The strangest exam This fanfic is contains certain elements of fetish such as tickling, starring , Hinata Hyuga, Hanabi Huyga, Tenten and Ino Yamanaka. Other characters make an appearance.

The murmur of thousand voices echoed in the distance. Sakura glanced nervous at her surroundings just to find expressions that, she imagined, would reflect how she felt at that moment. The confusion and anxiety was palpable. What kind of weird assignment Mrs Tsunade, the recently proclaimed Fifth Hokage, endorsed them to? Behind a curtain, the pink-haired young ninja could imagine a large crowd reunited. What for? A quick inspection of her strange predicament shared by four other girls she knew all too well made recent memories come to her. Before doing so, she looked strangely at the girl on her right. She had only seen her a few times and never spoken to her, even so, she did not expect the Hyuga’s youngest daughter to be this tall. Leaving that thought aside she focussed back on reminiscing the events that lead her to that situation. Judging from their faces, her companions must have been sharing an analogous train of thought.

It was a beautiful day at the Hidden Leaf Village, a curious name for a village that so many people were aware of its location. The many inhabitants of this peaceful town woke with energies to perform their daily routines. Some mundane, others a bit more Ninja-related. The latter case was what reunited a threesome of young Ninjas and their master - Kakashi, you are late again! - Yelled an over-energetic blonde Genin wearing a scandalous and quite visible orange tracksuit, whose name was - As much as I hate to agree with this idiot. Making us wait for two hours is going too far, sensei - Said the voice of the team’s ace and genius , crossing his arms over a blue t-shirt - Yeah, even Sasuke agrees, wait a moment did you just call me an idiot? - Naruto realized he had been insulted - Because you are - Insisted the dark-haired survivor of the Uchiha clan - Are you looking for a fight, you punk? - Asked Naruto - Anytime you want! - Their eyes met and sparks could be seen flying, was that hate, friendship, rivalry? It was not clear in the eyes of Sakura Haruno, the only female member of the team. She might not be the most skilled fighter in the bunch, but her common sense and ability to sense traps was above the average, more than enough to keeps those two at bay - Guys, cut it out, master Kakashi finally made it. So let’s try to make it worth. Kakashi, what are you going to teach us today? - Asked the girl with a polite smile, putting her hands behind her red open dress. Her short, pink hair was flustered by the wind during this question, giving her a composed look in opposition to the two boys that exchanged defiant looks. - First of all - Clarified the instructor know as - I wasn’t late, it was you guys who came early - - Like hell we did! - Replied the three youngsters in unison, the silver-haired, one-eyed masked high-rank ninja did not mind this interruption and resumed his exposition - Today I’m not teaching you anything - The looks of disappointment in his students’ faces were thrown at him like sharp knives - I have orders from the new Hokage - - Oh, how’s old-lady Tsunade doing? Keeping warm my future office I hope. Man I can’t believe how nice she is for guarding the Hokage position until I can claim it - Declared Naruto with a wide grin - Keep dreaming - Whispered Sasuke - Do you really want my fist in your face? - Threatened the hyperactive orphan - I don’t know, can you really do that? - - Enough of this! - Exploded Sakura, pinching at the boys’ ears, making them seat in the ground wriggling in pain - Thanks Sakura. Anyway, the Hokage says that, since the previous Chunin exam was interrupted. Another one will be held - The news was received with mixed feelings, on the one hand the three ninjas wanted to increase in the ladder of power. On the other, the many life-threatening experiences that they shared during that test made them hesitate. Kakashi noticed their concern - Don’t worry, this one won’t involve any fighting - Naruto raised his hand - Then what are going to do? - The other two looked with interest at the answer to come - I don’t know, the details are kept secret. The Hokage only said that no violence will be involved this time, the memory of ’s scheme is still vivid, she commented that “in real missions many unplanned things can happen, your students must be ready for anything. Even failing and being captured by the enemy” - The blue-eyed and blond-haired boy sprang immediately - Heh, I get it. They want us to rescue a partner quickly. Sasuke, I challenge you to a race! - The aforementioned sighed at the finger pointing at him - You sure dream big, first you say you’ll be the next Hokage and now you thing you can beat me at anything. Okay, let’s get to it! - Without further ado, the two boys ran as fast as they could, which was faster than the eye can see. Sakura sighed, tired - Give me a break... - Kakashi’s hand over her shoulder startled her - And by the way, the Hokage mentioned that you’ll take an important role on this exam - .

From her standing position at the highest gallery in the remodelled stadium, Tsunade examined the charade she had organized and wanted to be elsewhere - I must’ve been drunk when I agreed to do this... - Complained the elderly lady in disguise - Let me remind you, Miss Tsunade, that you were indeed drunk - The faithful assistant Shizune corrected her, looking upset for some reason. The only one who seemed cheerful enough and looking forward for the show to start was the legendary, full-time pervert, and unparallel ninja at intervals, - Don’t be like that, wasn’t it fun? - He laughed heartily as the memories came to him, to a date even earlier to the flashback shared by the girls that the trio knew were hidden behind the curtain at the centre of the stadium.

A few nights before the main event taking place in this story, three seasoned ninjas were devoted into the greatest fight of their lives. Those intrepid warriors of the shadows, who wore highly bright clothing and made quite the noise, were battling a losing war against an unrelenting enemy: alcohol and its devastating effects. Only one proud man stood unaltered. Or not so, that would be an overstatement, only at times, if he did not squeeze his eyes, he would see double. That was a feat impressive when compared to his companions that were resting their upper bodies over a table drenched in spilled beer. This trio had completely ignored the three don’ts of the Ninja; do not gamble, do not drink and do not indulge in sexual pleasures. First of all, the man who no one would believe he trained the most talented Hokage in the Hidden Lead Village; that is Jiraiya, had lost the count of how many cups of sake he had drank. Secondly was Tsunade, actual leader of said enclave who was paying her twentieth jar of beer from money she got gambling. And thirdly there was Shizune, her assistant, the one who was actually paying for those excesses and was dragged to join them. She snored over the table due to, after ten jars of alcohol, falling asleep in a way that her simple black dress opened, revealing the creamy skin on her torso. Tsunade noticed this, and in her intoxicated stated, had a playful grin on her face. - Shizune, have a bit of decency! You are now the secretary of the Hokage - She had a sudden attack of hiccup - I can’t allow this behaviour! - The young black-haired woman woke up immediately while screaming - What? Eh…eeeeh? You are tihihickling me? Ahahaha, please nohohoooo! - Tsunade, whose face was tainted red from her drinking habits, smiled satisfied - See little Shizune here? Just by doing this she gets hysterical - She dug her fingers in the assistant’s sides to prove her point - If you think about it, it’s a big weakness... - Another strike of hiccup assaulted her - You are right, if she got captured an enemy could torture her to tell them the secrets of the village - Stated Jiraiya like he was having the most conventional dialogue in the world despite the sight of two drunk attractive ladies, one lacking part of her clothes, fondling at each other. Tsunade nodded effusively - Right, right! She would do anything to make this stop! - Her fingers moved in a blur, raising upwards, looking for sweets spots to tickle. The armpits were found easily - Yehehehes, plehahahase, stohohohop!!!! - The blonde woman snickered at Jiraiya - See what I told you? Coochie, coochie coo, laugh for me little Shizune! - . The long-haired toad hermit sipped another cup of sake. Even if he did not know how many he had already drank, he knew his limits, and those were far in the distance to reach. All going according to this plan: by being merely a bit intoxicated, he could think straight and make the most of this situation with a poker face. - And when did you discover this trait of Shizune? - Asked the man not paying attention to the young woman’s pitiful cries that increased as Tsunade’s fingers decided to play with her modest breasts hidden under bandages. The woman shrugged her shoulders, too focussed to reply. It had only been a few minutes, but her toy’s skin had reddened from her pinpricking teases. - The only thing I know is that tickling Shizune is sooo fun... Aren’t you enjoying just by watching? - She said looking at the man, but showing how skilled she was at the arts of making her subordinate crazy. Whose attempts to clench her arms to trap her hands only turned into more tickling - I bet you’d like to pay to tickle her - Shizune jumped at this idea - Nohohoho, pleahahahse, don’t say those things in frohohohont of Mihihister Jihahahahahahaha!!!! - The aforementioned studied this idea with interest - It does look fun. And now that I think about it, my novels have gotten a bit dull. That’s what my readers say - All of the presents thought about Kakashi - Maybe I should add a tickling scene on them. And I’d need some inspiration - His serious face turned into one of perversion - How much would that cost me? - . Tsunade’s eyes sparkled with vigour - 1000 Ryo for every minute you tickle her, you can only touch her feet. Tools are allowed. For every fifteen minutes a two minutes period of rest must take place. If you manage to make her scream the secret word you get half of your money refunded! - Jiraiya was part impressed, part disappointed. On the one hand it was something that Tsunade could deliver that trained speech while being drunk and without lowering the rate on which her fingers traced circles around the woman’s underarms, in spite of all, her voice was clearly heard above her victim’s desperate pleas; who was losing the will to fight by the moment. On the other hand, he was disappointed because touching a girl’s feet was not that much exciting for him, not to mention it was an expensive rate. Sure, he, a master of seduction could make wonders if his hands reached a fine pair of feet from a fair lady. But that was only a measure that would lead him to higher goals. He looked at Shizune’s breasts bouncing every time she fought against the ticklish torment she suffered. That hypnotic movement convinced him. - Fine, book me for ten minutes - Shizune, damped in sweat moved her head sideways and renewed her efforts to run, which translated into more ticking, this time in her exposed navel - What will be the safe word? - He inquired putting the bills in the board - Shuriken - Replied the blonde securing that money between her breasts - Shuriken, shuriken, ahahahahaaa! Pleahahahase, no more I cahahahant! Take it! - The poor Young woman had fallen to the ground which gave Tsunade plenty of space to manoeuvre and torture her further - You can’t say that so soon. I need a penalty for you - The Hokage pulled at Shizune, making her seat next to her, removed her own shoes and put her feet over the table, making sure the assistant could see her wriggling toes - If you give up, you’ll have to lick my feet, like always - Jiraiya raised an eyebrow at this. The black-haired woman exhaled deeply. Tsunade was tickling her no more, that did not relieve her, she was worn out from that torment and knew that something worse would happen. With fear in her eyes, she saw impotently at Jirayiya putting her feet on her lap and taking his time to undo her high-heeled sandals. All the while, Tsunake held her in place, and considering her famous strength, she would not go anywhere. Her feet, already sweaty from the exhaustion proved to be slippery and sensitive to Jiraiya’s fingers. He slowly and teasingly traced figures on her soles that created different reactions jolting her spine. The way this man tickled her was in another league. Tsunade was playful and direct; he was subtle and evil, making her suffer the more. Her head was already spinning and the laughter only allowed her to pronounce discord words like “please”, “feet” and “not”. With her vision, blurry by tears, she observed at her superior’s feet and thought that her fee would be worth evading this hell. She was ready to give up, when the man did something that she did not expect: with one hand he held the pitiful and defeated woman’s toes in place, making sure her soles would not escape, with the other he formed a ball of rotating chackra in small scale and strength that he pressed against the immobile soles. The cry that Shizune let out was out of this world.

- For the love of the Fourth Hokage I didn’t expect you’d use a Rasengan to tickle Shizune’s feet. She even passed out! - Commented Tsunade, flexing her toes; her feet were still resting over the table, allowing for Jiraiya a full view of her flawless soles. The man tried not to stare at them, but after playing with the woman deep in slumber, he had the urge to touch those as well. Memories of their shared childhood came to him. He knew that Tsunade was pretty ticklish, and not only on her feet. The problem was that being tickled made her angry and in consequence an angry Tsunade was prone to break bones. - What can I say? I like to be creative. Shizune passed out after five minutes, half the time I booked. Do I get my refund? - He asked - Why? She didn’t say the safe word - Replied Tsunade back, counting her just received money - Because I didn’t let her - Insisted the man - Not my problem, you should’ve been gentler - Silence fell, until the most perverted mind in the world began to work. - You seem very familiar with this, Tsunade - The blonde raised an eyebrow - With raising money by letting people tickling Shizune? In moments of necessity, it’s a good way to keep creditors at bay. I once put her in some public stocks and when we were done we gathered 2.000.000 ryo - Jiraiya’s jaw dropped - That much?! But she’s so ticklish, how did you make sure she wouldn’t break too often? - Tsunade gleamed with malice - I told her that for every time she gave up, she would have to lick my feet for ten minutes. And I made sure not to wash them in a while. Those two hours were really nice. She’s quite talented at it, makes wonders in my arches - The woman stirred her soles and caressed the right arch using her left toes. Jiraiya gulped. Tsunade thought in silence - Now that you mention, many ninjas in the village are surely ticklish. I don’t think lots of people use tickling as a method of torture, but one can never be too sure - She paused - And yet we have not the time or the money to train them. All the repairs after all that bastard of Orochimaru did have taken its toll on the village safes - Nobody said anything - If only there was a way to kill two birds with half a stone and solve these problems... - She said absentmindedly rubbing her feet against the edge of the table. This was the chance Jiraiya was expecting - I might have an idea - Tsunade looked incuriously - What is it? - The Toad Hermit sipped his sake again, which was more than cold - I’m not telling you just yet - - C’mon, tell me, you can’t keep secrets from the Hokage! - She let her heels fall with force at the wooden surface - Changing the subject. What about you? Are you ticklish? - He slyly asked glancing at her soles, already aware of the answer and the obvious lie that would come - Me? Of course not - She said puffing her chest. The white-haired man leaned forward - Prove it - She squinted her eyes with suspicion until she spread her toes allowing him to touch her feet - Fine, but let’s make this a gamble: if you can’t make me laugh in less than one minute you’ll have to pay for all of my debts - Other person would quiver at this ordeal, not Jiraiya, who knew Tsunade’s legendary bad luck - And if I win you’ll use your power as Hokage and sing a proposal I have in mind - .

- I never thought I’d lose that bet - Lamented Tsunade looking at the mess she had organized. The day after that strange night she woke up at her desk just to find the said proposal signed by her own hand. She trembled as she read the details but a glint of hope was left: the elders at the council would not accept that. She felt thirty years older when she read the formal reply on which she was complimented for her innovative ideas and wished her a prosperous rule as the fifth Hokage. - What did I do? - She lamented, but there was no time to go back, not when the Shogun lord, all of the village’s sponsors and others were already reunited and seated, waiting for the spectacle to being.

Another kind of anxiety was taking place behind the curtain. There, five girls passed time and killed their nervousness the best way they could. Some talked among each others, a few argued about boys. But there was one who felt this mystery to be beyond her. The white-eyed Hinata Hyuga did not make eye contact with the rest of girls. She sat shyly on the chair she was assigned. Her head was slightly tilted to the ground, her cheeks blushing at the nervousness of being exposed at the stares and judgement of so many people. She did not have the time to worry anymore, one Jounin entered. It was that nice ninja who always had a toothpick in his lips. The black-haired girl never remembered his name - Are you ready girls? The exam will start soon. Please take the seats assigned to you - Several questions were made, although the newcomer waved them aside with his hand - That will come later. First seat as you were told. I will then restrain you, so make sure your hands are behind your back, with this pole in- between it and your wrists. And then put your ankles on these stocks. Just like this - He used the girl in at the edge as an example, which the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family did not watch, busy as always looking at her indexes touching their tips. - Hinata, was it? - The voice startled her - I will have to ask you to remove your coat - The girl turned red, but she would not disrespect a senior ninja and did as told. Despite wearing an inner black shirt and a gray mail beneath, she felt bared. The clicking sound of the stocks at her ankles made her feel the more vulnerable and she thought whether she would like this exam or not.

The mood was set. Everyone cheered and wanted the show to start. After all they had paid the fee to have a seat at the congregation. All of the earnings would be designated to the reconstruction of the village. This and the curiosity about what kind of festivity this new Hokage would have prepared made them pay happily. Nobody wanted to miss this event. The excitement was around, people made guesses about what this strange competition would be, and some were already making bets about it. Even a selected group that did not have to pay any cost were looking forward to what would unfold. Those were the remaining Genins whose female partners were held captive - Hey Fuzzy-brows. Are you excited? - Asked Naruto greeting the enthusiastic boy wearing a green jumpsuit, - You bet I am, I will remove my weighted pads and save Ten-Ten the first of all with my speed. And I will even save Sakura while I’m at it, so that she falls in love with me seeing my juvenile spirit! - His eyes burned with the passion of youth - No way, Sakura is mine for me to save, you get it? - An endless and meaningless discussion followed after. More ninjas waited in silence for the final revelation - Finally they are going to say it. Man, how troublesome this is... - Said Shikamaru Nara to himself.

The audience fell silent when they saw a man stepping in front of the scenario. A thick curtain behind him hinted a secret yet to be known - Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention? It is an honour to present this special Ninja exam, this one is a bit different to what you expect - Said the man removing the toothpick from his mouth. A second Jounin appeared wearing a blue shawl on his head, embedded with the distinctive bandana with the symbol of the leaf, he coughed before taking on where his partner had left - Allow me to introduce you the courageous Genins that will fight to gain the title of Chunin! - A cliché drum roll sounded while the curtain elevated, the audience exchanged nervous whispers when they saw five girls seating in a row of sturdy chairs. Each of them had a wooden pole behind to where their arms where tied. In front, a set of individual stocks held their young ankles immobile and allowed the audience to look at the soles of their blue obligatory sandals - The idea behind this test - Explained the ninja with the toothpick - To prove our future ninjas’ capacities without resorting to violence - - That’s right, the way of the Ninja is not only carved with battles - Added the one with the shawl - In a mission many unexpected things can happen. To make sure this test imitates real-life conditions none of the contestants know what they are expected to do. Let me demonstrate - He walked at the, from his point of view, top right position where a blond, blue-eyed girl with a purple top and bandages around her body smiled confidently - What’s your name? - - Ino Yamanaka - - And what do you think is the goal of this exam - - I think that we need to be able to break from our bonds as soon as possible - He vowed and thanked the girl who looked around pleased to see people in the audience agreeing with her. The next one was a girl with brown short hair that barely fell to her shoulders. Her clothing consisted on a grey tracksuit - And you are? - - Hanabi Hyuga - She replied, her eyes fixated in the distance, at the balcony were her father was - What do you think you will be asked to do? - - Whatever it is I will make sure to stand up to my clan’s honour - The Jounin did not expect this but kept on with the interview. At the centre was a healthy girl with short pink hair, her green eyes gleamed with decision, a red suit and a pair of black legging was her attire - I’m Sakura Haruno - Said the girl anticipating the question - And I think we have to make sure that our partners can rescue us in time - Following this, at the left was an embarrassed black-haired girl. She wore a black shirt and dark grey trousers - What is your name? - The ninja got no answer - So? - The girl babbled something softly - Could you repeat - Hi...Hinata Hyuga! - The girl turned red, she had located a certain blond boy among the public and as much as the presenter asked her she would not give any more answers. Only a girl, whose brown hair was collected into two mignons had a peculiar pink shirt and green shorts that went bellow her knees, was left - And finally we got - - Tenten! - She replied calmly - And what is the reason behind this? - She cavilled for a little until she said - Judging from this situation, I think we will have to endure some kind of interrogation. But that would be silly, I mean to make all this fuss for that, Isn’t it? - She asked. The presenters exchanged nervous looks between them and the Hokage in her balcony - Proceed - She seemed to say. - As you can see, none of them know what they are required to do - Announced the one with the toothpick - Now I would ask for a volunteer that will help me explain the rules of this exam - Sakura smiled, prepared to impress Sasuke, who she knew was cheering for him, although he was doing nothing of the sort - I will! - Shouted Ino before she could muster a word - Sorry Sakura, it looks like I’m ahead of you, or should I say “forehead”? - Sakura bit her lips in frustration, who that pig thought she was? The presenters paid no heed to these quarrels and got near the blonde - Thanks for volunteering. Do you mind if we make you more comfortable and remove your shoes? - Ino looked puzzled but nodded approvingly. No one spoke waiting to see what would happen next, until Ino burst into laughter all out of sudden - Ehehehe, what are you doing? - She giggled moving her now bare feet as little as the stocks permitted. Despite her occupation, the girl was devoted to her body and took good care of it. Her feet were no exception and they appeared perfect, almost like she just had left from a pedicure session. Her soles were smooth without any blemish that could hinder their beauty. The toes were long and slender. Soft wrinkles formed from her erratic movement - Ticklish? Then I guess you won’t like the exam - Announced the presenter with a toothpick. Who was teasing the soles by wriggling a single finger up and down the arches - Whahat do you mean? - Asked the girl tugging at her bounds. She was not comfortable with her position, having her sensitive feet touched in front of so many people without anything to do to avoid it. A brief rest was given to the Ninja who panted heavily after an instant of tickling on her soles. With a worried expression, she saw the Jounin with the shawl using a small piece of cord to tie her big and little toes to a series of sockets above the binding contraption. Her vulnerability was total, she tested her new bounds to see that she could only move six of her ten toes. Meanwhile the remaining Jounin continued with his exposition - I shall explain the rules of this contest. Please, carry on - He said nodding to his partner who scrabbled all of his fingers in the taut and creamy soles. The reaction was immediate - Nohohoho!!! Don’t tihihicle mehehehe!!!! Not the fehehehehet, they are vehehery tihihihicklish! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! - Ino’s screams echoed in the stadium giving the impression a myriad of girls were sharing her destiny. The rest of tied Genins looked at her with apprehension - As you can see, this girl has a fatal weakness than can easily be exploited. She and her companions will be tickled in rounds of five minutes each, with a short rest of half that time between. During the first hour approximately - Ino buckled at this - Hohohohour?!? I can’t even stand a second of this! Ahahahahaha!! - - These lovely ladies will be tickled by the promising Genins who recently got the title. The reason for this is simple, not only a Ninja must be able to endure torture and keep secrets; they must be able to extract them. All kind of tickling methods are allowed, even the use of tools - He smiled, removed the toothpick from his mouth and graced the quivering feet with its tip, making the poor girl turn ballistic when her heels were pinched with that instrument - NOHOHOHO, NOT THAT!!! I WANT OUT OF THIS!!!! AHAHAHA!!! - She cried.

Only after full five minutes of squealing and pleading Ino was allowed a respite - She glared around angrily - Nobody...nobody told me about this! I don’t want to take part of it, let me out! - She said upset trashing at her bonds with renewed strength - Preposterous! - Shouted the Hokage herself - That cowardice won’t save you in case an enemy captures you. Nobody said being a ninja came without effort. But if you insist on leaving you will be demoted from your actual rank! And this goes for everyone - .

The crowd broke in a round of applause and cheering - Way to go! - - Yeah, everybody has suffered lately, why can’t we have some fun? - - This new Hokage is amazing! - Were some of the hurrahing heard. The discourse had moved them to a point Tsunade could not even believe - The people of this town are crazy... - She mustered. It was already weird all of the approval this idea was receiving. But the worst of wall was when she informed the head of some houses about her project, especially the Hyuuga’s reactions. She knew those were proud, but to the point of only allowing their eldest daughter to participate on this unless the condition of Hanabi also entering was not fulfilled? Ridiculous. Involving little children in this charade was out of the question, but the Hyuuga’s insisted that Hinata would only bring shame to them, something that Hanabi would compensate for. In the end she had to use a transforming technique to temporally give the girl the body of a teenager. A friendly hand patted her shoulder - You did well, after all this is just some innocent fun and... - Jiraiya stopped, something had caught his attention. In the ground, near the boys who were taking their place next to the girls whose feet were being revealed and bound. Kakashi looked at the Pervert Hermit with a serious expression and they gave the thumb-ups to each other - This was your idea, wasn’t it? - - Sure was and just wait for the other part of the show! - - Are we getting a new novel from this? - - Of course you will - Their dialogue was one that only a writer and his fans could have by using that special bond they shared - Miss Tsunade, what are they doing? - Asked an intrigued Shizune - Just ignore them. Look, the first official round is starting - .

The girls were prepared to what would be the longest hour in their lives. Some were more nervous than others, especially Ino who had already experienced it. Sakura was a bit concerned, Hanabi did not show any hints of preoccupation, Hinata was blushing and Tenten was shivering with anticipation. They all looked at the boys they got assigned to be their tormenters - Before we actually start: The girls will have the choice to stop their ticklish distress if they use a safe word. In honour of our lovely village it will be “Hidden Leaf”. Each time a girl says it, the tickling will stop for the rest of the round. Of course she will still be in her seat for everyone to see. Each tickler will have one opportunity with each girl, but if they break them, they will try again with any girl they like. In the end judging from the amount of times a girl has surrendered or a boy had tickled their victim’s will out, a council of experts will determine who the more worthy for the rank ascension is. But other aspects will be taken into account as well, so more than one Genin might get their chances! Obviously, as the Hokage has said, if a girl decides to leave she will be demoted one rank. And finally all kind of bets are allowed! - The girls swallowed hard when a bizarre chart was unveiled, on which their names and all short of terrifying data was shown - Who will break first? Who will be the best tickler? You can try your luck with this and much more during this evening. Remember that a tax will be applied to all the wagers, and these earnings will be used to rebuild our village. It’s for a good cause after all. Now let’s start! - An approving cheering answered this announcement, the spectators were anxious as well as the ticklers that had been decided via raffle.

The boys took their positions and where received with different effects. - Shikamaru? Why couldn’t it be Sasuke... - Complained Ino at the corner of the row - Like I know, man how troublesome, let’s get this over with... - The boy with the upwards ponytail said - I swear I’ll kill you after this - Menaced the girl, the boy closed his eyes, tired, he was the first one who would rather be at house having a nap. Next to them Hanabi looked with disgust at the Ninja assigned to her - Could you at least stop eating those chips, touching me with your dirty fingers would be disgraceful - The slightly over-weighted boy realized his mistake - Oh, sure. It’s only five minutes, I think I can wait a bit - He said cleaning his hands from some crumbles at his fingers. At the Hyuga girl’s left, Sakura was glaring at the other corner - What? Tenten gets tickled by Sasuke?! If she tries to seduce him in any way I’m gonna... - Neji Hyuga, Hinata and Hanabi’s cousin from the lower branch of the family coughed. He did not like to be ignored. And finally Hinata and her team partner Shino did not exchange any words, due to the girl’s shyness and the boy’s mysteriousness. Everybody was nervous for it to begin. - Start now! - Shouted the Jounins, making the crowd roar. A total of fifty fingers tickled ten soles with different intensities and strategies. At least after one second from the start of this competition, none of the girls laughed openly. Hanabi closed her eyes and breathed calmly, evading from the sensations the clumsy Chouji produced in her soles. Although she noticed that resisting them was harder than she anticipated: her body was artificially transformed to make it look a few years older thanks to Tsunade’s skills. That meant she was not accustomed to the new shape and size of her feet, which had pointy toes and a slim frame, and thus the sensitivity. Fortunately for her, Chouji was not a master in playing the melody of laughter. Her sister was not having a better time, she twitched involuntarily at light touches Shino produced on her pale feet, silky petite and alluring, compared to her sister’s, hers were a bit more round. She bit her lips and giggled silently with her eyes closed, she did her best to impress Naruto, who was in the back row looking boring for not having been chosen in the first round. Sitting between the sisters, Sakura tried to maintain her proud posture. She and Ino exchanged stares and silently teased each other - Give up you stupid pig! - Said Sakura not using any words - In your dreams, you monstrous-foreheaded freak! - Was the soundless reply she got. They rather argue than to see their beloved Sasuke impassibly tickling the wrinkly and not especially well-taken care soles of Tenten, the girl looked forward with a confident smile. Could it be she was not ticklish? Sakura hoped that was not the case. It was hard already to avoid laughing at Neji’s fingers. How come he was that good at tickling her? The boy sensed the tension in her wonderful-looking feet, worthy of winning a beauty competition, and made a little exposition - You know that my technique consists of altering chakra currents in sixty four different points of the body. What makes you think there isn’t any on your soles? I advice you give up before I go for real with you - Nnng, never... - She panted - I can’t laugh yet... - Neji raised an eyebrow and Sakura saw a defenceless little girl reflected in his grey eyes. He changed his tactic: instead of grazing her soles up and down with the tip of his fingers, he pressed different specific points, sending bolting signals that urged her to laugh. She breathed hard, how long had already passed? The girls exchanged worried looks, all of them were doing their best not to laugh. The reason for their stubbornness was simple: gambling records had a square that read “first one to laugh”, with data on guesses about whose laughter will be heard first. Obviously none of the girls wanted to have this dubious honour. Curiously Hanabi had the higher amounts waged, Ino the lesser. The blonde tugged at her bonds, it was unfair, even Sakura had more money bet on her! Everybody had seen her laughing, but it was not her fault, she was not expecting to be tickled! Now her mind was set to endure the torture. Too bad her soles did not share that idea and commanded her to laugh - Noooo.... - She whispered biting her lips - I can’t laugh, not before Sakura. But it tickles... - - Did you say something? - Asked Shikamaru, tickling her toes one by one - Mind you own!!!!!! Ahahahaha!!!! Nohoho, not so shohohoon!!! - Ino realized too late that by insulting her partner she opened her mouth and let it release all of the stored laughter. The spectators exploded when they saw the first girl laughing hard at her predicament. Some cheering tried to console her, others were angry for having lost their money on her. Out of sudden Sakura, among her ticklish tribulations looked down on her - He, serves you righhihihihihi!!! Oh nohohohoho!!! - The pink-haired girl had repeated the mistake of her rival and little by little the girls joined them, making the stadium echo with their guffaws. Hinata’s giggles were faint and low, in par with her shy personality. Shino was not an avid tickler, but that did not mean he would spare her any second of relief. Hanabi was bothered at this newfound weakness. Only Tenten was handling Sasuke’s bored fingers all around her soles.

- Nohohohoho!!!! Gehehhet away from my fehehehet!!!!! - -Stohohohppp!!! Not the toes, not the toes, not the toes!!!! - Hihihi…please…No more… - - This is ridicuolous…ufuhuhu… - Were some of the cries, screams, pleads and begs that echoed in the stadium. A bell rang all out of sudden which could only mean - First round finished! - Now let’s decide the following ticklers! - The girls’ longest five minutes of their lives had finished. They all sweated and panted heavily like they had run a marathon. They all shared worried looks, could they endure more of that? They had no time to think anymore, a new wave of fresh ticklers was decided. The boy clad in a coat accompanied by his dog, Kiba, stood in front of Ino’s red soles - This will be fun, right Akamaru? - He said, his dog barked in agreement. Neji and Hanabi stared at each other seriously. In opposition to this, Sakura’s worse fears had come true - Not you, anyone but you! - She said, her green eyes darting everywhere just to avoid Naturo’s simpleton smile - Surprise, little Sakura, I can wait to make you laugh! You’ll see is not that bad, believe it! - He announced. Next to them the enthusiastic Rock Lee vowed at Hinata - I’m sorry if I cause you distress but I don’t plan to lose this fight! - The girl was too embarrassed to reply. Finally, Shikamaru had a chance to tickle another girl, his new target would be Tenten - I got a question - His hand was raised, the presenters allowed him to expose his thoughts - Are we only limited to tickle their feet? - - As long as you don’t hurt them or touch them indecently, there’s no limitation on where to tickle - Tenten gulped hard at this, she knew Shikamaru was some kind of genius, but he could not have paid attention to all of the girls reactions...

- The second round starts…now! - The announcers were getting full of the contagious excitement. Even the boys shared the same smile, both for enjoyment of letting go their most sadistic impulses and for the challenge and the thrill of being tested. The girls were the opposite, they all suffered their personal hell laughing and testing their bonds, wanting to run away from the avid fingers that tickled them without remorse. Nevertheless, at the second round their pride and strength had not abandoned them and they managed to hold the laughter somehow. The bets had changed this time based on the previous display. Tenten was in the lead, she had shown the greatest composure before, Hanabi followed her and obviously Ino was still at the end of the row, not many people supported her or Sakura, they were the first ones that broke in laughter before. This gave them an extra boost and they forced their bodies to resist what their poor soles were enduring - Say, Akamaru. Did you know that Ino once mocked me because she said my sharp nails were disgusting? - Kiba’s dog barked at this question - Let’s see what she says know when I use them to tickle her little feet. Laugh Ino, it’s easier to let it go - The blonde waved her head back and forth, she would not give that freak the satisfaction. Her rival Sakura was not having a better time, of all the possible ticklers, why did it have to be Naruto! - Wow, you are cuter than usual when you are tickled! - Complimented the living hurricane. Sakura wished she could kick that stupid face of his, but she was bound fast to the stocks, she wriggled her free toes, a grave error, Naruto considered this an invitation to tickle them. He even when for the edge of her nails, just below them, where the flesh started. That untouched and unexplored area of her body empoisoned with ticklish orders - No, I can’t laugh, not with this freak of Naruto tickling me! - She thought, but the boy was a natural at that, he went for her bound toes and she bucket in protest - C’mon Sakura, I want to see you laugh. Do it for me - Said Naruto grinning evilly - mahahater whahhat happens... - Managed to retort Sakura among giggles - Even if I do this? - The ten toes of the underprivileged girl received a dose of attention from Naruto which made her point her head to the bright sky - Noooo!!! Naruto, stop this at once, not the toes, not the toes!!! - Screamed internally her more violent deep self. She gritted her teeth, making a hissing sound as the giggles escaped trough them. Tenten had a worried expression in her face. Shikamaru had not touched her and two minutes had already passed since the round started. She should consider herself lucky for saving herself some moments of torture. The problem was that the ninja had crouched, joined his fingers and closed his eyes. That meant only one thing: he was thinking. He was known to be a genius that always played safe. So even if he would have almost half the time to tickle her, he was surely devising a plan - Tenten, I don’t think your feet are that ticklish. I’ll prove it in three steps - He said with decision - What do you mean? Of course my feet are very ticklish! - Claimed the girl. He got up and pointed one finger at her - That’s one step, to make you deny this fact - He walked around until getting behind her - What are you doing? You are wasting your time - Explained the girl nervously - Second step. You confirmed my theory - Out of sudden he stroked a finger on the girl’s covered belly making her explode in laughter - Nohohohoho, not the tuhuhuhumy!!!! - Shikamary smiled - Third step, you are begging me to stop - .Nothing more needed to be said, the girl had admitted her weakness and was laughing her heart out by having her cute bare stomach tickled resiliently.

The second round ended. The five female ninjas were catching their breath, knowing they would need it in the following session of ticklish hell. Sakura and Ino, the eternal rivals, had their cheeks turned red. Their torturers had made a perfect job on their ticklish feet. They were even tempted at the idea of giving up. Kiba’s sharp nails were precise tools that favoured the balls of Ino’s sensitive feet and Naruto, frenetic as he was, never allowed Sakura for a moment of respite. She abandoned the hope of not laughing, actually the two of them howled and pleaded for it to stop and they were reminded that by saying the safe words all would end. Naruto even thought of something more sinister - I don’t mind if you actually say “Hidden Leaf” but if you agreed to going on a date with me...I could stop tickling you - He offered. The answer was immediate - NEHEHEHEHEHEHEVER!!!! I’D RATHER KISSS A FILTHY TOAD!!! AHAHAHAHA YOU CAN TIHIHIHICKLE ME ALL YOU LIKE THAT WIHIHIHILLL NEVER HAPPEN!!!! AHAHAHAH NOT THE THE TOES!!!! - Aside from that, Rock Lee vowed courtly - Thanks for bearing this, I admit your resistance and wish you luck in this contest! - Hinata was blushing at this exhibit of politeness. She was breathing in short intervals, not because the tickling had been terrible. In fact she felt weird by remembering the way those bandaged fingers touched her. Did she like that way of being tickled? Her laughter was not agonic like her competitors. She wondered how the next round would be. Tenten, contrary to this, was lying on her seat, defeated. Her stomach still tingled from the pressure of the tickling, she almost feel Shikamaru’s fingers all over it. She was worn out and did not know how she would survive another assault. Only Hannabi retained a sense of composure. Neji had been methodical, she actually ordered him not to give her any concessions, and he obliged. She burst in laughter like the rest, but she regained her strength in no time.

The tormenters for the third round got to their places. Unexpected to everybody, the Hokage stood on her feet and spoke - Listen my friends, I hope you are having fun in this competition. So far none of the girls has given up. I’m proud of them for that and I will further encourage them to do so. Hereby, I declare: the girl who at the end of this evening says the words “Hidden Leaf” the lesser amount of times will have any proposal they ask signed by me. As long as it’s something sensible and acceptable, my signature will allow for any wish they got granted - The crowd cheered at this attempt to spice things up. The girls’ eyes shone with decision. This was a once in a life chance! Both Ino and Sakura pierced Sasuke with their gazes; with the help of the Hokage they could have the romantic date with him they have always dreamed! The rest of the girls had their own goals, not all of them were so visible - But that wouldn’t be fair for all, to encourage the ticklers I will grant another wish to them as well! Now let’s us begin! - A bigger roar was heard, now the stakes were set high and an amazing spectacle was bound to occur!

The third round started, the five pairs of ticklish soles were tickled with abandon by the same amount of greedy hands. It was a fight of wills, ticklers versus ticklees. The girls tried not to laugh, but the emphasis on with they were tickled was too much for them. First of all was Hanabi, who had ten sharp claws grazing her young soles. As much as she hated it she was laughing hard - Huhuhuhuhu, this is hahaha un bearable! - She said - You think so? I have something in store for you. I suggest you gave up know before I show you! - Announced Kiba. The proud girl was not impressed and tried to give a serious expression that was twisted by her ticklish laughter - Nehehehehever!!! - .The tickling in her feet stopped, what could that hooded boy be thinking? - C’mon, Akamaru, hit me! - Ordered the boy to his dog who leaped from his jacked and head- butted him. A cloud of smoke formed and within it a lodge appeared - Perfect! - Said Kiba holding his dog and putting it over the top of the wooden structure. Hanabi frowned, that dog was dangerously close her soles. She breathed nervously, could it be that this boy would attempt something like that? Her sudden shriek gave voice to her fears - YOUHOHOHO CAN’T DO THAT!!!! Take that dog away from meehehehehe!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! - At Kiba’s order, the faithful Akamaru licked the bound and delicious flesh of Hanabi’s feet. Overloading her with sensations she did not know they could exist - If you don’t like it you can always give up - Said Kiba going for her tenders armpits, doubling the rate and pitch of her laughter - This is cheahahahating!!!! Nohohoho, not the underarms toooohohoho!!!! - . The Jounins interceded at her desperate plea - The members of his clan share a bond with their dogs, and since they are not hurting you this doesn’t go against the rules, we said that tools were allowed right? - All the girls trembled at this. Kiba had just opened a door for new devilish ideas to torture them. Hanabi was crying from this combined assault on both her feet, soaked in the dog’s saliva, and her soft underarms, hazed by the boy’s pointy nails. This nervousness was shared by Sakura, if only a little, another feeling overwhelmed her - Sasuke...I know you are a gentleman and you wouldn’t fall for something this silly, right? - She asked, giving her cutest and most trained look. There was something in the boy’s eyes that she did not like, his usual apathy was changed by a different thing - Sorry Sakura, I know this is stupid. But look at Naruto - They both turned their heads at the seat to the left of the girl, there was the blond boy talking while he tickled effusively Hinata’s gorgeous feet - He’s stupid, he does silly things, and usually lives to tell the tale. Why? I think I got the answer: nobody expects stupid things. What if I need to get information from someone who knows about my brother? I won’t stop at anything to get my revenge and this person would not surely expect me to tickle them. I guess I will have to use you for training - Sakura swallowed hard when she saw the determination in Sasuke’s eyes. The way he caressed the outside of her feet and aimed for the top of them caused her to laugh immediately - Ahahahaha!! Pleahahahse, Sasuke not that fahahahast!!! I’ cahahahant breatheehehehe! - Sasuke looked at her with coldness - Don’t expect me to go easy on you for being a member of my team, this is a competition after all if you don’t like it give up - The girl wriggled her toes, she scrunched them, which gave the boy more room to tickle the top of them, a part of her body she did not know was so ticklish. Meanwhile, the sweet and quiet Hinata was having a clash of opposing sensations, she was being tickled mercilessly, which did not tickle her fancy, and at the same time she was enjoying Naruto’s, the person her heart beat for, attention - Ahahaha. Pleahahahase, not that fast, my fehehehet - Hinata herself was surprised she had overcome her usual shyness and talked this much to the boy. If being laughing softly could be considered as such. She remembered their conversation before starting with this situation - Naruto... I... hmmm... I don’t like being tickled but if it’s you... Please don’t be too rough and I’ll invite you to ramen - She had said blushing, scrunching her free toes - Oh, so now I have to tickle you Hinata. I don’t have anything against you, but I need to make sure you give up - He replied - Why is that? - The girl was confused at this - I will be the one who breaks the most of you and then I will ask the Hokage to hand over her title - The dark-haired ninja felt invaded by that enthusiasm and said something - I see...hmm, then I will give up for you... - Naruto was shocked at this - Would you do that for me? - The silent girl nodded - Hmm that won’t do, that would be cheating. Besides, I want to hear you laugh; I bet you look very cute when you do - The girl’s cheek burned hard at this statement. She glanced at Naruto with a warm smile - You are right...I will also do my best - She stopped and thought - Tickle me all you want...if I say the safe words I’ll treat you to a ramen! - The boy’s clue eyes sparkled - Promise? - Hinata nodded. Naruto warped his pinkie around Hinata’s smallest toes - It’s settled then, your hands are tied so this will have to do - Hinata giggled at this adorable and childish behaviour - That’s what I meant - Said Naruto - Your smile is very cute, not as cute as Sakura who is the cutest girl in the world but you are not half-bad - The said girl would soon scream from mercy at the hands of Sasuke - I can’t wait to hear your laughter - Hinata did not like that phrase, Naruto was a bit oblivious if he thought that could be an actual compliment. She had a strong competition against Sakura and needed to make her move - Naruto... if you don’t break me... - The blond stopped his wriggling fingers that approached the girls taut and pale soles - Oh that, what will I have to do then? - Hinata blushed even more - I’ll let you try whenever you want after this exam. I will have that ramen waiting for you. Hinata was regretting this offer she made one minute ago. Naruto was pumped up at that. His fingers trailed all around her soles, moving at immeasurable speed and tickling her skin in patterns and directions that she could not anticipate. She wanted to move her feet away, but she had to remain still and to endure it - Hmm, I wonder where else are you ticklish? - With that, the hurricane-boy teased all of the girl’s body, he tried her calves first, her knees, thighs, stomach, sides, underarms, neck... He was surprised to see there was no ending to her sensitivity. He tickled Hinata with decision and the girl laughed earnestly but she did not give up, if she did she would lose another opportunity of spending time with her beloved one. Despite that, begging and sobbing was something natural and uncontrollable - Nohohoho, pleahahaahahseehehe, not thehehere!!! - - You - Asked Naruto lifting Hinata’s shirt and revealing a sensitive soft tummy that made the girl jump in her seat. The soft skin trembled at the touch and tugged, attempting to separate itself from the unrelenting fingers that battered it to no avail. Naruto enjoyed the girl’s reaction when pinching, grazing and touching the silk-like tummy from the Hyuugas’ second in the heirloom line - Ihihihihi, plehahahase Naruto, I can’t take any more of that, ehehehe - Complained Hinata softly - Then I guess you should give up - Teased Naruto making sure his fingers would mercilessly tickle Hinata’s receptive stomach and directed them to her bellybutton - Nohohohoho, I wohohohont do that!! Ahahahaha, not the bellybutton, ehehehehe!!!!! - The blond suddenly got curious - Is hit worse than your feet? - He asked twisting a finger in that precious depression at the girl’s slender abdomen that made her buck in her seat laughing non-stop - I, ehehehe, don’t know...ahahahaha!!!! - Cried the girl pathetically while jumping and fighting against her bounds. Naruto found those reactions interesting and thought he would have to test later on which part of Hinata’s body was the most receptive to his tickling attacks.

The round ended with the five girls’ sore throats exhaling endless waves of laughter. They all got their resistance tested, although Hanabi’s state was deplorable. The bets had shifted and she was no longer the favourite, but her older sister. The reason was simple, the combined assault of Kiba’s fingers and Akamaru’s tongue was too much for her. Her feet were thoroughly coated in the dog’s saliva, she remembered with fear the overloading of sensations. That dog would lap her soles in ways she could not anticipate and it did not forget any part of them. The worst part was that, due to her big toes tied together, when the dog licked the inside of her arches, it would have reach to both feet with a single slide of its tongue. The animal’s whiskers did not help either to remain her sanity - Nohohohooo that, take that dog away. Anything but that. Ohohohoho it’s lihihihicking me, I can’t stand it!!! Nohohohot my feet!!!! - That torture was enough in itself, but the stimulus in her bare underarms was worse, all the nerve endings in that sensitive area of her body screamed at the same time, she could not help but to shiver as the tickling-inducing sensations governed her mind. Which tickled more? Her tired and wet soles or her constantly harassed armpits? Her mind only worried one thing: to desperately laugh from the sensory overload she was suffering at those two ticklish fronts - You can always give up, unless you like this... - Whispered her tormenter in her ears. This was a revelation to the girl who, not being able to endure much of that torment shouted - NOHOHOHOHOHO HI-HI-HIHIHIDEN... - - HIDEN LEAF!!!!! PLEAHAHASE NO MORE OF THAT!!!! NOT MY SIHIHIHIHIDESSSSS!!!! - Everybody was startled at Ino’s sudden burst of laughter. Shino, her tickler was not touching her, yet the girl was panting frantically, trashing at her bonds. Both ticklers and victims saw that black dots were travelling around her body: it was the ninja’s special technique. He had used the bugs that lived in his body to tickle the blonde into madness, her chest moved up and down at the continuous laughing. It seemed that the myriad of crawling little legs elicited ticklish torture in all of her body. She had screamed the most when her stomach and bare knees were assaulted by the army in miniature, the insects’ countless spiky and hairy legs would stroke against her susceptible skin, making her squeal in agony when they explored her bandage-covered torso and no matter how much she pleaded, the arbiters did not see this method against the rules - You can stop now - Announced the Jounins - you will have your chance later to pick a girl in an extra round, choose wisely - Shino did not say anything and let the girl rest, a bitter respite, she had broke the first. Hanabi thanked silently for this turn of events, the surprise made Kiba and Akamaru stop, but it there was still plenty of time for her to suffer that feared raspy tongue on her soft feet, not to mention the sharp claw-like nails would surely target her receptive underarms as well - Rats, now Shino is on the lead! - Cursed Kiba in silence, he swore he had almost broken his girl. He guessed he would have to make the best of it during what was left from the allotted time. Hanabi gritted her teeth and received the terrible combo once more until the round was over. The crowd echoed in shouts and applauded, they all saw how Hanabi was about to give up and cheered the girl, giving her the morale she needed for the next ordeal of her predicament. The rest of her competitors all shared faces of tiredness. Ino had seen how the quiet Shino could torment her into submission and had a regretful expression in her face. Hanabi breathed relieved, her personal inferno had ended. Sakura was crying; she had turned into an instrument whose melody was skilfully played by Sasuke, who did not only focus on her feet, he saw that her legging-covered thighs were quite ticklish as well and promptly attacked them. Hinata, smiled happy with herself, Naruto had complimented her for her stamina despite all the ticklish approaches he used. And finally Tenten was out of breath; her tickler had been Rock Lee, who had removed his extra weight and, moving faster than the eye could see, tickled her at such speed that it gave the image of a group of Lees taunting her. The sensory overload was great, but she would not allow someone like the big-furrowed boy to break her.

Finally the round was over, Ino had been given a rest and her name echoed in the cheering from the people, most of them wanted to give her the courage to go on. Others were not this understanding - Things sure are heating up, I wonder if someone else will break in the next round? - Asked between coughs one of the Jounins. Ino stood a bit, hearing her name among the voices of the crowd gave her a little of strength that she knew she could need: the last member of her group was going to tickle her - Chouji, can’t you stop eating for a second? - The boy stopping devouring his potato chips, his right frown twitched - Are you suggesting I’m a fat moron obsessed with eating? - He claimed angry - I didn’t say that, I don’t want my feet dirty with your chips crumbles and fat just because you can’t... - She gulped, she had used the forbidden word in front of her overweighed partner - I’M NOT FAT, MY BONES ARE JUST BIG!!!!! - He exploded and tickled the girl’s feet relentlessly making her squeal in laughter. The arbiters looked at each other - Someone is a bit anxious, okay let the fourth round begin... - Said the one with the toothpick. Tenten was annoyed with the tickler assigned to her - Naruto...It had to be you...I won’t let someone like you break me! - She said looking down on the boy - Funny that you say that, but you will scream the safe words in no time, believe it! - She crossed his fingers and a flow of Chakra surrounded him.


With an explosion nine copies of Naruto appeared and placed themselves at different places of Tenten’s body - Wait a moment, you can’t use techniques! - She complained - Why not? Shino and Kiba are using their animals. This is my tool! - He retorted. The arbiters did not mind this, meaning he was free to do as he wished. A total of ninety fingers attacked simultaneously her body. Two Narutos were on her feet, two on the knees, one at each of her sides, other at her stomach and finally another tickled her neck while the last went for her ears. The original observed the situation and gave orders to his personal army. Tenten turned hysterics in a matter of seconds - Pleaahahahahahahse, not this, I can’t take this, it tickles so much! - She cried - We can see that! - Said a Naruto - Where does it tickles the most? - Asked the one tickling her abdomen - It’s us! - Said the duo tormenting her quivering feet - No, me! - Exclaimed the Naruto at the neck - I dohohon’t know, it tihichihickles!!!! - Replied the pitiful girl, who, judging from her body reactions, was having the worst time by having her knees and stomach tickles, at least those were the areas of her body that trashed the most while being tickled by this unstoppable combined assault - Guys, focus I think you almost got her - Ordered the original Naruto. With this the boys tickled Tenten with such enthusiasm that her laughter turned into an animalistic gurgling sound - Ahahaha, nohohoho - Cried Tenten, she wanted to resist, she could not allow herself to fall under that goofy excuse of a Ninja that was Naruto, however it tickled so much. She tried to grit her teeth, empty her mind, to think about anything else. Nothing helped; the reality of those many fingers torturing her was too vivid. So many of her weak spots were simultaneously attacked, giving her no solace to evade herself from her ordeal. Then, the back of her knees were tickled, and that, added to the great sensitivity of her bare underarms made her flinch in pure ticklish terror. She tried one last desperate measure - Ahahaha, nohohohot my fehehehet! Anywhehehere but my fehehehet!!! - With any luck Naruto would fall to that trap of hers. She was still ticklish at the soles of her feet, although not as much as other areas. Unfortunately, that did not work, one of the clones at her feet decided to help his fellow mates by tickling her stomach. At that moment she knew she had lost it - IHIHIHIHIHI, HIDEN LEAF!!!! AHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! - Shouted Tenten. The clones gave the high fives to each other before disappearing - I knew this wouldn’t fail - Naruto expressed his happiness, he was not a step closer to win the competition. What about the rest of girls? Sasuke and Hanabi were having a duel of gifted Young geniuses. The girl giggled lightly at the unnerving and unpredictable attacks from Sasuke who would fondle at the juvenile soles without hesitation. He had not missed Naruto’s victory and thought he would not be less - I’d suggest you baked-up now, or else you won’t like what I got in store for you - Hanabi, giggling did not say anything. The dark-haired boy made a series of seals with his hands.


From the palm of his right hand a bolt of electric energy appeared, however it was a faint one, enough to cover his fingers. Kakashi, the one who taught him that technique was impressed - You are improving, it’s not easy to control the Chidori and to graduate the energy so it’s non-lethal - Despite this he removed his bandana just so his special eye could watch closely the boy, in case something went wrong. Hanabi began to sweat hard, her feet were still wet from the dog saliva and knew that the electricity would have a greater effect. Sasuke used a descending move on her soles, which suffered an immediate spasm - Ohohohohohouuu!!! Not that! Not that!!!! Ahahahahaha not the heeels!!!! - The boy had maintained his fingers still in that area were the skin was more rough and receptive to his electric touch. Hanabi felt her tickling receptors at the verge of exploding. She was already exhausted from the previous ordeal from the tandem formed by Kiba and Akamaru, she hated to admit that she could have to swallow her pride, but at this rate she would not be able to endure that anymore. Sakura was not having a better time. The aforementioned duo was making a mess in her ticklish feet and sides, making her turn hysterics in seconds - That’s so gross, ahahaha, I don’t want that dohohohog on me! Take it awahahahayhhihihihihi!!!!! - . Finally, Hinata and Neji met on this strange contest - Once again we have to fight miss Hinata - Said the boy solemnly - Neji...Are you still mad at me? - Asked Hinata in a low voice. The boy smiled warmly - I do not hold any grudges, however I want to improve as a ninja, and this will be for your own good as well - The veins surrounding his eyes got pronounced.


Hinata shivered at this, she was also a user of that technique, now all of her Chakra spots would be revealed and they will likely prove to be perceptive to Neji’s tickle-inducing touches. She was not wrong. The boy pinched the specific sports making her squeal with laughter immediately.

The scenario echoed with the laughter from the four girls, all of them were screaming at the top of their lungs from this blissful yet horrible torment, expect for Tenten who was breathing heavily after admitting her defeat. It was hard to determine which one of them laughed with more energies, thus the bets were continuously fluctuating. Chouji, still angry at Ino’s words put some potato chips’ crumbles between her toes and despite her threats; he licked them like ten candies. This made the girl turn into pure hysteria - Not the toes you brute! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! - She was not the only one show mind was spinning: Hinata, Sakura and Hanabi were having a rough time. Their torment was evident and they knew they could not take it anymore. - HIDEN LEAF, AHAHAHAHA HIDEN LEAF!! - Cried at the same time three voices. Seconds after the round ended - With this, all of the girls except for one have given up; let us give a round of applause to Hinata! - The girl smiled exhausted, to have resisted to Neji’s skilled hands had taken all that she got, and she did not know how long she could last without giving up from that moment onwards.

The evening went on without any unexpected surprises. Spectators, organizers and ticklers alike enjoyed during the rest of the ticklish rounds. Only the girls were having a rough time. Some of them cried the safe words a few time, one of those was Ino when Shikamaru used his shadow-binding technique on her, making a series of ghastly tentacles squeeze her tights as well as her feet, activating a resort in her that forced her to laugh desperately. Only Hinata seemed to have endured the most, she had not given up any of the times, making her the favourite at the gambles.

The last round was about to begin, only those who had managed to make a girl say the safe words were allowed to participate; those lucky boys were; Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino and Chouji. After a quick raffle, Chouji had to wait for his chance, as there were only five girls for six ticklers to handle. Each of the boys picked their favourite victim. Shikamaru greened in front of Ino; Sasuke got next of the pleading Sakura, Naruto was a bit angry at him, he wanted to tickle the pink-haired girl as well, but he chose Hinata, which was not bad in itself; Kiba wanted his revenge with Hanabi and finally Shino went for Tenten. The girl complained at his soon-to-be tickler, who, silently, began to undo part of her vest -What do you think you are doing you prick? - She asked visibly angry, watching in awe how her pale tummy was being shown - This will get in the way. I noticed your feet are not your biggest weak point. My bugs will have to explore other places - Was the cryptic answer the girl with the mignons got. She swallowed hard imagining what the mysterious boy had in store for her. - This will be the final part of the test! For this special occasion the tickle time will be doubled! Make sure to use this ten minutes wisely! - Cried the Hokage. The girls looked at each other; they knew they could not stand that long. The final battle, to use any way to describe it, began, the mood was at its highest peak, and they all wanted to see which girl would be claimed victorious. Naruto wasted no time and used his shadow clone technique on Hinata. Sasuke gambled all on his final Chidori, he had already used one from the maximum of two daily attempts. Shino’s bugs swarmed at Tenten’s body. Akamaru’s tongue was feasting once more at Hanabi’s tender soles while Kiba’s nails went once more for her underarms, making use once more of that effective combination and Shikamaru’s shadow groped various parts of Ino’s body. The explosion of laughter broke the sound barrier, it echoed and surrounded the stadium with pleads, cries and sobs. The crowd cheered at their favourites and shouted their names. The spirit of festivity was apparent and, watching at the girls laughing, Tsunade thought that this was not a bad idea after all. - Na…Na….Naruto! Please not there! Ahahahaha that’s toohohoho much!! - Cried Hinata pitifully at the garrison of Narutos tickling her sensitive body. She was blushing while having all of her spots tickled. Enjoying the attention from the boy as well as suffering from it. She cried with impotency, the sensations were too much for her, all of those fingers crawling upon her proved a test of her endurance that she was unsure she could pass. At one point one of the clones gave more attention to her quivering stomach which made her quench in protest, but she had a good reason not to give up. She would enjoy more of this attention if she did not. Ino screamed from the shadows tickling her body again and she wondered how she would endure it for double the time. Tenten was suffering as much as her from the bugs that were favouring her soft armpits and Hanabi’s feet throbbed from the dog’s tongue as well as the sharp nails on her reddened underarms. All of the girls suffered this tormenting experience as best as they could, although their ticklers would not leave them any place to rest. - HIDDEN LEAF, HIDDEN LEAF, HIHIHIHIHIDEN LEAHAHAHAHAHAHAFFFF!!!! SASUKE PLEASE STOP THIS!!! - Sakura cried three minutes to the end of the round. One surrendering cry joined hers. Hanabi’s tears of despair bathed her red cheeks - No more, anything but that, HIDDEN LEAF!!!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!! - The proud Hanabi had fallen again; this meant that Kiba was the one with the most girls having surrendered during his attempts at tickling them. In the end, the round was done and only Hanabi and Sakura had failed to resist. The rest of the girls’ appearance was terrible, they all puffed heavily. Since Sasuke and Kiba had succeeded they got another chance in the following extra round. Although something unexpected happened: Sasuke fell to his knees - What’s wrong? - Asked Naruto concerned - I have used too much Chakra. I need to rest... - His eyes were those of defeat, he knew he would have to leave the competition unless he wanted to have a serious condition from this. He looked at the blond who was the closest thing to a “friend” he could think of and said - I give away my opportunity to have another try to Naruto - Their eyes crossed - Make sure you won’t screw this up - - I won’t, believe it! - Replied the boy smiling. With this tender moment, the mood became even the more exciting, the crowd applauded at this display of friendship and looked forward to the three unfortunate girls that would be tickled by Naruto, Kiba and Chouji, those poor unfortunates where Sakura, Hanabi and Hinata - Naruto? Why it has to be you again?! - Complained Sakura - Not you... - Said Hanabi seeing the dog near her soles - What can I say? Once I see an easy prey I never let it go - Hinata did not say anything, Chouji was in front of her absentmindedly eating crisps, he did not seem angry anymore - Nah, I’m tired of this - Said the boy - I rather go home and have a nap. Will you join me, Shikamaru? - The aforementioned replied - That’s the best thing I heard today - And followed him. Everybody went silent as this. Save for Sakura and Hanabi who knew they would not be spared from their torture. - NOHOHOHOHO, DON’T LICK MY FEET, STUPID DOOOOG!!! And leave my underarms alohohohohone!!!! - Cried Hanabi - Naruto! If you don’t stop I will kill you and all of your clones! Uahahahaha!!!! STOHOHOHOOP IT!!!! - Naruto did not want to miss his chance at tickling Sakura, so he created twelve clones that could tickle all of the beautiful girl’s body, even at her inner thighs - C’mon Sakura, go on date with me, save yourself a bit of this - Teased the boy - Nehehehehehehehehever!!!!! UOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!! - Hinata, who was looking closely at her sister’s suffering, felt a jolt of pain in her chest - must be strong, or else he will tickle you forever! - The brown-haired girl understood the importance of these words and tried to remember who she was. A proud member of the Hyuga clan, this tickling would not get to her anymore. But it tickled so much... Only one minute was left and the awaited words where heard - HIDDEN LEAF!!!! - It was Sakura, who could not take any more of that torment. She was left to be seen in her defeated state by all the presents, while Hanabi continued laughing at the brink of madness, as the tongue lapped angrily at her arches making her open her eyes wide with shock, to make things worse Kiba was getting better at extracting reactions by touching her underarms. Somehow she made it to the end of the round. The public broke on applauses to the brave girl who had bested her biggest threat. Her body trembled and her wet soles tingled, still giggling just by remembering the assault on them.

All of sudden, the Hokage stood and everybody went silent - I’m happy to announce that the first part of this show has ended. And I announce the second of it: now the stocks are open to everybody who wants to try their luck! - The girls looked at their leader dumb folded - That can’t be true... - Some of them said - Anybody can pay 2.000 Ryo to tickle these lovely girls for ten minutes. If someone manages to break them they will be refunded part of their money and will be able to tickle another girl for half the price. Bear in mind that this money will go to a good cause, to rebuild our beloved village! - The public shouted with approval, many people began to wait in line and paid happily the fee just to join the fun - During the next two hours you can tickle these ladies in any way you see fit! - Tsunade looked at Naruto - Due to time constraints, all of the boys who still deserve an extra round will be eligible for that discount as well - Kiba examined the results board, his name was the first one: save for Ino, all of the other girls had given up to him which meant he had four points and was on the lead - Paying for more tickling? I pass, I’ll just wait for the final results, I’m going to win anyway! - He declared and, as he lost interest in the competition, left the stadium, there were more useful activities he could do in those two hours to spare. Naruto ran to the person in charge of the applications fees - Sing me in for Sakura! - He demanded. A new round of tickling took place. This time villagers and neighbours of the girls tickled them in different ways that went beyond their imagination. An hour had passed and Naruto had paid for his fourth time with Sakura who he had manage to make her submit to this ticklish will twice, making him to be tied with Kiba. During the fifth time Sakura was suffering from the coordinated attack of the clones. A statuesque woman appeared out of nowhere and tickled Hanabi’s feet. Naruto looked at her and thought it was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had a long black mane and used her sharp nails to clumsily tickle the feet of Hinata’s sisters, without any result, the girl was only giggling faintly. The two females spoke something that Naruto could not hear, but his interest to this woman was increasing, she seemed familiar somehow.

And angry dark-haired maiden left the building. Suddenly someone pulled at her hair - Help me, I’m being attacked by a pervert! - Said the woman with an exaggerating tone - Cut it out, I know it’s you Konohamaru - Stated Naruto’s voice - You discovered me, big bro - Said the woman who turned into the little kid who looked up to Naruto - How did you know it was me? - Naruto smiled - Because that’s exactly what I would have done, to transform and fool everybody to get in. They don’t allow kids to go inside, isn’t it? - Konohamaru nodded affirmatively - Why did you want to join this thing anyway? - The child stared angrily - Because if I’m going to be the next Hokage, I need to know one thousand techniques, I just thought I would convince Hanabi to teach me her Byakugan by tickling her... But I wasted all of my allowance for nothing... - Naruto laughed at this, an amiable sound in contrast with the desperate amalgam of ticklish guffaws inside of the stadium - You silly, that’s an hereditary technique. You can’t just learn it. Beside a Hokage has to learn all their techniques by themselves. No cheating, I’ll show you when I become the next leader! - And he left inside, thinking that he still had some money to spare to tickle Sakura again, and Hinata perhaps, he could not help to think at how cute she looked when laughing.

- Ladies and Gentleman, the show has now ended! - Announced the Hokage. A disappointing shout reverberated in the building. Tsunade snickered - Or has it? According to our results during these last two hours many of the girls had given up, however Sakura and Hinata are tied with ten times of having said the safe word. This calls for a sudden death round! - The crowd cheered at this, the Jounins freed Hanabi, Ino and Tenten meanwhile, who they put their shoes on and slowly walked away, not believing their torment was finished - And who will be the one tickling them? - Tsunade pointed at certain blond boy - Naruto Uzumaki, who had scored eight points during this evening and greatly contributed to the cause with his money! - His name was heard, the public was looking forward to his final display. Only one person could not believe this - What the...when did he surpass me? - It was Kiba, whose jaw dropped, he had returned after a quick training session and did not see this coming, he thought he would be the one holding the blonde’s place - Okay, since you asked for it I’ll use my last ace...


Following this, he produced a series of seals.


The crowd applauded at this combination of techniques: eight Naruto clones took their places around the girls and two more held in their hand two big toads that seemed to argue with him - My father won’t like this! I don’t want to lick anyone’s feet! - Complained one of the amphibious, an orange one - Gamabunta won’t say anything, I saved your life, so you owe me one! - The toad went silent and awaited for the signal to start this peculiar situation. - Naruto will tickle these two girls until one of them says the safe words, the other will be declared the winner of this contest. Place your final bets and give them your support! - Shouted Tsunade. Half of the crowd cheered on Hinata, the other claimed Sakura would be winner; the two of them looked at what was about to happen to them with mixed feelings - Start! - Ordered the Hokage. - Nohohohohohoho!!!!! Not betweehehehehen the tohohohoes!!!! Nohohoho, stohohohohop this! - Both green and pale eyes were blurry with tears, all of their ticklish spots were being taken care of, but the toads used their long and slimy tongues to intermingle in-between their soft toes, trusting back and forth, hindering them from any kind of movement. If that was not enough, Naruto created two more clones for each of them to make sure their delicious soles would be properly attended. Hinata began to laugh silently, this attack was fatal for her and which was worse, she had discovered through this exam that her stomach was incredibly ticklish, the Narutos noticed this and went for that area, raising her shirt, so they could reach at her quivering flesh. Similar to this, Sakura trashed frantically at her bounds, the sensations on her feet were overflowing her senses making her cough in ticklish agony. But that was not the worst of it. If only she had to worry about her feet’s integrity...She had to struggle to maintain her sanity while the clones tickled her effusively, favouring her hips and knees as they were at it.

The agonic cries mixed for a long time - Nohohoho, ahahahaha!!! - Said one of them - I cahahahanan’t! EheheheAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! - Said the other. They begged for a final release. Their nerves were at their limits, yet none of them wanted to bend their wills for their own reasons. The public went silent; they did not want to miss any detail of the ending that was soon to occur. One of the two girls arched her back and howled to the sky: - HIDDEN LEAAAAAAAAAF!!!! - The tickling stopped; even so the giggles and tingling sensations remained. One girl had savoured defeat’s bitter taste - And the winner is Hinata! - Announced the Jounins and freed them. The real Naruto turned at the Hokage and said - I won! Where is my price Tsunade old-hag? - He asked before receiving a sonorous hit on his head - Ne...ver do this to me again! - Demanded Sakura, her skin was sweaty and her hair dishevelled from the effort. Her feet were donned in her sandals, to where she would securely leave them - Ouch, what was that for? - Another hit was given to the blond - You even had the guts to pay to tickle me! I’ll kill you for this! - Naruto tried to reason with her - It was just for a good cause and… - another smack, this time a fist impacted his mouth - And treat the Hokage with respect! - Added the furious girl making Naruto fly to a wall nearby. Hinata gasped at this violence and hoped the boy would be okay, she saw both her father and sister approvingly looking at her; she had showed her value to them. Even Neji acknowledged her strength.

Tsunade smiled at this. Jiraiya gave her a stern look - Don’t worry, things will start for real now - She assured him - Ladies and Gentleman. Now that the preamble is finished we may start with the real event! - A circus-like explosion took place in the centre of the stadium. From it a new set of stocks appeared on which four adult female ninjas were restrained, with all of their feet bared and their toes securely tied, in opposition to the girls before them, these women had their arms tied above their heads, giving more tender and ticklish flesh to behold. Four famous Jounins were already in the plaza, ready to begin with the spectacle - Same as before, first our most capable ninja will tickle these ladies as a demonstration for ten minutes. Following this, everyone can try by paying 4.000 Ryo per woman - . Mighty Guy, one of the demonstrators, pointed his challenging finger at Kakashi - This is the time when I finally beat you, copy ninja! You can’t surpass my juvenile charm, all the ladies laugh as soon as they see me! - - Figures - Whispered the white- haired man, busy reading his adult-oriented novel. He closed the book and examined his victim - Sorry Anko, I need to make this buffoon shut his mouth - He stated in a neutral tone. The bound woman was Anko Mitarashi, a black-haired beauty that smiled naughtily at her future tormenter - I’m actually looking forward to it, show me what you got! - Next to her was Kunerai Yuhi blushing at the idea of having her body tickled by Asuma Sarutobi - This almost feel like cheating, I already know your weak spots - Said the bearded man putting his cigarette off. Shizune was at the right corner crying already - No, please, not more tickling. Miss Tsunade, what have I done to deserve this?! - Suddenly Kakashi enchanted a summoning technique: his personal pack of dogs waited for his orders. Which were simple: to tickle Anko into submission. Shizune squealed at this, since it was Guy the one about to tickle her, that meant that he would be fired-up after what Kakashi had done - Please bear no ill grudge against me after we are done, but I can’t allow Kakashi to defeat me. If I don’t make you say the safe words...I’LL RUN ONE HUNDRED LAPS AROUNDS THE VILLAGE ON ONE SINGLE LEG! - He claimed with fire in his eyes - Noooo!!!!!! - Shizune was in a pinch, she remembered what Tsunade had told her before - If you dare to say the safe words too soon I’ll let Jiraiya tickle you again and I’ll drug you so you won’t pass out no matter what he does. Plus, I will hold your salary for a month - Only one woman remained, not sure what she was doing there at all.

- Hinata! - The girl jumped, she was still recovering from the long hours of tickling and did not expect Naruto’s sudden call - Na...Na...Naruto? - Their eyes met - I just wanted to congratulate you - The girl was perplexed - Me? Why? - She blushed the more he spoke - Because you didn’t give up, of course! - - But...I did give up... - She replied hesitantly - But not to me! Which reminds me, I still want that ramen - He said with a wide grin that made Hinata’s knees tremble with excitement - You said I could try tickling you again anytime I wanted, right? What about tomorrow? - Hinata’s cheeks were about to melt - Eh...sure, I don’t have any plans for tomorrow... Oh where are you going? - She asked all of sudden - I forgot something in the stadium, I’ll see you tomorrow! - Shouted Naruto as he went back to the building, leaving behind a girl who was floating among clouds of love and happiness.

The last of the ticklers appeared. It was the junior instructor Iruka Umino, who ran steadily towards the last woman to be tickled. Her identity was Ayame, a young beauty that helped her father in the most famous ramen restaurant at the village - I don’t even know what I’m doing here, I don’t have the title of ninja! - She complained pleadingly. Iruka, nonetheless vowed at her - Sorry for being late - He apologized looking at her average sized feet with anticipation. Tsunade looked at Iruka with suspicion, she did not remember who she had assigned for that person to tickle Ayame and she swore the man was on a mission, not to mention that his hair was supposed to be brown, not blond - He must’ve dyed it... - She thought. The Arbiters announced the beginning of this new entertainment. All of the women laughed earnestly, two of them seemed to enjoy their predicament, but not Shizune who was panting and screaming in sheer ticklish terror as soon as Guy touched the balls of her feet. Ayame directed her dark eyes to Iruka, hoping to appeal to his sense of justice - Please, I shouldn’t be here don’t do anything to me... - She gulped when the man approached her ear and whispered - Let’s talk about business... I have the feeling that your feet are veeery ticklish. So tell me, how many free ramen are your willing to give me so I don’t tickle you? - The girl gasped - Naruto? Is that you? - The boy in disguise put a finger in her mouth - Don’t blow my cover. So how many ramen are we talking about? - He scratched lightly her left armpit, making her giggle - Come tonight to the restaurant, I’ll treat you to one big bowl - The boy grazed the extremity once more - Ehehe, okay, you can have seconds! - Naruto/Iruka waved his head disapprovingly - One hundred would be enough, I’m not a greedy man - Ayame was taken aback by this - That’s too many I caahahahahahahahaha!!!!! - She burst in laughter once Naruto touched the soft skin between her lovely toes - Did you say anything? I can’t understand you if you laugh like that - - Nohohohoho, not my feet, not my feet!!! - .

And thus ended one of the most entertaining and lucrative festivals in the Hidden Leaf village. The results about which Genin deserved the most to be ascended to Chunin were not clear. More exams would be necessary in the future. Thought Tsunade counting all the money raised that day.