Appendix 1: Io's Hot Spots Rosaly M
Appendix 1: Io's hot spots Rosaly M. C. Lopes,Jani Radebaugh,Melissa Meiner,Jason Perry,and Franck Marchis Detections of plumes and hot spots by Galileo, Voyager, HST, and ground-based observations. Notes and sources . (N) NICMOS hot spots detected by Goguen etal . (1998). (D) Hot spots detected by C. Dumas etal . in 1997 and/or 1998 (pers. commun.). Keck are hot spots detected by de Pater etal . (2004) and Marchis etal . (2001) from the Keck telescope using Adaptive Optics. (V, G, C) indicate Voyager, Galileo,orCassini detection. Other ground-based hot spots detected by Spencer etal . (1997a). Galileo PPR detections from Spencer etal . (2000) and Rathbun etal . (2004). Galileo SSIdetections of hot spots, plumes, and surface changes from McEwen etal . (1998, 2000), Geissler etal . (1999, 2004), Kezthelyi etal. (2001), and Turtle etal . (2004). Galileo NIMS detections prior to orbit C30 from Lopes-Gautier etal . (1997, 1999, 2000), Lopes etal . (2001, 2004), and Williams etal . (2004). Locations of surface features are approximate center of caldera or feature. References de Pater, I., F. Marchis, B. A. Macintosh, H. G. Rose, D. Le Mignant, J. R. Graham, and A. G. Davies. 2004. Keck AO observations of Io in and out of eclipse. Icarus, 169, 250±263. 308 Appendix 1: Io's hot spots Goguen, J., A. Lubenow, and A. Storrs. 1998. HST NICMOS images of Io in Jupiter's shadow. Bull. Am. Astron. Assoc., 30, 1120. Geissler, P. E., A. S. McEwen, L. Keszthelyi, R. Lopes-Gautier, J. Granahan, and D. P. Simonelli. 1999. Global color variations on Io. Icarus, 140(2), 265±281.
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