Osteopathic Considerations in Systemic Dysfunction
AAO Member NewsApril 2012 Members elect new leaders Executive Director’s Message Academy members elected their Diana L. Finley, CMP leadership for 2012-2013 at the Annual Business Meeting in The 2012 AAO 75th Anniversary The program Louisville, KY, March 22. Convocation was an echoing also covered the President-Elect, Jane E. Carreiro, success of the 2011 Convocation. newest updates DO, automatically assumed the Congratulations to Program Chair in biomechanics, office of President, andMichael A. Kenneth J. Lossing, DO, for counterstrain, Seffinger, DO, began a one-year organizing a most interesting and cranial (the brain), term as Immediate Past President. informative program around the Still technique, Other newly elected leaders include: theme, The Unified Osteopathic Field myofascial chains, Theory. Participants were exposed exercise, light therapy, scoliosis and President-Elect to, and gained experience in, the HVLA. David Coffey, DO, FAAO most recent advances and updates The event brought physicians Secretary-Treasurer in the science, art and practice of from around the world together to Kenneth H. Johnson, DO, FAAO Osteopathy! share their experience and expertise. Trustee Dr. Lossing wrote, “More than Edward G. Stiles, DO, FAAO, began David C. Mason, DO 130 years ago, Dr. Still discovered the program by lecturing on A.T. Laura E. Griffin, DO, FAAO there was a relationship between Still–The Complex Thinker (Revisited). Governor mechanical tension and health. It In addition to the annual coding and Boyd R. Buser, DO took modern science another 100 Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO years to find out why this is true. We now know that mechanotransduction Wm.
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