Amunugama in Remand by SAMAN INDRAJITH by DENAGAMA DHAMMIKA Industries

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Amunugama in Remand by SAMAN INDRAJITH by DENAGAMA DHAMMIKA Industries The Island Home News Friday 7th January,, 2011 3 DEVELOPMENT FORTUNE JATHIKA Draw No: 1257 MAHAJANA SATURDAY VASANA SAMPATHA JAYAVIRU SUPIRI VASANA Date 04-1-2011 JAYODA FORTUNE SAMPATHA GOVI SETHA JANA JAYA Main Draw SAMPATHA Draw No: 86 Date:29-12-2010 SAMPATHA Zodiac -Taurus Date:06-12-2010 Date: 04-1 - 2011 Date 25-12-2010 Date: 01-01-2011 Date: 06-01-2011 Date:06-12-2010 Date: 14-11-2010 Winning Nos: Date 29-12-2010 Draw No. 543 Draw No. 582 Draw No. 784 Super No. 11 01 - 15 - 28 - 55 Winning Nos: Draw No. 2340 Bonus No 62 Lucky No. 05 Draw No. 851 Second Chance Winning Nos : Super No. 25 R-03-07-23-37 Winning No: Winning Nos: Bonus No. 06 T-06-18-32-58 14 - 52 - 59 - 64 Zodiac symbol -Gemini Winning No: Z-06-07-08-30 01-56-65-70 Winning Nos: G- 46- 50- 52- 54 L-1-8-6-8-6 D -04-10-17- 43 13 - 23- 32 - 51 K-0-9-0-3-4-2 Cancer Suspension of URP to help cure fails, quack ends small industries - Amunugama in remand BY SAMAN INDRAJITH BY DENAGAMA DHAMMIKA industries. hundred nations,” he said. further increase this year. ANAWEERA Addressing the Parliament, Sri Lank is currently at 130th The senior minister dismissed a R Senior Minister of International during the debate on the position in the index. UNP call to accommodate even those Economic Co-operation Dr. Sarath Recovery of loans by banks (spe- Commenting on the performance who had failed to settle loans up to Rs. A quack, who had cheated a women Amunugama on Thursday (6) told cial provisions) Amendment of the Colombo Stock Exchange, 50 million. Dr. Amunugama said that of Rs. 1.2 million, on the pretext of cur- Parliament that those who couldn’t pay Bill, Dr. Amunugama said that The senior minister said that the the government should be allowed to ing her husband of cancer, was arrested bank loans of less than Rs. 5 million Sri Lanka would be among the CSE had been accepted as the run the State the way it wanted, while by the Weligama Police and produced wouldn’t have to face ‘parate execu- first 30 nations in the Doing best stock exchange in Asia. the opposition could comment on any before Matara Magistrate Udesh tions’ as in the past. He said that sus- Business Index rankings within Amunugama said that the issue. “Opposition must have its say Ranatunga, who remanded the suspect pension of the Unilateral Recovery five years. “By the end of this Amunugama total borrowings had increased and government should have its way,” till January 13. Process (URP) would help small local year, we will be among the top by 22 percent in 2010 and would he added. The Colombo based woman told the police that her husband had been suffer- ing with cancer for long and she had consulted the quack, who was posing off as a doctor. He undertook to cure her UNP makes issue husband, for a fee of Rs. 1.2 million and promised to return it if he failed. After undergoing treatment at the of Dep. Minister in suspect’s clinic and noticing no improve- ment she had taken her husband back to the cancer specialist who treated him Court as counsel earlier. After examining him the special- The UNP Counsel in ist doctor has said that his condition alleged, in Courts of law. had worsened. Parliament on “We know The woman had later demanded the Thursday (6), the Deputy money from the suspect, Sampath Dias that a Deputy Minister Abeywickrema of Polathumodera, but Minister had appeared in he refused to return it, the woman had appeared in Court and the Colombo when objec- complained to the police. District Court tions were on Wednesday raised by the as the Defense lawyers for the Counsel for John Susil plaintiff, he Petroleum had claimed he Big onions Minister Susil Premjayantha, was appearing with permis- violating parliamentary tradi- sion from the Attorney tions. General. We want the govern- Chief Opposition Whip MP ment to explain its position,” are here John Amaratunga said that it MP Amaratunga said. was against the accepted con- Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa BY LAL GUNESEKERA ventions of the House for assured that he would inquire Ministers and Deputy into the matter and give a rul- The first consignment of 200,000 Ministers to appear as ing later. kilos of big onions from Pakistan has already reached the country and is avail- able at all Lanka Sathosa outlets. Faiszer Musthapha Minister of Cooperatives and Internal lashes out at UN Veteran photographer Saranapala Pamunuwa presents a photograph of Mahinda Rajapaksa taken by him Trade Deputy Minister Sri Lanka to an years ago, to President Rajapaksa at the National Art Gallery on Thursday. Pamunuwa held his maiden Johnston Farzer Musthapha says accountability process exhibition ‘Le kandulu saha dahadiya’ (blood, tears and sweat) Fernando told those investigating for addressing alleged The Island that big human rights violations violation of human onions are being sold and war crimes should rights. The GOSL has, focus on the LTTE in exercise of its sover- at Lanka Sathosa outlets at Rs. 129 a rump. Musthapha eign right and in pur- kilo, while the wholesale price is Rs. 105. asserted that the UN suance of that commit- Govt. to establish 1000 fully He said that the big onion prices at shouldn’t target Sri ment established the Lanka Sathosa had been reduced by Rs. Lanka in the post-war LLRC. 20 a kilo. It was earlier Rs. 149. Faiszer era, thereby disrupting It therefore beggars Minister Fernando told The Island ongoing resettlement, belief as to why the equipped secondary schools that the government will continue to reconstruction and rehabilita- UNSG should embark on a frol- tion efforts. ic of his own and appoint such import big onions from Pakistan and The following is the full text a Panel when a domestic mech- ! ADB funds to construct 100 schools received there would be no shortage. of a statement issued by anism has been put in place by Wholesale traders are requested to Musthapha: “There are news a sovereign state. contact Pradeep at the Ministry on 072- BY ZACKI JABBAR reports that the Advisory The appointment of this 2155249 for their requirements of eggs Panel on Sri Lanka appointed panel is a clear violation of A thousand fully equipped secondary Rambukwella said that the Central and big onions. by the UN Secretary General the UN Charter which pro- schools are to be established countrywide Engineering purportedly for the purpose of hibits interference into the within four years, the government said on Consultancy Bureau advising him on issues con- internal affairs of a member Sale under Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks nected with accountability state. Thursday. will be entrusted with (Special Provisions) Act No. 4 of 1990 relating to alleged violations of President Mahinda Media Minister Keheliya the contract for plan- Humanitarian Law, which is Rajapksa as Commander in Rambukwella, addressing the weekly ning and supervision of AUCTION SALE BY said to have occurred during Chief and the Defence Cabinet press briefing in Colombo said the project. COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC the armed conflict, is due to Secretary Gotabhaya that Asian Development Bank funds have Construction work visit Sri Lanka. Rajapaksa were deeply com- KURUNEGALA BRANCH Whilst in no way conceding mitted to avoiding civilian already been received to construct 100 of would be awarded on an the 1,000 secondary schools, under the gov- Keheliya Open Competitive Valuable property situated within the Rideegama Pradeshiya Sabha the legitimacy of the Panel, casualties in the endeavour to Limits in the Village of Rideegama divided portion out of the land one has to acknowledge the liberate the people of all com- ernments “National Education Bidding basis, with called Henayagoda Pillewa now Garden depicted as Lot 1 in Plan candour of the Sri Lanka gov- munities from the tyranny of Programme.” medium and small scale con- No. 4059 dated 18.09.2003 made by L. D. Molligoda, Licensed ernment in not standing in the the LTTE. The ADB would periodically release funding tractors in the locality of the Surveyor together with the trees, plantations and everything else way of the Panel making rep- The LTTE in contrast, mas- for the other 900 schools, commencing from the respective provinces being standing thereon in extent 109.1 perches. resentations ,if the members sacred civilians of all commu- second quarter of this year, he said. given preference, he said. Access to the Property:- From Rideegama Town Centre proceed along Keppitigala so desire, to our own Lessons nities, not sparing even the (Rambadagalle) Road for a distance of about 1.6 km up to Rideegama Dewalayaya Learnt and Reconciliation clergy whether Buddhists, Junction. Then turn left onto Belawehera Road proceed about 400m up to the Junction at public well, turn right onto concreted road continue about 150m, turn right onto Commission. Hindus, Christians or Islamic. the road leading to lands and traverse a short distance of about 100m to reach the The government and the Busloads of school children, Bribe-taking SLFP PC NOTICE property, which is to the end of the roadway. people of Sri Lanka are rightly innocent villagers including In terms of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007, notice is hereby Property mortgaged to Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC for the facilities granted conscious of the fact that any- infants, pregnant women an members to be sacked given of the following Incorporation on 31st December 2010:- to Ratnayake Mudiyanselage Gamini Bandara Ratnayake as the borrower.
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