To Academy Oral Histories William A. Fraker
Index to Academy Oral Histories William A. Fraker William A. Fraker (Cinematographer) Call number: OH145 A-Team Productions, 378 Abbott, Lenwood Ballard (Billy), 63, 95, 129, 369 ABC Motion Pictures, 526 Abraham, F. Murray, 583, 585 Abramson, Philip, 412-413 Academy Awards, 34, 51, 53, 56, 58, 62, 110, 127, 138-139, 147, 164, 166, 268-269, 282, 288-289, 302-303, 324-325, 346, 348, 354, 371, 430, 473-475, 493, 512-513, 536, 619, 620, 628, 673, 699, 740, 757, 761-765, 768 Academy Board of Governors, 139, 268-269, 282, 324, 751, 764-765, 766-768 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 59, 74, 138-140, 282-283, 297, 439, 474, 755, 763-764, 766-767, 770 Academy Scientific or Technical Award, 62, 242, 372 ACE Award (Eddie), 473 acting, 38-39, 46-47, 70, 113, 185-186, 258, 259-260, 279-280, 294, 452-453, 573-574, 583, 665-666 Adam, Ken, 589-590, 596-598 THE ADVENTURES OF OZZIE & HARRIET (television), 20, 23-26, 37, 95, 147, 180, 237, 335 aerial cinematography, 61-62, 106, 165, 409, 472, 613 THE AFFAIR OF THE NECKLACE, 673 Affleck, Ben, 738 Agfa (film stock), 75 Aguilar, Richard (Aggie), 210 Aida, Jun, 650 Alcott, Todd, 727 Aldrich, Robert, 172, 174 ALIENS, 364 Alioto, Joseph (San Francisco Mayor), 145 ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN, 557 Allen, Gene, 766 Allen, Woody, 210, 296, 555 Aller, Herb, 23, 35-36, 111, 755 Allied Artists, 26, 30, 32, 114, 221 ALOHA, BOBBY AND ROSE, 203-204, 241-250, 255, 260, 337, 648 Alonzo, Jan, 509 Alonzo, John, 132-133, 325, 508-509 Altman, Robert, 359 Alton, John, 30-32, 247, 606 American Broadcasting Company (ABC),
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