Lava Lakes, Oregon Joint fishout with SOFF June 23-26, 2016 Fishout Location: Lava Lakes, Oregon Accommodations: Big and Little Lava Cost: DIY – pay own costs Lake Campgrounds Fishmaster(s): Lee Dorius Phone: (408) 310-9237 Email:
[email protected] Lake/Stream/River: Lakes/River Seminar planned: No Max. # Attendees: ~12-18 Directions: Website(s): Meals provided: Saturday potluck dinner will be with SOFF club at their campsite, they provide main course and we provide side dishes and dessert. Fish: Trout Fishing strategy: Stillwater with nymphs, emergers, dry flies, streamers Suggested Rod Wt(s) 4, 5 or 6 Equipment: Line Floating, intermediate, sinking Leader 10 ft., # 4,5,6X Tippet 2ft., #4,5,6X depending fishing technique Other Float tube, pram, pontoon boat, kayak, or canoe Suggested Patterns/ Flies: Sizes/etc. See additional pages from SOFF Other Gear suggestions: Waders, wading boots, walkie-talkie, life vest or inflatable vest, rain jacket Camping gear: tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, etc. and personal articles with warm clothes in morning and light clothes for afternoons. Details/ Comments / Updates / Attendee list (For car pools) SJFC members are invited to join the Southern Oregon Fly Fishers at their annual fishout to Lava Lakes area in central Oregon near Bend, Oregon. This is an opportunity to learn about fly fishing Oregon lakes with experienced Oregon fly fishers. There will be 3 joint meetings with SOFF members, Friday and Saturday morning 7:30-8am for coffee and information, and Saturday evening at 6pm for dinner. Meeting site will be confirmed later, but will be at either Lava Lakes RV or Big Lava Lake campground nearby.