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<Ti)r *£Us#ortb Jlarriran Rfttpn ot Advertlatnft IS PUBLISHED AT | t w I iw.Hw. |la, I»«.l lyT ,in. »ino |ia it so | •tool *4<» | MV |T* ISllswort-h, Me., • m. 150 3 00 3 50 ( 001 tOOllOlO WOO IOOO 1500 30301 —BT— jrol. yOO| 4000? TE00 WOO >• K M A W A' K It. ■^raeiAL Notices, Onosgnsro SwMka, •* oo— Each additional week. 50 cent*. Editor and Proprietor. Administrator** and Executor’* Notices, 1 50 Citation from Probate Court, I 00 t •»ti>mi!M,oner’« Notices, t 00 Hesseuger’s and Asslspee’s Notiees. • oo II IK MS OF SUBSCRIITION. Editorial Notices, per line, 10 Obituary Notices, per line, 10 No charge less than to e if l within three «*, One inch copy, j>ai month*..f** space will constitute a square. i:.-- »<•! within three month*.1 tS Transient advertisements to be pddtn advance. If pal at the end oi the ao >o year.i advertisement* reckoned less than a square. No paper will be discontinued unUl all arrear Marr!»K*» and Deaths Inserted Tee. are A age* paid. e*eept at the publisher** optioo- early advertisers to pay quarterly. an 1 any person wishing hi* paier stopped. mn*t C t. noti-'e thereof at the e*idrat>on of the term, whether previous notice ha* been given or not ELLSWORTH, ME., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. Vol XVII Whole No. 867. No. 37 liusiness Lari's. Eastern Steamboat Line. Our at consisted of stood the Colonel to o 11 r n. party starting looking very pale. nothing do but walk in and ciit our and a handful of bandages, with which for granted he would have to fight his Mr. and Mrs. wav. n Miss old and came he levied Tile Klliwarth A hi erica Tempiar, Templar ‘Wily, you masquerader-.’ throats, straggling to the she bound up Crake’s wrist. She contributions of pistols, iltie's poor TIIK (" sister,) and humble ser- Willie! but Massom cut linn yataghans ami to arm a (farb your began gate gesticulating and shouting, and was deadly pale, but said not one word gun« enough look, £ fob frint-nc (Pficr vant. Some business, which short. company, from the dead as he mysterious tiring off their guns in the air as except that Susie was busy passed. ff lla iron r it. .««. A ‘JrevDort would casting I hi sort of work did not suit Legend. lie not detained Frank. 1'herc is no time for that sort of the was theirs me, and (1797.1 explain, though place already. more balls. No one knew then that I walked K. K. SA H Me did not care by myself, when 1 heard a sud- YER, Proprietor for Paris—where we thing.' he said. 'I put on this were allowed to with- was BT nun hautk. disguise They approach lemplar hit. It was an immense den cry from my companion. I had agreed to a week—and to %n th the > would Ida in some u'h street* ut the « >ap ttovrn. pass pass through you kguui.Is. You hundred and when relief to have that but a •M »u Dieu! Monsieur te v titty yards, ammunition, he |•■•ere*I fro n t ie «!.*• ** of ih • Capifaiue! itp* « re join us at Marseilles, to which the will be attached at Massom one V**ne/ ! venez PETER & STEPHEN THACKER, Kiev 1st. port daybreak.' sprang up into of the greater was at hand M. Jules had vitc ! Le pauvre niatheur- steamer 1 fie < ol»| -ea Susan, a beautiful ahoo. f-*d that can whitcuini .1>«ru schooner of 120 “Attacked!’ windows and shouted “Halt!** in Ara- as eux! II e*t mort. C'est bien M. " \ retired, it Deemed to me, somewhat Frank, a* n-ver a* rol*| ur n aie a» t ie, and tons, had l>eon sent on to await us. et il est mort!’ Counsellors Allorncvs at » ‘Y’es. to Law. r-*er r. ll BiartMKk ud niiekM ib 1 TonlunluBl attacked—twenty sue.' bic. He however, iiams. improperly. returned, Ii was Hun t your -haii>»f>« »f » her >ur ru Of our vi-its to Na- “In God’s name, indeed Frank, but not dead. wii.lcommrm kiu Malta, Genoa, what for?' •What do you want here?* with his and best stew full 14 Pemberton wikurimM 4iu your t>o4ts ou the iourer h.it largest pan A chance Square. I have t > shot, perhaps that shot ples, nothing snv. Ouruext ‘Because that precious brother-in •Please Got I, you shall know soon,* of fat, which with the long »-o->1 i‘4 • I »rf.4 In ti-thi boiling utmost of Number had s m-U11. was Three, ruck him. lie t,um point Alexandria, the law of has been at his uid work an a BOSTON. ELLSWORTH i.ia! lav by inetouiiifc' pn perhaps yours replied evil-looking fellow, with sang fro id, he over I he of There he lav, with the foolish *■*, TO BELFAST. I )• » poured top untfi the children In happy pi «\. most in Dapers, interesting city the Fast, but the of the b*dt full of who was one of the Hie that had cau-ed <*«> it* ii»o<>rinc« an-l trill# t ctnr —abusing religion country.' pistols, gate; thereby himself to much bloodshed, still os Monday. Jon* »*ti we exposing I, l‘lii I ~ which untravelled ones clear. «-y Oiul resell or call thought ‘Impossible! He cannot speak two foremost. *But if you are not one of a A howl of came clutched in his hand. « pain up II. aUMMi nadieu lucre >*•«: .a all— vobey. »« 6 \ and Oriental until we words We carried him bark to FROM e'c’ork V a very strange had of the tli*»se Massom still wore his the fort, and TICKETS IRELAND L'fJ:Bc.ri-,>W,>KTHi"'1'"' int\ in the louo. language.' dogs’ [ from below, and a shriek of rage from wehm:«iv\v«, • ruiMV' seen that b\ flu* time we had ,, Cairo. There-at hotel. ‘Cook here.' He held out Turkish *come forth no done so there was l-u.kmc Ik*,,, B,Wk,IIIr -* : '» * a e.1 t,o*l four pa- dress) and M. Jules as he exhibited his I»rrr -kipper. help at ail' pan pierc- i‘o unv ti l*l*hd au«i tn ** which a kind longer necessity for mi mu ratals ti asUM, amv:nr BFI I \ | .. »t H eti ti: in- iur«. n< ti e Providence, watchful over pers. in Arabic and harm shall M. Jules’ ap*«ttJ|MMi *' n in printed Turkish, ed a • *Les ere I *• happen ball. ! A •ra.c.n to ■ you.’ ABHVIA prrn k*t« direct t.. couorct with « Elf* hanJord* Indrj.er.deni 1 olie, vrii. hear r.i by brigands prea arsenal. The * Ui a: ih* M> darling sty travellers' to as : i'onsiil had indeed lott for lui.m Tl< KtTi)mrtof t,K«» \ line for also «•« ''. poor comfort, caused be he “You rememt>er that lie *1 am an and Ho*i.<n. nuwtin* withy.* Maine He ITfS itu .. '<• spoke Kuglishinan, those, my •nt li ne me rest#* pas neiiio c.u*- l«eb»m>n. and I'Tkk. Mm STREET KL1AW0KTW.MIL. *Mt Ventral Railroad tor Ma«*om'* letter, stat- Tlurnhsm. Km la’.. \ u • ..IWd a vot. a I burnt down the other fell in never " «|ti#*ertaa h.» i, day—wc would keep with us. He would friends, are too. Take care, serole fore le dc mad* ing our and alertilie, Au*u*u. Portland an I Dost •*•*.! as the #ea-l. id’- Knglish pour dejeuner peril a-king for was "“•> cry with an help, ... old friend of Willie about f KETI I shudder#*! wju > go alone—and To scatter tin Consul knows and delivered to hi- KMNg —WUI Irate lle]fa>t lor Kl * .ill and ieml at fl-. *i Templar’s, why? your movements, umeIt did not seem to strik- the Vue; but he—knowing *»n Tu* C H. K. *.l»j, Thursday and tnorun..* ••». .l. one of those rest ess be- those the HAWES, Saturday I in 'lei. 1 *wa \»n cacti It n*nr Massoin, broadcast Y’ou will be here with assistance before and it wa* arrival ol Meaner* < ini)( precious tilings. your honest fellow that madam not handwriting, thinking no ambrt4*r and Katahh.i. c might iro.u c urn Ml 1 lh<- 4.1*1 •• who touch in* at the alsute named ings arc incesfantlv erving down can't read It. but take word for tt shadow* in private to it, ami All it t Law Un4in*». * ’v •( .* •*> in t but ibi brr my grows long. Dogs your teeth. breakfast more. atlair—-erupled open crapy tib they drew any -**tit ami » air ll*# I ii» u! countries and never that right loti, Ma-»om. to from K!.L*WORTf! to ROSTOV. wan<l creak ot >>4i foreign remaining who can. there is not an insult he Dure to approach one step and I will But hi* tactics had their ell Vet. The seeking \ ■••* teit the lire.it n «.| a"k it he could serve 'MiMhlt’ I.me iiicdowu*,fresh blow n more than a motinlh or two at him. in the ab-cnce PETERS’ 1 home. has »b son a at the t.n llLOClv. *' *■ and ■ i-i spates).' ink your blood, of burnt battering gate cased. and frtr «t of hi-* chief. Not him he Fare from KL1.*WORTH to t* '• U*e It> use his own finding got fttl FA*T.