The Pinelqnds of New Jersey
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The Pinelqnds of New Jersey A Resource Guide to Public Recreotion opportunities aPRlt t985 ) PUBLIC RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES IN THE NEW JERSEY PINELANDS: A RESOURCE GUIDE (For information on private recreation facilities in the Pinelands, contact the loca1 chamber of commerce or the Division of Travel and Tourism, New Jersey Department of Commerce and Econonic Development. See below for address and telephone number of Travel and Tourism.) The followinq brochures may be obtal-ned from: Division of Parks and forestry State Park Service cN 404 Trenton, NJ 09625 16091 292-2797 o o Bass River State Forest Net Jersey InvLtes You to o Batona Trail Enjoy Its: State Forests, o Belleplain State Forest Parks, Natural Areas, State Campgrounds lfarlnas, HlBtoric Sites & o Hl,storic Batsto llildllfe Managetnent Areas o Island Beach State Park Parvin State Park o Lebanon State Forest Wharton State l'orest The followinq brochures mav be obtained from: Division of Travel and Touriam cN 826 Trenton, Nd, 08625 (6091 292-2470 ' Beach Guide o Marlnas and Boat Basins o Calendar of events o lrinl-Tour cuide o Canpsite Guide o llinter Activities Guide ' Pall Foliage Tours The following brochuree may be obtained fiom: New Jersey Departnent of Environmental Protection office of Natural Lands [ranagement 109 west State St. cN 404 Trenton, NJ 08525 " New Jersey Trails Plan ' The followinq infomatLon mav be obtained from: Green Acres Program cN 404 Trenton, NJ 08625 (6091 292-2455 o outdoor Recreation Plan of New Jerseyr (S5 charge - color publication) * fee charged -1- g The followinq informatign mav be obtained from: MAJOR STATE FORESTS, PARXS, NATIONAL WILDLIFE AREAS AND COUN?Y PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTS IN AND ADJACENT TO THE PI}JELANDS AREA Division of Fish, came & Wildlife cN 400 State Forests NaLure Center Campinq Faci lities Trenton, NJ 08525 ) (509) 292-94s0 Bass River State Forest o ) Box 1I8 WiIdlife Management Guider (includes maps and access points of New Gretna, NJ 08224 various wildlife areasi open for hiking, fishing, and hunting.) (609) 295-r11{ Belleplain State Forest The following information may be obtained from: Box 450 Woodbine, NJ 08270 Pinelands Commission (609) 861-2404 P.O. Box 7 Nei{ Lisbon, NJ 08064 Lebanon State Rorest (609) 89{-93{2 P.O. Box 215 New Lisbon, NJ 08064 o Recreational Aseessment of the pinelande. (509) 725-1191 o The Pinelands of New Jersey o Take Ten: Hike 5, Bike 5 (10 Easy Trails in the New .fersey pine Penn State Forest Barrens I (Summer Only) Contact Bass River State Forest These directories of !!vironmental and recreational groups mav be Wharton State Forest Batsto RD *4 National Wildlife Federatj.on ' youth Environmental Society Hammonton, NJ 08037 1412 l6th St., N.w. 23 North Main St. (609) 561-0024 llashington, DC 20036 Cranbury, NJ 08512 (5091 5ss-8030 State Parks Conservation Directofyt NJ Envi.roruoental Directory* Double trouble State Park (Contract I6land Beach PINELANDS State Park) AUDIO-VISUAL PROGRAM MITTEITFEEE Ialand Beach State Park x P.O. Box 37 A 17 minute slide program describing the history and ecology of Seaside Park, NJ 08752 the Pinelands iB available at the atarred(rr) nature and envi.ron- (2011 793-0506 mental centers on page a and 6tate forests and parks and wildlife refuges on page 3. Parvin State Park X x RD 11 Copies of the show, recently produced by the Pinelands Corunission, Elmer, NJ 08318 may also be borrowed from area libraries, The 80 slide program is (509) 692-7039 accompanied by a casEette tape with nusic, narration and natural sounds. It is housed in a l(odak carousel and the cassette provides Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuqes opportunity for both nanual and electronic advance of the slides. Barnegat Division ri Bri.gantine Division For further information, call or write to the Pinelands Commission, ) P.O. Box 544, 700 W. Bay Ave. Great Creek Rd., P.O. Box 72 P.O. Box 7, New Lisbon, NJ 08054, telephone (509) 894-9342. Barnegat, NJ 08005 Oceanville, NJ 08231 ) (509) 698-1387 (609) 6s2-156s rr has Pinelands audio-visuaL program r fee charged -3- -2- ( COU}JTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTS Atlantic County Parks Dept. Cumberland Co. Recreation Dept. New JenseY RD *3. Box 252A P.O. Box 472 Mays Landing, NJ 08330 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 PINELANDS (609) 625-1897 (609) 4ss-0328 ra}#H Burlington County Parks and cloucester County Parks and ra I . a a u Recreation Information Recreation c/o Burlington County Red Bank Battle Field Planning Board 100 Hessian Avenue 49 Rancocas Rd. National Park, NJ 08053 Mt. Hol}y, NJ 08060 (509) 853-s120 (609) 261-5061 Camden County Park Comission Ocean County Parks Dept. Park Dr. & whitman Ave. 659 ocean Ave. Cherry HilI, NJ 08002 Lakewood, NJ 08701 (609) 428-9336 (201) 370-7350 Cape May County Park Commission Route 9 Cape May Ct. tlouse, NJ 08210 (509) 465-5271 NATURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CENTERS SERVTNG THE PINELANDS AND SURROUNDING AREAS ** Atlantic Countf Nature tt Cooper Nature Center Center Cattus Island County Park c/o Atlantic County Parks Dept. Cattus IsIand Blvd. R.D. #3. Box 252A Toms River, NJ 08753 Mays Landing, NJ 08330 ( 201 ) 270-5960 (609) 625-1897 or 625-7000 ext.5373 ** Camden County Nature Center Rancocas Nature Center Park Dr. & Estaugh Ave. Rancocas-Mt. HoIly Rd. BerIin. NJ 08009 Mt. Holly, NJ 08050 (609) 768-1598 (6091 26L-2495 Cape May Bird Observatory Wetlands Institute Box 3 Stone Harbor Blvd. Cape May Pt., NJ 08212 Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 (6O9]. 884-2736 (609) 368-1211 ** Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies Div. of Pi-nelands Research Rutgers-The State University AREAS IN THE PINEI,ANDS New, NJ 08903 (609) 894-9342 (see other side for maP keY) (201) 912-3141 * fee charged ** has Pinelands audio-visual program -n- \\ MAP KEY 1. Lebanon State Forest 2. Double Trouble State Park 3. Island Beach State Park 4. Penn State Forest 5. Bass River State Eorest 6. wharton State Forest 1. Green Bank State Eorest 8. Belleplain State Forest 9. Colliers Mills Eish and Wildlife Management Area 10. Manchester/whiting Fish and lYildlife Management Areas 11. Pasadena Eish and Wildlife Management Area 12. Greenwood Porest Fish and Wil.dlife Management Area 13. Stafford Forge wildlife Management Area 14. Swan Bay,/Port Republic Fish and Wildlife Management Aleas 15. creat Bay Fish and Wildlife Management Area 16. winslow Fish and Wildlife Management Area 11. Peaslee Fish and WildIife Management Area 18. Lester c. McNamara Fish and Wildlife tJtanagement Area 19. Heislerville Fish and Wildlife llanagenent Area 20. Dennis Creek Pish and Wildlife Managernent Area 21. Beaver Swanp Fish and wildlife Management Area 22. Forsythe National Wildl-ife Refuge (Barnegat Div.) 23. Pors),the National wildlife Refuge (Brigantine Div.) 24. New Brooklyn County Park (Camden County) 25. Estell Manor County Park (Atlantic County) 26. west Plains (administered by Bass River State Forest) NATURAL AREAS The Department of Environnental Protection has designated certain areas of environmental interest as Natural Areas. Here is a list of these areas and their Locations. You can obtain infornation from the Division of Parks and Forestry (see page 1). Name Location Abseoami Trail Natural Area Bass River State Forest Batsto Natural Area wharton State forest Cape May Wetlands Natural Area Cape May County Cedar Swamp Natural Area Lebanon State Forest Great Bay Natural Area Bass River State Forest Harunonton Lake Natural Area Hammonton Island Beach Natural Area Island Beach State Park Manahawkin Natural Area tlanahawkin l{ildlife Area Martha Bog Natural Area tlharton State Forest North Brigantine Natural Area Brigantine Oswego River Natural Area Wharton State Forest Parvln Natural Area Parvin State Park Rancocas Natural Area Rancocas State Park Strathmere Natural Area Corsen Inlet.