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NSFW/18+ eBook The Bodyguard (Worth the Weight #3) by Jason Collins. eBook Description: JESSE: I’ve acted in romance movies, but real life has never been this hot. After an awkward interview leaves me self- conscious about my weight, I need some time away from the celebrity spotlight. I’ve always played the heartbreaker, and I want to love myself the way my fans do, but I haven’t loved my body lately. Winchester is the perfect place for some soul-searching and waist-trimming. But I need security to keep the paparazzi off my back, and Marshall’s a perfect fit. As long as I can keep my eyes off my straight bodyguard – and the buttered biscuits – I’ll be fine. But when he makes the first move, the labels get fuzzy. Marshall is a stoic man who’s hard to read, but there’s no mistaking his rough, warm touch when we brush past each other in the cozy lake house. It seems like he might be interested in doing more to my body than just guarding it. I may be dieting, but it’s not food I want to feast on. MARSHALL: He’s under my protection, but I suspect he wants to be under more than that. Babysit a spoiled Hollywood actor, chase off some paparazzi, and live in a lake house. It should all be easy, and I could use the extra money. I’m not usually aggressive, but I’m protective and I look the part. People know I’m not a pushover, so they don’t try me. But guys like me need love too, and I’ve spent too many nights alone. Until Jesse. I can’t tear my eyes off him. He might steal hearts on camera, but he doesn’t need to play a role to steal mine. It’s the first time I’ve ever looked at a man this way, and I want to tempt him into something unprofessional. Leaving my past behind won’t be easy, but Jesse’s making it hard to look back. This actor’s so captivating, I can’t think straight. Jesse. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I walked up the rickety-looking wooden front steps of the restaurant. It was a gorgeous, bright, sunny day in the rural town of Winchester, South Carolina, and I was starved after getting in late from a series of delayed flights last night. As it turned out, flying from the star-studded hills of Hollywood all the way to a sleepy, picturesque country town in the South was not a direct path in the slightest. I was still feeling a little groggy and jet-lagged, having traveled through several time zones to get here, but as an actor, I was used to that. The sun was out, there wasn’t a single cloud in the bright blue sky, and I could hear birds chittering and chirping in the trees, even in the parking lot of the restaurant. I considered that a pretty good sign. The only birds I ever encountered in Los Angeles were hyper aggressive seagulls that would be just as comfortable swiping a French fry right out of your mouth as they would be flying through the fires of hell. And then there were the omnipresent pigeons. And the exotic pet birds who would routinely escape from the homes of the eccentric Hollywood elite. But here, surrounded by miles and miles of unspoiled, dense wilderness, there were real birds. The kind you might see in one of those diligently compiled bird-watching guides. But it wasn’t just the avian population that felt more genuine, more down-to-earth. As I walked up onto the front dining porch of Beulah’s Biscuits, I looked around at the tables filled with kind, smiling faces. There were grandparents feeding morsels of grits to their tiny, happy grandchildren. There were couples dressed in church clothes. Many of the women went without makeup, which was a rarity in Los Angeles. The fashion here was so outdated that it could nearly wrap back around and be considered vintage, except that I got the feeling fashion trends were about as relevant as Wall Street in a modest neck of the woods like Winchester. As I glanced around, I saw a hand-painted sign that read: PLEASE SEAT YOURSELF, SUGAR! I smiled to myself and walked over to take an empty corner table on the side of the wraparound covered porch. It was pretty picturesque, even if it didn’t bode well for my hopes of watching my waistline while here. It was all open-air except for the mosquito netting that blocked out the buzzing insects. A waitress walking by caught my eye and gave me a nod of acknowledgment. “I’ll be with you in just a minute, hon,” she said with a syrupy Southern accent. “Thanks,” I replied with a smile. Seeing an unattended menu on an empty table, I hopped up to go grab it and nearly walked straight into a gigantic, handsome guy walking by in the process. My shoulder knocked against his muscular arm, and I hurriedly swiveled around to apologize. But when he turned to look me in the eyes, the words got stuck in my throat. I stared wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the man, my whole body tingling with arousal. He was impossibly tall and broad, with bulging biceps and a no-nonsense scowl that made him look like some kind of cartoon strongman. I had no doubt in my mind this was a guy who could kick my ass without even breaking a sweat. His appearance led me to wonder if he was some kind of athlete, maybe a professional wrestler or something crazy. I worried for a moment he would interpret my clumsiness as an invitation to a fight, but I need not have worried. The gorgeous man gave me the faintest of good-natured nods and then kept moving, leaving me to stand in the same spot, gawking after him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had come here to this small town fully expecting not to see a single man I would be attracted to. Perhaps that was my own fault, my own biases. I had never spent much time in the South, so most of what I had to go by was, admittedly, just a bunch of stereotypes. After all, the west coast was a totally different world from this rural setting. But the guy I had just bumped into was precisely the kind of man I would have imagined living in a place like Winchester… in my wildest, most vivid fantasies that is. I swallowed hard at the lump in my throat, my hands clasping and unclasping as I stared at the man’s wide, powerful back disappearing through the door to the interior of the restaurant. He looked like he could easily bench-press my body weight, which was saying something in recent days, since I had gained a bit of weight. Like he could pick me up and pin me to a wall, his hard, thick body pushed against me so that I could feel every blisteringly hot inch of him. I could imagine those dark eyes gazing intensely into mine, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. What could I say? I loved a guy who looked like he might moonlight as a lumberjack, and this man certainly fit the bill. I found myself fantasizing about being locked up in a folksy wooden cottage with this mysterious stranger, the two of us pressed together in a confined space, his large hands roving down my body, manhandling me, moving and bending me to his will. I licked my lips, nearly salivating at the thought of kneeling in front of him, tugging the engorged head of his shaft between my lips, listening to him grunt and groan with satisfaction as I gave him exactly what he deserved. He had the body of a hardworking man, and I couldn’t help but daydream about getting to be the one to help him unwind. Maybe I could show him how things were done on the west coast, give him a little taste of Hollywood magic. I watched closely as the handsome guy walked through the small diner and took a seat at a booth where a middle-aged woman was sitting. I saw the light come on in the woman’s eyes, crinkling into crow’s feet at the corners with genuine affection. As soon as the handsome man sat down, he reached across the table to briefly embrace the woman’s hands. I could see the pure love and admiration in her eyes, as well as his, and for a split second, I wondered if he was dating an older woman. But when I looked a little closer, it became evident to me that she was his mother, a fact that immediately made my heart melt a little. Even though he probably outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds of muscle and she looked to be barely over five feet tall, she looked at him like he was a big, soft teddy bear. The trust and love apparent in their dynamic were impressive to me. How sweet. A southern country boy meeting up with his beloved mom for a little catch-up date at a folksy brunch restaurant. The contrast of the man’s bear-like, intimidating appearance with his heartfelt reunion with his mother, who clearly adored him, was almost too much for me to handle. It looked like something a friend of mine would have filmed for a made-for-TV feel-good movie about family and togetherness, but it wasn’t for any camera or audience. It was genuine and real. If that wasn’t a good sign of things to come during my little retreat from the harsh lights and judgmental culture of Los Angeles, I didn’t know what was. As much as I loved the hustle and bustle of Hollywood, it could get a little tiring having to cope with the constant rat race, the insincerity of relationships, the fact that everyone was looking for a head to step on to get ahead. There were lots of fun times to be had out on the famed west coast, but it took a lot of energy. Even a guy like me, who sometimes thrived on stress and a busy schedule, could get burned out from time to time. I was happy to be here in Winchester, where the pace of life seemed to be slowed down to half speed compared to home. Then again, I knew I’d feel comfortable here. The reason I had chosen Winchester was because my parents had taken me on a couple of road trips when I was a kid, and we had stopped in Winchester along the way. The town had been beautiful and peaceful. It had left an impression on me as a child, and I knew it was the perfect place for me to escape to as an adult. I had a good feeling I was going to like it here, especially if that handsome guy and his mom were any indication. As I finally tore my eyes away from their adorable interaction, I did a double take. A waitress came through the back door onto the wraparound porch carrying a massive tray, balanced with several plates of delicious-looking food piled high. A veritable smorgasbord of various sweet, savory, buttery aromas wafted past my nose, and I sucked in a deep, appreciative breath. “Wow. I want all of that,” I murmured to myself, not realizing at first that I’d said the words out loud. That is, until the waitress giggled and caught my eye. “If you want to take a seat, I’ll be right with ya, darlin’,” she remarked. “Right. Yes. Of course,” I said, a little flushed around the cheeks. As she carried the tray to a table of locals dressed up after church, I slid back into my seat at the corner table and started to look at the menu. It took all my willpower not to continue stealing glances over at the handsome guy and his mother through the glossy diner window, but if there was anything on this planet most likely to distract my attention, it was the paragraph-long descriptions of menu items like “ Buttermilk Biscuits ‘n’ Gravy Tower with Applewood Bacon ”, or “ Swirly Cinnamon Bun Pancakes ”, or possibly my favorite: “ Beulah’s Gut-buster Brunch Bonanza. ” That last one made me actually pick up the menu and hold it up closer to my face, as though my eyes had to be playing a trick on me. But nope. It was real. My mouth watered as I read the description below. It involved southern-style cheesy grits with house-made spicy sausage gravy, a fried green tomato BLT biscuit, a side of hash browns, three eggs cooked to preference, and, almost as a final Hail Mary toward any semblance of a balanced meal, a cup of fresh fruit. I could hardly believe what I was reading. It was easy to get caught up in the photos of food and the nearly pornographic descriptions of menu items. But luckily, I had thought ahead. Last night, while waiting for the rental car company to finish my paperwork, I had searched for local breakfast joints on my phone. Naturally, I had decided on Beulah’s. And because I often had trouble deciding what to order, I had inspected the menu online beforehand. Somehow I had managed to skim past the Gut-buster, but I had already mentally selected an item amusingly named “The Six-Count of Monte Cristo,” which was a deep-fried ham and jam sandwich dusted with confectioners sugar and accompanied by no less than six slices of thick-cut bacon. It was a pun plus bacon and powdered sugar. How in the world could I say no? Just as I set down the menu, fully secure in my decision, the waitress came over to my table with a pen nestled behind her ear and a big smile on her face. She couldn’t have been any older than nineteen, fresh-faced, and friendly looking. Her name tag, to my endless enjoyment, read FLO. “You got any questions ‘bout the menu this morning?” she asked, tilting her head to one side so that her flouncy blonde ponytail bounced cheerily. “Not about the menu, no. But I have to ask: is your name really Flo?” I chuckled. She grinned and rolled her eyes. “Believe it or not, yep. Well, technically, it’s Florence. But Flo is what I prefer. I’m Beulah’s granddaughter,” she replied. “Wait, there’s a real Beulah?” I asked, taken aback. She giggled, looking at me like I was insane. “Of course there is, silly! Who else would the place be named after?” she said with a laugh. “She retired a couple years ago, but it’s still my grandma’s place through and through. You know, she designed the whole menu herself.” “Well, she did a great job. Everything sounds fantastic,” I replied. “Why, thank you! I’ll be sure to pass that on to Grandma,” she said with a wink. “Now, have you made a decision about your breakfast today, sir?” “Mhm. I’d love to have the Monte Cristo, please,” I said. “And a black coffee.” She took the pen from behind her ear and a notepad from a pocket on her apron, scribbled down my order, and then gave me another big smile. “Alrighty! I’ll go put this in right away. I’ll be back real soon with your coffee.” “Thank you,” I said. She gave me a nod and walked away, back inside the restaurant. As soon as she was gone, the worry began to set in. Biting my lip, I glanced down at my waistline and promptly laid out a napkin in my lap to hide some of my stomach pudge. It wasn’t a massive weight gain or anything. For most people, it might not have even seemed like much of an issue. But for me it was different. It was true what they say about the camera adding ten pounds. Unfortunately, though, my diet and exercise regimen (or rather the lack thereof) had added a good ten to fifteen on their own. In Hollywood terms, that was a big difference. People in L.A. were constantly trying to shrink themselves, always trying to be the most trim, the most chic. It could be a little toxic spending all my time in that hyperconscious world full of gossip magazines and celebrity blogs. Personally, it didn’t bother me all that much except for when someone pointed it out. One might think that polite society of today would frown upon such remarks, but in Hollywood, everything a relatively famous actor like me does is under intense scrutiny. On set, my costars were all supportive and friendly as always. After all, we had been working together for years. Soap operas functioned on a high-speed turnaround, with long days of filming and a lot of downtime on the sound stage. That meant I got to spend a lot of time chatting and bonding with my coworkers. The cast of Bannister Heights, of which I was an integral part, were all much chummier and tight-knit than we seemed on television, where rules dictated we should always be in some kind of conflict. That was what kept the show moving forward, after all: the drama. And most of the time, I loved it. Landing the role of heart-breaker Adrian Bannister was a milestone in my acting career. I wasn’t quite a household name yet, but in some households where soap opera legacies reigned supreme, the name Jesse Blackwood was well known. For diehard fans of the show, who had been following its highly dramatic plot lines for nearly a decade now, the introduction of Adrian was a big deal. I loved my job. I loved my audience. I loved my coworkers. But I had to admit that the grueling hours and constantly living under a microscope had caused me to play fast and loose with my own well-being and health. That was why I had come here to Winchester, as an official break from acting. I needed time to relax, to get myself back into fighting condition so I could come back to the show at my best. And as I looked around at the pleasant crowd here for brunch, I felt secure in my decision. Nobody was ogling me. Nobody was trying to surreptitiously snap a photo of me with their cell phone. People weren’t whispering and shooting furtive glances my way. Out here, in rural South Carolina, I could just blend into the crowd. I could be just like everybody else for once. And then I heard it. Click. Click-click. Flash. My heart began to race, and my confidence plummeted. There it was. The telltale sound of a camera flashing nearby. I glanced at a spot around the corner of the restaurant, and my eyes landed on the culprit, a photographer with a big, fancy camera. I did what I always did. I turned away and tried to ignore him, though I knew my discomfort was obvious on my face. Of course I couldn’t escape the paparazzi, not even way out here. They were so persistent! I should have known I would be an irresistible target for one of those slime balls. I was just about to get up and go inside to tell the waitress to make my breakfast a to-go order when I felt a firm, large hand on my shoulder. I looked up, surprised to see that the handsome guy from earlier was standing over me, a fierce but calm look on his face. Before I could say anything, he glanced over at the paparazzo and then gave me a look that clearly indicated that he was going to take care of the issue himself. “Wait here,” he said gruffly. “Okay,” I replied in a near whisper. He marched down the steps of the porch and right up to the camera guy, his hands curled into fists. My heart raced like crazy as I half expected a fight to break out. But then, I realized that the mysterious stranger was just giving the guy a very stern talking-to. And judging by the look of fear on the paparazzo’s face, it was very effective. The guy sheepishly handed over his camera, a feat I had never seen happen before back in L.A. My rugged hero promptly deleted the photos, gave the guy back his camera, and pointed for the guy to leave. To my complete amazement, he did as he was told. No contest. I watched with awe as the tough guy walked back to my table. I stared at him wide-eyed, barely able to think clearly. I was normally so quick and snappy, but he had truly stunned me into silence. He gave me a self-assured nod and said in a low growl, “Sorry about that guy. He shouldn’t give you any more trouble. Welcome to Winchester.” With that, he walked away back inside to his charming date with his mom. I stared after him totally dumbfounded, feeling as though there must be pink cartoon hearts flying around my head. My waitress returned to give me my mug of black coffee, and as I sat there trying to come to terms with the amazing event that had just transpired, I gazed adoringly at the man, obscured by the line of hot steam emanating from my coffee cup. Corinthos mob family. The Corinthos (also known as Corinthos-Morgan and Morgan-Corinthos ) mob family is a fictional mob and vigilante organization on the ABC soap opera . In , there are five main mob families, with the Corinthos organization holding the most power in the city. Many law enforcement officials have come to Port Charles to try and shut this organization down and many enemies have tried to move in on their territory, but they always manage to fend off whoever is coming after them, whether it's the law or other enemies. The Corinthos organization is also the city's main vigilante organization as they have been known to diffuse many dangerous crises and situations. Contents. History. arrived in Port Charles in 1993, and owned and operated a strip club before becoming Port Charles' most powerful mobster in the power struggles that followed Frank Smith's death. Sonny has become known for his relative benevolence compared to other mafia gangs and his donation of several million dollars was instrumental in setting up the Stone Cates Memorial Wing at General Hospital. As of the late 2000s, Sonny Corinthos, now a crime mob kingpin, is known by all from the East Coast, including everyone in Port Charles, and most recently, Llanview, Pennsylvania and New Haven, Connecticut. He's been known for numerous crimes for a couple of decades and was never found guilty for any (due to his high level, successful attorneys, Jason Morgan covering up his crimes, and his bodyguards getting rid of evidence) as cops try harder to take him down but never succeeded. Everybody in Port Charles knows who Jason Morgan is. He was born into wealth as Jason Quartermaine, the son of Dr. Alan Quartermaine and his mistress Susan Moore. He was later adopted by Monica Quartermaine. He was well liked, smart, and basically one of the only sane people ever to be born into the Quartermaine family. He was a medical student, planning to follow in the footsteps of his parents, but one fateful night changed all of that. One night when he was trying to stop his brother A.J. Quartermaine from driving drunk he got in the car with him and they crashed leaving Jason permanently brain damaged with no memory of his life. He broke away from his family, changed his last name to Morgan (in honor of his paternal grandmother Lila Morgan Quartermaine), and started working for mobster Sonny Corinthos. Jason and Sonny became very close and they were almost as close as "brothers." However, over the years there have been times when they occasionally became enemies. Over time Jason has gotten closer to his family, especially his adopted-sister Emily Quartermaine and his adopted mother Monica Quartermaine. Sonny's youngest son Morgan was named after Jason. In 1997 when Jason was dating Robin Scorpio, she worried about how the mob was affecting Jason's life after he was injured and put in the hospital. She asks Sonny to fire Jason as she is afraid he will be killed if he continues on in Sonny's organization. Because Robin asks, Sonny does so and fires Jason from his organization. Jason is unhappy at the news and demands a reason for why he was fired. Sonny tries to deflect but Jason demands an answer from him. Jason manages to correctly guess that Sonny was firing him because of Robin, but Sonny lies and denies Robin's involvement. Jason confronts Robin about the issue and the two fight over it and even break up for a little while but reconcile and get back together until they went their separate ways when Robin left Port Charles in 1999 to go to school in Paris. In 2003, Jason gets caught up in a forbidden romance with Sonny's paternal half-sister Courtney Matthews. Sonny forbids them to see each other so they start seeing each other behind Sonny's back. When Sonny found out he was furious and made Jason choose between Courtney or his job. When he chose to continue seeing Courtney, Sonny fired him and angrily kicks him out. Time passes and Sonny eventually comes to terms with their relationship. He gives Jason his job back and is present when Jason and Courtney marry in France. However months later Jason and Courtney's relationship fell apart and they got divorced. In early 2006, Sonny and Jason got into a conflict when Sonny started dating Jason's sister Emily. Jason was not only worried about how their dangerous business would affect Emily, but he was also worried that Sonny's mob drama and bipolar disorder may cause him to accidentally hurt Emily. In retaliation to Sonny and Emily seeing each other behind his back, Jason gave Sonny an ultimatum, Emily or the business. Sonny refused to stop seeing Emily and as a result, Jason took the business from him. For the next couple of months there was conflict and tension between Sonny and Jason. Things got so bad that Sonny put a hit out on Jason, but called it off at the last second. However there was another sniper there that night and when Jason's girlfriend Sam McCall got shot in the back while in Jason's arms, he blamed Sonny and was going after him for revenge until Sonny was able to prove his innocence. This started the turning point for the two as they started to reconcile and months later Jason gave the business back to Sonny. A Corinthos-Morgan Coffee building on the skyline of Port Charles. In April 2008, Sonny signed over the entire Corinthos-Morgan Crime family willingly to Jason after his son Michael was shot. Sonny was trying to escape the dangerous life for his son Morgan Corinthos and his daughter Kristina Corinthos-Davis and his then fiance, Kate Howard. But even when he got out of the business, Sonny's longing for the life never went away and he aligned himself with the Zacchara crime family. Sonny went to Jason to request the business back, but Sonny was in a volatile state (as a result of his fiancee Kate Howard getting shot on their wedding day) so Jason refused to give him the business back, not wanting to put their families or employees at risk. Sonny gained control of the Zacchara organization by marrying Anthony's daughter, Claudia Zacchara and this act put Sonny and Jason as enemies once again. The conflict between Sonny and Jason rose over the months and the tension almost took both organizations to a full scale mob war, but they were eventually able to compromise and come to a truce. In March 2009, Sonny was in a better place and Jason was tired of being the boss, so he gave the business back to Sonny. In late 2012, takes over many of Jason's duties in the organization as second-in-command, when Jason is presumed dead after being shot and kicked into the Port Charles harbor, by Cesar Faison disguised as Duke Lavery. In 2013 a man named Derek Wells comes to town as Connie Falconeri's new boss. It is later revealed that this was all a disguise and Derek Wells is actually , who wanted to take over Sonny's territory. It is also revealed that Ava Jerome is his sister who arrived in Port Charles a few months earlier. When Connie found out their true identities, she tried to call and warn Sonny, but before she could Ava shot her in cold blood and framed A.J. Quartermaine, because he was in Connie's office drunk at the time of the murder. A.J. took a gun to Connie's office and berated her for writing an article that cost him ELQ, but in the end he dropped the gun and left. This gave Ava the perfect opportunity to frame him. Ava did this to keep her and Julian's identity a secret so they would have time to set up their operation. Later on that year it's revealed that Ava and Julian are responsible for getting Sonny's son Morgan hooked on gambling and that's how he met Ava's daughter Kiki Jerome. Julian and Ava then get Morgan to turn on Sonny because he feels Sonny loves his brother Michael more than him. Morgan goes to work for the Jeromes and this puts a strain on his relationship with his father. They soon reconnect after Morgan accidentally shoots Max Giambetti at Sonny's warehouse, when Julian and Morgan went to save Julian's enforcer Carlos Rivera. Carlos was holding TJ Ashford hostage to keep himself from being executed by Shawn on Sonny's orders to send a message to Julian. Morgan soon realizes mob life isn't for him and goes home to his father. Sonny has since been unable to kill Julian because he is a bone marrow match for Jason's son Danny, who recently recovered from a battle with leukemia. Therefore Sonny has to put up with Julian but there is still much animosity between the two men till this day. In November 2014, Sonny asked Duke to run the organization while he (Sonny) was in prison. On December 30, (New Years Eve on the show), Jordan Ashford asked Duke for a job but he said that he would have to test her loyalty. On May 2, 2015, Duke passed away after being shot in the stomach by Carlos under Julian's orders. Sonny assumed that Jake Doe killed him and as a result, he sent Shawn to take him out. Shawn arrived at the warehouse and tried to shoot Jake, but Jordan arrived and disarmed him. While being disarmed, Shawn fired a shot into the warehouse as 's hit man shot Hayden Barnes in the head. Jake then emerged form the warehouse and attacked Shawn, but Jordan was able to stop Jake and revealed her true loyalty to Shawn. On May 27, Shawn was sent to prison for Hayden's shooting committed by Nikolas' hit man. In November 2015, everyone including Sonny found out that Jake Doe is really Jason Morgan, but he doesn't remember his life. Jason also refused to return to the mob. On December 4, Diane told Jason that he owns 40% of Corinthos Coffee, which means that Sonny owns 60%. On May 9, 2016, Jason got his memories back but still want's nothing to do with the mob. Later in the year, Sonny finally figured out that Julian was the one who had Duke killed. He sought revenge by ordering his men to put a bomb in Julian's car and then had another mob family framed. But then he changed his mind by his wife's wishes. Unfortunately, his son, Morgan, was killed in the bomb instead. Initially everyone suspected Sonny, including himself, that his ordered hit cause the death. It was then revealed that Julian's older sister, Liv (Olivia Jerome), ordered the hit and made Sonny look like the guilty one as a bonus. During most of 2017, with his marriage in trouble. to the point almost leading to divorce and losing his assets, his family breaking apart, Jason refusing to work for him, and with the death of his son, Sonny began the process of retiring from the organization. It was then he was a big target and almost gets killed by Garvey, Julian's old associate, for putting him in prison. After recovering from being shot in the leg and left to die in the pit and after his nephew was kidnapped as plot against him, he ultimately decides to continue leading his organization. In fall of 2017, it's revealed that the man everyone thought was Jason was actually Jason's long lost identical twin Drew Cain, who was conditioned into having all of Jason's memories by Dr. Andre Maddox under orders by Cesar Faison so he may take his brother's place since Jason was brain damaged and could not be brainwashed. But after 5 years of being held prisoner in a clinic in Russia by Dr. Klein, under orders from Faison's son, Henrik, the real Jason escaped and returned to Port Charles and he is shown to be resuming his duties as Sonny's enforcer and right-hand man while Drew remained civil with Sonny. In early 2018, with the mob activities in the city has nearly ceased and Sonny's mob family being all that's left, the mob life had died down. Once in a while, his threat of their reputation were occasionally used towards their advantage. Mob activity resurfaced beginning of 2020 when shots were fired at three locations at the same time. Pier 55 (intended for his son Michael), Coffee Warehouse (intended for his employee, with Carly as collateral) and The Pub in Brooklyn, New York (intended for Sonny while he was visiting the city with his father Mike along with Jason for support). It is revealed that Cyrus Renault (a drug kingpin who has a large reputation of trafficking illegal supplies from other countries to Pacific) is after Sonny and what the agenda is regarding territory, revenge, or rivalry purposes is still unclear. In late 2020 after Sonny goes missing and is presumed dead, Jason becomes the acting boss of the organization. Sonny later turns up alive in Pennsylvania with amnesia. Jason is falsely accused of the murder of Franco Baldwin and forced to go on the run. In Jason's absence, Carly attends the meeting of the Five Families and becomes the acting boss of the organization. Properties. Some of the following locations have been used as fronts and offices for the Corinthos organization. Others have operated as legitimate businesses. The organization maintains at least five safehouses. The primary one is often used by Jason in 2019-2021, and was used to hide oft-enemy and momentary ally Marcus Taggert after he was shot while in Witness Protection on August 26-27, 2020. A second was used to hide Sonny's daughter Kristina while she was deprogrammed from a cult, between April 4 - May 7, 2019. A third was used by Nelle Benson-Jerome to hide when she kidnapped her and Michael's son Wiley from August 26-27, 2020. The fourth was used to hold Florence Grey hostage in 2020-21. A Neighboring house is the only one located in the city limits, and temporarily housed Marcus Taggert while he was supposedly dead from Nov 6-Dec 17, 2020. Relationships. - Boss of the organization (currently presumed deceased and living as “Mike”) - Sonny's wife, mother of his sons Michael and Morgan and his daughter Donna; Jason's best friend (currently boss while Sonny is presumed deceased) - Sonny's adopted son with Carly; Jason's nephew - Sonny's adoptive grandson, Michael's son, Carly's grandson - Sonny's youngest son with Carly; Jason's godson (presumably deceased) - Sonny's eldest daughter with - Sonny's daughter with rival ex-mobster, Ava Jerome - Sonny's youngest daughter with Carly - Sonny's eldest son with Olivia Quartermaine - Sonny's ex-daughter-in-law; Dante's ex-wife, Carly's cousin - Sonny's grandson; Dante and Lulu's son, Carly's step-grandson and second cousin via Lulu - Sonny's ex-wife and longtime love - Sonny's late wife - Sonny's half-brother; Molly's father - Sonny's half-niece; daughter of Ric and Alexis. - Sonny's half-sister and Jason's ex-wife; Spencer's mother (deceased) - Sonny's nephew; Courtney's son with Nikolas Cassadine - Sonny and Courtney's father (deceased) - Sonny and Ric's mother (deceased) - Sonny's stepdaughter; Carly's daughter with Jasper Jacks, Jason's goddaughter - Jason's ex-wife and the mother of his son Danny, niece Scout, and Sonny's stillborn daughter Lila - Jason's long-lost full brother, Sam's ex-husband, Danny and Jake's uncle, Oscar and Scout's father (presumed deceased) - Drew's daughter with Sam, Jason's niece, Sonny's goddaughter - Drew's son with former flame Kim Nero, Sam's ex-stepson, Jason's nephew, and Josslyn's boyfriend (deceased) - Jason's son with , Michael's cousin, and Drew's nephew - Jason's son with Sam, Michael's cousin, Drew's biological nephew, Sonny’s godson - Jason and Drew’s half-brother; Michael's biological father (deceased) - Jason and Drew’s father, and grandfather to Michael, Danny, Jake, Oscar, and Scout (deceased) - Jason and Drew’s adoptive mother; Michael's grandmother, Danny, Jake, Oscar and Scout's adoptive grandmother - Jason and Drew’s biological mother, Jake, Danny, Oscar, and Scout’s biological grandmother (deceased) - Jason and Drew’s adoptive sister and Sonny's ex-girlfriend; adoptive aunt to Michael, Danny, Jake, Oscar, and Scout (deceased) - close longtime friend/ex-girlfriend of Sonny's and mother of his eldest son, Dante - Sonny's ex-girlfriend/ex-fiancée (deceased) - Michael's ex- girlfriend who gave up her happiness to help his custody case for Wiley, and with whom he's still in love - mother of Sonny's daughter, Kristina and Ric's daughter and Sonny's niece, Molly - Jason's ex-girlfriend and longtime friend of Sonny and Jason - longtime friend of Sonny and Jason (except for the time he was Evil Luke), Dante’s ex-father-in-law, Rocco’s maternal grandfather, father of Lucky, Ethan, and Lulu - daughter of longtime friends , Dante’s ex-wife, Rocco’s mother, Sonny’s ex-daughter-in-law, Carly’s cousin. - close friend of Sonny and Jason (deceased) - Jason's friend/ex-fiancée and mother of his son, Jake, Ric's ex-wife, Sonny's ex-sister-in-law - friends with Sam, Jason, and Sonny - friends with Sam and Jason and acquaintance to Sonny; Spinelli's ex-girlfriend/ex-fiancée and the mother of his daughter, Georgie - Sonny and Jason's longtime loyal friend and employee - Sonny's good friend and former enforcer - Shawn's biological son with Jordan Ashford and Molly's boyfriend. General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Jason Morgan And Cyrus’ Deadly Shootout – Innocent Victim Get Hits By Crossfire? General Hospital spoilers tease that Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is itching to take down evil monger Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). This week Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard) got his weapon of choice out of mothballs and Jason promised to use it to rid Port Charles of Cyrus’ stench. There’s no doubt that Jason meant it, but in his quest for revenge, will he accidentally shoot an innocent person while aiming for Renault? General Hospital Spoilers Monday, April 13: Nina Realizes She’s Like Nelle – Maxie Tells Liesl Goodbye – Laura Goes Behind Lulu’s Back. Jason doesn’t miss, but in this case, there is speculation that someone will enter the picture at the last second, taking the bullet meant for Cyrus. General Hospital Spoilers – Stone Cold Could Regret Trying To Take Out Cyrus Renault. Jason is a loyal soldier and when Sonny says jump Jason asks how high. It’s not a question of if, but when, Jason takes aim at Cyrus. For now, the two men have met, with Jason not having the luxury of shooting him immediately after his release from prison. Cyrus was jabbering with Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) when Jason felt compelled to interrupt. Is it possible that the next time Carly won’t be as lucky and becomes the collateral damage of Jason’s vendetta? GH Spoilers – Carly hates Cyrus And Might Be In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time. It’s entirely possible that Carly is in the wrong place at the wrong time where Cyrus is concerned, for a second time, and is shot by Jason. Then again, there are other people who would want to take Cyrus down and thereby accidentally get in Jason’s line of sight. Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) is a prime candidate– Cyrus kidnapped and beat her son and she might tail him in order to get the drop on him. General Hospital Spoilers – Who Else Could Be In Cyrus’s Vicinity When Jason Strikes? Cyrus has many enemies, any one of which could be enticed to follow him and get in Jason’s way. Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) hates him because he’s responsible for her dad’s death. General Hospital Spoilers: Wednesday, April 8 Recap – Nelle’s Shocking Revelation – Jason Deals With Joss – Willow’s Wiley Obsessed — SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) April 9, 2020. Mayor Laura Collins (Genie Francis) wants him out of her city and out of her hair. Her son Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) fears for Laura’s safety while Cyrus is on the loose and wants him gone. Then again Sam McCall thinks Cyrus is an obstacle to her being with Jason and is liable to go after the baddie herself.