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Digital-Bozone-10151 Support PNKBZN he American Cancer Society estimates that more than 890 women in the state of Montana will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019. Last year in the greater Gallatin Valley, one fourth of those diagnosed were women under the age of 50. And while not as Tcommon, men are also diagnosed with breast cancer, at approximately 2,600 per year throughout the United States. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, founded in 1985 to raise national awareness and gain funding for research for a cure, while elevating education around the importance of annual and early screening. To aid these efforts locally, a collective of community organiza- tions have come together to launch PNKBZN. The month-long campaign seeks to enhance awareness of following important screening guidelines for breast care, provide information about how to access diagnostic screenings and other resources, increase the community conversa- tion around cancer awareness, and share inspirational stories of area men and women living with breast cancer. Downtown Bozeman will turn pink for the entire month of October with pink street banners lining Main Street, window decora- tions featuring cancer survivor stories, breast cancer facts, and ‘Pack the Place in Pink’ MSU Athletics information. A calendar of associ- ated events, community resources and programs can be found by visit- ing or PNKBZN is the brainchild of representatives from Bozeman Health, Advanced Medical Imaging, Cancer Support Community, Montana State University, Montana State University Athletics and the Downtown Bozeman Partnership, with additional support from PRIME Incorporated. • ­Page 2a­•­The BoZone •­ocToBer 01,­2019 Christiana’s sweet tooth- Weekend events explore cultural satisfying mini cupcakes complexes in individuals & their now available to order communities Bozemaniteshaveanewoption izesinexoticflavorslikeguava, MontanaFriendsof Jungwill intheemergingnationalandworld whentheirnextsugarcravinghits. pineappleandcoconut,amongoth- presentaweekendprogramby upheaval. Christiana’s Sweets isnowopen ers.Andherheritageisbakedright JungiananalystandauthorDr. ThomasSinger,M.D.,isa forbusiness,alocalbakeryservice intothedeliciousgourmetcupcakes! Thomas Singer October25thand psychiatristandJungian whosesuperiorofferingsareaccen- Oftenvisitingfamilyoriginallybased 26thcenteringon“The Psyche in psychoanalystwhopracticesinSan tuatedbyauthenticityandfreshness. inthetropics,Christianalovesto the World: How Cultural Francisco.Hisinterestsinclude Christiana,proprietorand addelementsfromherculturalback- Complexes Take Possession of studyingtherelationshipbetween namesakebaker,makesallof her groundtothefruitymasterpieces. Our Souls.” Anintroductory myth,politicsandpsycheincultures minicupcakesfromscratchona Thoughtheminisareahugehit lecturewilltakeplaceonFriday aroundtheworld.Heiscurrent dailybasisusingfreshingredients. withherclientele,shealso eveningfrom7–8:30pm,followed Presidentof NationalARAS,an Everybatchismadetoorderto specializesindecadentcookieslike byadaylongSaturdayworkshop archiveof symbolicimagery. guaranteeeverycustomer’sminisare shortbreadwhitechocolatechipand from9am–4:30pm.Bothwillbe Thisprogramisfortherapists Tom Singer freshlybakedthesameday.Noday- personalfavorite,wholewheat heldatBozemanEventSpace, andthegeneralpublic.Costis$180 organizerswillbeabletoaccommo- oldpastries,here.Christiana’s oatmealcookies–nowavailableon locatedat14STracy. forthefullweekend,or$25for datecredit/debitchargesontheday Sweetsalsousesnaturalandorganic thefallmenu.Christiana’sdelicacies Inthislectureandworkshop,Dr. Friday’slectureonly.MSUandUM of theevent.Asurchargeof $5will flavorsaswellas100%pureoilsfor havecustomersravingaboutthe Singerwillexplorethemultiple studentspayonly$85or$15with beaddedforeitherVisa/MCor someof thefruitierflavors. savoryflavorsandareavailableto levelsonwhichculturalcomplexes ID(1.5CEsavailable).Lunchnot PayPalpaymentmethods. Christianabeganher bedeliveredtoanyevent,from operate–inindividuals,ingroups includedonSaturday.Contact MontanaFriendsof Jungisa confectioneryjourneyinMiami, officemeetingsandretirement (basedonrace,ethnicity,gender [email protected] nonprofiteducationalorganization whereshewasbornandraised.She celebrations,tobirthdaysandother andreligion),innations,andinthe questions. forallindividualsinterestedinthe completelyfellinlovewiththe socialgatherings. emergingglobalcommunity. Earlyregistrationis ideasof psychoanalystCarlGustav outdoorsandnatureduringa Christiana’sSweetshopesto Participantswillbeencouragedto recommended.Sendcheckto Jungandanapproachtodailyliving vacationtoMontanaciting indulgethetastebudsof area identifyandsharetheirown MontanaFriendsof Jung(P.O.Box throughdepthpsychology.Learn adventuresinYellowstoneand customerswithitsuniquetropical experiencesof culturalcomplexes– 6565,Bozeman,MT59771).If morebyvisitingwww.mon- GlacierNationalPark.Duringa infusions.Visitwww.christianass- whetheritbeinpersonal interestedinusingPayPal,contact orfind secondtriptotheTreasureState, toperusethemenuand experience,clinicalexamples,or [email protected] themonFacebook.• shestumbleduponthequaint toplaceanonlineorder,orcall(406) mountainsidetownof Bozeman. 209-9844tospeakwithChristiana Christianaenjoyeditsomuchshe aboutaddingsomethingsweetto decidedtomoveherbusinesshere. yournextevent.Besuretofollowon Awelcomeadditiontothe Facebook(@ChristianasSweets)for MIT economist to lecture on automation GallatinValley,Christianaspecial- futureannouncements.• & the future of work at MSU From MSU News Service onthelabormarketandrising publictalksoncurrentpolicyand MT Science Olympiad open RenownedeconomistandNew economicinequalityandwillexplore regulatorytopics.Theseriesis York Times bestsellingauthorDaron whatpolicyresponsestothese aimedatprovidingtheMSUand Acemoglu willdeliverafreepublic changesmightlooklike. greaterMontanacommunities for youth registration lectureat7pmonMonday,October AnMITfacultymembersince accesstoleadingexpertsina From MSU News Service theMSUcampusandinteractwith 14thintheballroomsof Montana 1993,Acemogluwasrecentlynamed varietyof researchdisciplines. Registrationisnowopenforthe students,staff andfaculty.” StateUniversity’sStrandUnion InstituteProfessor,thehighesttitle Theinaugurallecturein2018 Montana Science Olympiad, Thisyear,aspartof MSU’sYear Building. awardedtoMITfaculty.Hehas featuredNobelPrize-winning oneof thestate’slargestandlongest- of UndergraduateResearch,the Acemogluwillpresent beenalecturerattheLondon economistSirAngusDeaton, runningsciencecompetitionsfor ScienceOlympiadwillhonorMSU’s “Automation, AI and the Schoolof Economicsandisa whodiscussedthelinkbetween youth.Theeventwillbeheld studentresearchers,manyof whom Future of Work,” asthespeaker memberof theEconomicGrowth incomeinequalityandincreasing Tuesday,Nov.26th,atMontana areformerScienceOlympiansor forthesecondannualDistinguished Programof theCanadianInstitute mortalityrates. StateUniversityinBozeman. currentMontanaScienceOlympiad LectureProgram,putonbyMSU’s of AdvancedResearch.Hisworkis TheIRAEAwasestablishedin Attheevent,middleandhigh volunteers. InitiativeforRegulationand broad,rangingfromincomeand 2016tostudythesocietalimpactof schoolteamsfromaroundMontana Teamscanchoosefrom14 AppliedEconomicAnalysisinthe wageinequalitytohumancapital economicregulationandpolicy. willcompeteagainstotherschoolsin differenteventsformiddleschool Departmentof Agricultural andtraining. TheInitiativeprovidesresources rigorous,standards-basedchallenges and14forhighschool.Newcontests EconomicsandEconomicsinthe “Daron’sresearchchallengesthe andresearchsupporttofacultyand acrossarangeof STEM(science, thisyearincludeastronomy,food Collegeof AgricultureandCollege waypeoplethinkabouthowtech- studentsfromacrossMSUand technology,engineeringand science,detectorbuildingand of LettersandScience.Acemogluis nologiesintersectwiththelabormar- bringsvisitingscholarstoconduct mathematics)topics.Thetopmiddle chemistrylab,amongothers. theElizabethandJamesKillian ket,”saidIRAEAco-directorWendy researchinregulationandpolicy schoolandhighschoolteamswillgo Studentscompeteasteams,not Professorof Economicsatthe Stock.“Heistheleadingthinkeron analysis.TheIRAEAsponsorsfive ontocompeteatthenational individuals,andteamsmustbe MassachusettsInstituteof thelabormarketimplicationsof researchprogramsandthree ScienceOlympiadinNorth affiliatedwithaschool.Coachescan Technologyandoneof themost artificialintelligence,robotics, outreachprograms. CarolinanextMay. beteachers,parentsorcommunity frequentlycitedeconomistsin automationandnewtechnologies.” “Outreachiscentraltothe “Likeanysportsormusiccompe- members.Newteamsare theworld. Acemoglu’sworkhasbeen initiative’smission,”Stocksaid. tition,theScienceOlympiadrewards encouragedtojoin.The deadline to It’sanindustrialage-oldquestion: publishedintheAmerican Economic “Ourexceptionalcapacitytoshare teamsthatcollaborate,practiceand register is Friday, Oct. 18th. Willmachinesreplacehumanlabor? Review andtheJournal of Political high-quality,objective,evidence- prepare,”saidSuziTaylor,director TheNovembereventalso Economistshavelongdebatedthe Economy,amongothers.Heisthe basedinsightsaboutregulationand of theMSUScienceMathResource requiresmorethan200volunteers effectof technologyandautomation authorof thebestseller“Why policyissuesderivesfromthe Center,whichhoststheevent. andreliesonsponsorshipfrom onjobs,butrecentprogressis NationsFail:TheOriginsof Power, initiative’ssupportof theworkof “Becausesomanychallengesrequire
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