April 2017

Cathedral News


Many years ago I spent Holy Week at let us never forget that we do this with our Hilfield Friary near Dorchester. I was brothers and sisters all over the world. invited to help in the construction of the In Holy Week the will be bonfire, to be lit in the hillside cemetery guiding us through the Gospel of Matthew soon after 4.00am on Easter Sunday. It was as we journey with Jesus. This is the most still very dark but clear and as we lit the important week in the Christian year and a bonfire and proclaimed 'Christ is risen' we wonderful opportunity to grow in faith could see other bonfires appearing from together. Please take a programme and join miles around. We then moved into the full the pilgrimage. This year I am particularly five hour liturgy, had our breakfast and delighted that on Easter Eve, in solidarity went for a lie down! It was a powerful with Christians all over the world, we shall reminder, not only of the God who see baptisms, confirmations and, for the first surprises and brings his piercing, healing, time at the Cathedral, the admission of risen life into the darkest of situations but children to communion before also of the community of the risen Christ confirmation. It will be quite a moment for that pops up everywhere. many families. Please do pray for the In April we shall be visited by two candidates and come along to support them representatives of that Christian family. On and remake your commitment to Christ. Sunday 2 April, Bishop Mark Bourlakas from Our vocation is to be the community of the the Diocese of West Virginia will be with us risen Christ. In Holy Week and Easter we at 10.15am and the following week learn what that means again. May you find Archbishop Ezekiel of Sudan will share in Christ's companionship and joy during our Palm Sunday morning service. these days. As we journey into Holy Week and Easter Dean Jerry

Our Purpose To serve Jesus Christ as a vibrant community of worship and mission enriching the City, the Diocese and further afield.

Our Values Hospitality Faithfulness Wholeness

If you are new to the Cathedral … Welcome Please make yourself known to one of the Churchwardens, Alex McLelland and Maggie Peel, who would love to meet you. If you would like to join a Fellowship Group, find out more about the congregational life of the Cathedral, including social events, or if we can help in any way, please ask one of the stewards at the door, who will find us for you. We look forward to meeting you.

3 NEWS Heritage Lottery Fund Chapter has given approval for the Cathedral to apply to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a grant for the repair and restoration of the Cathedral bells and the installation of an electronic chiming mechanism.

The Rt Revd Bishop James Bell leads our Holy Week devotions this year … for full details of all the Holy Week services and events please pick up a flyer, available from Wednesday 29 March.

A small working group has been formed to take this forward. The HLF stipulate that an Toddler Group organisation must show that there is a need The Action for Children Toddler group for their project to go ahead and they ask meets every Friday in the Parish Room. that consultation takes place on the matter. Starting at 9.30am and running through In order to meet their requirements the until 11.00am it is full of fantastic toys, working group is planning to have a period games and crafts whilst at the same of consultation during the weeks time always ensuring that parents and commencing 3 and 10 April. The carers get a break with a hot drink and consultation is likely to take the format of a biscuits. It is open to everyone from the short survey which will be available on line local community, so please do encourage and in paper format. Your participation in anyone to come along for whom it the survey would be much appreciated. would be a blessing. Further details will be given as they become available. For more details please speak to Gill Davis.

4 MISSION disheartened and often bewildered. The courts chaplains, and the volunteers who work with them, are there to talk to these people. To help them understand why they’ve been asked to fill in a form; to explain to them what’s going to happen after they are called into court. Sometimes I’ve just finished what may be my last it’s as simple as telling someone how you session in the Courts Chaplaincy. address the judge. Other times it’s about It has been an utter privilege to serve in assessing someone’s needs and finding a this way, standing alongside everyone who referral service that can help them. You get comes through the courts system – the a sixth sense for when someone’s putting definitely guilty, the definitely innocent, the on a confident face but inside they’re ‘yes buts’, the not quite sure, the ‘going to terrified; for when someone says they don’t play it by ear and see what the Magistrate’s want to talk but really they absolutely do. like’. The older woman who went at 35 in a The people who work in the courts system 30 zone once too often and is about to are amazing: ushers, solicitors, magistrates, lose her licence; the young man who thinks security guards, probation officers – all it’s funny that he was doing 100 on the working so hard to ensure justice is done, motorway – until his name is called and his but with a human face, and with a level of fear kicks in. The ones who’ve been here so gentleness that you might not have often before, that it’s just a way of life for expected to see. Understanding that very them. The ones who knew what they were few people’s stories are as simple as they doing was wrong; the ones who were might be painted by a tabloid newspaper. tricked by someone they trusted, or And they really appreciate the work that scammed by someone they didn’t know; the the chaplains and volunteers do: magistrates ones who honestly thought they were ok. sometimes even ask chaplains to get The young drug abuser whose children involved on behalf of a defendant. have been taken away and who’s desperate As a learning experience, it has been to see them; the suicidal man with mental brilliant. From finding the courage to walk health problems who knows he needs help up to someone you don’t know and say, ‘are but is falling through the gaps in the system. you ok, can I help you?’, to sitting down to If you ask a group of children what they listen to someone you never thought you’d want to be when they grow up, none of meet in your life. Being non-judgemental them will say, I want to be caught up in the about those whose life path has gone in a courts system, waiting all morning on a very different direction to yours; providing draughty concourse for my name to be support, a listening ear, the signpost of help called, holding a plastic bag with my night that might make all the difference in the things and toothbrush in case I get sent world to them. Developing invaluable down. No one who drives without pastoral skills, helping clients navigate insurance expects to get caught and tried through a place they probably never for it. No one who can’t pay their council thought they would be. tax looks forward to going to court and Being a chaplaincy volunteer is incredibly being sent to prison. Many of the people in rewarding and I would recommend it to this place are surprised to be here, anyone. The Revd Cat Thatcher

5 MISSION Bradford Courts Chaplaincy - Café Project Volunteer Appeal

BCCS has been asked by Her Majesty’s hours per session. (Morning 9:30 – 12:00: Courts and Tribunal Service to provide Afternoon 1:30 – 3:30) refreshments on two court sites; the In the long term, we wish to serve more Magistrates’ Court and the Combined ambitious foods (freshly prepared hot and Courts Centre. At present, no cold food) and, importantly, to create refreshments of any kind are available to opportunities for training and work staff, court users or the public. experience for those on the margins, who Court proceedings are often stressful for all would otherwise not have access to such, concerned, so there is much concern that e.g. those with learning difficulties, low risk individuals who are waiting to go into court, individuals (as assessed by the Community in a variety of capacities (witnesses, Payback Team) on Court Orders or ex- defendants, supporters, lawyers, jurors), offenders. have no access to refreshments of any kind We believe that the rota would be much on the premises. Both courts have kitchens more manageable if individual churches, and café seating areas, which are well worshipping communities or charitable equipped and we hope to have access to organisations would agree to take those areas. responsibility for staffing a particular A small team has now begun the process of session, on a weekly or fortnightly basis. setting up a Social Enterprise to provide Full training will be provided for volunteers, this service and we believe we have the so that required food hygiene standards can organisational structure to support this. be maintained, and reasonable travelling We have been awarded a grant over two expenses will be paid. years to establish the Café project and to So, we are appealing to ask if your church/ enable it to be professionally lead. This will mosque/organisation would be willing to enable us to provide leadership and training provide three or four volunteers on a fixed within the Café. and regular basis, approximately once a However, initially, we need to establish a fortnight but weekly if possible. rota of reliable volunteers to serve hot and If you think you can help, please contact me, cold drinks, pre-packed sandwiches, cakes Mary Carroll on 01274 586588 or via and light snacks, for approximately 2 - 2 ½ [email protected].

Extended Membership Please remember in your prayers the following members of the Cathedral fellowship who, through illness or incapacity, cannot attend in person: Pat Baly Dorothy Low Hazel Naylor Bill Pirie Joan Simpson Dorothy Walsh Heather Wright If anyone you know would appreciate being added to this list, please speak to one of the clergy or churchwardens, Alex McLelland or Maggie Peel.


SHINE Update Some of you may be aware that much is donating through the website http:// happening at St Stephen’s Church, West warmtheheart.co.uk/ Alternatively Bowling again and we are being blessed donations from the Cathedral can be given with a growing church with more families; to Monica Slocombe link person for SHINE. and with community work that is being You can sponsor the current Vicar (Jimmy recognised nationwide. Hinton) and his wife Sarah, who will go to SHINE is going from strength to strength. London and back on a tandem in May; or a new hairstyle for our churchwarden. With growth comes challenges, and we have a large one at the moment. As SHINE is one of the Cathedral’s mission partners it would be good if our Within the church building at present we congregation could support this plea to only have heat in the small rooms – so no help them become Eco friendly and heat at all in the main part of the church WARM!! Anything would be very gratefully and it is freezing; so much so we have had received – they only have until the end of to move out of the church building for May to raise the money! worship to the Primary School. We have been offered an underfloor heating system and a biomass boiler from the Juice Fund from Npower (worth £200,000) but the missing part is that we have to raise the money (£60,000) for repairing under the floor, insulating it and then putting a new floor down. That amount of money is a Could you become a huge amount for the St Stephen’s Cathedral Welcomer? Congregation but we are trying hard (if you We invite you to come and share in the can, look at http://warmtheheart.co.uk/). valuable ministry of Welcome, by joining We are asking that you buy a square foot of our rota for just a couple of hours each floor in the church you were a part of. Each month. You don’t need to be a tour square foot is £30 and can be bought either guide, or have a theological degree – just by sending a cheque to ‘St Stephen’s PCC’ a friendly and caring manner, and a at St Stephen’s Church, 48 Newton Street, willingness to help. For further details West Bowling , Bradford, BD5 7BH or contact the Cathedral Office.


Remain and another nine moved on into Home Office Accommodation while their cases were heard. Two left because they could not gather sufficient evidence to make a case. Although the 27 came from 11 different countries, over a third were The Cathedral has long supported from Eritrea where a fundamentalist Abigail Housing, through mission giving of Muslim government is persecuting both £1,000 and through the donations and time Christians and Muslims who do not given by many of the congregation for conform to their ideology. which everyone involved in the charity is Because refused asylum seekers cannot very grateful. earn while they are submitting a fresh claim, Abigail Housing offers temporary Abigail’s Destitution Project in Bradford is accommodation to 19 asylum seekers in entirely dependent on donations to cover Bradford and about 60 refugees in Leeds. its £75,000pa budget. The tenancy of two Once asylum seekers have their Leave To houses, bought for Abigail by the Christian Remain and are then recognised as charity Green Pastures, is paid by a refugees, they can work in the UK and generous donor. Two other houses are claim benefits until they find work. This loaned to us at a peppercorn rents by means they have income that they pay to Christian benefactors, and our fifth house is Abigail Housing for their rent, so the a vacant diocesan vicarage for which we pay Refugee Project is self-sustaining financially a very low rent. The costs of utilities, food, at present although proposed changes to travel for residents to appointments and Universal Credit threaten this position. their weekly allowances are met by some profit from the Refugee Project, but mainly The asylum seekers that Abigail offers by other regular donors (including the accommodation to have already applied for Cathedral) and by grants. Leave To Remain and been refused. There are many reasons for this; some are fair and We are moving offices in April from Accent some are not, but everyone has the right to Housing’s office on Senior Way, as that reapply if they can make a case. These are building is to be converted into housing, Abigail’s residents: they are offered a house into Inn Churches’ Storehouse on with their own bedroom to live in, with a Caledonia Street between the Manchester weekly allowance of £15 and food parcels and Wakefield roads. This is a very exciting so that they can have some stability in their opportunity as the Storehouse is a huge lives while they collect documents and foodbank with a large refrigerated area, so other evidence to try to prove their case. our residents will benefit from having a lot They are not permitted to work or to more fresh food in future. They will also be claim benefits, so would otherwise be able to meet and socialize at Inn Church’s café. destitute, sofa surfing or on the streets. In Daniel Glover, the Destitution Project 2015 our residents were with us for an Coordinator, is always happy to hear from average of 11 months, but in 2016 this went anyone who would like more information up to 14 months as the rules around about Abigail Housing, and he can be claiming asylum changed. During 2016 we contacted at [email protected]. housed 27 people who were seeking Maggie Peel is a director of the charity, and asylum. Four of those received Leave To is also always pleased to help.

8 MISSION parade and service. They have also helped with the Cathedral’s Shoebox Appeal by donating gifts and helping on the day to pack boxes. Units have a rank Bradford Sea Cadets was formed in April structure 1938 and took the name TS Aurora from modelled on that HMS Aurora, the Royal Navy Light Cruiser of the Royal Navy, adopted by the city during Warship Week. giving Cadets an Cadets have the opportunity to opportunity to progress and take experience a wide range up positions of responsibility as they of largely free activities acquire skills and seniority. On reaching ranging from sailing and eighteen, many Cadets choose to stay on as canoeing, rock climbing, adult instructors, where their training and engineering, IT and talents become invaluable. communications; to first Raising funds to run the Unit is not the aid, music and cookery. easiest thing to do and we are indebted to They are also encouraged to become good the Mission Fund for supporting us this citizens and take worthwhile qualifications year. The Unit is based in a deprived area including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award designated a Lower Super Output with 1 in Scheme and BTEC. Being a Sea Cadet 3 people of working age out of work; 42% provides the ideal opportunity to learn of the population live in the 20% most valuable life skills whilst having fun and deprived areas with 5% living in the bottom making friends. 1%; 34.4% of the children live in poverty. Cadets also assist with general fundraising Most of our cadets fit into this profile, activities such as bag-packs in local coming from one-parent families and/or are supermarkets – not only to raise funds for living on limited incomes; some also have the unit but to teach them the importance behavioural issues which can be challenging of community service. They also assist a at times. They all benefit, however, from the number of other charities including the routine and boundaries of a uniformed Lord Mayor’s Appeal, the RBL Poppy Appeal youth organisation while, we hope, having and the Cancer Research Race for Life; and fun and enjoying themselves. take part in the city’s Festival of Sandra Howard, Unit Chairman Remembrance and Remembrance Day Jon Howard, Chaplain (SCC) RNR

Sea Cadets is a nationwide voluntary uniformed youth organisation open to all young people, aged 10 to 18, with the aim of young people through nautical adventure and challenge to give them a head start in life. Its beginnings date back to 1854 when a clergyman, returning from the Crimea war, became increasingly concerned at the number of orphaned children that were left from soldiers and sailors that had died during the war; by the end of the century the Naval Lad's Brigade had been formed. Sea Cadets, therefore, has the longest continuous history of any youth movement in the UK and has grown over the years to the point where around 400 units nationwide regularly welcome more than 13,000 cadets, irrespective of race, faith, culture, nationality or gender. Today, all staff and cadets are given a small booklet ‘Corps Values’ which lists each value – commitment, loyalty, discipline, respect, integrity - with verses from the bible.


Volunteers more experienced volunteer to work It’s nearly 18 months since the Volunteer alongside for as long as you need. project started! We have been busy behind Training and support is provided to the scenes getting the Cathedral ready to ensure you understand your role and so take on more volunteers and to ensure we that you can learn more as you go along. offer the very best volunteer experience to All our volunteers work hard to provide all who give freely of their time and a good visitor experience to all who experience. This is a collaborative piece of come to . It is done work to demonstrate the joint working as a service to God and as part of our between staff and volunteers, as this is the mission to the city. style of working we want to encourage for If you would like to know more, if you the future. feel you can offer your skills, knowledge Everything is now in place and some and time as part of your stewardship as a exciting new developments are on the Christian then please sign up on the horizon. At this year’s APCM we will be volunteer sheet on the sound desk which giving a short presentation of our work so will be available each Sunday during the far and also what we plan for the future, so month of April. Alternatively please please come along to hear all about it. speak to either one of us: Have you ever wondered how people Gill Davis, Education and Visitor Officer become sidespeople, or help with children’s contact during the week via the space, or how do you become one of those Cathedral Office who carry the cross and candles (servers) Monica Slocombe, Project Volunteer at the front of the procession on a Sunday after any Sunday service. morning? What other amazing volunteer roles are there which you might be We welcome volunteers from within the interested in knowing a bit more about? Cathedral community, and also from others living in and around Bradford who We have over 50 different volunteer roles. have an interest in our Christian values Yes that’s amazing in itself! and our beautiful Cathedral. We offer taster sessions and induction for Monica Slocombe all volunteers, ensuring you always have a Project Volunteer

The Friends of Bradford Cathedral Annual General Meeting Sunday 2 April at 2.00pm Please join us to hear about the work of the Friends over the past year and plans for the future. The meeting will be followed by refreshments, and a time to chat, before joining the congregation for Choral Evensong. All welcome.

10 MISSION ourselves. It is the hand of friendship, which breaks down the barriers of suspicion and difference, drawing people into a community where they are valued and treasured. The Cathedral Companion scheme flows from a genuine desire to deepen our understanding of community, which enables all to flourish. It is about keeping an eye out for one another in order to notice when Cathedral Companions someone is absent. Many years ago I went through a difficult If you are interested in being supported by time, which meant getting to the church I the Cathedral Companion scheme, it is loved each Sunday became a challenge and optional to join and you are free to leave gradually my attendance stopped. I the scheme at any time. desperately hoped that someone would notice the struggles I was going through When you join you will be assigned a and help; as time went by I felt increasingly Companion whose principle role is to isolated and hurt. notice when you are not there and to give you a call to see how things are going. If A few short years later, I went through a further pastoral support is needed, for similar challenge, but this time I was part example a home or hospital visit, then your of a different church, and my experience Cathedral Companion will pass your could not have been more different. information on to one of the clergy team. Members of the congregation rallied Your Cathedral Companion will have a around and supported me for the next clear role description, which has been few months whilst I recovered from approved by Chapter and the Community surgery. I felt valued and part of the Committee, will be trained to operate Christian family. I have never forgotten within their role description, and have those experiences, as I discovered first regular meetings with myself as the Canon hand what it feels like to be forgotten for Mission and Pastoral Development. about, and what it feels like to be remembered and noticed. For anyone interested in becoming a Companion, please feel free to contact me or one of the clergy team for further information. The scheme will be officially launched at the APCM with an opportunity to find out further details, ask questions and join up. Canon Mandy Cathedral News If you would like a full-colour electronic In the parable of the Good Samaritan, copy of the Cathedral News, email me, Jesus tells the story of what it looks like [email protected] for us to love our neighbours as and I will add you to our emailing list.


13 & 14 May 2017 PARCEVALL HALL Each the year the Community Committee and members of the congregation go to Parcevall Hall, a beautiful 16th century retreat house set in picturesque* gardens and surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The weekend gives people an opportunity to get to know each other better, spend time with God and find out more about the work of the Community Committee.

The theme this year is ‘Being made in the Image of God’.

The cost is £82 which includes all meals beginning with lunch on Saturday 13 May and ending with afternoon tea at 4pm on the Sunday …

Book now by speaking to the Cathedral Office.

12 ECO schools may look for new ways to share their interest in breaking the cycle of poverty so that children will know about the need for fairness in trade’.

Once again, during Fairtrade Fortnight, the Cathedral held an event to demonstrate its commitment to ending the exploitation of farmers and producers in the developing world. On Sunday 5 March approximately 40 adults and children enjoyed a Fairtrade Breakfast between the morning services.

As well as covering the cost of the food items, the breakfasters’ ticket ‘donations’ raised £92 which is a marvellous amount. On the recommendation of the Eco-group, the Community Committee has decided this will be given to the Fairtrade Foundation which is an independent, non-profit This is the time of year when we are all organisation that licenses the use of the reminded that farmers and producers of Fairtrade Mark on products in the UK, in the developing world are often not paid accordance with internationally agreed enough for their products to be able to standards. The Fairtrade Foundation grants feed their own families. By buying products Fairtrade status to the hundreds of towns, with the Fairtrade logo, farmers and faith groups, schools and universities who producers in the developing world are meet their criteria in working to realise a guaranteed a fair price for their products, shared vision of fair and just trade. Thus, it and a premium which helps them to put is the Fairtrade Foundation who plans the food on their table, send their children to theme and activities for the annual school, invest in better farming, pay for Fairtrade Fortnight and supplies us with all clean water, hospitals and medicine, and the high standard of materials we need – at take care of the environment. So, whilst almost no cost to us. Like the charities sharing fellowship, we enjoyed a breakfast which support the Foundation, income is that included Fairtrade muesli, jam, marmalade, being squeezed, and the Department for chocolate spread, homemade muffins, tea, International Development no longer offers coffee, hot chocolate and orange juice. At the level of financial support it has done in the same time, we gave our support to local the past. There have had to be redundancies businesses by enjoying locally produced and the Foundation increasingly relies on bread, butter, honey and milk. In the volunteers. We are therefore pleased to Eucharist that followed the Breakfast, the make this donation to the Foundation in children led the prayers, ‘that those who return for the support given to us in our teach about justice and trading in our efforts to further trade justice.

13 WHAT’S ON ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING and APCM SUNDAY 2 APRIL 2017 At the Vestry Meeting, which is a meeting of the Cathedral Parish not just the Congregation, we need to elect two Church Wardens to serve for the following year. Our current wardens, Maggie Peel and Alex McLelland, are willing to stand for re-election for a further year. At the APCM, held immediately following the Vestry Meeting, we have several elections to conduct and they are: Representatives to the Deanery Synod We have a new Deanery structure which came into existence on 1 January 2017 and the Cathedral is now in a Deanery called ‘Inner Bradford’ and comprises all the parishes in the inner area of Bradford who have many issues and challenges in common in their Mission and Ministry. It is essential that this gets off to a good start and the parishes are represented by people who are enthusiastic to take it forward. We have four places allocated to us, therefore, we have an important role to play. So, we need four people willing to give of their time, usually three or four meetings a year, and play a part in the wider church. The current representatives are Malcolm Carr, Monica Slocombe and Alex McLelland, they are all willing to stand for re-election but it would be good to have more nominations. Representatives to the Cathedral Community Committee This committee conducts the business of the congregational activities and inputs into the life and work of all we do as a congregation. Two people are elected each year to serve for three years and the retiring two this year are Joe Tarver and Nora Whitham and they are eligible for re-election. As we also have a vacancy we need a further person to be elected for a one year term. Parish Disability Representative We have a person who represents the Cathedral to the Diocese in matters relating to all disability issues and this person is elected annually. Our current representative, Lindsey Bradshaw, is willing to stand for re-election for a further year. If you feel you have the skills and time to give to the Cathedral in volunteering for any of these positions please put your name forward and arrange to be nominated for election. Nomination forms are available on the special APCM noticeboard outside the kitchen. Thank you. Canon Alex McLelland, Churchwarden



Messy Easter Good Friday, 14 April at 10.30am Come and explore this Good Friday and Easter weekend through song, craft, food and drama. We are always looking for people to help with our Messy Cathedral events. Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to join this fun and exciting ministry and contact Canon Mandy.


17 WHAT’S ON Tuesday 25 April at 7.00pm


Sunday 7 May at 11.45am

SAFEGUARDING A TIME TO TALK, THANK, REFLECT AND PRAY The Cathedral is deeply committed to creating a safe space for all to flourish as Disciples of Christ, to be a place of welcome and a place of healing. There will be two opportunities for theological reflection using the new resources from the . For further information please contact Canon Mandy Coutts Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH 01274 777720 www.bradfordcathedral.org

stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral



Starting soon….The Marriage Course An opportunity for couples to invest in their relationship, whether you have been married 40 years or preparing for marriage this course is for you. On The Marriage Course, you are seated at your own table for two. Each session consists of food and/or drink, a practical talk and a time for private discussion between you and your partner. Background music ensures that you can chat in complete privacy. You never share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner. Our couples last year said this about the course… “this course get you talking about things that you won’t otherwise think about” “Life changing lessons” “it’s been an invaluable opportunity to get to know my other half better…it’s allowed us both to grow as individuals and as a couple” “just really loved it” “a place where you can be honest” “a great place to start some of those conversations you may never have thought you needed…” So what are you waiting for? Book your place now with Canon Mandy at the Cathedral

19 WHAT’S ON Children’s Sunday Space Monday Fellowship Join us this month as we learn about the Monday Fellowship meet in the Parish important events which lead to Easter. Room at 2.00pm on the second Monday Please note that there is no session on of each month. The afternoon begins 23 April due to school holidays. with a bidding prayer, ends with a cup of If you are new to the Cathedral and tea, and all are warmly invited to attend. want more information on what we This year’s programmes includes visiting provide for the younger members of our and home-grown speakers with this congregation, please speak to a member month Canon Mandy providing a Lenten of the team. Meditation. If you are new to Children's Space, All welcome - please do join us! please do complete a registration form, just ask one of the team. New volunteers are always welcome, so please speak to Emma Towers or Canon Mandy if you are interested in joining us.

Eco Tip of the Month Calculate your Carbon! Have you ever considered calculating Advance Notice your carbon footprint and trying to The Jethro Tull reduce it? Charity Christmas Concert There are many websites that can help with Ian Anderson you do this and you can even have trees planted to offset the carbon you've used. Friday 15 December 2017 This month, the Ecogroup is encouraging We are enormously grateful to Ian for everyone to think about their carbon putting on this charity concert - all the footprint and will be launching this at the proceeds will be going to the Cathedral - Fairtrade Breakfast on March 5th. Don't which will give our funds a wonderful boost. worry if you can't make it on the day, Tickets, £35 and £25 are available from: there'll still be the opportunity to join in https://bradford-cathedral.ticketlight.co.uk/ as we work out our collective carbon For more details please speak to Sandra Howard. footprint throughout the month.


Stitching the Cathedral Work continues apace on this project with more people joining every week which is wonderful news … why don’t you come Tour de Yorkshire along too? The third stage of the Tour leaves City Park The next few dates are: Tuesdays 11 & 25 at noon on Sunday 30 April. Since its April and 9 May, and Saturdays 29 April and launch in 2015 the Tour de Yorkshire has 20 May. grown to become one of the world’s most Come whether you are experienced or an dramatic and best supported professional absolute novice – we promise that you’ll cycling races … bringing 2m people into enjoy yourself and we’d love to see you … the county and generating £60m for the there is cake! economy. Just turn up, or for further details please We will be supporting the Tour with lots of contact Gill Davis (01274 777720 or bunting and one … or even two ... big [email protected]). yellow jerseys hanging from the Tower. This way we are sure to be noticed by the helicopters and hopefully get the Cathedral on the television to be seen by over 11.5m people in 178 countries. We are expecting many more visitors this afternoon and are looking for volunteers to ensure they get a good Bradford welcome. Please speak to the Cathedral Office if you are able to help.

Available now JUBILATE The sensational album celebrating 500 years of Cathedral Music. Led by the world-renowned St Paul’s Cathedral Choir who joined forces with 50 young choristers from cathedrals across the country including our Head Chorister Zachary Smith. Every copy of the album sold will raise money for the ‘Diamond Fund for Choristers’ which aims to help young choral singers and secure the future of cathedral music. To buy your copy go to http://www.stpaulsshop.org.uk/c/21/CDs or speak to the Cathedral Office.

21 WHAT’S ON … until 16 April Edge of Darkness Our Lent exhibition enables us to come close to Jesus’ experience of forty-two days in the wilderness. Sunday 2 11.45am The Annual Parochial Church Council All welcome to attend and hear about past and future plans. Sunday 2 2.00pm The Friends of Bradford Cathedral AGM All welcome to attend. The meeting will be followed by refreshments and we hope you will stay for Choral Evensong. Tuesday 4 2.00pm Tuesday@Two Concert The first in an occasional series of afternoon concerts, opening with world-renowned cellist František Brikcius. Tickets £5 inc tea & cake from the Cathedral Office or from www.bradfordcathedral.eventbrite.com. See p14 for more details. Wednesday 5 1.00pm Wednesday@One Organ Recital The autumn season continues with Jem Stephenson from Toulouse. Pick up a flyer for full details. Recitals are free with a retiring collection, preceded by a light buffet lunch at 12.30pm (£3 minimum donation). Wednesday 5 6.30pm Flourishing Cities Join the Dean and Kersten England, Chief Executive of Bradford Council for an open discussion exploring a vision for a flourishing 21st century city. See p15 for more details. Friday 7 7.30pm Chamber Concert with the Cathedral Choir The European Union Chamber Concert return to perform with the Choir. See p16 for more details. Wednesday 12 1.00pm Wednesday@One Organ Recital The season continues with former Cathedral organ scholar, now at Cambridge, Anthony Gray. Monday 10 2.00pm Monday Fellowship This month Canon Mandy provides a Lenten Meditation. See p19 for more details. Tuesday 11 11.00am Coffee Concert Anna Prosser (Soprano) and Hannah Mason (Mezzo Soprano) perform Pergolesi’s ‘Stabat Mater’ for Holy Week. Concerts are preceded by coffee & cake from 10.30am. Wednesday 19 1.00pm Wednesday@One Organ Recital The season continues with Nicholas Morris from Birmingham. Thursday 22 Lisa Kilty: Affinity until 28 May An exhibition of spiritually inspired by local artist Lisa. See p16 for full details. Wednesday 26 1.00pm Wednesday@One Organ Recital The season continues with Stephen Cleobury from Cambridge. All welcome. Events are free - with donations appreciated - unless otherwise stated.


Cathedral Choir News of our choral scholars, Henry Strutt, has March has been a month of school visits, been offered a place to read music at the with many excellent workshops being run University of York. This is an excellent by Assistant Director of Music, Jon Payne. achievement, and it proves just how brilliant So far this term the music department has a grounding the Bradford Cathedral choral visited eight schools, sharing the joy of scholarship scheme is giving our young singing with over four hundred children people. across Bradford. We now have seven new Alex Berry recruits to our chorister ranks, who are Organist & Director of Music doing excellent work in probationer sessions on Thursdays and Saturdays. At the end of February, the boys, junior choral scholars and adults undertook a weekend tour to southwest England. They sang Saturday and Sunday services in Bristol Cathedral, enjoying an expansive new acoustic. Jon Payne’s organ playing was magnificent, and he really enriched the worship of that place with beautiful voluntaries and skilful accompaniments. On the way back, the choir had a look at the Clifton Suspension Bridge and then took a detour from the M5 to sing evensong at Worcester Cathedral. The boys particularly enjoyed singing in the rotunda-like chapter house, with its whispering gallery-style The Cathedral Choir acoustic. in Concert After half term, the girls and adults sang a On Friday 7 April at 7.30pm the Cathedral joint evensong with the choirs of Sheffield, Choir will again sing with the European Wakefield, York and Ripon. The venue was Union Chamber Orchestra. This year the , and we were all programme includes Haydn’s Little Organ impressed by the building’s regeneration Mass and Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings. into a highly flexible modern space that still They will be joined on the evening by BBC preserves and draws attention to its Young Musician of the Year Benjamin medieval features. Goldscheider playing the ever-popular Wednesday@One organ recitals and our Mozart Horn Concerto No 4. Coffee Concerts continue to go from Last year’s concert was sold out, so you are strength to strength, drawing average advised to purchase tickets in advance audience numbers of ninety and seventy rather than wait until the evening. They are respectively. In March it was a particular £15 and £17 with £2 off for concessions delight to perform a concert of solo songs and £3.50 off aisle seats for under 16s from with my brother, James Berry, which was the box office 01274 432000 or from magnificently recorded by our resident Bradford-theatres.co.uk. We regret tickets sound engineer, Stewart Smith. In other cannot be bought from the Cathedral. news, we were delighted to learn that one 23 MUSIC NEWS


CATHEDRAL CLERGY Dean The Very Revd Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Canon for Mission and Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts Curate The Revd Cat Thatcher OPERATIONS Director of Strategic Development and Operations Amanda Anderson Safeguarding Officer The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

MUSIC DEPARTMENT Organist & Director of Music Alex Berry Sub Organist & Assistant Director of Music Jon Payne Music Administrator Ann Foster Chorister Tutor Joseph Judge Choral Scholars Richard Bracknall Patrick Dylak Elizabeth Harborne Henry Strutt VERGERS Head Verger and Reader Jon Howard Assistant Verger John Paley Assistant Verger David Robinson

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Director of Finance Simon Dennis PA to the Dean & the Cathedral Communications Officer Sandra Howard Cathedral Secretary Julie Bowyer Administrative Clerk Sandra Heaton EDUCATION Education and Visitor Officer Gillian Davis Education and Visitor Admin Assistant Sandra Heaton Youth Worker Vacant HONORARY CHAPLAINS The Revd Paul Booth The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson The Revd Canon Bruce Grainger The Revd Suzanne Vernon-Yorke