The Daily Iowan WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2020 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ UISG’sUISG’s lack limited of funding funds impactimpacts student organizations Student organizations are bearing the brunt of the University of Iowa Student Government’s limited funds after spending half of their contingency budget last semester. BY ELEANOR HILDEBRANDTHILDEBRANDT ingthe sourceuniversity, of the since National the group So-
[email protected] cietyis a profession-orientedof Black Engineers, orgarath-- ernization. than the However, university, he sincesaid they the ohamedohamed Karar,Karar, the groupexpected is afunding profession-oriented from UISG, presidentpresident ofof the Na-Na- organization.since it usually However, funds student he said Mtionaltional Society Society of Black of theyorganizations. expected fundingUltimately, from MBlack Engineers at the Uni- UISG, since it usually funds Engineers at the University of UISG funded Karar’s request, versityIowa, stood of Iowa, in front stood of in 48 front stu- studentbut only afterorganizations. they appealed Ulti- and ofdent 48 government student senatorsgovernment and mately,presented UISG on the funded Senate Karar’s floor. senatorstheir executive and theirteam executiveon Oct. 1 request,Organizations but only such after as theythe teamto give on an Oct. impassioned 1 to give pleaan im- for appealedNational Societyand presented of Black on Engi the- passioned$3,592.70 in plea funding. for $3,592.70It was for Senateneers asking fl oor. for more money intravel funding. expenses It towas a fall for regional travel at Organizationsweekly student-government such as the expensesconference to in aSt. fall Louis, regional Mis- Nationalmeetings Societyis an ordinary of Black occur En-- conferencesouri, a key eventi n St.