Faster at Excel Now!

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Faster at Excel Now! Faster At Excel Now! By Paul Terpeluk Copyright © 2015 by Faster At Excel All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express prior written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Faster At Excel Now! 1 Table Of Contents INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 MEMORIZING SHORTCUTS...................................................................................................................................................... 3 NOMENCLATURE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 SHORTCUT: SAVE DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 3 SHORTCUTS: CUT, COPY AND PASTE....................................................................................................................................... 4 SHORTCUTS: FORMATTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 FEATURE: QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR ........................................................................................................................................ 9 SHORTCUTS: UNDO & REDO ................................................................................................................................................. 10 SHORTCUTS: PASTE SPECIAL ................................................................................................................................................. 10 SHORTCUT: TOGGLE WINDOWS ........................................................................................................................................... 13 SHORTCUT: AUTOSUM .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 FEATURE: STATUS BAR .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 FEATURE: FILTER ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 SHORTCUTS: ALT- SEQUENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 16 SHORTCUTS: DELETE AND INSERT ........................................................................................................................................ 17 SHORTCUTS: NAVIGATION .................................................................................................................................................... 18 FEATURE: MENU KEY ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 MAKING IT HAPPEN .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX: LIST OF SHORTCUTS & FEATURES ....................................................................................................................... 21 INTRODUCTION In this report I’ll review 30+ vital Excel shortcuts (including 11 examples of very fast, yet little-known, “hybrid” shortcuts), 4 time-saving features, and numerous other tricks that can make you faster at Excel – without learning VBA or giving up your mouse. This will keep you reasonably within your comfort zone, but at the same time you MUST be willing to learn new habits or you’ll never become faster. Inertia is your enemy, and if you’re not willing to stretch yourself a little, you might as well give up now. In reality, these shortcuts and features are not really that hard, and once you see the convenience and time-saving value of a few, you’ll want more – just like a bag of great potato chips. Many of the shortcuts have clusters of other related shortcuts that I won’t have the space to cover here. The same with some of the features – I’ll only be able to skim the surface. I go into greater depth regarding the shortcuts in my 122-page book, Excel Shortcut System, which covers over 200 of them (and for a limited time Faster At Excel Now! 2 only includes some great bonus material, including my Shortcut Wizard which is a sorting and ranking tool for all 200 shortcuts). MEMORIZING SHORTCUTS To memorize shortcuts I recommend tackling one to three new ones per week using these three techniques: 1. Write the shortcuts on a Post-It note and stick it to the bottom of your monitor (for “brain memory”) 2. If necessary, come up with a mnemonic (e.g., Ctrl-X is for Cut because the “X” looks like scissors) (for “brain memory”) 3. Practice each shortcut for five minutes straight before using it that day (for “brain memory” and “muscle memory”) NOMENCLATURE I will put each shortcut (and other key tips) in bold. When I say “RC” I mean Right-Click the mouse. In parentheses I’ll say whether the shortcut is a “keyboard” shortcut, a “mouse” shortcut or a “hybrid” shortcut which involves both the keyboard and the mouse. If I say “<Picture>” I mean click on the menu item for Picture. SHORTCUT: SAVE DOCUMENT Here’s a shortcut you can use many times daily: saving a document Save (keyboard): Ctrl-S It’s that simple. Typing Ctrl-S is the same as using the mouse to go to File > Save. However, Ctrl-S is much faster and less disruptive. Think about the steps involved in using File > Save: 1. Move the mouse to the File tab 2. Click on the File tab 3. Move the mouse down to Save 4. Click Save 5. Move the mouse back to the cells That’s five annoying steps. Faster At Excel Now! 3 Ctrl-S is one step. And it’s easy to remember: S is for “Save.” And you can do it with your left hand while your right had remains comfortably on the mouse. Forget about File > Save! For all Ctrl- keyboard shortcuts, you must have both the Ctrl key and the second key pressed simultaneously. For Ctrl-S I put my pinky on the Ctrl key and my middle finger on the S key. Depending on your keyboard, your hand size and your personal preferences, you may do it differently. When committing shortcuts like this to memory, you need to commit it to (a) “brain memory” (remember what the shortcut is) and (b) “muscle memory” (have your fingers remember how to do it without looking). Now that you have a fast way to save your files, you can indulge your paranoia and type Ctrl-S every few minutes, or whenever there’s a lull in the action, so you don’t have to rely on AutoSave. Note: this “Excel shortcut” is actually a fairly universal one for saving documents — both within and beyond the Microsoft Office suite. SHORTCUTS: CUT, COPY AND PASTE Now on to some other high frequency tasks with easy shortcuts: Cut, Copy and Paste. Cut (keyboard): Ctrl-X Copy (keyboard): Ctrl-C Paste (keyboard): Ctrl-V While Excel didn’t make these shortcuts easy to remember by having the letters stand for anything (except maybe the “C” which stands for “Copy), they are easy for the left hand to execute. The best mnemonic I’ve come up with for Cut is that “X” stands for Cut because the “X” looks like a pair of scissors you would cut with. I don’t have a good one for “V”. Faster At Excel Now! 4 These “Excel shortcuts” are virtually universal as well — not specific to Excel or Microsoft. And they work across programs. For example, you could copy something from Word into Excel using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Or you could copy a URL from Chrome into Word. Or you could copy an email address from Outlook or Gmail (or other email program) into Word, Excel, Outlook, Gmail, etc. In other words, these “Excel shortcuts” can save you time way beyond Excel. They are indispensable for becoming faster at computer work in general. SHORTCUTS: FORMATTING Now let’s turn to something else you probably do a lot: Formatting (see my Excel Formatting Shortcuts blog post here). Below are three common formats with easy keyboard shortcuts. I’m providing two shortcuts for each format - - one that’s easier to remember (because uses letters that make sense), and one that’s faster because it doesn’t pull in your right hand. Bold (keyboard): Ctrl-2 (or Ctrl-B) — both methods are easy (fast) to pull off with the left hand (unless you have short fingers), though Ctrl-B is easier to remember (B is for Bold) Italics (keyboard): Ctrl-3 (or Ctrl-I) — here, Ctrl-I is easier to remember (I is for Italics), but unlike Ctrl-3 it requires two hands (the “correct” hand to type the letter “I” is the right hand) Underline (keyboard): Ctrl-4 (or Ctrl-U) — here, Ctrl-U is easier to remember (U is for Underline), but unlike Ctrl-4 it requires two hands (Note: typing the keyboard shortcut a second time will reverse the formatting — e.g., if you type Ctrl-2 to get Bold, then typing Ctrl-2 again will remove the Bold). A shortcut is useless if you can’t memorize it. And so you may be tempted to stick with Ctrl-B/I/U as a group since it’s easier to remember. However, given that Ctrl-2/3/4 is faster (unless you have
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