f R TING N EW SN"SggL I; WORLD'S CHAMP I rCOCONTENDER AT THE ARMORY j SEE FRED FULTON IN ACTION I TONIGHT AT 8:30 SHARP f on their tour across (tercslinc hill over put on in Ogden. TONIGHT Armory Hall, 9:00 P. M., Fred Fulton and His Company of Notables contender for the ' Prod Fulton ap round of wery J, title, a and the firsl time since Jeffries the United goes through all his gymnasium exercises and boxes the last neavywejcht championship Grounds thai States. Fulton the Armory tonlghl in a peered al the old Fair and showing the knock- il fans have had to behold a real heavyweight championship bout where title changed hands by a K. 0., delivering go with Topeka . the ac- I UV( in heavy class in Sullivan-Corbet- t This is an exhibition match, ami Hilly champ the out punches just as it was done as far back as the firght. Glasmann is putting up a "deal" of tion. Prankie Harris and Abie the M, go on h.r six fast whirls, and Eddie White and Heinle Schuman clash foi an even half dozen bings. Schuman and mixed i a fast little comer, has MAIN ROUNDS got EVENT with the best of them In Zion and j 4 j away with the colors The preliminaries will start at B:80 sharp and Fulton will appear at 9. It does one good to talk to Mike Col- lins, Fulton's manager. He is full of the old-tim- p. p and go Kv. r body "I Johnson Mike. Fulton Topeka from Fred trets a square shako vs. Jack like to mincle with a full house The fuller they are the better I like 'em" I This i B dry burg. Mike." "Oh. mean a crowded house; fine clean Next World's champion SHHHHMBBHHHHHHHBBK9SBH1 HHBHHIHHHHi young tellers wnh plent of action and healthy lunrs. Did you ever see a good clean left to the Jaw? Well, It s B SEMI WINDUP SIX ROUNDS not exactly the jab that makes the spine nekle; it's the bic noise in the gallery; the big WOW! "thai goes EDDiE WHITE vs. HEINIE SCHUMAN you. You'll soo lots of that I through tonipht, because I understand it's po Salt Lake Xtenver lnp to b a live card all the way through." Fred Fulton's Two-yea- r K. O. Record. PRELIMINARY SIX ROUNDS Fred Fulton knocked out: A. Ander-- I son. 4 rounds; Jim Flynn. 2 rounds. KID" 1 ABIE, "THE FIGHTING Tom Reich. 9 rounds; Tom Cowler. I FRANKIE HARRIS vs. round; Charley riTelnert, 2 rounds, Salt Lake Sara Lancford. 6 rounds; Porky Flynn Ogden 1 rounds; Jack Moran. 3 rounds; Bob 7 well-balance- Devere. 5 rounds; Gunboat Smith, Champion. Get your tickets early and see a d 'rounds; Torky Flynn. 2 rounds. Bill Your chance to see the Next World's Heavyweight Talt, 2 rounds. Tom McMahon. 4 card. rounda; . 3 rounds; Tom Cowler, 5 rounds. Jim Harper. 2 rounds. BHSHHHHBHHbsSLBHHMHBBPBPIi Five-yea- r K O. FRED FULTON Jess Wdlard's Record January 22. 1913, knocked out Frank coin to brine the big follow here, to Bauer, 5 rounds; March 5, iJl3, Sacramento 1 4 not so in the fourth, the painful opera- : a up one knocked out Jack Leon, rounds. oiio no- - i Runs 004 130 310-- 12 j give the fans chance to size saved for th Runs 002 I M;.- 1913. Gunboat tion having been latter OUT - 013 111 320-- 1." of the principals in the world's cham- 20. lost decision. and SEALS TAKE FIRST Hits 002 110 1106 OAKS SHUT lln- 2" June 27. 1r13. draw Frame He disposed of Fittery pionship bout Every fight fan will Smith. rounds. singled and stob rnon : Oakland tonight dope with Charley Miller. 4 rounds; August Killefer, but Terrv Runs 000 000 0000 1 bo at the Armory with his second and Cooper's sincle scored t h Runs 000 011 1003 22. 1913. knocked out Bull Young. 11 I 001 110 card and Fred's chances to wear the Sam Crawford next Hits 100 011 Iimi i Hits 0003 I rounds; December 29 1913. knocked little shortstopper. Error- - LIIh.m. I.. r. heavyweight crown will be brought busted one against the left center Summary: Errors Hunter. Koerner, BY SENATORS Summar down to point. lout George Roedel. 9 rounds, Mareli FROM TIGERS J. Mitchell 2. A. Arleti 2. Croll. Mitze, Murray. Eisht the run. Fournier Smith Brooks. Mathes. I boards for another B Krau.-e- . 27. 1914. lost to Tom McMahon, U -- i hitB "ff 23 at hat in Fulton goes after Johnson in cood grounded out. Three base hits Maggert. Pick. Stol-- runs 13, 1914. out - 4 3 1 2 out; I shape call? play all that he rounds; April knocked en - Downs. Sacri- innings; out in fifth; on. and into LOS ANGELES. bases Pirk. Mathes. c Dan Dally. 9 rounds; April 28, 1914 3 off R. a' bar m ' has got to put it over him. for. be It AJ3. R. H. P. A. E fice hits rhadbourne, Smith 2. Daley. run, hits Arlett George Roedel, 6 rounds; 2 3 Eldred. 1 Topeka Is no slouch, knocked out 1 1 2. out By Smith 2. by Krause and Walloped innings. Stolen bases remembered that . 2b 2 2 3 0 Casey Smith Holds Bengals to J. Smith. Struck Arletl un- April 5. 1915. knocked out Jack .ohn-son- Killefer Wllie La-t.- Ih r. e hits and is not going to take the gaff 4 2 3 3 Dell 3. Runs responsible for R. Mit- fin. I 25, 1916. boxed Terrv ss 2 '0 Four Scattered Hits Sacramento Scores Twelve I 26 rounds; March 1 1. 2 Elliott. Rodgers, Griggs, Fisher, less he has to. Cooper cf 4 1 2 0 0 chell 1. Smith 1. Dell Two hits. in- - Moran. 10 round? 2 - Easterly hi! H Gardner. I This will prove to be the most Frank 4 0 2 2 0 Score 4 to 3. runs. 9 at bat off Mitchell in in Runs Oaks Garner Sacrifice Crawford rf il- by on i, i - off , miner 0, off I I 0 0 4 1 0 'nings rharge defeat to Dell. Hit Fournier lb Six Errors. off R Aiieti :'. out 4 0 0 1 0 0 'pitched ball Pick end Smith by Dell. Krause l. struck looked bad for our side and the fans Ellis If LOS ANCELES. Cal., April 16. The ri-- t t Devor-me- r. Bj 5, h n. l. by and began 4 0 f 7 2 0 iWild pitch Dell Passed ball Gardner sat back to wonder whether Boles c Seals, although not in the I champion Timc--- 2 06 lOUble pla;, H. ianlner to LOSE IN might really a ball pppo 3b 4 0 0 ' 4 0 I'mpire Finney. 16. alders ANGELS IfcCredle have best of shape today, were good enounh SAN FRANCISCO: April The Elliott to Gripes Runs responsible for jl team or not. In fact this whole yarn 4 1 2 3 3 0 league leading Oaks opened this Fittery P to take ihe first game of the series R. Arjett 2. Caldera 1, Krause 1 LpR 1 hinges on one inning. during by taking a 12 to that ironi the Vernon Tigers by h score of week's series Oj on bases Sacramento 6. ( akland 2. it simply for a few 34 6 9 21 15 0 an-- i I which rained hits Totals 4 to 3 Catcher McKee injured his IWTERCLASS TRACK trouncinc at the hands of Sacramento Charge defeat to Krause. Time 1:39. j GAME minutes. SALT LAKE kle in the second by stepping on a and were saved in their position only I'mpire CPENil Angels Tie It Up. AB R. H. PO. A. E. 'foul ball and Brooks relieved him in by the defeat of Vernon in the south- Frar. 0 A bit of Wade Killefer luck He'd the Farmer rf 5 1 3 6 0 the third land score on ronkwright in the sixth Slglin 2b 3 0 1 I 11 Casey Smith held the Bengals to Harry Gardner of Sacramento held frame, but "Conk" bimBelf assisted Rvan If 4 0 1 1 0 0 four scattered hits 1'ell was sent to MEET 01! FRIDAY the Oaks to three little ingles, one1 BICYCLE TO 1 0 - McCredie's Bees Take First partl in undoing this in the eighth Crandall 3b 1 0 ' the relif of R Mitchell, the Vernon 'each in the third, fourth a"nd fifth in- 3b 3 0 o 1 1 0 nines, hopped with K 7 when he laid down a perfect sacrifice Sands hurler. In the third, after Maggert's while the Solons on Home Ground to 4 1 0 - Game and put Sbeely on third so that Happy Orr ss 2 0 2 triple to left broucht home two mns both feet on Harry- Krause and Arlett Fittery Face: Bees. Chappell rf 3 1 1 3 1 0 Dell held the Seals safe until the and even gave Caldera a taste of the 6 Jack Farmer could souse him over inter-clas- s 1 track meet TIE HOT SPRIGS a single. SlK-el- lb 2 2 11 0 0 seventh, when he bounced a ball off The annual drubbing in the two innings he pitch with beautiful Of will be held; Konnick c 0 1 0 4 o l bean, Seal pitcher coming 'he Ogden hich school led. HI IT-Ut- tie The weather man didn't behave as Smith's the April 0 three-bagge- Friday. in this tournament Salt lake he had promised, although he did sup- Morton p 0 0 0 0 0 'home on Pick's r to cen Winners The fact of the matter was that the) 1 of tho team Allan ronkwright. "Red" U ply good Arkenburg p " " ' 0 " will probably be members Gardner and the rest of the Senators some sunshine it's a thing ter. repre-sen- ! 1 boys to call him for. 1 1 which will go Lake to Ogden cnoda have chosen that he sent the latter, for if he hadn't ronkwright p 0 0 8 0 In the elgbthj with the bases full. toSaR were in the finest fettle while the bicycle and spornn? against the regular spring - :n- short, has had his back we might rtubuc 1 0 1 0 0 0 forced Hummel the school at the Oaks, perhaps degenerated hy too dealer- promoting plans for the B athletic all have frozen to death. Smith walked and 1 wall many times durinc his Smith 0 1 0 0 0 0 home. The Tigers scored one each In meet much success, played like the proxer observance of National Bicycle Week West Side High school and About the Game. high school Na- - 1 days at the the fifth, sixth and seventh on three Members of the four bial sandlot,ters. They made six er-- 1 among the local enthusiasts. The Logan Agricultural college, but The ceremonies al! over with. Harr Classes will all wear distinguishing, Bicycle by at the 28 7 10 27 12 1 hits and a counle nf errors rors in addition to other atrocities. tional Week is observed H he was ever in a dil Morton, a oung man who looked Totals following events will be r t he. it is doubtful Arkenburg In ih' SAN FRANCISCO. colors. The The box score: bicycle enthusiasts ..II nerve and athletic mighty good in the training camp, Dubuc batted for I emma where his rojbuc AB. R. A. entered: nited States This year It will be I ran for in HO 880-ya- SACRAMENTO. it! went to the mound auu opened A fourth inning. Smith 100-yar- d ability was placed to the test as tire I 1 relay. dash. 4 11. 1 Inning. Maggert cf 5 0 1 Mile held from May to in that opening game couple of stinging singles from the! the fourth IPi-yar- ssil-v.tr- run.nil-'run- AB. R. H. O. A. was yesterday pick 3b 4 o i i i dash. run. On the latter date an amateur han- I, 100-yar- 4 1 1 1 0 Angels, he and thel bats of Killefer and Terry greeted him Score by innings 220-yar- d cf With the which 4 0 0 2 2 hurdle. hurdle. Eldred dicap road race will be tacpd by the Hunter ss 1 H Bees get credit for winning 7 to. 6. right off the reel Cooper was an in- Los Angeles hich-jump- , polej Rodgers 2b E 1 2 1 he tiOO 6 5 0 1 9 2 shot, discus, hammer, local biccle men. The race will flj old friend Paul Fittery. who field out Then came the mighty Sam Runs 2K 201 iKoerncr lb Wide rf 5 1 1 1 0 Our 9 2b 4 (i 1 5 21 aull broad jump. for ten miles and the route will lie J to .Crawford amid a lusty cheer from Hits 320 300 010 Downs ,Grlgss 8 3 2 14 1 tailed twice before in his efforts the 3 0 0 lb from Ogden to the Hot Springs hotel. I off his former teammates, again fans. The famous ex Tiger dragged Salt Lake Hummel rf 10 Easterly rf 5 1 2 1 0 choke 7 Doul If 4 1 1 3 0 GOLFERS TIE FOR faced Bees yesterday and Paul ap- one down the first base line just out Runs 010 500 0l 0 MEDAL Fisher c 5 1 2 4 1 I the c 1 0 ( i 0 1 PINEHURST PARIS BASEBALL LEAGUE. game so well sewed Of Sheely's reach, scoring his manag- Hits '20 511 01 10 McKcc 3b 5 1 2 0 6 peared to have bis o C . 16. Hen-p- j Pinelli April 17. has I Two-bas- Smith p i o l 2; P1NEHI RST. N April PARIS. The chedule up in fourth frame that, when er and putting Terry on third. Four-- I Summary: hits Fitter Elliott ss 4 2 2 3 3 the Brooks c 3 1 1 2 1 (' FowneB of Pittsburg and Walter hern adopted for the Taris baseball followed Morton and Arkenburg. nier was handed a walk, filling the 2. Orr. Crawford Farmer Sarriflre H. Gardner p 4 1 2 1 6 "Red" M ( of Brooklyn, tied for the Ten of the sames are ched- began to moan "Oh. bases. Rube Ellis sacrifice flied to hits Siglin. Konnick. Conkwrighl rooks some of the fans 33 4 6 27 13 medal si ond of the qualifying uled for Sunday. All of ihe twenty-si- comes only of Chappell, scoring Terry. Sacrifice flies Ellis Konnick Stol a Totals the 40 12 15 27 18 darn it" all. here another mid-Apr- il Totals up ' ' Terry. Base on balls VERM N round of the soli tourna teams are made I Mc'redies kid pitchers." Morton came to grief in the second' bases Killefer. today. OAKLAND. or army men. also. Fittery Fittery S. off Morton 2, off Arken-ibur- AB R H. O. A. Iment, which opened here diers of service li crossed us all, however. He doubled with one away off 37-4- Red" 1 0 1 0 0 made 78 and C rooks 34--4 aB. R. H. O. A dug pitched such masterly ball, and after Killefer had drawn a walk 2, oh Conkwright 2. struck out Dailev If Fownes in and 3 it 0 8 8 The tie will be played off later Leifer rf 4 0 0 0 MOLYNEAUX RELEASED. his position so nicely and like- McCredie brought on Levi Arkenburg, By Fittery 5. Balk Fitter Three J. Mitcholl ss l fielded 5 0 0 3 3 in week. Middleion If 4 (l 1 3 0 SQC 1"! IS, April 17. Pitcher Vi- did his part so well at bat that the tall boy from Pasadena. Ark walk runs. 5 hit? and 7 at bat off Morton in Mathes 2b the wise 1 1 1 8 0 H. Gates of Pinehursf and Miller rf 3 0 0 2 0 ncent Molyneaux, released by the SL on a new of ed Terry, the man to face him, 11-- 3 innings out in second with men Long rf Frank the Bees took lease firt 0 Ol fo- 3 0 0 9 8 "Lefty" Grimm. . 2 3 and Borton 2 0 7 Leslie Deane Pierce of Rochester, R. Gardner lb Louis Americans, and lile for th kid'.-- sake and imme- land filled the bases Cooper's single on second and third runs. hits lb by I - 8 0 0 5 0 the leading pair with 79 each A. Arlett 3b 3 0 0 1 3 first baseman, have been signed 1 diately proceeded to kick the day- rang up Fittery and then came an- ,11 at bat off Arkenburg in 2 inn- had bourne- cf llowed 7, 8 0 0 4 1 sixteens qualified for match Christens 2b 3 0 l 2 0 the St. Louis Nationals. out of the enemy. other pass. Fournier chased Buddy ings Runs responsible for Fittery Hosp 3b Three lights I 4 1 1 2 1 j play Croll ss 3 0 u 2 4 Fittery. who used to put local Ryan clear to the fence for the third Marion Arkenburc 2. Credit victory levormer c Paul R. p 0 0 0 0 l Mitze c 2 0 0 2 4 CANADIAN RUNNER HURT in good moods during the 1916 out. tn ronkwright Left on bases Los Mltchel fans 2 1 1 0 2 AMERICANS IN FLORENCE. Krause p 1 0 1 2 0 HALIFAX. V S, April lfi Fritz 1 season, looked to be on the trail of Bees Garner One. Anceles 9, Salt Lake 7. Passed ball Dell p 1 Q Q 0 0 ROME. Tuesday, April 17 H. P. R. p 1 0 0 1 1 of Halifax, former amateur to a rare-ye-we- The Bees collected their first count- Konnick. Hit by piuhed ball Killefei Snyder , Arlett ... Schaefer I ihe McCredie clan Murray c 1 0 0 2 0 100-yar- champion of Canada, has er in same on clean singlesijby Conkwright; Chappell. Time ol Davison chairman of the American' I until the fourth, but then he lost the the frame 1 on w Bt m j game 2 06. Umpire Casey. Totals 28 3 4 27 11 Red Cross war council, and his Red Caldera p 0 0 0 0 been wounded in action ih'' scent and a cluster of five sturdy wal by Orr and Chappell and Konnick's a fly Brooks ran for McKee in third Sny- party which has been visit inn front and is in hospital at Farmers, lops and a few others things made it sacrifice to Crawford, to- - I der batted for Dell in ninth. important cities in Italy, left toduy for Totals 29 0 3 27 15 according to advices received here look as If the old ball game might be Arkenburg got rid of the side in was two-thre- e 14 Florence. Score by innings. day. He shot through the foo'. over L'p to that frame, however, it one order in the third, but ADDITIONAL SPORTS ON PAGE Score by inning I I SQUIRE EDGEGATE The Constable Runs Into a Convey of Eligibles By LOUIS RICHARD I -- Timothy- - EPS h I 1 7 zTUSr CoiPRE-- tREJE 7 wEl.l. QuiRH vE You Z36 mush HEffO THUT V STr? :; mr ii fpL vsretous T ON-- Cqvr you SE.E thee IA1 TOY H TU5 T'CE , THE. o ffcgBS& THE. x. OlFFC