>• K M A W A' K It. ■^raeiAL Notices, Onosgnsro SwMka, •* oo— Each additional week. 50 cent*. Editor and Proprietor. Administrator** and Executor’* Notices, 1 50 Citation from Probate Court, I 00 t •»ti>mi!M,oner’« Notices, t 00 Hesseuger’s and Asslspee’s Notiees. • oo II IK MS OF SUBSCRIITION. Editorial Notices, per line, 10 Obituary Notices, per line, 10 No charge less than to e if l within three «*, One inch copy, j>ai month*..f** space will constitute a square. i:.-- »<•! within three month*.1 tS Transient advertisements to be pddtn advance. If pal at the end oi the ao >o year.i advertisement* reckoned less than a square. No paper will be discontinued unUl all arrear Marr!»K*» and Deaths Inserted Tee. are A age* paid. e*eept at the publisher** optioo- early advertisers to pay quarterly. an 1 any person wishing hi* paier stopped. mn*t C t. noti-'e thereof at the e*idrat>on of the term, whether previous notice ha* been given or not ELLSWORTH, ME., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. Vol XVII Whole No. 867. No. 37 liusiness Lari's. Eastern Steamboat Line. Our at consisted of stood the Colonel to o 11 r n. party starting looking very pale. nothing do but walk in and ciit our and a handful of bandages, with which for granted he would have to fight his Mr. and Mrs. wav. n Miss old and came he levied Tile Klliwarth A hi erica Tempiar, Templar ‘Wily, you masquerader-.’ throats, straggling to the she bound up Crake’s wrist. She contributions of pistols, iltie's poor TIIK (" sister,) and humble ser- Willie! but Massom cut linn yataghans ami to arm a (farb your began gate gesticulating and shouting, and was deadly pale, but said not one word gun« enough look, £ fob frint-nc (Pficr vant. Some business, which short. company, from the dead as he mysterious tiring off their guns in the air as except that Susie was busy passed. ff lla iron r it. .««. A ‘JrevDort would casting I hi sort of work did not suit Legend. lie not detained Frank. 1'herc is no time for that sort of the was theirs me, and (1797.1 explain, though place already. more balls. No one knew then that I walked K. K. SA H Me did not care by myself, when 1 heard a sud- YER, Proprietor for Paris—where we thing.' he said. 'I put on this were allowed to with- was BT nun hautk. disguise They approach lemplar hit. It was an immense den cry from my companion. I had agreed to a week—and to %n th the > would Ida in some u'h street* ut the « >ap ttovrn. pass pass through you kguui.Is. You hundred and when relief to have that but a •M »u Dieu! Monsieur te v titty yards, ammunition, he |•■•ere*I fro n t ie «!.*• ** of ih • Capifaiue! itp* « re join us at Marseilles, to which the will be attached at Massom one V**ne/ ! venez PETER & STEPHEN THACKER, Kiev 1st. port daybreak.' sprang up into of the greater was at hand M. Jules had vitc ! Le pauvre niatheur- steamer 1 fie < ol»| -ea Susan, a beautiful ahoo. f-*d that can whitcuini .1>«ru schooner of 120 “Attacked!’ windows and shouted “Halt!** in Ara- as eux! II e*t mort. C'est bien M. " \ retired, it Deemed to me, somewhat Frank, a* n-ver a* rol*| ur n aie a» t ie, and tons, had l>eon sent on to await us. et il est mort!’ Counsellors Allorncvs at » ‘Y’es. to Law. r-*er r. ll BiartMKk ud niiekM ib 1 TonlunluBl attacked—twenty sue.' bic. He however, iiams. improperly. returned, Ii was Hun t your -haii>»f>« »f » her >ur ru Of our vi-its to Na- “In God’s name, indeed Frank, but not dead. wii.lcommrm kiu Malta, Genoa, what for?' •What do you want here?* with his and best stew full 14 Pemberton wikurimM 4iu your t>o4ts ou the iourer h.it largest pan A chance Square. I have t > shot, perhaps that shot ples, nothing snv. Ouruext ‘Because that precious brother-in •Please Got I, you shall know soon,* of fat, which with the long »-o->1 i‘4 • I »rf.4 In ti-thi boiling utmost of Number had s m-U11. was Three, ruck him. lie t,um point Alexandria, the law of has been at his uid work an a BOSTON. ELLSWORTH i.ia! lav by inetouiiifc' pn perhaps yours replied evil-looking fellow, with sang fro id, he over I he of There he lav, with the foolish *■*, TO BELFAST. I )• » poured top untfi the children In happy pi «\. most in Dapers, interesting city the Fast, but the of the b*dt full of who was one of the Hie that had cau-ed <*«> it* ii»o<>rinc« an-l trill# t ctnr —abusing religion country.' pistols, gate; thereby himself to much bloodshed, still os Monday. Jon* »*ti we exposing I, l‘lii I ~ which untravelled ones clear. «-y Oiul resell or call thought ‘Impossible! He cannot speak two foremost. *But if you are not one of a A howl of came clutched in his hand. « pain up II. aUMMi nadieu lucre >*•«: .a all— vobey. »« 6 \ and Oriental until we words We carried him bark to FROM e'c’ork V a very strange had of the tli*»se Massom still wore his the fort, and TICKETS IRELAND L'fJ:Bc.ri-,>W,>KTHi"'1'"' int\ in the louo. language.' dogs’ [ from below, and a shriek of rage from wehm:«iv\v«, • ruiMV' seen that b\ flu* time we had ,, Cairo. There-at hotel. ‘Cook here.' He held out Turkish *come forth no done so there was l-u.kmc Ik*,,, B,Wk,IIIr -* : '» * a e.1 t,o*l four pa- dress) and M. Jules as he exhibited his I»rrr -kipper. help at ail' pan pierc- i‘o unv ti l*l*hd au«i tn ** which a kind longer necessity for mi mu ratals ti asUM, amv:nr BFI I \ | .. »t H eti ti: in- iur«. n< ti e Providence, watchful over pers. in Arabic and harm shall M. Jules’ ap*«ttJ|MMi *' n in printed Turkish, ed a • *Les ere I *• happen ball. ! A •ra.c.n to ■ you.’ ABHVIA prrn k*t« direct t.. couorct with « Elf* hanJord* Indrj.er.deni 1 olie, vrii. hear r.i by brigands prea arsenal. The * Ui a: ih* M> darling sty travellers' to as : i'onsiil had indeed lott for lui.m Tl< KtTi)mrtof t,K«» \ line for also «•« ''. poor comfort, caused be he “You rememt>er that lie *1 am an and Ho*i.n. and I'Tkk. Mm STREET KL1AW0KTW.MIL. *Mt Ventral Railroad tor Ma«*om'* letter, stat- Tlurnhsm. Km la’.. \ u • ..IWd a vot. a I burnt down the other fell in never " «|ti#*ertaa h.» i, day—wc would keep with us. He would friends, are too. Take care, serole fore le dc mad* ing our and alertilie, Au*u*u. Portland an I Dost •*•*.! as the #ea-l. id’- Knglish pour dejeuner peril a-king for was "“•> cry with an help, ... old friend of Willie about f KETI I shudder#*! wju > go alone—and To scatter tin Consul knows and delivered to hi- KMNg —WUI Irate lle]fa>t lor Kl * .ill and ieml at fl-. *i Templar’s, why? your movements, umeIt did not seem to strik- the Vue; but he—knowing *»n Tu* C H. K. *.l»j, Thursday and tnorun..* ••». .l. one of those rest ess be- those the HAWES, Saturday I in 'lei. 1 *wa \»n cacti It n*nr Massoin, broadcast Y’ou will be here with assistance before and it wa* arrival ol Meaner* < ini)( precious tilings. your honest fellow that madam not handwriting, thinking no ambrt4*r and Katahh.i. c might iro.u c urn Ml 1 lh<- 4.1*1 •• who touch in* at the alsute named ings arc incesfantlv erving down can't read It. but take word for tt shadow* in private to it, ami All it t Law Un4in*». * ’v •( .* •*> in t but ibi brr my grows long. Dogs your teeth. breakfast more. atlair—-erupled open crapy tib they drew any -**tit ami » air ll*# I ii» u! countries and never that right loti, Ma-»om. to from K!.L*WORTf! to ROSTOV. wan>4i foreign remaining who can. there is not an insult he Dure to approach one step and I will But hi* tactics had their ell Vet. The seeking \ ■••* teit the lire.it n «.| a"k it he could serve 'MiMhlt’ I.me iiicdowu*,fresh blow n more than a motinlh or two at him. in the ab-cnce PETERS’ 1 home. has »b son a at the t.n llLOClv. *' *■ and ■ i-i spates).' ink your blood, of burnt battering gate cased. and frtr «t of hi-* chief. Not him he Fare from KL1.*WORTH to t* '• U*e It> use his own finding got fttl FA*T. : lip* that h.t t jjone b*d »re. expression, the Fast ‘Massom, I cannot an t will net be. father !' some time there was dead silence. \V»- Ellsworth. anxious (fortunately f.»r us), amt Maine. I e. •was wen? so in'eiit the that we opened freight taken at FAIR K\TI> It ut they t#:: the talc the greatest swindle out.' and v*«t lieve-’ *W bat lies a/e these, thou of the upon gate the letter. e tu.-tu an lo thick ..n the liar.».*r re. I did nut remark tnat a hand of noun (Iren tl, Bn. •#“ The Hteatrer ARGo i« a lie hail made himself as much at “No food. *ob*ta»tia!, 1 -.. -r home matter; they believe and that's r’ the after Before noon a force of nc*a shorten *4i|, split tongue replied rutllau, cavalry, with side-nbeel Boat, of (ou* uithrn. With * or that wo had driven *<*.*1 .» v* re;iel — at Bevrout. twenty thirty, tii*- Pa-ha of Refer* lo a comm<>4aUoh. f»r Orta* enough. You might as well nttcmnl a moment's consultation with those Bey rout him-elf at their bj paranaaioa pa»*en*er», an I in fir-t rate I f •« *‘f Damascus,Constantinople, t chiidm •‘tut at ;-i i, back into !ie date gro> c, had gradual!) ortw. and on the as ever h«‘Td to the Mon. Jaitah H. Drummond. Portland. !■' # -a -Uik Ur At drift* am «« Nile, he hail been to argue with a of wolves around him. *Isit not well known that galloped up fort—now a Gto. G. U pack hungry bad -ueaked r *nud KI.Lfl. W||.o M< l»oNAl.l» 1 j disappeared, The) Mon John A Pater*. I aa Who**' u Aii < liei er tail gn-ater ruin than ever—-and at dav Ringor A*ent at Belfast. in Pall Mall. He Arabic and as with them.' the for to light hon Eugene Haie. Elitwortn A*eul at F.llsw Mb. s|sike giaour, thy Consul, departed the south -ide of the fort, and. pa--* i» j next We had the »:t 1- but a ! *hi|ouans'« talk. 1'uikish like a morning ineffable’sat in- native, and knew the ‘Who are thev ?' t ic Lebanon two ie guide, priest Istvaulint1 scum, There's G**l God, and quarter mile .ruin the and the fin* what shore, liiornrj Co*n«rllor m l.aw. •• the architrave of the showed j 1 Oi uie lUelrvn out' and fi lend was for gate, boar* of the a IM-Co.e, philosopher, invalua- ger plunder ; about a hundred and Maiiomet i** the prophet of < »od ! 'There ! Sii-hii grounded on the *STI For Rmian and l*ra« ina tn# *oul u» it* au Mi^r was now ili**ir plat.- Theyfutti /ti a fh /'wrtsewier « to l^welt. !*•?! ble. In due time beach. oXr*nfi ! — lie was fiflv in given taking I*ec«i*. Ylort AU+*t»C SI enlisted, at- all. It was the merest gold, there ts woman for ii»•»—** who I few dr tM'». Be. i/t.y by ugainxt il.and in a moment* the 11 steal. an I on 1 shipped board the Su- chance I hoard what was on foot. live! I here is Paradise for those who W >pariaf «ff«afwa tt*rr*tri to tl»e collect n f dc FARES AHD FREIGHTS REDUCED timber would l»e burned through'. mentis m of san, with the rank of How a Wakes agam*t prr«oane the County Hanco* k Capl. Pasha. The whole country la up against v die ! On ! on !’ were utterly without defence against Boy Up. »fl e ou wain Street, from the hour of our I this new eneim ot ONLY S3.00 TO BOSTON. leaving Jaffa had only ii no to sen I a message to The immediate surrounding of this The piles stone* There he lies in hi- crib, a nut-brown l* ELLSWORTH Ma until our w hich we to the ot f tfiiscf llauf ons. return to Beyrout. Frank had tin- Consul and ri le Tue fanatic were aliout areut- had rai-ed strengthen -mb >ur year-, lie thq THKr.i Tmr« rci H tu off. thing is, fifty men, upi ( sleeps sloop * been d.- troin within, u* ti-uu ot heullbv childhood. In the same most Noth- how are we to hold out till e uues ! tv well armed. fired a ! prevented po- »*r I xi,JnK.r uncompanionable help They volley JACOB I'AMKRIIHIK, KklaMm throwing water under them: tin- over- sition he lay when he oti into SAWY11H. 1 »r-> J. C. JoU**ox. | < apl II. Rich ing could persuade liuu to visit scenes What arms have which have us of our dropixjd From Il*r your' might deprived j architrave tie- tii«* one arm under luv Trni|>lr "f interest 111 our hanging proic-ted uiieou-ciotiviu*--, Dintt iHiairr !.**** n>kp>r fnr Itn.ion *,*rv company, or even at Tiiere was that in Massom maule r h-adcr. if lie had u >L down in I jumped from above. It hla/ed brighter and b. nt, one leg kicked out from under too 1-. -» MDMIH. »l.|iN|.>|,tl loo Much Zeal the same times. We had to wait for which a to all further tune and rushe l toward the linn, and louder and more e\- Trrnont, lUaroch Co.. Ham,. •*■■■* I 1MIIAI It II A. M.. t“Urh.n, at put stop ques- gate, They ; blight, •vcrlct. lie h i>erfectly motionless, a>> th<- usual iaa ua*s. him here, on to overtake him lie- .. a-.is a o: had ic hri. gained the t*t» •I t >nf when lihant aro-e iheerie- ot tin* rabble, now lit-* round cheek niliows itself on the A I t* push llolling. grata /> j piece» promptly attendee' Ui Leat. o*\„a for liai *or and inu-rm. ,i:*te •I •'lls* v, we take say, suppose your there. Dear, iudcesl. •»»»r mad with the of revenge and Mended arm, and his seems to have bdmr*. same day*, at u .»•« i<« a p. m loving Susoy explained Templar and I had a h our word of Command «-.i ne out. clear hope plun- leg * Are ft n» and U I brother Frank?* that we der. wiio nouri-iieil it w iih he-h iuel on i been arre-.ed in the of Uanjruri llainj-den. interpor* were and he revolver an I about tier', v u*» rail : middle the last B afna. * only sight-seers i.ii'.iidg-s bugle W. T\ JOY. a in •< >w eitli* r Mi. how kind ! II \ erv verv kind more. -id. in perteer -alctv. iv-tle-a kick, a- the curtain fell ovsr his T"! •■*«•.!. 4 something We grumbled, and between us. We had our *N imbcr Four—rea U—tii« fowling V\ e Allorne, and ( bh. \«ei are can do nothing here,’ -*.4i• i Ma«- blue eve-and he wa- He is in a uuusrllor it! Lsw. LOOM I > T \V 11 Wilhc. how goo 1 1 Come wi ri' asleep. LOR. A e satisfied. Frank’s capacilv for pieces, but but shot, •N imberOue with revolver ready | 1 I ; .worth Apnl V* liCl yj; nothing quail soiii. -i ‘.»nn- down ail ol you, and help deep sleep. You can scarcely here. sir. dirvetly, ami la- kis.t 1. I»., with one and t percaivn every disar- tie' coxswain, ha I borrow.- —tire no- -o •• Ellsworth. Miune. disagreeing rake, ni vk«- a barricade at the entrain ! the regular respiration. A train of ca~s toil k ii' w that it has Ix-eu iu inv mind ha * iaiigingev. v l cut red luto rifle from the vacht to amuse •N cnl» t v is ol 1 In- * l-v thunder- .II.OUOU i»i.| I at wort' plan himself, Two—with re\olvei—iv oin ai d.' by without notice—ho <1.1., aBVENm for to ask I might • tints if he might come, tin- ••tt e i-ver you sublime. and had a fair store of ammunition. —fire ’Make it outlie -tail-le ad—make it on he carried ivr#-s the street without: Henry tthjung*Mure [ "' i If How. 1 was afra: i p'S’! Bv the we — I n* t*od* only tune returned to the coast M uioiu had hi* Tranter and a carbine. •Number Three ready tire !’ tin?-tan-head. sake!' erietl | awakening. i»it. I.. \v. ‘Afraid of me. ?>uscv *.d\ wife, im -t-t.-r A le i!;nv bov -• >uu»i asleeit. i- an in- iioik;ki>s, ^SEASON. the ij oils had begun to arrive. Bev- 1 he Mistake about bi*l»ull be deteuded to the .>! obir t it •\es -well not afra lofv'iu. rout is la-f foresting Particularly ho i« CLMIIORTH. exactly not a pleasant residence, and Ui with a of with voiir di'.p S^.r 11»«* Old 1 *i 14 I*«* f I„Kii«-a goodly Htipplv powder, guns—ready—tire” blood.' the t'o|. Pur the hi* tremendous but —tou see and he'll I not on as fil> whispered ’Trust v*ur l»o>. time, you g'-l the Susan some s, but brill wa* *adl\ wantin'. We man di e* a I I h::* require.) rep.n Two—ready—guns—left- Hie down lho*e boards and I an* at iv-r. Lits clatter, a »/.r. worth a-.| Port: Ami «,U o,«, Well before OUT 1’rag energies nmsy n. j..r :j.i% w togcthci lualll.lge.' tile ol which rendered liv- to 1 to !*•• * »(•»,.i ut on*'*. iUi lh< g prosecution a^ed sen th ladies I v\i‘h i* hand barrels—fire ea»e- die ladle-' bed*—i thin.. »u his »‘a-oh*»s motion, his endless * ques- Heaidracr Haarack Mreal. I "K. in l:i io •Whose fault was that?' on out ing Isiard of the an creatiuj anv alarm—for. a* Mi-s »m Number hi iu»>\r. I’u; iwav \ »ur.4; in- tor fh* tions, his boisterous his Ma«»«-*-. ai t o, | i,rant Matter, and question, Four—ready—tire !* plav, bound!?**-* nUnue with •Mine. I said tile \o ;:ig i\ *u n. t oe su< h Tr**rl» a* the tc; Jue-- sup|M>s''. was to a •ai 1. arrive anv m- moment. \V’.' -hoiild h ol ; wants, i,i- tountaius of aad l»r. ilo-igfctr* rm l«e |oun<1 good expedition planned place help might before •Number Three—ready -lire!* thought laughter a h ep wkfn ate. ot on »*tonal wile ar* 1 lv. -w e were so *r, dear, tin- Pel >!••. blit I! ill Hot b>- ar**. ail a:-* now’ can lake prol« p ais.ul twcutv nine- otf. on tin* sen. **tult coul.I be ma le -ami then !.* a s i.»t. elp«-d.* | quiet One < a ■* at h >um* •#* ror But Number t hree had long i ■ — and There arc -one m- n oin i:" "1 >k at him. I. ■■ w>*rth I *•» AlKI V A t o F.ltsworf he i. lie could not bear wlicr. the lest iu- .tuber 1 1R#3. prou shooting Could Ik- had. Woj k C l*tin^ b illet*, ill | ltM»p-!io!in^ Two fell to our first three discharges, ^ J M 1 LI.KI&, Portland. sliiK and who-e i- ,•. If i- I to have it thought that he wanted tay light streams inu> Portland. March 7, IsTL If Id We were to 'rough it' in an old half- siieli of the wall .a* ommaifie i and when the word was given to use part* iug. >ue!» a one w a- 'Ma--om. In a the window -. tho -'lln shines on the hill to marrt me liecaune von were rieti.' iu.iie lort. min tii*. ai l of six camel- tile which was -sli er.ueiti-l with our the enemy w as s«> DENTAL NOTICE. ^ate. gun-*, packed ver> -hort time w • ha I rai-» d a o ;.. t- l,,p-- 1 nr sounds life are be- •lb- have stirring might out and told 1 o.1.1s of * NEW PORTLAND PACKET. s|ioketi camp b.sldiug, spaikling po*t*. atone* aad props. M-mwnde elose.y on the ruins of the drawbridge ik £». I Mill- a. h- on lii** so,it w h, l.. nniiig I,.' hoard about the house. oa. h »uui. me »o. instead "f sneering at me before u« an a * .. •; r« tful. ann 'ur.re t «wcea ton laa .is*- * *• •}*•* j the citiarn* ... HU worth and Port land I don't know Greek, and uri*s ot ail sort.-* an a In.II *e. ti„ ot in.,.',' As \ ou look, the ■ from M orton, i lik*' chlbl. from our four barrels must have told, gates rth an I »i« *n11-- that be aucrml* In t In:, slept j wwlr la Ik* the as .o -a id. u.:. th. r.,. Nprtaa. tiiat. he does, and to lower ’l*ut look here! weiim-t till n .i- p unlocked. Ii»* is t * olHeatiatrr at the-U star.i trying Y reach t\K>k from tie- Nu^aii. Of e* mr*e we were oblij;* I t** tike Had the\ been not so nly lYmplar’* ipiite 1 ■ A Bartlett densely a ik• in a a Blo« k Ma.u >■; wIm re ■ me iu eves. If he hadn't been gap,'cried I Utp. u 'lliiug that tub. twinkling—awake all oror. to a your AccitifiiU "ill in tlie l>v»t rc^u- tiie eoxsYvain and French « ook iiilooiir k 1 and a little further the alt all ahj the rlVI«*4^ni|>li. pi off, «■* upon Bred aervicc# ot a luh -. ! 1 here r*» >m l>*r a Ii;* iiu»* an* wide I *n,Liat, brother and a quick ui.tii t«* open and bright Vl’T V% p VTOoUaKIi. to run rejrulailt yin c.'-rgyinan. “siisev. lat« «t ami when two cum and lull rlv diit liu- latter efiect have beeu as our ‘rou^iiin^,’ cask*, leuce, would greater, hi- with a »'4» fair share oi the pa--'. lip- part -houl—his legs lly anamtlaa «Mpk iji»patch Portland bed have had Ins head biokfii main a w»* •penal and LIT-won* trdkjrwnug i* *'iwr'teo which fomili vouiiltni ujhhi to cum- denlnre the of ills c .r v. \\,» 1 hav e I more. But 0 a m rromi.t 1 destruction stew A mail ha- to dill. ;**nt directions—his arms are «** and ar. ruJnr** a**a«-w4 »•* ». pa--.’ lepiied Ma—om. W rin„. hii t nr.l «■, l#c sen ice g *•*» is* Irratmi Bt and preservation ot tbe liiMUtt"'- JJ'-l jHiW. into the t-> make ll« unite was Tlie\ ha*l not i- 1 in (•e.glil 4. liiuwire ol M AVfcUY.Halcr **Ueet pans. (tressed complete. qub tlv, pa-Mtig out lie -poke. \o\* rapid .mu—ue ilopg over with a •Wed, tlia'*s all over now, an t v»u wa.n E..* worth. bE:o. W. TRI E A Co or N Al I. •h r. Willie \er\ ctoha. ile a * s laiaral Teeth. potage plnmli la uuraille. .unted on > warm a gel \our arm*, hut •! »u*t lire till 1 mu*- 'P;ing—;u ten .nds lie ha* turned a III.'KI •' or L ta.n reception. hirfluftr, PorUaad. the a) must admit that lie haslieen moic civil «■ • 1'he re inconstant as usual ; It was In lure wc lue k. I’heu bla/.e lW.l\ 1- k H- oil ui -,i nmorsotand hc- Irrejrr arp.iea tn the Teelb of ytmng person* I Lanaiul for part favor*. It ta h »|m~1 th- T. quail lung past iindinjli' V*' they tied. Mii.-'oiu rais« 1 his »ar- qili, ■«»»ipi• prescuts w lint we « oi New h»r«- ■ ua graph hummer, hate a »hare of t:,«- lately.' our da\ g**t a tiundre I shots within had nur and hine for the first time, and their mind reloading keep t.,. m living iliu-tiatiou ot perpetual Ki n r. < minpleted preparations, leader, Chloroform and Vtr-.ua hude lias. ad- Portland Lu* iufm. Ttf vcs : e k u am mu. ■Civil, hut it, a mile of our i\Vo minute., and Iheu -a\. lucre ii* no aw m n -irrel for extracting teeth hang Susey,oue’s starting |>mnt ; the next then M i-som took in hi mi. |e while in the aet of to rally his deliberatey mug, trying .*UI -el?. -. Let tliei .* be ow **t wife's brother might be a little had a no III.-I i.* **iretching indolent lips, ns only not bird. Mill we our- •If tin- lives, and more than tin-1i\. men, 11.r* w his arms and fell. Wlthaat Fata. cnjovcd up I ii1 and r* t/. ot » Dr. OSGOOD'S more ti eat. \I i\ ^ivi- mu rubbing pv»*\es, no than civil. c«[>ccisliv when he selves b s and turning He a state that be !ia» the \* immensely—la all—-for of those ladies are to *M. .1 tiles.’said Massoui, ns cool l v v<*l\* r to < *’• ali»o evciti* poor depend up- take (lie ui it- Witii pi-t anothci -nso/.e, no gradual- r.f r. this -•! **ti Ra knows, or to know, that 1 want was «ountry u-iog Dk ought there of to lie on us lie *we have no as * h it DEXTAL \OTICE! plenty sketching live,' said, hope though ordering dinner. *d me the hand) and t.iia* hi- rille i* i| j; With a *'on*tru t ag piat« !<»r artificial t• t.. to serve him. He's himself to a •» lretting done, and the of their life in in a s me;n'.. r m. '■ a -.I ■ .r. the I'euney lvama College of lH-n- novelty except pci feel coolness id di.si ip- favor t»> remember that one d n*»t w*ud-. hit and «.• *. pistol he is thor •'* — go the old fort amused them. The nnl v line. If vve arc all to he like fire it the Tuat is *111 onl wnle awake to the bring- ul new energies lor ihe mastery captains, word *tt»*adv.’ pr*>- kicking work his own > -*4 \ «»£ * n All Work IV arraaied. Having had nearlv nineteen professional atiout his iu I drawback was absence our i ug he .4 Jon tie* vi ,1 top end il hair. Tin* year* way. beg the of Cap- the crew of a tircck lit a storm, ve onl V. Vo.n first shot w as a ei.pt par'ficular in ntv 1 have ao of the contin u ship paf'at " practice this douU *rd t*i*• u w 1 vvo.i.h ilni aht>nt n i- it- KHaworth April gd. 1*C0. Utf him to let me a No ; tain who was -niouhlerini. _ thing -udden- of numerous friend* aui buy presentation. Pasha, obliged to remain we arc lost. 1 am an old H ishi- ner\ goo i one. I \oti. ed support ui) patr--r* only * > congratulate \V. 4 1 -. tu mil lr *• and "llll.* i«io s„. tears i. he docs not of g ; Having for the past few Urn ol -hged approve buying presen- behind at Hevrout on business for a and I klio.v the it liazouk. prejudices of Hut would have been bettci one m»»- I le -hunt- keep oat <>f my office a- much as po**.bic to re- tations—it's Is he to iioinoiit-; le Mind* l w .1 which now simony. going week. Kvcn Frank was For our JORDAN & CLARK. gain tuy health admiL* of devoting sociable. regulars. 1 have not iii nt later. ( rake, that fun * sight rr tiiail e\er. but vare. n' forgotten put diownedt:, II iw m> exclusive attention to it. 1 am to wait until he finds a without Oid are You? prepared bishop the first tune in his life lie to Kars. This is no lime to stand on down I. shots are no use. I’oai and era' HOUSE CARPENTERS And appeared mg Max mg kliug ol toe li 1 Joiners, sous or or married •* nephews, daughters, lie contented with himself and his sur- and I tell v>u t:i it I and never fire at the ft out 4iue a* 1.4-h, an.l we were hail blind*- l Defy Competition ceremony, plainlv Templar, a tn. or ii; is _ »o»l «leai of amusement in M eon rs, .(ji.tk. cousins or friends, who shall meet hv a i*>w 1 ol The 1 in roundings. have seen more of this sort of row of a rush. Aim over their hen U -park-. do *1- any branch of lientai mkoc* or thing fl»l 'A I m Ig;r bdi- n |g ligui .... J him in the street and say, 'lla! the I the in! \ dunk -*t a 1 -n. A iiuda of building done the day or con- dare if truth were known, than have. If into tlie middle. Keme:nf»er those triumph, ■ by y.v say. you you pit yourself and M w it enah mi to ell how old the ladies fa- t, tr t e beat manner and at n-a»onabie po- rit ices t verv man. Come and he a canon with wa- with u- again. u •: that old was under orders the rest will lines of : I u f t f * ne. material of rirerv Charley Napier responsi- my obey. in hand fable t» a s Boiidmg description I huv .old Foil and all dental in '1 Macaulay lie tJJnl* of r. eii- un who wne young larnohel. materia!. iarrv fifteen hundred a Special attention devoted U> year ble for all I»nt I am to serve undei t y and hei to tell in w s-. ouat uue* Mi' much lower than ary in oiid n knocking military impor- willing Ho—* behind eried. F**rw;inl ! and f h** throw n ha. %. request you inf>tnt>ilrr.v«ing pic-, » .«-c:flcau .n», Ac. quite and ma--*d t**gether Lasiei n Maine, therefore can afford to d » good •Don’t be absurd. Willie.’ tance out of the fort remain*- I m trout Hack !’ dnnii i m n it nerage is log Thankful t•" pa*t favors. we fair deal What you if you tiiiuk it for the In'-.!. It cried. III*' le i ob-t 4. e ml, and h-.pe by work as low a* mav offer. Ulie\p.-i ami any eotuj*et;tor •' I alls ing atr-.ct attention to buauiewa. to merit •It ts not 1 that am absurd. Nor is of it had once a »W tier I aw iir»twje«i tu gut to patient* the benefit served for lazaretto, must be one or the other, which Hitch into those who are *>» thru, g.; it r... 10. 1 -llppose a uoerai patronage .» tbe future. l^ing pushing 1 I'll \ Oil oi lair .. evil. will find ( any improvement* praIIELL pid join door, over what had been a moat, but to set tank in that f ,r over the ami be m.i,. table : ArtiflriaJ Teeth inserted on the latest and most inysell upon my regular draw-bndge, ioliow me; -o that 'i ma us our the -loop, n as low •* th< « h» nerve* wi iu cruise to Mediterranean was now half filled with ruins and a and him EIL approved plan aj*e*t. up such case, assured that i making direct for tin* enemy, marched ** e u-. Well *i *iie all!' i 8 4 * 16 aching teeth destroyed without pain. j •1 left il to warm noble •• *• On- Agent wanted in eountv in the U. S your bead, rubbish, a small to not act under h it do 1 rank S I* k l * l.i lew !• 17 id eret7 Pertect satisfaction guaranteed in all rase* courtyard, leading would only him, on. in vain all shi i* *1 tiio-e moment* V.- i. » ;; ae M. ldlelori a Focket Cora t»br.,er. patent'd \T Remember. < ifflec in Itlo* k M.iin and 1 have reward. Uraniu my husband, my a broad, low staircase, aud at its too a tnv best to make the others do -o loo. mm to conn* back, in vain were a -ixteeu Iml!- and tdui naig* lb IS 34 •"To It *ht-Ha all iiea of corn, and can be u*cd Ellsworth, J. T.OsuUUD. • «*ne will !a*t for Retail 1*. Oil. don’t know how nice of blank inti* a crowd <*; 7 7 i! 12 35 any year*. p-1ee.Bc (Jet. lt»*. I.' Willie, you spacious hall, out which all the oth- Ile pressed my hand, and that was an do/eii pieces levelled at him bv our point *iiii Who4«aaie to Ag«n:a. ii" cent# Territory rRI t 1“ it is to want much er ly l.iuut ic-. 1 ,ie\ 1 e**ie» l a;nl 1...... I p 18 18 JO 30 MIDDLETo* A< o. something very, very rooms Such wasourdwell- end of tuat assailants. He marched on, ojieued. question. straight M Wtf Hamsburg. Fa -to he half afraid to ask for it. and to and amid the -moke and cuu-udoii 11 Id ] ; 81 37 CITY HOTEL. ing. A table made of two old doors •Nowr look here,' he sai t. 'it seems waring something white in each hand. conUl not *e«» that tin* barri vid** w a- i« Id 14 U 14 88 3S have it offered without even a hint? on suuocrikar has taaen the House va supported casks, and live wine-cases to ine that we have done all we can to Mussulmans, like Indians have a re- r«cea:ly unde feuded l liot'oiighly cowed in tin* lo 1- 15 15 85 3P Oyster and Eating Saloon. catad by 4*150 \Y it ALE. known aa the Eii Poor Frank is ill, and if we can for chairs—such was our THE very turuiture. defend that but force it. for madmen, and to that mid t «»t their • 1^ *8" 8 3 84 worth House, and hag refilled and refurm-hed it gate, they may spect respect -\peeted triumph, tie- 17 4d him to come with us in the their cots J. W. OOMBS. r4tor>inoK. throughout so iranslurmiug that it deserve* a new only get The ladies had from the ami then there' ! be an ugly rush into i lank owes his life. It turned out stood crowded together in the centre <*t IP 13 81 85 85 41 name, and he has therefore chn*leu**d it the C 11 \ j yacht-’ we our hammocks. What would the which we canuot that our not the narrow *,*»urt; llic foremost. aim >-t 81 88 88 26 8 b 44 HOTEL, strict attention to bu-iness. with yacht, court-yard, pre- M. .lilies, g<>od chief, iiad liy i PETERS' w ail> t » and tin ‘That must be business. If I man ot wiioiu was more or ie-- 8 8 I 87 27 4.1 BLOCK. acc->tnui-.dating and clerks with your you more' If we had had nolbiug hut tend to face. There's no pail ol the b- « n able to control Ins feelings, and ever) old and so a fixture to experienced boatk-r long w oiln*led. those behind 8' 2* 23 4 m orwer of If AIR inv ite him he’s sure to refuse.’ our and the red mullet commands pre-sing into the 87 I STATE STIUTI, F-LLHa oHTg, the *txbt that department, be quail, which house that it either, worse that early in the morning lie had sought Mairb gtl lire, which still hlu/cd licreelv ut the 8P Z? 8P 8P _'P 4 8 houe* to meet and to receive a rood share oi •To me. dear, ask him vour- coxswain—a hand luck. were with regi- Frank, and him what Mis. please Templar's cunning Supposing you poor given ami 7 public patronage No pains will be sj*are 1 to gate, tlie latter struggling o 1 to 8 3U 45 iiimk- tnis House a favorite with the self.’ w ith a us ment. and a of ami Brown cab *a bit of Ins | traveling net—brought every morning, company sappers, would mind.’ avoid the tl line-. I’ndcr the led ..I tiii- i! 3 1 J *.'1 3 i 4 7 public. PAINTING, GLAZING, •Well have it your own way. I’ll we should have lived like ail the other tucluries of war. All, what had he done' into wn.it deii-e t •W Every room in the bouse is neatly painted fighting regular heaviugco»ieourselii~-cd in** -1 »w 4" »■> e AS# write earj-etted and furnished directly.’ cocks. what should you do with that court- had in* these dear ladies' match ot our mine, and ju-t a- we •>' •••: ii »» \» W. peril brought I G. BAG LEY, Proprietor. sec •'* :'•> •No, don't write ; and •How the tire-dies are’ said, ?' lie was a reached the ladies* 10 >111 it 48 7>0 5d PAPER HANGING. Ot 12th 1*7*. 41tf Willie, go bright yard who, after all heretic. So exploded. A roar ol a hundred tired at I VJ » 4 ■ 51 ol him.’ Kate Templar oue night when we ha I I told him iu two words. Frank let himself down from a window' pounder purchased the exclunre right to use one s ear. a uiuftled rumble and cra-h. a ! 3 1 48 3 3 3 3 52 oJ OUSE PAPER. no « line went. finished dinner, aud were grouped !’ he diet l’ciiw on the other side of the fort, and lik- ||aviag •Exactly replied, few -creams, ami then silen ! 3 » 3 35 53 .V. | J The of tlie above conversation round the window. -See there is otf to bed. Tell tiiill Ins wife huu pitu open ing with of those wretched ■ plar copies At first I thought that the w hole house i t 3b 3b 54 5 3 Adams Patent Machine in i-taken from Mrs. a the dale ! a Graining Templar’s diary, groves They make quite must not of which, bv the was a 3. 37 rtooo HolU IIoumd Pu|M*r expect mischief—anything papers (the printing coining down, and indeed poni*»n | 17 47 55 ,Vt minute and comprehensive of excuse—and me below was the cause of his be- of the root fell close to where we -too l, 4!3 •* 1 8 7*6 Ellsworth, wonderfully glow.' by way join by, remaining I 56 5b a fine and un- 5 *t Ju«t received at J. A. Hales al*o record of our voyage, which, •Fire-flies dou't give that rod light. in an hour.' hind in Loudon) as his credentials, trying to rc-useitatc poor "U-: and 51 ..I 57 57 57 1 am prepared to do ail kind* oi Graining cop* der certain reservation, is now said her sister-in-law. 'What Kate, who lmd tainted. Oar -tiddeii 53 5 3 5 3 53 0.3 53 to* nature a< ruraleiy. I ran do m-»rr <,m:ntr,g ■seorduent of placed Katey,' went out to the enemy to give himself j it- iw *ur- w.th this Machine than can t*e 1 -or rush into their led them t * 55 5p 5p 5‘J at my In il 1 find the fol- see are of a tire. Look. When we had the lust to their and die to save us. presence in one uai.d. east end oi I'niao Kit disposal. you sparks stamped dag- up fury, by shop a :. kl _t. think that all '.he 57 7>.s f»o bo Winoow Shades and Borders. : wa.-h»sl,a..d explosion j 61) »;o er br. '1—Told Max now.' a wuv iu tv k iuvi. vi u-iooui »iu v'». gr. lowing entry July Capt. Willie ! it’s blazing up ’j/v I nabie to one word of Arable, speak which followed was too niucli even bn I 5'J ,p bl 61 61 61 I. T. SMITH. The public are invited To call and examine that Frank was to be of tire party, lie •You’re It’s a 'if the worst ami 1 am 1 lie could not right, Susey. tire. comes, alive, make his intention clear, their brave Poor girls/ 61 62 62 62 62 62 • tefore elsewhere. All spirits. they K worth, sept, ith 19*9, S3 purchasing Paper Frank.’ Mire enolioh.' reidied Teinntar. ’Hut f don’t like will work tins, li 1 kuow wuat as 1 have was taken for a we 63 63 bought at my Store tri/nm. d free of charge. fall, you and, said, had behaved nobly throughout, and j 63 63 63 63 wlial llie deuce does it mean? J. A HALE. 1 must confess that this Frank was 1 ho|»e to ilo, and in that case you had better madmau. Moreover, our assailants. ! bad little time to comfort and uphold Maine. tfl2 it's not some confounded fellows lioin t hem. 6E0. F. CLARK ft CO,. Main EU»worth, not a likeable person, but you couldn't tell Templar. For the present let it wiwse ukx»i was now lUoroiiguly rous- Si 'I FMtMb’RoVl A BtliNlNO BALLOON. o e 1 W We Were thll- 11 — was the town come to our fun.' rest us two. will were in the act II long gag l l \ 1 »n* elo-e ol the afternoon nerform- kr»Dn Jr fiealiil— .VrrrMali, respecting him. He so heart- spoil between They light ed, of making another fkip help know not. wa* A I arou-cd b\ M an '. s of circus in RIDEOUT LORD. ily in earnest. Like many another As he spoke another tire, and an- all the better at the gale if they think rush lor the gate, aud in this Ije was Grady's Columbus, vlio had If11 Us soon alter the mine Ohi >. i«-« weeks Mr. Charles Fish- V.‘CI Slate St. BoNtim. other, and another, broke out in the we have no other I ago. Hhip Builders and Chandlers. unpractical man, he took the di- chance.’ borne down. into tie I good, spi'ang—coming back room. er made an ascent in a huge hot air bai- uu •lark wood, aud the distant hum of told me tiiat we could have uu luav sort rection to preach season and out of lie You judge what of spirit liar led anti seized ill v rifle. went Freight# and Charter# procured. Vea.-ele DEALERS IS up toon, or rather the balloon up with as the voices reached us ou the nigbht. hour's rest before and tired the when i leii bought and *r»l4. Insurance effected Ac. season’ literally applicable to daybreak, actuated enemy, you •ton need not trouble yourself to load Fisher dangling to a couple ot rope* ana so an it's a as i was 1 sooil Iu about that who to us he said. 'tis' all over. The walls Ageau fer the ( aiaa Pawet lapctaa. rthlp Burn nm4 tirtserin, present day, did infinity of ‘By Jove, regular encampment.’ fell asleep. many rushed attack again, suspended from below. Immediately to the cause he served so cried our host. ‘Tuere’ll be no slioot- teu miuules it seemed to Alas- bad no arms at all. In uf the ol the court have fallen. .Mai One Ilian blue smoke was seen to issue from a Particular attention given to the sale of spar*. mischief (as me) spilt- Pile*, Hard and Soft stab*, for us unless we escaped. It's a horrible sight—horrible, on the side of the balloon, aboat Brick. Hay, Wood, B&" free of Comm is*ion much with self denial and ardor. You iug to-morrow, Max, som's hand was on my shoulder. i’o bloody warning we had given them, point *c.. oa Eaatern account. Freights procured but ———' Edging*. want be one-third the way up from the month may have gathered from the opening to bagged ourselves. I’ve your (tost.’ he said ; ‘those rascals are these fanatics were ready to dash them- «T CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. jF* GOODS DELTTERRD FREE OF CHARGE. ‘(ioad trad, Massain! are y ou hit?' to the top. Experienced eyes a • line- of this what a fellow seen that sort of fellows ou selves on the aud to tear it Boston. July 9. 1871. iTtf o. B Hideout. { story good quailing gathering.’ gate, try •Vo*; bat hush! A scoundrel slabbed detected that, the balloon was on fire, G*o. W. Lord. C ALAIS. ME. the and snoot a uird the dow n with their bare hands. I Willie Templar was. Lucky dog. Marmora, they'll ‘And ladies?* me ni Hie back as 1 lit the Itise, and I'm the aeronaut, all unconscious of his dan- For Male. tl 13 a a iu face.' ‘Are We checked then thrice more than is for me. It With his fifteen thousand year and right your behaving beautifully. Templar once, twice, bleeding good ger. went on with his frightful perform- o, A DESIRABLE TWO STORY 1 like an he hail not •Well,’ I replied, ‘the country’s wide has told Uiem some of the truth.' until our arms became so not won't do lor h<* (pointing to Kate) ‘la ance on ihe iraneze. When the ballaon P. Dutton, constitution ostrich, —tiring MDWELLING HOC0E located on Per George see me as I am. -Jules can dual! I waul. wils aii in feel in the the a his euough, if there is a of •Where’s Frank?’ that we couhl scarce hold luem. fire- 1,500 air, ktas Street in Caatine. comman-ung a thought beyond pleasing pretty- only good pass Hll^R Toll her we are saved—that you your- flames were seen to from toe view o! the river, harbor and bay wife and and with birds. Let them go their wav and ‘God knows. Never mind him. was strewn with dead and burst&uddenly Iiaat^H enjoying himself; bridge a The bouse .« in good repair, con self are sale,' be added, with smile, it- -lac. ami a cry ot were we’ll the other.’ no to in to but others and simultaneously laior leu reotn# a cement- AT him these two identical. go lie's use, except get people wounded, pushed ou, conveniently arranged, COUNSELLOR LAW, | things •anil she will soou be well.' horror went up from the crowd below. ed eeilar, eietera, and a well. Adjoining the it’s a to be once our As soon as I heard he had invited his •Anyhow, bore interrupt- trouble.’ under the wail were sale from one are a abed, barn aud house ; ai-o a l( was., indeed, for the best that Km Many turned away their eyes, and hoese carriage fi TM | of an acre ot made sure he would ed, and we so The of defence was this. We tire. We had suffered too; of the hail fine tarrat ed garden containing f brother-in-law I comfortable,’ grumbled plan and tier sister did not see him as lie wa-; woman fainted, all expecting that Fish- land. stocked with i9 apple treee in good bearing and I dare I made that face Templar, a 'but I each had our number aud our loop- of balls which rattled the fort, er would at once meet a horrible death. order. goO'eucrriaa. red and white currmnu. a | accept, say lighting cigar; sup- against tor his cailau dripped with blood, aud ELLSWORTH. Maine. was of buckthorn badge la front of the house. which Mrs. Templar sets down against pose they've as good a right here as holes, thus : one or two had entered the narrow- he could hardly stand. Mu-som's wound But whether it that the material The fomiuire bad*, and other household arti- was or we.’ aud was a but to a man ol his the balloon not very inflatuable, aks* will be *old or with the bouae. me. No. 1. Templar. Arms revolver loophole ; poor Crake hail his right nasty slash; *eparately I* s. Commiseioner for Maine District. j that the hot air near the flame was not The a constitution, not Tne eamie -ALIO But to arrange matters with the Rev. silence which followed was shot-guu (breech-loaded), with thirty wrist) shattered, and Templar had dangerous. had ou his -boulder-blade. Pom favorable to combustion, certain It is The Relate known aa the PARKER PLACE *it di- broken a voice below. loaded with revolver balls shot in the shoulder. Our ammuni- slipped Frank was a of the deepest by cartridges, that the did not burn neted on Mam and High stream, containing *even | subject Crate had lo have bis hand amputated balloon rapidly, •ictlirt Win. Fraaklln He asked for time to con- •Is that ?’ cut iulo for waut of belter am- tion was almost exhausted—as we •era* of mowing land, 499 young apple S«-av«y ; plomacy. you. Templar slugs, when ive back to Bevrout. aud Tern- and the aeronaut landed in safety upon teaemeut bonae for three tainllie*. got Inee* aad He would and he would not. ‘By Jove, it's the Pasha?' exclaimed munition. thought. The dm at the was aw- (lie of a house, near the For sider. gate plar's ball gave some trouble before il top slaughter -and two be- No. 2. The French cook. tul. dashed stones end of the ever Hit*KSlSrPS.^!™. AT LAW It was only when his sister pictured the Willie, starting up; days Arm, They heavy agaiusi would consent to come out ul his shoul- Hocking Valley bridge laM Caattne, Me. COUNSELLOR the Scioto, while the balloon lit he would derive from hav- fore his time ! This is jolly 1’ Massom’s revolver. it; they tired their guns mto the lock. der. At a council of war held by Mu- burning advantages in the river, the waters of which Palestine, and add- ‘Come down—I want I want No. 3. Arms same as They found a beam of the old som's bedside—the side of the flooi speed- seen Rome and you. Capt. May. bridge flames. Wanted ing w lie re he was resolved that Ju!e‘ ih ex mguished Hie tf in her clever knew Max, too. I—my horse is burtl— No. i. and made it into a battering-ram, aud lay—ii MlieiTM MTEITS, ed, way (she him,) Ik' sent coin lor TMMCDIATKLT. A ■hrriod am to work oa a we should into Bey help sciwurn block, wbbtmabket sqcabk can what may be won’t keep you ten minutes. Are you No. 4. Crake. Arm, ride. could see that the timbers to tors, vita M 4a hhtuewuk. Oa* without ‘Who tell good you ship’s began was dead but oui who loves to one X Bil)«oi IblH Ma-sola's horse lame, Alilllegirl prav, •hiMm prmnaL f—t .ilaatto* to the BK even in such brief visits 7 well Mrs. And No. 5. Massom. Arm. carbine. To lean far out of able to do, quite Templar? your give. sufficiently assailants had left hor-es and mules ii night was very tired and sleepy, aud mind, it was a sister? Ah, that’s famous! Comedown No one was to fire unless at the window to lire on the crowd below A~~~lSL2Vlfir~* that he made np his any plenty telhered iu the dale palm grove was getting into her little bed without For Sale. like a was well-meant, but most unlucky speech, good fellow, Templar, at once.’ word of command from the Colonel. simply to offer a target for a dozen The enthusiastic little Frenchman jov sai ing ber prayers. But ber mother to aud that of Susey. The chief stumbling We went down, and the first thing Every man was to load alter each dis- balls. Besides, we bad not more than ously accepted the service of dauger told ber kneel down first prav. a remnant of the were hid So she folded her little hands aud said: block in her brother’s way was that lie we saw was a tall Turk iu green tur- charge, if possible. five shots left among us. At this (for enemy Boat Picked Up. about and I went ou •Please, God, remember what little Pol- would be idle. He now saw that he ban and flowing kaftan, leaning against It soon became evident tuat our as- juncture, when we had beguu to look iug somewhere,) with him to choose a steed and spoet ly said last night, she'eeo tired to-night, both save bis life and it; ahorse, which was certainly m a bad sailants haul not adopted our of into each other’s faces, to see if might employ policy any- him on hi* way. The Me (lu pont wa< i Amen.’ it and As we the Turk a chief and bis or- one had there came in dear Kate- -- and in doing so nearly lost ail way. approached, electing following hope, another u**lv sight, but Jules wasequa | threw off turban and nod there ders. seemed to think with a of to oars as well. beard, They they bad Templar lapful cartridges, i| to it; aud as he msiated upon taking i l i Benner is said $• worth $>,000,000. • The Vow of KUnrarU. Vote of this County. The California Election The Golden WARP 1. Opportunity. General News. Baker’s ** Orange Grove Bitters Cbr CttlMrtt nor nor no ^Mfriran You I one of la*t «eem« know'*, how- oat* The result the election week ii me Mr. Editor.—It to that th' for The For Govern**. IrrefuUrlUe. of (h« OteMtWe Mrnn, Penobscot bean* and state will have if* influence ou th PahlHbed everv M iming- at Peter* pea*, barley grown,n and nr thi* all-absnrhiiig |».>1 itI light* of KlUnortli San P*1"9 iD «** S«o«»ch or [low Thursday S. lYrhain. 15i Kkancmco. Se|>t. 7. H».. ." KtUworth, Mr., by X.R. .sawyer. To they will lovArml.l, «ive relief. They will t, C. one in this county can tell at thi* tlnn politic* of the Foil ire the miinl of the from a Alifornia has f.mn.1 Ac.. *e« ftrtt page I*. Kimball. 12 general country. keeping people gone Republican hv fron very e«M. .ou, U UM. of terms, .t.KW Dimm-ii*!. For who in elected Sheriff, or Clerk of tin year* wince Governor wra* elect* I line eon*iileration of the Kailroa.l to o.OOO majority. The entire Stall MUSICAL s M PETTEMOftJL A Co., 37 Park Row, Itei Sheriff. Haight great •~lf”! Lmaor.Umnl’Uii ; ti. krt is l*i>re..lo.. of «|ilriu. here no association and Uno. *\ Rowell A Co.. 40 Park Row elected. The result In San they eounl Y irk, < Court*, or CommUaioner. or Sena- over Mr. Gorham. the candi of the week. Fran apr the the America* R. F. ampY-ll, iA County Kepuhlicau meeting present <> FWy '»P«‘»Ujr rwcommemlMl (nr Chrooi Will hoM lt» s. w York, are ajrent* for Rep. Is In doubt as to the Mamr. but tin ( hill, TwKKTr-rorftrH > tor l»\ IMarrhan. Rad Fever, Niuht SwWa 11,1 a.m.i in mat city, and an* authorise*! to contract fo A. B. Spurlni^.FtMlnn. SA ftooi the eafttem portion of the date *ome nine *hon«and .in« I A niHttif lie* at nur ilooe* of the most ^ ln county. majority’, f *(«•<■' now is that lou.ne.. mi,| .1 nun-lice, i. T. advertisement* for u* at oar lowest ca*l 1 strong Alvorvl. th. *. BAKF.H SL < n inserting L. B. 1mm. H ■ Wyman, We have tried our bent to In all th< thlw M*. Ilooth. the cau are t<> candidate of the lor CoMmerrlnl r%u*s AdYcrliaeta In that city are requested t« get ycai Republican vital oii'aqtieitei. Are ready judge Tax payer* is elected Street, Ihwior with either ot the above bouse.' Clerk Omrts, So^Proprietor., leave their favors of return* but have tailed In a few town* didate l* elected hy fiom three to wlx thoo and act .I unltedU ? wisely rongly Sak Francisco. Cal.. M IIUI.KWAI.K A>D 1 Sept. 7. MKTAII. ROOT*. Horoabeia H. B. Sanndem. Rep. Ill to leave the matter In doubt. *and I'hi* result will Hall, Baapr, Maine. enough majorkv. wtiongM The preeiotM nppnrinatty. never tw'tee I'll- S. I». W li.i.IN A CO.. anil I. V. Murch. I mm. IV Republicans are certain of electing Ilruuui.i. A potheen rica THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.1871. There wn* an attem|»t which may 1m militate again*! the l**»lief entertainetl hi pre«enlisl. i* at hand. The i.ut ..f a .1 senator to mirrred Mr. <«»!#». Rlknrarih. tiaiar. County Commissioner. «|ue*i to p » • " •|i nodiiKhb; *ucee««tul defeat a of the Re the I iii.H ;it* that they art* to carry near here It iilrii.nl fur Eastern M ime eanie* "iiglan. is electeil to t on E. portion Rep., G. Simplon. Rep. IK gross io llic Id District, and publican ticket. These men who planned ly ail the * Us-iion* thi* fall. The |*eoph in it the future business nr. slag* Sargent. Rep ««•»•* 1 1VC4LTH. Adjourned Meeting. Daniel Deary. Dem. ami Fu don. 1ft? growth. In the 2d District. The thi* little left off some of the Im--i have n«*t the reeonl of Republicans havr A iB.tile ,,f i.atiiamn « atiiaktk k\ 1 There will be an adjourned meeting of tlx job y»*t forgotten thai nation and derllne fur tliese Iwne-nm ;. *. •" ..banco »Ht-r Ike llirrrliwn „| County Treasurer. of gaining tltc 1st |>js. TK\< r Will I»rw»«»rw> iho health .»f mo»t fannhv of w« nominee* the and r« party all Ihtotigh the war. nor the I• it tiiat the nf fil|*w >r,h I trii t. for an ••iitin* i»*ar \ II Ihe it RAILROAD oomromow at ZUEWWt*. Thun C. W. Til den. Rep. lft? Republican*, plat I |io**thle |ieop|e druggist* have PROF. L. H. of I tic SOUTHARD, Boston, day. September 14th. l«7l. K. II. Greely. |K*in. IK eijtialh unfortunate in making their *ele. tdrin put forth at it* .VPionaM'onvent ioi Inula the eour»e ol aetioii that is to plane whole Legislature and Municipal 1 Refiublican. and € TheTr «t 1«> •.’clock A M fYom the town* o Senators. thm* from tin* Democrat*. Thi* funion in IM’.I. The*** fatal blunder* i- will tak« thi* little in the line .f lav-pavers' ticket i. oaiuMplIon. inter. hare ,'ti*.i*,.| tlie I*elegation« oily puigre** anil in follow,,,* r,v„ W and Haucvx k < ounties are re»iu«**te« cl.s-ted San Francisco, with the ^ prree«i; .Mrs. II. M. ishmKttm ticket from tin*-* to out. The excep- TT% UiiS “f H Secr«ary. W. E. Had lock. Ren. IK party. coming mo*tl> long year* wipe Republican* fIItIIe«* Wealth* tion o, (TIB AMD IT* PBBVKITfTK. Ho»too,;U*Mn*rrHl° Mrs. J. A. to b»*j*re-*eut. HVME the Reorder and one hrtprMu, Ciowel*. oi Supervisor. >o(rsi,o Mr M*ng..r S. Hinck«. ami Fudon. l«i who have l**en made a not leluvf :n well a* *ltotj|d, t.i ( \t WUHsm, J. Wmcti. Tenure. Rep. Republican*, up may they From Hanger ala!* the interest in a tlic la-t t.nta'riiatorial election Bj J. H. SCHEJICK. M. D. *ir\ II. B Ward Dem. 1 the .1 enure. Mr. John *. Wind, well, If ticket, with either rerham o. Kimball for tin Democrats elected f‘od-L*lU-so Mr Kr.»n* they may quarrel among mselvo*. ami Itallmuil ha* Imuui steadiU rolling n a Haight bv over O..Vm «*j.ragmv Rn*„o. of Boston .1. Moore. Imiu. and Fmion. lftl | »««l Home Intent Railroad. on in.ijoriit. s,„, a Manr a >imaa t«a* fiovernor. with the following name*: d fl'er minor in.titer* of *tafe ot %ml it Mia to ilie ).., Republican gaiiiot being passed ivtjr, for wt««f loath .ire to the Isjisiotur*. RripUty majority. some I2.i*ii tkare ** no other r*a*on than tha known from side* in F’ftresen/ to II.non ueglert WV have refrained taking For tiovemor. iVrh.im or Kimball: on candidate* for offloe— all these are non- i.f to vote*.] aw! means of or* Th.we near Ellsworth mateiiallv nr hinder lndtatmtabiy pr«rr*d and Aim., (hr II. M. Hall. Ren. fti help dear to stall* aad fnenda ara eelehralrd aad admired the matter the terminus of the S. sleeping the dream.. »• of Western Senator*. T. IIhick*. John Moore; Co. e«*eti!ial«. a* It with the the great 'V. :lri. slumber into wk* h. had J. R. Redman. be in. US we;-#—compared undertaking t,. lend .11 State Election. tl*ej lalatiy a«k«pted *.» Mendelssohn Ka*tern railroad, there are mativ eon- C. W. — l**'ie* w hi*-h s Quintette Club, of J. V. Whitcomb. Fu*i«»n S7 Trea*ur**r. Tlldeu; Co. Commi they *qu ircly nnl pat rioti< ih onr In tile nf all VVIIKIISI DB. IMIPR H. HRiam < Boston, I euergii ipirsti.in the In lit •minis. Tin Manvkr fot \rv MX \KTI*rs. derations entering into the question, or WaKI> 2. *ioner, Daniel for Sheriff. A II ly nu*t during the war to *ave the union. I he erislit nf I ilia tn I*ea*y; fity the amniliit nf Vudroscogglng entire county gives |Vr- arvl which would affect the old i**ue* lain nuni I.KII availed ttMKnsR.. -« k.t arooderfiilly 'III a- -us contingencies public For Clerk of Court*, I. Y. Mmvh. Thc*e took *uch root j*i 9 Jim 11,, nur t. / n* see tin,| Governor, Spurting; deep begin til the Kimhail j.tkU. If.-- awd»-m««. they wusW n" to u« that the I*r Hi henek hat In hia owq rase wt.- mind that it ha* apjwared I S. Tcrliaui. 114 Murrh. Dea*y. ami M«M»re. wen on the the puldic mind that “new ilepartur#*** will demand whirtii* made? I’"1'1" majority l:W7. agat.i-t oi,|v:iu proven lba‘ r. Fred. S. of rightfully iM.»| »ri!v ever suHleteai utility rvmaina. that vitality .by hi* tnedi Davenport, Bangor, Pianist. • < I.isf \r»i. when had bolter drift for the T. Kimball. ft7 not IYrli.un ha*l rtn'-s si»4 hi* direrUoa* ■« question present, regular l*em«M*rallc ticket. Mr M'hht i- efface them F.ic cannot burn them out have a-siiranee that »:i{ P<* Utetf nee qui. k. ,,t |»i*itln llangnr 10 Roberts iTn. healthful *ur re-preset.**-, n .. n b.*t*i*. If Bangin’ it for her interest, Campbell. crat* In the and ran « «*!. **••• next a* we now **■•* ... Hook, with other w,„ county, again*! year, in the oa*e vid.-d th it t* mailt* tiie we- .tu \n.lr..,c,,gg„i the banner that i* n t a thou Rami time* sstwtantlated h» living ami kVL , ,rv u„. A. B. fity t.*ruii- republican conn- 1 hr aralal. and a Spnrlinjf. ft7 ▼ is .* l.hurdll Uuaie Hook be to one w < • warka. n»« theory at rur«bv In «L is will ^ ,UI and fortherailroad* whi« h this ill W. K. lladlock. of alilornl.i. tha the mi-. >ty •n|»efaliy splendid INirfl.ind join* weapon* with whk h .ecitasKi 41 maUd « Rot Ir.irr to thrai-r; »r, terest* demand, or will In* lienctittcd. WJ» KI.AMI. 12th. Twv third* 't.ei «.ri*mate in dr* oi tn ttie iti/en* "I « | aCUer Mi,Kir. will hr r k i- k rep. and White dem. arc pe; .* and * fun. tv.-nail* dtsorvtered nwr W *bi* *,vrn ll .. tlien will do the n» *st to assist thi* Ml.I »« they County Commissiot AmberM IT t>- t* > y» t to take nf Ellsworth a '"' " .'natives condition the br-urinal tubes ««tot altuj the •piMM (unity In this mallei If w. he election of White User Her* than th# « iun.nuuiig result aud ;&# Hwii.uill deli* ed by P».»f Bluel,;|| 1*1 71 I— !"| favor the OV vKl* 1 lontoi, w •etung In with all Its rr.l- hv '*4 purely local .*J ;u Bn*>k*« ilW*. | i|ne*tiofl. «05l»IBPTI05i. “p** rangr unit* hsve been m .«,-!•• i..r tl present, aud it look* i* if thi* tune the County Treasurer, of Ohio. Ivauia and Iowa. Ohio I* nf the # Hu- k.|-.n tv: :u r*4 lYim-y city must lie tn that • I- MriuriHUrs u, U.e urddsul sod I pledged I ni Kl.Kt ere < «|.i«i.(| .| i>Wa C. W. < »•» ritlX t\ W v 1 f T'..# Mandrake mi* nap«*>-d of one ■-( 'Suture town would succeed. in her road Tiklen, ]jo a»Iu*r l‘*4 !•*« sj *!af •* * tit'VTT. or ,s pushing ele.-t* a Gov rn-»r. ofli «-t ami a Hall let ’• sdil*»at (ifta-tu i‘e|tatiim »• ,* tl fl tn this .leeid.iil rsdifhiilam They pn*«* *-j p.KUI hi E. II. GI (>411 l*W-« In a} I Wlluisei|Ual Hut. the t>kind «ear*h | hur».J.«y tfllilig. direct to ,**he hw no idea hav- Greely. ng altera*!** pr»pen»r* of rakanr Baiiifor. of I Vet l»*r. !*»• 1*4 Tin* w ill fleet a a *e O I,ki-»'a»t. Me.. Ilth. |egi«latuie. legislature suppose wn| issue is torouie. a " ,,11 n „ unlike i-ainmel. the* •#- There will Or three M t TINfT Senators. I *r-ihA*n 47 >• 4‘» vi/ "'"-nil. ,o,I (hr. ig her rom! run !•* Itedham «*r t«• democrat. |. eh.. I-, ,- I lead 1 idled >fate* senator to *uc«-ecd senator dii LEAVE BO »TIkb BEHIBD.” M Kai4hrmik. 71 I* 71 .*] id.-il and half-lie irted nf the rce,native front Belfast l„ Oar Had lock. s| -upimit (l , UVrnaini .in.I h.emi.g I, r vcr. and there form a with a K-leo. 7* To 7. -4 T'< e, irk ..f lutr i* w v junetiou s. I sherman Tin anil date* to*- Governor t‘ Kail mad. malorirv Andrew D. beginning, rhe dialed and : ">' tot* » t r>l ItKN Ilinck*. 121 t-.!l*wi»rth 44“ ST- «»- 4 n|».sed I lien reas.ui tn tirifflu d.-m is n: * d t* in th# .reels and In the „ Bangor mad to electci aiimentarv rr- | il.eroi tb,. »|,n Ell*worth. Her eitiren* H. B. Wardwell. ftl Krankltn. ||o 4*- 171 »i< ttem-ral I. Iw.*rd I Nove*. iiilile for tin* Representative fh»m nj »rv*|. >1. T .r iiverj'fc* a et-vk, |« *,«n.! It j lo-publi- fatal mistaki* nt nur nut Seareport <>? their .1 t*-»uM»i«nrn. IS- 1*. |c* ]| over Hon s ... ar i». * ir tn its t»»r«»nl!fy T’ e etomarh ard* reap.ei' play 'ig game, and no one an Moore, «i7 1 C > • o G» W Hluhborn »n-l trie ** »#l and lo | ..rge >|.< «mk, *1 (republican patiant leguis to f.-«l U*at be is gatuug. t: U*t l!«nr>-rk Ti AS u*y ‘hviAihij when the crisis u*tnc». " ulerptirt dec., | '•lame them for thi*. f.*r their own F‘l re sen: ”i re f- the MarianHe. t( |i 4* .‘4 1,., A .1 PPM kf l**neflt. l^eyis/afmre. d* III" »• I ill state ha* be«ti cl«*» lie 1 »t 11 r* or RRRB n 1.00 u ew.hrr, Ticket*. inr |,a>w ul V. Vety properly nf llanen k mel U: Hrwl Washing*, thr ran,Tae*. and m !*v making that tow n the tion. if there II. M. Hall. 77 I Took. In ran)unrtiun with rim .,iri„* ,1, rf juin Orl*n.1 !•* IAI |«i 1VS foi **\ ••! .i! y .-a? G iveruor lla\es tun I m i>'.N -* having ..untie*, the t nf m in i;i 1 ov'»:kh iim m»*•«-* and asslaitlate* with t!-.a fo»_d Ml, »ra.aa Tlcliru. to 1m* .1. B. Redman. x pn>*p.-, gain de mi\>; nr- * i* one. 40 I wiw pmgji s*tag. wiu.'^it it* prwtun* torturer ••!* • I l*v tin II* an* in !*».'♦ b\ .dine in !*l Hl.li \\h. •r.Will, -r. u , r*,t. at lb* .!• F. W hit ! lVn.tb«-fll. *1 1 Jt> puhli- po|Hil.vtion. the v«rv ne. e*. it I be«. me* painU**. and th# mr» l* seen t ■ Bur , comb. ns ,.f '>r|«. the idea occur* to u*. that -nil 77 *1 Thera 1* a more no n ^ when *he XUS*. 7; a of seven the Ilf Hem rat. flatuleue#. nsrPHan h f majority only thousand in a |o> I future. tn lie nr no* to carry Knox f be Jr.'Ot row of *r »te in ihr WAR1>3. •. 5** be." ail eonie eounty. BU h. \n appetite *e|« In. i,:iivr> ha* built a *v-Ur«.-k. ,U «* ,r' road from to Ban- '.••• N w me* the Ilk Buck*|»ort ! Min* »*• *» tal v of e of four hundred and *ivv thou- tn In. acti d 'V1' ■senators, with a t gre*t«-«l we! Ihirlfler *»»f ^rt g » er $8 ifl For up iifMm. pros|e. b» *■. Governor, -■ Iml gent father to •affVrlrtg man Jt-ftenek < I*.: € osrrrt gor. the oomm<*n she will not ImiioBl. Ilk SI in one frotu W on Tlrheu, W :th «e.'tirrd ,.r gauge. desire | ) aido. account i m H oirnra Hrm 1 sand. and tin- Ih I tier** art *•• ryp In to parf Its fun. t. n | mgto S. lYrhain. Trent, »n. (1 4* > A legislature ig llepiddn'wn inn* nf nur nwi* s. ue 1 > '■ 111 i.H-sti..,,. c. an t ;,m to invest in » ;»y and Rc|«i tli..cii.il.ns. It i, ha«rv n a»4 r.unpUta the rur* Ittnt. nsl »s,* road Ka*t of her. To build I.«m«*iue jd w m V- thought ut. Kebr*r«sls sml C. "UI\ Thr* « -r on ■ » rk MiUu.rs,., rn(, I*. Kimball, ft4 by inaj ry j. dnt hallo! 1 f Mass* hosttt< '"St l.iucoln bv the j Natara cannot be rhratad It oiler t* and W ail ham AT 1* 4* I' county large the 1 amt (Useas'd « *>»!.' c *r,u thi* mud. altoo*t unaided w ill an Itnpa.r* p-rtke ( the lung* 1 irH ts "..minenne «( IM require i-t \e s.- w 111 it on. ill il NmV For I trth II* ii a for here he inn1,.i n.<■ „t alt ald'mro. i. rni f g*;h*rwvg« !: prepare* them f-r ,r.» '• * 1 ««r Sheenf, intjn.i'v iilmid wrought j r\pr-i-t wr,„ 1 tr ef? *rr w hi* h no other t"w n -«»u* l*l4n-l * 12 ! and 1 in a »err sheet Uma th# tnaladr Is v *. *•»•. '*«• In thi* count \ f *• rdered by mail ..i other*. | ry \|,. .'it re. tl.ll-ni, rvttrn nr>>a« that it orruDled i« r*n*' siai aiul mi... forth, for no j era* Rfl.r. P«>* other i* :»* well able A. B. St \ new. ami the patient In ail tha Algiutr of n gwine.1 % lrf.* Ticket* In lh...r S|Hirliujr. .‘>2 V* 1« auia •* a-i \u i (..r a tow ; th- Mio-t romlw* l*.-nn*yIv H|e.n that I. prominent • f -rth tocn> i.\ a >• \ «• every ,mi,j,»r „f the Republican •tc; :aanh*»! w.^uaii.i.«»t it. But then *hc will I- R. #n-na. b .y, " < by Hallraad a. klraaibw. desire to "wait Wyman. 45 v v I are I,, rlc. .1. oj Geio ml an 1 no-in'.r* "fth* «- t.vdr.ad s\ ste n XX Morris..., I* g liaf rn ir«e < UITK5I IP AM LORT. .’w37 a id *•*■." or to * w[t| ,nir umberland Reuben recuperate. What n» \t Irrk of the Courts. e..-v ‘>*4 FosteraodJohn May. laf'ir* Tin i'.T »n ladida.’e for ai ike- XX. T>ie thing is. the nmit stay in « w*rn llep must -trike "• .<■. patient• hand* w:*h Ki mu and » * astine II. R. *h John K. Holler. ot V.ok r»-ta. until g• «i It is alu*w*t Imy o *:ty by tier a few Saunder*. V *#T» they meeting FMK -III hi) ) di'or ;» Mr I »av 1 ! s' mton * I.e- a.id ■ r.'kl «- WELCH 4 I. V. d for sr- Mo lila- I herry field, Hnd,*- the It l.lef.inl i a I iskiug tbslunga */* JUsMt-t, but l: u GRIFFITHS evi-n.ngs since that *he will assist Murch. be or • f the u V» CKI.KBKA Tfcli to ”• way* the amount of 8250.non if f\,unfy Commissioner. t~-4 fan s:»>* Water »*««», »r» Hinirigtia t|iaf ril»» *rth. TP- »> * -«11 •»« ■ .in'i >' We •■••-tpmrtrrs th. tllwrwg < ■ n< i ■ • it T'»r 'fi- *.ime ••RJ- have an Republican.*. Among f't mh« adiiiirarlmi Inr the •oimrtil l!iit !•-*e their patient*. If ... .*•« c * in r t wn can h«* G. K. Titm-iiI, Nj ?fi |s nttemp- ire '"harlcs Ho !■■ ■, made the Simplon. 2-i Jamcs sr*-b* lir ... * terminus. Tht* is > ! D. Ft*s- diseased and yeC,b*K«UM ar* In frai'ilii. *»« 51 .» '! Umi M ( >• nf old f th«-y «*m Daniel I »> .ivdle*. ! \| .1 I.tun- rise sc « Mir>. w many, fmm the .h ad XX.. iclcn and Enoch the uiu**. a 1. *wn .j .-t they tent a a', a -.» s. SAWS en. p i« i al. * < a«tlo« luT vl Ktiighl. etlltot of tile ca| And not \ mad an much a>.d a* fast a* tbs w i.l hvar why H r. t. -v. ncr «.* wish w» ■ l‘"rtl.itid .X' ir. M strength ». ttlMIU *i "i- ary. m. tniM s.thi" XX .• 1'orter. a MB). at County Treasurer. Marioilki, Uepuhh J.pb of Itur- up | -nl rtreaiaUein nf M.*sl Tbs paher.U » >1 t-i ; commencing the eastern 1 ofthe Sum 4- M 4* " !• • 1w Ilia III ■ !r» g.»-J ’e determined *•» well. T* « boundary < W. ?-d j;, 1* the m-ugr- •. •■rii form rm., t r» for Wilson, of Hallow > li spirits- get « RUM-1 | T «4«4* Tdden. “0 hy l,..rfla,e| ini |£,». k- .«- Minty, and traversing it Mi lV«rt. * it j« tV ,-i. ..r l. cr»-at ties! t>» !■■ still 1 appetite, and Is the great ;» ...t through from E. 11. «*f *\ ?i aasr Greely. ;,j Orl*n4 1*4 14 1 hundred in total vote ..f iri-l tlniri flu- h ir(»or of If ; IPir %r® *r.. •'( T ur*- after *t. wo uld l»e <»f great !!jtnr>«k 7* IS l; \»g»i-?a. Frederick i:.»l.je, .,f •■•palraf such e-vUlear** T Ua tajMiht;.- advantage Senators. i;< it \ -i\ hundr* tii<.u«a d :V llirrww • .n « r«t rage* a-..* m^r*I in all lj4»tia«-o. who s- :. wh dr More * -,f. l»r h* k perwnal statement f*. *f>. > 4, county. pe.q,]t. an,j I am- ;n«. •' 4 " t- SAW Warranted. l-.id at nr- th-- '*-•.*?- ha* a democrat- I I‘.c- r» Hu will '(tcakcr of the 1 l-l J.dm H f i» «.wri curs w *• in iheae rtj* Every more Itlur tn' tO .-|M.rr, K ,.>rn House, interests will lie aecomtnodnt W K It»J M. *. ears ago 1 was In the last stages of cd by llatlliN k. 2.1 v B ••igh of -..ufh Berwick t.satnp- IVrfeei Malbfartlan «.uaranleed. Bm .' i« it \ tli«* M v. ; John p.*rrv. « » Itiwri 1*5 Hr* I major lion-- t« • mined ton b**d. and stuns tiros am •! a route .1 I!-puh!i<--iri t my phrsi* than other. It Muon1. •** M »vfoi .|. | K. siin *t r.« 1 r»*d In a by any build* alillim. I J 'fttou, of Ion klaml. tixrf.gbt I wsek then tike a drowning her 1 i© : m »n ti«»r j? v Hi- d tic►* rat« -«* m to K f Hanlvarn ir :N k.- II. It. W Trrtitsm 51 |, hm- ..ill l: |; II un \\ rat. b.ng at straw*. J h- *r J < f and obtained t!.e in iiniiorr.ifit .rt ...... r ,\.. anlwrll. 5j 51 Bli-- .It «>t Isli ngton and >. A. ppe and the Mam; iicturer*. 1 1*1 I i»n I.Im, .* ;i th- l*c-t t i.»r M 1 I?• r " ■ pt..*|M carry ing th- *ta*c. 11-• >k. of r.. _*•: a!! the Rupees*Mating to th* Is'iisiaturt. Manat 1 Fre»*|n»rt. »;-rtr*-tni'»of It s-erord h> me that advantage* of a •• w- winterport. '•» • < m l- T»re n-.e .• « stem. *■•>»» d ** WELCH & «H.*. 4*> I will i«. t a i-nri iinr. other state » > They GRIFFITHS, ■ H M Hall. 11 II n it:, *:. ! w go.»l harts.r A A It will relieve i; tuy Is- *fl. I ...t spit up in r# Aurora. !•» 17 I From Portland Xe. f •*. rs ,w cis’trr every fur I 13 A I I? Federal HmUb. .1 It. K**dniati 'Hi !' au-l.i l-^ .'l iMi'. w l. h w ill < ))<»••- Kll-w mill p- M |>7l yell tuomlng •*!., •me ..f otir ;i3 *7 7*. * k« «-• n at that beg »n > merehant* of the Broollin, 1 e Fine Y»r t.i subside, tuy cwOk. vn.< idea. »|. •I I " ■*• t, /f /.’a./n..*./ ,\>»e hit* ••mb. 4 l ;.;i-d *. r sod night sweats alt began t-» lease tnc. ar 1 p tlii- 71 ,| p f \| a, Tieeigb idea i- an erroneous one. \mUr.t 1- :« f'- ‘‘l t-amo so gr*st vat It w ss with difficult'.- that I ’• th it H lltrwwuii. W t vein ., ,, ) IjtlK'fs I’h*lrt!‘lhir IIat la-i i (.* Ae/UfJl/. -a « v ARD 4 Na il. -t ! »' ! *. »v -i n<»r at keep fr o* rating much 1 ar l*twro, |)t * « * * •—j.f Portland ami •• iM»iiF.w *n fiorern r. -it :/ I:, was ihnlr rw I Woodman har'** li ne • | pn», J, 1 ■■ weighed sftsriay wrrr. added tbs wtodmiBm railroad oniKs w > SuUitan I -p 1 St*. v. '•\ford Kailroa*) hive to Ran tu «' its,* of tion -h il. It such I’* rham. Ewtiw d> ided hang*- l>irti«r. then l*a>kii g like a njers skein..I:, m -» .* M if* ,• p. *.?, h.v- »n ■ 1 4 K4eu. *.’> 4 h •-V- 1 " 'I-'** • !■ 1 .po Til. ’' from five was or.hr ninety-«•»- «* patrols w. *:« Oil! Ilrnrv It wVt 1 I »•- ilom., U.o < ., :i orre- ; ote I’ K-piihU- c — guag* feet -i\ in- to Pay prwaen: *:.* then a road W Kimball. 5i l*-iI imrl th. .i-oii toil >n«< hes, *•••■- ould i|rv I bnn4r*tf and twenty pounds. and f : t t lUnmrk T h:« lerd Lear..' ! if,. an* a. -urr to « i- th- *t.4!*- f,,r- •*- -o..|| .i- !• I--'.* l»-r. -jr.i ..|!i< tv ih- new hMaoii)o(|v<‘- ha*e »- of immense t., h'-r lJowr;lit | wi.ul.l enjoyed Bnlnlrm:pl*d health ‘ren!!i I t* 1« \. I» m advantage all consumer* SKcr\£. ilrop von ii lew Hie f ,,r .-I »r- tie rk fhat-n lie or his son. I >r J II er-k •! trade would hateh nl hui lit rain ! -J.f !, of the rhree-feef ; M"rt***e to 1.-. ».. .■ \V R I. It. in w in- the gil lie In Jr .still continue t see at their o«v. 1A lio: Wyman. 45 N M I J !i l-.uo* ra-* t-> hv patients » i. liedbam. a certain ol g.. :• -- h**|»r ^uiii .i- N- v i: I land *itn*u n Bauson Itangor mu A’i'1 .i nalur il rc.ult .n,r r t\•• kugl and will insure the «*xten- N.jrth ■ststh itriet, iTuiaVlphta, rrtry MaturUa- fr .«n haul. A. It. .p. h hen <■ ! © on-led i- spurllnjf. 11- in A M J I* M TVst who wish a In-Iham. and H 4j tli* *•• tt will ?*« 'it ii < •• J. •!t% -in ;J». a. d dat- tor f -he « Stamina 1 •">' footings, that ro.4.| from union to I>i*.,ir|d mi it South went \\ »«’ bants. \t,.l then 'P'i.c-hurl in mans part, of th.- .-.*c, ti n w.th t.*.s Keaptr'« set c.ndltu-n of: tu.-igs. and part U». lean .u-ir- th*M c logic of thi- a-cl in .one- ir" inii-. .-- bridge, admission of the II. It p in (• (,,. f ., i11• -. '*•" paticatscsn read.ly learn whatber thsy ».'* .-urs «i the range line t rwli to a -• >3iiij(Icr>, " $I'» 1- !• he built It Po| r •• Northerly etg! 15 % ry near an election. I.« H \Vt»n:* a l|oi| — ot 1 not A then, e | ..at*-' a ut of wo 1 twerit) !,.ur rod- departure trade to save I V I -ii- Ii It v I, ,, h.cl >. r I' c r 'I »t Bangor, *u| ,1 cff.-i The tirccUnaa #>r taking the a^dirtnes are adapter! a : trom only w.i- I»« i* „• »t th- J ■: i». I ouoty eading Mm kxport IL t: that tin* l>eiiHM*ra! mi.date t .r the Inte. H?ei»cw STttl of a cblUt I .^iow these d-r-• ri.-f-.s g.K.I. are 1 regular a. I iaf* Bv ron t*• 11 e We,'. .old at tie. much o.-ithi.-t.iti-. tin* il<->uth ha- -*.irt i| out f*rrenoiigh. hv his will, 1 bainrs »i: •! the N«»uth«-rly anti u.j mty Commissioner, 1 * * am! k:r rest, eire^m* fha' •-.ms >hi*r f! tt# -ell #.t In* t*- a 7:h \ i. nth. r t. t .on* vi 1.1 1-tf to >’! ; r- 1- *© a *tai e ; th. e .-f.riv v protii. 1 111. Ill.. w <• I refusing right * "I help |MH*r Bapti-t •duireties cases U.s Raadrakc l*Uis are U> be taken in u. rvased ill admit Who si lls siiiipiuui. j.j * prove ltd m.m, ..th- liurnM, iQ-i the M ,, v\ ft.,,,, N1 irsf, of pond the Ho k-t -t though: me., haul, \lt| i_-t, w, H 't u I el to thence N > we M v i'go amount other create appetite t*f returning health hunger ,s ‘hem at w ere oni v It are t*» liau a I »• m r in slier f! a M p, \ J-i-- vwtcrly a fair t'-unty Treasurer, hit. uti to*- When it as it wt.l r..ad » doing hu-ine... w later..I h-r _ ,• .; rhur he*. Wtiw armptnm eonaas, lot a>H.t!nin< Und M I* '1 » But hat \ / \ lt.,:it.,x < " hit*# no fu t'. r J \\ the dss£*a-rng at oac« of ^>**1 c.*.s«r i—.l hi d a: ner. thence to i- •• of th-u is the Tildeti. .V, ould tall hand- w.- Northerly ?,.g rea-oii for such a hue hi I on the i.nce f -i. wt, tbs 1. ths sweat is abated Can we yet n.f ; t „.(,„. cough ossna, night t im i"f fourteen «nd ope half »• <• ns-r- cry* K. ii»* not H.lirwly. ^ pai’u-hav- vet h-hi I iinr e*-nv-n- The la a short tkMbaCi f thsas mortrtd arrant -m» a• t- .uipete w ith cntiitie. International Boat Race. ireth. w.fh the but dim?, the*. -.t r.- Bangor in the race f..r tar.'.- crop, ami th--t n- now f -mrr _^ filllv »-■ br rt-ft -m e t,, I •• (h0 • Aj i- th,. lr; k trade- liav-e we Senator*, Railroad in Penobscot. |fl W'inm uj rr*n ji Minu s.-, jt :-r rv bsack a MAdaM are constant., k tsi u Meeting t, he.,l p.fir. ... : the record thereof Vnd the .ui I -. merchants as smart S- |»>rtltl-r ..in.- \. f.,r tv nsan.*/«./ dfiri th* Mandrake rvi* are a ataodard preparataa; whils \. I* capable Bangor* W. F Hadlock. cl —-- —... U»a. "*•'..* *4*»* 1- '•» |*» In !<• I'-r u- and l*!ehtinil cheap fVhsweaK cr..r '■ •* n-e wit th** of n — t' But we llii- t*• m* : at the -T.-r* «»f .1 -iah \ »r progr*-** 'he. eel .•• 111j third ««- p*f. yiactsric against osuaiupt.. *i »> .be un.|.-r-ig-:ed And W are not II. It. W arilw p — to argue il. 4*1 of its f. mus •—e W. this **• *» har e, \V question' l pr» 1 i.UatV a:. a tuo-t of 11. 1 he crew utxlmsn aforesaid. «h h ..- .g, .1. iiuiii. on the • »f the *h *t tl)«1H h.- "s»*pr. Ward IT-..-S « f th# Itt^aestlc and Vs»-x Toni.: 14 now we w ant to Moore. mi K-*j evening co-a,| .■\p.-"t, I hut in .one- Srnfp *1 l~ IwD recorded ;t, a; only of patt. -rock " '» t‘- JO a K j. -|.eak the teru.i- ha* ?.-* ii h> d -.-ii-*. l-mr-oar»*d ra« *• f edu\ in J1 min a Netis. |7 half J<«erj Maodraks f“T.*a. cants tor- Th*- otidr. mn In sai l M m »L- to to talk over «#ur interest* i- ill a h .. .. a 1st ¥ sals br a ! <1 'g nn- of the li’preneutatxre th* l^eaislature. in tie pr I eolcliti-iri a Cl- ,f .. ir- :!t ti iri racists am! ileaiers road. .|#.»-*d ! JI .••...tel. l'h* v *• *'* 1 ! We-t. and say a runic in two ‘ICO rgBUlWIN A ,n|C ‘ken the .:i• 14-. ,.-d go.nl < CO., Agents. Barton. ig k,j£. " 'fd for * H M Hall. » railroad from* alais t«* astine. All mam "f « tt. Mi-.ino -r- length- ahead. 1 vm- Ibes- a 'M a b.r-c'o-ur a-tiue for she deserves it. Itit.-r. ,r. ,crt ....ml. I. ud- hi: Dated Uu* twelfth ..; J It fe*»ed a d# •• interest the matter. the B glin- an 1 the hv day nber.A D i-Ti In ell we hate llelraan. 4u i» in Verdict of the in the Eastern much .1 c k.-ic I on a ,- ... 4-. ,, I'uvlor-Win-hip N said we-tart with the Jury Hail ] ,,f IT l» NOT A DICE A Wi n )DM A N *1. half * d ./. n IK IMAIIl 1. Whitcomb. w length*. l ; tea that we 7,7 1 he delegates Im-eu t«* attend the me# t- road tfr.' .1.i■ 1 111 ■•-’ 4• v «■: •, ii'.-; r«yh»r-Wm-hip Haki.k*. Woodman are to have a Accident. j., • f.>r the rrni.'t si «»f t i.i t- road through line d U f.nl at tie- kc-boat. The en- Ilyapepsik. .tnj.i * A III* i. a.- ->f lh»* B1>mm1 t.> the 1 KlNwortli were H u Min. •#? ud *»:i th*- -t.l • lers. K*lgar >. lYrkm*. l.* and> r A upon r. w h w it«*r our star,, win flourish and opje.-ifr grand stand. hecr after determined this matter, and * I*. win liw.»* ; it rt-imf t*d < j Kimball. 414 .roi.-t f .,r. h-er rent the air. 1 ue Years' M l«- Kie.t :• >i;.wiuan, 1-a.u It. <»<##Mlwin. Poughkeepsie Twenty-Eignt Practice. T"> R h.r, only remain- for the K-sp. -aith and o\-d > i.-w w i* 1 wide aw ake men h Sk*Tt ipp: hy hi.it atsuif f..nr i filth and Mckee erevv -ixth. ■ « jf. lie were :t « In tht? Trraliacot of I>isca*c« io »d«*m t Kcnulr* wh.. h<*-cn oiiiinitte* <•-!<»* k th ... »**»! til* •• | ointed. .in 1 ii.i* Ulrn -hall me, : in He- following p. 1:.- follow ugi*th«v*i- VI 1 lie fin' 1 pi a. i- to tin* Upon hers«H t;., .*• eity t„ R- 1 < given Biglius, aas hi m au Thursday ampbell. r*c : pl.t e.l lift. Lm>\¥ th«- ad ol allph> aictan* Administratrix ( the estate ot •l to call future Ac. t Janie- uiet w Ic-e -fern fie- uni-on with th:?* A. It. u»e**ting-. apt. 1 !i»- |»**o|ilc of t hi -'at** h.ivf hc.-u liv- pa--ed -take in»at only a opinion. >purl'ii4T. |«»4 I making such prmrflc* a »|«gcixitv au in direet*. „he but w — i the worst r*»«?■* of ter we have no Clerk Court*. eui *-f t!i«* train. th- .*:• cahoot til* i **i th.it ami liu " -irf Indebted to Mnttru.U the »aul i.-c* »,•- 1 II. It. al*out twenty * .. { Itoranyerngntt, fr**m Iek.it ever cause. u,ilL'* hcl.ever ill Hie Saunders. iiiinut-* pa-: 1.,. k oil I rMn'* change our politi* il re.■•»-«! **i» warns tie not ‘,n*“wl»*te and ;.,*e proverb that -where there 22 people to too much wh-v LlU payment Jr#wlhe iiti/en* oft a-tine a*-••nihh-.l place rue \ hav« ir v I. V. -v-umgof J*.* h .-I \ ■* Ail !etu*rs for ad must cunUin $1. Ofi demand* lfieee*>n to exhibit n* :- a Murrh. 97 day igu-i. n-ar rail til* **tli ■»{ \'f. K ■ will there i- a wa>. We ; in (i ifi "iifideiice in tiie which sain.* |or payment. au build a at •' ■ rej^.rts till tie* air »w M.VllO ARfc.1 MF v tlieir Town Hall. Thursday Sep*. 7th. road d* 1 1 X tin : iKynicorrSTKur Bosr 1* 1. ra roa 1 • w.- 1 ‘‘.it g if **Vt mav t in* will to do. Senators, p..i* b«*i<»r* • hat The is S H — t.» We um«t eilher i«»n*id**r tin- «»f aid T•» th-r find thv th** d r—t -..Mi-ion wa* th** King afflicted with internal con- Hoard furoishm! those desiring to re S. •jue-ti*»n granting \" *ill Ilincks. ]2»; ri\»- th.-. hut w«- an- \ Ukain e t.do this and -1 s* John S ik**|*vihli nr** ulsiotiM. hut s under tr> htm«*nt. -ill)#. >■ some other thing, which " the rail road from t al M»*t- Xnwtaml <*onductor -ay ierrbvg vesj.ubl.cn .1 K. HadUxk. 4J1 pr«»j**eted THE neern.-d, that he h i* H*e luN w .i «*t tile lien-rh train. v*-i> -angum** m th 1. i-t n,i \..v .a U Bo*l-*n l.i. 1 «?1.— sp.no Itr k p ,, follow, or ii|hmi which *.iid believe that it i« true that and f.,a* IaK' naturally make our H. It. w t » to Peter B. upon ru-nself, the trust ■: \u < up Ward well, «jh ..rd. and eh*ms.*delegate* attend th* w-i- thu* and \ |*-r*«.n* kdl»-d. .\*lit*ri >. B*»**th vv u In* r iif\? t»• n, ha- lninlstrator of the mind- that the-e two J. •»**r n > earnestly endeavored to se- ciUte of counties hereafter Moore. 174 to 1h- a! Ih-.wi, — •‘•#nveuti«#ii holden Fill-worth «»u .*f th- •\\bl ^ l'ullutaii eni.- the I’ll "ill re-ignation of Tweed and Con* EME M. TINKER, Ute of Bluehill. «dt. save a few favored train l h-former tail.-d to Charles C. Burrill, only -horc County Commissioner, ill. 14th ill.!. Ir. \V. Til.Irn ull.il t.. »otit\ th«* lat- U"!!> That under the -tre.ss of .a the untv of Hancock. f> Political aati Personal. Ponnolly. 1 eif«*s l*'ii**% atvKl >1 derese*l, t.v airing n«. b. K. t ji.al or other wi«- that hi*, th- d itr-lii«» ^•-li.l .1* the Ux he Simpiion. 4*< the chair J. M see hi* did last week tender his direct*, thereior. ivouest* Drr-ea>y. J74 lb*' l*rin*-*- *»f Wale* hi- returned t-> re-ignation to Hall. But Tweed Knthu-ia-ti<* addr**s-es were mad** after Mayo,- e-tatr. to make Immediate by r«»ad *ta'(iuj* aU>ut tweiitv wa- payiiiru: tuinut-*. England from the < ontiueut. m*t h» Im- down and Insurance A.^ent wb.1 have anv The County Treasurer. put -o; if infor- demandthereou. t .'t-amblt tb. Election. citi/eu« **f t'a-tine and I Now land Would have «►«* same io- pnuiiine.it evincing known had mation from l»enioeratie sources mav PETKB’H BLOC K, RlUsrarth. >lr. pay meat. C. W. H *ra< i»re* i*-v w ill rail **n e In* i h»* i*»rtion Tilde 11. 17»J he -.(.suited hi* watch: that tii- Chief Ju-ti. lwir oo i» a moM grafi- great unanimity and making it eertaiu that Pullman tru- ed in- met with Th« closest cxaniiu.ition of the dn iuoial LKVI II. TliLVETT Monday K. H. yjj w Chav 'luring hi- western Sweeney defiance, breely. train a-ov-rdu»* hy it* regular I tri|*. w K. < tax resource* to niiinin^ itil hKher their con tie*-: of the 4 -publican- the ‘astine will her the ut- through ion in I'ouditioD oiii|>sines r**i.rf»«-nt«-d at th<* the si in ■* throughout t>, th* j tim- 1 tie -aid Xowlaiid Ev-Gov. English i- t*» 1m* lav- RIB* R her© 8 Representative Legislature. having r-.ich*d sup|M,-«‘d the hri. K.olroad or I to .id otherwise, was able t* oocernad that she i, ... looked tor ;t de renietl for ui**-t. iT t lie act fMi of the convention -I1011M V'f the -g h:- l<> Agfn«-y Jeiirrtl. ,k majority H. 1»- ••uj'ine. r of Pullman train plan- aptur*- th** 1 :it-*crul• to cv.t lad M Hall. 55i j had such an influence over him as to |KNDte«l ha* taken ... herself ■■ Governor an nomination f.*r V ■ Solicit** written for an IVrhain. division- ami J. ! make it h»r her interests lo do -#* uuoh*tmeted vi-w ol at l-i*t hail a -l*r»*«!*letit. ui responsible Solicitor* Administratrix of the estate through It. Redman. *7 '-h:. materially the programme of that in le of in- 11— v. .*.. anil on lilw*r»l on the of tin* •I. F. \ ‘*te«l rlv 'ill- ..J ,if tj,, Th* II line **f f i*-i». M-<‘h*llati mb.i -u- Ajfenta teim-, and correspond AMOS WKSCOTl apathy part Republican*, and Whitcomb, 7h unanimou-ly. I'hat it i- the -en-e l- again chieftain. Mr. t'onnolly’s r*- -r l: r-d:i—rlv »-*.• nice d-|H*t lH-f->r* the roMU iu-nrioti**d in i-1-. «% *fi the »u solicited. !u t-OUQVv or decease* ,v activit\ and of this that this town can l»e | -igeat• wa-withdiawn. and at »p.no-23tf IIa^eock. 1, g,x,riL* ho|»eiulne--on tin* part of th#* HlA.'APITl'LATIoN. meeting, re- ion and present l.ond as the law .Urecu she •■ou'.d. and *h-.uM. have *.i-u th- rati** eundidif v for l*re-:d* t»t in 0 mint then-.-ore reuu»“t. lrCg. the Bing seems to t»* as circular tx-rsou. Who are I»#•!»»•« rat-. 1 he result. For lied f»»r the sum «»f r.4*. Indebted b. ;h* * », -bowing a hand* Sidney IVrham. upon 62.7u.oon if tad 11 iT lit of -a 1 t ram in *. a*ou to dcceA*ed'- avoid Wnllam is ever, each man «-*taUr, to make I*or Judge I. .ing-'.ti ••oiiiin!. e«| touching elbows right immediate payment, and tn -•tn* ga;n over la-t v-ar. ('liarles I*. Kimball. 425 he as th*- collision. who i- therefore, h tine should -elected the KaMeru term- i*li-jury furtii.-r find that ai \ and ‘eft with have any demand* th- i« >n t. suicide •^giuia fv Nevada. on F ri- his neighbor and faring the \t„. V'Ue tor >amm l O. I.uur. d. payment C A k >L1 N W 11 -ignitb ant as it i- a Representative to the Leg slat ure. ii- ot the road. |M*t iua*'er at llo-t*.ii. of #2fto K bv. FT gratifying fart. It in day. Ii) talking in *rpUiu**. in rju*equ*'uee plundered people New York. hut all jthbfrtisfmrnts. Jo* For M w.i* r* ini** in *luty in n«*f * ‘»rre* tlv tr.in*- if to*- while r»*-a-*ure- the whil«* it Henry Hall. Rep. 256 Voted to -end to the conven- financial trouble-. watching each other in the anti- Republican*. di-_ delegate# inittiii*r tin* order **f the •I- It. Redman. I*cm. superintendent to of At a 2W < cipation -omewhere. ami with <»Utt of Probate it u heartens the : ol. E. Nl N rg**r, the — treachery liuldeu E a Democrat*. ** tion as fo' low th** engineer *-I the Pullman train notorious >li J. F. Citizens. to l% of give general result, a- far a- we .V- K. Ive-.« J. Abbott. M'. H. M'itherle, ah-.el. the cut 1 o«* —4* from th** edneaday Sept. V. D. |»Tl. There was a fusion ticket started iu tiiis depriving Baltimore, vvhieh he thinks rest THK IM'KIlNK* Sfcl) tender ameer« thanks to an. \\ engin*-*-r of information that represents the citizen* \M T. A t < hav- I — and friends who so THOM o. Almuut to.day. edneadav. Ge««. k'. Tilden. ii. M*. Dresser. ol. M might he Sun of morning -av-: | nobly exerted raor up<.u town for ih? of ‘•pure Of course In* Saturday thgmse'vcs to the e-Ute of James purpose defeating » part eiiaM-d Ir.m to avoid Heverlv train. Th- democracy." “accepts ‘1 hi a.ive our property at the Are la»t WII.LI Greening Ute I;t- have received return* of Tilde a. K. A. Hooke. S. 1*. Tho. >. Wednesday last Mr-. Kb-har I B. mont. in -.aid < untr. the vote of Hi? \uye-. nior*- reinot** hut not the le*s nothing' |H»liti« ally Thursday night. HOI'KINs Jk MCDONALD. deceased, h.iv. g pr-^eule l regular Republican ticket. The c**rtahi muse on noliv made a formal * hi* final a«'«ount o a-t for transfer of half KUSworth. >*-ploin her 11. 1171. Iw37 A(ltntniairati©n uioti •. governor by lid town-*, which Fnlln. M*. II. Sargent. A. K. Adam*. s I* «*t tin* ae<*id**nt. wa* the Ex-S* r,*tary (,i*ieou \\**l|w jw -a: 1 ute object was to defeat Col. ( II. B. delay in the time to i md’io.i dollar* in l lor iTobute loot ampbell. have regi-tered inked States up a.- follows Hatch. S. W. Webster. K. 1 Davis. <»#•«» of starting III** train from the de- expressed himself in a l**;t**r to a (,*•*•- oom*- OKDkttKi, -That the s“Older*, ill? clerk. Col. Bev.-rly to her -on-in-Uu .!«**’ Fithian. Notice to Raid Admin* -.trator give , Hadkark one of in man citizen of St. l,oiiis. Road Builders. notice thereof to all M p«.l lh**toli. *ai*l d-lav h«-ing t the immediately telegraphed AKVl.LD LKOPojJALii will b«' recei*»**l b* I tn# ‘ruP> "{ Ma* Order to .4 Simpsou the nomi- hy gro** *to* miminatioti of Gov. B t irat/ Brow u ,ne.; tnr. mad.MjUa-v «*f'rolling k ite*- to \\ and mi weekR t barbs I’. Kimball deiu d4.4.Ni» Voted. That the «*f thi* a-hington entered on the books O Commluce >tr*«U at the olc« ol Haie A •u«ve.*siv©iv mine Ei .iworUi Amern nee for proceeding* t<*r tin* *:if- an*! for the iirmt#d m County Commissioner. '*a.y transit <>] 1‘re-idenry o* the Kmer> ity So'n until the J.ld dav Ellsworth, that th. m »v .- .- tim**ly Ireasury Department. Mr-, inn* itors, .Satarday t: k A t* oil at rot.ate court u. l>e in Tort land. p —Iigei Haul roa*l. j*he fur- toiv. lA--ile.ot **epi. m*t., Bixin, for the building of a new be h u len at on the l!>-lilib!ii i?i in ii.i hi meeting published Hatigoi jury* Ke'itileky. has no'lv -till and a l- EUaWorth. appointed pothree half m •t-m-t ’o lie oju-ne.l in Kliaworth. from Main Ut »' ednesday of th«*r limi that delays in uine ol G**n. 11 Waite October n. a- a: u-n .,f tj,e am) Kllsworth fr-.pient Fayette t^iiiiru*rma*ler- liou do'lar- ot botuls.'* Street t.» ■**tate >’.reet. clock in the ltr.l-REr-KSTATlTKS Ei.ectmj. papers. uureg'.-teretl lorerioon au 1 sbevxr a;-- :j The '-itil'- town* last Ellsworth, -tartmg. oe«*; -ioiie*! hv e\iia or Geuerul. and •••>m.n:--l**ued a,.j year gave Perhain J. M'. Dresser. See*v. excur-ioii Judge Win. The plan. «p«*cin. ation*, and terms of payment they have, why the itmu should not be aiiovve l. •lobii F C itizen*- Mains, d < A*' tu*r he -ean at Whitcomb, and delay• niMtilng of r**gular train*, A IVyor in-Pit Judge of the llth 11 »> Jt Kmery's offl.-e lh*- I’AKKKK Tl < K. I * I Robert* 3 git -a Hepubli- Judh ial Thk s\ul*.-Pox in [.* iWkli..—We have A ludg. rep thu* to th- proposals must meet the spe. flcationa m e»ei v true copy— \tXOnt bK". \. can. Mi. Isescrt. Ac.. W. H. adiling |M-jiU of railroad travel lhstnct. a- ( hief Justiee for the to Dn.K lh-g r,-r of i;..Vl3 tow Preble of tmexpired good reason believe that the truth about majority lire ns to be beard j The Maine Election. the „f term of t ‘ ran. hy n-ee-ity telegraphic comintini Judge Uoherison. the « IIAKLEA Isle*—gain—two uiaj. Thomas N. -mall-pox in l.owell ha- been sup- JOY, , Coi,. m Sm HI BEK trom. last gave —ation with trains .,*i th,. S ..n hereby give, j.u tjl..; noli., year P-rliam .1.412 Such returns a* wr have •( the Maim n.ad. the ,,| s J \MI t lIooPEII 5 majori- Lord of fue Jaeksoti !*»»ot the prc-o*d. and tiial the loatlisouie disease THK ‘omernrd uwl ,ae ha* been ; Bluchill. Ac., Rep ; Isaac I.. Par- tor 4ay Kepuhliean KUAJftW McUOWV > Street*. I? V dulv *n- pr**p*-r Uiriu .. ty. If they iiave done this year no lielter election trill In* found in anot tier column appliance-, *afety of trains, th* oi is |. i:. rui ill n.ui ..it., n.ut. *”“•** .U.| hu uk™ kerMil the party to-day st.*ongec than 1*71. upon tnul trtdgc. Item.; W. W. of ri*k from tire the use | KIHwo-ttl. 13, Jw37 »n A Inuuistrator of thee.t .m ol than did last ir j Bragdon Frank- At the time of our going to press «e have aueoduig of ever more abated if not with they y Perham's majority *iv*- explo l>«*tore, compact, more deter- unceasing fa.alny. *'n- I** p.; W ended heard from 140 in which J'erhaui bnrnhig fluids, the w ant of a al WILLIAM r- LLEurOS,Intern w ill rea.-h at least i Sil-d.y of Amherst. towns, aiding mine*!. ami better organized, and that it* Prominent citizens that were wiping ElUwurUl ll.uOO. It may even th*' Saugus B.miclj, and Notice. In the Lounti jI 11*11- go User has 42.. 171. Kimball. 34.40S. the etitire insutfl success it* the ciiougu that tin* truth gs*. .tee,.**,.., ,,, Rep.; l-le. no doubt a coming is certain should be concealed Lou.l *, a- a- 12.000. I I>emocrat is cienev *it campaign tke mb,,...... high I nder the circumstances, tills must l» a-eomiu1_e of the Third ( quarter following dncriled Mer- pa> and • Republicans ’oilg.esw- tiio*< wh > h;»vt- demand* thinks that the vote •KLANU DISTRICT. isfactory result. The Democrat* |iav< inn-,1 I li.lrlnl ..4* <»t the that it extends ah chandise. vi* any thereon to exhibit aggregated this year that the city, through the -aiat- for been like beavers, and couti President a.nl Directors of East One of J payment will be 10:1.000 working they th'-ir ria>s**m and conditions, and that the au- Keg Whotkev containing * Gallon*. i',i' against 98.*76 last year._ For Representative to the ern Railroad differences by Me-sr*. • BABY A. FULLERTON, Legislature calculated down tin cnrporation are. to a withdrawing are G4» 5 deutly upon cutting grea thorities no measures to ** ** taking isolate M *» The majority last year to. 9.20*. extent, Clark and Stevenson, and presenting a limn, 3 j lirland—Condon. (rep. i none; Part of last liveoi responsible for the loss of* lit, the ca.se» At n Court M Probate holder, ridge Republican majority year by new candidate and prevent an increase of the *t K:l-worth within aforeeiiiij. upon whom ail can unite. the «»me having been seized, and ... lor the IIam.OK. s».jit. 11. Hie 39. six thousand, wbile of them evet • forfeited for County ol ... eleetion in this (deia.j Castiue—Condon. 99: Par- many Gen. Shields pideiuic. When flags are on violation of the Revenue law*. „„ tile 11l,t off is named tor tin* nomination. placed We.lne.day of sept. A. w. Is7i. city pa-*.*! very to-day. had of the StateTin houses are quietly little tridge. 101. Brooks hopes carrying they taken away the occu- WU If. SARGENT. ACBTLS more than a ville—Condon, 71 I tie indications of a by STEVENS, Guardian two-thirds vote thrown. apathy of the up to w ithin determination on and in the mills I oliector of Cnatoma. of Henry v 81. k. being 78. Republicans w'e*t tlie pants operatives go from The vote for Governor Partridge. Partridge's majority. 48. week or so the Ellsworth. Sept. 11. 1x71. part of the Administration to entorec Cantina, Sept. 7, l*7i. gwS7 was:—l’erhaas of the end of cjmpaigt interned chambei* to their employment 1-4GG; Kimball. 1119; Mr. Editor. \oti tile ku-klux bill lias aroused tbc Demo- satd ^ 1 Hichborn.l; last year OOl'LDSBORO DISTRICT, seemed to leud support to these Demo [sintHi a statenien without regard to the The ship upon estate tor Probate: cratic and it i« cousequencex. Roberts, Democrat, had 601 mak- cratic notions: when it w as seen some time since leaders, said the Democratic dis* axc ix Full Blood Bull. OKiiKitau.Thai Uk aaat majority, though of the Orde virulent, the fatal Jersey Guxrtiiau gtv* non *, a like selectmen of the classed | Independent National « exceedingly t<» ail per won.* ing Republican gain of 937. Tile R. towns o as it was !>v the Kunba'I circular, wha Executive ommittee will issue a r. »ult >CKSCK1BKK haa a Hoe blood bull, about interested, by caustux t |*i»e | of Good and frequently occurring in forty-eight the. order to bean- elect their Templars its Officers in thi remonstrance the sixteen month* old, handsome a three Representative* ami coun- Gould*boro. Ac., met in Sullivan It airv castles were built tills Re against proposed ei:- r.nd sometimes THE picture, bej>ut,ll«hed week,%, «»m> to-day being u|s>u In twenty-four hours after which tie will *ell at a fair yin the 't was forcement. price. Call and »e« American, minted nt tb»t ty officers by about tbe same in a place, not correct. It was sen t tb., Ellsworth, uosjonlie* as etaopare votes for publican apathy, it di>appeared grea th** f’rsf attack. him may at a Probate to tliat Representative, mud th< People recently vaccinat- JEREMIAH WOOSTER. ap|«ar Court be held at gi\en to Perhatn. measure a man Hancock Neck, Kll.woith,in raid on the Democratic k ami carried with it all Mr. Kim you by in the I'romlnent Ifetnocrats ed have taken the disease and Sept, tf, 1971. 1wi7 county, end Wed of .jet Rep follow is the result 1 living town of Brad from Dliio admit died with it. reseutatives were ing (excepting Nos. 1C 10 t‘“ chosen last ball's 'Pie total vote that the there and a nuralwruf forenoon, and .hew year. and 21. gorgeous hopes. ley, who came bi to visit us. I will party has abandoned all h--ge children and young iwiii*?rt“ °t.ibt'Liockha,e- not heard from): giv. bc-r c securing i*. present her on my account, a* I "ball rejoice tlieir victory in the State, and majority. at pav no debt# con- h, rellT rvea notice least ten or eleven thousand. West S Senator in of the of the Traded her after public Ellsworth. Sept. 11, 1x71. plaoe Mr. Sherman. abatement disease, is ojkjii to by this date. THto' aMBHC1u that the fa'r is EKEDEKICK G. Tiie of people who can. attend tlx accomplished by over, let us hope that the SMITH, late of Surry, reception speaker Blaine when be "'*• >"*w have *“ 1Loon tv of bright attempt to make for tin i eighty-one members, witl Journal: The committee who liave will be to. Picked Up Adrift. Hancock, dcceaaed, by peine entered was Railroad capital charge small-pox thoroughly attended ml as especially enthusiastic and meeting to-morrow, **A*kRS the law directs be therefore all Thursday out of flic in tin the names as a and the further of the Island ami Little Duck request* Democracy depression | following Officers: Henr of the getting up course of lectures for spread contagion yN person^ who are to demonstrative, aud w hen he took the stand No doubt it will be a full By"Gland one ten pound indebted the said deceased a and an earnest shipping interests in Maine, will be seei checked porgie net, with a estate, to make to a few wosds E. the winter are by vigorous measures.—Boston mark^ K- immediate payment, ami those speak of thanks aud con- of the the vote Treworgy. Worthy Chief coming making their ar- ba°y Bragdun, and paint who have meeting business men of the twc by in Bath, the shipbuilding iiead j Templar rfrri.Ut I ed"I the owner any denuaad* thereon to die red, can have the same exhibit lie gratulations cheers were and Mary Smith. Ia(1 Hand rangements as as by proving* * ***or •^tUemeut. F. deafening counties, as quarters, where (bare was a net Supporter; Carri fast possible, and are property and A. RL RN H AM. The well as of large Republi paying charges. 3W41 prolonged. Republican in delegation, can of Dollard. majority from other gain 215 In ubort. the last "ui * Right Haml| Supporter; Almir; now in correspondence with some of the ibis city is three times as points. Able men wiU be in —* WM, nearly large as it departure" of the Maine Democrats serin! H. Harbor, ever was Hooper. Worthy Vice leading lecturers in the At a Court ot Probate holdeu at before on so full a vote. attendance, and we to Templar; Joaepl eonntry, among Ell a worth within may expect to hear only have carried them a little fertile an.l for the of are County Hancock, ou tbe i.t from Stanley. Worthy Chaplain; A whom Kev. W. H. H. and W oi them on this important We than usual up Bah river. Myra Murray Lost. edne»,lay August, A. l>. IS71. subject. ^otirfs. PKEHEKICK f. LOW —The Imperial papers west seem to talk as Thompson. Worthy Julia F Horace The International Tele- BETWEEN MAIN ELL, Guardian of Kick- if hope that there will be in attendance those Secretary; Greeley. STREET and Mr. Elbridkc LMIurd. Assistant minor., and ehildisn of had w office lias been removed from the RichardKchirt^ >. ?U *,,**•’ Washington County gone Democratic. ho have matured a to —Milliard A Butler's extensive Secretary; Albion K graph 5 Lowell, (ate of in .aid plan cany out the tannery Who is Dr. Wilton? Count) Buckeport, Trom our advices this Hooper. Financial 1 an ••■** vi deeea=ed. having presented hi. Ur», ac county is as true as It at Secretary; J. Ea-tern Express office to Washburn's marked on the t^rk and enterprise. depends a good deal in Fayette Mills, was burned to the groum I By.01 We have Wilton'* LlUrrli Lore steel, lor The Under will b«t£- aud has elected its ticket en- Hooper. Treasurer; Aldin W. bookstore, the American House, the curt of CaUrrh II will .Ik, our. Hold ba’suit- county •Urting right in any busineee. a Saturday at 11 o’clock, together witi Treworgy opposite If sur- night ».:!». rooUum he aud and we Wl* Mr tf«j said Guardian tire. and w a Neural*!., will re- give given Governor Perham a is Worthy Marshall; Hose K. Carter. here line office has been titled with fund the limner I ooCice thereol to all good vey made this fall (and H should one dwelling house and Depup up for erery Imttle that doe. not belt S&’BS&X&aJB*-' persons interested, by rau-- be.) oiu-btiildlngs the ° h VTt "EI “•* a oi this order to Mar-liall; Jda Carter. Inside taste. It is in of pattern. We invite every one to call at on' copy be published three majority. operations can be Part of the bark to Guard; Jame elegant charge Eugene Klltwonk, Ropt. 1.MI.*11 weeka id fee commenced in the belonging the tannery •tore au.i test the medicine, with * verr ^ successively American, printed in L. Outside inaenioui tin If a Brown, Guard; Amaziah Tre McDonald, w ith the and accommo- f.TE*r Ish.umo Trait, coot. and worth, that they may appear at a Probate Spring, charter is obtained and was saved; cause of tin polite frtt of untie <- —The proprietors of the Island the partially insured; i) them.elves ot IU menu ourt to be bidden at Rucks on ibe Wed- Ledge worlD- Chief Dasie before pur.-hai.ia* FALSE port, 34 and means ; Worthy Jame Miss C. late of the ue^day of i^pt. B&xt, at tea oi in House. ways raised. unknown. The buildings Templar; dating Brown, •. ». WWCM * ALAR.M. the clock the Wells, have entertained over 1400 large belonging F. «•., Apetbecartm «»» forenoon, ami shew if Hooper. Lodge Concord. N. H.. office, as (NMIMU Una cause, way they have, why to the Dana Tool Co. fln Deputy. operator. ELL8WUKTH. j Krighi the same should not be guests at their beautiful new bouse Edge caught MAINE. ■ »u °«r- rail and allowed. jWk this The people of are Wlntor Stock of Norway agitating and would have heea consumed, but to ap.uo.emo.je PAKJLhK TlCA. Judge. season. So successful has the new hotel the —The town of Wilton is now free A true Copv~AU*st: Gso. A. Dr&Jt, propriety of building a railroad horn from BOOTH and Register■. been, that the tlasely arrival of a of Kent’ 1 —The Knox ami ; SHOES an ell part to contain that town to large body Lincoln Hailroad Co the sale of Intoxicating drinks: not even For Sale. sixty Mechanic Falls, them to con- ; raenlTnd, and wUI b, Mkl —— CALL rooms Hill students, whvse aid the 1 have a new imwmr M mmj AT THIS OFFICE will be bum before next summer. a by building just completed ea: or beer are where to nect with prospect road to passenger aider any be purchas- Mkn Mm* la to* of Lewinctoo. wars saved. tor Sutn Main,. AJfD GET their road at their works in Beth. ed- YOUR R USLSKSS CARDS I RDiwortn, nopt. 7, inn. 1‘’‘tmbo^ wMA «mm* bt • •/ eaetiUtij '“•* to **- *oM. and there is no prospect <>i Ellsworth Pri<*. Current- ir.. P. HOWELL'S COLUMN-! a h>*» of tiftv per cei*. on the M A HR I E D. Of tfllsiuortl) ^ntrrinm r»-t. l'tu DB. E. B. CLARKE S in su u/lntcj':. pn. cm has not pruv.-d to lie worthies.; CotneM WmUj. VBOETA IIT,F. <>n th- Ellsworth-Sept 9th. at the Congl. Parsonage THE NEW DISINFECTANT! coutrary, under this Invention, Apple*.perbu.$3.00.New rotaioei.«0 a < bv tier |)r Mr. Francis X. Golf 14.1871. -SO » Tenney and Miai THCRSDAY, 8BPTIMBBB ! •(jaolRmr*. I Ltxxie E. X'aaoa both of properly rondneted. a« steel can he Lawrence, Mass. good Penobscot- be William BROMO OF Hi tter per lb.Watt Round Aug. dth. Grindle. E*4. CHLORALUM, Wine Bitters. HARTFORR, HARTFRRR, CRHN. made a* at llog.* a Frank II Sellers Sherry tecal Udiimr. any of steel. The It*m«. Ca|4 and Miss Ida 1*. Littleflel. \. K. manufactory per bu.4.00 Beef.»ro. U**M m hotel*, u fm—lay in April, 3*1 WfdBfaliY **■»' 25 a m 11 am.12* j private dwelling*, restaurant*, Maehtaa 4th. at the residence of the l»nde* *« w ..ine«da? in Oetobrr. ing like a prince iii lioudon. lie has 11 -Sept. public hk\n»..II llanl JI AOaOjO boaL*. tenement house*, market*, g.®* | Wood, for water 1 m' » closet*. urinal*, re**- come* from the of .I 40 per a*k Mill.1.00 a 4 •* sink*, sewer*, a*p> »kt —Sd Wetnesdav in kl»v pockets English 4 •• stable*. Ac. H January. capi- Mt>«!.14*1 Fleece Wool. ,.„vi »v |KM)ls. scpteni^wr the fruit* of hi- A specific in all contagious ami «!i*- talists, brain labor. hut -I MX l>» Pulled.. .5*1 to !a 1) pestilential EASTERN, OF BANOOR, ME. IED eases, a* « holera. typhoid lever, ship lever, ‘mall- not one rout has he ever received from the pox, scarlet lever, ineasle*. tli‘ea-t * of an inals, Assets, #237,628.00 VATIC AD VSRTLSKMXSTS. Ac Prepare<1 only by i stockholder* of the llurksport Steel V\..rh-, MARINE LIST. Ell-worth-S»)4 7th. Lela. only child of I) I* and Jane Wilson. aged 17 months TILDEX A HE. tW Hllllam »«., A. 1. ini. Hopkins A MolMnaid and he ha. never acted dishone.tli t... Ellsworth 1th. K. oolv s.*n of N «■ t -Aug Svdney s»R all druggists. A l> GIVK I'S s Road Builders Pori of PIUworth < lyr D* w ard- a|4 Roland and Bon rev. aged 1 » re mure 'fntlee \ A C WiwiAmr the J.,ur„ I. Sophia rear. ® OF I company.—[hsimebec month* mid 15 tlai PUTNAM, HARTFORD, CONN. r. led up Unit. T > ManW) sAILKl*. « w K».I‘RK.sI MATIV I El K Assets. l( argent. Kilos Ells. >YeliiPM|*]r ftth. #*00.000.00. n» Book mt ray "• Merchants! » OR III— VV e lose li Impure Furr*r*on \ Y»»k. Apis, Bate, § U..».*d Jm< Bull. J W oster sotue represent at iv... m \ 1 let Ilopton List of Letters. " !*b kmitk • New lalrresl and Rnsiaru p .(«■ \V.-|rh A ♦ *rifilth• t hi* 'lo i- rn Tables IW*- It* Ilutfins, Ito-iiMi. ! gad. 1*71. ••n f! t.v fpi.iso, from one flat t«* lit. tear*, .vt tr I*r> N Kiee* fteptrmlier « n-..it. t >r. It >«t.»n i1 h IS int t "mi QUINCY MUTUAL, OF MASS. tines. Alonxn |». I, A poal t lid, for QUINCY, " 2 Abbott. Martha J. •■**• Irtltf Ellsworth. John K. hltcomb. citizen, \KK1\ Ll) • Ifeat* Waaird. s.-n-l lor is Emery. W a lace llall. t arro Mr*. | Assets, sample Cf»p\. with \«nit*i circular I Urm*. A* #417,171.00. elected. Mr. V Holme*. Hattie Ilia Isaac • Local and Other Items. hitcoinh is republican, llr**.tr. linker. K-chUnd I.iodman. » It "Ml I II ,tiu Publisher* 1% Before "cnai»r. hitmore Ho*ton. Person* railing for the above will please »av Detroit. buying your 2 he was not run <>n •' Michigan. o although the straight M Kennedy IVinrov. !.***»■.u advertise.I I» MrK VKI.AM*. T M of Dock Root, '■***• fi«jvi rti«#-tn**i»t IViwbscui Mu«tcai ticket. He is a railroad man. a matter of JvMLKH. CoapONd Sarsaparilla, Rock Host, Wintenrreen, Dandelion, Wild Cherry. Th -rough The undersigned continues to insure some *th. colts. ion. importance to n*. Thursday BAIM j LEADERS. wort. Prickly Ash. Poplar Hark. Rhnharh etc. " mi II \rclier M |seater. Hrwti-k. lioaton dice, Headache. Notar f !• FamYrn* thirteen I»ctnocraf- and blOHbl W.RATEk. Trankfwtt. N. 1. MEAL. Nfomarh. Pile* and long standing, Humor*, and ail reliable Companies, at his new on Ye publican ordinarily would have Is-rn akkiy 11) Office Republican* voted for Mr SpnrHntr. sllORTS. nrirt from rrn unhealthy ttat« t' ■ S. kl •. I ., Herb*, and the knowledge of their great service John B. -1 CONGRESS Bcdiuan. E*u-. was the demo- '! kcnnedi IS itirot llo-lon suffering man cannot f« I t--<> re-el voted BENT wlntrr OVERSHOE t COTTON SEED MEAL. humanity, thankful Ui|*r«>Mitaiivc from (.4- M e •! Whi'tak«M It0 RK kl.ES lo hrrak ! vote, of an election. Mi l l». VO TKOI RLE lo pot on I — th«* week over PORK. During pant forty Fridav Hep. «nh V»t,<.rnlrrl, Ntjllfh! TO ALL PERSONS, LARD. I , to Boston. Xf:w Vobk. I'hk i- i-am1 v»Ke* have been printed at this State Items. I *I|M >v»da Bo*:.< amfoknIa, ami all West, for A • e, |t »*ton BITTER, points office. If a Life of Health an 1 ■1 Long Happlnesa -aic at this 2«t.r 1 •1 1 » it,.i 11 Otlkc MiltlYKD j DATCIITQ ‘tro;i|f iieese. Is deaired, let these Hitters he taken, VI l*im lilt »‘. « a «ti particularly —The IRl LW I 0 «pcri In the and .Seasons —The Committee on Street* notice twentieth child of Mr. Etvrn Milll- 1 .n*'« II ?!. t alai* tor N York " Spring uf the y ir .»■ l j^fre >' F HIWONDS us Main "f II 1 it SVRL'P. the in W wpdally hy -lasses ..f ken of ► iiitak- i. It «t«»n. following p*--.pi<- TH K »* they will receive fur build- Brigliton wa- horn on the ~J.| jn.t -- Alt The HittlAXlC. who, fr >m his minshmt in proposal* > A ILF I* rl.ASSEA, door Labors, not sufficient ac *•«« t.. the 1 — having _ new roa 1 from Main t 'slate -troct. flier.- are *H. patient. In the Insane >atur-l»y. luih SI OAKS ALL KINDS. bracing and refreshing air out of d r« !* ..m-« weak •ned at the nervous, and War in —— him stomach, si.-klv, 1 H til-north « a: M»> IViiuin, pale B. B. started MYd- Hospital Augusta—1'| male-and his food n t nor rlv Europe \ m1. IV.iiU. It <*t- I.,r .. should take th-se Hitters, and t. in <>r leni.de*. < l» freely I a .Iph. l%OuP|i E>. TEA> In system up. strong, — Kre:it variety. ii ime with th** ciub at that There** a woman in Lew condition t-. go through the warm wcatli place. Uton who < prime AHIllY Ll» OEEEI RICE, DRIED APPLES, ami the in g*x>d shape, wkh his constant lah- r*. Th* Lowered the Price of Goods ♦,J»r»»* daily -Me < < a W ■ an learn that apt. orueisu* W Mi*- day d<»ln? washing hat toe. "Undaf Illli l*-»t I oil o tii..anting 1 cleansing of the !»• k AC< in the citv. pn*. — ■ Root, Dandelion, Poplar, and Ash H i- :, AT— *t 1 mi Mi.i who to \\ sh< want of more ll inker i: •< k in 1 Prickly auutc-i g *? any rij?ht-. Is shat will bring him up, and make him. 1 iliiert »n. It >*tou pi,-. once more a — cally speaking man! T>. h* a!:h. •!.**• I mi•!-!»-:: 1 a: AI bant Brick in a l*om«*my. letter from Suit "All Ll*. HILL OPKHATIVl: will find this Medi.-m- A rrrj 1*1 a1' A»»urtiuent ot W. G. \ \ *rk t ffw ila\ « *.ii < tlis t*» cleans- the b. -■ str. & Fake ity. -av- that one of the Mormon Mondar 12 lb. very thing 1 and ng.hcn Murphv Co’s., the system, and milt .in 7 lf.trinf f, fit,' eery Whit ha\ ♦* taken the Store — 1 '1 !. i*. .Ifwsie < i I; mret. It •*!.>-r TIM I. Ms' \i *t.i II ? in isi;». man >elurr an t rnp ly. U. Island, ami Mr. l*nrcU*»r. ,,f Klla- •he will be rest, red to YRRIVEI* BOOTS & SHOES speedily health, beauty purchased for 4 A>II. t and The HO\fWT k Alt HI It. *1 are the — Tu* .a-. Itth. Tarrant EffVrveacen! Sel'wr bgoyancy imong \umning surg* n* i: *v I»t Hi ker, of the Apriient < p.i-tor Bapri-t th- LFKtsV *f .1 LUnrCK, >■ ,1 Hunt. I It* « »tt»• -1:ti M:i, !'»r .i liar, ?e|h*nn, !to«t«n 1« •lupii< I.etlr ^ wonder fu! HEX OE NEDEXTAKT HABIT* — ths church.at 1 Aiuru>u.( '' <*• 1 V uitemplate* re-ijfiiinj; \ •••i. It I Is >..-ir M-di'ine' After ■•!!•* it, w | COHN, -•'eon-I to mir.** e\.-r tisi-g y,,q »■* hi- t<• ", Mnilli. Latuoinc as In from *-r» usirn The i* «•» "flared here. for \. be Tar* t th** r**a. hers' In*»tiriir«* to pastorate, arcepf the »..p Holphtn, Has removed to the Store known Bought with it. It will improve you twenty- w y>r in pi \ t;o4 >o-c Soon*tarv-hip •ettle.l * < "MIT I* whether artifl- wily me-in-atf A •'ll. .1* i- the entire *tm k. an l to -old fvc per cent. The HAKIXEK will find it th* >. ot the IIau« k Hall State M ojonarv Board. not be to th***e wht h ImrM * V. fr*kcn Mondavi xt Jt\pti-t the e.pml >ti Iroin " best medicine in the world f his use. it msk * * «>TToN 1 | i> j|, | t >EKD MEAL. 14tii tl»e I ■ > > m. ait *• live. Wednesday nrtli I \. him, while at s«-a, hcartv and rugged, and captM* IX t. \ 1 Saturday 7th, hare been i*s»ie*I firm in ha- received an ur- 1 Hi'"-™/ k It.AP* .«! em. when Bangor undou. '.fdljr purv and ir if gr.at endurance and exposure, awl when » SIloUTS, the fuel Mmla Whittaker. float*>- •here, U renovates his and restores a:. re- week. dcr n»r -iv pair-* of No. 14 ui«*n’« boot-. t«> blood, 1 AM' *ter. *. I and age. It -i. Hoots and Shoes Opening hK < awarded the Massachusetts Chari t- H ..I r l: h s-. wirr. vi' « « 5 plaint* Ur an* Diploma hy c. ( Mj h cantor who i- t*> wear ik. * hil lu ll Hr **si ■ i.l > |‘t rI* •ellinp to r|o*o out what \vt> lay evening by Prof Kv. rett *>f them. \ t’rorkery table Mccbauic Association. I all on -r- |2 I <*.•»! ti. IVit'Ib’t. t i,« '(funna, t «.re S kind-, constantly hand. Everything n*»w « hand.i below in order to rur iia-van! I’niversity. For the ia-t two week*. a thousand i:|w-i*th, !*•'•• ». tKEi) bt " i -old at ihe lowest market Coun- ► SHOE pri-e. 1 : CITY STORE. 1 r*>»m f*r th*- II i* and < I * h It * llal < -ip Department he.td ot hr*/ cattle have btfn N anil Mi* viuniu, nnU'T L. M. try produce ’uken in exchange. Between one ami two o'clock Fridav n-cem-l iiill. Mi"Q, Hatch uun ROBBINS. r. -ton flax -r, <1- i o h * « < week from the State of Maine at tin 1 it, heat an I I .'tr.rf* \ ph ml ft ChfimUt anil I>r u uu I m t, Vl.l. AM' >'EE E-. ig an «»ld house in aatine. owned \ MUk J * LD Wi » ff ’.'i r• :ik ! KMti: u Hr ••tu t. I* v hlulf Muier. float*>u M ia Me a. *u Hatch, and a* Brighton attic* Market. are thin iu A Maine ROCKLAND, ME. M* Ml A lately occupied Thtjr Mn th. ujca»‘-a. G. Ill'll Y CO, h- '* f Dr. E. R. tle-h. owi:i*r to of feed and • ! T »Bcr»r, lk>»1 n. Aid Warier. N Haver: Proprietor i'Urkr's Vege- •ardiug house. was by lire. the-earrity } 1*71 destroyed \ a* »u table Nherrjr Wine Bitters. Ell*worth, April 3. till r**KTi *'l*-.\t •*?ti hail Pi* rcc -. ll. lrg -rtm* Formerly ** ■ 'I- ►ell at very low HENDERSON'S manufactured in was over a hundred years old prior-. \ I* s J end** It- t.-n bharuii, Muss. « w 1 / i.* Pop# Boston .1' « K«M KI CM*.—The ju t AITIOX »t *H‘--iip..-d by British Ih av that a * 5 H FAMILY EXTRA—owing g 5 * a f..1 r.i ca, It. •* ton lie..* •» CASES, REMOVED! LIQUOR and a*l<- f the*. Huu rs. w.-. rtb..-ss uni- 1 I*.- M:w (jOO!>N! Ea. I-.- popularity •me i th* war « r M a -arat. Ml • uriug Revolutionary .N.JN -hop twlonxinj: to \e he mi ah **\ tat. may cm- up in the market. is u ! -• — > Ar *ih. h* • an>l:m- tjrai-t DRESS GOODS, Haiti value your -if.- and health, h* sur-- ! g* tl; g- mouth ■* Mr. I>. I..* orHoeVlaml. wan burnt on Monda\ I" a ’..a Kn t -milh | "• Roy Sanborn a pia'ii*’. .1 *i scn.th. jfc., |r., nine Hberry Wine Hitt4‘rs Sc*- that tie- I* rtr.i ! T *!■ rr umerly ch ed by H. J». Wig* in. » « o xt I *rt. -• • 'cnii ^ and MhWi. Kr.lcv Dr Clark-- and my fnr-ti n/< signatures ir skilful tuner, who is well re*** with it Mime lime «a**k** New Store! New Store!! upun it. lien w \ thu LaJsl uf each WUl 2v\> utiwr is •• ltU.UUilrr I Hlire *|,,1 ,.t |In* |l< geauutt. ■. nil if lu.r cikidsnt > A i* **. i I* ^»ak. 12 ... d» ! * ; Poplin*. JteDine-*. Print*. Flannel* i- ?!»«•**• owning the best ;n- i-k I.r-'r.v '•jx.i.'r N x Hon 1 HUM I -| \ (N | Ml I.l %||w. d | kind-. "!*••, !icg* at th« lx *t of New Store! New GoocLb! uts * « 1 M.n *• bargain*, IN in this muty and others, will "auki.v. —The Tree /Ys*« -late, that I H-ai ’-*#rn lb*t*n m-S heol by E%|tre*« I » I» H -t *11 b •OLD BY DEALERS MEDICINES. I- a. tiiant. *u«rku»n. lining*. Drilling*. A fin*- uiortipcnt of lycarl'J E.I*worth this week. nal!\ the " .irren Shoe- II IIEM'H^A r. 11 a 1 -i \. w V a prof**»« Company will build three \r 7.1. -*!i« 5laria 11 »uu, Palmer. and K W and in *h *rt, everything, that gm** to .1-1 r«'. «*;\. | a fine stock of double tenement Is liar: I * 1*1. id# h ,\ \\ -; Ivnna « r<* •mi and aft* r the 15th itist.. *h. boarding houses, each »'■*• a m Argo i« >1 Jauir* Tildeb Jordan, |***rt Johnaoe Read This. k hrat-cia-* I >lt Y t»« i|>> *Ti iKK. two «torie? in 1 t-u Wall*. Laura K hmaot K Agents! ive B'Uisey's Wharf. Ell*w*Tth. f r height. 35x35 f.-ct. with I. »Mn***n e I » < t I < ut rt. -m :h. 11.. ■ ■ k I- n We 1' Bu?iue.« Id SHAWLS. will pay Atf'-nt* a '*alir. of f; per week * ami are M I II .. I '• Ar rer: « WATCHES. CLOCKS, and JEWELBY very Monday, Wednesday and building improv- > • Dr fli.owr » \if e- nmn- n to I «»I 'I *' W !• XI* « li l*-w Itai.jr*■■ ••nr m i w 1 ... \ ... ;i. « ing with the introdurtinn of the shoe l.u-i- New at 7 clo* k. a m. From the *> Assortment received. U|»- \* !. «*: Ilradlord 1 11*. Florida. just U W .ViSKi; A o M.ir» ul M Loach, Uubt*er and « < ne«*. it* n • HI. f..» rH arves when the tides (vermit at it \ «.i win- h will b«* s.»id * very low price*. \r oh Il« « and a#t.. L)l*w ..fth •lock. t. m. Ilm VW \» -:: J K* « x « » « A * !>*:tO \V«- will M.'to ICE.—■The trial of John Rogers, irg *»tr«.:i l»si>v At U: I *• Uo-lkbl} Chit#:,:;*. < » (er arfk to -t il ..ft «t awl ilii* A*ft-nt‘ E»t A No. a tin- ..-- Ament M Edward s of defaulting cashier of Hank. H!u*1 ill * VIOLIN ST KIN »*. Morse Salem. Pejpseot da*r« able : .-f.»r it*.' 11 »«: w ,nt («■ rmiMiil hiiT HATS, COATS AND PANTS. ••• HIM Hi. K* KH .V- Watches ( lock*, and \ lull **e Staple# i.J, |*MU Or- -ir af»«e anil i-anl :«r M is. a Kruuswn k. will take at the pic wot*. applt particular*. !•»•■!• v I \\ *»■ >rt nolle** n»**t scholar in place Se|*om- tr. 1 repair. ool at the low- aeeompiisbcd I’.aket H Fra> f, % Nil Ire- .1 a. k- llU.IUni M WORK 'N VKll.VNTKl*. le r term of the circuit >ax I-nnl liar * Ham.ah pn N History, will give two or court; sav- the I *»; r. Map..-., Han probably J ll.rr. r* u.t M* ... exchange for good*. ju*t call at thi* I*K..% il*r X. » \r e.th *<♦.•» Wxman. *• master, that time until now tbe ha* been •I. ■ml **’«• if *o«i «an*t ft a trad*- from t«rand Bank, with JOOO pulpit t aiai* Mann a d Wi bam Af K.en tt T tilled on trial but a of Il» ,ir lr*»nx Hanc •#* More formerly «w< up|ed by S \V 1‘rrkui*. Wait ’a., of ii*h. The Omaha is 117 new legal meeting the THE BOOK for the **ra Wagon. Ar .Ah Qne*-n Msm talai*. Mean* M IK»CR «>| I 1> OR *M » I'MIUKItVtTInr 1 Ma n Mreet parish ha. been railed for next Mary t 'unag**. Arriv***! at the same place tlie Wednesday tie*. ■a..'.’ 1»: \ II Ho»* !ia* 'tut 1 fr I Julia » to .elect and settle some one. sid l*< N1 1 » Han( r. Iiiocrt, rope in i|t «it l.t a :h. an I « a* ■ « I A. I. SAUNDERS, & CO. the Laurel. from Grand lr» N« • A -rk Hager?by ; KJ'* WATERPROOF' WATERPROOF' I 1 i>i<*uiiiri; I'hy «if tan t.; th* |> \linlii Mil'll u A. I. >Al Sl»Klt> « VOIM. I* x »* it KM—Ar 4tli < n n N M ** Bowtloin i. apt J**hn aiai* ! *Tl l» t ltulArifh *t H *t«.ti it: w;th 1500 quintals of fi*h. The evidently taking a new de- V.lUwortli. AS. 1*71. it 1T Ar 1" I eiii.e llal.ht. \r#v FI'xaWthport. April 1 »maha w a. absent tvvo mouths and twenty- parture. and the intention <>f tlie Facullv •••:.. t* Hijoii' W man. N A or alai* CHEAP! CHEAP!! CHEAP!!! At !th / avo, Itanffor. s vpi, and the Laurel two whi. h has large is to her on a I k 1871. FALL AND WINTER. 1871. day*, month* |..wer! put Ar h. nt.«a’e -*te..‘*etx. UKMOV A l7. ■ * lor < n.* place f.r •. :t» i'„ .vi examine the '*• ha-.« that w ill .<-cure *»'•! apt J**bn ala ent\ -s,x da\ *. for her the fullest El I I I,;.* » •rta-Ar 411). l.Uiif J l lark, I’eolle I*1"'* A- ll<* WE -F.VVlM, M N< MINI- v but of all who desire to t**t. l-*r It *t. r. I ai. •anal fieri H -u ■- In this 1'nuntv ml Ks!i>UT. — We barn that the supi«»rt promote thor- I | pro*- \r »4h N 1 »u •, to eXainiQ- /ealan 1. « xn»k. S A Tor nt-. McGown Brothers partunily and pm <—Ar Ath, h Julia A k.ch JUBBI IIk Ol * Jupan\ are improving—that h im|*>r- I'atr• -• A v* t.k '• '•» H It M A'*•»>. where the have mi- F IU. M IV lv 1-71 >111 nosi i:it v. P*o facibti*-* f.,r can » ; taut resu.ls of modern scientific A »• ■■ lni.l 'V % -.Mg on tit* i-ge part *»f the needed amount to build investiga- Nih"!i, man. Hargi.r f -r tion. S 1 W m M kxerrlt, Itean do lot Pr--rideni'c. N|x»»a»kt— Vr 1 ^ Harness li< miles has been subscribed, and h, ri£ I *«ii Clark. **nilth. Pull line from 10 cts. to $1.2- iDliYCiOODS, and Trunk Business Don’t «ch* am»— Wait for the fr* m Hau|t"f Julia A k«fa. Patter Hanjr m All it* branch*-- W.• Wagon. *. —The Anson Afrwtrh fifteen or -hall kc**|» on tan-l a with the corporate of says lor Norl 1 Sort do N subscription Ntckeraon. lor Haven. large *t-K k -.t i-u«i*-m made A New Business in Ellsworth! I hand, are < *»| t* II >oi. :h. **!■ wn and bonds of the road the enter- twentv employed in the slate Philadelphia. WOOLENS. la r -r-. •;! banqoe Cowtcr,Miriin.frem91 s'* and Team Harnesses, will be a -success. Richard P. Buck I quarry at East Madison. The amount of for lk»rd«aua Ridiag —•All \ T sid 7Mi Julia A Itiet for Norwalk 1 "liar-. >«<••( -addle Pa Into- bernl .late is said to be immense and it must llaufor. Vlhij,., Pad*, l-, subscriber.—[Journal. j *1* lofcK-Ar str. #*h# alvm lark Port Bara il • feeing >tra| *. Marne** OH, Frailer’• Patent extend from Madison John»x*n for Ha:k r Alienator do f*.r \ a i< Urease. lb>r-»- ltru*hr -, urn I ••nib*. < >ur ( a.*:ine writes of certainly Pond to M*<,rvfur. L ATE«T hTT LE* in correspondent CaUi« Jo# llail Portland Mane < oiub-, Whip Mx ket-. A- Ac. Hale Brothers’ Oornville line, ft lies upon the line sur- Cl*l 4th. Prtlacilla. A**rk. V »rnial School thus :— ship Antwerp., barque r»iii:iuN a iKeii'.tiTii A fu I line ol j < harle* Forbea, »wnt. Dunkirk, 1‘rcmi*# GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. vey ed for a railroad from Skowbegan to brix* .’» r::,g la*-at tie* Normal Srh-»-d II «*• IXslfe. lie;. ro«:. Kannie Lincoln, crane, Buffalo ard Woolen Hobos. tii.it fn iif; p/.,fi f; n nt I* •j' r* the average Athens, and about 5 1-3 mile, from the Cardma# : > forty-three, ability * Full line. \ew and Frrwh. dkv ci.cx * Ar 0) brtf« Aibatroaa, Forxl for ns, .'ununrr and Winter Blanket*. >.reen* »nd •.-'las* > Khzabethport Fly * have taught former place. N —A it— good. Many Ht John. H.J l.e.tfhtou, Lnirbton. dolor P irt- m nr*xter >ariely that: ever b- (T• red to the V.ar Ne»* I »l I V1 I V r MV slnllh, where 1 hav » v earnest x• < marked success, and the j land **-h* ranil«' ftak. Hart, Lamartine. Hut ’ALL AMI SKK. I > hded h. a .a th- UK U. ELI A' —.Saco ha. received from the TBIDI IB B UIE. in our up Amoskeag irr and Pen**b»eot. Coomb# l\>rt *n ••* s which they manifest in tbe'tr further John# for H IHIVKsKWIM, MU MINK r a!-, 1 !«*n 51 'nlt*>r H bin*on S I >teaui Fire < of 12 Ih-an Mac*>inl*«r I'l'tlllli 1 t*f HB4'II house ml g i»• y->u an t.. k of gives of large Engine mpanv Manches- i Dried, Canned opportunity preparation promise • nd I *a 11 d*> 10: New True A •1 II: IS ance*. Hexltord Li leu Woodman. to., Green, Fruit, 1 pm 1 Hill The |, EM IM i to themselves and the >tate where ter. in which Perkin#, hellev. N«-a He*1iord tna found I.a-ti* * Kugene and /. Irnvei ug ; engine weigh. G.OOu pound-, VI. \M» 1 K \V» I IV. A <.EM tor the 1 i.ci.t- Leather an 1 /me V >Uo Trunk- -ASH- * Id * th. Samuel H llale. Matthew* p .r ii.k-. 1 \l tehin-s are i—••!.. I shall again become teachers. The and can four streams barque CORNER MIDDLE & PEARL nire.-t from the 1.. to the of an -' \ .*li*e» and Railroad Lad e- tt- h play top ai d h A H tjaplner. Jacksonville. STREET, Bag*. mol are warranted, me v now Turner, There rea-ons why attendance is about llu. 1- » and Banket*. Broad* Patent >hnwl rdinary It ha.- a flnl.h of Ber- A Tib. .#c* 1- M Menu Laton, beuna Juiiet iti uU1 u> the Klims Howe ol me; pi dwelling. t lark 51- PORTLAND. MAINE > T R \ P .«* Ac A or*-, l.aibwiien; Fanny Elder, Mier ;• ivm- K »r turUiej purlieu ar- F:::k—Hi- strain mill to man ■ FAMILY GROCERIES, belonging silver, an -r » elegant silver laureru. bear- man. 12 ndout f PorUand; ach* halleugr. U* u Ill '•the ! •'Tt.-ernrht A T IKI.Ll-ON Age..: C. A. Mail Street. jj- •«// Trmnil kmmght ml mmr ftfwrr Me*$rs H McDonald d: Co.. *>f this nett. « xia 5laiabar. McCarty, Montana >a»>rr LYON, l Main Sin el. KINworth g|tf »pkin«. ing In cut glass iu name und coat of arm. i>>» and Ida May. Machias, Alice Oakes. Moniuii, Non-Residont Taxes 1*4mrkrd » UF A OF 4 SI.SH4.A. In th-- *»U»re l.*riu*-r! ... .ij-.*--1 !.. S.i-. I of a mill, ari ’> consisting gri«t planing ! of the State of Maine and other rich orna- H *nz--n Keilev. Oardiuer; Nalliau 1 liff>rd. > I -) -ite the titv II.,tel. fc.ver-.thmg i- u.-w .« M.ut**. Heifast. Jax hin. Kane. Ell*worth I. M YOl.LoWlV* LiVT «>* TAXE- «n reale*- tr• having -i n n u*--.I H .-r u .1 pad factory *jtc., was burned on meiit-. The cost of the i.- i, ju-t |-ur- eugiue £4.5(10. str**ul. Ve.iZir F Hail, smith, Frexl Warren, late, o! knkmiAhI owner* ta the tour: -.; :.m < \.s»| A lull liu-* -d nil Wind- t » k**rs Cljiim dVcreiicv, | I_ Till. We »re Agent* for < lay ton* Riveted arid ♦'*> afternoon ia»t week. The tire Eobin*.>n, ami Ann Elizabeth Milcbeil. Ha: Eden, for the 1-7 m uil!« omnut e-1 l> un tins rel« l»niu*d Thursday j year in.-itt*--1 Lea her Melting and Knriue llo«e luding —A singular and beautiful incident oc- Id 7th. biijf* 5Ia« bias. Johnaou. Lisbon Aavilla Homes! l.eotiar N cKirUii'i, < olleelor I o.ml r<>wn. ti LLESWuUEU. ME at half Farms! Free V \cry Belt put in bv u*wil! be warranted We aught about the smoke-stack, past W djianis. 5’eazie, Jacmel. Cheap the ol h i* I wen n-t.irned Uth day June. l**7u. ■ the Cream Bis- curred at a funeral in < a|«e Ann the other ON THE LINE oF HIE j by •all the attention of Miil owner* to tin- a* by Bond Cracker, Pasaed throuKh Uni bale 7th, *«U Calvin, Clark Inin tu luv -.* irinaiuiuie unpaid, on the in.Ida. five The engines were promptly on the Ju-t at the I ol u* they can oa\e tune aud tnoii. v. 11 \ V INN b-* h rug lgrdf .r several years in the day. conclusion of the servi- N 5 1 -r Boston. ol June, ls*7i. hi* eertilii ite ol that dale, and pur>U.v*ir»g cuit by Beit* --.Id at Manuia* turer* price* I • mil \g-ne in pre-••• ntmg rlaini' it ground and did a work. The ces over the remains, a w hite Ar Kb, Onzimho. Calaia UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. remain and notice* i* Washm* good engine dove sudden- now unpai 1. hereby r'iuu '••• \\ uh faithful workmen and -trn t attention to miro'lu* ibui lit** in*r»*'i i*uni ton li in the various de par tint n and hav Cl «t Mxronua. CruW that il the s.-td taxe*. interest and an jU'l Ing made its iLagiu# Be>rout, oaprejr, rharjjf- a -bare of he-.one With ue uo-l and bailer with moat of the mill i ly appearance, and after bur-me** we hop*- la merit liberal |.at Here. w.< ul-o the .tv l>* »t lunuliar expulsions met grist gear, making ltoatoa. not into the of *ai 1 town w ithin ley, paid Treasury «■ w a circuit of the A LAND GRANT OF rou age. od of -tihh-hmg 'iatm-.l lo -uileil the pni- the were saved w.thout appartment. alighted upon ZshaCOLA—Ar id Petrel, Cuitla iroui Oalvea mouth* from the late of the commitment with planer damage. eighteen Mm' >b-o* North *uie ol Main Mb et, nearly TK ruiu. -it all who may need my -ervr m the head of the rector who had conducted ton. ^reneo K M M M » AC I * 1> op,M..i(c ll A >. K. Whiling’- ToHACi tig claim- upon the l*oveniinent 1 i* main baildingwa* entirely ©on*tuned. tiie services. There it NFM li x KN—c. i %h, Ntcker»oO fol will U- *ufUci*ut t-> pay the amount lue thereto, «>, ; quietly remained Iclegraph. Invalid soldtei s made -u-b by wound- or li- Eliza he 111 OF THE interest and charge-, wi:i without I n- M.OLR. 1 he loss U about $< 000. until removed and < ared for. It p**rt. umlnding Jf.-GO H.Y Illlu TIlKUS. a- .intr:i< Te*i m th- 1. .•*. Su-rvieu. >Tx>M>xjIun — Araih N. nolue Im* noi l at ruUu VucHou.at !.. .J properly Auticexlcnt, Pemi'eton. Beal I'anaiaf aad Btaenil Land* la t'»er sFl< \\ id>e.v during widow hood did imA to tlie bu- was hi <»u the Mcv.oWN l AKI.TOS MillllA* > k>, belong family, the Y Thomas' store, aaid town, eleventh Ja> J ASK- w Mr. E. H. our effl* i*nt and | Aaertcd. l>• p. mb nt Mother-. h«*se hu-i.and e JORI14X, of a oi lircember, Kl, at 2 o'clock in the afterno -t .Htf SHiAltS. having property neighbor, who re-ides on Fiakrraea. •cried Hiein. ami anuudoiied their or \vi.,> 9 support, :leou* ha- the #< i'M. YULI'S. telegraph operator, accepted same street. Ar at Portland 6th h Lady W'oodburr, Woo*d* K*«i-* A Value. Tax. are pi. .111. .I.cap.e itu'.ed -upp t tl-crn. a.*v < Crmioni Wo bbl* b-h. l.lHIt,IHMI Acrew ol hon e Kanuinjc an t t.raz n-• other »urre of in- ••me u .citation to with a bury. Hay KliHha Waagatt, 25 f ’*<• #1 7 NUTS, tog go up higher pleas- —A Land* on the line ot the road, in the where Palermo correspondent of tlie Bel- Ar at Portland 5th, ach A ki I rnnox Colby, I in* 1 te&eieucv A. It AIMS**, Dependent Fattier- the .Mother is dead .t increase of He leave* thi- week :M Hbl* I Bl.l. .f ik.. VI-- DUtt. V.lt«a DOORS. SASH & BUNDS. 1 Brother* and pay. fast Bay f^haleur, with inaokerel lleir* of knoch Hopkins, 2'* 30 1 oi «*~phans htldreu, orphan* Sisters mention* an PHIS, «• > Aye amusing political in- > li Highland Queen. Cap! C*«»tt. and ach «» 5V Norwodxl. Lot No 51. -2'» I |‘ under «i teen y eu r-. ar rut tied t> pen ion a. l lake a in liie office ol now kok male, lor cash «»r long credit. Israel responsible place 1 1 ant >UDs**U of have *lnr« an 1 id lit.-ual b< ba k im.r cident which in that towrn on the Reeil. SWan*» l#ian*l Mb>jf Richardson 1M i»t PKl'NKa. Original -untie*, pay happened Tbc»e land* arc lu a wild and healthv ciltualr ... Uie l#t «*I June aught and landed Vj# anxl 4JU bbll H. I lH‘< 2 DA I age. ration money while prl-oner* <•! war Telegraph .Superintendent of th- Mari J un*>ur l.rwu Bracy. K>. 3d « ** !»»■ and lor giain-gmw or 3tock-rai.*ing he.i -. rollecteti iu ltie hU >rte*t inst. It seems that the caucuses ol SS.#,..l*au-a V 1 7 uer, -t.c Ar at Cbarlviicttewn. F. K I 1*1 ui-t. *ch F rank Win 4 Hie hard*. Ilmue-lead 2 -o H #x I.K V|oN? oea«ful. -i*. -ned at Chilicothe. His friend.- litre, inating candidates were. fbrre|>resemative. Tresl, ».u> Juo bbU mackerel, tuakini Mr* 1 7 LINK \ I'I'l.I.'*, & V K iH IJMIA.M. a some called at l1*) b\i- takea in taro m«*».tb-. KIN worth. July ittth lw*»* ’ntt rule they reioice at hi* gooy misunderstanding, the Prices from $2 to $10 Acre b <11. Uorr. :n 1M 4 1 range per W OUi WirVK "Dip, th > -ame time and place, and both met l|rm«raurfit. Wui. iswaxey. luo 2'“> •> * A l*o. AKKIIll.lt’* the more so a* know he ha.- parties be-t in the n>*rke». -•lu-e.t I»• \| they in the -ame room. bhenda or unknown. 2 Lou, 15 5. *«>»|> plei At the ol » Notice. -ugge.tiou Moloka. S*«T ton*, built at Gardm* r ii Lb< >N A Kl * * THOM AS. Treasurer, in-1 In i.iet everything, t be louixl lir-: of further will -ome Ship HOHBTEAM FOE ACTUAL SETTLES! promise promotion, yei per.on both remained In the cla*» ».rm ery Store \ ir*'e v>-.>rtinem ■ 1 I >1 parties 1*.*»7. li.t* l*eeu *oi«J to partie* in St John. N B Acre* of Government Land betweei hden. August 11, Ia71. Jw.ai KKh Id' in Ft-em hin uii belWf-ii Otter room and the S>OO.fiM htKTKD \M» IHIME* lit » f * A U> Buy par from lorn with rc-gret, for be was : business was gone launched from the ol H»iii*d«-il A Hun for as Hour reek and B.ik>r- 1-: it 10 lb. I*t>|£(, IK through yard Omaha and North Platte, open entry •- Pit iml, w #«- » all ai>'i M e uttr XeW *>Um .1 nil IX'w (• iKMh la. orite with Miu. j ith. the republican? making their numin ball. at Harrington, 31 »t Inst auh Alzena. 4m arKAi»« on nr. n KT and mooring atUt'hsd. Buoy* marked. all.—[Waterville Non-Resident Taxes. I'ne ovvin-r can tiaVc the Mine j aliens tlr«t and the democrats looking on. ton* o. in. She v- to be coruuiauded by C*»p SOLDIERS OF THE LATE MAR MALE HRnTHERS. by proving proper — The will for »al and pa :ng charge At a meeting of I*a.*c u'on. FOLLOWING list OF TAXES on re* I undersigned keep constantly Republican delegate) and vice versa. The best of order anti Boy I.K * W IIAI L, L. » U \1.I \ I ARE ENTITLED TO A an 1 Al.UANDKU IH. K A captain o! a vetae! who ha* breu at Hond- e-tate, of non-resident owners in the town n I a general assort me ut of DootUi, SASH 2-*.r r fr .in tiie classed tow n of Trenton etc. good feeling was manifested. TIIK Rilaworth. Jane So, 1*71. Mt 1 »e-erf. August su. 171. dw.jrj j out 1»* day* write*, to the editor ol the N Yorl Irrr HsotrolraS of ISO Arrm Mt. lHrsert, t*»r the year 1*70, in hill- commltfet 1 BLINDS. GLAZED or not t«» suit pui to oi a' Hancock Hall. Ellsworth. 1871 are now about 30 vea* l.unan 11. Some*. Collector -aid lown.o Aug. 30, Herald—••There tail of within Railroad limits, to a • liasers. equal the tlr-t day of June. lA7o, ha.- been returned b; m U here w ailing to take their turn to load Notice. l it her Philip* was c hosen Chairman am 1 him to me as remaining unpaid, on the first d Pretnpl attention given to orders i*>r HOl'*l i Business Notices. turn will cum-, *av about the 10th o Direct of 0400. BF. HOLD VT PUBLIC on My f Bounty of June. 1871, by his Certificate of that dub an 1 READ AND CONSIDER. AUCTION, H. tie Send for th»* new edition of SlUJi, the Minuted in l>eer l-le, in th# Trevett. Secretary. Voted. That OcV her. a* there U uo coal here and no pro* descriptive pan now and notice is WILL premise-. remaining unpaid, hereby gi» < phlet. With new map*, muled free everywhere. ■ ounty oi Hancock, a lot ot land ot about one peel of am (or a month, *tlli takinj I en that it tbe -aid taxes, interest and charge; Republicans In the towns tin Those Who Would Know for themselves the they keep AMdren* O. K. & C’nrrlii|[« injj comprising DAttt, are not the of -aid town wit! Ship treatment «o up vessel* at N Y and tell captain* there |» n«. paid into Trea-ury l*est of diseases relative the centra ’* Land Commissioner U. P. R K. Co., .IlfskT KKCEI VK1), lay of October next, at *2 <■! the clock io the after Cass, nominate their candidate for iu eighleeu mouth* from the date of coiuiniluiet; 1 Repre are fa-ultv m man and woman, should cur* dcteriu«>u. 3wod6 Shi —OR— noon, -aid real estate w«» b. Amos pro OMAHA, of said -<• much the real e-tale taxed a mortgaged the tu« Lizzie Zittlosen. now on the -fork- a bil'a. of Deer Isle, to II •entative to the valuable medical works published Brig ~ T IJi' liar*i-' n.of Walter smill, legislature during thi by will I*- sulh< ieut to the amount due thereloi i’APtR HANU1NU to !*• «mM lor t' A ** 11. Peabody Medical Institute.'’ Boston, now- b*- will t»e launched about the 2.VI pay :»nd ol Gloucester. Ma-v. deed dated November Miibndgc. w w lui 8t near < by decade as follows: ** including Intere-t and "charge-, II ithout nhop on Franklin ity Hotel present Amherst. 1871 j cobk* i'amoas the world over In Ti»e »*-ien© iu*t. She i* a firat class vessel of 350 an< in- 'iinih and recorded in Hancock Regi.-» j ton*. Un-r notice be -old at Public Auction, at th e of Lite, or EDWIN A mixi W ELI. >EEE* l'El> stock "I \ .. 1 1*7 Nai l sale is j belfBrr creation.*' llie cau-es »u< ! i» lor the MOOU, iargk 132, 'age for condition Waltham. 184i. Aurora. 1873. Hancock intended general freighting Medite i Po*l Office in said town, ou the *eeood 1 IMWfK'' Still I Bankruptcy Notice. two town, unless otherwise orderee young Ik a. 31 1 3 A. Jordan** Bitter- are cot > largest ’■ wrecked at Higfili*. fl Mr HenkY m«ni ot the Peabody Institute” la nmta ca Brig N'eflk* Mowe, Arecibo. h* 1 1«0 2< if I- i The Best Pianos At the Lowest Price j Heir* or William Ilodgtou, we cordially recommend them as a » ▼ 111-. 1*0 Gi\ I NuTIf.'E that on the 17th day Luther Chairman. UKD. of her inward cargo on board. 9 luO 1 •*' pounded. < iiiuii*«*tr Philip. j part j Alfred llarner, liable alterative and tonic medicine. Jas. I ; | \ngti-i, \ l>. 1871, a warrant in Bankrunt- Caroline, wrecked at ‘2-3 s H. 8. Brig Arecibo, had pai t Ami upon the nosl favorable terms am1. Heirs ot Allred Harper, Jr., ( haiuberlain, Arno Wiawell, Sewall Tennei. Dr. L wa* i« iie.l igainst the Estate of William V Trevett. Secretary. of pop 1 Stag vatic* m th* Mood teml* I® produc of her inward cargo on l»oard Hand < lark. W. Hodgkin*, Dr. P. II. Harding, ^eih Tisdal Sherman. ot Buck-port, in th** County oi Han di.ease* betr to. .. 50 1 * < f r.in®-tenth. ®f the fleeli 1* Sch U G King, of Calais, lost boat durin t We invite the attention ol Nebemiah Harper, Monroe Young. K. F. < ampbell, II Jorda ;, cock and >tate ol Maine who, individually, and —The < 1 persona intending Boots?, £Slioer?, representative class, composed ; Thu. however, 1* obvisted. wirmm/T i.tBiuu W. W. 50 L'» H. L. John Black. J. F Whitcomb. B a- member oi the Hr in of John H. Nhennan A : the gale of *2d inst. at Lubec; sch Tornadc to our New Ilodgtou. Moor, Co., t J purchase Pianos, Illustrated Cat 1 44 k’* — _ Tl*o the by administering I.atbaU*. Reuben A. Austin. Zabud Foster. 3w:h! AND— Hied 7th 1871. Iu»s t>een a Bank the towns of Orland Castine and Brooki system. la*t an anchor and ruocb caae. if "Jobi Darien 4th ia»t and U doubt tel » worth, on the Bangor road, H miles from Breakers. The SnuM *M mmt Jtrrrrml (ardh — is resorted to. it wi 11 II EA8T 14th Now Yor k. OUTLINE _------ElLwoiUi village, and lour from the Falls village. V. Mills. J- G. Walker. Town < ommittee •j ron’s Anodyne Liniment.” *hc can be got off. Sb# is 384 tons refute r* STREET, CAMP’S MAPS, ft reduce the and .top the pain. to pronounced br Practical Educator., THE BE: IT Naiti larui cun am* one hundre on ua La large eight hay, but us Uou lore September I UK SUBSCRIBER keep, constantly In vising them lo keep in their booses, for with coal on even .. with a email u could be made to cut twen- reference. Went ashore Wednesday ini I* THE PUBLIC are hereby notified that I hi ami tor .ale, outlay future J. W. B- Sec'y. Benne’s Pain Oil. It is said ° AIW11X * C*., ParBaad, 1 Some ol this meadow i* now weh Killing magic on south side of Prasque. a little east ot midd 0 | given my son Charles it relay Tourtelotte ty portions the ben for evt r *• iufc> cranberry vines. The house is a two* be remedy painful complaint* ot the Island. Assistance has been sent tro ■ remainder of his ;tnd that trow this d ■to timral A^aaa for Mali LIME, large —The item oar Sta * minority, XlUO.eOUJ Will 1m Curded for 9 Ceuta lb 'tory one. with aa L lorty feet long, with a hall published among discovered. "It worke like a charm.” N and a he has off and d 1 shall not claim any or bin wages and will IOI per Bedford got proceed* m the secoud story whole Wood skeu nay any debts of his and all perci «• --—- •AMD, length. news in Thursday's Daily, taken from tl e lor destination. eonlrrctmg, and two one jo.vii. and I t-ust will heed thia notice. ladies, dentlemi carriage house, stables, Da. E. B. (Tabu's Vegetable Sheri* Sch Greyhound, ot Pembroke, parted ta minr auiairr Woollen at U. B. Maaoua, in the .lore forme one S8X3U. Two well* ot water. Also a Belfast Journal, in relation to the Shermi „ y ABKAHAW TOCBTELOTTK BOY> AND i.lUL', eve r*‘ HAIR, young care c slid went ashore. 3d lust. ou Soul " IIIDt RWilltt v Bartlett and and at Whiu .mil orenard ot choice apple trees, to W ixx BirrxHsn a certain for feme cables Elltwortli, JwS 1 <1 . few week. fKMUTAB occupied by Joy, just beginning Steel Is erroneous in all 1 * Sept. 5,1*71. I "inn" at the Falls. Bemember the DH01T bear The situation ie suitable lor a Tavern stand Works. neerly > half full befoi e Head. Grand Me UAH. and became a total arret — tactual '’J Haynes SHAMS, by taking wiae gtass VUlUt, to ua lur particulals, at this Mill. CEMENT, the exertions applying does not prevent carding and u> desirable way. it is offered for sale -tatements. A in this wt o out of bed tn tba sparniaz. Helical * The crew barely escaped, by ! -L.PUL will ai»o receive a beauuiul lilhogri every gentleman city, gpln The cash wool. Water near W 4 ib* because 1 intend west. V oargata on the JOB PRINTING Addreae H. A. McKENN highest at his store-houaa on Street, going good Sitae will And it of great aervice by Using ii the people shore, lasing eseryihli £ I lor utcir trouble. LEVI Wilt be gives. ROTAL TYLER. owns several shares In the stock of tl , stract, Maine. pricegidfor^ bleckaaaitb Stoop. WEBSEl three or bar time* a Sold all dealei a except the clothing they wore. Remains “ lD A CO., t* Exchange Portland, Ellsworth. Ltm. M day. by of kind• AT JS 4WI ■ Ellsworth, July 17. Mil. f RlUwerth, Jane IS, if7l. M M Rapt. 5, company, assures ua that the weeks a * Inmadktaaa. SUB AdvcrtiaemeuL Wtf. the wreck was sold tor flL all THIS OFFit I f- THE REAL Now Arrival SdwrtMo and Useful Receipts. New Goods nsrsuR aistce. | Popular Worka | USE THE —OF— BEST. Agricultural, Krosut Ca««.—Ten egg*, three toin- ELIAS HOWE I —for— Manhood, & >ler» of floor, two tumbler* sugar, lemon Womanhood, HARTFORD, OF HARTFORD, COHN. ( larorlng. ! and Summer Norms Orchards to Grass. Aw.Km $2.*00,000.00 JEWING MACHINES. Spring Goods, Diseases, Seeding Rice PrHIHN.i.—Three quart* af milk. rtBLunn »r in been touched This subject has often ’our tahlespooaa of rice, sweeten to taste. I and Summer -AT- It Jpring Wear, upon, and from different standpoints. Lump of hotter sire of walnut: seaenn w ith is generall? supposed that the seeding to :lnnamon. -AT- OF Mi. grass will’ induce early fruiting. People UNION, BANOOR, —One of bntter. would like to pluck a peck of sound fruit Thk Lai>v Ca*f cup 0. MORAN’S of the white# of ten .Wkt-. $421,204.00 fro u a tree one year transplanted, whether ;hrcc eup* sugar, eggs, one of sweet milk, three of flour, r i.oTiii.rc; vt. it be apple, pear, cherry or plum tree. To cnp cup* of A. T. S wait they have not learned, and “don't three tcaspoonftal* baking powder JELLISON want to.” An orchard is this year '^5hair^ planted I.tqnp Stt'Ct—'hie cup of sugar, ami EASTERN. OF BANGOR, ME. the season it is cultivated after a during jne-thlrd cup of butter, rohbed to * 1 LOT M m f LOTfVf.Vf. RWAmm fashion. but a- it is troublesome to Awirm. $*37.6J«M*» plough -ream. Then -tir In the well-beaten " hite I RENEWER or cultivate between the trees, and espec- ami lem- of one egg. Flavor with nutmeg h iv *'jn%t r>-< it :•«> 01 t Medical Inr velvety itv, g franc} a»aia»«i* in**, ait t lit* I'nrlM ’i I wi I *oll lor < a ah. Ala** a knowledge everybody. 250.000 K\|>o*I tbi» e»tal>ii»h QUINCY MUTUAL, OF MASS. % B«*k i«r every *■« original be to the fruit, be- iflfhcted alterations of jaalit*. tirupriruu QUINCY, Hats, and Gents Goods. there will no damage by any temperature. tv Mom Caps and n.-iit |>ie|.«rr j cause there will be no fruit. In u"»l Krni'-.i ut.inner. t*«tiO«Mo-n raw al k. oi-'1' hi la (•iir.v sTAinn r*ar.—The white* of *ii The Mi.knflhv, *rve •-(•»< '* « Medical Treatise uti Ihc Cause and Cure of! dandruff, BALDNESS and out of ten. the trees will be uedther dead C«*Ui * >i «'0;I».| in a llrat.fl •»« loUitlif «l<>re curing one of white half aeon T ih d Vitailtv. Premature feline in pgg«. eup sugar, »l »u\ Ihr onlv ml Hum M <’ U''* the of the or alive fora few and rhen death promoting growth hair. year*, a sweet one Man. Xerrm.* and IVNlitv, ! of hotter, half eup of milk, | of Tlti-'h, rvad the l»-t* tti attended to. l’hy«IH«l Hypo- be a an t all the cost and la- proof p>i«f Cutting prompiiy and ill other disease* The and brashv hair a few will certainly, of corn-starch, not two of ! choodria. arising irtxn gray by rup quite cups 1'itHliioiiiiltlf Cini-ni.'iii ll. til. ltt*t. on ll II. wl. • «t .*-.«■ th ink* bor will be a total Ion*. When The ->ntinues to insure t<> the ntitena of ttie rrior* of youth, or the Indiscretions or is to black and expended one teaspoon of *•»!*. two of understood * .1 a i: changed flour, small »l W f " t.*wii« I m- their liberal applications the orchard is cultivated to small |M. \| %«’ll IM ;i_-' Kxoe*«e* mature rears. This 1* indeed a ! ground t' rreatn lemon extract. Fire an.. Marine P .n the in. i'i thru' v. ,r». an-1 re of, and hair will tartar, l-jamst -ks above les.k t man Price silky locks, wayward a« I M IIM *' '* 1 every only fl.OO. JSo grain, oats, it 1* almost dis- 1 ut In the latr«t •‘vie. an I nivtr m tr.nime I **u»no *nc»* the •ante especially in assume vy poamta manner, an.I aim arraatm* it m ree.able C nrpm.es Office n*m'l B-'ttrgri tbr Ftmre. l.rmmi* rrtvmH *nr th-- lub. then mil the Un. put cloth; rl ilhtur. |*n»v te-rf t»*e« ran obtain th« as it eicitos the to ta«r out of al and from to Old longer, glands well let it .tan*I a few minutes or he therefore •»**.. to that cJa«. *-*•« ui |m „t« GEORGE A, AGENT. place. y Pathologically, Infancy j flr*t five or six years until they become (lire ten.) DYER, so to rail, ami n.»v nfle* vert at e It iiidIim (hr khiiiilr «»« l.ork-*Mltt h. \ge. with elegant Illustrative K.ngravng* furnish the nutritive a tree di« an.I a nice will be This principle establish. If. in the meantime, pink procured. 33t» bound in t** lutilul cloth. U hlc h U (hr mm me nil hotlt •l<«e.. MONEY page*, French to the life of the hair. It » of a CANNOT BUY IT! necessary out. pla it another and a belter 01,. .1- 1 oif..r four pnunJ. jjikxI, l- quite Pric» «*) NiiIIr 1,1 H-.MI.OO. I hr • ram l« a ln«ti« nnr the hair that *000 as possible. I p t<* th-- time be -at last color \l« York, iir*a- / ’nr Si/h/ it /Yicrlrtt / % Husk lor FvervbsMlv gives splendid .appear- It nnuol hr • m % lle«|. Ufled with a few sample or specimen fruits. < AlJF'*KNU. :»mt nil |*«iiit* Uhl, f-*r Flattered hr the reception of and great dc- i ance so much admired by all. By its Ill (hr oMm. h»n in. are pi t. t n I If the tree blm* and set full and wr arc B»neflts of Sunshine "it it ; is" iOft) mand f .r. the dmve valuable and timely tr»*a- tonic and it II will lie IlnfW. > II a Id. «.m« I • r. * stimulating now of of and in. 'ell, ti*c*. and al*»* t<* inert a great need of the properties speaking r-p- tally apples St*rlu»irtn from sunshine U one of the II in. I. rat in fort da a 11 kind* of the hair from ont, out tin- :mit « 1• toid. W, pr*-*« nt age, tlx* author ha* ju*t published a prevents falling pears, prune spurs. pi ral-tortnnc* *»f civilized life The nmr \ i! 11: hon.rh'-ld it. w bw »k treating ot Nervous and and none need lie without Nature’s lor a limite 1 \fter the llfth \ ••a.irln- nt Kill >4 M «r I } J-|l irrtitty exclusively enough crop < \4,| vis which :n*k*»- the potato vine* » bit* Mental Ihsca-e*. l.Vo cloth. Price or aii-»w no pp. $1.00 a head of hair. It is sixth year seed to clover. «ud 60' ti tn a • •• ornament, good an.I sickly. when gro rn In dark cellar*, k** ..r *ent tr*e on re. ipt of $-> 00 fs*r tb»* other of kind, k n »| real ever gras- any especially limolhy operates to pmduci* the pah', sickly gl 1% Wsii* in two book*. IMsstlge paid the first perfected remedy or a KniojH* gra*« blue grass, to get foothold. DIAGONAL CLOTHS. « fl»4t art* r* an-i in our parlor* Kiik»w I'he*. e. l*eyo*.d all comparison, the most discovered for curing diseases of tha F.v.'o with clover it is best to mulch around -It V — work* on ever ■ ther to th*' rav- .*f th** »un. and they be- S-WING MA HINES, extraordinary Physiology pub- and it has never been i» hair, equalled, and near the tree. But. on.-, what * do d There whatever that the t -how < *! > '■ nothing gin ir. health and strength. • ltd« to It .• I | Ir whs cr shall we ra>*e :u our orchard- th.** Marne ! or of either >ex. ran «ither and we assure the thousands .p of th* Lowered tfct' J'rice of Goods single, On*1 ableat lawyers io the country «»• t»iiie«*d it, tr«i \) wlil for the labor and be \ require wish fo know, hut what I* fullv r\- have used it is to its profitable, pay who 1-* a victim of and hard brain la- — it, kept up long Keep* r..n»Unt|« ll l»*-v1 % Ur.T I Hell \ l aun d. and matters of the most benefit to thetn s? We answer f>r a r *. It will hr m>M, '.ken drolr.-d. lu hi«inl:a<-ni«, many imi*>r- st andard. Oar Treat i bor. « am* to in** a v**ar ago suffering from te«l »t.- k •; The Diamond Glasses- tant and interesting character are cd original high tattoo firs: ar. second, corn, |intr<*du< y potatoes, The aiui and aa It* an » a<■ Vila no allutkm ever can la' lotmd In send for it. partial paralysis. right leg hip ui M. ii tojwhich any on the Hair mailed free; dr.tieda'id used for soiling, othcrw.se a '.ni nr were reduced In si/* with constant pain W. G. & Go’s , oinrr works in our language. All the New small third buckwheat * »w Murphv variety year, In the loin- n *- PLEASE CALL AND EXAM'Nt !T. I»i*covcries of the author, whose experience is m lie iti 1 8s4d and Dvdtrt M'dtcmts. obliged. coming READY-MADE CLOTHING. H v J. E. SPENCER L f*y [>r%*«.«r #n /*. If. r/d. probably In • * ••• u N > bloom Jun* and sow a second I, \ lik A I V V i hi I I t» mi u % < man. are given m fill! p«r*ou should Price Oq0 Dollar Per Bottle. i,about ging th** foot after it. Tale, feebie • ire pro my j right uj and .tluMNfafMiof A-/ tk »' t»e without these v:»!u.«h!e lM»*.k*. crop th if you must save, you can d » s*. !• .*•{!. « \ -it 'it!- '-raiHOidi- xna ai an 1 miserable, he told me he had fail- 1 o* :n a fa»'it-*na’-Je na- ner an 1 u m par. — < .X or!4 to im* th,; \ Ml VHI.K IV*h.Kh. \V'e l»a% rece-.v efi rhf HALL & but it is better to all >w it to fall al- » « • • R. P. CO., Proprietor*. down liisutnrl. wuita lot tin V- .. 'I. Iiaa i I W »• M \ t l I N' ! M I A N* V ing for several y**ar*. and ol«v**d with. 11 «»t*i:, valu.ib* mediaal w..rk* hy »b< P yoar turk* y- and chickens to d«* T at ni*-1 or l.aU>nnf uian.Mli h 1 n < fl. < published lowing work is At And • » »r»* .*f XA89TTA, I t My dour. I tny- a « »t .if * 60- I hat** l**dv Medical Institute. These bo<.k« LABOEATOBT, \h*- \\ ickwh-at siity the 1 j. price fr ii; \-»ll «»!:v harvesting will leave the iViO^i a 1 \r 1 se *• actual and should hod In f worn out.* 1 fr ufliivh. » 1 1 ar tmetii « iukr a •• >• ll.ll I »U <4 .(Alt V r* \M t ... 1 •. merit, place every « W I "I P£,.F£CT, in floe another r 1M>I A graund condition for nm or •«« a a* unnU. ar»* not I «arb ? ■. •- v intelligent the cheap directed him to he <1owq under a large hr try A*M ml :.m f M- 1 V !-»' -!-■(-• fit** rurin i-vf erst They of either corn or * p itatocs. It i» much • »l l»*N "I I Ml M, order of aNjminalde trash, Irr* w.nduw and allow the sun to shine on I* to i. li\rr lli* m -#f publtsc! hy easier destroyed than weed- 8 Am*. Boaoas. p**n*lhle parties, and purchased to gratify of > I,... n- .lrr tb. .r own every part h’s at first ten min- •■ !im. ««-. I ». ground body; The«r ; t;. in pcrviaion. t»*te*. are written a hie ! Co*Lara. Scarf*. tr * '*'* •« coarse hut. by r-spons CARRIAGES utes a I* nirlU-l ’.-gellirr and the time uotil lie li- «s « ••« day. increasing AM' KIUK». hop t'». ir.t •!. tree •'X' 1 I' "''’ of eminence.a* a source Cravat*. Giovaa. thcr name, l>utu«Qil. n „w*. .,unt nt professional grtttlrman Cheese and Butter Factories. c *uM withstand the direct of the sun r t. lur-a on vital ray* of ri|>fiin' ir .%«.| brilliant >. of instruction matters, concerning CARRIAGES. f.>r a full Su*pander» *• * h*>ur. Hi* habit* were Dot c*- Hottary, \ l*r_-• •» I !. \ l I arvl ifKNTS which iuinentabto ignorance exists. The im- j The New York La* some A. T. lIXMaid. Interesting **• t nderabirt* \nc %ueut. altered in other Ora vara I'i.- Seiontitlc portant are treated with statistic* the butter an we ■ i.k** a r,‘ *’f a* din-ctl. in front ••*. h,- many useful prescription* for prevailing com ; vigorous man of and declared I’a^P* i.• »i I .. Water -pr.n’1 )'*, « 4 lla- .-w, pro. iuU> and 1 of forty, 1 »r an ire viported ling ."•*>.000 •• 1 •» 1 dUt.urt trial .n tj,«* added.”—4’oos Ij»n- pound* with have the »«-*t Pit. c and «m! dn-.tble |**j»er ollar I ai! ki»*l«. i)«t.*iiilr <>n Kirrylhitif plaint* Republican. sparkling eye-. I twentv years ’•r*•■■■*:•■> ■“‘gal. and ehe«*««; in 1*70 we **»nt her 50,000.000! ms» ita^tore^ preventing ill uaplttasinl caster. N. II. more of « -I at i■ v>«-»‘ !i •• work in me." market <\*an* -it a aa g rnnonee a id w In 1*53 we imported nearly a million a.i 1 jartTiLg The author of these book* 1* one of the 1 hare 1 lit; *••*•, A- pe« ullar to x other* In u a «*«i«’ed many dy-peptir. neural rr$ tak«-n in *i»n*r most learned and ot the half pounds to aupp^ our own home re- populai phyklcUns cl<\ rhenmatlc arid THEY ARE d IV. and la entitle*! to the gratitude of our race quiremen?* hut. in the year 1*70, *c am- hyp<»cnndrlral people « \ f I \ Nl* "UK. 1" MBBRTEB IR THE FIIEIT MARRER. Krg !r»»e to r*|| the attention of the pu H into health by the mm cure. I hare so t .r these invaluable productions It seem* to V * •ud ei •;b-nt ha 1 <»ur become : ir.tr,j. oi tl.*• .t ...'*;| mairrlali Uwir ini'i «*n*r itixk of < arr.*# * •u*'.at. supplies inasi\ fa. ts H <, fjualujr l*e hi* aim to induce men and won»-n t » avoid illustrating the wonderful \n nnn a < o. lor i>ur that wc* did not to a pow- that ;.<>♦«• «»t the celebrated require import ••ingle er the .•in"’ of those diseases to which they ire part «»f th*- sun w iu the State of I rill. \i• r11 ; t"7! CT14 and he tella them iu*l how and w hen tain classes of invalid*. tfiat I have serious- THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY subject, Nrw York 1*44 chee*«* ar.d butter fa- tori-•«*. t.. do if.”—chronical, Kaimington, Maine, Thro Seated fimv'Jiel T']> (m of * t » be « txsnr UK st 1:1* asm: I* w;tb a ly thought publl-hlng work «!»*- !-«•» supply of muk from 249.01*) row*.. Th> -w rib«” at the .•?««-'« .* hi« >ept.7. nominated Tin s!4 rare re.«jc*t Skadrt. ”—//,»»# .j«d REMOVED! 1 M n,|N N -ue N. It. I be Author of the above-named Xun rTt*ry 3*-*00 c >ws Hff »rdlng a million Pair h\* wen n lu e w. pay tmrr attention ;m unlen beating tfirlr pounds II ralth. ( * of l«> th:• kuti* that (here r. i medical work* i* th** hief «>n*ulUng Phv*t- chr.se. valued *t $140.4*100; nr more i t place cioti.li/ ( *• pound* of di-T-r and :t«j0 ■* * i>t>k a' gallon* ''an Ik Atrtajnr<1 T’M- rl I 'Vm of mflk tor < di cow. In the an H other sta*e% Caring Meat. I* from all parts of the country*, that he has ■’4 ^ J. aarlrra and of the rnion then are 2*3 f these fact<»- Oplirtwna, arr s«|P Xgrnta for no Uni* to to mere \t this HAtNon of the the attend bu*ihe*» detail*. r;c». a:: 1 t year thoughts in anada. .'.4 There are there- of almost N»»w Store*! Nt»w Good*! Therefore all letter* should foe addressed to the '• every firmer turn Ellsworth Me. naturally * I*e Medical nr to I>r. W. II. ter fact ■ ibody Institute, ni'-r- >r less to f -n won the ran SLEIGHS th<* pr of curing meat on It lot obtained Thr*« the the thifc continent, wh: *du« *• annua : Parker, Medical As*l*tml of Author. pr f.*r the winter* u*. xr*- n .t au. ,.«.| to P««t.rr« at aiiy price Most farmer* hav* a SPECIAL ! and hi* Itn*inesa Agent, a* Weil as the about m who, 100.‘A> '.000 pound* of cheese. Our NOTICE. » -1 a lit.e k f pig *»r '.«'i to s.il*. an i some on HARNESSES * down, have ; Author himself, may be consulted all di« x> f th • new m at ton t.e l^-l it l»e understood that < » or f and t|,e quality of the j in; | nl it Mill ises requiring skill, scerecy and experience or. rather, a:. .-Id in a new b« *ul.| lemarkat-ii low < «. try. industry m»-a! w hi# hi* to fu riii* h T. ,, ItiVloUbl* s. and « ertaill lb net. AND ROBE.: ! r.KKl for the family, Una rrncy form, si', last the am unt of j 1 V b. year, large " *'* a * WATCHES. CLOCK-, and JEWELBY- depend g »d deal on the hi If aujr ue dr*ir*» hi art into a *od l. • 4 $7,000.00 i a» way *. .ine« w !t irh it is ..and /. a w Spring cured go *4 >*rgau I ,:i Openinif. wn ie th** w > fr >:n of m ho.r *ux k t<> x; Britain in-r I here are van--.!* f.t.n at <>d-c t«»V|h \N|> '1 1 \ MEKll’AN ANDKOKK.IUN PATENTS. modes of curing m* at. I 111. sul.-minTs r» ck. ese i* iittie over \ I JKI.I.I-iN have 3.4>>J.uOO p .md** ■ ut one «»f just THE EASTERN TRADE the best. is that f JU* rtf. i(a« ■" I‘k h .ltl‘l Vetl At- i the Dot perhaps, *ug- 9. I-Tl ijn Y -rk UiC mott i’ u| hv »ortm<*ni of *•• »- ^e~te.] the Grrmautown h. Will d" »•• 1 to ex i\. our •♦■•ck fe | tl f >r T^Ujr R. H. EDDY. lT irles uid a w \ v hu h »> a- follows *» log eUewhct order* \ Uielr ? \ i*m.is ruis variatiM, i o H<>W TltE the Blood. SUMCITuK UK PATENTS. W v i. adapt one gallon of water. take one and a OLD TUIXU WOllA'> I’ltl f*« I l\ I V W U » |i* k *. a it, I For FURNITURE. J. i;. Hum.i u. U**tt*A and markets Purifying «*xpo: ted last year on.> half utids of Jr mf » 1 •’ eel *t the low Mu' k*port Sdav. Irn'.ft. p salt, half a pound o! sug •*»r C e half the wc 41 « ... w »:k vv v lc •: \tm» quantity did | great suc- ILK a rklALoK OVCK «•' \ r Kl:* l’-»r! h.t'.ilwr s.. -, ,• For Inventions Trade Marks Designs ar. half m ounce of saltpetre, half au crerx k.nd Xa v**s could not hare l*e.-u ach ved. « it A cur- : r f»\ i. t :i»’ in. Urge aiaorltufut -1 «• uui-n Kurnki:. •• pt ounce of |M*(asl, III this ratio the l»t « la wman'« K> nj ilf l*i It No, 7*5 8t*to Ht,, Oppoait** Kilbv Ht.. ■ pick-*- , through our fa : jre-. w >n. Hi -I* t ■ in’* it;! x ■*«-:■*•.** t*» t.» li o» r- f f BOSTON. NOTICE increased desired. j 'li> i»«i!w* or»!i e ttt* < 1 > are an any quantity K. X.. Am**ri an instituti' u. < >i DAVIS. 1»»** **»•« ir In an emphatically I -t these he b-ulf'l f-.r reeling n h in«»«- Irr* anti. iiatuu tin ••ru>u «- together the *l.rt gu ■.Tainlu & blass Ware. The under-tgned won: ! r*-<; tf ... ti th* m a unyl j though y existed *i. 1 ■ Crockery tier ..t ■« I; Menstruation. rrUl *»i an extensive f ... u- n tie -ug.*r use- t*. the and »* ! 'VltV MtMiru. -loti*. M»:n ST. > UWolTH. Mi itii|»un* »*• *( t'i- I'. -I. pra. upward* lent ol »h to th**.; top •• Switzerland. into wbetb, r from »ld or I '«•••«... .1 V 4 0 ftrarB' I «*t! shade* an 1 continue* to-mirr |'a*rnt* in b^Bfl c<»aiiug vogue *k. <»ol.I» l.\ \ I.l 1 >i:I •• I** l here. L u 'a u*. the l uit«*d siatra, »!*<> m Ore at tlrtla.a, France c'v.l. and when r. p,>ur over beef If 11. i'UKESEMA \ S and other fomuitu< Ucettjctit of a n« w era Hi the Wait for the ten*.*. executed on reasonable term*, aUh di* The Hi*»h Pru £ ok —We re- «*r five weeks. The meat must be i*»»t »»i r m Hay can well U* .tin* Lt Wagon. made to ef I regularities and ••intriK'li n*. lKrturr Fr;ii»*er*t patch tieaearrhc* detetmme the vaildltv cjL several instant > in wh.. wa> .» •rered with and and H /, /./. V h there pickle, should not be vth cli baie *.. mud utility if Patent* of Inti-iiUuna, and letal CLOCKS JL put o.t)*igned many to a j r. mature r Pat* nit \tap vW.mnny tK% t.V* an pra.-tf.ttiuitjr'»/»areartona. Ware ;:i the m ai lug l to -ir Plated thus osou re it price* early sus- pi-kit*, find answer Kv.none want- the fiio-t r» liable *r* .» I'umlnr the a to rriunh * *’■ X’ XI a .-«*«•* of all kind*. Ml u* reaaity ol j .arney Washington to w*.. Ih-xvr»• M I \ !l A 1 tained throughout the These re- the of I wlr h i- in these .. kriM, M \l |||\|i t.u! ! re a I'ateut. an 1 tf»a usual There year. though operation boiling omipri-.d I»iU*. |,.. pro* great daisy .- j»uri- & CHURCH -a N | li* »di. rfi*. rn-m PARLOR ORGANS, are here v •ult* are tke efed of caoied the off the rt t -ur I *r uggi-t. an 1 tell l,.m saved t- utur*. undoubtedly , pickle by throwing d •* that ii imi04 »t».l par CARPETING. In an scan-itv. aiwav* to be lound in salt and «.u ant the best a« 1 most r» liable iij. -li .v.i.ri i.irn nt it it i- Ttf t apparent farmer* s.ivc much sugar. •’■*** 1 I ■» 1 jeti| f■ »r Ihe • in:••. j CU.i in t be m .|,1. " TLiriVIHMAl.s. that would not be sav’t 1 :n a par* nt plen- If this receipt is properly tried it will | Ml I ri Ml J* *KI* \S ’• x. II irp*.!« Straw Matting FANCY (iOOl)S. t m And O..cloth*. 1 record Mr. 1. Idy a* *n«* ol the aow. up*inr ami .r nev. r In* l- i-'i :nf Hauilm er.-an Co. ty they reduce th< stock; perhaps small abandoned Hu r is none t hat ! bit t 'll EESE.M | V s’ > Mason Hi e th whom I hat*- ha t /»//, L practil;»>ner* We n re *o!e A ge: n fc.worth for the crops are more nutritive rt surpass it. if so good ‘ttctal'ntereourae. It As. .VI \ son prop m I t>r »t. lit* iitonii (ilMt spectacle* and I »r arc known t-. thousand* who l»»ie Urean Warranted ;:i re- of than large one-; perhaps, to. there is Every every omm **n»nrr* Patent*. lalaaaaa. '.\ ire a areal u»ed them at different have n*< heMtation inventor* |*eri.M|« thr-Mig'iou* the Don’t Wait for the I in a***uring that of *f*MTA< I.K*v and V. \ K w: less difference than tn our exc.te l »»*nscs Cook hi* Al l*> AS Diar.— 1 he Wagon. «il.4«*K*. j rountri Al a import- llx »• HA>KCT*«ft' l KINI)> cannot uian wtart ami taken baling sanction of «otiie of t- for Five Years. they employ <*omprtrnt together, irg» a: d » >d «u a •* then* seems to oi 1 a:iee of a- spect be; unf.ii ora**!«* apples f-»«>d his not hitherto U)"*t >‘ruin« nt An-, more f '.In* a* spring j Ph> *>.-i4iis m America. Kv;dt«-t lrmittri>rthf. capsule putting went ran tie foua ! n K i-te*n >1 *in. < an *«■«• tliv- Mr.- .?.« !/• I r* tir >: and summer be 1ho*u Miff! all l ; :«:n; in a form to *e. are fur them in earlv in w may followed by a favor- iently estimated or understo«>d. Uir*-*•tb.i.s, Piling when lb* ) »boj;d not1.. WOODEN WAKE. application* I.wlies ant id >h >pp:og or l ave, a g Hi*i **'ll I 1 « «•. w able Besides u*e«J p|«. vk t»pc <>r I f and favorable on*.deration at the PateQt dh tier* find a 40.,d a»< >rtinent. fall and wmt« r. Therefoie it would contributing a large pr.*p »rt ion of I nab each l*»*. The prW. t*n*- |» ;.ir l*oi. ■ tel J*I lit Ut H It !l 1 ! f • I. ,'Xi. A- •! in *l» >ri *-T*TTt hmjf that RDMtM> HI KK fid Silver taken lu rj- hange for new Dot us if should to be sugar, and other |e*r 1 1 surprise hay prove mucilage, nutritious com- v in a flr*t-«-i*. l.atc CoinuiiaaPtner ol Patent*. V • a r. | * < ir^ »n« M I 1 1 kf}>t llmi-.,* KnroUhlnf aa Ji * b4 1 in action.—None genume uni*-* more later tn the season thau it pounds the torm of coir am hating the M*»rr. in a faithful in.-tuuer an 1 plenty ap- j food, they Mr!l- in linn Iti .. M »« v 1 Mr Kddv baa made for ma over THIRTY' paired warranted. Main ap >u» a pruai* Proprietary |> of A || • pear* to b«* now ; nor if it should lx* h flue combination of Hutchings i’ 11*, »||« imlsh-'• :vi I Itruab■•*. pdoationa for Paicntc, having iieen *uer*«*ftil -i cheap- vegetable acids, »• r. IV on each M« »prntor*. Inn. For *al*- b\ * a iUont ea*e. su a of er in t’.e winter than — extractive substances vvery uiuuUtmkable proof in the summer V. an-l aromatic >' ‘in:- A. W. priuci- i>ruggi-i*. Pills sent rn-.il li 'l:l**rent c«i m ie*| rradr for m and on hi* leads me t<» fiREELV k Co. a- by promp i. r. OMtJOtP t»..IffM/. great talent >tlity part, A*. Farin' r. ple* to act in the of cur.- iroui w> powerfully capacity «*bnt nation, by rrtni'iiu to " m.lk« a ajw.-l.tlLjr oi r-*, commewtl ail u .entor* to apply to him to pr<» tonics < refrigerant*, and * peptics; and l>r. L HK"KM\N. P. <» It-.* 4AS1. Kii«w *rtl4. M *r« li. II. I T -'ll •■•ire t.’i. ir patent*, a tfe-v may be sure d having wh«-ti used at the >ea»*>u of N * the m**r faithful attenti on bestowed on their To Pt’RiFY I>airi Utensil* — Stand on freely ripenea*. 11 IT A GREAT 1 Vl Vi MV •a*e an 1 at very -aionabla charge*. MEDICAL DISCOVERY by rural lal*>rer* an-l other*, main- '•T«»llK w h» rr I l,a*e a wnd. in a conremest f*»r use. an apples 1’Al'r.H }• •• John taggart. place open- tain and HI j ;!**• w t;„- up \ j Kl.l A- HANUINGS, £*. WALKER S CALIFORNIA strengthen the power of t- x i :\\ J*. •oded vessel f suitable dimensions for the produ^ 1 -.* UN«i MKIIIN'K Shall «|... .-a! at Boston I I'll—Jyr. ive labor. If HEGREAT CAUSE xf •'? '-I ! I to ruaiiual laborers eat .1. ; ur locka and well • lte of th«- sar from half a barrel to I would '.UO ttt loM Urge dairy, «. b-d a*'Ortinmt of ‘h.- .• more instead of so much •«' i* I ,i:.i the lit.Nl'IM newrsUn 1 !a»b- a apples hog aud VINEGAR BITTERS In this slack some * a hogshead g*«od ) I M M ■ •'x!'-*. a r ui and if M* n; Kl IN.. Ai.KM r I «• .arnr r.irh*ty pattern* I hominy literary persons of »*-d<*t> F -.*>'• tilt quicklime, enough to make a th;n white- X II’M.AX MISKUV. '* T.J t fr.» I Ur I SPRING#SUMMER GOODS. f*4|w*r« j j tarv ha ;ts 2 £ Hundreds of Thousands 1 would omit a of their ml '* I AH | wash when died full of water, and cover, portion There a*.- r.‘ »* • •• v. to their nd £ m to h»-avy food, which tiicir do no* re- envelope cent* ll« ot iur. pr. i. out dust and dirt. The lime will system* f keep » *• «rtti \r- ... | quire, and eat more A 1 Jir ..II 'he \ tltire T ■ C'JFFiNS AND cooked U.« v -%l l;.t .. CASKET'. settle, a saturated solution oi lime apple*. »' '• •• leaving •*al t ur.- .-I >t ...a, 1\ ■» VIII i.l l-*»\ A a*. j w juld feel infiua del!* r >«u .,tjA over it a> clear a« ly in every r* F •!{•* I ui at whoft dim. spring water. After t IT! <* iii'lii' id >« d u sped. iif t,,_f using the milk pan*. Ac., wash them a»* I S4 I RKAI) Y-MADi: ('I OTHlSit 4.KO. crN.MN'.ll AM k 4 •> S L»e■ 11., « •)t t.. M iriirn .1 < MSI.MAM. I «*ther utensils an* w oln d and rinsed, then gear! -u I..., Kpde| and i It* Mt Dial and pf. \ W.l *UMA'4. i u rani piacx, torroi. mass. them in Aboi T C <>oe dip the adjoining casks «f clear iu'KMno.—Happening day t.,4. — Holt J. • I’l.V I.IPI (Jlaim liy hi.l.. At. n lU. fcll.Worth, April, jMh. l»"l I7tf Th* la tbl* Institution to visit the house a liior of ^Vureucy, object establishing water, giving them a quick turn, so that of friend who kept a the Urern Uu.il," a*'. la every variety of Material, said in cow and was to attain the greatest in th* •very part becomes immersed therein ; *»et made bolter, w** saw there a aim- I'll* lutM-reuon nr 1 author, in tl.i* admirable 1 KU.sWnKTH, Mi- perfection I^*etur.- .1 from hi oi u 1 practice and ns* of them to dram and dry. and the pi** met had to he u*ed to overcome the early prove* rap.-rte.,. e preparation, V*g*tabl* purification Uiml the awful of *-eih Abuse .nav ll win*, hen. n; .ever»1 and to is complete without any great trouble of al! hotter maker* .HM-«jUruf. tear* m ihe Remedies, a*enr* a permanent place scalding process, Using We tfl.' luaiii mn.nel without e !•»■.••• < lots to suit the Purchaser, at the me In »nr-. an«l Ultn \gezu itzng !aiui» at where or from the new to the old-fashioned churn VVaablng- Families, Iaral.de. anj pereon could pan the old worn-out one upright his piau nitr.oni dangerous surgical <<|wrations. toil I». in tt..- V i..u% nla and iwu/ie*. medical advice, and each The lime clear water instantly Take the liody of the cordial*, poiuuug out a familiar U.e >»t e\j*idlti..u- inrMi- »*ie .1 cun at once rerte.n ai. 1 fle. o*l *»r c »t .ii» tun* I n«>\* edies a* use neutralizes the in the re- churn and cu‘ a gn»ove round the iUAJ »,* Holn it the pat- each might require, without th* acidity milk ye- inside ev. whn b n no inatiei what ron >»i •• f? ms a*:*- » >uffeivsr, rondi- tboiui icrvicM in Lowest Rates. in the cracks or seams Ac of the mouth, about three lay praaawl Very Living of maining ! of the inches from tho taon b.-, ruai ore hbus* li .', r 1 poieonou* drug*. may h-anlv, prtvmHr tug claim* up the <• n Dr. been of the Insti- destroy which the process three-eights inch deep, and a.:y lit Wll.l, I’lMVi lovali 1 .oiler- »«le *urji by w.iuud* or dia Ph/sician a Boon n# P 1 I tiiuLsands m > s of scalding has been performed then remove half the thickness of the and i iiumand.s. er«»ntru. led the L‘. Service. tute tine* it* foundation, now more than Wnlott w d. making a shoulder all Aral under seal. in a plain enrelO|>e te am ad- lurlug -hoi.U 7ears. Few men have had io round, theu w AND OILS. twert/.five 4ee.-«, ou <•! sia or m [>e|wn.leut Moth. •, h»»c husband e take the cover receipt cents, po-Uure having in th* treatment of chronic The *xtrnt to which mi- » and cut it to fit in- and large experience libor-MVing nicely •lawpe. b> edore»*mg the puhilsheis •**rt»*d tii-m. iit'Ione.l tbeiX »uppurl, wr who side. ami have now done are ii.. ilaed to diseeees. Dr. Green* i* in hi* chine* have i>ccn Introduced into igricul- you away with ail AI***. IHLt-lLvtKWELL's pin .ally t|>a *upj*--rt them, bar Ift/fifth 7e*r th#* .Marriage isuide uo other Hour of income LKWIS Kill tar»‘. the TriKun*. we -*avv old nuisances of cloths, tubs, ii i't-kto. log i;xo, and ha* devoted hi* life to thie branch of hi* s»y* Chicago pans, prwe t it-..-r- where etc., heretofore Impendent tiic Mother i* .lead we believe ie with- Illustrated a day or two ago in Wi*con*m. j required to save the cream A'Plrv*s the Publisher*. I' bhao* < tiildn-u. profeeaion, and hi* eucoe**, Orpn.tn* lirnthrri and stater* A I that < •• P flowed over. » > S out n I' A farmer seated on a with Any man, almost, can uuder *ikti n > ar« enrilled to UMkKLr I--SI.HI FiUK3fl> & t paraileL reaper, { CHAS. J. t KL1NL 4 peu»ion*. l*« «>.] do this, or ibe churn CO.. ‘Original ami ad >ual on hi* hand', and with an umbrella may be taken to a l>..untie*, back pay mile AND Among the dieeue* to which he give* es- I r rr glove* IfT ♦• OILS. Bowery, New York, Post OtSoe lioi * Vni. age. ration tu -: while prlaonera of war over him. and with as much comfort a* if i carpenter and treared for a few cents. MERCHANT TAILOR. attention be noticed Cancer. Scrof- 11 .Vi •.ben h«*i r-. collect| in the »h >rte*t mat pecial maj FANCY DRINK, an poaaible 'ii a h* was idea of less uo driving buggy, cutting oat**, the Many consequence than this acr, eli.f g. f- .-rvice* rendered uiilea* rue ula, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Heart Consumption, Mods of PMr Dam. Whisky, I’rs«f Spirit*, reaper throwing them into regular and 1 is patented. e-^sful. Dieeaie, Asthma, Nervousness, Neuralgia, and Refuse Liquors doctored. a: ! •* V t fsl'KMlAll. H«« just returned fr. m lh.-ton and New \..rk pl«e-1 convenient sheaves for binding and stack- ► Rhsumalism, Diseases, I-worth July Jtrth. I**■*. *i»ti wun um I.abuest and ISi.mt Paralysis, Spinal Dys- •Bad topieaae tha taste. cn.:»-d "T'»aic*. At pc* Indian is War Prices »£Lxcrt;i> >t«m k We remember the time wheo, Cokn King.—Of .11 the P A 1 > T Liver Female ** ever 8 '» ing. twenty crop* Repealed biuughi Into tin- market, con»i-Uug of pepsia, Complaint, Complaints, ars,” Restorers. Ac., that lead the tipp raise.) in the *ce cut *it** without an umbrel- United State*, Indian Faint White « year* ago. corn, FOR SALE BV Stomach, Er/sipelas, Swelling, drunken rises and ruin. bnt are s true Ms! la or glove*, and let the grain where it *r maiz which is a Ie-tier I Fr>st old pat- 1 f*il from the Tet hen* is a man important and a. ron*. and the eases, Seminal Ac. fra® all Alcehelic T sr ■ scythe. valuable, it U the 1'ilh public, that be ha* In In* em- Ur»md* Weakness, btlmalant*. in extent, and |Hoy a dr»t-cla»« CaauiAGK '* Wr feel onrselves called ou again ui C ACTION GREAT RlOOOn with a pair or h .rats, iu comfort, doing largest commands the great- AINTKK. and is Dr. Greene’s Medical Pamphlet, descrip- i RIPIKR uad \ LIFE- ■eady U> at CO\>t'MLK.t a^amst the indiscriminate use of more in one than men "s cash value, and i* do•carriage printing reasonable aitiMFrfi. of GIVING PRINCIPLE, aperTsc* H day twenty-flve could applied to more use Irrsti Ulmci. made up to imitate our In G.A. Ellsworth tive diseases and their treatment, will «<*** •«•*-’* and work man good* fold, Parcher, proper I"' 'gorator f the have doue hand fill purposes than other. rill show d.***** ship and J •otr to j system. ce»kim». ba tent free inralid*. paint matter and restor-ng the b!o<>4 p. * regarded Djo as the most wholesome. tages every year. them, that the only saJe^uard is to see that the Address, R. OREE.N’E, M D.. i.eedhy tirui Uon. No perso n can lake th«*ae flitter* acr< r* authentic seal of »«r I VaZiM jr«, jrr., Sr., | j '-? Apple Tree Borer.—This pe*t of our Kvery animal, and every grauivoruus bird 34 Mass. J N. UH II «H Temple Place, Boeton., j d.rectionand remain l‘>ng unwell, pro* t:-•. orchard* it* iu the mouths from the it AUIimiN, SON* ft OWDKN, ail kind*, which he is prepared t • make up to lft, 1ST!. 1 Xt lay* egg* of partridge up. prefer to all other FISHERMEN! Augu.t year are not .n cr destroyed by mineral po:> .the.** *nc j and is on each aril order, in the very late-t -tvh-. and at the -hurt and near <»r IkIow grain.; and a. to Carriage Ironing stamped 1c. Jane July, the *ur- man. If not Jobbing and tho vital organ* waste.} •• just popolarlv eat notice. Call and examine «»*»r *t**<-k of | beyond tho an ►f all kinds. du«e at fhee of the soil, idle**** egg* .*oou hatch, uj>ou equality with wheat, as an reaaoasble prices, in accord* lietermmed to r.tnfinc ourself?-. as heretofore, TWINES AND repair. article u»ce w Ilb tbe NETTING, | of diet, it is next times 1 have on band to the u*e i>i tarns (.pun trout the choicest and For and the grub immediately commence* to to It. and Is rejected by Removal. Inflamtnntory and Chronic Rhc. uoue. he strongest Flax, bl IN test rn tci.inrry o hlainable: (woods, ti*m •at iu war into the tree, lu cast- 1 meal can be Furnishing manufactured by and Gent. or pushing prepared iu almost uniform In weight and elasticity—msnn'actured Dyspepsia. Indis<-«?m* form Concord * ftiliou*. les out the hole, and by tbi* sign we every in which wheat flour is Btyie & and bleached under our own IIatm MI» Cam. *l-o a lar^e variety of Ki. vt»Y- Remittent and Intrrwilttrn: used, Wagons Buggies. superintendence I have removed rav u> Room* Aver and MADK CLOTH!Nt« of our ()« M MARK «« Stock fhc vera, Disease* of Hay readily detect it* At this in several preferred almost tod .ill sell the consumer will he whieh WM. R HOOPER & SONS, the Blood, |,h,r. 'lldiift- presence. by every- cheaper than any other concern in Hill the old STOCKHRllMiE s POKE, 11. & *uarante.- giv»- *o.m1 sati-fartn a and will he opposite nnd ftladder. theac* t.. time the borer* are body. In It is county. Li l tit’AKAXTEED BY Oil SEAL, Ritters have very easily destroyed pork making Indispensable. f? untie, urch, and Farm Wag •old at the low eat prices. Our motto is S K Whiting**, Main Stroct oesafni hO>» mads to ordei aad If *«nd for Piic« Lill.J BALTIMORE. Md. Kach Diseases are canoed h-. \ itlated with a wire or a sharp pointed knife, but warranted. the same durability and satisfaction in the wear, 1 “*♦ * call jeariA Rloed, which is allow them to the A aad be satisfied. Thankful which the genuine g.tods have aiwcjrj afforded. generally pr<>dac©d by dcra;.?*-*? penetrate wood several rewly-fledged re- ror j Sales and « f Philadelphia doctor past favors, and with good stock, work, Quick Small Profits. Caskets and Coffins. the Digestive Orgnna. and it becomes settled in nvasonable good laches quite difficult to cently Havana. 111., and the first prices, and at-ention to J N. RICHARDSON. SONS A OWDCN. prompt bust- ROCKLAND Tl»e SL’BMCKIRRK DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION case !•••, wish a same. MAIM BTKKF.T. I'LL*WOK Til. reach them. A* the borer** live two or he had was a contmuaiHW ol the ache. Pain in the » boy. who, while shelling Belfast. Ireland, Mo.23, 1871. keep* c6n»tantlv on Phouldurs.Conphs Ti^h;r»a <* s three and pop-corn, got kernel iu his heed a Cheat, Dmineas. Soor < years, eating continually pene- Ellsworth Apr. 11th, 14TI. good supply Eructation* the f r* .u h. rhe windpipe i;tf LEWI* FRIFND. \ Bad trating the tree farther and farther each doctor examined the case Kllawnrtfi. 1*. 1*71 ol CO r FINS sod Laate in the M -nth. B'.liou* Attack*. Paip-r-.t carefully, April ;«t* 4'ieif V Ta .k..k looked of aeaaon. it must be apparent to oue at the patient's and the Heart, Inflammation of the Lung* Pa.n th« every Dmgue, then A NEW 8ET OF STEAM MILL will be flued at TEETH FOR up Mil 1812 CO., regions of th© and a hundred that must be the father THE NEW K.dneya. ©the- they destroyed before they of the boy to build a hot PENSION LAW. 1812 short not iee. Ire. H hen rrmpt-mi. are the offspring of I»v*pep* a hare doue much damage to the tree. that was done the doctor told M ANUFACTURERS OF Hard Wood and $18.00. FISHERMEN ATTENTION! They »nv:e rate the stomat'h snd "Mrr.c’.w »*• t Ihem to lake the and hold Pine CoOp* Trim- hoy him over in the liver and bowels, which the Are Ul. A1I Offleers. Soldiers aad Sailors, who < ALL ON med best style pld render th*»m f ne*;i Cboakf.rs.—•• About this time look out until the kernel got hot (III 0"G00I» and see enough to lenred in the War ot 141 i. aad who bare CJ2^ EVEBTTHING 1’SI ALI.r FOl'NII I\ a 3ME A. Plate and Robes ed efficacy in cleansing t he blrnd of .<•»»-. 1 out.'' never Base tor Artificial Li, nl"rrpv.' for croaker*.- The is pop The old man went stairs >e«m pensioned tor frfV|Hk,l< tarnished. hay crop short, up to disability incurred ml’. ». TXXT * eeih. II i- putting up full Imparting new I.fa and v p t*. the whole *y«tci ret a ffirvice, are entitled upiier and dealers in there are no apples, are either shot-gun, but while be was to $« uo per in mth or under >ds of teen for M|S.U ». FOR •‘KIN DISEASES. potatoes loading it ’.tud. orders Eruption*. Tetter .'*n Lhe doctor All Officers, colliers and Sailors, who It is 1 re.-omrucnde.i |M lf>^ promptly attended to. diseased or buffteaten: corn is withered escaped. urhly Profession, and ! Rheum Blotches. l-pota, Pimples. Pustules. U * hy nerved sixty days, and drawing less thar As ou the trial will COM YOL NuTlIIN., If not a« Complete Fishing Outfit, CORN. MEAL. 0AT8, AND RYE. < arbunrles. the dry weather; wheat is rained wet aioatii are to ZABUD FOSTER. Ring.Worms Seek! Heed Ere F—>* hy per entitled fts.uo par month. good or i»euer th tu on t.,r* Kubbei The Bite. Aset MK \ E it Boston Market Prices, and weather but we odor Jd, The Widow* ot all d can be u deliver- Ellsworth Jan. lot ltf Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration* of .hu Kk n 4c., always notice in one unpleasant produced by per- Officers, otdiers and ade and uerieetlv lilted to Uie mouth in INCLUDING 1471, Sailors, who served who ed to at the without Humor* and or another our wants foration is the source sixty days, were inarm d irom FOLK u* »1X HoUKS. >hlpper» WHAUVKS, Disease*of tbe Skin, of whatever name way bodily always frequently of vexs- la the ftobUar to tion to prior l>c-J4. IS 44. aad who h ive HXTK V CH ABOE. ©r nature, are literally dug up and carried ut *f th* supplied, and we hare to eat persons who are not pet enough subject to it since re-married are emit ed to puu ter Office is in Granite Block. All urdera attended to. system in a short time by tho o*o of these Rittar* and to spare. Croaking is a regular busi- Nothing simpler than to remove this month. SALT IX ur proiniitly Ellsworth, July Jb. 1871. log ROXI), XXOMESS ime Bottle in such rases will oonvlnct the* ro* * • ness and one that thrives: some >dor much more th.n Office ores Henry Whiting’s Store. people are effectually by the ab- credulous of thoir corative dication W.ll. P. JOT, Attorney. GEO. MAYO, Agent. affect. foreordained to croak, and tbelr dole la- of such ungeuts and CAN- BE if FOE THE MILLION! perfume. Ellsworth, Me., March 4. 1471. l««tt AO AT THE STOKE or If. 1871.1 year 30. HtX KLANO. ME Clean® the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find its mentation* must be endured. IS are in use. It U For Sale. July Rar Meanwhile only necessary to pro- opportunities are nou> one red for securing Impurities banting through the skin n Pimples let as at lure some of the homes in a mild and look the beautiful world with stali- compound nf am- sale IN ELLsWOKTfl, by tbe healthy, oongenial climate Eruptions or sores; cleanse it when you find it ■- spirits FJ Fj Si for one-third ot their — Donia, and subscriber, a good two Mouse and value flve years hence ng foces and grateful heart* ITwrAiadn place about two Banda (lory structed and sluggish in the veins, cleanse *t w’.e* tablespooufUI* "table, with Hi rods of on J. The National Real Estate Aubuuy u a basin of Everywhere MFOK land, Uancoek WOOSTER, has for It Is and will tell yon who: an) water. the also 3b sale real of foal, yoor fee lings Washing fhee d re nsvlied to send their orders lor Street; acres Pasture and Wood land in- estate every description, located in lands and arms with three the Middle and tbe blood pure, and the health of the ?.r this, leaves the akin cluding acres mowing. situated Southern States: improved stock 1 & hear *amuel Hancoek, Maine. and fruit ioUow. Lime la of in the eradi- clean, sweet and fresh as ous Goodwins, on tbe oak Point road. INIMEN T grain farm*; ricc.sugar and cotton pUn* great efficiency could »i timber and mineral 1 rlah. The wash Is BRASS OrSTRUHEETS -ALsO- tatK*ns; lands; city. Tillage PIR, TAPE and other WORM*. r. rk in?4 aetioo of aorrel from aour land, and Its ef- perfectly harmless and and rural ami residences, business stands inftu system uf somany tb**i*and*. are effectnei! y destroy- are 1 1*1. Magma* S CO., whoa* Mock of as- CUKK. and facta usually permanent. A writer in erj cheap. C; targe One-fourth part each of tbe named VKVI'.K FAU.8TO mill sites, factories, Ac. For fall ^UniiMlnaMU, ml moderate tarmakea following ed and removed directions, read earefuTy tile Journal of the |>ricc., Vessels: .vhooners Redon- Wr it for Laid Uogulcr Royal Agricultaral He- MW ol UM totj kM tor •* lection. Oroannbo, Loduskia, Hancock Woolen '.'atatoin* deacription tbe cireular around ea/ :» bottle. in four >n- opponaaitK, do, and Catharine. Mills, Sold : location. and term, of printed D. G. EATON. price --w, at ety, that he once So you are to *l U>U crtaWal.il la.trumeat Store mar alto by Druggists. propertied hare London, England, aays going keep a —btr-rl y JO sale guages—English, Oehasn, Freaab and ffpstrtvh 1 ka Ellsworth, July 31.1871. lltf Orlaml, 31c. knew a ield that contained 1M 1 •“ *° her procurer! Ik* krai acrea, ?. J„oua* , C. 1 good with dressing applied nine chil- section, may be fouud at the above Mill, which and R and .%! C>>ntmerer *>rr*< NV*.Vn-t the eorfoee of the ‘ "»• wuuld ! Sold in KLLSiroHTH bv U. A. PARCHER and award, which hae nearly prefer that was fianon . VVIUul.X, A CO. Ktb. 1J, 1»72« BTilOU) BY AI.LDRIHWI-TV ANh I'tAl K- donhlad the ralac quick “bet [VOS SALE AND TO LET WOOL at reasonable rates. \ | reply; where's the widow. ] THE tfat)ienbcr hM Uk*i * The trade, and are invited a wia- lvrl , •AID Mimic, SHUT Mimic. Mimic Book*, aad mtocriber ti.. iom* very dr.inblc others, roreially to ■low la JuH5 A. our and home HALS’S BOOK 0L. all kind, at Maairal Marckaadiw. H.hjm* Lirt, for e iaapect goods, paronize industries CALL AT THIS OFFICE According to the official cenana report THE .uie, egibly Biluuled. and Mata StroaClrtSa Wi*fJV ■t renBoiublf „_3T0R£to do all net the of Maine in It's never too late te J4MDIC. HATNE* A C« price*. For particular* Ac., Address .lANiOt'K WOOLEN CO., ^— roarty kta.l, of work apoaUtofl nails, population repeat, to do__ “II oo b'to AND GET YOUB BUSINESS CABDi f-lock, and JOB PEIXTLVG ■MM. of ■ r to get married •I*_ M Cant Ml. Marta*. any time. K. Gerry, Jr. Jowatoy. athtlMMMiftidpna lOpgaalto Ike Coan Maaaa. Eiiaeorth April 87.1871. °r'“4> Watohj., > ksatoa-J IT Hu the ftyie of vckick cannot be ncnUoij AM^wwkoaWH • f mil kind* AT IBIS OFFICE