Arxiv:2012.11302V3 [Math.NT] 4 Jul 2021
COVERING GROUPS OF M22 AS REGULAR GALOIS GROUPS OVER Q JOACHIM KONIG¨ Abstract. We close a gap in the literature by showing that the full covering groups of the Mathieu group M22 and of its automorphism group Aut(M22) occur as the Galois groups of Q-regular Galois extensions of Q(t). 1. Introduction and main result The sporadic Mathieu groups are a source for various headaches in inverse Galois theory. For example, M23 is notorious for being the only remaining sporadic group not yet known to occur as a Galois group over Q (see, e.g., [13, Chapter II, Thm. 10.3]), in particular surviving all attempts with the classical rigidity criteria, as well as some “brute force” calculations (e.g., [10]). That the group M22 also leads to open problems in inverse Galois theory may be somewhat less well-known. The group itself (as well as its automorphism group) have long been known to occur as regular Galois groups (i.e., Galois groups of Q-regular extensions of Q(t)), see [12]. However, the Schur multiplier of M22 is unusually large, being cyclic of order 12, and the regular inverse Galois problem for the group 12.M22 (as well as some of its quotients) seems to be open, see, e.g., [13, Chapter IV, Thm. 7.14]. In fact, the only non-trivial covering group of M22 realized regularly in the literature seems to be 3.M22 (due to Feit [7], cf. [13, Chapter IV, Thm. 5.8]). The main result of this paper is the following. Theorem 1.1.
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