Where To Go What To Do A Guide for Chol Hamoed and the Fall 1. A Publication of 2. A Publication of A Publication of A Publication of 3. 4. A Publication of A Publication of 5. 6. 7. A Publication of A Publication of 8. A Publication of 9. Page S2 THE JEWISH PRESS Friday, September 25, 2015 4 Tishrei 5776 • Vol. IV No. 34 (#129) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 •
[email protected] 57 Friday, September 25, 2015 THE JEWISH PRESS Page S3 Is That A Gazelle In The Middle Of Jerusalem? the hands of high-rise developers. Six By Abigail Klein Leichman years ago, the city pledged to infuse NIS 22 million to ready the park for Braving a biting late spring wind, the public without endangering the ga- hundreds of people turned out for the zelles for which it is famed and named. spring grand opening of the city’s new Another NIS 70 million will be in- urban nature park at Gazelle Valley – vested over the next few years to revi- the only one of its kind in Israel. talize an old fruit orchard and build a Bordered on all sides by major traf- farm pond and an educational center fic thoroughfares and dense residen- devoted to the mountain gazelle native tial housing, Gazelle Valley (“Emek to this part of the Middle East. HaTzvaim” in Hebrew) stretches over The valley’s bicycle paths will be 62 acres. A herd of wild gazelles has linked to existing bike paths running long made its home in this unlikely along Sacher Park and Mesila Park; refuge in southwest Jerusalem as the and a wooden promenade will be built surrounding development effectively above the valley, giving access to the penned in the gentle beasts.