Dr. Whitton received her Access to Health Naturopathic undergraduate degree from the College Chiropractic Center of New Rochelle in Westchester 598 West Main St., Suite 1 County, New York, where her major Norwich, CT 06360 at course of study was Biology in Pre- Phone: (860) 889-1475 Medicine. She was a recipient of a Access to Health Fax: (860) 889-2850 Bachelor of Science degree from CNR, [email protected] Chiropractic Center and would later go on to become a

Science teacher in New York City and

Westchester County public schools. In August 2004 she enrolled in the PARTICIPATING IN University of Bridgeport’s College of INSURANCE PLANS Naturopathic Medicine. As part of her experience at UBCNM, Dr. Whitton completed a preceptorship program with included clinical rotations at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, PA. Dr. Whitton received additional practitioner training in Nutritional Enzyme at the Gerson Institute in San Diego, CA. She continues to embark upon extensive research and educational training in natural alternative treatments for cancer. Dr. Whitton dedicates herself on optimizing health by empowerment through education and environmental awareness. She believes that though the Dr. Yvette Whitton integration of conventional and Naturopathic alternative treatments, collaborative efforts can be made toward optimizing the overall wellbeing of her patients. BENEFITS OF SERVICES OFFERED NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE   Treatment of the whole person  Nutritional Counseling aligned  Treatments work with body’s own with Gerson Protocol natural healing abilities  Pancreatic Enzymes  Gentle, effective healing methods  Nutritional Enzyme Therapy  Patient centered focus  Gerson Protocol  Variety of treatment modalities  Bioenergetic Naturopathic Medicine has traditional  Metabolic typing and treatment of roots. It has been used world-wide in APPLIED TREATMENT METHODS metabolic disorders centuries past as a main method of  Identification of the causative agent(s)  healing.  Detoxification and elimination of  Botanical Medicine Naturopathic medicine uses a carcinogenic through  Constitutional Hydrotherapy, conglomeration of therapeutic mechanisms that enhance the Detoxification (Dr. Kelley’s Protocol modalities to treat a variety of medical elimination pathways for Liver/GB cleanse) conditions. The practice of  Correction of nutritional enzymatic  Hyperthermia treatments naturopathic medicine includes the deficiencies  Lymphatic Drainage (Chi Machine) employment of botanicals, nutritional  Management of mental, emotional and  supplements, dietary counseling, Mind Body Medicine oxidative stress hydrotherapy and homeopathy to help  and  Optimizing the assist the body in healing itself.  Bach Flower Essence Remedies  Restoring harmony between mind body Medical Conditions Commonly Naturopathic receive four and spirit. years of graduate /medical school Treated by Naturopathic Medicine training. These instructional years Allergies Gout include basic science education, Anxiety Women’s Health clinical science education and natural Arthritis Hayfever Bursitis Headaches therapeutic education (herbs, Carpal Tunnel Syn- Immune deficiency homeopathy, nutrition, hydrotherapy). drome syndromes There are also two years spent in Cancer Lupus health clinics working directly with Chronic Fatigue patients and many externship hours Syndrome with other naturopaths, medical Colitis Psoriasis Common Colds Sinusitis doctors and osteopaths. Depression Tinnitus Eczema Ulcers Warts