing-O For Pekogait One Man Band CD BN Ri Jha MXP6 MXPs MJP5 MJPs PaX2 Caa BCaT RaTN CGC TKN 20-May-18 Kim himmelfarb

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 7 Ch MaCh4 PaCh2 Panacea's Mad about You CD Re Jh MXC MJs2 MXP7 MXPs MJP10 MJPC PaX2 MXF T2B 20-Jan-18 Katherine hokens & Dale hokens

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 9 MaCh PaCh2 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP9 MXPG MJP8 MJPG PaX2 28-Jan-18 Cheryl Peterson

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 10 MaCh4 PaCh4 windrunner's Pegasus MXs2 MJs2 MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PaX4 XF 2-Feb-18 Jean Bonness & Pam Bonness MaCh PaCh3 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP10 MXPC MJP9 MJPG PaX3 5-May-18 Ms. Cheryl Peterson

Master Agility Excellent Preferred 11 MaCh4 PaCh4 windrunner's Pegasus MXs2 MJs2 MXP11 MXPC MJP11 MJPC PaX4 XF 30-Jun-18 Jean Bonness & Pam Bonness

Master Bronze Agility Ch Kizmar shredding The Gnar RN Jh MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B 19-Jan-18 Carol Keller & Kathy a Rust winddance Catchin' Blue's Voodoo MX MXB MXJ MJB NF 11-Feb-18 louis R Moeckler stellar's Mischief and Mayhem MX MXB MXJ XF 24-Feb-18 sandy Clark & Penny Rasins Ch stardust's Blowin' in The wind MX MXB MXJ MJs XF T2B 15-apr-18 Jean Bonness & Jen Miller | The Vizsla News - page 45 szizlin Fenwick's shooting star MX MXB MXJ MJB CGC 1-Jun-18 Denise T Cormier

Master Bronze Agility 3 GCh Ch MaCh6 Calibre's Chance To Bear it all CD Re sh MXB3 MJB3 MFs TQX T2B2 CGC 25-Feb-18 Jamie walton

Master Bronze Agility Preferred MaCh shiloh's Rowdy Von Bautem MXB MJG MXP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB 3-Feb-18 Geraldine Muncie & amye hines GCh Ch MaCh13 PaCh Russet leather wild aszu CDX Re Jh MXC3 PaD MJC4 PJD MXPB MJPB PJDP PaX MFB TQX MFP T2B5 CGC 17-Feb-18 Jamie walton & Beverley a wanjon

Master Bronze FAST Preferred GCh Ch MaCh13 PaCh Russet leather wild aszu CDX Re Jh MXC3 PaD MJC4 PJD MXPB MJPB PJDP PaX MFB TQX MFPB T2B5 CGC 9-Mar-18 Jamie walton & Beverley a wanjon

Master Bronze Jumper GChs Ch Boulder's N salti's Perpetual Motion BN Ra TD aX MXJ MJB NJP OF Caa 18-Mar-18 sheryl G hohle Panacea's legendary Trappist Brew MX MXJ MJB 21-apr-18 Dale hokens & Katherine hokens GCh Ch Jackpot's Copper River UD BN VeR Ra Jh MX MXJ MJB XF 26-May-18 Patricia J Martin & Vicki McGregor szizlin Fenwick's shooting star MX MXJ MJB CGC 27-May-18 Denise T Cormier

Master Bronze Jumper Preferred Poquito's impressive Chimaya Chile De Mesa CD RN Jh MXP MJP2 MJPB 13-Jan-18 Michael P Klein & Monica Klein

Master Century Agility MaCh2 zydeco's sunset Over The Bayou Jh MXC MJB2 MFs TQX T2B5 7-apr-18 steve larrison & ashley Uffman

Master Century Agility Preferred MaCh4 PaCh4 windrunner's Pegasus MXs2 MJs2 MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PaX4 XF 17-Feb-18 Jean Bonness & Pam Bonness MaCh PaCh3 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP10 MXPC MJP9 MJPG PaX3 5-May-18 Cheryl Peterson

Master Century Jumper Preferred MaCh PaCh3 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PaX3 1-Jun-18 Cheryl Peterson

Master Excellent Jumper Ch Pursuit Of My heart's Desire BN RN Jh aX MXJ OF 11-Feb-18 Gail ann Fleming GChs Ch Russet leather Ride To The Top Jh aX MXJ 24-Feb-18 Mary Grant Mira's Peaceful light Jha MX MXJ OF T2B CGCa 1-apr-18 Roy Kupkowski & leslie Kupkowski sassafras sweet Ruby Red MX MXJ XF T2B 27-apr-18 Kevin Mole GCh Ch Menny Csillan ekko CD BN Ra Mh aX MXJ XF BCaT DN CGC TKi 26-May-18 Jessica Vetter & sachiko anderson & akemi anderson Ch Remark's i will Follow RN Jh aX MXJ OF CGC 12-May-18 hillary hunter

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred Ch Penlee Pekogait here Comes The sun BN RN Jh aXP MJP Caa BCaT aCT2 RaTN 24-Mar-18 Kim himmelfarb GCh Ch MaCh3 hilldale's Blue i Bet You will Ra Jh MXG MJC MJP XF 31-Mar-18 Mark anderson & sherrie anderson page 46 - The Vizsla News | GCh Ch Titan's eye Candy BN Mh aX aXJ MJP 30-apr-18 elizabeth sweeney & Peggy s schmidt-edwards & Joseph sweeney

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 2 GCh Ch Jackpot's Fcr Never in Pink CDX MXP MJP2 9-Feb-18 Ms. Kristina lynn shaw

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 3 GCh Ch MaCh13 PaCh Russet leather wild aszu CDX Re Jh MXC3 PaD MJC4 PJD MXPB MJP3 MJPB PJDP PaX MFB TQX MFP T2B5 CGC 9-Feb-18 Jamie walton & Beverley a wanjon

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 4 MaCh shiloh's Rowdy Von Bautem MXB MJG MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB 8-apr-18 Geraldine Muncie & amye hines GCh Ch Cruiser's star Over Del Boca Vista Phase 2 CD BN Ra MX MXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PaX OF OFP Caa TKa 1-Jun-18 Teresa & Frank Rizzo

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 5 MaCh4 PaCh Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD Ra Jh MXC MJs2 MXP4 MXPB MJP5 MJPs PaX XF T2B2 25-Feb-18 Donna Nisleit GCh Ch PaCh standing-O For Pekogait One Man Band BN RN Jha MXP5 MXPs MJP5 MJPs PaX Caa BCaT RaTN 25-Mar-18 Kim himmelfarb

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 6 MaCh4 PaCh Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD Ra Jh MXC MJs2 MXP5 MXPs MJP6 MJPs PaX XF T2B2 28-Jun-18 Donna Nisleit Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 9 MaCh PaCh2 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP9 MXPG MJP9 MJPG PaX2 18-Feb-18 Ms. Cheryl Peterson

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 10 MaCh PaCh3 Mehagian's winner Take all CD Ra MXs MJs MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PaX3 1-Jun-18 Ms. Cheryl Peterson

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 11 MaCh4 PaCh4 windrunner's Pegasus MXs2 MJs2 MXP10 MXPC MJP11 MJPC PaX4 XF 19-May-18 Jean Bonness & Pam Bonness

Master Gold Agility GCh Ch MaCh3 Boulder's N salti's Once in a Blue Moon Re Jh MXG MJs2 MFB T2B4 15-apr-18 susan & Clayton Barrow & Judy hetkowski & sheryl G hohle MaCh Big Gun autie On last stand hill MXG MJG XF T2B 19-May-18 John Rabun MaCh egan MXG MJG XF T2B 27-May-18 ellen Blau

Master Gold Agility 2 MaCh5 Red Oak's Chariot Of Fire MXG2 MJs2 MXF T2B2 10-Jun-18 susan & John Verbocy

Master Gold Jumper skipfire's Oorah Von Bautem MX MXB MXJ MJG 7-Jan-18 Mrs. Geraldine N Muncie & Cmdr. John C Muncie MaCh Big Gun autie On last stand hill MXs MJG XF T2B 18-May-18 John Rabun MaCh egan MXG MJG XF T2B 27-May-18 ellen Blau MaCh Jakra's Red hots Mountain Chazm MXG MJG XF T2B Ca CGC 23-Jun-18 Mary Rios Ch MaCh Panacea's Red storm Rising BN MXs MJG OF T2B 10-Jun-18 Dale hokens & Katherine hokens | The Vizsla News - page 47 Master Gold Jumper 2 MaCh5 Red Oak's Chariot Of Fire MXG2 MJG2 MXF T2B2 23-Jun-18 susan & John Verbocy

Master Gold Jumper 4 Ch aGCh MaCh14 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie Re Jh MXB4 PDs MJG4 PJs MFG TQX T2B6 28-apr-18 Dixie hambrick & Thomas Ciluffo

Master Silver Agility GCh Ch MaCh Boulder's N salti's el Duque Dulce Jh MXs MJG MXF T2B CGC 20-Jan-18 laurence laudicina & Judy hetkowski & lina aguirre & sheryl hohle Ch MaCh Panacea's Red storm Rising BN MXs MJs OF T2B 17-Feb-18 Dale hokens & Katherine hokens Ch MaCh Kizmar shredding The Gnar RN Jh MXs MJs XF T2B2 3-Jun-18 Carol Keller & Kathy a Rust GChB Ch MaCh Rustic Road's Rowdy Redhead CD BN RN MXs MJs NF T2B Ca CGCa 16-Jun-18 weston Brown & Tamara J Brown suzu's at long last love MX MXs MXJ MJs ThDX CGC 30-Jun-18 Nancy Chere

Master Silver Agility 4 Ch aGCh MaCh14 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie Re Jh MXs4 PDs MJG4 PJs MFG TQX T2B6 2-Jun-18 Dixie hambrick & Thomas Ciluffo

Master Silver Agility Preferred MaCh4 PaCh Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD Ra Jh MXC MJs2 MXP5 MXPs MJP5 MJPs PaX XF T2B2 9-Jun-18 Donna Nisleit

Master Silver FAST GCh Ch MaCh6 Calibre's Chance To Bear it all CD Re sh MXC2 MJB3 MFs TQX T2B2 CGC 17-Feb-18 Jamie walton

Master Silver Jumper Ch stardust's Blowin' in The wind MX MXJ MJs XF T2B 14-Jan-18 Jean Bonness & Jen Miller hellion's Glass Of ale Jh MX MXB MXJ MJs OF CGC TKN 25-Feb-18 anne and Rodney albin MaCh sr's Caught Ya' Red handed MXs MJs XF 9-Mar-18 Tommie skrintney Brandiwine's Fhomhair Rua BN Ra MX MXB MXJ MJs OF T2B2 RaTO 28-apr-18 Michele Fogt Ch MaCh Kizmar shredding The Gnar RN Jh MXB MJs XF T2B 15-apr-18 Carol Keller & Kathy a Rust suzu's at long last love MX MXB MXJ MJs ThDX CGC 24-Jun-18 Nancy Chere

Master Silver Jumper 2 GCh Ch MaCh3 Boulder's N salti's Once in a Blue Moon Re Jh MXs MJs2 MFB T2B4 14-apr-18 susan Barrow & Judy hetkowski & Clayton w Barrow & sheryl G hohle

Master Silver Jumper Preferred MaCh4 PaCh Doro's Northwoods Cabela CD Ra Jh MXC MJs2 MXP4 MXPB MJP5 MJPs PaX XF T2B2 25-Feb-18 Donna Nisleit GCh Ch PaCh standing-O For Pekogait One Man Band BN RN Jha MXP5 MXPs MJP5 MJPs PaX Caa BCaT RaTN 25-Mar-18 Kim himmelfarb

Novice Agility Fawa windrunner halley's Comet Na 28-Jan-18 Franziska Dacek & Pam williams & James Dacek Ch Panacea's legend Of Orion Jh Na NaJ NF BCaT 28-Jan-18 Therese Pactwa & Melissa lembke Xtra Point Benelli Black eagle Na 2-Feb-18 Michelle Peterson skipfire's One and Only Gibbs Na 3-Feb-18 Geraldine Muncie page 48 - The Vizsla News | Derby's New Girl in Town at windswept acre's Na 10-Feb-18 Janice Crall & Karen Fischesser GCh Ch Kizmar hit and Run RN Jh Na OaJ OF CGC TKa 9-Mar-18 Jamie walton & Kathy a Rust GCh Ch Rheingold loge Once in a Blue Moon Na aCT2 CGC 11-Mar-18 Kamila Kolb Ch Mtnpride Mazey's stars lined Up Bright as sunshine CD RN TDX sh Na 25-Mar-18 amy Moosman & alex Reinecke whimzi's Mountain Pride Crimson Glory Na CGCa TKN 31-Mar-18 Pam McGowan & Catherine a Richards GChB Ch Cruiser's all The Right Moves BN RN Mh Na Ca 30-apr-18 Keith a Klawinski & Jill hoffbeck Moramore'N Mm's halley's Comet Na 21-apr-18 Dawn Burnett & Joseph Diaz Venari's Crimson Gem Na NF 7-apr-18 Mike Miller Ch linmar N Brazenrock's Kalifornia Dreamin' RN Na NaJ CGC 5-May-18 lorena Russo & Fred hachtel & Corinne Russo & linda hachtel Ch szikra Bit O honey at Firestorm Na NF 27-May-18 Jeanne Manser & alessandra R Folz & Mary Remer zola hathor Na NaJ NF 20-May-18 Conrad Jordaan shine's Bright like a Diamond Na 2-Jun-18 Pamela & Michael schiazano

Novice Agility Preferred GCh Ch Firelight's First lady liesl Ra NaP NJP CGC 22-apr-18 amanda Mitts GChP Ch szizlin Rhapsody Never say Never Jh NaP NJP Ca 13-apr-18 Michelle s Porfido & Carol Phelps GChs Ch aislinn's Rr elite edition Jh NaP NJP Ca CGCa CGCU TKa 28-May-18 lindsay Fetters & Betty Rozanek

Novice Agility Jumper Derby's New Girl in Town at windswept acre's Na NaJ 17-Feb-18 Janice Crall & Karen Fischesser Fawa windrunner halley's Comet Na NaJ 17-Feb-18 Franziska Dacek & Pam williams & James Dacek skipfire's One and Only Gibbs Na NaJ 17-Mar-18 Geraldine Muncie GCh Ch Rheingold loge Once in a Blue Moon Na NaJ aCT2 CGC 24-Mar-18 Kamila Kolb Ch linmar N Brazenrock's Kalifornia Dreamin' RN NaJ CGC 31-Mar-18 lorena Russo & Fred hachtel & Corinne Russo & linda hachtel Gruntzilla Na NaJ 29-apr-18 Mr. Matthew Key Venari's Crimson Gem Na NaJ NF Ca 15-apr-18 Mike Miller Venari's home again Finnegan Oa NaJ OF 12-May-18 hilarie Chambers & samantha lamb zola hathor NaJ 19-May-18 Conrad Jordaan Dorratz Koppertone Dreams Come True Jh NaJ 30-Jun-18 leslie Mahr everedi's Bluegrass From The Ozarks NaJ 15-Jun-18 Cathy Crecelius

Novice Agility Jumper Preferred Mudbone Firestorm high surf advisory Jh NJP TKN 17-Feb-18 Cristine Currie & warren eizman GCh Ch Firelight's First lady liesl Ra NJP CGC 18-Mar-18 amanda Mitts GChP Ch szizlin Rhapsody Never say Never Jh NJP Ca 12-apr-18 Michelle s Porfido & Carol Phelps GChs Ch aislinn's Rr elite edition Jh NJP Ca CGCa CGCU TKa 26-May-18 lindsay Fetters & Betty Rozanek | The Vizsla News - page 49 GCh Ch Priden Joy Mighty Joe PCD BN Re NJP 30-Jun-18 Rod Kunze & Joy sonsalla & Barb Kunze Ch Remark's Catch The wind RN Jh Oa OaJ NJP OF RaTO CGC 3-Jun-18 Cheryl & Kerry Brimmer

Open Agility Chip's Bloom On The sage Jh Oa OaJ NF 3-Feb-18 Peggy Barker Ch Classical Rumor has it CDX Ra Oa NaJ NF 3-Feb-18 Cathleen Cline & linn Cabral & stephen Cabral elgin Cariad Kedves Dallam Oa OaJ NF 11-Feb-18 stacie lancaster & edwin Foster Jr. Cedar On The River Oa NaJ aCT2 CGC 10-Mar-18 suzanne wagnitz soco's Keep The Faith Jh Oa OaJ RaTCh CGC TKP 31-Mar-18 Donna R Nisleit GCh Ch autumn acres Chianti Classico BN RN Jh Oa NaJ 15-apr-18 weston Brown & Tamara J Brown Fawa windrunner halley's Comet Oa NaJ 28-apr-18 Franziska Dacek & Pam williams & James Dacek skipfire's One and Only Gibbs Oa NaJ 21-apr-18 Geraldine Muncie willorunn's leave it To Fate BN Re Oa OaJ 10-apr-18 Marla hansen & ania Kelly & Rachel Romano Kelly Venari's home again Finnegan Oa NaJ OF 12-May-18 hilarie Chambers & samantha lamb

Open Agility Jumper elgin Cariad Kedves Dallam Na OaJ NF 4-Feb-18 stacie lancaster & edwin Foster Jr. Menny azonnali Medal Na OaJ OF 4-Feb-18 Jessica Vetter Ch Classical Rumor has it CDX Ra Oa OaJ NF 11-Feb-18 Cathleen Cline & linn Cabral & stephen Cabral GCh Ch Kizmar hit and Run RN Jh OaJ OF CGC TKN 17-Feb-18 Jamie walton & Kathy a Rust soco's Keep The Faith Jh Na OaJ RaTM CGC TKP 24-Feb-18 Donna R Nisleit Russet leather Tiger's Comet Ride RN Oa OaJ CGC TKi 14-apr-18 shana J Bereznay willorunn's leave it To Fate BN Re Na OaJ 9-apr-18 Marla hansen & ania Kelly & Rachel Romano Kelly GCh Ch autumn acres Chianti Classico BN RN Jh Oa OaJ 20-May-18 weston Brown & Tamara J Brown Keystone's holly Berry Oa OaJ 18-May-18 linda Ross Ch Bajos limitless Mystery Na OaJ OF Ca 16-Jun-18 Urszula Janicki Cedar On The River Oa OaJ aCT2 CGC 2-Jun-18 suzanne wagnitz Venari's home again Finnegan Oa OaJ OF 30-Jun-18 hilarie Chambers & samantha lamb Ch winddance Red Bull shooter Oa OaJ aCT2 CGC 9-Jun-18 Barb Rypstra & Bob Rypstra

Open Agility Jumper Preferred GCh Ch Cruiser's willow Of Tok CD RN NaJ OJP Ca 29-Jan-18 Ron halpaus & Yvonne halpaus GCh Ch Firelight's First lady liesl Ra NaP OJP CGC 30-apr-18 amanda Mitts

page 50 - The Vizsla News | Premier Agility Dog Silver Ch aGCh MaCh13 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie Re Jh MXB4 PDs MJs4 PJs MFG TQX T2B6 11-Mar-18 Dixie hambrick & Thomas Ciluffo

Premier Agility Dog Preferred GCh Ch MaCh13 PaCh Russet leather wild aszu CDX Re Jh MXC3 PaD MJC4 PJD MXPB PaDP MJP3 MJPB PJDP PaX MFB TQX MFPB T2B5 CGC 10-Mar-18 Jamie walton & Beverley a wanjon Premier Jumpers Dog GCh Ch MaCh3 Boulder's N salti's Once in a Blue Moon Re Jh MXG MJs2 PJD MFB T2B4 22-Jun-18 susan Barrow & Judy hetkowski & Clayton w Barrow & sheryl G hohle

Premier Jumpers Dog Silver Ch MaCh13 Calibre's Madame Pico Curie Re Jh MXB4 PaD MJs4 PJs MFG TQX T2B6 10-Feb-18 Dixie hambrick & Thomas Ciluffo

Time 2 Beat MaCh Big Gun autie On last stand hill MXs MJs XF T2B 4-Feb-18 John Rabun Mira's Peaceful light Jha MX aXJ OF T2B CGCa 4-Mar-18 Roy Kupkowski & leslie Kupkowski avalon's heart Of Gold Ra Jh aX MXJ OF T2B CGC TKN 8-apr-18 Joyce Tischler & Gary Tischler sassafras sweet Ruby Red aX aXJ XF T2B 6-apr-18 Kevin Mole Ch MaCh Kizmar shredding The Gnar RN Jh MXB MJs XF T2B2 12-May-18 Carol Keller & Kathy a Rust Fawa windrunner incriminating evidence aX aXJ OF T2B Ca 1-Jun-18 Jean Bonness & Pam williams Panacea's legendary Trappist Brew MX MXJ MJB T2B 10-Jun-18 Dale & Katherine hokens

Time 2 Beat 2 Kataran evolutionarium MX MXB MXJ MJB NF T2B2 3-Feb-18 Katherine engstrom

Time 2 Beat 4 MaCh3 sierra's Red Dog Pete MXC MJC2 MXF T2B4 15-Jun-18 lorraine scimeca & Rochelle scimeca

Time 2 Beat Preferred Ch PaCh Poquito's la Fiesta De Riata UD Re Mh MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PaX NFP T2BP 29-Jun-18 sheila & steven O'Neil

2020 National Specialty & Companion Events in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado!

All breed agility trial to precede and a Regional VCA Specialty to cap it off! Save the Dates - April 27 - May 1, 2020 | The Vizsla News - page 51 Training (a) hunting to the course, (b) Responding to the handler, (c) steadiness (where required), (d) Retrieving (where required).

HANDLING: Dogs should be permitted to hunt naturally with driving them out or hacking. Dogs that do the job with the least amount of handling should get credit over dogs that require the need of continuous flow of voice or whistling in order to stay in contact with or to locate the handler. it is the business of a broken dog to keep track of his handler.

CALLING POINT: handlers are expected to signal (by rais- ing one hand) or call "point" but judges will evaluate a point whether it is called by the handler of not. With the Field Trial around the corner here is a look back into what the judges were looking for back in Sept 1963. RANGE, PACE AND SEARCH: The desired ranger is a Are the judges today looking for the same thing as they dog that will cover the course thoroughly, using judgment in were back then? Are the dogs better or worse than they selecting and going to the places most likely to hold birds. were back then? Things sure have changed when it comes Dogs that hunt out of range are not to be preferred to the to training aids and corrections....but the universe is always dog which keeps on the course and hunts it out ahead and changing and we just need to hitch a ride along. This was on both sides of the handler. in cover, the desired ranger in the Vizsla News Sept 1963. should quarter his ground where the area makes it possible ~Diane Shearer for him to do so, going over the restricted parts of the course with as little handling as possible. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS whether Field Trialing, or just hunting. . . the following infor- an experienced pheasant dog should search all areas in mation is what the judge and you should look for in evaluat- such a way so as to wind all likely spots thoroughly, and ing a hunting dog in the ages designated. quickly, adapting his range to the nature of the area. Range is to be the exemplification of the instinctive urge or PUPPY PERFORMANCE: Puppies (age 6 to 15 months) desire to find game. after the initial cast, dogs should hunt will receive consideration for: instinct to hunt, desire to get their way out. Dogs are to apply their range intelligently out and search for scent, good nose, tractable disposition, a=with due regard to cover and objectives rather than with good style and appearance in the field and finding birds, regard only to distances from the handler which could be but will not be shot over. out too far or in too close.

DERBY PERFORMANCE: Derby Dogs (age 6 to 24 FINDING BIRDS: Dogs are not to be ranked by the num- months) are expected to get out and industriously search ber of birds found or pointed, alone. The kind of finds and for game, exhibiting bird sense, pace, range, stamina, inde- points made should be considered. Preference should be pendence and possession of a good nose. They are ex- given to the dog that goes boldly to a point on body scent pected to find and point fame accurately and staunchly rather than one that potters on foot scent. Difficult finds though not necessarily a finished performance. There will which result from intelligent searching are to be evaluated be no shoot to kill over the derby dogs, (no retrieve re- more highly than those that did not require much knowl- quired) but a pistol of no less than .32 caliber will be fired edge, bird sense or diligence. over point. LOCATION OF BIRDS: Dogs that move with birds that are PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ALL-AGES: moving and continue to get the bird's body scent are to be Performance will be evaluated for: credited for such work, over a dog that holds fast to the Ground Work original point even if birds have moved beyond the reach of (a) intelligent search, his nose. such situations demonstrate a dog's ability to (b) Range, match wits with the birds. accurate location of game is de- (c) Pace. sired.

Bird Work PERFORMANCE, MANNERS AND BIRD FINDING: it is (a) accurate and quick location, desirable that a winner be charged with no errors. it is pre- (b) Pointing, ferred, however, to award a placement to a dog that dis- (c) style. plays the characteristics of style, pace, drive, bird sense, etc., even though such a dog is charged with some minor page 52 - The Vizsla News | errors even though an old plugger with a high bird score he should show or check in front of his handler frequently, had no errors. never range out of sight for a length of time that would de- tract from his usefulness as a practical gun dog. This STEADINESS ON POINT: Dogs are expected not to move should be done preferably with style, intelligence and inten- on flush, shot or falling game, but are to remain steady. sity. he must be under command at all times and quarter Dogs on point are expected to remain steady until birds are his field as directed. flushed and shot is fired. They must not move again until ordered to do so by the handler. Upon a distinct pause of an ALL-AGE DOG: should run a good ground heat and several seconds after game has fallen, the handler is then hunt the cover where birds are likely to be found, negotiat- to command his dog to retrieve. This work is required to ing the course in such a manner as to wind [find] all the demonstrate the steadiness to fallen game and ability to likely spots thoroughly but quickly, adapting his range to the complete a satisfactory retrieve. Dogs that break shot are nature of the terrain with[out] optional wider range and to be penalized for the offense (but not scratched). Follow- more speed than is desirable in a gun dog. The dog ing the completion of handling a find, it will be permissible should give a finished performance and should be under to heel your dog before sending him on, in order to divert control at all times. he should, upon locating game, point his attention from the birds just handled. staunchly and be steady to wing and shot. he should back his bracemate, if not on sight, on command. sTYle aND POiNT: intensity is the most desirable charac- teristic of a and is therefore far more important Editors note: The original article is reproduced as written. than the position of the head or tail, though loftiness is de- Any changes made to the wording are in brackets [ ] and sirable of a dog on point. are provided to assist in better understand or to correct er- rors. NON-PRODUCTiVe POiNTs: when a dog points staunchly, the handler should find birds in the area where the dog is pointing. For failure to produce birds, a false point may be charged unless the dog corrects himself quickly and moves on without directions from his handler. Running pheasants present a problem and a point may prove unproductive and yet the dog may not be charged for a false point, but sufficient opportunity should be given to relocate in a positive quick manner. The do should then be charged with inability to relocate, unless after the handler has made a conscientious effort to put the birds to flight and the judges have seen the birds run, handlers may then be ordered to fire a shot and the dog is again cast off. such finds will be evaluated.

BACKING AND INTERFERENCE: Dogs are expected to back a bracemates point either on sight or command. Nei- ther handler or his dog may in anyway interfere with the dog on point [now] or cause any undue delay in completing his work. if a dog has an opportunity to back and clearly refuses to accept the opportunity either on sight or com- mand, it will be considered a fault and will be penalized. Judges may order a cog to back should they feel this is necessary to aid them in their evaluation of the dogs for placement. when a dog has once interfered with his brace- mate handling birds, his handler should ask permission from the judges to hold or restrain his dog when his brace- mate is again on birds.

(Below is additional clarification of the various stakes found at field trials and is found in the standard procedures for field trials of the sUNFlOweR GsP Club.) a GUN DOG: is a cover dog, suitable for gunning on foot. The dog should hunt with and for his handler at all times. | The Vizsla News - page 53 Advertising Information and General Policies Index of Advertisers Reprinting of Articles: all materials printed in any VCa publication becomes the sole prop- A-L erty of the VCa. all reproduction rights reserved. Materials (except advertising) may be recopied without written permission in newslet- Boyd, Jim ...... page 28 ters published by aKC-recognized Vizsla Clubs. all others must re- Braud, Maria ...... page 28 ceive permission in writing from the editor. Credit must be given to the Vizsla News or the VCa. Freitag, Christine ~ CMF ...... page 28 Editing: Freyer, andrienna ...... page iFC The VCa reserves the right to edit all material, including advertising. Ad Claims: hambrick, Dixie ...... Front Cover, page 1 any ads claiming health clearances or ratings (OFa, ChiC, etc.) must be accompanied by proof of such with copies of the actual certifications or clearances. You may also submit the OFa report by going to the web site at Only stud Dog or litter announcements M-Z MUsT include OFa clearances. Pedigrees must be submitted in written form or as a copy of certified pedigree. VCa assumes no responsibility Myers, Bob & Patty ...... page 28 for errors in ad pedigrees. Materials printed reflect the opinions of the authors and not of the VCa. Purina...... iBC, BC Photographs: Rust, Kathy ~ Kizmar ...... page 28 Photos submitted must be originals (no photocopies or laser prints). sharkey, Jack ~ “Winning Ways” ...... page 53 Photos sent via email must be in the formats such as (TiFF or JPG) and at least 200 dpi or preferred 300 dpi resolution. Please identify svaboda, Janet ...... page 28 photo with your name, mailing address and the name of the dog. Uffman, ashley ...... page 28 indicate where you would like the dog placed in the mock up. indi- walton, Jamie ~ Calibre ...... page 28 cate any special cropping requirements. Please do not send color copies or reproductions of original photo. NO weB PhOTOs CaN Be UseD. all digital photos must be of suitable resolution to tran- sition to printed media. Ad Copy/Article Submission: Please submit ad copy in writing or via e-mail as an attachment. when submitting via e-mail, be sure to include special fonts, logos and photos with your attachments. (embedded photographs and fonts will not print correctly). larger files may be uploaded to Next Ad Size: Full bleed size should be 8.75 x 11.25 inches. live area Advertisement is 7.5 x 10 inches. any information which exceeds the live area may be cropped off during trimming. Final printed and bound ad size is 8.5 x 11 inches. Deadline Ad Payment: Payment for advertising must be received with the submission of your ad. Payment can be made by check or postal money order, credit card or paypal account. Checks or money orders should be made payable to VCa. Credit card or paypal account payment can Dec. 15, 2018 be made by going to or The payee name is [email protected]. a convenience fee of 4% will be applied when using Paypal/Credit card. Please email a copy of your proof of payment to [email protected] for the Mail advertisements/payment to: Showcase Publications Jan. - March 2019 P O Box 2558, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 451-8905 edition of [email protected] Overnight mail can be sent Us Priority to the above P O Box. Federal express, UPs or other overnight services mail to: 234 Yucca Road Fallbrook, CA 92028 the Vizsla News Please check the box that says “No signature required”. Mark all mailed photographs clearly with “PHOTOS -DO NOT BEND.” Package using photo mailer or with cardboard insert in envelope. all Photos will be returned. For e-mail Electronic Submission PDFs, JPeGs or TiFFs at a resolution of 300 dpi, word documents with photo embedded as high resolution, and photoshop PsD files are also acceptable. page 54 - The Vizsla News | Regional Vizsla Clubs ARIZONA FLORIDA (cont) MISSOURI OREGON Rio Salado Vizsla Club Tampa Bay Vizsla Club Gateway Vizsla Club Trail's End Vizsla Club Marla Molvin Danny Neger Debbie Baker of Oregon [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] eleesa Markham (602) 971-7491 (561) 315-4501 (313) 550-0696 [email protected]

CALIFORNIA GEORGIA MISSOURI/KANSAS PENNSYLVANIA Lone Cypress Vizsla Club of Vizsla Club of Metro Atlanta Three Trails Vizsla Club Keystone Vizsla Club of the Monterey Peninsula Kathy hansen lin Kozlowski Pennsylvania Penny Jones [email protected] [email protected] stephanie sherwood [email protected] (770) 343-8379 (417) 644-7425 [email protected] (831) 646-9488 (484) 266-7199 IOWA NO & SOUTH CAROLINA South Coast Vizsla Club Hawkeye Vizsla Club Vizsla Club of the Carolinas TEXAS Mary Grant leloie Dutemple Thecla Tyner Texas Gulf Coast Vizsla Club [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], Melinda Giles (858) 414-3024 (515) 981-0050 [email protected] Vizsla Club of Eastern Iowa NEBRASKA Vizsla Club of Southern Darcy Bruns Nebraska Vizsla Club Trinity Valley Vizsla Club California [email protected] Brandi hatch linda lantz Darlene anthony (319) 352-4068 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (402) 540-3703 (817) 875-7351 (818) 362-5026 ILLINOIS Vizsla Club of Illinois NEW JERSEY Vizsla Club of Northern Michelle Princer Vizsla Club of Northern UTAH California [email protected] New Jersey Vizsla Club of Utah Dane Mrazek (815) 243-9180 lisa Cushing Bonita austin [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (650) 594-4913 (801) 699-3943 LOUISIANA South Louisiana Vizsla Club NEW YORK VIRGINIA COLORADO ashley Uffman Vizsla Club of Long Island Old Dominion Vizsla Club Rocky Mountain Vizsla Club [email protected] stephanie Fischer Grace anne lawson leah DiFalco [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (804) 598-8664 (201) 247-9761 MA/ME/NH/VT Vizsla Club of Central New Vizsla Club of Greater England New York WASHINGTON Vizsla Club of Colorado Patty Dahlinghaus Florence Duggan Puget Sound Vizsla Club Tad walden [email protected] [email protected] sheila wald [email protected] (781) 771-4525 membership@pugetsound- (720) 273-0494 OHIO (509) 754-9476 MD/VA/DE/PA Vizsla Club of Greater CONNECTICUT Conestoga Vizsla Club Cleveland Connecticut Valley Vizsla Club Yvonne Baggott-Jones Margaret schaefer WISCONSIN John smayda [email protected] [email protected] Central Wisconsin Vizsla Club [email protected] (740) 363-6164 T. Jone Brown (860) 621-7803 [email protected] MICHIGAN Vizsla Club of Michigan Miami Valley Vizsla Club FLORIDA Keleigh Masserant Pam williams Vizsla Club of Greater Milwaukee Emerald Coast Vizsla Club [email protected] [email protected] Craig Donze sue Towne (517) 505-1855 (614) 419-4279 [email protected] [email protected] (262) 781-0835 (850) 835-0055 MINNESOTA Twin Cities Vizsla Club Jill hoffbeck Changes/updates to: [email protected] [email protected] AND [email protected] | The Vizsla News - page 55 Vizsla Club of America, Inc. Officers President: Vice President: Recording Secretary: Melissa Lembke (2019) Ashley Uffman (2020) Jennifer Follett (2020) 3215 316th Street 4812 Overton Hollow 2520 Fairfax Street LeSueur, MN 56058 Ft. Worth, TX 76109 Denver, CO 80207 507-327-4405 214-642-8991 303-898-0195 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer: Jamie Walton (2019) Greg Dutson (2020) 256 West Eighth Street 1799 County Road 50 Claremont, CA 91711 Riceville, TN 37370 909-730-0065 503-320-8133 [email protected] [email protected]

Vizsla Club of America, Inc. Board of Directors Susan Barrow (2020) Cathy J Gallagher (2019) Patricia Hart (2019) Ginger Sammonds (2020) Mark Spurgeon (2019) 6380 Racel St 1405 Surrey Lane 17404 NW 251st Lane 4903 W County Rd 14 5200 Shattuck Road Las Vegas, NV 89131 Algonquin, IL 60102 Alachua, FL 32615 Loveland, CO 80537 Belvidere, IL 61008 702-365-8064 847-337-4714 [email protected] 970-310-6302 815-547-9027 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rachel Romano Kelly (2019) Russ Bigus (2020) Melissa Green (2019) 1941 Aberdeen Drive Diane Shearer (2019) Elise Wright (2019) 1096 Swamp Road 2075 Brandt Road Dunkirk MD 20754 31 Adams Street AKC Delegate Hunlock Creek, PA 18621 Annville, PA 17003 360-649-3447 Enola, PA 17025 15 Woodens Lane 570-690-6767 717-685-7971 [email protected] 717-732-5561 Lambertville, NJ 08530 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Committee Chairs

AKC Companion Events Club Dog of the Year Historian National Events Obedience Sunshine Committee Rep. Vacant Mary Chelton Ginger Sammonds Sharon Lamparella Susan Barrow (631) 286-4255 970-310-6302 315-638-4831 (702) 768-5844 Dual CH Award Program [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ashley Uffman 214-642-8991 Judges Education National Medallion Awards Top Producers AKC Gazette Columnist [email protected] Patricia Folz Debbie Sullivan Michel Berner Beth Nash 860-428-5533 409-553-7271 715-563-1459 763-323-0204 Field Advisory Chair [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Trish Burdin Public Health Coordinator Versatility Chair 3215 316th Street Juniors Krista Schroeder Marcia Schlesinger Breed Information LeSueur, MN 56058 Rachael Romano Kelly 317-292-3892 Florence Duggan 678-296-2572 360-649-3447 [email protected] [email protected] 908-451-1521 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] QOL Records Finance Chair Legislative Liason Web Site Chair Melissa Thomas Breed Rescue / National Sal Dickinson Jill Brennan Rhoda Ezell 915-487-9419 513-236-7602 Rescue Coordinator Cell - 239-770-5555 360-273-3781 [email protected] Laurie Cahill sal.dickinson@ [email protected] [email protected] (919) 442-2048 Registry of Merit [email protected] Membership Chair Karen Lake VCA Welfare Foundation Hall of Fame Carol Keller 760-525-6214 Elise Wright Vacant Breed Sustainability 714-290-0162 [email protected] 609-397-7258 Cathy J Gallagher [email protected] 15 Woodens Ln Standing Trophy Chair Lambertville NJ 08530 847-337-4714 Vacant [email protected] National Event Chair FMI: [email protected] Vacant

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