H AMP.:"'Hlre. Hyfhe
. DIRECTOR V .J H AMP.:"'HlRE. HYfHE. ~55 l'RIV .4. fE RESIDENT!t. Eartlett Alfred, shopkeeper, Frogham Lewi5 Ohal!, J n. farmer ,North Gorley Cottman Miss, The Cottage Ba:r'tlett ,Tames, farmer, Blissford Lewis John, cattle dealer, Glenfield Downer Albert, Valley view Bedf(}rd Archibald John, grocer, & Parker Charles, farmer, Frogham Else Sidney F. Frogham post office, Stuckton - Penton Bevan, market gardener King Harry, Globe house 1 Ewad Albert, corn & meal merchant, R·Jberts William, cowkeeper, North Long Mrs. Frog-ham grocer & general tltore, H ungerford G.Jrley Park Waiter, High view County Police Station (Sidney C. RJodlhouse Wm. Edwd. farmr.Blissfrd Parker George, North Gorley Gillmore, constable in charge) Sandy Wm. wheelwright, Nth. Gorley Pearce Rev. Thos. N athaniel, Vicarage CG.x Eliz::~.beth (Mrs.}, shopket>per Sevier Charles, baker, Frogham RPad Charles, The Close Deacon J.abez, ·brick maker, Blisaford Shuttler Arthur, farmt>r, Nth. Gorley Thomas Mrs. Hillside Elton William, beer retlr. Frogham 3hnttler Herbt. cycle agt. Nth.Gorley Thorpe .A.rnold Edward, Heathcot[) Gilbert James, dealer, Frogham Thomas Charles, shopkpr. Nth.Gorley Viney Thomas Gould, FlaxfiPld · Grant Charles, Royal Oah. P.H. North Thomas George, farmer, Hungerford Wickham George Norell, Frogham Gorley fh'>rpe Arnold Edward L.RC.P. & S. Hayward Sidney, farmer, Nth. Gorley Edin., L.F.P. & S.Glas. surgeon, COMMERCIAL· Henstridge Thos. farmer, Rlissford Heatbcote Bacon George Waiter, m•arket gar- Ings Tom, farmer, Blissford Whidborne Jn. farmer,Vineyard farm dener, Hyde Common Kenchington George, boot m-aker. ¥ oling Martha(Mrs.},frmr.l'lth.Gorley _Bacon Mark, coal dealer, Hungerford NCJrth Gorley HYTHE is a village and ecclesia~tical paYish, formed COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR NEW FOREST in 1841 from the civil parish of Fawley, and situated PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
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