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^1 H i G i o « c » A mm * to«* straight Presents Back by Popular Demand $m*# Direct From Jamaica with Special guest MANGO DUB and ELMO SUPER SOUNDS . SATURDAY AUG. 19 At the Commodore TIX: At all T,cKMfi(fcA*rM»M> locations, info & ckargt 280-4444. Also Barrett's Electronics, Caribbean Market, Black Swan, High Life, The Patty Shop, Pelhams Auto, Ebony Eyes, Gerard Hair Styles and Zulu Records. </V^Wi»y.^ That Magazine from CITR FM 102 Julyl989* Issue #78 EDITOR Kevin Smith EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Viola Funk WRITERS Dale Sawyer, Pat Carroll, Annette, John cb LOCAL BAND GUIDE 14 CRO-MAGS Ruskin, Janis McKenzie, Warren Whyte, Viola Funk like a good idea at the time cry wolf ART DIRECTOR Scott Chernoff ARTIST Den Lebel PHOTOGRAPHERS Mandel Ngan, Chris Helgren 12 JOEY ARIAS 19 THAT'S COOL, THAT'S TRASH COVER Scott Chernoff, Bill Baker PRODUCTION MANAGER Harley McCauley a creature from another world what oan a poor kid do? PROGRAM GUIDE Randy Iwata ADVERTISING REP Bill Baker DISTRIBUriON MANAGER Pierre Huish ACCOUNTS GUY Randy Iwata SjUBSCRIFHONS Robynn Iwata Discorder is That Magazine from CiTR 101.9fM/pub- lished monthly by the Student Radio Society of the Uni versity of British Columbia/printed in Surrey, Canada. Discorder prints what it wants/the CiTR On the Dial program guide/ the CiTR Spinlist record chart/17,500 copies to over 200 spots. Twelve-month subscrip tions are $12 in Canada/$12 (US) to the US/$20 else where/payable by cheque to Discorder Magazine. We want your stuff: send in stories, drawings, photos/ and 5 AIRHEAD 20 ON THE DIAL we don't give it back.
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