1 Nindooinbah Heritage Awards 2012 Noel Robinson Architects Pty Ltd tel +61 (0)7 3229 5266 fax +61 (0)7 3221 0796
[email protected] www.nrarc.com think green 2 Introduction Nindooinbah Nindooinbah lies eight kilometres by road from Beaudesert The new owners of Nindooinbah intend to continue in the Logan-Albert region, one of southern Queensland’s pastoral and agricultural activities on the Nindooinbah earliest pastoral districts, about one hour by road from property and to use the homestead as a family home Brisbane. where, on some occasions, three families will be in residence. The development of Nindooinbah is related closely to the development of other early pastoral stations in the region The structure of the Nindooinbah homestead was and to the inter-locking financial and personal interests generally sound, although some repair was necessary. of eminent families, particularly the Duckett White, the More importantly, changes and additions were inevitably Collins and the Persse families. For much of its history, required as new owners seeked to make this place their Nindooinbah should, therefore, be considered as a core own. part of a wider, but intimate, social and economic system. This pattern began to weaken in the late twentieth century Although, in some senses, the previous state of genteel when modern urban values became more clearly evident at dilapidation was nostalgic, it is important to recognise that Nindooinbah, a trend which continued with new ownership this ambience is largely the result of individual owners and in the early twenty-first century. occupiers impressing their tastes and values on the place over the past century.