Filemaker Pro 10 Basics Manual
FileMaker Pro 10 Basics Manual Draft Bronwen Heuer IS&T Applications User Experience September, 2009 Copyright © 2009 by MIT IS&T. Introduction Introduction Welcome to FileMaker Pro version 10. FileMaker Pro is an application tHat allows you to create a database, to store and organize information in it, and to searcH and report on tHat information. Sometimes FileMaker Pro is referred to as a database solution because it fulfills botH storage and reporting needs. THis course begins witH tHe notion tHat you Have inHerited a database. You need to discover wHat information is stored in it, How tHat information is organized, wHat reports Have been created for data entry and reporting. You will need to keep tHe information up‐to‐date by creating, editing and deleting records and you will need to print out some of tHose reports. Course Objectives: • Understand terms sucH as records, fields, field types, to commit a record, indexed, found set, layout • Understand FileMaker’s four modes and identify tHe tasks tHat can be performed in eacH mode. • Understand tHe different views of data. • Navigate tHrougH fields, records, layouts and modes. • Enter, edit, duplicate and delete data from a database. • Perform simple and complex finds and sorts to locate and organize data as appropriate for reporting. • Save and reuse finds. • Create a simple layout. • Print out a report, create a pdf, or save data to a spreadsHeet. THe business of creating a new database is reserved for a later class. In tHe next class in tHe suite, Reports, Layouts, and User Interface Design, we will explore tHe various ways FileMaker allows us to report out on tHe information stored in our data base by exploring tHe myriad ways of creating layouts.
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