BC Parks Kootenay Okanagan Region

Silver Star Park Management Planning Process Compiled Public Comments Received by Email Date Range: October 12, 2019 – January 15, 2020

Note: The entries contained herein are direct extracts from public submissions (hardcopy) and have not been corrected for grammar, etc.

The range of questions are as follows:

What type of activities do you like to do in the park or in the general land area? Page 2 to 9

What do you see as being key management issues in the park? Page 10 to 24

Is there any additional information that you feel would assist this management planning process? Page 25 to 32

Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 1

What type of activities do you like to do in the park or in the general land area?

Cross country , snowshoeing & hiking.


We xcountry , snowshoe and walking


Hike and mountain bike in the summer and downhill and in the winter.


Nordic skiing and


Snowmobiling and skiing.


As representatives of North Okanagan Naturalists' Club: The club uses the Park for birding, botany, hiking, natural history walks, skiing and snowshoeing.


xc ski at Sovereign and MTB in the summer


Mountain bike, XC ski, snowshoe.


Mountain bike, cross country skiing, shoeing, tobogganing


downhill ski xc ski fat bike mountain bike, both DH and XC


Mountain biking. Cross Country skiing. Fat biking.


Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 2

Mountain Biking


Biking, dog walking, sking in the winter, dirt biking and quading (not inside the park where its banned if course)


I primarily nordic ski in the area but occasionally snowshoe as well.


Skiing (alpine, xc, backcountry), hiking, snowshoeing, biking


I mountain bike both downhill and on the cross country trails primarily. My son that is confined to a wheelchair also goes up there to ride the gondola and sight-see.


Nordic skiing, snow shoeing, mountain biking.


Mountain bike. XC ski. Downhill ski. Snowshoe. Hike.


I snowshoe, xc ski, mountain bike, fat bike(winter) and pick huckleberries.


Mountain biking, downhill and XCskiing


Cross country skiing, downhill skiing/, mountain biking


I like to downhill ski, xc ski and mountain bike in the park.


Nordic skiing and mountain biking. I would be considered a very high use person of the facilities and trails in the Park. The nordic trails are outstanding and with the recent addition of several new mountain bike trails, I have been riding in the Park frequently during the late spring, summer and fall months. It is becoming known as an area for outstanding technical trails that range in difficulty. I also like the fact that a wide range of riders (different skills) can ride in this area.

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DH ski, XC ski, hiking, XC mtn biking, snowshoeing


I downhill ski, cross country ski, xc mountain bike and dh mountain bike.


Cross country ski and XC mountain biking. I also snowshoe regularly but mostly in the Silver Star controlled area. I do intend to snowshoe in Soverign Lake trails this winter.


Xc skiing and mountain biking


I love to hike, bike, cross country and downhill ski.


snowmobile mountain biking x-country skiing


Nordic skiing, Snowshoeing, - we own a place at Silver Star so recreating in the general area is very important. Sovereign Lake is our favourite place in the world.


Cross Country Skiing. #1


Off Track Skiing at Sovereign Lake during the winter season.


I am an avid mountain biker and cross country skier, and utilize the trails in soveriegn nordic area and silver star resort regularly. The mt bike trails are my favorite place to ride in Vernon, and the xc ski trails are the best I've skied any where.


XC Skiing Alpine Skiing Snow Shoeing

Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 4

Mountain Biking Road Biking Hiking


I enjoy hiking, trail mountain biking, as well as alpine and Nordic skiing


Cross Country Ski, Snowshoe, Mountain Bike


Skiing, hiking, snowshoeing, camping.


4 season recreation, including skiing, biking, hiking, photography, food foraging, and hunting.


I am a long time Sovereign club member and also served on the board so my comments should be taken in this context.

My main activities are: Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, in winter. And trail in the summer and some mountain biking.

I enjoy using the entire area including trails at Silver Star Resort. The Controlled Recreation Area status of the resort, however, stands in marked contrast to the adjacent park and even though the resort is on Crown land, public access is limited at times of the year based on the resort's sole discretion and with little to no public or first nations input, so it seems. Some work needs to be done to make the entire mountain more like a park so that low impact uses in the shoulder season and off season can occur without the resort closing areas off to such use. The dual passes agreement between the resort and the ski club for cross country have been working well. Day use has skyrocketed in recent years as more and more people are planning winter holidays to go cross country skiing and snowshoeing at the resort and in the park. There is increased commercial use as well, with organized groups including ski camps operating on the trails in the winter and some management plan to oversee these activities is needed so that no one group is given favoured status.


XC ski, backcountry ski, hike, snowshoe


Cross country skiing.


Nordic ski mountain bike Alpine ski


Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 5

Cross country ski.


cross country skiing back country skiing mountain biking hiking


Cross country skiing


Cross country skiing mostly. Some snowshoeing and mountain biking.


Nordic skiing


I enjoy mountain biking in the summer and cross country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter.


As a family of five, we enjoy mountain biking in the summer months and downhill skiing/snowboarding and snowshoeing in the winter months!


Mountain biking is the most important, XC skiing closely behind


Snowshoe and Ski Tour for fitness not for quality of downhill turns


Mountain Biking, XC Skiing


Mountain biking, hiking, and snowshoe


Downhill skiing and mountain biking predominantly.

Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 6


XC skiing, XC biking, snowshoeing, hiking


Mountain biking, cross country skiing, hiking, snowshoeing


Downhill ski, cross country ski, downhill mountain bike, cross country mountain bike


Mountain biking, , Nordic skiing, snowboarding.


In order of most often to least - Mountain biking, snow shoeing, hiking.


Snowshoe, xc ski, backcountry ski, biking, hiking, scenic drives, wildlife viewing, plant identification


Mountain biking, skiing, Nordic skiing, snowmobiling, fat biking,


Day use hike, mid country camp, ski


Xc skiing, snowshoeing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking.


Snowshoeing, hiking, mountain biking


Mountain biking, snowshoeing, hiking.


Cross Country Skiing #1, snowshoeing #2, hiking in the fall #3


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Cross country skiing. We moved to Vernon for this. Mountain biking.


mountain biking and hiking


Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, downhill skiing, snowmobiling, hiking, , cross country mountain biking.


Nordic skiing, downhill ski, snow shoe, , hiking, biking


in the park - nordic skiing, snowshoeing in the general land area - seasonal resident at Silver Star resort; nordic skiing, alpine skiing, hiking, biking


Cross Country Skiing Trail Running Snow shoeing


Xc skiing Hiking Snow shoeing Mountain biking


Ski, snowshoe, hike.


Cross country skiing, hiking, occasional my biking


Cross country skiing, snowshoeing. Hiking.


Cross country skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, mountain biking, nature enjoyment.


Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 8

Nordic skiing and snowshoeing Summer hiking (limited)


Cross country skiing, hiking, biking, snow shoeing


Downhill ski, cross country ski, mountain bike


Ski and snowshoe


Nordic ski, Snowshoe, Hike, Birdwatch


I love hiking, scootering, weight pulling, snowshoeing, , kicksledding and other activities with my leashed dogs. As a Park Permit holder I try to encourage others to enjoy the park responsibly with their dogs through offering hiking and weight pulling to them.


Nordic skiing, snow shoeing, mountain biking.


Cross country ski in winter, mountain biking and trail running in the summer


Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 9

What do you see as being key management issues in the park?

One of the biggest issues is the lack of a decent lodge to not only accomodate it’s members but the participants of the world class events that are hosted there every year. Sovereign Lake is considered one of the top cross country venues in the world, but the lodge is third rate at best.


Key issue is limiting the number of groups - not expanding number of groups to have permission to develop the park ie not e landing trails for mountain biking . We also see issues around allowing it to be used as an off leash area for dogs which impacts the wildlife and vegetation and other members of the public using the park. Stricter controls on dog use are necessary.


Maintain the integrity of watersheds and ecosystems. Build a new day lodge at Sovereign that recognizes and reflects the size of the Sovereign Lake Nordic Club and the service it provides to a large number of cross country skiers/ families during the winter.


Parking for my snowmobile trailer.


1. Updated habitat and wildlife surveys are needed including identification of invasive species, and rare plant communities. 2. Wildlife corridors need to be determined,mapped, and planned for. Migration of ungulates and other mammal species such as Fisher, Lynx, Bobcat, needs to be addressed. 3. Identify and address Watershed concerns stemming from logging of beetle killed trees, building of access roads into logged areas, construction of recreational buildings, general construction within Silver Star Resort, and future construction within Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre. 4. Future impact on usage and storage, Are the water sources adequate for all uses from human to ecosystems? 5.Sewage, and drainage runoff. Have the impacts been addressed and mitigated? 6. Hunting - is it necessary? 7. Limit future building of biking trails, snowmobile trails, skiing and snowshoe trails and increased road access to these trails. Impacts of existing trails on habitat needs to be assessed now, and trails and areas closed if necessary. Monitoring of sensitive areas is needed. The trails should be monitored regularly for off trail encroachments and rehabilitation started as soon as possible. 8.An increase in visitors to the park is to be expected as the human population increases. Future consideration may be needed to limit the number of visitors. 9. Do not allow camping or camp grounds. 10. Fire fuel buildup needs to be monitored and reduced as necessary.


expanding the MTB trails and upgrading the existing trails. This park is under utilized and parking is an issue at the Ellison and Kal Park (Cosens Bay) parks. There is lots of parking at Sovereign. MTB is a rapidly expanding sport and there are lots of communities in BC that are developing their trail network which brings in tourists and economic development for the local community.

Sovereign also needs additional trails at the higher elevations.

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Snowmobiling should be reduced as this is not the area for this type of activity. Human powered activities should prevail over motorized sports.


Continued support for mountain bike trail development.

Working with all user groups to ensure recreation access. Working with local user groups like NOCS to maintain, and plan, and build trails of all levels. We need to embrace trails like Hammered cow, as it’s one of the only true Black trails left in Vernon.


Wildfire risk and trail access


keeping bikers away from walkers


Without trail maintenance by volunteers we would have nothing. This is not a bad arrangement but needs to continue to be supported.


Lack of second exit

More trails needed for cross country biking


Fire protection, keeping it feeling wild and not over built, keeping trail users happy, wildlife


The lodge at Sovereign needs attention as the number of members and visitors have significantly increased over the past decade and certainly exceeds its capacity on weekends. Crowding and congestion are the norm on weekends and the success of past growth now hinders future growth. We need to consider whether future expansion is desirable or whether restrictions need to be applied to protect the experience of this natural beauty. Nordic skiing has evolved at Sovereign from a primarily recreational experience on narrow trails more akin to hiking trails that we simply groomed by skiing, to a competitive sport on trails widened to permit various techniques, multi-directional travel, higher levels of competition requiring homologation to meet national standards and of course the equipment necessary for grooming. Thus the key issue is growth controlled by increasing numbers and the evolution of nordic skiing or control of the natural experience offered by restraining construction.


Access to the area in Silver Star resorts tenure when the mountain is not open. Very restrictive!


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We need more access to the area that is not controlled by the ski hill and permission for bike trails to be made


1. Parking in the winter. While a good problem as it means that are many more people utilizing the Park and getting out into the great outdoors, there is still insufficient parking for peak winter days which are pretty much exclusively on weekends. This affects all users, Sovereign Lake Nordic skiers and snowshoers, Silverstar Park snowshoers and snowmobilers as when it is busy at Sovereign Lake, there are spill over effects for all lots. The new snow shoe parking lot helps a lot as it eases the conflict with the snowmobile parking lot and the use of the Sovereign Nordic Centre parking lots for non-paying day users of the Park. Sovereign Nordic needs to expand it's parking as soon as possible as their peak usage negatively affects other park users (snowshoers using Silverstar Park trails and snowmobilers). This would not be hard or that expensive to do and should be a top priority. 2. Creating a better trail between Silver Star Resort and Sovereign Lake Nordic. Gold Mountain is too difficult in spots for beginner to intermediate skiers and in particular, the Resort side has some very challenging places and the two options available gets you good access to the Village. Improved access would also potentially reduce the number of people driving over from SilverStar Resort and needing to park if they had easier access to Sovereign Lake. 3. Expanding the mountain bike trail network in and around the existing network. Trails that loop back to the existing network are important rather than shuttle trails (i.e., those you have to drop a car lower on the mountain to get back to your start point). These should be multi-use and focus on green and blue trails but not exclude the addition of black trails as the terrain in the Park is the best technical terrain in the whole Vernon area. This whole area gets used by hikers and riders all summer and fall. 4. Adding washroom capacity at Sovereign Lake and outhouses in select spots for day users (such as in the new snowshoer parking lot which could also be used by mountain bikers in the summer). The lodge at Sovereign is plenty big enough but potentially add a new washroom building adjacent to the main lodge would address the problem. Freed up space in the lodge created by closing the lodge washrooms would help increase seating capacity in the lodge.


Popularity has seemed to increase, which is good. One of the bigger concerns is the busyness of the road and people parking on one side then crossing — this is usually for snowshoe trail access.


Would like to see Timbersleds kept out of the snowshoeing areas.

Would like to have groomed fat biking trails in the winter. Also don't see why fat bikes couldn't be used at Sovereign Lake XC area. (perhaps evenings only) They really wouldn't have any impact on the tracks, probably less so than the skate skiers.

Would like to see a few more mountain bike trails developed, blue to black in difficulty. Also a nice long singletrack cross country loop (20 km) would be a great addition (multiuse summer/ winter trail circumnavigating the park for bikers/hikers /snowshoers/fat bikers)


Access after normal business hours


Balance of conservation of ecological values with recreational use. Public access to park trails that are not controlled by the resort with fees and physical barriers. Clearly visible, accessible and easy to use processes for park users to support maintenance and

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development of the park. It is not clear to me how much of my Silver Star ticket/pass fees are used to support the park as opposed to supporting businesses that operate in and around the park.


I think it is important to find a good balance between having trails for people to use for recreational purposes and having wilderness areas for the wildlife and forest vegetation. Mountain bike trails should be more connected (eg in loops) to minimize off trail travel and increase the positive experience for riders. I personally am not in favor of any motorized use in the park (eg snowmobiles).


Expanding the lodge facilities (including parking) to accommodate Sovereign Lake Nordic Club's growth. 2. Working out the issues related to the Gold Mountain re-route including within Silverstar Resort to make an easier ski route available between the two areas. This would be valuable to both the Sovereign Nordic Club and to the resort as it would provide a trail connection that would be of an easier difficulty rating. 3. Addressing the parking issues that arise due to snowshoers using the non-Sovereign Lake managed trails and the snowmobile parking lot. A step has been taken in this direction with the establishment of the new parking area and this may in fact solve the problem. 4. This is a highly valued facility and gets used by many day use visitors (i.e., non-season pass holders), many school groups during the week and weekend kids programs. It is very valuable to provide an outdoor recreational facility that gets kids interested and involved in physical activity and this should be a big part of the plan. 5. Given the wetlands nature of large parts of the park, addressing management of wildlife and habitat in those areas outside of the Sovereign Nordic and mountain bike areas. 6. I am not a snowmobiler but I would have to believe that there are issues with trail usage in the Park and these should be managed in a positive way with that community. 7. Managed growth of the mountain bike trail network. Almost all of these trails see a great deal of multi-user activity (mountain bikers, hikers and trail runners in the warmer months, snowshoers in the winter) and this should continue. Increasing the trail network will provide benefits to many user groups. 8. Signage to remind all users of the multi-use nature of the trails to avoid conflicts (I have not seen problems but always good to remind all users to be aware of the different user groups).


Taking the top of the mtn out of public ownership, a true travesty. Silver Star Resort has overstepped their appropriate use of the land, on example being the Alpine Meadows housing development. This was clearly just a money grab that placed untold amounts of rock and fill onto a beautiful alpine bog/meadow that is the headwaters of the BX Creek and which ruined many acres of good beginner and intermediate ski terrain.


There were a couple that popped up in the last year. Silver Star the business seems to have their business running but there are some opportunities where they can work better as a team with stakeholders rather then telling people how it is. One issue that popped up last year was the winter parking at Sovereign for Sledders and snow shoe'ers. There was a sense of entitlement for the snowmobile group. Granted they maintain cabins and groom in the area but it was very inconsiderate towards the snow shoe group. As we adjust the parking lots to segregate the groups we need to ensure that the signage is better on the parks side for the snow shoe group as they have as much of a right to be there as the sledders. It is a beauty spot that can be accessed by all! I am excited to see the Sovereign xc ski grow and they do need a new lodge. Also, parking in peak times has created a crunch for the group. They need more parking to accommodate the growing user group.


Providing sustainable recreational opportunities that don't damage habitat or the species which rely on the habitat.

Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 13


Supporting sovereign lake to continue xc skiing and supporting NOCS to grow and continue mountain biking. At the same time supporting the wildlife that lives in the park.


Parking at sovereign could be better in the winter and it would be great to have parking open to the public in the summer months as well. With increased use of the trails for skiers in the winter it is often quite full. It would also be great to upgrade the current main building for sovereign as it has limited washrooms and it quite a small size for the amount of skiers using it. Silverstar has done a fantastic job of providing ample parking as during the holidays it is very packed up at the hill for parking but it seems to work.


the management team is the problem ! if you read the direction laid out by Parks Canada , you would swear that Sovereign wrote these pages them self's. The VSA. ( Vernon Snowmobile Association ) have been using this Park since the early 60"s and been care takers of the trail system in the Park and outside the park, long before there was even a X-country club .The VSA. was one of the first organized snowmobile clubs in All of B.C. at that time .Where is all that information ? Sovereign in Fact does not groom 100km of trail daily as lined out in these pages . they maybe groom 45km. get your facts right .Sovereign x country and Parks have taken multiple kms of trail from the VSA. and are still doing things with out giving fare notice .


Interfacing with the ; appropriately managing user conflicts (fat bikes, dogs and skiers ... don't mix well). Snowmobiles are usually polite and respectful but they are super dangerous to interact with on (you aren't going to win if they are not staying on their trails or yielding appropriately at intersections). This is a very special place for nordic skiers - there is nowhere else like this with the diversity, quality and length of a trail system. Please don't mess it up. Skiing at Silver Star ski resort is challenging due to the interface with all the alpine trails (scary) so getting onto Sovereign's trails is always a treat (and safer). Again, please don't mess it up.


There is a need for more long trails further to north. Parking is okay but could use more especially during events. An extension of the lit trails as some evenings gets busy.


None that could be thought of...


I would like to see mt bike trails and snow shoe trails that are more connective to avoid travel on roads or xc trails. When exiting one trail it should be obvious where to go by a sign or the entrance to another trail in sight. A slight extension or reroute of existing trails could make this possible creating loops (which for some reason Parks seems opposed to?)


Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 14

We need to be able to expand the existing facilities at Silver Star and Sovereign Lake sites. Upgrades to existing areas and expansion to accommodate more local and international users is very important to the long term viability of these resources. Streamlining and expediting of the resource management process is one of the first key things to address, in other words lets make this happen today not ten years from now


I am sorry, but I don't know!


Sovereign Lake Nordic Center improvements - including parking plans. Perhaps promoting a commercial bus stop or encouraging citizen ride-sharing.


Preventing motorised vehicles from destroying land: impacting tree roots, soil erosion, polution, both air and noise, safety from fires sparked by hot exhaust. Preventing development of sensitive areas, protecting plant species and wildlife habitat. Preserving waterways and wetlands. Preserving footprint of Silver Star Park - boundaries should only be widened, not decreased.


Access: not limited to Silver Star Road, but should include hiking and biking trails from both Vernon and Lumby. Vehicle access from Lumby. Recognition of Natural Disturbance Type forest structure with fuel management and proper insect and disease response. Water and sewer access.


Key issue is managing all the user groups. And increased use in general.

Increased winter usage at Sovereign Lake requires significant capital works investment to replace the current day lodge, which is close to being condemned as no longer usable. Along with this, parking infrastructure and new trails will be needed. Mid to upper elevation trails should be planned and built in advance of climate change effects that may render lower elevation trails such as Silver Queen having insufficient snow for much of the season.

The lodge needs to be replaced and there needs to be a model for the lodge to be used year-round in order to derive the value from this investment. The ski club needs to be allowed to raise funds to build this lodge. To date, BC Parks has not allowed such fund raising to occur and yet has failed to step up and indicate its level of funding for the lodge. These discussions have gone on now for too long (since at least 2013). it is time for Parks to act on the lodge or step aside and let the club take the lead. In the time that has elapsed, the club could have already secured sponsors and donors and gotten a new lodge built!

In reading the background document, I found no mention of the fact that the City of Armstrong's primary water supply (Fortune Creek) originates within the park. I suggest consulting with the City as they would be a key stakeholder. They have completed a source water protection plan for their water sources at Silver Star Lakes.

Multi-user groups want to use this area in the winter, but Sovereign Lake has the park use permit. For example, people who are not Sovereign pass holders or members routinely snowshoe from the snowmobile parking lot into Sovereign's area to Black Prince cabin and use the cabin (maintained by the SLNC). In my estimation, there is wide-spread use of the trails by non-pass holders which is not only a revenue loss but also presents some liability concerns.

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Proposals have been made, mainly by the bike shops in town to promote fat-biking on the winter trails. There seems to be little support of this within the ski club. Meanwhile, in winter "ski bikes" are using the snowmobile trails and regularly wander on to the ski trails, especially Aberdeen. they have also been seen in the Montezuma trails along with snow shoers who have parked on Silver Star road and entered the park and snowshoed up to Sovereign's area, many without trail passes.


Fire preparedness Insufficient lodge space Uninspiring lodge design Too many cars - need a vehicle to transport groups of people


Maintaining the trails but also preserve nature.


regulation of motorized recreational activities (snowmobiling, motor biking) preservation of dedicated nordic trails and mountain bike/hiking trails ongoing working agreement with Silver Star and Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre


To keep the park accessible, to encourage engagement with nature, and to facilitate physical activities within nature, while at the same time prevent overdevelopment of the park's natural environment and degradation of the land and animal habitat.


Sovereign lake needs a bigger lodge or extension more x-country ski and bike trails would be fantastic


The extent to which the Sovereign Lake Club can influence or better: determine, the out come of decisions.


Fire, forestry, species protection, watershed protection


recreation vs conservation


Allowing user's to enjoy development of their activities in the Park knowing that the investment they make in infrastructure such as winter and summer trails will be protected for many years to come. Development of these activities under the guidance of the Province is key to making sure all other interest group's voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

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Growth that is in excess of sustainable levels. IE. 'Taking away' usable/valuable (use, not monetary) land to use for real estate development (for private use). Sad to see they (Silver Star Mountain) are 'removing' usable (skiing, biking, etc.) land for monetary gain.

Moreover, the issue with Silver Hawk Utilities MUST be investigated. the rates that the silver star owners are paying is unreasonable beyond any doubt. There must be some form of government inquiry into this and, ultimately, regulation of said utility pricing.


The road up from the valley needs better and more regular maintenance, it’s incredibly dangerous. I also do not like who exclusionary Silver Star Resort is to the community. I do not like feeling like I owe someone something just to use our natural assets


Snowmobiles, MAGS operating snowmobile tours in the park


More bike trails to increase summer user-ship.


Managing the growing activities with sustainability and consideration of human-animal interactions.


As a frequent cross-country mountain biker, the development of the Beowolf Trail was very welcomed by myself and other riders like myself. The nice thing about Beowolf trail is its length; a true cross-country trail indeed. The only downside to this trail is that it does not offer any easy way out in the event there is a mechanical problem or in the event someone should be injured while riding (the trail is considered moderate to advanced, but this does not preclude accidents or mechanical issues from happening. It would be great if several routes, say at ⅓ and ⅔ from the bottom (as well as from the bottom itself) could be developed to allow riders from exiting the main trail and returning to Silver Star Village or a main road without having to either continue to the bottom of the trail or hike back up the downhill trail. Additionally, from a safety perspective, developing additional trails would provide easier and faster access for SAR or paramedics in event of an injured rider (or hiker). Lastly, a good portion of the trail has no cell reception. Installing a cell tower in a strategic location would certainly enhance safety and SAR through improved communications.


I think it’s really important that the park stays available to the public in its current form. Sovereign Lake Nordic does a great job of making skiing accessible to all in the community for a very affordable price. This is a big priority for me. The new bike trails developed by nocs are also amazing


Non-motorized recreation should be maintained while being sensitive to the needs of wildlife


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Continued access and development of high quality mountain bike trails close to Vernon in a non-motorized environment.


Linking Sovereign and Silver Star trails both in summer and winter.


Parking in the winter at the snow mobile lot.


Invasive plants


Long approval process for new trails, Poor funding


Reserve Ecological integrity,lacking indigenous partnership, maintain trails and infrastructure (funding) , public education of good park visitor behaviour and history of the area and species


Forest health, user growth, ecosystem integrity.


Development of trails to support and increase summer usage.


I would like to be able to host xc ski camps at Silver Star Provincial Park as many others do already but the past ( with some current board member still in control) SLNC board has blocked me from doing xc ski camps. I am not allowed to advertise camps at Silver Star Provincial Park, yet other coaches do so with no issues.

I would be happy to purchase a park permit to do xc ski camps at SSPP.

I would like to see either:

1. Whomever is the park operator - PAY BC Parks the normal fees ( Approximately $40,000 a year) to be put aside for a new lodge

2. Or that money set aside in a separate account for a new lodge.

If SLNC was paying the BC parks fees the last 10 years as they should have, ( it was waived in 2005 for the World Cup) then there would be $400,000.00 - $500,000.00 for a new lodge.

Below are some notes of some of the issues with the current SLNC operation….

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Slnc is a Dictatorship

Force people to buy club memberships to ski in a Bc park ( if you buy a season pass) this was not the case before SLNC got the BC park permit.

Control who can and who can coach within the Bc park

Many clubs train at slnc with paid coaches.

Non profit society has non compete cause in their club policy

They do not treat people fairly. They push away people from coming to enjoy a BC park. Hurting the local economy and provincial economy and federal economy

Must allow anyone who has a season pass or day pass to ski and coach (help) others skiers at the park. Must treat all people and groups clubs equally.

Private clubs with paid coaches come to slnc all the time. Snow shoe tour operators come all the time. Slnc selects who they prevent from operating or provide a service at SS park. Many operators are successfully without being bothered.

Slnc has the highest paid staff for a xc ski club in Canada. Slnc has the most staff for a xc ski club in the province maybe the country. Slnc is not operating in good faith is not accountable and abuses power given to them from Bc parks. Power to control who does what within a Bc park. The exclusive park permit must be revoked and Bc parks must allow everyone who wants to enjoy the park, provide a healthy service and develop the sport of xc skiing to use the park. Paid or volunteer. If they have a pass to use the park they can ski with others who have a paid pass and well.

Slnc / Bc parks must allow all users and treat people / groups or clubs equally.

Slnc does not pay Bc parks proper Bc park fees. Ie $1 per person.

Slnc operates as a business not a non profit society

Life is about opening doors not closing them.

Slnc is insecure about other groups coming to their area if they see them as "competing"

Sport is meant to bring people together. Like a community.

Over the years At least three times different people have tried to form a new club. Each time slnc has stopped the process through ccbc.

Can't stop people from making a living Non profit society operating as for profit business ie none competition clauses partnering with for profit businesses Slnc not paying Bc parks fees $30-50k per year approximate back pay $500k Forcing people to buy club memberships to ski in Bc park. Ie season pass includes membership. Push away some groups/ coaches. Idealize other groups coaches Not putting money back into the facility as agreed to by Bc parks. Money focus is staff. History of poor management has resulted in legal action ( 6 years straight of legal action and on going) Difficult to find board members must be hand picked by current board members The corruption must stop.

Slnc has an exclusive Bc park permit. That makes them believe they can control and make money on everything that happens in the park.

It makes sense to only have one operator to groom the trails and run the lodge. That operator would have exclusive rights to charge for season passes and day tickets.

I believe they should not be allowed to chose which groups or people are allowed to ski there and which are Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 19

not. I believe the park should be open to all.

Sanctioned clubs and non sanctioned clubs

Private schools and public schools

Private groups and public groups

Private people and public people

Local residents and non local residents

Stop the prejudice.

I believe an educated and experienced operator can manage the area and pay Bc parks the normal fees with the above model. Open to all.

Slnc doesn't pay Bc parks normal fees. Slnc is suppose to put net proceeds back into the park and facilities to ensure a quality ski experience is provided. Slnc has not improved the park in 10 years.

Where does the money go? Good question. Slnc has the most staff of any xc ski club that I know. Slnc staff are the highest paid in the industry.

Slnc has a challenge to get volunteers as many people are paid to do the same thing. Slnc has a challenge to find people to be on the board as the time commitment is massive. The time commitment is massive due to the fact the some people on the board want to control everything and run the club as a business.

My background and related points.

I have been a slnc member for 27 years. Since 1992.

I moved to the area after completing ski resort operations and management course from Selkirk college. I chose SS slnc as they hosted a WC in 1991 and the national team trained there early season at that time. I raced full time for ten years under the slnc banner. I was sponsored by slnc in that period. After finishing my successful career. I worked for SS as there nordic manager for 9 years. Bringing teams from around the world to come ski on SSM. Public and private. All were welcome and encouraged to come. I restructured the failing xc ski camps at SS and built them back up to former glory days. Our time had come where we had different goals and we seperated.

I worked for slnc for one year, I proposed to the slnc GM at the time that I run private xc ski camps at slnc. He said it would be better to be an employee. He said if I did them privately he would let me set it up and run them for one year then kick me out and run the program in house. As he did with June Hawkins. He kicked her out but didn't run camps. June had sun on snow camps. Private camps. Marty hall and Norm Crerar had private camps. At one time when the area was booming; all camps or people were welcome.

After I set up the camps at slnc which were very successful. Slnc met with SS behind my back and made a deal with SS. I was let go and SS and slnc still run the exact same program that I set up.

I moved to the area as I love the skiing and everything the area has to offer. I worked in my chosen field for 10 years here. For the last seven years I have not been allowed to work self employed on SS or slnc. I can do xc ski camps anywhere in the world but not at my home trails. Other clubs and areas invite me to host camps at their areas.

All I want is to be able to bring people here to coach them and enjoy the sport. This is a good thing for the sport, (grow sport) good thing for the ski industry. Retailers etc. Good thing for the local economy. I want to work in my community. I support my community as a volunteer coach in xc skiing, soccer and . I am a board member of the Vernon track and field club. I donate prizes to local fundraising events. I support local initiatives in sport, health and wellness and beyond.

I believe slnc/ BC parks opening the doors will be a positive thing for everyone involved

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This is the best cross country skiing in North America. The daylodge and parking need to be revisited as the popularity continues to grow.

SLNC provides very affordable recreation for families, but struggles to balance affordability with large capital projects like the daylodge.

As the climate shifts, skier access to higher snow in the Lars Taylor area requires new trails.

The free-access snowshoe trails are poorly marked and the users don’t seem to respect the other winter groups in the park. This user group does not play well with others.

I would love to say this park should be self-propelled recreation only. However, 90% of the snowmobilers are good neighbours and don’t seem to be damaging the park. Maybe slightly tighter management and more education of visiting snowmobilers would solve the issues?

In summer, I don’t think motorized bikes should be allowed in all parks. I would like to see e-bikes banned in SilverStar and Kal parks, but allowed in Ellison.

I feel that NOCS is doing a good job building trails that manage erosion and provide good riding. While their Sovereign mtb trails are definitely aimed at advanced riders, the Ellison and Kal park systems have more beginner-friendly options for a good regional balance. The Sovereign mtb trails are too advanced for me, but I support their creation and maintenance.


keeping access open to the trails and developing new biking trails


Summer: Would like to see interconnectivity via hiking and mountainbike trails between Sovereign Lakes area and Silverstar Resort area. Would like to see interconnectivity corridor established for cross country mountain biking between Silverstar resort and crown land / RDNO land via Becker lake area to connect proposed new mountain biking area above the Ranchlands area on Vernon's East side. Winter: manage potential conflicts of snowmobilers, cross country skiers and snowshoes in the Sovereign Lake area of the park. Manage


Increased development pressure, witness recent approval of Silver Star resort expansion plans amend more recent purchase of the facility. More permanent residences in particular will necessitate some better way to manage traffic congestion in the road to and from the park.

Increased mechanized sports are another concern somewhat in conflict with the idea of a park, when half the park is dedicated to year round residences. I see tracks from snowmobiles and snow bikes frequently on Sovereigns backcountry trails, so a concerns is that some of this group of users does not seem to be able to use resp9nsibly. I know they have also wrecked some of the regular Nordic trails. I am not sure what the advent of ebikes will bring.


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A current management plan is long overdue, so I am glad to see that BC Parks is working on it. The park itself, as opposed to Sovereign Lake Nordic Club, has virtually no public presence. It's good to see that other uses are increasing, such as snowshoeing outside the SLNC trails, snowmobiling, and mountain biking, but anyone not in the know (eg visitors from out of town) would really have to search for information about these activities.

I see the key management issues as the relationship with SLNC, the relationship with Silver Star Mountain Resort, forest fire planning and management, and issues associated with having a resort community next door (eg garbage management).

I would like to see better nordic trail connectivity between the resort and the park. The three existing trails are not overly beginner or family friendly. It would be great to have an easier (flatter) trail to connect the two nordic ski areas.


Ensuring new development doesnt take away any trails or picturesque views from beautiful silverstar


The use of land and development


Public use of snowshoe trails with confusing/ inadequate signage, inappropriate flagging of trails with no key, leading to folks becoming lost or Snowshoers ending up on ski trails, ruining costly grooming or Back Country tracks and endangering skiers. Rescue of lost/injured folks in wilderness trails - responsibility for rescue - SLNC /Silver Star/ Search and Rescue? Snowshoe trails ending abruptly on XC ski trails - dangers of conflict between skiers, kids, dogs - track destruction dangerous for skiers. Snowmobiles abusing XC ski trails - again, endangering skiers with chance encounters or destroyed trails - particularly on advanced trails where speed is to be expected ( Aberdeen). Snowmobile tracks crossing snowshoe tracks - folks with kids and dogs in danger from speeding machines. Fumes from snowmobiles choking skiers and snowshoers who are breathing hard - ruining pristine mountain air. Noise from snowmobiles - annoying and disappointing when expecting wilderness tranquility. Aggressive driving of large trucks/trailers on approaches to Snowmobile parking.


Conflict between users, primarily motorized snowmobiled a and non motorized users, increased recreation use which puts pressure on existing infrastructure, impact of higher human use in areas wildlife


Ensuring that the number of people visiting the area have sufficient parking, the road remains safe. Ensuring that the trails are available in the winter for continued use by sovereign lake Nordic. Upgrade of sovereign lake chalet.


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Protecting wildlife and water resources. The Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre infrastructure (predominantly the lodge) needs to be improved due to the high number of skiers. Most years, Sovereign Lake is the only ski facility open in November which attracts skiers from across Canada and the Northern USA. The lodge is very busy during American Thanksgiving, Christmas school holidays and Family Days.


Parking at sovereign lake day lodge is no longer adequate for the number of people using the park in winter.


The incorrect uses of the Park by SSMR, now a USA Corporation.

Please do not continue to make the same mistake that has been done in the past, allowing a Corporation (now a USA Corporation) to incorrectly control access to private properties and control public roads.


More parking needed at Sovereign, and more parking needed at the upper snowshoe parking area.


1. A new larger day lodge for Sovereign. The club does a phenomenal job of accommodating a large number of skiers of all ages and abilities and interests in many diverse programs. Their recipe for attracting people to to get outside in the winter has been wildy successful but they have outgrown the amenities that used to work fine for a smaller crowd. Please consider a new day lodge as high priority! 2. Ongoing management of motorized use within the park. 3. Flagging and signage for snowshoe trails in the park but outside of the area managed by Sovereign.


For over 6 years i have been trying to work cooperatively with SLNC Board to get permission to use small areas of their dog trail for early season skijoring training so that users of the trails actually know what they are doing instead of being out there with dogs that have never been trained. I also have asked to have use of the easier trails after hours at the end of season for training with only 1-2 clients maximum and have been denied that use as well. The Board seems to believe that they own the trails and they alone make all decisions about the use of the trails. My problem with their position is that 1. I have a park permit; 2. i have made VERY reasonable requests that would have zero impact on the club or trails; 3. as the new groomer has been largely paid for by government and I pay taxes, it is ridiculous that the Board be making all the rules and there is no recourse to take when they deny a request. So a key management issue is the SLNC Board. I believe that the board should include the regional Park manager and they should have the ability to veto a decision regarding park use requests when there is no legitimate reason to deny a request to use the park trails.

Another issue is the mountain bikers. Since developing trails in SLNC area there has been increasing numbers of illegal camping and the signage that is up is ridiculous as it is a standard little 5x5" no camping icon that no one would ever notice. When i am hiking regularly(typically around 5:30 am) there is almost always at least 1 illegal camper and they are cyclists as their bikes are on their vehicles. There needs to be much better signage, more regular patrols early on weekend mornings, and maybe some form of gate to prevent vehicles getting into the parking area to camp. As well, since increased bikers there is increased garbage and more concerning, poorer drainage on the trails. As nothing else has changed except for permitting cyclists i can only presume that to be responsible.

Another management issues is in regards to plowing of the pullout areas within the Park - i suspect it is a Transport matter, but would be nice to have it communicated that both pull outs need to be plowed regularly.

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Quite often the lower one is plowed but not the one further up about 1/2 km that is used for parking to access snowshoe trails.


Silver Star Park & the Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre have been experiencing huge growth in users. This is not a problem in terms of the terrain, it still is not crowded (is actually quite empty) on the hiking/snow shoeing/nordic trails but the facilities have been neglected for too long. The small investment in snow shoe trail signs (in the "free" part of the park are excellent but additional signs for snowshoers could be used, particularly at nordic trail crossings as these can be hard to find with new snow. Also, somebody needs to get out on the trails in the winter with a pole saw as the snow causes the branches to droop and hides many signs (this is what probably contributes to some of the trail braiding but you can't keep people from wandering all over). Overall the snowshoe signs are a huge improvement and long overdue (so thank you!).

Parking at Sovereign Lake is insufficient for weekends and the lodge needs improvement. Parks needs to step up and be more proactive in helping because you have a very willing partner in Sovereign Lake Nordic who will do much of the planning and execution work. These facilities get used heavily in the winter and is a good reason for people to get outside in the winter and get some exercise, whether nordic skiing or snowshoeing. So quit being a bottleneck!

I would like to see continued development and evolution of the summer mountain biking trail network. Excellent improvements and recently added new trails make this an outstanding riding area and a bit of a secret jewel in the area. Continue supporting NOCS in developing new trails and maintaining existing ones.

I can't speak to issues for snow mobiliers but I know this area gets utilized. Also, the west side of the park, accessed by the road off of the second switchback driving up Silverstar Road gets utilized but seems to be lightly used but I am actually not sure or for what activities.

Overall, this is a great park for activities but is not one for scenic vistas like Kal Park or lake recreation like Ellison Park. It has evolved nicely over the decades with slow but what seems to be well managed growth in my view. This is a great regional asset.


Density of the forest/fire prevention, visitor experience


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Is there any additional information that you feel would assist this management planning process?

One of the biggest issues is bathroom facilities at the day lodge. There is only a single toilet in the washrooms which is crazy considering the number of skiers that use the facility.


There has been slow but continual development of mountain bike trails in the sovereign lake area over the past few years. As a mountain biker and volunteer with NOCS who has helped to build these trails I can say that we are very appreciative to be able to ride in this area. It is becoming quite a popular area for visitors to the Silverstar bike park to also ride, so a good addition to Vernon mountain bike tourism in the summer.


Provide snowmobile parking only area.


We agree with the management issues you have suggested in this planning process. The watersheds of the entire park and Silver Star Mountain Resort is of great concern as input to the entire community watersheds of Armstrong, Vernon, Lavington, etc.




anticipation of hiker/walker preferred routes and building or allowing the building of alternate trails for cyclists


Groomed fat bike trails in the winter provide a huge opportunity to expand reach.


Lack of second exit

More trails needed for cross country biking


The province must have a general vision plan for its park system. If the vision involves protecting land for future natural experiences with as little interference as possible then control is necessary. If the vision wishes to increase current and future use of park lands then growth and expansion of existing nordic activities is the answer.


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Snowmobiles should be allowed to stay as they have been there since the sixties. However, dirt bikes, modified bikes for snow should not (including Silver Star Resort tenure) be allowed. Groomers and snowmobiles required for the operation of the resort should be the only motorized authorized for use in the park and the SSR tenure area.


Silverstar Provincial Park is a great recreation area and is an important part of the Vernon area's outdoor recreational capacity and has been for decades. It is becoming even more popular, but I don't see overuse of the actual outdoors space as it is quite spread out (nordic trails, snowmobile trails, snowshoe trails, mountain bike trails) and user density from my observations is quite low except in the stadium area of Sovereign Lake in the winter. In fact, the recreation areas only comprise a small percentage of the Park (I am sure the team at Parks knows the exact percentage). The main problem is parking. Also, I do not know about any issues snowmobilers have so I have not commented, nor do I know how the Park is used by others in areas outside the nordic and mountain bike areas. Overall this is a great Park and hope that the facilities can grow along with the user demand, but in a managed way so that keeps wild and open spaces a large part of the park.


The biking in the sovereign network is truly special. The climate and forest js very different to the rest of the region and is highly enjoyable.


Please continue to work closely with the North Okanagan cycling Society for trail building and maintenance


This idea may or may not be within the purview of the plan; I think transportation infrastructure is an important issue that needs to be addressed. Particularly, more options for ride sharing, shuttling and public transportation to and from the park areas would help reduce the environmental impacts of increasing recreational activities in the park.


This has historically been a recreation area with a lot of usage throughout the year from various user groups, particularly the winter. Even though it was designated a provincial park in1989, it is seen by most people as a recreational park (this is an annecdotal observation, based on history and interactions with current user groups). This does not mean that habitat and wildlife management are not important but this will require balancing these objectives with managed growth plans for the various user groups (hikers, snowmobilers, mountain bikers, nordic skiers and hunters if it is allowed in the Park). The main expansion of activity that I can see is mountain biking in and around the immediate area of the Sovereign Nordic Club and the existing mountain bike trail and would strongly support this. It is important to note that the trails in the provincial park are very different in nature to those found in the Silverstar resort and provide a very different mountain bike experience. Plus, Silverstar charges users where the provincial park is free to users except for the nordic trails, their managed snowshoe trails and a parking fee for snowmobilers (which supports their maintenance efforts). Due to all of the water in the Park (ponds, marshes, etc.), many areas of the park are not conducive to warm weather activities (other than hunting?) and should continue to be managed to support the wide range of wildlife and flora and fauna. It is a bit hard to respond to this very general questionnaire without any comments from BC Parks related to what the high level goals and objectives are for this park. Is every park managed strictly on its own merits or are there overarching guidelines? I hope that this comes out in the next phase.


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Keep a close watch on what is happening with Silver Star Resort planning. One of their next subdivision plans will take out some of the most beautiful hiking and biking trails on the mountain, the ones called Shakra and Crack of Dawn. They already ruined BX Creek trail.


Not really sure


It would be wonderful to see better signage for the mountain biking trails in sovereign and it would be great to have more trails in both silverstar and sovereign. With more people using the trails there is always a need for more of them.


yes...just be fare and invite all parties to the table and just not be so one sided....you fool no one !!


Sovereign lake is a great asset.


None that could be thought of...


Building a world class facility to get people into the outdoors and utilize the incredible resource we have is the key goal here. Obviously we must be aware of the impact this may have on the surrounding environment but the impact is that we will have people who are engaged with the outdoors and they become stewards of the land.


No, but thank you for considering changes/improvements


This park is central to the well being of several communities in the north Okanagan. This is defined by; economic, historical, psychological, educational, tourism, and pride, to name a few. The planning for this park should take a prominent place in the community. Extensive public consultation in prominent locations; store front, malls, school visits, newspapers, tv adds, social media....


Just two comments about the Management Plan Background document. The Document states that SLNC operates over 100km of groomed trails but that total includes trails at Silverstar. There should be mention of backcountry skiing as well as snowshoeing and Nordic skiing.


May want to consider summer or year-round camping opportunities like at Manning Park. Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 27


SLNC provides a vital service to the community and beyond. The health benefits in particular ought to be recognized by the province, as they help reduce healthcare costs. if the Province were to take a proactive view of healthcare and its burgeoning multi-billion dollar healthcare costs, SLNC would be regarded as an asset warranting financial support, rather than just another non-profit organization given permission to operate in the Park.


An environmental assessment of the impact on the environment, including impact on water quality.


Yes, I do not understand why the Sovereign Lake Club can not acquire the lands such that we can determine our own future. Why do we need a Provincial Parks body in there ? Why can't we move into the 21 st century with self-determination ?


I think it is tricky as you will probably receive a lot bikers wanted to increase trails. I think the trails should be contained to where most of the nordic and bike trails already exist.

Lets keep what is untouched


Open the parks up to user groups for expansion of their activities to make the parks a destination which will increase tourism and help the local economy. The Province has the knowledge and authority to make sure this happens in a peaceful and sustainable way.


Plan for more mountain biking. It’s going to become incredibly important for our local economy I a few years. Vernon has the potential to become a global destination for cycling.


Parks should be left for non motorized recreation


Canada and BC attracts a lot of international travellers and outdoor adventurists. Providing diverse opportunities to access activities like mountain biking and back country exploration.


Give access to the Park from trailheads that do not require users to drive all the way to Silver Star Village or Sovereign. Less driving means: reduced emissions, less cars on the road conflicting with wildlife, less time to commute to trailhead, etc. This applies to summer activities mostly.


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It would be amazing to see growth of more mountain bike trails into the further reaches of the park. Longer epic rides are more popular, such as Beowulf at Silver Star resort, or biking from Silver Star down to Noble Canyon. Sovereign has a lot of rock for great technical biking that is not available elsewhere in Vernon. Trail running would be an area of potential growth. The cooler temps are ideal in the summer.


Mountain bike trail density is growing in the park. This results in more users on the trails as the word spreads. I like the use of wood feature to bridge wet areas to reduce erosion and soil/vegetation damage.


Enlist professional trail builders


Stronger partnership between province and local first nations. Engo consult


The North Okanagan cycling society is an amazing assist to this park for future summer recreation opportunities. I hope that continued work with them will continue to grow the public’s love and protection of this amazing place


In summary, keep the Provincial Park a park open to all users, elimination the exclusive BC Parks Permit that SLNC has had in the past. I have heard from Ryan Elphick positive steps are being taken to allow other to apply and receive a BC Park permit for Silver Star Park. That is great news! In my opinion there should be no date restrictions on others coaching at SSPR, I know some SLNC board members want to maintain their monopoly on early season xc ski camps with Silver Star Mountain Resort as this for profit enterprise does not want competition or perceived competition.

I look forward to Silver Star Provincial Park being open to all users and coaches with a fair system for permits that grow the sport of xc skiing and allow more people to enjoy the park's beauty.


working closely with north okanagan cycling society.


Summer and are growing. Continue to make recreation opportunities available while balancing the protection of the park and wildlife.


It is amazing that about half the park area is occupied by essentially a small town. It seems a slight of wording to call it a park at all.


Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 29

I am responding to the request for comment for the Silver Star Provincial park. I am a recreational cyclist, an iRide bike instructor, and a YOUTH cycling advocate for the North Okanagan.

As you know Vernon is surrounded by beautiful provincial parks and as a result most of our access to trails is in these amazing areas. We are fortunate. I can't say enough how lucky we are to have these parks minutes from our community. The trail system is quickly becoming world renown.

My comment as a youth advocate for cycling is to request more family friendly areas in our Provincial Parks including Silver Star Provincial Park. Families have a really hard time transitioning from the street in front of their house to the trails and community simply because the trails are often to difficult unless you have a few years experience riding. Kids especially need small adventure and easy ways to feel that they are accomplishing a lot.

Some suggestions:

More Green loops

• short novice loop(s) from parking areas 250m to 1000m distance • technical features - small rolls, berms, novice skill building challenges • slopes - gentle uphills and downhills

More Blue loops

• medium loop(s). 1000m to 2500m distance. • uphills - gentle pitch grades, interesting areas for passing/resting • downhills - mix of flow and natural technical, use of nature, points of interest and safe zones • technical features - areas to set up technical trail features and skill building challenges, access to natural features and terrain • pump track and flow trails - fun berms and rollers, terrain for small jumps

Other amenities

• picnic areas, clean and safe washrooms and garbage disposal, shelter area for poor weather or shade from hot sun • safe and accessible parking • education with nature and history of area, points of interest • yoga platform(s)

In the North Okanagan I have personally ridden with over a 2000 young riders ages 5-18 in the last five years. The experiences have been amazing. So many families are intimidated to bring their children to the parks in the North Okanagan because of challenging elements.

I am not complaining that trails are too hard because in my free time I see hundreds of riders enjoying what we have. But I do feel that if there were some trails catered to youth and their families it would bring tremendous social and probably some economic benefits to our community.

Thanks for your time and considering a request for more youth and family friendly trails at Silver Star Provincial park and the North Okanagan.


The provincial park management planning process should inform, and be informed by, any planning and implementation processes associated with the resort's planning processes and requirements. (I assume this is part of the initial project plan, but in case that is not happening or there is opposition to that happening, I am stating my support for it to happen.)

Silver Star Park Management Planning: Compiled Public Comments Page 30


More trail on the back side of the mountain


I think having a public forum for the community to have input is essential.


I’d like to see larger area protected surrounding the park, especially from logging activities. It would be great if area equivalent to what was removed for downhill ski resort could be added to the park from other surrounding area. This truly is a special spot to me and my family, and many community members. In addition, Protecting this area would increase climate change resilience of the region given it’s high elevation and origins of water sources.


None at this time.


I appreciate the current relationship with Silverstar resort allowing trails to connect with the park and hope that this will continue. I really enjoy the access and activities available in the park and find it greatly enhances my quality of life here in Vernon. Thank you.


The Sovereign Lake Nordic facility offers world class nordic trails. Nordic skiing is recognized one of the best forms of recreation that can be enjoyed by young and old and should be supported by all levels of government. The North Okanagan is becoming known as a recreational hub with the newly opened Rail Trail biking facilities and Silver Star Park could offer additional recreation options to visitors. The proposed Armstrong to Shushwap Rail Trail will bring even more summer visitors to the North Okanagan.


Yes. The Controlled Recreation Area (CRA) Map. as shown by Silver Star Mountain Resort (SSMR) is incorrectly drawn. The CRA incorrectly indicates that Fee Simple properties (like my house, and the public roads are part of the CRA. As a CRA allows SSMR to "control access" to this area, the Map as it is incorrectly shown, implies that SSMR (now a USA Corporation) "controls access" to the public road system and "controls access" to my house.

The Resort Timber Administration Act is where CRA is defined in BC Law "4(2)…... the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations(a) designating as a controlled recreation area an area that consists of one or both of the following: (i) Crown land; (ii) private land on which Crown timber is located"

I have extensively complained about this issue in the past but Forestry believes that: "Clipping individual private parcels out of the CRA each time a parcel is Crown Granted, for mapping purposes, is administratively onerous, increases the potential for error and depending on the scale of the map, can cause the information to be misrepresented and not accurately displayed; therefore the Province has decided to consistently use the above definitions for Development Area and Controlled Recreation Area for all of our ski

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areas Province wide." (Tori Meeks FLNR Sept 17, 2017)

Ms Meeks comments are in contracts what the Guidelines tell the proponent to do, basically draw the Map correctly: "II.6.4 Site Mapping For the purposes of the Resort Master Plan, detailed site mapping is required. Mountain planning should be completed utilizing topographic mapping with a 5-metre contour interval. Likewise, the areas of more detailed development in the base should be completed using mapping with a 1 metre contour interval. In addition, all planimetric features (roads, buildings, water courses, vegetation, etc.) and all cadastral information (legal lot lines, tenure boundaries, political boundaries, etc.) need to be directly associated and geo- referenced to the topographic information. "

The Map is wrong as it’s boundary surrounds our PRIVATE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY.

The Map is wrong as it’s boundary surrounds public roads.

Please do not continue to make the same mistake that has been done in the past, allowing a Corporation (now a USA Corporation) to incorrectly control access to private properties and control public roads.


Work closely and constructively with Sovereign (board members?) (committee?) to design and build a suitable day lodge.


I would like to see an in-person management planning meeting open to the public held in Vernon prior to its finalization and approval


I would love to see more recreational mountain bike/running/hiking trails built in the area, ideally with a plan to connect to Kalamalka park . Trails would be low impact on the environment and may help with fire breaks and forest fire prevention. A better connected running/moutnain bike trail network would be great between Sovereign and Silverstar resort.


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