Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2002 No. 88 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Johnson (IL) Miller, Jeff Serrano The Reverend Frederick J. Huscher, sent Members. Johnson, Sam Mink Sessions Jones (NC) Mollohan Shadegg Chaplain, Riverside County Sheriff’s The vote was taken by electronic de- Jones (OH) Moran (KS) Shaw Department, Riverside, California, of- vice, and there were—yeas 348, nays 59, Kanjorski Moran (VA) Shays fered the following prayer: answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 26, as Kaptur Morella Sherman O gracious and loving Lord, quiet our follows: Keller Murtha Sherwood restless mind so that our hearts may Kelly Myrick Shimkus [Roll No. 267] Kennedy (RI) Nadler speak honestly in prayer and our spir- Shows YEAS—348 Kerns Napolitano Shuster its may listen carefully to Your coun- Kildee Neal Simmons sel and instruction. As sovereign Lord, Abercrombie Clement Gekas Kilpatrick Nethercutt Simpson You have placed into our simple hands Ackerman Coble Gephardt Kind (WI) Ney Skeen Akin Collins Gibbons King (NY) Norwood Skelton the overwhelming responsibility to Andrews Combest Gilchrest Kingston Ortiz Smith (MI) mold the course of this great Nation. Armey Cooksey Gillmor Kirk Osborne Smith (NJ) Lest pride cause us to forget that we Baca Cox Gilman Kleczka Ose Bachus Cramer Gonzalez Smith (TX) Knollenberg Otter are but Your appointed servants, cause Baker Crenshaw Goode Snyder Kolbe Pallone us to strive shoulder to shoulder to Baldacci Crowley Goodlatte Solis LaHood Pascrell Ballenger Cubin Gordon Souder maintain the noble heritage that we Lampson Paul are a free Nation under God by Your di- Barcia Culberson Goss Spratt Barr Cummings Graham Langevin Payne Stearns vine will and grace. May Your Spirit Barrett Cunningham Granger Lantos Pelosi Stenholm direct our hearts and mind to seek only Bartlett Davis (CA) Graves Larson (CT) Pence Stump what is right and pure for the people of Barton Davis (FL) Green (WI) Latham Peterson (PA) Sullivan LaTourette Petri this land, to make decisions which pro- Bass Davis, Jo Ann Greenwood Sununu Becerra Davis, Tom Grucci Leach Phelps tect our freedoms and promote the Sweeney Bentsen Deal Gutierrez Lee Pickering Tanner well-being of Your people. O God, we Bereuter DeGette Gutknecht Levin Pitts Tauscher honor You as the Lord of this Nation. Berkley Delahunt Hall (OH) Lewis (CA) Platts Taylor (NC) Berman DeLauro Hall (TX) Lewis (GA) Pombo Terry May our ministry glorify Your name Biggert DeLay Hansen Lewis (KY) Pomeroy Thomas and be a blessing to this land. Amen. Bilirakis DeMint Harman Linder Portman Thornberry Bishop Deutsch Hart Lipinski Pryce (OH) f Thune Blagojevich Diaz-Balart Hastings (WA) Lofgren Putnam Thurman THE JOURNAL Blumenauer Dingell Hayes Lowey Quinn Tiahrt Blunt Doggett Hayworth Lucas (KY) Radanovich The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Tiberi Boehlert Dooley Herger Lucas (OK) Rahall Tierney ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Boehner Doolittle Hill Luther Rangel Toomey ceedings and announces to the House Bonilla Doyle Hilleary Lynch Regula Turner Bonior Dreier Hinojosa Maloney (NY) Rehberg his approval thereof. Bono Duncan Hobson Upton Manzullo Reyes Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Boozman Dunn Hoeffel Markey Reynolds Velazquez nal stands approved. Boswell Edwards Hoekstra Mascara Rivers Vitter Boucher Ehlers Holden Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Mr. Speak- Matheson Rodriguez Walden Boyd Emerson Holt er, pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I de- Matsui Roemer Walsh Brady (TX) Engel Honda Rogers (KY) Wamp mand a vote on agreeing to the Speak- Brown (SC) Eshoo Hooley McCarthy (MO) McCarthy (NY) Rogers (MI) Watkins (OK) er’s approval of the Journal. Bryant Etheridge Horn Watson (CA) Burr Evans Hostettler McCollum Ros-Lehtinen The SPEAKER. The question is on Watt (NC) Burton Everett Houghton McCrery Ross the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. Watts (OK) Buyer Farr Hoyer McHugh Rothman The question was taken; and the Callahan Ferguson Hulshof McInnis Roybal-Allard Weiner Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Calvert Flake Hunter McIntyre Royce Weldon (FL) peared to have it. Camp Fletcher Hyde McKeon Rush Weldon (PA) Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Mr. Speak- Cannon Foley Inslee McKinney Ryan (WI) Wexler Cantor Forbes Isakson Meehan Ryun (KS) Whitfield er, I object to the vote on the ground Capito Ford Issa Meeks (NY) Sanders Wicker that a quorum is not present and make Capps Fossella Istook Menendez Sawyer Wilson (NM) the point of order that a quorum is not Cardin Frank Jackson (IL) Mica Saxton Wilson (SC) present. Castle Frelinghuysen Jefferson Millender- Schiff Wolf Chabot Frost Jenkins McDonald Schrock Woolsey The SPEAKER. Evidently, a quorum Chambliss Gallegly John Miller, Dan Scott Young (FL) is not present. Clayton Ganske Johnson (CT) Miller, Gary Sensenbrenner b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4071 . VerDate jun 06 2002 04:56 Jun 28, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JN7.000 pfrm15 PsN: H27PT1 H4072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 27, 2002 NAYS—59 minute on the guest chaplain by the [Roll No. 268] Aderholt Green (TX) Price (NC) gentleman from California (Mr. CAL- AYES—70 Allen Hastings (FL) Ramstad VERT). Baird Hefley Sabo Ackerman Honda Obey Baldwin Hilliard Sanchez f Allen Jefferson Olver Berry Jackson-Lee Sandlin Baird Johnson, E. B. Osborne Borski (TX) Schaffer INTRODUCTION OF CHAPLAIN Baldwin Jones (OH) Otter Brady (PA) Johnson, E. B. Schakowsky FRED HUSCHER Bentsen Kaptur Owens Brown (FL) Kennedy (MN) Slaughter Berry Kennedy (RI) Pelosi Brown (OH) Kucinich Strickland (Mr. CALVERT asked and was given Bishop Kolbe Pomeroy Capuano Larsen (WA) Stupak permission to address the House for 1 Bonior Lampson Rangel Brown (FL) Langevin Carson (IN) LoBiondo Taylor (MS) Sanders minute and to revise and extend his re- Brown (OH) Lantos Carson (OK) McDermott Thompson (CA) Sandlin marks.) Capito Larsen (WA) Clyburn McGovern Thompson (MS) Schiff Condit McNulty Udall (CO) Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I am Carson (OK) Lewis (GA) Clyburn Lynch Slaughter Costello Miller, George Udall (NM) pleased and honored to welcome Chap- Solis Crane Moore Visclosky Conyers Markey Stark Davis (IL) Obey Waters lain Fred Huscher as our guest chap- Cubin McCarthy (NY) Stupak DeFazio Olver Weller lain in the House of Representatives DeFazio McDermott Thompson (CA) English Pastor Wu today. Chaplain Huscher serves as the Delahunt McGovern Filner Peterson (MN) Wynn Deutsch McNulty Tierney Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Dicks Meehan Towns ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 chaplain and is visiting Washington, Dingell Meeks (NY) Velazquez Tancredo D.C. as a member of the FBI Chaplains Doggett Miller, George Waters Steering Committee. Etheridge Mink Wexler NOT VOTING—26 Evans Moran (VA) Woolsey Chaplain Huscher served honorably Filner Neal Clay Maloney (CT) Roukema in the United States Air Force and Conyers Meek (FL) Smith (WA) NOES—332 Coyne Northup Stark then graduated with a degree of the- Dicks Nussle Tauzin ology from Concordia Seminary in Abercrombie Davis (FL) Holden Ehrlich Oberstar Towns Springfield, Illinois, in 1964. He moved Aderholt Davis (IL) Holt Fattah Owens Traficant Akin Davis, Jo Ann Horn on to work as pastor in Oregon and Andrews Hinchey Oxley Waxman Davis, Tom Hostettler Armey Deal Houghton Israel Riley Young (AK) Washington and obtained his Doctor of LaFalce Rohrabacher Ministry degree from Concordia Semi- Baca DeGette Hoyer Bachus DeLauro Hulshof b 1029 nary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He set- Baker DeLay Inslee So the Journal was approved. tled in California in 1973. Baldacci DeMint Isakson After serving as vice president of the Ballenger Diaz-Balart Issa The result of the vote was announced Barr Dooley Istook as above recorded. Concordia University in Irvine, Cali- Barrett Doolittle Jackson (IL) fornia, Chaplain Huscher was hired in Bartlett Doyle Jackson-Lee f 1997 to be department chaplain and Barton Dreier (TX) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE peer support coordinator for over 3,000 Bass Duncan Jenkins Becerra Dunn John The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman personnel of the Riverside County Bereuter Edwards Johnson (CT) from Oklahoma (Mr. WATTS) come for- Sheriff’s Department, located in my Berkley Ehlers Johnson (IL) congressional district. There he con- Berman Emerson Johnson, Sam ward and lead the House in the Pledge Biggert Engel Jones (NC) of Allegiance. tributed greatly to the well-being and Bilirakis English Kelly Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma led the overall morale of the sheriff’s depart- Blagojevich Eshoo Kennedy (MN) Pledge of Allegiance as follows: ment. Blumenauer Everett Kerns Some of his accomplishments include Blunt Farr Kildee I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Boehlert Ferguson Kilpatrick United States of America, and to the Repub- acting as a state chaplain for the Peace Boehner Flake Kind (WI) lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Officers Research Association of Cali- Bonilla Foley King (NY) indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. fornia, serving on a panel for the Cali- Bono Forbes Kingston Boozman Ford Kirk f fornia Department of Justice Commis- Borski Fossella Kleczka sion on Peace Officer Standards and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Boswell Frank Knollenberg Training, and serving as the FBI chap- Boucher Frelinghuysen Kucinich A message from the Senate by Mr. lain for Los Angeles Field Office and Boyd Frost LaHood Monahan, one of its clerks, announced Brady (PA) Gallegly Larson (CT) the Riverside Resident Agency. Brady (TX) Ganske Latham that the Senate has passed with Chaplain Huscher’s life has been Brown (SC) Gekas LaTourette amendments in which the concurrence marked by continual service and dedi- Bryant Gibbons Leach of the House is requested a bill of the Burr Gilchrest Lee cation to the word of God, his commu- Burton Gillmor Levin House of the following title: nity, and his country.
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