Plantae Scientia – An International Research Journal in Botany Publishing Bimonthly Open Access Journal Plantae Scientia: Volume 03, Issue 06, November 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE Ethno–medicobotany of Yavatmal District (M.S.) India 1Chavhan V. N.*, 2Bhogaonkar P. Y., 3Dhole P. A. &4P. P. Kshirsagar 1Department of Botany, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maregaon (Road) Dist. Yavatmal, (M.S.) India 2Ex-Director, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities Amravati Dist. Amravati (M.S.) India. 3Central Botanical Laboratory, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah Pin-711103. 4Modern College of Art’s, Commerce and Science, Ganeshkhind, Pune-16. *Corresponding Author :
[email protected] Manuscript Details ABSTRACT Manuscript Submitted :27/09/2020 Yavatmal district is inhabited by about 14 tribal communities. First Manuscript Revised :22/10/2020 hand ethnomedicinal information was collected directly from field Manuscript Accepted :23/11/2020 survey of tribal villages and forest areas of the district. Present paper Manuscript Published :15/12/2020 deals with ethno medicinal uses of 78 plant species belonging to 47 families used locally for prevention and treatment of various diseases. Available On Sixty two species are used in mono-herbal treatments, while 29 are used in poly-herbal formulations. Observations regarding exploitation of these species are also reported, which will help in conservation and restoration of the species. Cite This Article As Keywords: Ethno–medicobotany, Mono–herbal treatments, Poly– Chavhan V. N., Bhogaonkar P. Y., Dhole P. A. herbal formulations, Conservation, Yavatmal district. & P. P. Kshirsagar (2020). Ethno- medicobotany of Yavatmal District (M.S.) India. Pla. Sci. 2020; Vol.03Iss.06:82-88.