Annual Review of Risk Assessment & Mitigation Plan
The Jefferson County Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Committee of Jefferson 00000000 County Homeland Security and Emergency Management meets each year to monitor the progress of this plan. The plan is updated on a 5-year rotation. This report is distributed to the Jefferson County Commission, WV Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and FEMA, Region III. 2016 Annual Review of Risk Assessment & Mitigation Plan Jefferson County, West Virginia Jefferson County Homeland Security and Emergency Management Risk Assessment & Mitigation Planning Committee September 8, 2016 Annual Review of Mitigation Plan Jefferson County Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Committee met at the Jefferson County Maintenance Department at 10:00 a.m. on September 8, 2016. Present were: Jennifer Brockman, Jefferson County Planning Department; Barbara Miller, Director, Jefferson County Homeland Security and Emergency Management; Steve Allen, Deputy Director Jefferson County Homeland Security and Emergency Management; Brandon Vallee, AA/PIO/VC Jefferson County Homeland Security and Emergency Management; Todd Wilt; Charles Town Planning and Zoning; Andy Blake, Ranson City Administrator; Sue Lawton and Travis Markley, Jefferson County Public Service District; Lee Snyder and Stephanie Reel , Jefferson Utilities, Sandy Hite, Threat Preparedness Coordinator, Jefferson County Department of Health and LEPC Chair; Rachel Snavely, Region 9 Planning and Development Council; John Sherwood, Chair, Jefferson County Homeland Security and Emergency Management Steering Committee. Comments were also received from Todd Fagan, Jefferson County GIS Department. Director Miller opened the meeting and entertained introductions. Old/New Business Ms. Miller explained the purpose of the Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Committee annual review of each goal and objective.
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