International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690

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Second sound and ballistic heat conduction: NaF experiments revisited ⇑ R. Kovács , P. Ván

Department of Theoretical Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary Department of Energy Engineering, BME, Budapest, Hungary Montavid Thermodynamic Research Group, Hungary article info abstract

Article history: Second sound phenomenon and ballistic heat conduction, the two wave like propagation modes of heat, Received 25 August 2017 are the two most prominent, experimentally observed non-Fourier effects of heat conduction. In this Received in revised form 4 October 2017 paper we compare three related theories by quantitatively analyzing the crucial NaF experiments of Accepted 8 October 2017 Jackson, Walker and McNelly, where these effects were observed together. We conclude that with the Available online 17 October 2017 available information the best comparison and insight is provided by non-equilibrium thermodynamics with internal variables. However, the available data and information is not the best, and further, new Keywords: experiments are necessary. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Ballistic propagation NaF experiments Kinetic theory

1. Introduction reflected and scattered only on the boundaries. In the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics with internal variables [5], Due to the technological development, manufacturing and the ballistic propagation is represented as a coupling between material designing achieved the level where the classical laws of the thermal and mechanical fields and propagates with the elastic physics and the related engineering methodologies do not hold. wave. In the complex viscosity model of Rogers it is a phenomenon The challenging areas are the low temperatures and nano-scales. of pure mechanical origin [6]. The propagation speed is common in This is most relevant for heat conduction where the deviation from these three theories, it is the speed of sound. The experimental the classical Fourier law are well known since decades but the cir- detection of second sound and ballistic modes is not easy and cumstances leading to non-Fourier phenomena are not yet clear. In requires a theoretical insight, too. The theoretical predictions of particular the discovery of Guyer-Krumhansl-type heat conduction second sound by Tisza and Landau have been based on their in heterogeneous materials [1,2] at room temperature shows, that respective two fluid theories [7,8]. It was measured first by Pesh- the traditional view of the validity of these theories is too narrow, kov [9] in super-fluid He-4. The so-called window condition and requires further investigations. This is also important for the derived by Guyer and Krumhansl [10] indicated the frequency two prominent non-Fourier phenomena, for the second sound range, where the dissipation of the wave propagation is minimal and for the ballistic propagation. and significantly aided the detection of second sound in solids. The second sound denotes the wave like propagation of heat However, such kind of theoretical tool for ballistic type conduction modelled by the Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte (MCV) equation. Here does not exist yet. Moreover, it is not clear what really influences the propagation speed of heat waves is material dependent, but the existence of ballistic signals [11]. less than the speed of sound wave. In case of ballistic conduction Let us shortly review the essential information of experiments the heat propagates exactly at the speed of mechanical sound of Jackson, Walker and McNelly [12–14]. According to McNelly’s waves. The later one can be understood and interpreted in different PhD thesis [14], each NaF sample is identified by a number. Here ways depending on the underlying theory. measurements on two different NaF crystals are analyzed, these In hydrodynamics and in particular in Rational are called as ‘‘#607167J” and ‘‘#7204205W” [14]. Fig. 1 shows Extended Thermodynamics [3,4], ballistic conduction is under- the experimental results related to these samples. stood as a non-interactive propagation of . They are These curves in Fig. 1 correspond to a so-called heat pulse experiment. Their schematic arrangement is presented in Fig. 2 [14]. The rear side temperature history is measured and presented ⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Theoretical Physics, Wigner Research previously in Fig. 1. Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Kovács). 0017-9310/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690 683

Fig. 1. NaF experiment results: the left one (‘‘#607167J”) was published in [12] and the right one (‘‘#7204205W”) in [13].

complex viscosity based hybrid phonon gas model of Ma [15], non-equilibrium thermodynamics with internal variables and Nyíri-multipliers [5,11].

These models provided results regarding the reproduction of NaF experiments. One should mention also the work of Frischmuth and Cimmelli based on thermoelastic approach [16], Cimmelli et al. [17–19] and Bargmann and Steinmann [20,21] in spite of the poor reproduction of the measured results.

2.1. Kinetic theory and phonon hydrodynamics

It is a particle based approach with phonons. The interactions between phonons can be classified as [3,4]:

Normal (N) processes: the total momentum of phonons is con- served during the interaction, Resistive (R) processes: the opposite of N processes, total momentum is not conserved.

Fig. 2. Arrangement of NaF experiment, original figure from [14]. Common in both cases is that the energy is conserved during the interactions. A third type, called as Umklapp process also exists In the next section we shortly review the relevant theories. where neither the energy nor the momentum is conserved [4]. The Then we collect and compare the performance of these theories k is expected to be in connection with R pro- considering both qualitative and quantitative aspects. cesses and their frequencies 1 , i.e. sR

2. Models of ballistic heat conduction c2 k ¼ cv s ; ð1Þ 3 R Here we mention three different approaches to describe ballis- tic type propagation: where c is the Debye speed of phonons, cv is the isochoric specific

heat, and sR is the characteristic time of the R processes. In this kinetic theory based phonon hydrodynamics of Dreyer and approach, Fourier’s law can be applied only when the R processes Struchtrup [3,4], are significantly dominant which results the diffusive kind of heat 684 R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690 propagation. However, if one decreases the temperature then N pro- One has to apply M ffi 30 equations to obtain a good approxima- cesses become dominant and the wave nature of heat conduction tion of the ballistic propagation speed of phonons but it would reveals itself. In case of ballistic propagation there is no interaction require infinitely many momentum equations to obtain its exact between phonons, these particles just go through the sample without value. Naturally, it is difficult to solve (9) for practical problems, colliding. In order to include these propagation modes into phonon but M ¼ 3 equations give an acceptable approximation for a qual- hydrodynamics, one needs to distinguish between the phase density itative reproduction of the whole heat conduction process, while for the R and N processes. The resistive processes tend to the function one accepts that the predicted value of the ballistic propagation ¼ f R and the normal processes tend to the distribution function f N: speed is not correct. For M 3 one obtains a 3 field theory:

y 2 ¼ ; ð Þ @te þ c @xp ¼ 0; f R 2 exp hck 1 1 1 kBT @ p þ @ e þ @ N ¼ p; ð10Þ y t 3 x x s f ¼ no; ð3Þ R N cp n hck 3 i i 4 2 1 1 exp 1 4 1 @ þ @ ¼ þ : kBT 4 aT tN c xp N 15 sR sN where h is the Planck constant, kB is the Boltzmann constant, k denotes the wavenumber, n is the unit vector in the direction of i 2.2. Hybrid phonon gas model ; ¼ =ð 3Þ k pi is the momentum, y 3 8p is a constant, a is also a con- stant, see below. The temperature T is defined as the energy density Ma developed this approach based on the work of Rogers [6] by Debye law for phonons [3]: and Landau [22] to describe the longitudinal and transversal ballis- 4 5 k4 tic signals at the same time [15,23]. In this model, the internal ¼ 4; ¼ p B : ð Þ e aT a 3 4 energy E is splitted into two parts: 5 h c3 ¼ þ 0; ð Þ The phase density f of one phonon evolves according to the E E0 E 11 Boltzmann equation, 0 where E0 corresponds to the equilibrium part and E is the perturba- b tion. It is supposed to consist of the longitudinal and transversal @tf þ cni@if ¼ S; ð5Þ parts as b where S is the collision integral and n is a unit vector in the direc- 0 0 0 i E ¼ E þ 2E : ð12Þ tion of propagation. In the Callaway model the previous equilibrium l t distributions f R and f N are considered and combined in relaxation Let us consider the classical equation of motion of a viscous terms: fluid: b 1 1 S ¼ ðf f Þ ðf f Þ: ð6Þ 2 1 R N q@tv þ qðv Á gradÞv ¼gradP þ gr v þ n þ g grad divv; sR sN 3 This assumption implies that two different equilibrium distribu- ð13Þ tions exist in this system. Instead of solving the Boltzmann equa- where v; P; q; n and g are the velocity, pressure, mass density, shear tion, one can approximate the solution by momentum series and bulk viscosities, respectively. As Rogers stated in [6], for phonon expansion. It leads to a system of momentum equations and intro- gas Eq. (13) is valid for heat flux q ¼ E Á v, too. Moreover, when duce new quantities this way: Z relaxation time sN related to the normal processes is increasing the shear viscosity tends to zero and only the bulk term plays a role uhmi ¼ uhi i ...i i ¼ knhi ifdk: ð7Þ 1 2 m 1 m in the damping mechanism [6]. Analogously with the hydrody- namic case [22], the bulk viscosity n is rewritten as Here hi denotes the traceless symmetric part of a tensor and the 2 2 subscript m indicates the mth momentum uhmi with our shorthand sEð1 c =c Þ n ¼ 2 1 ; ð14Þ notation. The first momentum is the energy density, the second 1 ixs one is the momentum density, the third one is the energy flux where 1 ¼ 1 þ 1, stands for the frequency and c ; c are the and the fourth one is the deviatoric part of the pressure tensor s sR sN x 1 2 [4], i.e. characteristic first and second sound velocities. Then it leads to the system related to the transversal propagation mode (denoted by ¼ ; ¼ ; ¼ 2 ; ¼ ; ð Þ subscript t) reduced to one dimension: e hcu pi hui Q i hc ui Nhiji hcuhiji 8 @ 0 þ @ ¼ ; that is, u denotes the corresponding momentum quantity, i.e. u is tEt xqt 0 the zeroth (tensorial) order momentum, ui is a first order tensor @ þ 1 @ 0 ¼1 þ 2s @2 : ð Þ tqt xEt qt x qt 15 (that is a vector) and related to the momentum density pi and so 3 sR 3ð1 ixsÞ on. Let us note that this method leads to a system with infinite The longitudinal part has the same form but multiplied with the number of equations and leads to the closure problem. Here for heat ratio of the propagation speeds c =c . conduction, one applies the simplest one, neglecting the highest t l order flux, truncating the series, i.e. the new highest order (‘‘M þ 1”th) quantity is considered as zero. One obtains the follow- 2.3. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics ing system of partial differential equations in 1 + 1 dimensions: 8 In non-equilibrium thermodynamics internal variables and cur- ¼ >0 m 0 rent multipliers provide the necessary extension beyond local 2 < @ h i @ h i @ h þ i 1 equilibrium [25–28].In[5], the theoretical model is presented u m m u m 1 u m 1 uh1i m ¼ 1 þ c þc ¼ sR @t 4m2 1 @x @x > and the ballistic-conductive model (BC) is derived. This model con- : 1 1 þ uhmi 2 6 m 6 M sR sN sists of the same terms as the one based on phonon hydrodynamics ð9Þ [3], but the coefficients are different. The ballistic-conductive (BC) model in one spatial dimension is R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690 685

@ þ @ ¼ ð Þ; qc tT xq a T T0 This experience regarding the modelling of NaF experiments is sq@tq þ q þ k@xT þ j21@xQ ¼ 0; necessary to reproduce the other measurements, too. sQ @tQ þ Q j12@xq ¼ 0; ð16Þ 2.4. Boundary and initial conditions where q is the heat flux, Q is the current density of heat flux, T stands for the temperature, q and c are the mass density and speci- As a front side boundary condition a smooth heat pulse is fic heat, sq and sQ are the relaxation times corresponding to the defined with dimensionless quantities: 8 respective fields, j21 and j12 form the antisymmetric part of the < Á ^t < ^ 6 ^ ; corresponding Onsager conductivity matrix, i.e. j21 ¼j12 and 1 cos 2p ^ if 0 t tp q^ðx^ ¼ 0;^tÞ¼ tp called dissipation parameter [5]. The coefficient k is the thermal : 0if^t > ^t ; conductivity, a is the volumetric heat transfer coefficient introduced p in [11] to model the internal cooling of the wave propagation chan- its length is different in the two series of experiments [23,15].On nel. According to the experimental setup shown in Fig. 2 both the the rear side we used only the adiabatic boundary condition nonuniform heating of the front end and the cooling on the sides (q^ð^x ¼ 1;^tÞ¼0) because the bolometer measures the signal directly may be relevant modelling conditions. For heat pulse experiments at this point. It is enough to prescribe the boundary only for the the following dimensionless quantities are introduced [5]: field of heat flux due to the applied numerical method, for details, at k x see [5]. Regarding the initial conditions, all fields are homoge- ^t ¼ with a ¼ ; ^x ¼ ; L2 qc L neously zero at the initial time instant. It means homogeneous tem- b T T0 q0tp perature distribution which is equal to the reference temperature of T ¼ with T ¼ T þ ; T T end 0 qcL each crystal. end 0 Z q 1 tp q^ ¼ with q ¼ q ðtÞdt; q 0 t 0 3. Material parameters r0 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p 0 b j12 ^ tp ^ tp Q ¼ q0Q; and h ¼ h ; a ¼ a; ð17Þ This is one of the most crucial part to simulate ballistic heat j21 qcL qc conduction. McNelly’s PhD thesis [14] is used to find by linear interpolation the proper value of thermal conductivity. The data where a is the thermal diffusivity, tp is the length of the heat pulse, of thermal conductivity from [12,13] are not used. Moreover, the Tend is the maximum or equilibrium temperature value in the adia- batic case, q is the mean value of the heat pulse. Furthermore, the specific heat according the paper of Hardy and Jaswal [24] is calcu- following dimensionless parameters are also introduced, lated for each reference temperature value using linear interpola- correspondingly tion, too. Due to the lack of temperature dependence of mass pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi density we used its value corresponding to 15 K [20,29]. ^ atp ^ asq ^ asQ ^ j12j21 Tables 1 and 2 sum up the classical material parameters used in sD ¼ ; sq ¼ ; sQ ¼ ; j ¼ ; ð18Þ L2 L2 L2 L our calculations. ^ ^ ^ The missing relaxation times are determined from simulations, where sD is the dimensionless pulse length, sq and sQ are the i.e. fitted for the corresponding measurement along with the volu- dimensionless relaxation times and j^ is the dimensionless square metric heat transfer coefficient. When comparing the ballistic- root of the dissipation parameter. One obtains the dimensionless conductive model to the phonon hydrodynamical one, the differ- form of ballistic-conductive (BC) model [5]: ence is that the parameter j is a free one but in the kinetic theory ^ @ ^ þ @ ^ ¼^^; sD ^tT ^xq aT it is not. A crucial property of phonon hydrodynamical model is ^ ^ that, one has to apply at least 30 momentum equation to approx- s^ @^q^ þ q^ þ s^D@^T þ j^@^Q ¼ 0; q t x x imate the ballistic propagation speed. In the BC model, one can ^ @ ^ þ ^ þ ^@ ^ ¼ : ð Þ sQ ^tQ Q j ^xq 0 19 adjust j to obtain the proper propagation speed based on the char- acteristic speed ^c [5,11]: It is solved numerically in a way described in [5]. In our paper sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [5] we have developed a numerical method based on a shifted field ^ 2 þ ^ ^ ¼ j sQ : ð Þ concept. It allows us to handle the boundary conditions in a sim- c s^ s^ 20 pler way and to be consistent with the heat pulse experiment. Fur- q Q thermore, the numerical scheme is based on the explicit finite difference method. In paper [5] the scheme is presented together Table 1 Classical material parameters for crystal #607167J. with the corresponding stability analysis. Its first test is presented in [11], where only one measurement is simulated, namely the one Thermal ÂÃ Specifichi Masshi conductivity W J kg on ‘‘#607167J” corresponding to 13 K. The main conclusions of [11] mK heat kg K density m3 are the following: 11 K 8573 1.118 2866 13 K 10,200 1.8 2866 The samples are ambiguously identified in [12,13] and it leads 14.5 K 10,950 2.543 2866 to misunderstandings regarding the material parameters. The role of boundary conditions must be emphasized. Concern- ing the heat pulse, its length is not described anywhere, only an Table 2 interval is mentioned by Jackson et al., i.e. somewhere between Classical material parameters for crystal #7204205W. 0:1 ls and 1 ls. We applied the values given by Ma [23,15]. Thermal Specific Mass ÂÃ hi hi The presence of cooling should be considered due to a point like W J kg conductivity mK heat density excitation on the front end. It is accounted as a heat transfer kg K m3 term in the balance equation of internal energy. Equivalently, 9.6 K 8500 0.7123 2866 Dreyer and Structhtup [3] solves their phonon hydrodynamical 12.5 K 17,300 1.62 2866 15 K 21,750 2.735 2866 model on semi-infinite region instead of finite domain to obtain 17.3 K 22,880 4.45 2866 such decreasing characteristic. 686 R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690

Fig. 3. Results of the simulations related to both crystals.

4. Results shortcoming, two constraints are introduced. The first one accounts the relative amplitudes of each propagation mode, as it One should be aware of the fact that there is no vertical scale on is introduced in [11]. The second one concerns the relaxation the original measurement results (Fig. 1). In order to overcome this times. It is assumed that the ratio of sq and sQ cannot change R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690 687

Fig. 4. The temperature dependence of the fitted parameters for different crystals. 688 R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690

Table 3 Table 5 The fitted parameters for crystal #607167J. The fitted parameters for crystal #607167J. l l Relax. Relax. Heat transferhi Relax. time I. (sq)[ s] Relax. time II. (sQ )[ s] time I. (sq)[ls] time II. (sQ )[ls] W coeff. (a) mm3 K 11 K 1.56 0.3 13 K 1.04 0.21 11 K 0.471 0.18 3.34 14.5 K 0.74 0.19 13 K 0.586 0.22 2.8 14.5 K 0.65 0.24 2.31

Table 6 The fitted parameters for crystal #7204205W.

Relax. time I. (sq)[ls] Relax. time II. (sQ )[ls] Table 4 9.6 K 3 0.4 The fitted parameters for crystal #7204205W. 12.5 K 3 0.18 15 K 3 0.14 Relax. time Relax. time Heat transfer hi 17.3 K 3 0.1 I. (sq)[ls] II. (sQ )[ls] W coeff. (a) mm3 K

9.6 K 1.17 0.25 6.8 12.5 K 0.961 0.1 12.63 4. Fig. 4 shows their temperature dependence. The goodness of this 15 K 0.833 0.085 17.6 fitting can be determined by direct comparison with the results of 17.3 K 0.707 0.07 15.94 Dreyer and Struchtrup [3] and Ma [23,15].

4.1. Comparison with the Rational Extended Thermodynamical (RET) model between two measurements too much, i.e. order of magnitudes. In the calculations of Dreyer and Struchtrup [3] the ballistic These constraints beside the arrival of each signal seem to be propagation speed is different from the measured value. However, enough for complete reproduction. in this RET based phonon hydrodynamical model only two One can see the results of the simulations (Fig. 3(a)–(g)) for relaxation time parameters are to be fitted. In order to solve the each particular curves of Fig. 1. There are two different side- system (10) the following initial and boundary conditions are used effects of these results. The first one corresponds to the sample [4]: eðx; t ¼ 0Þ¼e0 ¼ constant; pðx; t ¼ 0Þ¼0; Nðx; t ¼ 0Þ¼0;

#607167J. There is a broadening effect between the second sound pðx ¼ 0; t < 0Þ¼0; pðx ¼ 0; 0 6 t 6 DtÞ¼ce0; pðx ¼ 0; Dt 6 tÞ¼0; and ballistic signal. The second one effects the other sample. Here, pðx !1; tÞ¼0. Here Dt denotes the pulse duration. The result of seemingly, the temperature goes below the initial temperature and the original calculations can be seen in Fig. 5. the origin of this anomalous effect remains unknown because of It is worth to compare the temperature dependency of relax- the lack of informations regarding the precise experimental condi- ation times. The fitted relaxation times from RET are summarized tions. Fig. 4(a) sums up all of the calculations and compares to the in Tables 5 and 6 below based on [4]. The correspondence between original curves. The fitted parameters can be found in Tables 3 and the RET and BC models is:

Fig. 5. Summarized result of the simulations from phonon hydrodynamical model with three momentum equations [4]. R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690 689

Fig. 6. Summarized result of the simulations from hybrid phonon gas model [23].

Table 7 clear analogy can be observed with the results of Dreyer and The fitted parameters for crystal #607167J. Struchtrup [3]. The temperature dependency seems to be the same in these cases. It is remarkable that in the papers of Ma [15,23] the Relax. time I. (sq)[ls] Relax. time II. (sQ )[ls] boundary conditions are missing. 11 K 1.056 0.281 13 K 0.937 0.248 14.5 K 0.723 0.208 5. Summary

The NaF experiments of second sound and ballistic phonon propagation performed by Jackson et al. are quantitatively ana- Table 8 The fitted parameters for crystal #7204205W. lyzed in this paper. Performance of the ballistic-conductive equa- tions of non-equilibrium thermodynamics with internal variables l l Relax. time I. (sq)[ s] Relax. time II. (sQ )[ s] is compared to the performance of the 3 field equations of Rational 9.6 K 1.56 1.56 Extended Thermodynamics (RET) by Dreyer and Struchtrup [3] and 12.5 K 1.56 0.294 to the ones based on hybrid phonon gas model by Ma [15,23]. The 15 K 1.56 0.245 effectiveness of the ballistic-conductive model is outstanding and 17.3 K 1.56 0.17 competitive with both models. The differences are important not only in the performance, in concepts, but also in qualitative properties. E.g. it is shown that s ¼ s ; s ¼ s: the relaxation time sq have a temperature dependency in non- q R Q equilibrium thermodynamics but in RET it has not. It is also impor-

It is remarkable to note that the sq time is constant in case of tant that neither RET, nor the complex viscosity approach consider crystal #7204205W. Moreover, the tendency of temperature cooling at the rear side, in spite of its inevitable appearance in the dependence is opposite for crystal #607167J comparing to the BC experiments. model. Beside the inappropriate value of thermal conductivity, The different conceptual background and the difference in the relative amplitudes seem to be also inaccurate. Moreover, a validity of the theories are remarkable, too. Complex viscosity the- clear ballistic signal at 12:5 K is predicted by the theory but it does ory introduces a hydrodynamic equation for energy propagation, not exists in the experiment. and complex viscosity simulates an additional damping effect over the viscosity. This suggestion is analogous to thermo-mass theory 4.2. Comparison with the hybrid phonon gas model of Guo [30–32] and lacks a fundamental background. The version of phonon hydrodynamics by Rational Extended Thermodynamics The difference between the prediction and the measured results has a definite microscopic background and fixes the particular is considerably higher in case of Ma’s model [15,23]. Tables 7 and 8 parameters. In principle it is a theory of rarefied gases, the partic- summarize the fitted relaxation time parameters. The values of ular closure influences the validity range. The recent poor perfor- sRð¼ sqÞ and sN are given in [23] and sð¼ sQ Þ must be calculated mance in modelling could be improved by considering the new according to the kinetic theory: dense gas extension of Ruggeri, Arima and Sugiyama [33–37] or a better understanding of the internal mechanisms beyond the 1 ¼ 1 þ 1 : ð Þ s s s 21 simple two channel relaxation of the Callaway collision integral. R N However, the necessity of large number of equations with increas- Fig. 6 compares the theoretical results to the experiments. In ing tensorial orders looks like an important practical and theoret- case of crystal #7204205W (9:6 K), there is no clear sign of the sec- ical drawback. The non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory is ond sound thus Ma adjusted sN as infinite, i.e. sR ¼ s. Moreover, a compatible with the equations of the kinetic theory and has a 690 R. Kovács, P. Ván / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 682–690

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