4535-4539-Rupture of Liver Abscess and Hepatogastric Fistula Caused By
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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016; 20: 4535-4539 Rupture of liver abscess following hepatogastric fistula caused by perforation of remnant gastric carcinoma: a case report L.-M. QIAN, J.-G. GE, J.-M. HUANG Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, the Affiliated Jiangyin Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: We report the case the stomach into the liver1, or by direct invasion of a 73-year-old man, with a history of proxi- to gastrointestinal tracts by hepatocellular carci- mal subtotal gastrectomy, who suffered acute noma (HCC)2,3. In this report, we described an abdominal symptoms and signs. Laparotomy uncommon case of a liver abscess after hepatoga- showed rupture of liver abscess and hepatogas- tric fistula formation caused by perforation of stric fistula formation through the reverse process remnant stomach. of direct metastasis and perforation of remnant CASE REPORT: Residual stomach resection, gastric adenocarcinoma (RGC) to the liver. incision and drainage of liver abscess were performed, and the patient was smoothly dis- Case Report charged from hospital nineteen days after the a 73-year-old native male was admitted with emergency operation. RESULTS: The final pathology confirmed the complaints about initially right upper quadrant remnant gastric adenocarcinoma. This case is so pain spreading to the whole abdomen, fever and far the first reported liver abscess caused by perfo- abdominal distension. The patient had an opera- ration of residual stomach malignant tumor. tion on his proximal subtotal gastrectomy due to CONCLUSIONS: Liver abscess and hepato- cardia ulcer bleeding eleven years ago (details gastric fistula are rare. This is the first report on a remnant gastric adenocarcinoma (RGC) in- were not provided). On physical examination, he vading the adjacent liver, with ruptured liver ab- was conscious, but malnourished with body mass scess resulting from gastric perforation. We index (BMI) of 19.0. He suffered from moderate speculated that there were inevitable factors for anemia, febrile (axillary temperature=100.4°F), this case. Direct invasion to the liver capsule with a blood pressure of 129/81 mmHg, a pulse of gastric carcinoma was the bridging basic of rate of 86/min, and a respiratory rate of 19/min. the formation of a hepatogastric fistula. Pylor- ic obstruction caused by gastric carcinoma was Acute diffuse peritonitis (abdominal tenderness, the driver of liver abscess rupture since the in- rebound tenderness and muscular guarding) was creased proximal gastrointestinal pressure led palpable and bowel sounds were absent. Labo- to the inner pressure of liver abscess rising ratory investigations revealed that hemoglobin through the conduction of hepatogastric fistu- was 8.2 g/dl; hematocrit 30.40%; red blood cell la. The recommended treatment protocol for this count 3.98x106 per μl; white blood cell count 2 clinical entity comprises removal of the primary lesions and drainage of the liver abscess. This 890/μl (with 74.7% neutrophils and 13.5% lym- successful case provided us with a great deal of phocytes); platelet count 265000/μl; prothrombin clinical information and treatment experience. time (PT) 15.6s; activated partial thromboplastin Key Words: time (APTT) 44.7 s; thrombin time (TT) 17.2 Remnant gastric carcinoma, Hepatogastric fistula, s; plasma fibrinogen (FIB) 0.365 g/dL; d-dimer Liver abscess. level 0.984 mg/dl; international normalized ratio (INR) 1.29; blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 14.48 mg/dl; creatinine (Cr) 1.22 mg/dl; Na+ 139.3 Introduction mEq/L; K+ 3.76 mEq/L; and Cl- 91.5 mEq/L. Results from blood gasses measurement showed Liver abscess secondary to hepatogastric fistu- that the patient was in respiratory alkalosis with la is a rare complication. Hepatogastric fistula is a blood pH of 7.54 and partial carbon dioxide usually caused by foreign body extending from pressure (PaCO2) of 29 mmHg. The initial im- Corresponding Author: Leimin Qian, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 4535 L.-M. Qian, J.-G. Ge, J.-M. Huang Figure 1. Preoperative imaging studies with abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan. A, Subdiaphragmatic free air (white arrows); B-G, Successive slice images showing the liver cystic mass (white arrows); H, Hepatogastric fistula formation (white arrow); I, Distension of interposed jejunum (white arrow). pression by an abdominal computed tomography cavity we also found big amounts of pus masses (CT) scan showed subdiaphragmatic free air in on the surface of peritoneum and intestine. We suggestive of upper digestive tract perforation, observed the rupture of the liver’s left inner lobe pleural fluid on the left side and multiple liver (segment IV) on the diaphragmatic surface with cysts (Figures 1A to 1G). Acute diffuse peritonitis necrotic tissues and pus overflow, and double “S” and subdiaphragmatic free air revealed operation precolonic anastomoses with jejunal interposition indication. When the patient was taken to the ope- between remnant stomach and esophagus after rating room using laparotomy, we found 800 ml proximal subtotal gastrectomy (Figure 2A). Fur- of turbid purulent liquid in peritoneal and pelvic ther examination of liver parenchyma through the 4536 Rupture of liver abscess and hepatogastric fistula caused by RGC Figure 2. Schematic plot of laparotomy findings, resection range and alimentary tract reconstruction. A, Positive findings at exploratory laparotomy including pyloric obstruction with the distension of remnant gastric cavity and interposed jejunum (blue arrows), rupture of the left lateral lobe of the liver on diaphragmatic surface, and the irregular liver abscess with hepatogastric fistula formation between visceral surface of the left inner lobe of the liver (segment IV) and lesser curvature of remnant stoma- ch; red dotted lines are indicating the resection range while the original operation was double “S” precolonic anastomoses with jejunal interposition between remnant stomach and esophagus after proximal subtotal gastrectomy. B, The final reconstruction of digestive tract similar to Roux-en-Y anastomisis after total gastrectomy, and a drainage tube placed from the rupture site on diaphragmatic surface to hepatogastric fistula site on visceral surface passing through the liver abscess cavity. rupture site using forefinger showed an irregular results revealed that there was a basic oblitera- liver abscess with a size of 5.0 cm×5.0 cm×4.0 tion of the abscess cavity (Figure 3A) and there cm. We observed hepatogastric fistula formation was no pus and bile leakage. The drainage of the (diameter=1.0 cm) between the visceral surface abscess through the catheter gradually ceased by of the left inner lobe of the liver (segment IV) pulling the tube outward 1 cm per day. Then, the and lesser curvature of the remnant stomach drainage tube was completely removed on day 11 (Figure 2A), in concurrence with the preopera- post-operation. One week later, CT scan revealed tive CT scan (Figure 1H). Moreover, we found that the liver abscess was absorbed (Figure 3B). gastric wall thickening complicated by pyloric The patient was discharged on day 19 post opera- obstruction, resulting in the distension of remnant tion. The postoperative pathology results revealed gastric cavity and interposed jejunum (Figure remnant gastric adenocarcinoma (Figure 4) with 2A), which can account for the expansion of inte- the differentiation grades of II and III, gastric stine in Figure 1I. Residual stomach resection as wall perforation, infiltrated serosa, violation of well as partially interposed jejunum, and Braun’s vascular, nerve and adjacent intestine, and posi- anastomosis (side-to-side jejunojejunostomy) tive six lymph node metastases. At three months were performed. The final digestive tract recon- follow-up, the patient was doing well without any struction was similar to that after the total ga- discomfort. strectomy with Roux-en-Y anastomosis (Figure 2B). When dealing with rupture of liver abscess, we drained the abscess cavity, removed necrosis Discussion tissues, and flushed with hydrogen peroxide, and physiological saline in turn. Subsequently, a drai- Liver abscess and hepatogastric fistula are ra- nage tube was placed from the rupture site on the re4. The reported causes of gastric perforation diaphragmatic surface to hepatogastric fistula site are diverse, and include mostly foreign body in- on visceral surface passing through the abscess gestion (such as fish bones5, toothpicks6, shells7, cavity of the liver. The postoperative supportive needles8, and chicken bones9), and penetrating care included the application of antibiotics, he- gastric ulcer10,11. To our knowledge, this is the patic protectant and total parenteral nutrition. A first report on a remnant gastric adenocarcinoma nasogastric tube was removed and the patient was (RGC) invading the adjacent liver, with ruptured allowed to eat in day 7 post-operation. CT scan liver abscess resulting from gastric perforation. 4537 L.-M. Qian, J.-G. Ge, J.-M. Huang Figure 3. Postoperative imaging studies with abdominal CT scan. A, 7th day; B, 18th day. The site of liver abscess was outlined by white arrows. The signs and symptoms of hepatic abscess re- the inner pressure of liver abscess rising through the sulting from gastric perforation are often subtle conduction of hepatogastric fistula (Figure 1I and and non-specific. The most common symptoms are Figure 2A). However, any diagnosis obtained solely abdominal pain and fever, followed by vomiting