The entire District 15 staff extends a warm welcome to your child and to you. By working together, we can best ensure that your child’s first year of formal public school will be a pleasant and successful one. We believe that the kindergarten year is tremendously important in providing your child with a solid foundation upon which to build the future years in school.

In addition to being an important year, it’s a very special year. It marks one of the milestones in a person’s life. The first day of school is always remembered by Mom and Dad. There is usually a tear or two “on both sides of the fence.” The school staff is very experienced in assisting you and your child on that exciting day.

The kindergarten year is a year of learning readiness skills for future years. In the children’s academic program the key word is “readiness.” There are many social skills that the children must learn and there are a great many readiness skills that should be mastered before the first grade. In addition, we want to enhance the development of emerging literacy by exposing your child to print and the purpose of literature.


In 1985 the Legislature (SB 730) changed the kindergarten entrance age requirement. To be eligible for kindergarten entrance, a student must be 5 years of age on or before September 1st. ABSENCE

If your child will be absent from school, please call the school office as soon as possible. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each session. By law we must make every reasonable effort to contact you if your child is absent and we do not receive a call from you. Please understand that we are merely ensuring that everyone is accounted for and safe. If you know that your child will be absent from school at a future date, please phone the office. A general word about absences—we believe that there are two legitimate reasons for absence, illness and family emergencies.

If you bring your child to school after the session starts, please stop in the office first to notify them that your child is present.


Articles brought to school by students sometimes create problems. We ask that parents closely monitor what is brought to school. Toys are not to be brought to school unless permission has been given by the classroom teacher in advance. Please make sure labels with your child’s name are put on everything brought to school.


According to the state statutes, parents who register their child for kindergarten must provide the child’s County birth certificate. A copy of the original birth certificate will be made at registration, and the original will be returned to the parents. Under the provisions of a new Illinois law, school districts must furnish local police departments with the names of parents who have failed to provide verification of birth for their children enrolling in school for the first time.


Ask your child’s teacher about the classroom procedures for honoring a child’s birthday.


Approximately 99% of our students ride the bus to school. Therefore, we have to be organized and ready the first day of school. Beginning with the bus driver in the morning, all school personnel are aware of the nervousness, fear and concern experienced by our five year olds during the early days of kindergarten. Safety is the primary concern. Each teacher instructs the class on bus rules—using terminology appropriate to the age level. We take extreme care to make sure that your child is on the right bus. Staff members are on duty guiding the students to the buses. The first week or so, every child’s bus pass is checked to make sure that the child is, indeed, on the right bus. This does become a matter of routine for the children and it is amazing how quickly they learn.

For A.M. Kindergartners, a parent or daycare provider must be present at the bus stop before the student can be released. Transportation does offer Release without Parent waivers upon request. There are no requirements for the presence of a parent or daycare provider for P.M. Kindergarteners due to time restraints and other students getting off the bus at that time. Therefore, P.M. Kindergartners will be dropped off at the end of the school day with the rest of the students even if a parent or daycare provider is not present.

Bus discipline is, of course, the responsibility of all of us. In cases of serious infractions, the driver completes a School Bus Incident Report and sends it to the Principal or Assistant Principal. The Principal or Assistant Principal speaks to the child and notifies the parent of the incident. Consequences are detailed in the individual school’s Parent/Student Handbook.

Address or daycare changes must be done through the school that the student attends. A change request is filled out and sent to Transportation for processing. Please allow up to three days for processing. Only in case of an emergency will a student be allowed to ride another bus other than their own. These requests must be approved by the Transportation Department at (815) 385-6622. Please do not send a note with your child requesting approval.


Rules and Regulations- Safety on our school buses is very important. In order to have a safe transportation program, parents are requested to stress the following policies and rules to their children:

1. Be at your bus stop five minutes before your scheduled pick up time.

2. Form an orderly single file line to board the bus. Refrain from pushing, shoving or trying to be first.

3. Do not play on the roads, trees or lawns while waiting at the bus stop. Please show respect for private property.

4. Make sure the bus comes to a complete stop before boarding or exiting the bus. If you must cross the street to board the bus, wait for the driver’s signal. He/she will know when traffic is stopped in both directions and it is safe to cross.

5. Always use the bus entrance handrail when entering or exiting the bus.

6. Be seated as quickly as possible, facing forward, and remain seated until the bus stops. Do not stand while the bus is in motion.

7. Keep the aisles clear.

8. Voices must be kept at a conversational tone. Yelling, shouting or whistling are never acceptable bus behaviors.

9. PLEASE, BE ABSOLUTELY QUIET AT RAILROAD CROSSINGS. The driver must stop and open the door of the bus to look and listen for an approaching train.

10. No eating, drinking or gum chewing on the bus.

11. Put all waste paper in the waste container as you enter or leave the bus. Buses are to be kept clean at all times.

12. Never put your hands or head out the window of the bus.

13. Profane language is unacceptable behavior.

14. Vandalism will not be tolerated; offenders will be required to make restitution and may be suspended from transportation privileges.

15. Fighting will result in suspension.


PLEASE NOTE: The bus driver is in complete charge and has been instructed not to tolerate misbehavior on the bus. A driver can assign a student to a seat at his or her discretion. For consistent misbehavior, the rider may be denied the privilege of riding the bus. In addition, misbehavior can result in other disciplinary action.


Bus pick up and drop off at different babysitters/child care centers on different days cannot be honored. For example the following routing cannot be honored:

Monday drop off at Babysitter on Route A Tuesday drop off at Grandmother’s on Route B Wednesday drop off at home on Route C Thursday & Friday drop off at sitter on Route A

If you have any questions regarding your child’s schedule, please call the Transportation Department at (815) 385-6622.


Please notify the school office if you change your address or telephone number. There are times when we have to contact you in case of illness or emergency.


Please make sure that your child’s outer clothing is clearly labeled. Whenever you come to school, please check the Lost and Found Box. Labeling, of course, would eliminate the need for the Lost and Found Box. CHILDREN SHOULD BE ABLE TO FASTEN THEIR COATS AND OTHER CLOTHES THAT THEY WEAR TO SCHOOL. We would like every child to have an extra set of clothes at school in case of emergency (labeled).


If you are going to pick your child up please telephone the office or write a note. When you arrive, please come to the office to get your child; we do not allow a child to wait outside alone. We also ask that you sign your child out on the forms provided in the office. Without a note or phone call, your child will be sent home on the regular bus route.


The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Center for Disease Control and the National Association of School Nurses recommend that students with nits (lice eggs) not be excluded from school. Students with active infestation of head lice (pediculosis) will be referred to their parents/guardians for treatment. Education of parents/guardians, students and school staff as to the transmission, identification and treatment of head lice is a far more effective management approach and will significantly reduce unnecessary school absences and reduce disruptive screening.


In the event that school has to be closed because of inclement weather, a decision is usually made in time for broadcasting at 6:00 A.M. If the weather is threatening, please listen to the following stations to see if school is closed:


TELEVISION STATIONS CBS-TV Channel 2 NBC-TV Channel 5 ABC-TV Channel 7 FOX-TV Channel 32 CL-TV Channel 36-Cable WGN-TV Channel 9

Information is also available on District Voicemail at (815) 344-7140 and the internet at www.d15.org.


It is the belief of the Board of Education that medication should be administered in the home. However, under certain conditions, it is in the best educational and health interest of the child to take prescribed medications during the school day. In such cases, the medicine must be prescribed by a doctor and a parental request must be on file in the nurse’s office. To insure compliance with the rules for administering medication at school, the medicine is to be brought to school by the parent or other responsible adult in a container properly labeled with directions and the doctor’s name. The student is responsible for coming to the office to take medicine. The parents of the student must assume responsibility for informing the school of any change in the child’s health or change in medication. The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medicine. School District 15 or their employees will not be responsible for any errors in administering these medications.

Medications cannot be administered at school without a doctor’s written order and a written request from the parent or guardian. Appropriate forms are available at each school office and on our district website. If possible, we request that medication be scheduled so it does not have to be administered at school.


Kindergarten parent/teacher conferences are scheduled twice per year, once in the fall for all students and once in the spring per student need. You will be notified in advance of the specific dates and the procedures to follow.


The laws in the state of Illinois require that a student entering kindergarten must show evidence of a completed physical examination with lead appraisal and an up-to-date immunization record. Any child who does not meet these requirements will be excluded from school. The immunizations required are the DPT series, polio series, two doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), and two doses of varicella (chicken pox). The intent of the law is to protect children from those communicable diseases for which there is prevention. Physical/immunization forms are available during registration or at the Health Services Tab on the district website. These forms must be completed by your physician. Physicians become very busy with physicals/immunizations over the summer months; therefore, we recommend that you make appointments early. A dental examination and vision examination are also required under the state law. For those that qualify for free or low cost physicals and/or immunizations a clinic is held at the McHenry County Health Department. Call (815) 334-4510 for an appointment.


Please refer to your school’s policy regarding holiday/party treats.


Report cards are sent home twice a year at the kindergarten level, at the end of the first semester in January, and at the end of the year. Landmark School students receive their first report cards in December.


Each year, school pictures are taken. You will receive information concerning pictures at the beginning of the school year. District 15 has elected not to make a profit on school pictures so that savings can be passed directly to the parents. We simply cooperate with Interstate Studio to provide the service because we believe pictures are very important to our families. Read the materials that are sent home—the most important thing to remember is the Interstate Studio requirement that the packets be prepaid.


Registration procedures include payment of the registration fee, submitting of completed student information sheet, health cards, physical and immunization forms, dental forms and medical release forms.

Edgebrook, Hilltop, Riverwood and Valley View are all neighborhood schools. Landmark is a school of choice and includes students from across the entire district. Parents who are interested in Landmark enter a lottery drawing held every March to fill openings in each grade level. Interested families should contact Landmark School for more information.


Each building will have their individual student supply list available at the Kindergarten registration. Copies will also be available in the school offices.


Edgebrook, Hilltop, Riverwood and Valley View schools have one day at the beginning of the school year set aside for Kindergarten Visitation Day. On this day we ask parents to bring their Kindergartner to school to meet the teacher, see the classroom, and just look around the building. Teachers ask that no siblings be brought on that day. Please bring your child’s school supplies at this time.

Landmark School has one K-5 Supply Drop-off day in July. Watch the school calendar for the exact day and time. This is the time when your Kindergartner can come to school to meet the teacher.


Riverwood Kindergarten Hours: AM Kindergarten 9:10 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. PM Kindergarten 1:00 P.M. – 3:50 P.M.

Riverwood School has two general traffic areas—the path going through the parking lot and the circle in the front of the building. The path through the parking lot is reserved mainly for school bus traffic and faculty. It is an important safety procedure to separate bus from automobile traffic. Therefore, the circle in the front of the building is reserved for parent drop-off of students. When you drive your child to school, pull into the circle, and proceed as far north as you can, your child can then exit your car. There is always an adult supervisor stationed at the north end of the circle during drop-off times. Those times are 8:45-9:05 A.M. and 12:40-1:00 P.M. Please try to avoid ever dropping your child off from the parking lot path.

If your child is late to school it is very important that you bring him or her into the building from the circle, through the doors by the flagpole and sign him or her in at the office. This is important because all our doors are locked for security purposes.

On days of inclement weather, we ask that you drop your child off at the far north end of the circle as well. The adult supervisor will direct the students into the building by the kindergarten playground.

When visiting or coming to assist in classrooms you must stop in the office and sign in and you will receive a visitor’s pass.


A.M. Kindergarten students may be dropped off in front of Edgebrook/Duker School on Kane Street and follow the sidewalk to the playground. Teacher supervision is provided outside to help students get to the Edgebrook playground.

P.M. Kindergarten students may be dropped off in the front of Edgebrook School on Kane Street at 12:10 P.M. and follow the sidewalk to the playground. Teacher supervision is provided on the Edgebrook playground.

On days of inclement weather, A.M. students will report directly to the gymnasium and P.M. students will report to their classroom.

If a child is late to school either in the morning or afternoon, parents must come into the office and sign their child in.

All visitors/guests must enter/exit Edgebrook School by using the front office doors. When entering Edgebrook you must sign in and pick up a visitor sticker.

Edgebrook Kindergarten Hours: A.M. Kindergarten: 8:35 A.M.-11:25 A.M. P.M. Kindergarten: 12:25 P.M.-3:15 P.M.


A.M. children being bused to Hilltop or children being driven by parents are to be dropped off along the first sidewalk, which leads to the playground. Children will follow the sidewalk around the building and report to the playground. Children may be dropped off any time after 8:15 A.M.

P.M. children being bused to Hilltop or children being driven by parents are to be dropped off along the first sidewalk, which leads to the playground. Children will follow the sidewalk around the building and report to the playground. Children may be dropped off any time after 12:10 P.M.

If a child is late to school, morning or afternoon, parents are required to come into the office and sign their child in. Children will be given a late slip, to be brought to class. If a parent goes to the child’s classroom, they will need to sign in and get a visitor’s pass.

On days of inclement weather, students will report to their classrooms. Supervision will be provided.

Reminder: When visiting Hilltop, you are to stop in the office to sign in and pick up a visitor’s pass.

Hilltop Kindergarten Hours: A.M. Kindergarten: 8:35 A.M.-11:25 A.M. P.M. Kindergarten: 12:25 P.M.-3:15 P.M.


Enter the building using only the front door.

A.M.: Our buses unload at 8:45 and students can be dropped off at 8:45. We enter the building at 9:05.

P.M.: Buses unload starting at 12:40 and students go to the playground until 12:55 when they enter the building.

If a child is late to school either in the morning or the afternoon, parents need to come into the office and sign their child in. Children will be given a late slip, which is to be brought to class. Late arrivals need to enter only through the front office doors.

When visiting Valley View School, please remember parents need to sign in and show I.D. at the office and pick up a visitor’s pass.

Valley View Kindergarten Hours: A.M. Kindergarten: 9:10 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. P.M. Kindergarten: 1:00 P.M. – 3:50 P.M.


Landmark students who arrive by bus are dropped off in front of the main entrance gate between 8:40 and 8:50 A.M. During the first week of school, staff members are positioned in front of school to meet and greet students as they arrive and to direct them to the playground. For everyone’s safety, we ask that all students use the sidewalk located along the east side of the school building. All other access to the playground is restricted during morning recess.

Students who arrive by car may be dropped off at the far (west) end of the bus lane so it does not interfere with the bus traffic. Parking is also available along Waukegan Road, for parents who choose to walk their child to the playground. Supervised morning recess takes place from 8:40-8:50 A.M. each day. During inclement weather, students enter the building directly, going to assigned seating in the gym or cafeteria.

When the first bell rings at 8:50 A.M., supervisors walk the classes into the building. A second bell rings at 8:55 A.M., indicating the beginning of our school day. Any student arriving after 8:55 A.M. is considered tardy. Those students are required to be signed in at the office by a parent/guardian and receive a pass before going to the classroom. All late arrivals must use the main entrance door only.

Absences: When a student is absent, please call the main office to report the absence. If you receive the voicemail message before office hours, please leave a message to report the absence.


Edgebrook School Riverwood School 701 N. Green Street 300 S. Driftwood Trail McHenry, IL 60050 McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 385-3123 (815) 344-7130 Principal: Michelle Reinhardt Principal: Kathie Robinson Assistant Principal: Lindsay Weber Assistant Principal: Will Hibler

Hilltop School Valley View School 2615 W. Lincoln Road 6515 W. Route 120 McHenry, IL 60051 McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 385-4421 (815) 385-0640 Principal: Roseann Basford Principal: Amanda Cohn Assistant Principal: Joan Puidak Assistant Principal: Tiffany Elswick

Landmark School Transportation Department 3614 W. Waukegan Road 5805 W. Route 120 McHenry, IL 60050 McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 385-8120 (815) 385-6622 Principal: Margaret Carey Director: Dennis Ryan Assistant Director: Vicki Nichols