Estimating Reserves 23 the Developed Professional 28 the Purpose and Goals of Proposed Amendments to the CSPG's By-Laws

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Estimating Reserves 23 the Developed Professional 28 the Purpose and Goals of Proposed Amendments to the CSPG's By-Laws 17 Understanding Reserves and Resources: Part 3 – Estimating Reserves 23 The Developed Professional 28 The Purpose and Goals of Proposed Amendments to the CSPG's By-Laws $10.00 NOVEMBER 2011 VOLUME 38, ISSUE 10 Canadian Publication Mail Contract – 40070050 RESERVOIR ISSUE 10 • NOVEMBER 2011 1 Since 1927... Follow the Leader. The global industry leader in critical information and insight, IHS continues to invest in the progress of the Canadian energy market so you can get from discovery to drilling in record time. By updating, improving and streamlining our Canadian products and services, we have delivered workflow integration between IHS PETRA® and IHS AccuMap®; created solutions for better access to global resources, from well log databases to subject matter experts; and continued to provide transparency and insight to Canadian energy businesses that need actionable information. See how IHS is investing in Canada at Since 1927... November 2011 – VOLUME 38, ISSUE 10 ARTICLES Understanding Reserves and Resources Part 3 – Estimating Reserves ............................................................................................ 17 CSPG OFFICE The Developed Professional ............................................................................................... 23 #110, 333 – 5th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3B6 CSPG University Outreach: Welcome to the New Academic Year ..................... 25 Tel: 403-264-5610 Web: Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm Another Great Year at CSPG Mixed Golf ....................................................................... 26 Executive Director: Lis Bjeld The Purpose and Goals of Proposed Amendments to the CSPG By-Laws .......... 28 Tel: 403-513-1235, Email: [email protected] Member Services: Dayna Rhoads Tel: 403-513-1225, Email: [email protected] 23rd Annual CSPG/CSEG 10K and 5K Road Race and Fun Run .............................. 30 Communications and Publications: Caitlin Young Tel: 403-513-1230, Email: [email protected] Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology ........................................................................ 32 Accounting and Office Administration: Kasandra Klein Tel: 403-513-1233, Email: [email protected] Programs Development: Aileen Lozie 2010 Geological Calendar ..................................................................................................... 34 Tel: 403-513-1227, Email: [email protected] Member Liaison: Bea McDowell Tel: 403-513-1226, Email: [email protected] DEPARTMENTS Corporate Sponsorship: Lis Bjeld Tel: 403-513-1232, Email: [email protected] Executive Comment .......................................................................................................... 5 EDITORS/AUTHORS Please submit RESERVOIR articles to the CSPG office. Technical Luncheons .......................................................................................................... 9 Submission deadline is the 23rd day of the month, two months prior to issue date. (e.g., January 23 for the March issue). Division Talks .................................................................................................................... 13 To publish an article, the CSPG requires digital copies of the document. Text should be in Microsoft Word format and illustrations should be in TIFF Rock Shop .................................................................................................................. 16, 18 format at 300 dpi., at final size. For additional information on manuscript preparation, refer to the Guidelines for Authors published in the CSPG Bulletin or contact the editor. Technical Editors Ben McKenzie Colin Yeo (Assistant Tech. Editor) Tarheel Exploration EnCana Corporation Tel: 403-277-4496 Tel: 403-645-7724 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Coordinating Editor Caitlin Young, Publications Coordinator, CSPG Tel: 403-513-1230, Email: [email protected], ADVERTISING Advertising inquiries should be directed to Caitlin Young, email: [email protected]. The deadline to reserve advertising space is the 23rd day of the month, two months prior to issue date. The RESERVOIR is published 11 times per year by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists. This includes a combined issue for the months of July and August. The purpose of the RESERVOIR is to publicize the Society’s many activities and to promote the geosciences. We look for both technical and non-technical material to publish. Additional information on the RESERVOIR’s submission guidelines can be found at http://www.cspg. org/publications/pubs-reservoir-submissions.cfm. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in part or in full without the consent of the publisher. Additional copies of the RESERVOIR are available at the CSPG office. No official endorsement or sponsorship by the CSPG is implied for any advertisement, insert, or article that appears in the Reservoir unless otherwise noted. All submitted materials are reviewed by the editor. We reserve the right to edit all submissions, including letters to the Editor. Submissions must include your name, address, and membership number (if applicable). The material contained in this publication is intended for informational use only. While reasonable care has been taken, authors and the CSPG make no guarantees that any of the equations, schematics, or devices discussed will perform as expected or that they will give the desired results. Some information contained herein may be inaccurate or may vary from standard measurements. FRONT COVER The CSPG expressly disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions, or conduct of any third-party user Abbot Pass, taken from Yukness Mountain, Lake O’Hara, Yoho National Park, B.C. of information contained in this publication. Under no circumstances shall the CSPG and its officers, directors, Photo by David Thomson. employees, and agents be liable for any injury, loss, damage, or expense arising in any manner whatsoever from the acts, omissions, or conduct of any third-party user. Design and Layout by Sundog Printing. Printed in Canada by Sundog Printing. RESERVOIR ISSUE 10 • NOVEMBER 2011 3 Since 1927... Proudly brought to you by Professionals in Geoscience and Engineering WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE Since 1927... EXECUTIVE COMMENT A message from Assistant Services Director Michelle Hawke Change is the only constant CSPG EXECUTIVE I’m sitting in the airport departures By the time this column is published, the lounge, waiting for my plane to board. I second annual Future Prospects event PRESIDENT glance around, and notice that the young for young geoscientists will have taken Kirk Osadetz • Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary [email protected] Tel: (403) 292-7022 woman sitting to my right is busily typing place. This year, the event was held at away on a smartphone. The older couple Belgo Brasserie on October 13th. This VICE PRESIDENT sitting next to my left are surfing the net event gave geology students and early Robin Mann • AJM Petroleum Consultants on an iPad. The woman and two school- career geoscientists an opportunity to [email protected] Tel: (403) 648-3210 age children sitting across from me each network with their peers and senior PAST PRESIDENT have either a smartphone or an iPad. In CSPG volunteers while learning more John Varsek • Cenovus Energy fact, a quick glance around shows that the about the Society, what it does, and how [email protected] Tel: (403) 645-5417 vast majority of people are busily engaged it can their support career development. FINANCE DIRECTOR with an electronic communications device By reaching out to our younger, and even Darren Aldridge • Baker Hughes Incorporated of some sort. to future members, we hope to encourage [email protected] Tel: (403) 537-3400 them to bring their energy and ideas to So what’s my point? Only a very short the table and help us to keep the CSPG a ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR Andrea Hood • geoLOGIC systems ltd. time ago, this technology simply wasn’t vital and thriving scientific society in the [email protected] Tel: (403) 262-1992 available to the average person, or it years to come. A big thank you goes out didn’t exist at all. A few years ago, it would to the volunteers and sponsors who made PROGRAM DIRECTOR have been unthinkable to be able to carry this event possible. Brett Norris • TransGlobe Energy Corp. [email protected] Tel: (403) 264-9896 such a powerful device in your pocket or purse, but now its commonplace. Change Speaking of volunteering, if you’ve ever ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR happens quickly, and with change comes thought about volunteering for the CSPG, Jon Noad • Murphy Oil Corporation the need to learn new skills, rethink old but didn’t know what might be involved or [email protected] Tel: (403) 294-8829 ideas, and adapt. So what does that mean who to contact, wonder no further! As SERVICES DIRECTOR for the CSPG? part of the Volunteer Management System Chris Seibel • Nexen Inc. initiative, committee chairs are now being [email protected] Tel: (403) 699-4558 By now, everyone has heard about the asked on a regular basis to provide a ASSISTANT SERVICES DIRECTOR demographic shift that our industry is going list of volunteer opportunities that are Proudly brought to you Michelle Hawke • Apache Canada Ltd. through, as the baby boomers ready for currently available within their committee, [email protected] Tel: (403) 261-1200 retirement
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