JAG FÖRLORAR INGENTING PÅ MIN ISOLERING” En Kvalitativ Innehållsanalys Av Hur Äldre Representeras Och Gestaltas I Dagspress Under Pandemin Covid-19
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JMG – INSTITUTIONEN FÖR JOURNALISTIK, MEDIER OCH KOMMUNIKATION ”JAG FÖRLORAR INGENTING PÅ MIN ISOLERING” En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur äldre representeras och gestaltas i dagspress under pandemin covid-19 Petra Dahlgren Vera Kjellman Uppsats/Examensarbete: 15 hp Program och/eller kurs: MK1500 Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Nivå: Grundnivå kandidatuppsats Termin/år: VT2020 Handledare: Annika Bergström Kursansvarig: Malin Sveningsson Abstract Uppsats/Examensarbete: 15 hp Program och/eller kurs: MK1500 Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Nivå: Grundnivå kandidatuppsats Termin/år: VT2020 Handledare: Annika Bergström Kursansvarig: Malin Sveningsson Sidantal: 48 Antal ord: 13 663 Nyckelord: Äldre, ålderism, åldersdiskriminering, nyhetsmedier, dagspress, covid-19, corona, kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur äldre representeras och gestaltas i dagspress under pandemin covid-19 samt huruvida det finns skillnader i hur morgonpress och kvällspress representerar och gestaltar äldre. Teori: Representationsteorin, gestaltningsteorin och teorin om nyhetsvärdering. Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Material: 18 artiklar från Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter, båda i printversion. Från datumen 17–18 mars, 22–23 mars, 1–2 april och 6–7 april år 2020. Resultat: Studiens resultat visade i motsats till tidigare forskning ett mönster av att äldre representeras och ges utrymme att förmedla sitt perspektiv, dock gällde det främst kända äldre vilket talar för att en majoritet av de äldre inte representeras. Resultatet visade även exempel på nya typer av gestaltningar kopplat till äldre, som går emot de klassiska och stereotypa gestaltningar som enligt tidigare forskning är vanligast. De nya typer av gestaltningar det gick att se i materialet gick dock främst att koppla till kända äldre personer. Det gör att det finns en risk för att övriga äldre fortsätts kopplas samman med stereotypa och negativa gestaltningar. Resultatet visade vidare skillnaderna i hur morgonpress och kvällspress representerar och gestaltar äldre och resultatet bekräftade tidigare forskning gällande skillnader i hur morgonpress och kvällspress traditionellt värderar nyheter. Förord Vi vill börja med att rikta ett stort tack till vår handledare Annika Bergström för hennes stöd, engagemang och värdefulla råd. Vi vill även tack Maria Edström och AgeCap för inspiration till ämne och inriktning. Sist men inte minst, ett hjärtligt tack till våra nära och kära för all stöttning under hela uppsatsprocessen. Executive summary Although one fifth of Sweden's population is over 65 years old, previous research shows that the elderly is a group in the society that is rarely given space or being represented in the media. Once seen, they are often described and framed in a stereotypical and negative way. During the ongoing pandemic covid-19, there has been a major focus on the elderly, as they are one of the main risk groups for the virus. This has resulted in an increased reporting in the media about the elderly. Under normal circumstances, we know from previous research how the representation and framing of the elderly usually looks like. For this reason, it is of interest to investigate representation and framing during a pandemic where the elderly is in focus. Previous research also shows that in crisis situations it is easier that ideas, stereotypes and incorrect images are being spread, which can be problematic for the group of elderly. Unilateral and negative reporting of the elderly can contribute to the elderly getting a negative picture of ageing, which can affect their health. In order to investigate the representation of the elderly, Representation Theory has been used. Framing Theory has been used to investigate how older people are framed. Furthermore, News Values has been used to investigate the differences between morning newspapers compared to evening newspapers. The purpose of the thesis is to study how the elderly are represented and framed in the evening newspaper Aftonbladet and the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter during the ongoing pandemic covid-19. The purpose is also to examine whether there are differences in how morning press in comparison with evening press represents and frame the elderly. To be able to investigate how the elderly are represented and framed in the daily press, 18 news articles in print version were selected from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, which were then analyzed through a qualitative content analysis to capture an in-depth view of the elderly's representation and framing by examining the underlying patterns and themes. 4 The study's results, in contrast to previous research, showed a pattern of the elderly being represented and given room to convey their perspective. However, it was mainly famous elderly that were represented, which indicates that a majority of the elderly are not represented. The results also showed examples of new types of framings linked to the elderly, which goes against the classic and stereotypical framings that according to previous research are most common. However, the new types of framings found in the material were mainly in relation to famous older people, which means that there is a possibility that other elderly, non- famous, will continue to be associated with stereotypical and negative framings. The results further showed the differences in how morning press and evening press represent and frame the elderly. The result confirmed previous research on differences in how morning press and evening press value news. The study gave us the opportunity to answer the questions initially asked. However, during the course of the study we discovered that it was problematic to investigate the representation and framing of the elderly as one group. For example, it has been possible to see that different groups of elderly people are represented and framed in different ways, such as famous elderly people. Although our results show patterns of positive change regarding media representation and framing of the elderly, there is reason to argue that these positive changes do not necessarily mean a changed representation and framing of the elderly at large. 5 Innehållsförteckning 1. Inledning ................................................................................................................................ 1 2. Bakgrund ............................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Problemformulering ........................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Tidigare forskning .............................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Inomvetenskaplig relevans ................................................................................................. 4 2.4 Morgonpress och kvällspress .............................................................................................. 5 3. Teoretiskt ramverk ................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Representation och grupprepresentation ............................................................................. 7 3.2 Gestaltningsteorin .............................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Nyhetsvärdering ................................................................................................................. 9 4. Syfte och frågeställningar .................................................................................................... 10 5. Metod ................................................................................................................................... 11 5.1 Kvalitativ innehållsanalys................................................................................................. 11 5.2 Ansats .............................................................................................................................. 11 5.3 Avgränsning och urval ..................................................................................................... 12 5.3.1 Val av medier ............................................................................................................ 12 5.3.2 Sökning och urval ...................................................................................................... 13 5.3.3 Tidsperiod ................................................................................................................. 13 5.4 Material ........................................................................................................................... 15 5.5 Analysschema .................................................................................................................. 17 5.6 Genomförande av analys .................................................................................................. 18 5.7 Metoddiskussion .............................................................................................................. 18 6. Resultat och analys .............................................................................................................. 21 6.1 Hur äldre representeras i tidningarna ................................................................................ 21 6.1.1 Sammanfattning och svar på frågeställning ...............................................................