Riding the Ridges A ride around Pott Shrigley and .

Grade Mountain bike

Distance 28 km/17 mile

Time 4 - 5 hours

Start Tegg’s Nose Country Park

Map OS Explorer Map 268

Quiet country lanes with optional off road sections and Terrain some steep climbs.

Barriers N/A

Toilets Tegg’s Nose Country Park

Contact Tel: 01625 614279

Route Details

Explore forgotten tracks in the hills above on this strenuous but rewarding 28km bike ride from Tegg's Nose Country Park, with optional off-road sections.

Quiet lanes lead you along the side of Kerridge Hill, passing many gritstone quarries. Soon you reach , snug in the valley below .

A steep climb out of town is rewarded with a level ride and pleasant views towards Alderley Edge. The off-road section across the rough and bouldery moor is challenging. Follow ancient tracks though upland pastures. Here, stone dominates the landscape. Old quarries and beautiful stone barns capture the imagination.

Stop and admire expansive moorland views from the top of Pike Low. The road nestles between stone walls, offering shelter from the harsh weather often experienced on the windswept moors.

The next off road stretch, called the Corkscrew, is the most technically challenging of the whole route. A steep zig-zag track leads down to Todd Brook. After a hard climb to Jenkin Chapel the route heads south to Lamaload Reservoir.

Relax and enjoy the view before one last climb up to Buxton New Road and back to Tegg's Nose Country Park.

Directions 1. Turn right out of the car park and first left down a track.

2. At the end of the track turn right.

3. Cross Buxton New Road (A537) and carry on down a single track lane.

4. Turn left at the T junction and bear left passing Calrofold Lane.

5. Turn right onto Rainow Road (B5470) and bear left just after the George & Dragon Pub.

6. Turn right into Swanscoe Lane.

7. Turn left at the junction.

8. Bear left along Kerridge Road. Carry on along Windmill Lane and go down past the Redway Tavern Hotel.

9. Turn right along Oak Lane.

10. Bear left and turn immediately right into Hurst Lane.

11. Cross the canal and turn right onto the B5090. Go under the canal and continue on the B5090 towards Pott Shrigley.

12. Turn left up Beeston Brow behind the church, and continue into Long Lane.

13. Turn left at the T junction and then right on the bend. (If you don't want to cross the moors turn right at the T junction to Pott Shrigley, no. 16).

14. Turn right up the bridleway towards Birchencliffe Farm. Go past farm, through the gate, past the pond and follow the walled track onto Bakestonedale Moor.

15. Turn right down Bakestonedale Road.

16. Head towards Bollington and bear left into Spuley Lane.

17. Turn left up towards Rainow and go straight over the crossroads into Oakenbank Lane.

18. Continue on a track and bear left over a ramp onto a rough track.

19. Turn left up Jumper Lane and right at a T junction.

20. Turn right up Blaze Hill.

21. Turn right onto the B5470 towards Macclesfield and turn immediately left onto Pike Road towards Saltersford.

22. Turn left at the junction. Turn left again after Blue Boar Farm onto Bank Lane, a track which takes you down the Corkscrew. (To avoid this, carry on along Erwin Lane and turn right onto Hooleyhey Lane, no. 25.)

23. At the bottom of valley bear left across the stream and head up the hill.

24. Bear right at Jenkin Chapel.

25. Turn left into Hooleyhey Lane and go past Lamaload Reservoir. After a long climb cross the A537 and turn right.

26. Bear left onto A537 and turn left by the Setter Dog pub. Pass Windy Way House and turn left into Teggs Nose Country Park.