EWELL VILLAGE CONSERVATION AREA CHARACTER APPRAISAL & MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS August 2009 This document has been produced by: The Conservation Studio, 1 Querns Lane, Cirencester, Glos GL7 1RL T: 01285 642428 E:
[email protected] W: www.theconservationstudio.co.uk EWELL GREEN CONSERVATION AREA CHARACTER APPRAISAL & MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS This document provides information about the Ewell Village Conservation Area, one of the largest conservation areas in the District which encompasses the commercial village centre as well as outlying residential areas. Within this village centre are groups of mainly modestly sized, vernacular buildings, which give Ewell the character of an old Surrey village. The informal road pattern, with a crossroads at the village centre, provides an attractive setting to the many listed buildings, the highest concentration of which can be found in Church Street. Of note are the springs, watercourses and ponds, areas of dense woodland, and more open green spaces, some of them associated with the schools which are located close by. Bourne Hall, a 1960s building of some merit, is an important local amenity and is owned and managed by the Council as a public library, café and local history museum. The many historic buildings and the attractive green spaces means that the designation of Ewell Village as a ‘conservation area’ is both worthwhile and justifi able. The Appraisal seeks to defi ne the special character of the conservation area, and the Management Proposals provide some guidance on future actions, most of which will be the responsibility of this Council. It is our duty as the Local Planning Authority to ensure in our decision-making that this special character is not only preserved but, wherever possible, enhanced.