Grace Point Grace Point Views and News


Caleb Belter - WHL Journey By: Mark Holmes

Special points of inter- s fall ap- est: proaches and the weather  Young Adults on a outside be- Agins to cool, Canadians mountain top start to get excited about the approaching hockey  Summertime memories - season. As the 2012 sea- son began to unfold that excitement turned to sadness and anger as the owners decided to lock- out their players, and cancel the start of the NHL season. Just as the players turned to other leagues for work, the fans, too, can turn to other leagues to get their hockey fill. One such league is the , or WHL. The young players of the WHL are the NHL Caleb Belter - (Continued on page 2) No.17 - Prince George Cougars

Zambia Women’s Conference By: Karin Depner Inside this issue: n August I was a of them guest speaker at a brought Camping and Hiking in 4 women’s confer- their ence in Zambia. own Jasper IWhen I arrived at the blankets 6 conference, I noticed that and Soccer and Mosquitoes many women and chil- slept on dren were already in mat- After Death - A Ques- 6 attendance. Most had tresses tionable Situation arrived by local buses or or on the 7 on open trucks. The bus- cement Karin with new friends! You know Your Kid’s es lacked air condition- floor. Hockey ... ing and were packed; it Many had was not a comfortable, taken on extra jobs, such The enthusiasm of these easy journey. Each as working in the fields, women was contagious. woman was also required to raise enough money to They sang and danced to pay $50 for her food attend. repeatedly and were so and lodging, though most (Continued on page 3)


Caleb Belter - WHL Journey (cont.)

(Continued from page 1) in with what is known as a not the case. Though he be- billet family; Mike and Faye lieves his parents worried stars of tomorrow and they Kelly look after Caleb when about him missing church put on a great game to watch. he lives in B.C. when he was younger, he The folks of Grace Point have knows they understood the My own parents sometimes a particular reason to pay at- importance of the sport to him reflect on what it would be tention to the WHL because and let him continue playing. like if I had the same career our own Caleb Belter plays in Though Caleb is not able to opportunity as Caleb. They the League for the Prince attend a regular church now, wonder, as parents, what it George Cougars. growing up he was a big part would have been like, and of Grace Point and he contin- Caleb began hockey at the how difficult it would be to ues to attend a weekly chapel young age of 6 and loved it support me. For Caleb, this that his team holds in Prince the moment he stepped on the was not a problem. His family George. This allows both his “When Caleb ice. He continued to play as and friends have been com- faith to grow as well as to he grew up, first for the South pletely supportive during the play the sport he enjoys so teams of West Edmonton and good and bad times. One such turned 14 he much. later for the South Side Ath- bad time occurred when letics Club, a club that caters Caleb was 16. He dislocated As life moves on for Caleb he was entered to players of a high caliber. his right patella and missed reflects on what his future As a right handed , Caleb out on ten months of playing goals may be. Hockey is on naturally gravitated to playing time. Ten months filled with the forefront of his mind. He into the WHL on the right wing, a forward rehab, conditioning and a lack knows that God has a plan for position that gives him nu- of hockey. Caleb described him, and he strives to keep Bantam draft merous scoring opportunities. this as “one of the hardest that plan on track, whatever it When Caleb turned 14 he was things [he’s] ever had to may be, by working hard and entered into the WHL Bantam face.” Not only was overcom- striving to be the best athlete and was... draft and was selected 25th ing the injury a hurdle, but he can, as well as by using his overall by the Cougars. The because of his young age, God-given talents to serve draft is a big deal for young, Caleb was having to play Him and follow His path. up and coming players, and against players that were Caleb hopes to make the NHL when asked about it, Caleb much older than him, a chal- one day and will work his pointed out that waiting to be lenge only made harder by the hardest until God reveals called and wondering which fact that he had missed so when that may be. much time. organization would select him In the four games of the was a nerve-wracking time. For Caleb, hockey has be- 2012/2013 season Caleb has After Prince George called come the main part of his life; put up two goals and an assist out his name “a big weight he practices and works out in three wins for the Cougars. dropped off [his] shoulders.” every day and for 3-4 days of He also has scored in a Getting drafted meant that the week he has to attend two shootout and has a plus four Caleb’s next step in his life workouts or practices. I asked rating overall. The Cougars would soon commence, and Caleb what that is like, and will next be in Edmonton on with it, a move to another how he manages to balance January 20th to play the Oil city. As a member of the Cou- hockey with other aspects of Kings. Caleb’s favourite NHL gars, Caleb moved to Prince his life such as church. The player is Rick Nash of the George and he began to fit in nature of his busy schedule New York Rangers, and his there. Many would find mov- means that getting to church favourite team is, rightly so, ing from home and family a on Sunday is not an easy task, the Oilers. If you want to get tough event, but for Caleb it a fact that prevents many better acquainted with Caleb - was time and he was ready to young kids from playing com- try playing as him in the NHL leave. Caleb’s arrival in petitive sports growing up. 2013 video game. Prince George saw him move For Caleb this was definitely


Zambia Women’s Conference (cont.) deal of deception by witch doctors, they tell AIDS infected men that they can be cured by having sex with virgins. Many of these young mothers have died and grandmothers are taking care of their children. ...Witch There were close (Continued from page 1) sermon was actually only 30 to 300 in attendance at the doctors minutes long! The regional conference, and cooking for eager to hear the gospel. director of Zambia, Mailes that many was no small feat. Originally a team of women Ndao, did most of the trans- In the morning, they got white telling Aids from was to do the lating. She indicated that bread and tea, lunch and sup- teaching, however it ended up Nyanja is not a very precise per was nshima, their staple Infected men being just me. This greatly language and to get concepts meal made of ground maize, concerned me. I’m not an across, many explanatory was pounded and cooked on accomplished speaker and did words are needed. Sister open fires for hours. Chicken, that they can not at all feel up to this task. Mailes decided to have two beef, sausages, cabbage and However, during the weeks altar calls on various days other greens were alternated. before the conference, God after the sermon, and I was A group of men had volun- be cured by ... spoke to me and provided humbled to be able to pray for teered to do the cooking and many encouraging verses. I the mass of women who came spent most of the day prepar- also realized that it would be forward. God alone deserves ing the meals. God doing the working since the credit for any answers to

He had chosen such an un- their prayers. qualified vessel. Women did their washing a

few times a day. There were

The conference sessions were always clothes laid out on the I preached eight times. The filled with singing and danc- field and on the bushes. Great electrical system was quite ing. Young mothers with stress was put on hygiene and unreliable, and on one occa- babies tied to their backs the importance of not keeping sion, I had to use my flash- weren’t deterred from actively any leftover food in their light to read my notes and moving/dancing as they sang. rooms. Despite all precau- Bible while speaking. I know Each district area of Zambia tions, on two days the milk the prayers of our church fam- had a choir and the leader for the tea turned sour and ily helped me because I felt composed songs and taught was discarded. Getting water no anxiety or fear during the them to the others. The lyrics for tea boiled over briquettes entire time, and I thank you. (translated for me) were often and propane for so many My messages all needed to be moving, coming out of their women took a lot of time, so translated, often into two oth- daily struggles. One especial- sessions never started on time. er native languages, and so ly memorable song was about Although it did not sit well sermons took a long time. the necessity of taking or- with me at first, I got so used The first time I spoke it was phans into your care. I was for two hours, though my told that there is still a great (Continued on page 5) Page 4 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3

Camping and Hiking in Jasper By: Michaela Ream

Isaiah 40:29-31

Front row: Toni Dueck, Dan Schultz, Laurie Nahnybida, Meredith Holmes, Jacquie Lenk, Jenn Schofield, Samantha “He gives Turner strength to the Middle row: Aaron Ream, Christian Ream, Jason Peter, Michaela Ream, Krystal Cooper, Jason Nahnybida, Abeeku Kil- son, Daniel Bitzer weary and Back row: a mountain increases the power of the trength to the weary hands and plenty of encour- towels. We drove the twisty weak. Even and increasing the agement and we all made it to road to Miette Hot Springs for youths grow power of the weak” - the mountain peak. Needless some relaxation. There were tired and weary, S this was exactly what to say, the view was absolute- four different pools and we and young men the Grace Point Young Adult ly breathtaking. Furthermore, were quick to sample each stumble and Group (formerly known as the feeling of accomplishment one. This quickly led to the fall; but those College and Careers ed.) added to the experience of the discovery that the coldest needed on their Jasper hiking climb. We saw mountain pool was about as cold as a who hope in the trip. It turned out to be more ranges stretching into the glacier…if not worse, ie much lord shall than some had anticipated. horizon and many wild ani- colder, at least to the more renew their mals. It created the perfect delicate. strength.” image of the amazing world

During the span of the three that God has built. Before days GPCYA went on two embarking on the hike back The following morning we set hiking trips as well as a much down the mountain, every- out once again for another needed trip to the Miette Hot body stopped to enjoy a pic- hike. During this one, we dis- Springs. nic style lunch. We took a few covered the location of the pictures, including group original hot springs, along

shots, fed some extremely with the building that con- The first hike of the weekend friendly chipmunks, then tained the pool. We continued was spent hiking up to the top packed up again and started to follow the trail for a bit of Sulphur Skyline Mountain back down the mountain. before crossing a footbridge for a taste of the beautiful over a small creek and created scenery waiting at the top. our own paths which wound While there were challenging Once we got back to camp through the woods, and across moments during the hike, again we took a short break there were always helping and collected swimsuits and (Continued on page 7) Page 5 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3

Zambia Women’s Conference (cont.) (Continued from page 3) tables was next to impossible rose also donated money for – everyone was jostling for a Bibles, and these were distrib- to it that I felt pretty African spot and I was very thankful uted amidst great rejoicing. to have a couple of helpers myself. They even outfitted me with a lovely African chi- who did the translating and tengi and shirt so, except for demonstrating. It was so nice I was overwhelmed at God’s my pale colour (which caused to see their enjoyment, using amazing leadership in this some of the little children to tools we take for granted, for whole experience – from af- scream in fear), nevertheless I the first time – stamps, rollers, firming the call to go, teach- felt like one of them and just paper cutters etc. Usually, I ing me as I prepared the mes- went with the flow! got back to my room between sages, keeping me safe on the

I was housed in a nearby board- ing school where I had a bedroom and “I had a bathtub to my- self – what an bedroom unexpected lux- ury! There was no toilet seat, and a the water in the tub ran continu- ally, and I had to bathtub … climb into the tub to flick a switch to heat an the water three hours before I needed it. 7 and 8 PM when I ate supper long journey both there and unexpected Thankfully, God always woke and either relaxed or prepared back and finally blessing me me around 4 or 5 so I could for the next day. in so many ways. The return journey was to take 37 hours enjoy my morning bath – and luxury. he kept me safe from being via Lusaka, Dubai, Frankfurt, electrocuted. A local lady Again, thank you for your Toronto, and then Edmonton. prepared breakfast and supper donations and prayers. The I was dreading the rather for me at the school; it was Women of the Church of God lengthy trip. However, on the great to get to know her and and the Regional Leader of second leg, God provided me hear some of her tragic story. Zambia, Mailes Ndao sent with three vacant adjacent along greetings and sincere seats so I was completely thanks to our church and hope comfortable. Then when I My days were filled to the that our relationship will con- checked into my flight to brim. Whenever there was a tinue to grow. It was wonder- Frankfurt, I was asked if I break, I helped the ladies ful to pass along $500 from would consider being bumped make cards and bookmarks our church and other generous to a later flight as they were with supplies I brought. I was donations from many individ- oversold. I got to have a com- kept busy writing names and uals. The funds were used to fortable night’s sleep in a messages of thanks to their purchase towels, bedding, nearby hotel, got free meals husbands for letting them used women’s dresses and and $750 on top of it !! God attend. Keeping some sem- some children’s clothes, as is so good and has done great blance of order at the craft well as eight bicycles. Cam- things indeed. Page 6 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3

Soccer and Mosquitoes By: Miranda Snook

th th From August 6 to 10 , the of the learning, as each day church hosted a team from the Coaches' Corner revealed organization Athletes in Action more and more of the Gospel. (AIA), who put on a day camp for Some of the older 'athletes' the children of the church and were especially eager to dis- community. The four coaches' cuss God's story in depth with enthusiastic and energetic atti- their coaches, which was very tudes were contagious, which encouraging. The week was made for a fun-filled week for rounded off with a World Cup everyone! It was also great to see soccer tournament and ice several volunteers from the cream party for all. Thanks church who filled the roles of again to the amazing AIA assistant coaches throughout the team and volunteers who week. Despite the swarms of mos- made this year's kids' camp quitoes and many hours of soccer another week to remember! under the hot summer sun, the kids had a great time and learned a lot. Soccer skills were only part

After Death - A Questionable Situation By: Bill Holmes

question for me. I want to 16:19) – What’s with that? Is know where my Mom is! I am This question is the focus but it heaven, or purgatory, or a sure she is in a better place tropical island with no mos- and having Jesus over for tea incorporated into the question are a of Biblical state- quitoes? And in the Lazarus and crumpets, but to me the parable, the rich man is in hell scriptures are sometimes ments that, at least for me, are in conflict and cause uncer- and Lazarus is having an en- downright ambiguous and joyable time with Abraham. confusing, but that is why we tainty. Christianity is pro- have Pastor Egbert. Pastor foundly simple, but at the same time challenging. The George says he likes to an- What about Jesus’s return? In swer these types of questions. Biblical events/scripture that cause confusion for me are: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, Paul wrote the “Lord himself will n the July issue of the come down from heaven … Newsletter, I mentioned So Pastor Egbert, here is the and the dead in Christ will question: At the cross Jesus said to the that my Mom had died. thief – “today you will be rise first” which seems to She was almost 92. Ar- It a common belief that the with me in paradise” (Luke imply that Christians are just Iriving in heaven, I imagine lying around waiting for only consistent and inevitable 23:43 NIV). Did Jesus mean my Mom would immediately aspect to life is death and tax- heaven? But when Mary came something to happen. And organize a Bible Study. I sus- es. I am not going to ask you to the tomb (John 20:17), Je- again how does that fit with pect Jesus and Paul would be to explain taxes because not sus said not to touch him as Jesus’s statement to the thief anxious to attend. My Mom even Dave Ramsey could do he had not yet returned to his as noted above? knew her Bible. She graduat- that; rather my question is father. So where was he after ed from Eastern Pentecostal profoundly simple, but also, I he died on the cross but be- Bible College, she was a Pas- think, exceedingly complex - fore he had his father-son Unfortunately there is no tor’s wife and occasionally a conversation in heaven? And answer …. preacher. My Dad frequently how does that fit with Jesus’ Well, that’s not quite accu- told us that Mom was a better What happens to us as statement to the thief? rate, some clarification is re- preacher than him. Her faith in Jesus was resolute and ab- Christians when we quired. It’s not as if Pastor die? solute. But her death created a Abraham’s bosom (Luke (Continued on page 8) NEWSLETTER TITLE Page 7

Camping and Hiking in Jasper (cont.)

ways straight or clear. It is not (Continued from page 4) We spent the last hour before always easy to understand heading home sitting around, what God is telling us to do or many tiny streams. Eventual- sharing a final meal and remi- where we should go, but it’s ly, the group arrived at a niscing about the weekend. that feeling of accomplish- beautiful meadow filled with With that the trip ended on a ment at the end and the com- flowers and swaying grass, positive note with each one of forting sense of knowing that and yet another stunning view us feeling a sense of accom- no matter what, God is always of the mountain ranges sur- plishment and amazement at there for us, that makes it all rounding us. The trail seemed the awesome beauty of God’s worthwhile. to continue on without ending creation. so we paused and agreed that

whoever wanted could contin-

ue and the rest could return to The hiking trip was, in a the luxurious comfort of our sense, like our relationship campsite. with God. At times it can be hard and the path is not al-

You know your Kid’s Hockey Has Taken Over your Life when:

 You know the location of every Tim Horton’s within a 400 mile radius.  You relate directions to places by the nearest arena.  You base the purchase of your next vehicle on whether it will hold six kids, six sticks and six hockey bags, and o’yea, a spouse.  You feel bewildered/lost when you have a free weekend.  The weather report becomes a vital part of your TV viewing.  You look forward to going to work on Monday because you need the rest.  Your spouse waits until you decide where to sit and then chooses a spot on the opposite side of the arena.  You actually like the taste of concession coffee.  You find yourself missing the parents of your child’s teammates during the off season.  You can keep up your end of the conversation and watch hockey at the same time.  You refuse to make any plans with your friends until you check your kids’ hockey schedule.  You can rationalize spending $259 on a Synergy Grip for your 9 year old but won’t spend $5 on a birthday card for your spouse.  When someone asks how old your kids are you respond; “I have a Pee Wee, Bantam, and a Midget”.  You ground your kid for a week (except for hockey practices and games.)  All your computer passwords contain your child’s jersey number, nickname or team name.  You have to use grandparents to take kid #1 to a hockey practise because Dad is in a different town with kid #2 and Mom has kid #3 in a 3rd town for a weekend tournament. Grace Point Summertime memories Church of God

720—62 Street720 - 62 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6X OG3

Phone: 780-466-8290 Church: [email protected] Newsletter: [email protected] - deadline for next newsletter: Sunday November 25, 2012

Making more and better Christ followers

We are on the web — Mom, mom, are you asleep? …I know, lets bury her! After Death - A Questionable Situation

(Continued from page 6) So, with that unexpected re- Therefore it appears that I sponse I contacted a “higher must wait, as must all of you. Egbert cannot answer the authority” - That is unfortunate, but here’s question. I don’t think he is the thing: maybe we have

flummoxed, rather it’s , well, stumbled upon the real reason perhaps I should let him ex- Hi George, for Pastor Egbert's impulsive plain … Well, Egbert cannot answer my and unexpected trip to Germa- question. So what should I do: ny. Pastor Egbert has many

good qualities, but impulsivity 1. Include it the Christmas issue. - I don’t think so! Maybe the I don’t Hi Bill, Seems too serious and non- need to go travelling was Christmassy to me I know that all (or better simply an excuse to avoid my 2. Do you have another possible most) good things come question. Maybe he didn’t think he is candidate? from George. actually know the answer. 3. Would it be ok to ask my semi- Maybe he was hoping that However, I will not be nary nephew? However, he may flummoxed, Pastor Dave would be con- not have time, being a student able to make the deadline scripted. Going to Germany to and a new dad for the fourth time. for this newsletter. I am teach, preach, yea sure, I know Bill rather ... leaving for Germany on evasion when I see it; I have Sept. 23 and right now I two university students in my am preparing for my Pastor George replied in his house. Unfortunately Pastor teaching/preaching as- customary concise fashion. Egbert: no escape for you - the signments there. question remains until you return! But I would love to tackle that topic. So if it can wait Hi Bill, until the next newsletter Could that question be that would be great, if included in a later is- not, you might want to sue? I'm looking for- direct that question back ward to Egbert's an- to George (or Dave?) swer. Egbert g.