Circular/Notice to Shareholders
THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THISTHIS CIRCULARCIRCULAR ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT ANDAND REQUIRESREQUIRES YOURYOUR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE ATTENTION.ATTENTION. IfTHIS you CIRCULARare in any doubt IS IMPORTANT as to the course AND REQUIRESof action to YOURbe taken IMMEDIATE, you should ATTENTION. consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountantIf you are in or any other doubt professional as to the adviser course immediately.of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, IfIf youyou areare inin anyany doubtdoubt asas toto thethe coursecourse ofof actionaction toto bebe takentaken,, youyou shouldshould consultconsult youryour stockbroker,stockbroker, bankbank manager,manager,solisolicitor,citor, accountantIf you are inor any other doubt professional as to the adviser course immediately. of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountantaccountant oror otherother professionalprofessional adviseradviser immediately.immediately. BursaaccountantMalaysia or otherSecurities professionalBerhad advisertakes responsibility for the contents of this Circular, the Valuation Certificates and the ValuationBursaBursaMalaysiaMalaysia ReportSecuritiessSecurities, makes noBerhadBerhad representationtakestakestakes nonono as responsibilityresponsibilityresponsibility to its accuracy forforfor or thethethe completeness contentscontentscontents ofofof thisthisandthis
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