High school Covering all of Baldwin County every week. basketball scores PAGE 16 Find out what’s coming up soon The Baldwin Times PAGE 15 JANUARY 20, 2017 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com | 75¢ Commission takes heat for penny tax extension By CLIFF MCCOLLUM sales tax. Campomenosi said. “The con- more accountable with the clear message they were not
[email protected] Lou Campomenosi, leader text of what I’m saying here is community. He said after CSC interested in reforming.” of the Common Sense Cam- that you all have enabled this members approached board Campomenosi said he was Local Common Sense Cam- paign, told commissioners he board of education, which you president Shannon Cauley disappointed in the commis- paign members showed up to was highly upset about the know as well as I do has had and members of the com- sion’s decision because it Tuesday morning’s Baldwin penny being mandated with- some leadership issues and munity task force about a takes away some of the moti- County Commission meeting out a vote. problems.” forensic audit for the school vation for the school board to to question the commission- “According to what I’ve Campomenosi said the system, they were shut down. have greater accountability, ers about their recent vote read and understand, there school board has still not “They refused to do it,” to extend the county’s penny will not be a vote on this,” made great strides in being Campomenosi said. “It sent a SEE PENNY TAX, PAGE 2 Program Era of Coastal honors Alabama King’s Community College begins legacy BAY MINETTE — After 13 months of preparation, the consoli- LOXLEY — Approximately dation efforts to combine Alabama 40 residents participated in a Southern Community College, march with several more at- Faulkner State Community College tending a program in Loxley and Jefferson Davis Community Monday, Jan.