www.YoYoBrain.com - Accelerators for Memory and Learning Questions for iOS 12

Category: Default - (546 questions) iOS 12: 3 kinds of object types classes, stucts and enums iOS 12: 2 ways to declare a variable let one = 1 var two = 2 iOS 12: how to declare a constant let one = 1 iOS 12: how to suppress a function preceded the internal name with an parameter's external name underscore and a space func myFunc( _ x:Int) { } iOS 12: how to use x for internal parameter put external name followed by space before name versus times as external name for parameter definition function fun myFunc( times x:Int) { } iOS 12: how to declare a parameter as add three periods after declaration variadic (can have as many values of this func sayStrings(_ arrayofStrings:String parameter type as desired) ... ) {} iOS 12: how to have a parameter that declare as inout in function declaration modifies the original value of an argument fun removeCharacter( s:inout String) passed in then call function parameter with & in front removeCharacter(s:&x) iOS 12: object used to store user data UserDefaults.standard permanently iOS 12: event for when user touches outside touchesBegan of text field iOS 12: command to remove keyboard in self.view.endEditing(true) touchesBegan event function iOS 12: Event for text field when user hits textFieldShouldReturn return on keyboard iOS 12: how to remove keyboard in textField.resignFirstResponder() textFieldShouldReturn event iOS 12: how to get a map view to a particular map.setRegion( ) area iOS 12: type needed for map.setRegion( ) MKCoordinateRegion iOS 12: 2 types needed for a CLLocationCoordinate2D MKCoordinateRegion MKCoordinateSpan iOS 12: type for map coordinate points CLLocationDegrees iOS 12: type used for map annotations MKPointAnnotation iOS 12: how to add an annotation to MKMap map.addAnnotation(MKPointAnnotation) map iOS 12: type used to recognize a long press UILongPressGestureRecognizer iOS 12: how to add a gesture recognizer to map.addGestureRecognizer() MKMap map iOS 12: what needs to be imported to get CoreLocation user's location iOS 12: what is needed to manage user var locationManager = CLLocationManager() location iOS 12: how to request permission to get locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthoriz user location with locationManager ation iOS 12: what has to be added to CLLocationManagerDelegate ViewController definition to use CLLocationManager iOS 12: what function is called by locationManager CLLocationManager when user location is received iOS 12: how to look up address from CLGeocoder().reverseGeocodeLocation() coordinates iOS 12: what function gets called before func prepare(for segue: ViewController segue UIStoryboardSeque, sender) iOS 12: what gets called when table row is func tableView(_ tableView: selected UITableView, didSelectRowAt: indexPath: IndexPath) iOS 12: how to make a segue from code performSeque() iOS 12: how to get a table view to reload table.reloadData() information iOS 12: what class must be imported to play AVFoundation sound iOS 12: what do you create to manage var player = AVAudioPlayer() playing sounds iOS 12: how to get the audio resource path var audioPath = for bach.mp3 Bundle.main.path(forResources: "bach", ofType: "mp3") iOS 12: how to get a handle to respond to let swipeRespond = swipe gestures UISwipeGestureRecognizer() iOS 12: how to add gesture recognizer to self.view.addGestureRecognizer() current view iOS 12: function to override in order to catch func motionEnded() shaking after finished iOS 12: create a random number between 0 let randomNumber = arc4random_uniform() and x iOS 12: library to import to interact with CoreData storing structured data iOS 12: how to grab a reference to let appDelegate = AppDelegate UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate iOS 12: how to grab reference to CoreData let context = in AppDelegate appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewConte xt iOS 12: how to create a new CoreData let newUser = object NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject() iOS 12: how to create a fetch request for let request = CoreData table Users NSFetchRequest( entityName: "Users") iOS 12: how to create a select restriction on request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: NSFetchRequest "username = %@", "SuzyQ") iOS 12: how to delete a result from a context.delete(result) NSFetchRequestResult context.save() iOS 12: how to run code on main thread DispatchQueue.main.async { when in a callback } iOS 12: how to search for file storage var docPath = directory path NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.doc umentDirectory,  ) iOS 12: how to create an image from file UIImage(contentsOfFile: filePath) path iOS 12: how to create a URL let url = URL(string: "http://example.com") iOS 12: syntax to grab a URL from web with let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URLRequest request request) { data, response, error in //code }  task.resume() iOS 12: how to build a URL request with URL let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url) url iOS 12: object used to show alerts UIAlertController iOS 12: how to add actions to a alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction() ) UIAlertController iOS 12: object used to show activity spinner UIActivityIndicatorView iOS 12: how to show UIActivityIndicatorView view.addSubview(activityIndicator) activityIndicator iOS 12: how to get UIActivityIndicatorView activityIndicator.startAnimating() activityView to start spinning iOS 12: how to stop user from interacting UIApplication.shared.beginIgnoringInteractio with app nEvents() iOS 12: how to resume user being able to UIApplication.shared.endIgnoringInteraction interact with application Events() iOS 12: what class extensions to UINavigationControllerDelegate ViewController do you add to allow picking UIImagePickerControllerDelegate photos from camera roll iOS 12: what object is used to manage UIImagePickerController picking images from camera roll iOS 12: how to show self.present(imagePickerController) UIImagePickerController imagePickerController in ViewController iOS 12: what function returns after user picks func imagePickerController(UIImagePi image using ImagePickerController ckerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:) iOS 12: 3 ways to show a function doesn't func say(_ s:String) -> void { } return a value func say(_ s:String) -> () {} func say(_ s:String) { } iOS 12: when creating a parameter that the function's signature is its type accepts a function what is type iOS 12: how to create an alias for a typealias function's signature to use in the parameter typealias VoidVoidFunction = () -> () type declaration iOS 12: a standard control that can initiate UIRefreshControl the refreshing of a scroll view's content iOS 12: Controls use the _____ mechanism target-action to report interesting events happening to your code iOS 12: when adding an action method to specify both the action method and an object UIControl, you ______that defines the method to the addTarget(_:action:for) method iOS 12: to add a subview to another call addSubview method on the superview controller iOS 12: ______framework provides the UIKit window and view architecture for implementing your interface iOS 12: the _____ object runs your app's UIApplication main event loop and manages your app's overall lifecycle iOS 12: UIKit apps are always in one of five states: ___ iOS 12: when your app transitions from one UIApplicationDelegate state to another, UIKit notifies your app delegate object, an object that conforms to the ____ protocol iOS 12: UIApplicationDelegate method to application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOption initialize your app's data structures and s:) perform one-time setup tasks iOS 12: UIApplicationDelegate method to application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOption validate your content, update your app's s:) default user interface and start any tasks iOS 12: how to determine why your app was System supplies the reason for the launch in launched the dictionary object passed to application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOption s:) and application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOption s:) methods iOS 12: when your app is launched, UIKit applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) calls your app delegate's ______method to let you know your app is now active iOS 12: if your app was already running in applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) the background, UIKit calls the _____ method before calling the applicationDidBecomeActive() iOS 12: notification that a user changed your didChangeNotification app's preferences iOS 12: notification that the current language currentLocaleDidChangeNotification or locale settings changed iOS 12: notification when screen mode of a modeDidChangeNotification display changes iOS 12: how are notifications handled when they are queued and delivered when app an app is suspended starts running again iOS 12: when a foreground app moves to the applicationWillResignActive(_:) background, UIKit first calls the _____ method to deactivate the app iOS 12: For a foreground app that is moving applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) to the background, UIKit follows deactivation with a call to ____ method of your app delegate iOS 12: ______lets your app run Background App Refresh periodically in the background so that it can update its content iOS 12: 3 things to enable Background App 1. Add required Background Modes key to Refresh your info plist file 2. Call the setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval(_:) method of UIApplication at launch time 3. Implement the application(_:performFetchWithCompletionH andler:) method in app delegate iOS 12: perform any one-time tasks in your application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOption app delegate's _____ or _____ method s:) application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOption s:) iOS 12: when low on memory, UIKit calls applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning() ____ method of your app delegate iOS 12: when memory is low, UIKit calls didReceiveMemoryWarning() ____ method of any active UIViewController iOS 12: when memory is low, UIKit posts a didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification ______object to any registered observers iOS 12: you explicitly tell UIKit which view assigning restoration identifiers to them controllers to preserve between activations by ______iOS 12: during the preservation process, encodeRestorableState(with:) UIKit calls the _____ method of each preserved view and view controller iOS 12: UIKit calls your app delegate's application(_:shouldRestoreApplicationState: ______method to determine if restoration ) should proceed iOS 12: during restoration, UIKit calls each decodeRestorableState(with:) view controller's ______method to restore its state information iOS 12: state restoration can be enabled to UIStateRestoring any object that adopts the ______protocol iOS 12: you use ____ to manage your UIKit view controller app's interface iOS 12: a ______embeds the content of container view controller other view controllers into its own root view iOS 12: an object that manages a view UIViewController hierarchy for you UIKit app iOS 12: to load a view controller from a instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:) storyboard, call ______method of the appropriate UIStoryboard object iOS 12: nib file a special type of resource file that you use to store the user interfaces of iOS and Mac apps iOS 12: specify the views for a view loadView() controller by using the _____ method iOS 12: rotations are treated as changes in viewWillTransition(to:with:) the size of the view controller's view and reported using _____ method iOS 12: a view controller can override the supportedInterfaceOrientation _____ method to limit the list of supported orientations iOS 12: you can override the ____ for a view preferedInterfaceOrientationForPresentation controller that is intended to be presented full screen in a specific orientation iOS 12: when a rotation occurs for a visible willRotate(to:duration:) view controller ____, _____, and ____ willAnimate(to:duration:) methods are called during the rotation didRotate(from:) iOS 12: the _____ method is also called after viewWillLayoutSubviews( ) the view is resized and positioned by its parent iOS 12: if a view controller is not visible when viewWillLayoutSubviews( ) an orientation change occurs, then the rotation methods are not called.  However, the ____ method is called when the view becomes visible. iOS 12: method to determine the device statusBarOrientation orientation iOS 12: a view controller that specializes in UITableViewController managing a table view iOS 12: a container view controller that UISplitViewController implements a master-detail interface iOS 12: a set of methods that your delegate UIImagePickerControllerDelegate object must implement to interact with the image picker interface iOS 12: a view controller that manages the UIImagePickerController system interfaces for taking pictures, recording movies, and choosing items from the user's media library iOS 12: a container view controller that UINavigationController defines a stack-based scheme for navigating hierarchical content iOS 12: Use _____ to modify behavior when UINavigationControllerDelegate a view controller is pushed or popped from the navigation stack of a UINavigationController object iOS 12: how to create an image picker var imagePicker = UIIMagePickerController() iOS 12: the role and appearance of an image source type picker controller depend on _____ you sourceType assign it before you present it by setting _____ property iOS 12: when using image picker, verify that isSourceTypeAvailable(_:) the device is capable of picking content from the desired source by calling ______iOS 12: when using image picker, availableMediaTypes(for:) check which media types are available for the source type you are using by calling the _____ method iOS 12: tell the image picker controller to mediaTypes adjust the UI according to the media types you want to make available - still images, moves or both - by setting the _____ property iOS 12: to present image picker controller present(_:animated:completion:) modally for iPhone or iPod, call ____ method of currently active view controller iOS 12: on iPad, the correct way to present its source type an image picker depends on ______camera - full screen Photo Library or Saved Photos Album - popover iOS 12: you can customize an image picker providing an overlay view containing the controller to manage user interactions controls you want to display and use direct yourself by ______methods: takePicture(), etc iOS 12: property to set a custom overlay cameraOverlayView view in image picker controller iOS 12: Image picker property indicating allowsEditing whether user is allowed to edit a selected still image or movie iOS 12: what is dragging called panning iOS 12: a concrete subclass of UIPanningGestureRecognizer UIGestureRecognizer that looks for panning (dragging) gestures iOS 12: how to configure the max/min maximumNumberOfTouches number of fingers that can be touching the minimumNumberOfTouches view for UIPanGestureRecognizer to be recognized iOS 12: apps receive and handle events responder using ___ objects which is any instance of UIResponder the ____ class iOS 12: unhandled events are passed from active responder chain responder to responder in the _____, which is the dynamic configuration of your app's responder objects iOS 12: what is the first responder for a The view in which the touch occured touch event iOS 12: what is the first responder for a the object that has the focus press event iOS 12: you can alter the responder chain by next overriding the ____ property of your responder objects iOS 12: an abstract interface for responding UIResponder to and handling events iOS 12: UIResponder property that indicates isFirstResponder whether this object is the first responder iOS 12: UIResponder property indicating canBecomeFirstResponder whether this object can become the first responder iOS 12: UIResponder function to ask UIKit to becomeFirstResponder() make this object the first responder in its window iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells this touchesBegan() object that one or more touches occurred in a view iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells touchesMoved() responder when one or more touches associated with an event changed iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells the touchesEnded() responder when one or more fingers are raised from a view/window iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells the touchesCancelled() responder when a system event (such as system alert) cancels a touch sequence iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells the touchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated() responder that updated values were received for previously estimated properties iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells the motionBegan() receiver that a event has begun iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells the motionEnded() receiver that a motion event has ended iOS 12: UIResponder function that tells the motionCancelled() receiver that a motion event has been cancelled iOS 12: 4 methods that responders that pressedBegan() handle press events should override pressesChanged() pressesEnded() pressesCancelled() iOS 12: UIResponder method that tells the remoteControlReceived() object when a remote-control event is received iOS 12: undo manager a shared object for managing undo and redo operation iOS 12: UIResponder properties to set a inputView custom input view and custom input view inputViewController controller iOS 12: _____ object provides a lightweight NSUserActivity way to capture the state of your app and put it to use later iOS 12: an object that describes a single UIEvent interaction with your app iOS 12: UIEvent property that returns all allTouches touches associated with event iOS 12: you can determine the type of an type event using the ____ and ____ properties subtype iOS 12: additional information in UITouch azimuth, altitude and force at tip object from Apple Pencil iOS 12: peeking 3D touch feature that gives you a snapshot of the next view controller you're going to be looking at when it is activated iOS 12: function to let system know that we registerForPreviewingWithDelegate() have a view that wants to participate in 3D touch for a peek iOS 12: when the 3D touch event is executed previewingContext() at runtime, the only function it calls is _____ iOS 12: properties to track the force of 3D force touch event maximumPossibleForce iOS 12: gesture recognizers come in 2 types discrete continuous iOS 12: pan gesture occurs any time the user moves one or more fingers around the screen iOS 12: framework to obtain the geographic CoreLocation location and orientation of a device iOS 12: framework for adding SpriteKit high-performance 2D content with smooth animation to your app or create a game iOS 12: framework to create 3D SceneKit games and add 3D content to apps iOS 12: framework that provides near-direct Metal2 access to the GPU iOS 12: you start most core location services CLLocationManager using the _____ object iOS 12: 2 types of authorization for 1. when-in-use authorization - use most CoreLocation services services but can not use services that automatically relaunch the app 2. always authorization - use all location services and can start from both foreground and background iOS 12: for CoreLocation implement the locationManager(_:didChangeAuthorization) ____ method in your location manager delegate to be notified when your app's authorization status changes iOS 12: what must be done in app that Add needs when-in-use authorization location NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription services key to your app's Info.plist file iOS 12: call on CLLocationManager object to requestWhenInUseAuthorization request when-in-use authorization iOS 12: how to check the authorization locationManager.authorizationStatus() status of core location authorization iOS 12: how to request always authorization 1. First call basic authorication: for core location services locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthoriz ation() 2. when user enables a feature of your app that requires:  locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorizatio n() iOS 12: call that tells whether you can get locationManager.locationServicesEnabled() geo coordinates for user's current location iOS 12: function that tells you whether you locationManager.significantLocationChange can get the user's location using the MonitoringAvailable() significant-change location service iOS 12: tells whether you can use locationManager.isMonitoringAvailable(for:) region monitoring to detect entry into or exit from geographic regions or iBeacon regions iOS 12: tells whether the device is able to locationManager.headingAvailable() provide compass-related headings iOS 12: tells whether you can obtain the locationManager.isRangingAvailable relative distance to a nearby iBeacon iOS 12: what happens if you try and start a the CLLocationManager object calls one of location service that is unavailable the failure related methods of its delegate like locationManager(_:monitoringDidFailFor:with Error) if region monitoring is unavailable iOS 12: the object that you use to start and CLLocationManager stop the delivery of location-related events to your app iOS 12: constants indicating whether the app CLAuthorizationStatus is authorized to use location services iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that deferredLocationUpdatesAvailable() indicates whether the device supports deferred location updates iOS 12: delegate for receiving data from CLLocationManagerDelegate location services iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that startUpdatingLocation() starts the generation of updates that report the user's current location iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that stopUpdatingLocation() stops the generation of location updates iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that requestLocation() requests the one time delivery of the user's current location iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically indicates whether the location manager object may pause location updates iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates indicates whether the app should receive location updates when suspended iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that showsBackgroundLocationIndicator indicates whether the status bar changes its appearance when location services are used in the background iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that is distanceFilter the minimum distance (measured in meters) a device must move horizontally before an update event is generated iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that desiredAccuracy sets the accuracy of the location data iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that activityType sets the type of user activity associated with the location updates iOS 12: CLLocationManager enumeration CLActivityType constants indicating the type of activity associated with location updates iOS 12: CLLocationManager functions to startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges() start/stop the generation of updates based stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges() on significant location changes iOS 12: CLLocationManager functions that startUpdateHeading() start/stop the generation of updates that stopUpdateHeading() reports the user's current heading iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay() dismisses the heading calibration view from the screen immediately iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that is headingFilter the minimum angular change (measured in degrees) required to generate new heading events iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that headingOrientation sets the device orientation to use when computing heading values iOS 12: CLLocationManager functions to startMonitoring(for:CLRegion) start/stop monitoring the specified region stopMonitoring(for:CLRegion) iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that is monitoredRegions the set of shared regions monitored by all location manager objects iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that is maximumRegionMonitoringDistance the largest boundary distance that can be assigned to a region iOS 12: CLLocationManager functions that startRangingBeacons() start/stop the delivery of notifications for the stopRangingBeacons() specified beacon region iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that requestState() retrieves the state of a region asynchronously iOS 12: CLLocationManager property that is rangedRegions the set of regions being tracked using ranging iOS 12: visits location service system delivers location updates only when the user's movements are noteworthy and includes the location and the amount of time spent at the location iOS 12: CLLocationManager function to startMonitoringVisits() start/stop the delivery of visit-related events stopMonitoringVisits() iOS 12: CLLocationManager function to allowDeferredLocationUpdates() defer the delivery of location updates until specified criteria are met iOS 12: CLLocationManager function that disallowDeferredLocationUpdates() cancels the deferral of location updates for this app iOS 12: CLLocationDegrees  a latitude or longitude value in degrees iOS 12: CLLocation properties for location coordinate attributes altitude floor - logical floor of building in which the user is located iOS 12: how to get the distance between 2 location1.distance(from: location2) CLLocation objects iOS 12: CLLocation properties for speed and speed direction the device is traveling course iOS 12: object with latitude and longitude CLLocationCoordinate2D associated with a location, specified using WGS 84 reference frame iOS 12: class that is floor on which the user's CLFloor device is located iOS 12: class that has the information about CLVisit the user's location during a specific period of time iOS 12: use ____ to determine when a user region monitoring enters or leaves a geographic region iOS 12: a region is a _____ area centered on circular a geographic coordinate, and you define CLCircularRegion one using a _____ object iOS 12: use ______monitoring to detect the region monitoring presence of an iBeacon.  Use ___ to beacon ranging determine the proximity of a detected iBeacon iOS 12: purpose of iBeacon's proximity proximity UUID = 128-bit value that uniquely UUID, major value and minor value identifies your app's beacons major value - 16 bit int that can be used to group beacons minor value - 16 bit int that identifies within major value groups iOS 12: use ____ monitoring to alert your region app when an iBeacon is nearby.  To CLBeaconRegion monitor for beacons, create a _____ object startMonitoring(for:) and register it with _____ method of your CLLocationManger object iOS 12: how to use an iOS device as an 1. Obtain or generate a 128-bit UUID for your iBeacon device 2. Create a CLBeaconRegion object containing the UUID along with major and minor values 3. Advertise the beacon information using the Core Bluetooth framework iOS 12: information about a detected CLBeacon iBeacon and the relative distance to it iOS 12: the identity of an iBeacon is defined proximityUUID by ____, _____, and _____ major minor iOS 12: CLBeacon properties that are used proximity - relative distance to determine the beacon distance accuracy rssi - received signal strength of beacon iOS 12: _____ object defines a region that CLBeaconRegion you use to detect Bluetooth beacons iOS 12: if you want to configure the current peripheralData(withMeasuredPower) iOS device as a Bluetooth beacon, create a CLBeaconRegion and call the ____ method of region to get a dictionary you can use with Core Bluetooth to advertise the device iOS 12: course information reflects ______speed and direction in which the device is moving iOS 12: the azimuth (orientation) of the CLHeading user's device, relative to true or magnetic north iOS 12: _____ class lets you convert CLGeocoder between geographic coordinates and the user-friendly names associated with that location iOS 12: user place names are represented CLPlacement by a ______object iOS 12: how to convert a CLLocation into a call reverseGeocodeLocation() method of CLPlacement object geocoder object iOS 12: CLGeocoder method to turn address geocodeAddressString() into coordinates iOS 12: a user-friendly description of a CLPlacement geographic coordinate, often containing the name of the place, its address, and other relevant information iOS 12: an embeddable map interface similar MKMapView to one provided by the maps application iOS 12: On MKMapView a region is defined a center point and a horizontal and vertical by ______distance, referred to as the span iOS 12: MKMapView support for isScrollEnabled scrolling/zooming can be disabled using ___ isZoomEnabled and _____ properties iOS 12: object used for presentation of MKAnnotationView annotation objects on the screen iOS 12: 2 views for handling annotations in MKMarkerAnnotationView your own apps MKPinAnnotationView iOS 12: you can use ____ to layer content overlay over a wide portion of a map with an object MKOverlay that conforms to _____ protocol iOS 12: the presentation of an overlay is overlay renderer handled by an ____ which is an instance of MKOverlayRenderer the ____ class iOS 12: what class has optional methods you MKMapViewDelegate use to receive map-related messages iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate functions that mapView(regionWillChangeAnimated) tells the delegate that the region displayed by mapView(regionDidChangeAnimated) the map view is about to /just did change iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate tells the mapViewDidChangeVisibleRegion delegate that the map view's visible region changed iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate functions that mapViewWillStartLoadingMap() tells the delegate the specified map is mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap() about to/successfully/unsuccessfully load some map data iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate function that mapView(didChange) says user tracking mode changed iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate functions that mapViewWillStartRenderingMap() indicate start/finish of rendering some of its mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap() tiles iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate functions that mapViewWillStartLocatingUser() indicate map view will start/stop tracking the mapViewDidStopLocatingUser() user's position iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate function that mapView(didUpdate) tells that the location of the user was updated iOS 12: MKMapViewDelegate function that mapView(didFailToLocateUserWithError) says that an attempt to locate the user's position failed iOS 12: the abstract base for Core Bluetooth CBManager manager objects (central and peripheral) iOS 12: _____ class represents Attribute CBATTRequest Protocol (ATT) read and write requests from remote central devices iOS 12: ____ is an abstract base class that CBAttribute defines behavior common to the collection of objects that represent aspects of services offered by a peripheral iOS 12: ____ class represents remote CBCentral control devices that have connected to an app implementing the peripheral role on a local device iOS 12: when you are implementing the CBCentral peripheral role using the CBPeripheralManage class, centrals that connect to your local peripheral are represented as _____ objects iOS 12:  _____ objects are used to CBCentralManager manage discovered or connected remote peripheral devices, including scanning for, discovering, and connecting to advertising peripherals iOS 12: _____ objects represent the CBCharacteristic characteristics of a remote peripheral's service, containing a single value and any number of descriptors describing that interface iOS 12: ____ represents a descriptor of a CBDescriptor remote peripheral's charactersitic iOS 12: _____ object represents the CBMutableCharacteristic characteristic of a local peripheral's service iOS 12: ______objects represent the CBMutableDescriptor descriptors of a local peripheral's characteristics iOS 12: ____ class used to create a service CBMutableService or an included service on a local peripheral device iOS 12: _____ class is an abstract class that CBPeer defines common behavior for objects representing remote devices iOS 12:  _____ class represents CBPeripheral remote peripheral devices that your app - by means of a central manager has discovered advertising or is currently connected to iOS 12: _____ objects are used to manage CBPeripheralManager published services within the local peripheral device's Generic Attribute Profile database and advertise these services iOS 12: ____ objects represent services of a CBService remote peripheral device iOS 12: ____ class represents the 128-bit CBUUID UUIDs used in Bluetooth low energy communication iOS 12: _____ replaces the system keyboard custom keyboard as an app extension for users who want capabilities such as novel text input iOS 12: framework that supports in-app StoreKit purchases and interactions with the App Store iOS 12: Function called to respond to the application(_:performActionFor:completionH user's selection of a home screen quick andler) action for your app iOS 12: framework to push UserNotifications user facing notifications to the user's device from a server iOS 12: framework to handle user requests SiriKit for your app's services that originate from Siri or Maps iOS 12: SiriKit encompasses the ____ Intents and ____ frameworks Intents UI iOS 12: SiriKit defines the types of intents requests known as ____ that users can make iOS 12: to play content from the user's library MPMusicPlayerController using the Media Player framework, use one of the built-in ____ objects iOS 12: to play back videos containing AVPlayer MPMediaItem objects, use an ____ AVFoundation object from ______iOS 12: a user may sync their device, MPMediaLibrary changing the contents on the device, while your app is running.  Use notifications provided by _____ class to ensure your app's cache is up to date iOS 12: a protocol that defines the interface MPMediaPlayback for controlling audio media playback iOS 12: a protocol for playing videos in the MPSystemMusicPlayerController Music app iOS 12: a specialized view controller that MPMediaPickerController provides a graphical interface for selecting media items iOS 12: framework to find and play MediaPlayer songs, audio podcasts, audiobooks, and more from within your app iOS 12: new way to generate random TYPE.random(in: range) numbers ex: Double(in:0...10) iOS 12: how to toggle a boolean myBool.toggle() iOS 12: how to pick a random element from myArray.randomElement() array iOS 12: how to shuffle values of arrays myArray.shuffle() - changes array myArray.shuffled() - returns a new array iOS 12: loop through an array to see if every myArray.allSatisfy( (element)->Bool in member satisfies a condition ) iOS 12: how to leave a todo in code #warning("my reminder") iOS 12: create an error in code #error("This is broken") iOS 12: Framework to construct and manage AppKit a graphical, event-driven user interface for your macOS app iOS 12: bundle a directory with a standardized hierarchical structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code Foundation iOS 12: the ____ framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks used throughout macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS iOS 12: TVML AppleTV Markup Language iOS 12: Framework that enables you to TVMLKit evaluate JavaScript and TVML files within your tvOS app iOS 12: Framework to show common UI TVUIKit elements from AppleTV in native app iOS 12: Framework to construct and manage WatchKit your app's user interface for watchOS iOS 12: Framework to create and manage AGL OpenGL rendering contexts iOS 12: Framework to render compose and CoreAnimation animate visual elements iOS 12: Framework to harness the power of CoreGraphics Quartz technology to perform lightweight 2D rendering with high-fidelity output iOS 12: Framework to use built-in or CoreImage custom filters to process still and video images iOS 12: Framework to support hardware GameController game controllers in your game iOS 12: Framework to create social GameKit experiences in games like leaderboards, achievements, etc. iOS 12: Framework to speed up OpenGL ES GLKit or OpenGL app development iOS 12: Framework to read and write most ImageIO image file formats iOS 12: Framework to import, export, and Model I/O manipulate 3D model iOS 12: OpenGL ES Create 3D and 2D graphics effects with this compact, efficient subset of OpenGL iOS 12: Framework to display and PDFKit manipulate PDF documents iOS 12: Framework to allow users to browse, Quartz edit and save images, using slideshows and CoreImage filters iOS 12: Framework to record or stream video ReplayKit from the screen and audio from the app and microphone iOS 12: Framework to apply computer vision Vision algorithms to perform a variety of tasks on input images and videos iOS 12: Framework to help users access and Accounts manage their external accounts from within your app, without requiring them to enter login credentials iOS 12: Framework to access the advertising AdSupport identifier and a flag that indicates if the user has chosen to limit ad tracking iOS 12: Framework to chat with your BusinessChat customers using the messages app iOS 12: Framework to display the system CallKit calling UI for your app's VoIP services iOS 12: Framework for navigation apps to CarPlay interface with car iOS 12: Framework that enables teachers to ClassKit assign activities from your app's content  and view student progress iOS 12: complication small interface elements that appear on the clock face and provide quick access to frequently used data iOS 12: Framework to display app-specific ClockKit data in the complications on the clock face iOS 12: Framework to store structured app CloudKit and user data in iCloud containers that can be shared by all users of your app iOS 12: Framework to access the centralized Contacts database for storing users' contacts iOS 12: Framework to address users' ContactsUI contacts and display them in a graphical interface iOS 12: Framework to integrate machine CoreML learning models into your app iOS 12: Framework to process CoreMotion accelerometer, gyroscope, pedometer, and environment-related events iOS 12: Framework to index your app so CoreSpotlight users can search the content from Spotlight and Safari iOS 12: Framework that provides a modern, CoreText low-level programming interface for laying out text and handling fonts iOS 12: Framework to create machine CreateML learning models for use in your app iOS 12: Framework to access per-device, DeviceCheck per-developer data that your associated server can use in its business logic iOS 12: 2 Frameworks for viewing, selecting EventKit and editing calendar events and EventKitUI reminders  iOS 12: Framework to implement a File FileProvider Provider extension so other apps can access the docs and directories stored and managed by your container app iOS 12: Use the ____ extension to add FileProviderUI custom actions to your File Provider extension iOS 12: Framework to access and share HealthKit health and fitness data iOS 12: Framework to communicate with, HomeKit configure, and control home automation iOS 12: Framework to display iAd advertisements in a dedicated portion of your app's UI iOS 12: Framework to evaluate JavaScript JavaScriptCore programs from within an app and support JavaScript scripting of your app iOS 12: Framework to create app extensions Messages that allow users to send text, stickers, media files and interactive messages iOS 12: Framework to create a user interface MessageUI for composing email and text messages, so users can edit and send messages without leaving your app iOS 12: Framework to support peer-to-peer MultipeerConnectivity connectivity and the discovery of nearby devices iOS 12: Framework to analyze natural NaturalLanguage language text and deduce its language-specific metadata iOS 12: Framework to create and manage NewstandKit assets for the client side of a Newstand app iOS 12: Framework to create and manage NotificationCenter widgets for the Today view iOS 12: Framework to request and process PassKit ApplePay payments in your app and distribute passes for WalletApp iOS 12: Framework to integrate your app's PreferencesPanes custom preferences into the system Preferences app iOS 12: Framework to send push PushKit notifications to update your app iOS 12: 2 Frameworks to enable web views SafariServices and services in your app WebKit iOS 12: Framework to integrate your app Social with supported social networking services iOS 12: Framework to perform speech Speech recognition on live or prerecorded audio iOS 12: Framework to support in-app StoreKit purchase and interactions within AppStore iOS 12: Framework to add top-shelf content TVServices and a description of your tvOS app to be displayed on a TV iOS 12: Framework to implement 2 way WatchConnectivity communcation between an iOS app and its paired watchOS app iOS 12: web service to design, create and AppleNews publish content for Apple News iOS 12: Framework to record or play audio AudioToolbox convert formats, parse audiostreams, and configure your audio session iOS 12: Framework to add sophisticated AudioUnit audio manipulation and processing capabilities to your app iOS 12: Framework to work with audiovisual AVFoundation assets, control device cameras, process audio and configure system audio interactions iOS 12: Framework to create view-level AVKit services for media playback, complete with user controls, chapter navigation and support for subtitles iOS 12: Core Media defines the media pipeline used by AVFoundation and other high-level media frameworks iOS 12: Framework to communicate with CoreMIDI MIDI devices iOS 12: Framework that provides a pipeline CoreVideo model for digital video iOS 12: Framework to create a new FxPlug hardware-accelerated and CPU-based effects for FinalCut Pro and Motion iOS 12: HTTP Live Streaming sends audio and video over HTTP from ordinary web server for playback on iOS-based devices iOS 12: Framework to find and play songs, MediaPlayer audio podcasts, audio books and more from within your app iOS 12: Framework to coordinate the MediaAccessibility presentation of closed-caption data for your app's media files iOS 12: Framework to access a read-only MediaLibrary collection of the user's multimedia content iOS 12: Framework to work with image and PhotoKit video assets managed by the Photos app, including iCloud and LivePhotos iOS 12: Framework that is a low-level VideoToolbox framework that provides direct access to hardware encoders and decoders iOS 12: Framework to create and run unit XCTest tests, performance tests and UI tests for you project iOS 12: Framework to make large-scale Accelerate mathematical computations and image calculations iOS 12: Framework that defines a new AuthenticationServices extension point for password management apps for integration with Password AutoFill iOS 12: Framework to access network CFNetwork services and handle changes in network configuration iOS 12: Framework to find and access Collaboration identities, that is users and groups iOS 12: Framework to leverage common Compression compression algorithms for lossless data compression iOS 12: Framework to detect NIC tags and CoreNFC read messages, that contain NDEF data iOS 12: Framework to access and manage CoreServices key operation system services, such as launch and identity services iOS 12: Framework to access info about a CoreTelophony user's cellular service provider iOS 12: Framework to query Airport CoreWLAN interfaces and choose wireless networks iOS 12: Framework to access security tokens CryptoTokenKit and the cryptographic assets they store iOS 12: Darwin notifications allows you to send and receive notification between different apps, and/or an app and its extensions iOS 12: Framework to send and receive DarwinNotify Darwin notifications iOS 12: Framework to execute code Dispatch concurrently on multicore hardware by submitting work to dispatch queues iOS 12: Framework to discover, publish, and dnssd resolve network services on a local area or wide area network iOS 12: Framework to monitor and debug ExceptionHandling exceptional conditions in code iOS 12: Framework to communicate with ExtenalAccessory accessories connected to a device by the Apple Lightning connector or connected wirelessly through Bluetooth iOS 12: Framework to enhance the Finder's FinderSync UI by adding badges, shortcut-menu items and toolbar buttons iOS 12: Framework to control force feedback ForceFeedback devices attached to the system iOS 12: Framework to interface with FireWire FWAUserLib audio devices to manage connections, audio engines, and audio MIDI streams iOS 12: Framework to build virtualization Hypervisor solutions on top of a lightweight hypervisor iOS 12: Framework to develop input methods InputMethodKit iOS 12: Framework to gain user-space IOBluetooth access to Bluetooth devices iOS 12: Framework to present an interface IOBluetoothUI through which users can pair their devices with other Bluetooth devices iOS 12: Framework to gain user-space IOKit access to hardware devices and drivers iOS 12: Framework that provides a IOSurface framebuffer object suitable for sharing process boundaries iOS 12: Framework that supports the LatentSemanticMapping classification of text and other token-based content into developer defined categories iOS 12: Framework to authenticate users LocalAuthentication biometrically or with a passphrase they already know iOS 12: Framework to use when you need Network direct access to protocols like TCP and UDP iOS 12: Framework to customize and extend NetworkExtension core networking features iOS 12: Framework for LDAP and OpenDirectory OpenDirectory iOS 12: Framework to initiate activity tracing os and unified logging operations iOS 12: Framework to secure the data your Security app manages and control access to your app iOS 12: Framework that provides UI SecurityInterface elements for security features such as authorization, digital certs, and items in keychains iOS 12: Framework to load and unload ServiceManagement launched services iOS 12: Framework that allows applications SystemConfiguration to access a devices' network config settings.  Determine reachability of the device iOS 12: Framework that is the API for virtual vmnet machines to read and write packets iOS 12: Framework that accesses a low-level XPC (libSystem) interprocess communication mechanism based on serialized-property lists iOS 12: Class used to generate speech AVSpeechSynthesizer iOS 12: root class for all views UIView iOS 12: by default, when a subview's visible clipsToBounds area extends outside the bounds of its superview, no clipping of the subview's content occurs, change with ____ iOS 12: every view in UIKit is backed by a layer ______object of the ____ class CALayer iOS 12: every view has a corresponding from that view's layer property layer object that can be accessed ______iOS 12: you can specify the relative z-order insertSubview(_:aboveSubview) of subview by adding using ____ and _____ insertSubview(_:belowSubview) methods iOS 12: you can exchange the position of exchangeSubview(at:withSubviewAt:) already added subviews using _____ method iOS 12: for views that contain custom draw(_:) content using UIKit or CoreGraphics, the system calls the views' ______method iOS 12: if you need to change view display, setNeedsDisplay() you must call _____ to notify the system your view needs to be redrawn iOS 12: if you are using OpenGL ES to do GLKView your drawing, you should use the _____ class instead of subclassing UIView iOS 12: an object that manages an ordered UICollectionView collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts iOS 12: class that is a concrete layout object UICollectionViewFlowLayout that organizes items into a grid with optional header and footer views for each section iOS 12: delegate for UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout UICollectionViewFlowLayout iOS 12: an object that adopts the _____ UICollectionViewDataSource protocol is responsible for providing the data and views required by a collection view iOS 12: UICollectionViewDataSource numberOfSections(in collectionView) function to give the number of sections iOS 12: UICollectionViewDataSource collectionView( numberOfItemsInSection) protocol function to give number of items in a section iOS 12: UICollectionViewDataSource collectionView( cellForItemAt ) protocol function to create a cell for specific IndexPath iOS 12: to override providing layout attribute, layoutAttributesForElements(in rect:) for UICollectionViewLayout layoutAttributesForItem(at indexPath) iOS 12: UICollectionViewLayout property to collectionViewContainerSize:CGSize provide bounds which contain all items iOS 12: function that prepares the layout for prepare() UICollectionViewLayout iOS 12: what UICollectionViewLayout shouldInvalidateLayout() function is called for every size/origin change default implementation returns false and during scrolling iOS 12: UICollectionView method to animate performBatchUpdates() multiple insert, delete, reload and move operations as a group iOS 12: _____ objects act as containers for window your app's onscreen content, and ______screen report the characteristics of the underlying display to your app iOS 12: each device has at least one _____ UIScreen object representing the device's main screen iOS 12: object is the backdrop for your app's UIWindow interface and the object that dispatches events to your views iOS 12: extra windows are commonly used display content on an external screen to ______iOS 12: touch events are delivered to the key window window where they occurred, events that do not have a relevant coordinate are delivered to the ______iOS 12: setting on ViewController to make it vc.modelPresentationStyle = .popover present as a popover iOS 12: an object that manages the display UIPopoverPresentationController of content in a popover iOS 12: class for action that can be taken UIAlertAction when the user taps a button in an alert iOS 12: an object that displays an alert UIAlertController message to the user iOS 12: function to add an UIAlertAction to a alert.addAction( ) UIAlertController iOS 12: on iPad, UIKit requires you display inside a popover an action sheet ______iOS 12: how to anchor your alert controller use popoverPresentationController property on iPad to popover's anchor point of alert controller iOS 12: each additional screen represents UIScreen new space on which to display your app's content and it managed by a _____ object iOS 12: to take advantage of the additional UIWindow space offered by a connected screen, create screen property to the corresponding screen a _____ object and set its ______object iOS 12: when a new screen is connected, didConnectNotification UIKit delivers a _____ notification to your app iOS 12: when a screen is disconnected, didDisconnectNotification UIKit delivers a ____ notification iOS 12: how to listen for NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forN didConnectNotification when screen is ame: .UIScreenDidConnect) connected iOS 12: _____ object encapsulates info UIScreenMode about the size of the screen's underlying display buffer and the aspect ratio it uses for different pixels iOS 12: how to find the screens attached to UIScreen.screens device iOS 12: how to tell layout that state has setNeedsLayout() changed and you have a dirty layout iOS 12: how to setup a variable property var myVar : String { observer willSet {} didSet {} } iOS 12: _____ object lets you animate UIViewPropertyAnimator changes to views and dynamically modify your animations before they finish iOS 12: UIPanGestureRecognizer method translattionInView() that tells you where pan gesture is happening iOS 12: UIPanGestureRecognizer method velocityInView() that tells you how fast gesture is moving iOS 12: 3 basic principles of Layout-Driven 1. Find and track state that affects UI UI 2. Dirty layout when state changes with setNeedsLayout() 3. Update UI with state in layoutSubviews() iOS 12: 3 phases of the Render Loop 1. Update constraints 2. Layout 3. Display iOS 12: 3 functions that can be overridden updateConstraints() for the update constraints part of the Render setNeedsUpdateConstraints() Loop updateConstraintsIfNeeded() iOS 12: 3 functions that can be overridden 1. layoutSubviews()2. setNeedsLayout()3. for the layout part of the Render Loop layoutIfNeeded() iOS 12: 2 functions that can be overridden draw() for the display part of the Render Loop setNeedsDisplay() iOS 12: how often does the render loop run 120 times a second iOS 12: what to import in Playground to build import CreateMLUI a ML model iOS 12: how to pull up image classifier in let builder = MLImageClassifierBuilder() Playground builder.showInLiveView() iOS 12: how to programmatically train let classifier = try MLImageClassifier( an Image MLModel in Playground trainingData: .labeledDirectories(at trainDirectory) iOS 12: how to programmatically evaluate a let evaluation = classifier.evaluate(on: MLModel classifier .labeledDirectories(at: testDirectory) iOS 12: object used to create a text classifier MLTextClassifier( ) in Playground iOS 12: object used to read in tabular data MLDataTable(contentsOf: data) for MLModel iOS 12: ML Model that runs all models on MLRegressor() tabular data and chooses the best one iOS 12: object that is an image analysis VNCoreMLRequest request that uses a CoreML model to process images iOS 12: a custom model trained to classify or NLModel tag natural language text iOS 12: on MLModel how to do an array of model.predictions(from: modelInputs, predictions options: options) iOS 12: an interface that defines the MLCustomLayer behavior of a custom layer in your neural network model iOS 12: an interface that defines the MLCustomModel behavior of a custom machine learning model iOS 12: scenePrint() a feature extractor trained on millions of images iOS 12: a dedicated object observation in VNRecognizedObjectObservation vision with an array of classification labels iOS 12: how to tell vision what to process VNRequest family of function iOS 12: how to process vision request RequestHandler like VNImageRequestHandler, VNSequenceRequestHandler iOS 12: how are vision results presented observations with VNObservationFamily iOS 12: an image analysis request that finds VNDetectFaceRectangleRequest faces within an image iOS 12: an image analysis request that finds VNDetectFaceLandmarkRequest facial features (such as the eyes and mouth) in an image iOS 12: face or facial-feature information VNFaceObservation detected by an image analysis request iOS 12: an image analysis request that finds VNDetectRectangularRequest projected rectangular regions in an image iOS 12: Information about projected VNDetectRectangularRequest rectangular regions in an image iOS 12: the abstract superclass for image VNTargetImageRequest analysis requests that operate on both the processed image and a secondary image iOS 12: the abstract superclass for image VNImageRegistrationRequest analysis requests that align images based on their content iOS 12: the abstract superclass for image VNImageAlignmentObservation analysis results that describe the relative alignment of 2 images iOS 12: an image analysis request that VNTranslationalImageRegistrationRequest determines the affine transform needed to align the content of 2 images iOS 12: affine transform information VNImageTranslationAlignmentObservation produced by an image alignment request iOS 12: an image analysis request that VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest determines the perspective warp matrix needed to align the content of 2 images iOS 12: perspective warp information VNImageHomographicAlignmentObservation produced by an image alignment request iOS 12: vision handles still image-based UIImageRequestHandler requests using a _____ iOS 12: a representation of an image to be CIImage processed or produced by filters iOS 12: ____ object is the Core Graphics CGImage format obtainable from any UIImage through cgImage its helper method _____ iOS 12: ____ is the Core Video image format CVPixelBuffer iOS 12: an object that processes one or VNImageRequestHandler more image analysis requests pertaining to a single image iOS 12: how to pass in requests to an imageRequestHandler.perform( requests ) VNRequest handler iOS 12: an object that manages CALayer image-based content and allows you to perform animations on that content iOS 12: an affine transformation matrix is rotate, scale, translate, or skew the objects used to ______you drow in a graphics context iOS 12: an affine transformation matrix CGAffineTransform for use in drawing 2D graphics iOS 12: property of UI image to find picture image.imageOrientation orientation iOS 12: a graphics renderer for creating Core UIGraphicsImageRenderer Graphics-backed images iOS 12: how to create an image with an let image = rederer.image { (context) in image renderer (UIGraphicsImageRenderer) } iOS 12: the drawing environment associated UIGraphicsImageRendererContext with an image renderer iOS 12: a Quartz 2D drawing environment CGContext iOS 12: CGContext methods to rotate, rotate() change the scale of, and change the origin of scaleBy() the user coordinate system in a context translateBy() concatenate() iOS 12: CGContext method to transform the user coordinate system in a context using a specified matrix iOS 12: CGContext function to draw an draw() image in the specified area iOS 12: Core Graphics object that has a CGPropertyOrientation value describing the intended display orientation for an image iOS 12: CALayer method to detach the layer removeFromSuperlayer() from its parent layer iOS 12: buffer contiguous region of memory iOS 12: how to create a CGI image source CGImageSourceCreateWithURL() from URL iOS 12: how to create a thumbnail from a CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex() Core Graphics image source iOS 12: use ____ to create and draw to an UIGraphicsImageRenderer image buffer, creates Core Graphics-backed images iOS 12: for real-time effects use _____ Core Image versus UIImage iOS 12: object that is a representation of an CIImage image to be processed or produced by Core Image filters iOS 12: CoreImage object that is an image CIFilter processor that produces an image by manipulating one or more input images iOS 12: CoreImage object that is an CIContext evaluation context for rendering image processing results and performing image analysis iOS 12: a GPU-based image processing CIKernel routine used to create custom CoreImage filters iOS 12: a GPU-based image processing CIColorKernel routine that processes only the color information in images, used to create custom Core Image filters iOS 12: a GPU-based image processing CIWarpKernel routine that processes only the geometry information in an image, used to create custom CoreImage filters iOS 12: 2 ways to write CIKernals 1. Core Image Kernel Language (deprecated) 2. Metal Shading Language iOS 12: iOS System Broadcast Broadcasts all on screen activity (and sounds) Start and stop from Control Center.  It is on iOS 11 and above. iOS 12: an object for picking System RPSystemBroadcastPickerView Broadcast Provider iOS 12: Process video and audio data as it processSampleBuffer() becomes available during a live broadcast iOS 12: an object that processes buffer RPBroadcastSampleHandler objects as they are received from ReplayKit iOS 12: a ____ is a Core Foundation object CMSampler containing zero or more compressed samples of a particular media type (audio, video, muxed, etc.) iOS 12: RPBroadcastSampleHandler broadcastStarted() functions that are called when the broadcast broadcastFinished() starts, stops, pauses or resumes broadcastPaused() broadcastResumed() iOS 12: Function in broadcastAnnotated() RPBroadcastSampleHandler that is called with details of app that is being recorded iOS 12: function to call finishBroadcastWithError() within RPBroadcastSampleHandler that informs user of errors. iOS 12: how to tell if your content is being Check value of UIScreen.captured captured by ReplayKit iOS 12: how to tell if ReplayKit has been Register for turned on or off UIScreenCaptureDidChangeNotification iOS 12: the shared recorder object providing RPScreenRecorder the ability to record audio and video of your app iOS 12: an object that displays a user RPPreviewViewController interface where users preview and edit a screen recording created with ReplayKit iOS 12: RPScreenRecorder method to start startCapture() screen and audio capture iOS 12: how to grab an app's instance of the let sharedRecorder = shared screen recorder RPScreenRecorder.shared() iOS 12: an object that displays a user RPBroadcastActivityViewController instance where users choose a broadcast service iOS 12: an object containing methods for RPBroadcastController starting and controlling a broadcast iOS 12: an object that sends messages to RPBroadcastHandler the broadcasting app iOS 12: how to do a broadcast pairing with call RPBroadcastActivityViewController with ReplayKit load(withPreferredExtension) iOS 12: how to grab the camera preview property cameraPreviewView from RPScreenRecorder iOS 12: how to do fast camera switch from property cameraPosition RPScreenRecorder iOS 12: UIKit object that is a path that UIBezierPath consists of straight and curved line segments that can render in your custom views iOS 12: ___ is Apple's vector drawing CoreGraphics framework iOS 12: UIBezier method to move the current move(to:) path without drawing a segment iOS 12: 2 ways to finish a subpath in close() - adds a straight line segment from UIBezierPath object current point to the first point in subpath move(to:) - end current subpath without closing iOS 12: after configuring the geometry and stroke() attributes of UIBezierPath, you draw the path fill() in the current context using ____ and _____ methods iOS 12: how do you set the stroke and fill UIColor.green.setFill() color for UIBezierPath object UIColor.blue.setStroke() iOS 12: each UIView has a graphics ____, context and all drawing for the view renders into this ____ before being transferred to the device's hardware iOS 12: iOS updates the context by calling draw(_:) ____ whenever the view needs to be updated iOS 12: UIBezierPath is a wrapper for ____, CGMutablePath a lower level CoreGraphics API iOS 12: Live Rendering allows views to draw themselves more accurately in a storyboard, by running their draw() methods iOS 12: how to turn on Live Rendering for a Before the class declaration add view @IBDesignable iOS 12: UIBezierPath function to draw a line addLine(to:) from the current point to another point iOS 12: ____ is an attribute you can add to a @IBInspectable property that makes it readable by iOS 12: CoreGraphics calibrated color space ensures that colors appear the same when displayed on different devices. The visual appearance of the color is preserved, as far as, the capabilities of device allow iOS 12: Core Graphics device dependent tied to the system of color representation of color spaces a particular device.  Not recommended when high-fidelity color preservation is important iOS 12: create a device dependent RGB CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() color space iOS 12: a definition for a smooth transition CGGradient between colors for drawing radial and axial gradient fills iOS 12: CGContext function to draw a linear drawLinearGradient( ) gradient iOS 12: Call to get the current graphics UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() context