Maine Archives and Museums P.O. Box 46 Cumberland Center, ME 04021 (207) 400-6965
[email protected] NEWS RELEASE For immediate release Date: February 8, 2013 Contact: Jane Bianco, MAM Board Member (207) 596-6457 x 104
[email protected] MAINE’S MUSEUMS OFFER ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES FOR FEBRUARY VACATION WEEK! Looking for something fun to do while the kids are out of school? Look no further—Maine’s museums are offering an array of programs and events throughout the week and throughout the state! Take a look at some of the many affordable, accessible events planned for the week of Presidents' Day (February 16-24) by member organizations of Maine Archives and Museums ( Contact locations individually for more information or to register for programs. Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor A full week of vacation-week programs! All programs are free and open to the public and held at the Abbe Museum, 26 Mount Desert Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609. FMI: (207) 288-3519 /
[email protected] or Monday, February 18, 10 – 11 a.m.: Join Museum Educator George Neptune in an activity that teaches participants Passamaquoddy animal names. Participants will take part in a matching game, after which they can pick their favorite animal to color. Tuesday, February 19, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.: The Museum will offer a Winter Tracking Workshop as part of a series of programs accompanying the Abbe’s new feature exhibit Wabanaki Guides. Led by Passamaquoddy Guide Matthew Dana II, this workshop will start at the Abbe Museum Downtown and end at the Acadia National Park Visitor Center.